This project implements a simple Spring Boot application that provides RESTful APIs for managing categories and locations, leveraging the data from the KudaGo API. It includes logging for method execution time and initialization processes.
CRUD operations for two entities:
- GET all categories:
- GET a category by ID:
- POST a new category:
- PUT to update a category by ID:
- DELETE a category by ID:
- GET all categories:
- GET all locations:
- GET a location by slug:
- POST a new location:
- PUT to update a location by slug:
- DELETE a location by slug:
- GET all locations:
Logging of method execution times using a custom annotation.
Automatic initialization of data sources by querying the KudaGo API on application startup.
- Java 21
- Gradle
To run the application, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd your-repo-name
- Build the application:
./gradlew build
- Run the application:
./gradlew bootRun