Quickly implement & easily customize great looking line charts.
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
iLineChart(data: [8,32,11,23,40,28,15,20,30,25])
Enable chart statistics to make your chart & its data interactive. Add a title to give your chart some context.
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
data: [8,32,11,23,40,28,15,20,30,25],
title: "My Graph",
displayChartStats: true
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart
struct ContentView: View {
var data:[Double] = ExampleData.stockData
var body: some View {
data: data,
title: "AAPL",
subtitle: "Apple Computers",
style: .tertiary,
curvedLines: false,
displayChartStats: true
import SwiftUI
import iLineChart
import iColor
struct ContentView: View {
var data:[Double] = ExampleData.stockData
var body: some View {
data: data,
title: "My Dark Themed App",
subtitle: "Sleek. Simple.",
style: .dark,
titleColor: Color.neonRed,
cursorColor: .black,
titleFont: .system(size: 14, weight: .regular, design: .monospaced),
subtitleFont: .system(size: 24, weight: .bold, design: .monospaced),
fullScreen: true
iLineChart supports a variety of custom parameters. All custom parameters are built into the struct initialization.
Parameter | Description |
title: String? = nil |
Add a title above your graph. |
subtitle: String? = nil |
Add a subtitle below your title and above your graph. |
style: LineChartStyle = .primary |
LineChartStyle is an enum of different default style choices. You can choose between .primary, .secondary, .tertiary or .dark. |
lineGradient: GradientColor? = nil |
Change the gradient of the graph line. |
chartBackgroundGradient: GradientColor? = nil |
Change the gradient that lies below the chart line. |
canvasBackgroundColor: Color? = nil |
Change the canvas color that lies behind the entire View (including the header text). |
titleColor: Color? = nil |
Change the title color. |
subtitleColor: Color? = nil |
Change the subtitle color. |
numberColor: Color? = nil |
Change the color of the graph numbers. |
curvedLines: Bool = true |
Does your graph have curved or straight lines. |
cursorColor: Color = Color.NeonPink |
When a user clicks on the graph, this parameters controls their cursor color. Use the internal Color struct to quickly access good colors. |
displayChartStats: Bool = false |
Display a line of text that reads the final data point, the current selected point (when applicable) and the percent change from the first data point. |
minWidth: CGFloat = 0 |
Minimum chart width. |
minHeight: CGFloat = 0 |
Minimum chart height. |
maxWidth: CGFloat = .infinity |
Maximum chart width. |
maxHeight: CGFloat = .infinity |
Maximum chart height. |
titleFont: Font = .system(size: 30, weight: .regular, design: .rounded) |
Title font. |
subtitleFont: Font = .system(size: 14, weight: .light, design: .rounded) |
Subtitle font. |
dataFont: Font = .system(size: 16, weight: .bold, design: .monospace) |
Data font. |
fullScreen: Bool = false |
Allow chart view to expand to the entire screen – including safe areas. |
floatingPointNumberFormat: String = "%.1f" |
A regular expression for how to format datapoints from the chart. |