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Releases: AlphaMensae/Modular-Launch-Pads


17 Aug 04:15
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  • Fixed missing FX for the General ROFI; forgot to update the paths to the FX for the v2 release.

  • Added some more BDB craft files and a subassembly for the Medium General Launch Base configured for a Delta-IV-Heavy-type rocket, with extra swing arms.


14 Aug 02:24
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  • Revised General Crew Arm to only have one retract animation, the direction is now changed by a B9PartSwitch changer. This fixes the arm appearing in the half-retracted position after loading or launching from the VAB.

  • Added more craft files for Bluedog Design Bureau, Tantares and Tundra Exploration, plus a stock craft with the Large Launch Stand.


07 Aug 02:17
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Removed alternate height variant from the Shuttle FSS Tower Base, as it was causing the whole shuttle platform to sit above the pad static in KSP 1.7.x


06 Aug 11:44
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Added separate patch for Bluedog Design Bureau Soilids.

Revised reDIRECT patch to add a node to the STS ET for SOCK.

Updated patches for TantaresLV, Raidernick and Tundra Exploration.

Added craft files for SOCK shuttle and TantaresLV 1.875m TLV.

Added missing CCK tag to Small Service Tower Umbilical.

Ignition Sequence Start

31 Jul 02:56
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*** NEW IN v2.0 ***

Complete remake and expansion of the old v1 Saturn and Soyuz base parts.
All parts are completely new have new names.

Addition of Shuttle Launch Platform and accessories.

Addition of General Launch Bases and accessories.

Addition of two Launch Stands (Small and Large) and early-career accessories, plus a Small Static Test Stand.

Extensive use of mesh switching means fewer parts are loaded.

All launch bases are now launch clamps, none are free-standing.
Free-standing versions of the Saturn and Shuttle launch bases are available as separate extras, are not in GameData/ModularLaunchPads.

All launch bases now have a fuel generator, outputting LFO, Mono and LH2 (with Community Resource Pack installed).

Added Community Category Kit support, complete with a custom icon.

Removal of old v1 Russian Launch Stand, it's clamp features have been integrated into the new Soyuz Launch Base.


20 Oct 23:52
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  • Removed "layer = 0" line from the Saturn pad parts that have both ModuleAnimateGeneric and ModuleAnimated Decoupler. This was making these parts reset after the animation finished when staged.

  • The included KSP 1.4.x versions of B9PartSwitch and Animated Decouplers work fine in KSP 1.5.x, so I haven't updated them.


06 Oct 17:28
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  • Made the dummy nodes unusable for parts using Animated Decouplers by moving them to -1000 on the Y-axis.
  • Changed the order of the B9PS switchers for the Saturn tower arms so the color one is now last.


04 Oct 14:29
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  • Added a 6x60 hold-down support configuration to the square insert for the Saturn mobile launcher base.