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40 lines (25 loc) · 2.25 KB

File metadata and controls

40 lines (25 loc) · 2.25 KB

Contributing to this repository

Getting started

Before you begin check out the existing issues and see if your issue might have already been posted or even resolved.

Don't see your issue? Open one

If you spot something new, open an issue. We'll use the issue to have a conversation about the problem you want to have fixed.

Ready to make a change? Fork the repo

Fork using GitHub Desktop:

Fork using the command line:

  • Fork the repo so that you can make your changes without affecting the original project until you're ready to merge them.

Fork with GitHub Codespaces:

Make your update:

Make your changes to the file(s) you'd like to update.

Open a pull request

When you're done making changes and you'd like to propose them for review, open your PR (pull request).

Submit your PR & get it reviewed

  • Once you submit your PR, others from the G1CP team will review it with you. The first thing you're going to want to do is a self review.
  • After that, we may have questions, check back on your PR to keep up with the conversation.
  • Did you have an issue, like a merge conflict? Check out a git tutorial on how to resolve merge conflicts and other issues.

Your PR is merged!

Congratulations! The G1CP team thanks you.

Coding Style

When contributing to this project, please comply with the Daedalus Coding Syle Guide (tbd).