Download the file and find a way to get the flag.
The provided file can be found here.
When running the program, we get asked for the password.
$ ./program
Какой пароль?<-- what's the password?
> password
неверный <-- wrong
To find the password, run the program through GDB using gdb ./program
From info func
, we can see there is a main function so set a breakpoint by doing b main
Stepping through main, we see that our input is being compared to a string here:
0x55555555482f <main+101> call strcmp@plt <strcmp@plt>
s1: 0x5555555549c8 ◂— 0xbed0bbd0bed0bcd0
s2: 0x7fffffffe010 ◂— 0xa61616161 /* 'aaaa\n' */
Where 'aaaa' is my current input.
Now, all we need to do is view the string at memory address 0x5555555549c8
pwndbg> x/s 0x5555555549c8
0x5555555549c8: "молоток123\n
And there we go, we have the password!
$ ./program
Какой пароль?
> молоток123
флаг: wh1te%BluE$R3d
Flag: wh1te%BluE$R3d