Write a Python script which will be able to receive a text from its standard input, and then print out only those lines that start with exactly 5 zeroes.
Keep in mind that the data has been corrupted, so you have to be very careful. That means, only lines that fit into certain criteria are considered valid:
- Correct lines are 32 characters long
- They start with exactly 5 zeroes, so e.g. line starting with 6 zeroes is NOT considered correct
So, for the example above your script should print:
Your code should accept the number of lines as an argument, like this:
~$ cat data_hashes_10lines.txt | python blocks.py 10
This way the program will stop when it processed 10 lines. Keep in mind that in this approach the program may hang if the number of lines in a file is smaller than the one in the argument. This is not considered an error.
Write a Python script that can be used to decrypt the messages like "The only way everyone reaches Brenda rapidly is delivering groceries explicitly" or "Britain is Great because everyone necessitates". It should be launchable like this:
~$ python decypher.py "Have you delivered eggplant pizza at restored keep?"
and print out the answer as a single word without spaces.
As an input your code is given a 2d "image" as text in a file m.txt
. File contains five
characters over three lines, like this:
You may notice that there is a pattern of stars here, with a letter M. All your code has to do is to print 'True' if this M-pattern exists in a given input image or 'False' otherwise. Other characters (outside the M pattern) should be different, so these examples should print out 'False':
If a given pattern is not 3x5, then 'Error' word should be printed instead.
The file with code should be named mfinder.py