implementation of algorithm design in java
Yazd University - Dr Zarifzadeh's Class
⚠ In some examples JUNIT 5.2 used for testing
if you're not familiar with JUNIT see : JUNIT DOCS
or just delete Test methods (in this case these methods start with annotation "@Test" )
and run codes in your own way.
this repository
used for Graph Algorithm
1 - binarySearch D&C
2 - mergeSort : D&C
3 - maximum subArray D&C
4 - Quick Sort + Selection Algorithm D&C
5 - MaxHeap Sort D&C
6 - Counting Sort D&C
7 - Min-Matrix-Multiply (Matrix chain multiplication) DP
8 - Rod Cutting DP
9 - Knapsack problem ( without limitation ) DP
10- Longest common subSequence (LCS) DP
11- Maximum Sum subArray DP
12- Minimum cut of squares greedy
13- Graph search (BFS and DFS) Graph Algo.
14- n-Queen backtracking
You can check out our friend's repository here for C++ implementations: