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Quick Start Guide


Current version of OTE was tested under following environments

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python 3.8.x
  • (Opional) To use the NVidia GPU for the training: CUDA Toolkit 11.1

Note: If using CUDA, make sure you are using a proper driver version. To do so, use ls -la /usr/local | grep cuda. If necessary, install CUDA 11.1 (requires 'sudo' permission) and select it with export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-11.1.

Setup OpenVINO™ Training Extensions

  1. Clone the training_extensions repository with the following commands:

    $ git clone
    $ cd training_extensions
    $ git checkout develop
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive
  2. Install prerequisites with:

    $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-venv
    # verify your python version
    $ python3 --version; pip3 --version; virtualenv --version
    Python 3.8.10
    pip 20.0.2 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pip (python 3.8)
    virtualenv 20.0.17 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv/

    (Optional) You may also want to use Jupyter notebooks or OTE CLI tools:

    $ pip3 install notebook; cd ote_cli/notebooks/; jupyter notebook

    Important note: You should confirm that the Python version that installed on your machine should be 3.8.X. For the future release of OTE will support wide range of the Python version.

  3. There are available scripts that create python virtual environments for different task types:

    $ find external/ -name

    Note The following scripts are valid for the current version of the project

    • external/model-preparation-algorithm/ can be used to create a virtual environment for the following task types.

      • Classification
      • Detection
      • Segmantation
      • Instance_segmentation
      • Rotated_detection
    • external/anomaly/ can be used to create a virtual environment for the following task types.

      • Anomaly_classification
      • Anomaly_detection
      • Anomaly_segmentation
  4. Create and activate a virtual environment for the chosen task, then install the ote_cli. The following example shows that creating virtual environment to the .venv_mpa folder in your current directory for detection task.

    # create virtual env.
    $ external/model-preparation-algorithm/ .venv_mpa
    # activate virtual env.
    $ source .venv_mpa/bin/activate
    # install 'ote_cli' to the activated virtual env.
    (mpa)...$ pip3 install -e ote_cli/ -c external/model-preparation-algorithm/constraints.txt

    note that during installation of ote_cli the constraint file from the chosen backend folder is used to avoid breaking constraints.

  5. Once ote_cli is installed to the virtual environment, you can use the ote command line interface to perform various commands for templates related to the chosen task type, described in OTE CLI commands on that virutal environment.

OTE CLI commands


find lists model templates available for the given virtual environment.

(mpa) ...$ ote find --help
usage: ote find [-h] [--root ROOT] [--task_type {classification,detection,segmentation,instance_segmantation,rotated_detection,anomaly_classification,anomaly_detection,anomaly_segmentation}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --root ROOT           A root dir where templates should be searched.
  --task_type {classification,detection,segmentation,instance_segmantation,rotated_detection,anomaly_classification,anomaly_detection,anomaly_segmentation}
# example to find templates for the detection task
(mpa) ...$ ote find --task_type detection
- id: Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_SSD
  name: SSD
  path: /local/yunchule/workspace/training_extensions/external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml
  task_type: DETECTION
- id: Custom_Object_Detection_YOLOX
  name: YOLOX
  path: /local/yunchule/workspace/training_extensions/external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/cspdarknet_yolox_cls_incr/template.yaml
  task_type: DETECTION
- id: Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_ATSS
  name: ATSS
  path: /local/yunchule/workspace/training_extensions/external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_atss_cls_incr/template.yaml
  task_type: DETECTION


train trains a model (a particular model template) on a dataset and saves results in two files:

  • weights.pth - a model snapshot
  • label_schema.json - a label schema used in training, created from a dataset

These files can be used by other commands: export, eval, and demo.

train command requires template as a positional arguement. it could be taken from the output of the find command above.

usage: ote train template

And with the --help command along with template, you can list additional information, such as its parameters common to all model templates and model-specific hyper parameters.

Common parameters

# command example to get common paramters to any model templates
(mpa) ...$ ote train external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote train [-h] --train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES --train-data-roots TRAIN_DATA_ROOTS --val-ann-files VAL_ANN_FILES --val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS [--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS] --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                 [--enable-hpo] [--hpo-time-ratio HPO_TIME_RATIO]
                 template {params} ...

positional arguments:
  {params}              sub-command help
    params              Hyper parameters defined in template file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES
                        Comma-separated paths to training annotation files.
  --train-data-roots TRAIN_DATA_ROOTS
                        Comma-separated paths to training data folders.
  --val-ann-files VAL_ANN_FILES
                        Comma-separated paths to validation annotation files.
  --val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS
                        Comma-separated paths to validation data folders.
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint
  --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                        Location where trained model will be stored.
  --enable-hpo          Execute hyper parameters optimization (HPO) before training.
  --hpo-time-ratio HPO_TIME_RATIO
                        Expected ratio of total time to run HPO to time taken for full fine-tuning.

Model template-specific parameters

command example:

# command example to get tamplate-specific parameters
(mpa) ...$ ote train external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml params --help
usage: ote train template params [-h] [--learning_parameters.batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--learning_parameters.learning_rate LEARNING_RATE] [--learning_parameters.learning_rate_warmup_iters LEARNING_RATE_WARMUP_ITERS]
                                 [--learning_parameters.num_iters NUM_ITERS] [--learning_parameters.enable_early_stopping ENABLE_EARLY_STOPPING] [--learning_parameters.early_stop_start EARLY_STOP_START]
                                 [--learning_parameters.early_stop_patience EARLY_STOP_PATIENCE] [--learning_parameters.early_stop_iteration_patience EARLY_STOP_ITERATION_PATIENCE]
                                 [--learning_parameters.use_adaptive_interval USE_ADAPTIVE_INTERVAL] [--postprocessing.confidence_threshold CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD]
                                 [--postprocessing.result_based_confidence_threshold RESULT_BASED_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD] [--nncf_optimization.enable_quantization ENABLE_QUANTIZATION]
                                 [--nncf_optimization.enable_pruning ENABLE_PRUNING] [--nncf_optimization.pruning_supported PRUNING_SUPPORTED] [--tiling_parameters.enable_tiling ENABLE_TILING]
                                 [--tiling_parameters.enable_adaptive_params ENABLE_ADAPTIVE_PARAMS] [--tiling_parameters.tile_size TILE_SIZE] [--tiling_parameters.tile_overlap TILE_OVERLAP]
                                 [--tiling_parameters.tile_max_number TILE_MAX_NUMBER]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --learning_parameters.batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        header: Batch size
                        type: INTEGER
                        default_value: 8
                        max_value: 512
                        min_value: 1
  --learning_parameters.learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
                        header: Learning rate
                        type: FLOAT
                        default_value: 0.01
                        max_value: 0.1
                        min_value: 1e-07
  --learning_parameters.learning_rate_warmup_iters LEARNING_RATE_WARMUP_ITERS
                        header: Number of iterations for learning rate warmup
                        type: INTEGER
                        default_value: 3
                        max_value: 10000
                        min_value: 0

Command example of the training

(mpa) ...$ ote train external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --train-ann-file data/airport/annotation_person_train.json  --train-data-roots data/airport/train/ --val-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_val.json --val-data-roots data/airport/val/ --save-model-to outputs

---------------iou_thr: 0.5---------------

| class  | gts | dets | recall | ap    |
| person | 0   | 2000 | 0.000  | 0.000 |
| mAP    |     |      |        | 0.000 |
2022-11-17 11:08:15,245 | INFO : run task done.
2022-11-17 11:08:15,318 | INFO : Inference completed
2022-11-17 11:08:15,319 | INFO : called evaluate()
2022-11-17 11:08:15,334 | INFO : F-measure after evaluation: 0.8809523809523808
2022-11-17 11:08:15,334 | INFO : Evaluation completed
Performance(score: 0.8809523809523808, dashboard: (1 metric groups))


export exports a trained model to the OpenVINO format in order to efficiently run it on Intel hardware.

With the --help command, you can list additional information, such as its parameters common to all model templates: command example:

(mpa) ...$ ote export external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote export [-h] --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO template

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load weights from saved checkpoint for exporting
  --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                        Location where exported model will be stored.

Command example of the exporting

The command below performs exporting to the trained model outputs/weights.pth in previous section and save exported model to the outputs/ov/ folder.

(mpa) ...$ ote export external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --load-weights outputs/weights.pth --save-model-to outputs/ov
[ INFO ] The model was converted to IR v11, the latest model format that corresponds to the source DL framework input/output format. While IR v11 is backwards compatible with OpenVINO Inference Engine API v1.0, please use API v2.0 (as of 2022.1) to take advantage of the latest improvements in IR v11.
Find more information about API v2.0 and IR v11 at
2022-11-21 15:40:06,534 | INFO : Exporting completed
2022-11-21 15:40:06,534 | INFO : run task done.
2022-11-21 15:40:06,538 | INFO : Exporting completed


optimize optimizes a model using NNCF or POT depending on the model format.

  • NNCF optimization used for trained snapshots in a framework-specific format such as checkpoint (pth) file from Pytorch
  • POT optimization used for models exported in the OpenVINO IR format

With the --help command, you can list additional information. command example:

(mpa) ...$ ote optimize external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote optimize [-h] --train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES --train-data-roots TRAIN_DATA_ROOTS --val-ann-files VAL_ANN_FILES --val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                    [--save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE]
                    template {params} ...

positional arguments:
  {params}              sub-command help
    params              Hyper parameters defined in template file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES
                        Comma-separated paths to training annotation files.
  --train-data-roots TRAIN_DATA_ROOTS
                        Comma-separated paths to training data folders.
  --val-ann-files VAL_ANN_FILES
                        Comma-separated paths to validation annotation files.
  --val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS
                        Comma-separated paths to validation data folders.
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load weights of trained model (for NNCF) or exported OpenVINO model (for POT)
  --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                        Location where trained model will be stored.
  --save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE
                        Path to a json file where computed performance will be stored.

Command example for optimizing a PyTorch model (.pth) with OpenVINO NNCF:

The command below performs optimization to the trained model outputs/weights.pth in previous section and save optimized model to the outputs/nncf folder.

(mpa) ...$ ote optimize external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --train-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_train.json --train-data-roots data/airport/train/ --val-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_val.json --val-data-roots data/airport/val/ --load-weights outputs/weights.pth --save-model-to outputs/nncf --save-performance outputs/nncf/performance.json

Command example for optimizing OpenVINO model (.xml) with OpenVINO POT:

The command below performs optimization to the exported model outputs/ov/openvino.xml in previous section and save optimized model to the outputs/ov/pot folder.

(mpa) ...$ ote optimize external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --train-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_train.json --train-data-roots data/airport/train/ --val-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_val.json --val-data-roots data/airport/val/ --load-weights outputs/ov/openvino.xml --save-model-to outputs/ov/pot --save-performance outputs/ov/pot/performance.json


eval runs evaluation of a model on the particular dataset.

With the --help command, you can list additional information, such as its parameters common to all model templates: command example:

(mpa) yunchu@yunchu-desktop:~/workspace/training_extensions$ ote eval external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote eval [-h] --test-ann-files TEST_ANN_FILES --test-data-roots TEST_DATA_ROOTS --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS [--save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE] template {params} ...

positional arguments:
  {params}              sub-command help
    params              Hyper parameters defined in template file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --test-ann-files TEST_ANN_FILES
                        Comma-separated paths to test annotation files.
  --test-data-roots TEST_DATA_ROOTS
                        Comma-separated paths to test data folders.
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load weights to run the evaluation. It could be a trained/optimized model or exported model.
  --save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE
                        Path to a json file where computed performance will be stored.

Note: Work-In-Progress for params argument.

Command example of the evaluation

The command below performs evaluation to the trained model outputs/weights.pth in previous section and save result performance to the outputs/performance.json file.

(mpa) ...$ ote eval external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --test-ann-files data/airport/annotation_person_val.json --test-data-roots data/airport/val/ --load-weights outputs/weights.pth --save-performance outputs/performance.json
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>] 10/10, 7.9 task/s, elapsed: 1s, ETA:     0s
---------------iou_thr: 0.5---------------

| class  | gts | dets | recall | ap    |
| person | 0   | 2000 | 0.000  | 0.000 |
| mAP    |     |      |        | 0.000 |
2022-11-21 15:30:04,695 | INFO : run task done.
2022-11-21 15:30:04,734 | INFO : Inference completed
2022-11-21 15:30:04,734 | INFO : called evaluate()
2022-11-21 15:30:04,746 | INFO : F-measure after evaluation: 0.8799999999999999
2022-11-21 15:30:04,746 | INFO : Evaluation completed
Performance(score: 0.8799999999999999, dashboard: (1 metric groups))


demo runs model inference on images, videos, or webcam streams in order to see how it works with user's data

Note: demo command requires GUI backend to your system for displaying inference results.

Note: The model optimzied with NNCF is not supported for the demo command.

With the --help command, you can list additional information, such as its parameters common to all model templates: command example:

(mpa) ...$ ote demo external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote demo [-h] -i INPUT --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS [--fit-to-size FIT_TO_SIZE FIT_TO_SIZE] [--loop] [--delay DELAY] [--display-perf] template {params} ...

positional arguments:
  {params}              sub-command help
    params              Hyper parameters defined in template file.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Source of input data: images folder, image, webcam and video.
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load weights to run the evaluation. It could be a trained/optimized model (POT only) or exported model.
  --fit-to-size FIT_TO_SIZE FIT_TO_SIZE
                        Width and Height space-separated values. Fits displayed images to window with specified Width and Height. This options applies to result visualisation only.
  --loop                Enable reading the input in a loop.
  --delay DELAY         Frame visualization time in ms.
  --display-perf        This option enables writing performance metrics on displayed frame. These metrics take into account not only model inference time, but also frame reading, pre-processing and post-processing.

Command example of the demostration

The command below performs demonstration to the optimized model outputs/ov/pot/openvino.xml in previous section with images in the given input folder.

(mpa) ...$ ote demo external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --input data/airport/val/ --load-weights outputs/ov/pot/openvino.xml --display-perf --delay 1000
[ INFO ] OpenVINO inference completed

Note: The inference results with a model will be display to the GUI window with 1 second interval. If you execute this command from the remote environment (e.g., using text-only SSH via terminal) without having remote GUI client software, you can meet some error message from this command.


deploy creates with a self-contained python package, a demo application, and an exported model.

With the --help command, you can list additional information, such as its parameters common to all model templates: command example:

(mpa) ...$ ote deploy external/model-preparation-algorithm/configs/detection/mobilenetv2_ssd_cls_incr/template.yaml --help
usage: ote deploy [-h] --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS [--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO] template

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
                        Load model's weights from.
  --save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
                        Location where will be stored.

* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.