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Advanced internet techniques - Project

Project written for Applied Computer Science Advanced internet techniques course at AGH UST WFiIS.

Full-stack application displaying statistics of a user from Lichess.

Semester 8, year 2023.

Run locally

Backend is setup as a maven project, packaged as .war. Build the artifact with the following commands:

cd backend/
./mvnw clean install

This should create a file backend/target/lichess_stats-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war. WARs don't ship entire execution environment, so a server is needed, i.e. TomCat.

Frontend can be run with npm, either by launching a development server:

cd frontend/
npm run dev

... or by building distribution package and launching a preview server:

cd frontend/
npm run build
npm run preview

Run with docker

Docker is a more convenient option as it does not require an installation of tools like maven or npm on local machine. Docker environment is required, however.

Backend docker image uses maven to build .war file and then creates TomCat setup with the loaded artifact. To launch backend with docker, follow instructions below:

cd backend/
docker build -t lichess_stats:backend .
docker run --name lichess_stats_backend -it lichess_stats:backend

Similarly, build frontend docker image and launch it:

cd frontend/
docker build -t lichess_stats:frontend .
docker run --name lichess_stats_frontend -it lichess_stats:frontend

Frontend docker image uses nginx server to launch the application.

Optionally, above steps can be replaced by using compose command:

docker compose up

, which builds the images if necessary and launches both containers simultanously.

NOTE: Unfortunately simultanous launch of both containers will not result in working application, because frontend is hardcoded to send requests to already deployed backend app (for grading at university), which (at the time of writing) has been shut down. This can be resolved by defining and reading environment variables and passing them to a container on launch.

NOTE: Backend container will also refuse to work for the similar reason - this time regarding externally hosted PostgreSQL database. For safety reasons this database has been shut down. Of course, this issue can be resolved by using environment variables as well, but due to very limited time resources, some convenience features had to be skipped at the time of development.


Sources are licensed under MIT, a free and open-source license. For details, please see the license file.