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AmericaScores Coach Application for Tracking Participation and Experiences

React native based mobile app for Americas scores attendance control.

Pre-install required tools

The project requires the following apps running over the project. You can follow the steps in the Official React-Native guide. Or install them by yourself. Please stick to the verified versions of the dependencies unless you are prepared to perform a full smoke test and have a qualified engineer ready to review and test your Pull Request.

  • Node (see below for verified version)
  • [For IOS]cocoa pods
  • Physical device connected to your computer with USB debugging enabled or an Emulator (**IOS** download XCode from your appstore | **Android** Download android studio)
  • Text editor of your choice [XCode | Android studio | Visual studio Code ] (Make sure that whatever editor you use is running as administrator)

Verified configuration for building

iOS 17.5.1

Android 14 (API 34)

Tested on: MacOS on M1 As of July 15, 2024 on V 21.01

npm --version
node --version
pod --version
java --version
java 17.0.9 2023-10-17 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 17.0.9+11-LTS-201)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.9+11-LTS-201, mixed mode, sharing)
react-native --version
react-native-cli: 2.0.1
react-native: 0.72.14

Recommended Additions:

use n to manage NPM versions (highly useful during dependency upgrades and testing)

We recommend using n instead of nvm on MacOS, presently. Don't use both or you'll wind up with competing installs. Also let n install npm. npm install -g n

Use emulators that include our current minspec and also App Store/Play Store requirements

iOS Minspec: iOS 15.5, iPhone SE (gen1), iPhone 7
Android Minspec: API 34, OS 14 Galaxy S3 seems to be the oldest on record supporting OS 14

A Step-by-Step Guide to build and run the app on Android

(verified on MacOS with M1 and M3)


  1. Fix src/config/ApiConfig.js
  2. put google-services.json, debug.keystore, america-scores-keystore.jks into android/app
  3. remove package-lock.json and node_modules folder
  4. npm install
  5. Make sure PATH contains ANDROID_HOME with echo $ANDROID_HOME if result is empty fix PATH with:
nano ~/.zprofile

add 3 lines somewhere at the end of the file:

export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

close terminal and open it again
verify everything is ok with echo $ANDROID_HOME. Make sure it outputs something like "/Users/Pete/Library/Android/sdk"

  1. connect device or start emulator
  2. e.g. emulator -list-avds && emulator -avd "%foo%" (android developer reference)
  3. ./

To build apk for Google Play release:

  1. cd android
  2. ./gradlew assembleRelease
  3. cd app/build/outputs/bundle/release
  4. open .
  5. upload apk to Google Play

Guide to build and run the app on Android (verified on Windows 10 and 11)


  1. Fix src/config/ApiConfig.js
  2. put google-services.json, debug.keystore, america-scores-keystore.jks into android/app
  3. remove package-lock.json and node_modules folder
  4. create inside /android and put sdk.dir=C:\Users\{YOUR_USER}\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
  5. npm install
  6. Make sure User Variables contains:
  • C:\Users{YOUR_USER}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
  • C:\Users{YOUR_USER}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools
  1. Make sure System Variables contains:
  • C:\Users{YOUR_USER}\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe
  1. In Android Studio, open Settings->Languages & Frameworks->Android SDK, select 'Android 14.0 ("UpsideDownCake") API Level 34' as the SDK version.
  2. In Device Manager, create a virtual device with API level 34+.
  3. To build on a connected physical device, ensure that USB debugging is turned on via developer mode
  4. connect device or start emulator by adding it in 'Running Devices'
  5. npm run android

A Step-by-Step Guide to build and run the app on iOS (verified on MacOS with M1)

  1. Fix src/config/ApiConfig.js
  2. put GoogleService-Info.plist into ios folder
  3. remove package-lock.json and node_modules folder
  4. npm install (If npm install does not run, try sudo 'npm install -g npm@latest' before running 'npm install')
  5. cd ios
  6. pod install
  7. If pods do not build completely, try pod update
  8. cd ..
  9. open ios/AmericanScoresApp.xcworkspace
  10. from the project directory build and run with react-native run-ios --simulator="iPhone 14 Pro" (or whatever you have installed)

When the app launches, the sign-in screen should look something like this:


A Step-by-Step Guide to build and run the app on iOS (verified on MacOS w/ Intel Chip)

  1. Fix src/config/ApiConfig.js
  2. put GoogleService-Info.plist into ios folder
  3. put debug.keystore into android/app
  4. remove package-lock.json and node_modules folder
  5. npm install (If npm install does not work, try to run 'sudo npm install -g npm@latest' before running 'npm install')
  6. cd ios
  7. pod install
  8. If pods do not build completely, try pod update
  9. cd ..
  10. npm run android
  11. If build is successful but an error occurs with Metro, try 'npx react-native start'

If you upgrade Node, React, or Pods, please test and help us maintain dependencies!

Release History

In Store

Apple App Store: v 20.82

Google Play Store: v 68.0

Release Date Platform Commit Notes
20.82 (68) 03-29-24 Android+iOS Master:3a0b5d3 fixes missing image assets in iOS build
20.8 (66) 03-20-24 Android+iOS Master:32cf294 Merge of improvements to Attendance and Sessions List. Slack webhook broken. TEST RELEASE ONLY!!!!
20.2 (61) 11-21-23 Android+iOS Master:beec5a0 Fix/upate a few things affected by v20 dependency updates
60.0 11-8-23 Android Branch:react-native-0.72 Android Crash Fix
20.1 11-3-23 iOS Branch:react-native-0.72 Replaced Slack Connect (private)
20 10-31-23 iOS Branch:react-native-0.72 Update React+Pods to fix multiple Firebase Auth issues and get dependencies to newer LTS
3.95 8-22-23 iOS Reapply Creds
3.9 6-4-23 iOS new Firebase Project ID
3.8 6-3-23 iOS 7a1e5b3 #378 iOS Firebase Auth bug

Build Troubleshooting

The depdencies on Node, React, and Cocoapods often result in issues blocking builds. This section is intended to collect notes from developers as well as useful things to try in resolving it yourself.

Category Issue/Error Observed Fix Notes
npm doctor says npm ERR! checkFilesPermission Missing permissions on .../[app_dir]/node_modules/.bin/. chmod +x /Users///AmericaScores-CoachApp/node_modules/.bin/.packager.env Mac M1/3
React Native Start Error: - Port 8081 already in use sudo lsof -i :8081 then kill -9 {pid} MacOS (also check if Metro is already running somewhere. McAfee seems to want this port sometimes also :(
CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "hermes-engine" pod update hermes-engine recommended --no-repo-update did not seem to work
Pod install/updates fail on Mac M1/M3 arch -x86_64 pod update deleting pod folder and podfile.lock may also be necessary
An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile. undefined method `new_file' for an instance of Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXFileReference sudo gem uninstall cocoapods && sudo gem install cocoapods
Multiple Instances of Pods Project in Hierarchy select and delete in XCode. Delete Pods folder and do pod install
General Setup Issues
Build Process build can't find main.jsbundle react-native bundle --entry-file index.js --platform ios --dev false --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle --assets-dest ios
Pod Install Fails Repeatedly. Example: An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile. undefined method new_file' for <PBXFileReference path=assets UUID=################`>:Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXFileReference
use n to check and manage node versions
gem uninstall cocoapods && gem install cocoapods
trash the folder and clone again (if you have changes, then commit to your branch so you can cherry pick and test later and not lose your work