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105 lines (65 loc) · 3.17 KB

File metadata and controls

105 lines (65 loc) · 3.17 KB


This package is a golang command line tool implementation of self-signing certificates.

Also, we expected to link third party CA certificates to generate certificates in the future.

Develop Environment

Type Version
OS ubuntu 22.04.5
Golang go1.22.5 linux/amd64



If the target file (certificate, csr, private key) is existed, the function will not create it and directly return an error, cert/csr/private key already exists.

  1. Prepare the destination directory for the private key, certificate, and CSR. This step is required for all the following steps.

  2. Modify the cfg.yml file to set the appropriate values(you can use the defaultCfg.yml file as your template).

    Click here to see the default configuration file

  3. Import the certgo package in your code.

    import ""
  4. For create private key, you need to specify the path of the destination file. Then, use this function:

    CreatePrivateKey(keyPath string) (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error)

    The return value is the private key in *ecdsa.PrivateKey type.

  5. For create csr, you need to specify the certificate structure. You can use ReadYamlFileToStruct function to read the configuration file and convert it to the certificate structure.

    util.ReadYamlFileToStruct(yamlPath string, v interface{}) error

    Then, use this function:

    CreateCsr(cfg model.Certificate) (*x509.CertificateRequest, error)

    The return value is the csr in *x509.CertificateRequest type.


    • If the private key is not existed, the function will automatically create one in default.
  6. For sign certificate, you need to specify the yaml file path of the CA configuration. Then, use these functions for different types of certificates:

    SignRootCertificate(yamlPath string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
    SignIntermediateCertificate(yamlPath string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
    SignServerCertificate(yamlPath string) (*x509.Certificate, error)
    SignClientCertificate(yamlPath string) (*x509.Certificate, error)

    The return value is the signed certificate in *x509.Certificate type.


    • If the private key is not existed, the function will automatically create one in default.
    • If the csr is not existed, the function will automatically create one in default.
  7. In the end, it is expected to see the private key, certificate, and csr in the destination directory.


Click here to see the example


go test ./... -v

Command Line Tool

Build by Yourself(in root directory)


Then, you can find the executable file in the build directory.

Use Directly

You can download the binary file from the release page and execute it directly.

Go to the release page to download the binary file

Command Line Tool Usage

Click here to see the command line tool usage in detail

About Me

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