diff --git a/process-services/2.1/using/process/form.md b/process-services/2.1/using/process/form.md
index 5c6462504c..681fccfa4f 100644
--- a/process-services/2.1/using/process/form.md
+++ b/process-services/2.1/using/process/form.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The form controls for each field determine how the field is displayed and handle
-|Text|Allows you to enter text.
Alfresco Process Services uses jQuery Mask Plugin for masking.
Only the following characters has meaning with the used jQuery plugin.
0 - Numbers only.
9 - Numbers only.
S - Alphabets only (Small-Capital).
A - Alphabets (Small-Capital) and Numbers.
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.
**Note:** The Input mask feature in the Text field is intended to format user input, not to hide it.|
+|Text|Allows you to enter text.
The input mask feature in the **Text** field is intended to format user input, not to hide it. Process Services uses the jQuery Mask Plugin for masking. Only the following characters are recognized by the plugin.
0 - Numbers only (0-9).
9 - Numbers only (0-9).
S - Letters only (A-Za-z).
A - Letters (A-Za-z) and Numbers (0-9).
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.|
|Multi-line Text|Enables you to enter multiple lines of text within a text box.|
|Number|Allows you to enter a number.|
|Checkbox|Allows selection and deselection of the field.|
diff --git a/process-services/2.2/using/process/form.md b/process-services/2.2/using/process/form.md
index 442b0b5fe1..0c607151c5 100644
--- a/process-services/2.2/using/process/form.md
+++ b/process-services/2.2/using/process/form.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The form controls for each field determine how the field is displayed and handle
-|Text|Allows you to enter text.|
+|Text|Allows you to enter text.
The input mask feature in the **Text** field is intended to format user input, not to hide it. Process Services uses the jQuery Mask Plugin for masking. Only the following characters are recognized by the plugin.
0 - Numbers only (0-9).
9 - Numbers only (0-9).
S - Letters only (A-Za-z).
A - Letters (A-Za-z) and Numbers (0-9).
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.|
|Multi-line Text|Enables you to enter multiple lines of text within a text box.|
|Number|Allows you to enter a number.|
|Checkbox|Allows selection and deselection of the field.|
diff --git a/process-services/2.3/using/process/form.md b/process-services/2.3/using/process/form.md
index 5f6decb2ec..0aa4e18306 100644
--- a/process-services/2.3/using/process/form.md
+++ b/process-services/2.3/using/process/form.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The form controls for each field determine how the field is displayed and handle
-|Text|Allows you to enter text.
Alfresco Process Services uses jQuery Mask Plugin for masking.
Only the following characters has meaning with the used jQuery plugin.
0 - Numbers only.
9 - Numbers only.
S - Alphabets only (Small-Capital).
A - Alphabets (Small-Capital) and Numbers.
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.
**Note:** The Input mask feature in the Text field is intended to format user input, not to hide it.|
+|Text|Allows you to enter text.
The input mask feature in the **Text** field is intended to format user input, not to hide it. Process Services uses the jQuery Mask Plugin for masking. Only the following characters are recognized by the plugin.
0 - Numbers only (0-9).
9 - Numbers only (0-9).
S - Letters only (A-Za-z).
A - Letters (A-Za-z) and Numbers (0-9).
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.|
|Multi-line Text|Enables you to enter multiple lines of text within a text box.|
|Number|Allows you to enter a number.|
|Checkbox|Allows selection and deselection of the field.|
diff --git a/process-services/2.4/using/process/form.md b/process-services/2.4/using/process/form.md
index 5f6decb2ec..0aa4e18306 100644
--- a/process-services/2.4/using/process/form.md
+++ b/process-services/2.4/using/process/form.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The form controls for each field determine how the field is displayed and handle
-|Text|Allows you to enter text.
Alfresco Process Services uses jQuery Mask Plugin for masking.
Only the following characters has meaning with the used jQuery plugin.
0 - Numbers only.
9 - Numbers only.
S - Alphabets only (Small-Capital).
A - Alphabets (Small-Capital) and Numbers.
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.
**Note:** The Input mask feature in the Text field is intended to format user input, not to hide it.|
+|Text|Allows you to enter text.
The input mask feature in the **Text** field is intended to format user input, not to hide it. Process Services uses the jQuery Mask Plugin for masking. Only the following characters are recognized by the plugin.
0 - Numbers only (0-9).
9 - Numbers only (0-9).
S - Letters only (A-Za-z).
A - Letters (A-Za-z) and Numbers (0-9).
# - Unlimited numbers if it's the last or only character.
All other alphanumeric or special characters serve as separators.|
|Multi-line Text|Enables you to enter multiple lines of text within a text box.|
|Number|Allows you to enter a number.|
|Checkbox|Allows selection and deselection of the field.|