Cosmos chains have an on-chain governance mechanism for passing text proposals, changing consensus parameters, and spending funds from the community pool.
- Params Wiki - here you could learn that there are 8 modules active in the Cosmos Hub with parameters that may be altered via governance proposal.
- Index of Governance parameters Here you could learn what parameters can be changed. For example
subspace - Best Practices for Drafting a Proposal and also how to submit
- Querying on-chain parameters
gaiad query params subspace <subspace_name> <key> --node <node_address> --chain-id <chain_id>
- Find out what are the current active proposals
gaiad query gov proposals
- How to vote
. Change the<number of proposal>
gaiad tx gov vote <number of proposal> yes --from=$(gaiad keys show $name_WALLET -a) --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID