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their VapourSynth equivalents", "Function Reference", "AssumeSampleRate", "AudioGain", "AudioLoop", "AudioMix", "AudioReverse", "AudioSplice", "AudioTrim", "BlankAudio", "SetAudioCache", "ShuffleChannels", "SplitChannels", "LoadAllPlugins", "LoadPlugin", "LoadPlugin (Avisynth Compatibility)", "SetMaxCPU", "AddBorders", "AssumeFPS", "AverageFrames", "Binarize/BinarizeMask", "BlankClip", "BoxBlur", "ClipToProp", "Convolution", "CopyFrameProps", "Crop/CropAbs", "Deflate/Inflate", "DeleteFrames", "DoubleWeave", "DuplicateFrames", "Expr", "FlipVertical/FlipHorizontal", "FrameEval", "FreezeFrames", "Interleave", "Invert/InvertMask", "Levels", "Limiter", "Loop", "Lut", "Lut2", "MakeDiff", "MaskedMerge", "Median", "Merge", "MergeDiff", "Minimum/Maximum", "ModifyFrame", "PEMVerifier", "PlaneStats", "PreMultiply", "Prewitt/Sobel", "PropToClip", "RemoveFrameProps", "Resize", "Reverse", "SelectEvery", "SeparateFields", "SetFieldBased", "SetFrameProp", "SetFrameProps", "SetVideoCache", "ShufflePlanes", "Splice", "SplitPlanes", "StackVertical/StackHorizontal", "ClipInfo", "CoreInfo", "FrameNum", "FrameProps", "Text", "Transpose", "Trim", "Turn180", "Getting Started", "Included Plugins", "Welcome to VapourSynth-Classic\u2019s documentation!", "Installation", "Introduction", "Output", "AVISource", "EEDI3", "ImageMagick Writer-Reader", "Miscellaneous Filters", "Morpho", "OCR", "RGVS", "Subtext", "Vinverse", "VIVTC", "Python Reference"], "terms": {"deal": [0, 20, 96], "core": [0, 2, 3, 5, 34, 38, 39, 47, 51, 64, 73, 80, 82, 83, 84, 91, 93, 95, 96], "createcor": 0, "freecor": 0, "getcoreinfo": 0, "getcoreinfo2": 0, "setmaxcaches": 0, "setmessagehandl": 0, "addmessagehandl": 0, "removemessagehandl": 0, "logmessag": 0, "setthreadcount": 0, "frame": [0, 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91, 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36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 73, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96], "noth": [0, 77, 91, 96], "see": [0, 2, 3, 5, 15, 60, 64, 83, 88, 91, 93, 95, 96], "arframereadi": 0, "arerror": 0, "mtdebug": 0, "mtwarn": 0, "mtcritic": 0, "mtfatal": 0, "most": [0, 3, 10, 16, 20, 24, 28, 36, 48, 68, 80, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 93, 95, 96], "opaqu": [0, 93, 96], "each": [0, 8, 10, 17, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 36, 43, 49, 50, 52, 70, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96], "row": [0, 77, 92, 95, 96], "pixel": [0, 3, 22, 25, 29, 31, 32, 36, 41, 43, 46, 48, 49, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96], "guarante": [0, 3, 36], "align": [0, 1, 60, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76], "32": [0, 20, 25, 29, 32, 36, 41, 42, 43, 49, 52, 57, 83, 85, 87, 88, 95], "byte": [0, 1, 36, 76, 93, 96], "two": [0, 1, 3, 24, 31, 36, 46, 48, 50, 55, 80, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96], "same": [0, 1, 2, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 48, 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19, 20, 48, 80, 83, 87, 92], "h": [3, 29, 60, 82, 91, 93, 96], "vshelper": [3, 82], "vsscript": [3, 82, 96], "taken": [3, 36], "consider": [3, 36, 92, 96], "aren": [3, 31, 60, 87], "small": [3, 87, 92, 95], "checklist": 3, "watch": 3, "sometim": [3, 96], "deep": 3, "appear": [3, 85], "mean": [3, 20, 27, 34, 36, 48, 50, 55, 60, 63, 68, 89, 92, 93, 95, 96], "constructor": 3, "destructor": 3, "proper": 3, "synchron": 3, "complic": [3, 92], "even": [3, 27, 36, 42, 60, 62, 87, 88, 95, 96], "enter": [3, 83], "simultan": 3, "misconsept": 3, "rule": [3, 96], "And": 3, "those": [3, 75, 83, 95, 96], "lock": 3, "9": [3, 29, 60, 76, 83, 87, 92, 95], "camelcas": [3, 96], "categori": [3, 96], "start": [3, 62, 78, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 93, 95, 96], "_": [3, 60], "strictli": 3, "accept": [3, 31, 60, 68, 86, 88, 96], "_chromaloc": 3, "yuv": [3, 5, 36, 42, 45, 60, 68, 93, 96], "left": [3, 16, 22, 31, 36, 60, 77, 79, 92, 93], "center": [3, 24, 29, 32, 60, 89, 92], "topleft": 3, "top": [3, 22, 31, 34, 36, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 83, 87, 92, 93, 95], "bottomleft": 3, "5": [3, 10, 20, 29, 36, 50, 52, 60, 62, 77, 85, 90, 92, 95, 96], "bottom": [3, 22, 31, 34, 60, 63, 64, 87, 92, 93, 95], "_colorrang": 3, "limit": [3, 5, 6, 32, 42, 45, 48, 52, 56, 60, 82, 91, 95, 96], "pc": [3, 60], "tv": [3, 60], "_primari": [3, 96], "color": [3, 22, 26, 38, 48, 60, 68, 95], "itu": [3, 60], "265": [3, 60], "tabl": [3, 45, 46, 60], "_matrix": [3, 96], "matrix": [3, 10, 29, 47, 51, 60, 77, 80, 92, 93], "coeffici": [3, 10, 29, 60], "_transfer": [3, 96], "characterist": [3, 60], "_fieldbas": [3, 34, 63, 64, 65, 66, 95], "compos": 3, "independ": 3, "interlac": [3, 64], "progress": [3, 64, 85, 95, 96], "_absolutetim": 3, "timestamp": 3, "durat": [3, 23, 40, 62, 63, 87], "_durationnum": [3, 23], "_durationden": [3, 23], "framer": [3, 23, 72, 96], "bint": [3, 14, 19, 24, 26, 29, 34, 40, 45, 46, 48, 52, 60, 62, 63, 65, 69, 86, 87, 88, 89, 93, 95], "_comb": [3, 53, 95], "whether": [3, 24, 40, 60, 89, 95, 96], 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67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79], "black": [22, 26, 38], "border": 22, "side": [22, 31, 83], "obei": 22, "newli": 22, "metadata": [23, 84, 96], "assign": 23, "comput": [23, 84, 87], "weight": [24, 48, 50, 87, 89, 92], "scale": [24, 46, 57, 60, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 84, 89, 93, 94], "scenechang": [24, 89, 95], "easi": [24, 83, 89], "averag": [24, 32, 36, 46, 50, 55, 87, 89, 92], "togeth": [24, 29, 34, 47, 51, 71, 89, 96], "seen": [24, 89], "tempor": [24, 89, 92], "sum": [24, 29, 87, 89, 92], "divid": [24, 29, 40, 62, 89, 92], "odd": [24, 29, 62, 87, 89, 96], "rest": [24, 89], "beyond": [24, 31, 89], "31": [24, 89], "threshold": [25, 32, 52, 89, 95], "v0": 25, "imag": [25, 60, 84, 88, 93], "depth": [25, 29, 32, 41, 42, 43, 46, 49, 52, 57, 87, 88, 94, 95], "middl": [25, 29, 49], "equal": [25, 95], "upper": [25, 43, 54, 92, 96], "unprocess": [25, 29, 32, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 52, 57, 89], "640": [26, 60], "480": 26, "24": [26, 92, 93], "640x480": 26, "24fp": 26, "hradiu": 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"sphinx": 57}, "alltitles": {"VapourSynth.h": [[0, "vapoursynth-h"]], "Table of contents": [[0, "table-of-contents"], [1, "table-of-contents"], [2, "table-of-contents"]], "Introduction": [[0, "introduction"], [1, "introduction"], [2, "introduction"], [84, "introduction"]], "Macros": [[0, "macros"], [1, "macros"]], "VS_CC": [[0, "vs-cc"]], "VS_EXTERNAL_API": [[0, "vs-external-api"]], "VAPOURSYNTH_API_MAJOR": [[0, "vapoursynth-api-major"]], "VAPOURSYNTH_API_MINOR": [[0, "vapoursynth-api-minor"]], "VAPOURSYNTH_API_VERSION": [[0, "vapoursynth-api-version"]], "Enums": [[0, "enums"], [2, "enums"]], "enum VSColorFamily": [[0, "enum-vscolorfamily"]], "enum VSSampleType": [[0, "enum-vssampletype"]], "enum VSPresetFormat": [[0, "enum-vspresetformat"]], "enum VSFilterMode": [[0, "enum-vsfiltermode"]], "enum VSNodeFlags": [[0, "enum-vsnodeflags"]], "enum VSPropTypes": [[0, "enum-vsproptypes"]], "enum VSGetPropErrors": [[0, "enum-vsgetproperrors"]], "enum VSPropAppendMode": [[0, "enum-vspropappendmode"]], "enum VSActivationReason": [[0, "enum-vsactivationreason"]], "enum VSMessageType": [[0, "enum-vsmessagetype"]], "Structs": [[0, "structs"], [2, "structs"]], "struct VSFrameRef": [[0, "struct-vsframeref"]], "struct VSNodeRef": [[0, "struct-vsnoderef"]], "struct VSCore": [[0, "struct-vscore"]], "struct VSPlugin": [[0, "struct-vsplugin"]], "struct VSNode": [[0, "struct-vsnode"]], "struct VSFuncRef": [[0, "struct-vsfuncref"]], "struct VSMap": [[0, "struct-vsmap"]], "struct VSFrameContext": [[0, "struct-vsframecontext"]], "struct VSFormat": [[0, "struct-vsformat"]], "struct VSCoreInfo": [[0, "struct-vscoreinfo"]], "struct VSVideoInfo": [[0, "struct-vsvideoinfo"]], "struct VSAPI": [[0, "struct-vsapi"]], "Functions": [[0, "functions"], [1, "functions"], [2, "functions"]], "Writing plugins": [[0, "writing-plugins"]], "VSHelper.h": [[1, "vshelper-h"]], "inline": [[1, "inline"]], "VS_RESTRICT": [[1, "vs-restrict"]], "VS_ALIGNED_MALLOC": [[1, "vs-aligned-malloc"]], "VS_ALIGNED_FREE": [[1, "vs-aligned-free"]], "VSMIN": [[1, "vsmin"]], "VSMAX": [[1, "vsmax"]], "vs_aligned_malloc": [[1, "vs-aligned-malloc-cpp"]], "vs_aligned_free": [[1, "vs-aligned-free-cpp"]], "isConstantFormat": [[1, "isconstantformat"]], "isSameFormat": [[1, "issameformat"]], "muldivRational": [[1, "muldivrational"]], "vs_addRational": [[1, "vs-addrational"]], "vs_normalizeRational": [[1, "vs-normalizerational"]], "int64ToIntS": [[1, "int64toints"]], "vs_bitblt": [[1, "vs-bitblt"]], "areValidDimensions": [[1, "arevaliddimensions"]], "VSScript.h": [[2, "vsscript-h"]], "VSScript": [[2, "vsscript"]], "VSEvalFlags": [[2, "vsevalflags"]], "vsscript_getApiVersion": [[2, "vsscript-getapiversion"]], "vsscript_init": [[2, "vsscript-init"]], "vsscript_finalize": [[2, "vsscript-finalize"]], "vsscript_evaluateScript": [[2, "vsscript-evaluatescript"]], "vsscript_evaluateFile": [[2, "vsscript-evaluatefile"]], "vsscript_createScript": [[2, "vsscript-createscript"]], "vsscript_freeScript": [[2, "vsscript-freescript"]], "vsscript_getError": [[2, "vsscript-geterror"]], "vsscript_getExitCode": [[2, "vsscript-getexitcode"]], "vsscript_getOutput": [[2, "vsscript-getoutput"]], "vsscript_clearOutput": [[2, "vsscript-clearoutput"]], "vsscript_getCore": [[2, "vsscript-getcore"]], "vsscript_getVSApi": [[2, "vsscript-getvsapi"]], "vsscript_getVSApi2": [[2, "vsscript-getvsapi2"]], "vsscript_getVariable": [[2, "vsscript-getvariable"]], "vsscript_setVariable": [[2, "vsscript-setvariable"]], "vsscript_clearVariable": [[2, "vsscript-clearvariable"]], "vsscript_clearEnvironment": [[2, "vsscript-clearenvironment"]], "VapourSynth C API Reference": [[3, "vapoursynth-c-api-reference"]], "Public Headers": [[3, "public-headers"]], "Common Pitfalls": [[3, "common-pitfalls"]], "General API": [[3, "general-api"]], "Plugins": [[3, "plugins"]], "Reserved Frame Properties": [[3, "reserved-frame-properties"]], "Applications and Libraries": [[4, "applications-and-libraries"]], "Applications": [[4, "applications"]], "Libraries": [[4, "libraries"]], "Tools": [[4, "tools"]], "Avisynth functions and their VapourSynth equivalents": [[5, "avisynth-functions-and-their-vapoursynth-equivalents"]], "Function Reference": [[6, "function-reference"]], "General Functions": [[6, "general-functions"]], "Video Functions": [[6, "video-functions"]], "Text": [[6, "text"], [76, "text"]], "Audio Functions": [[6, "audio-functions"]], "AssumeSampleRate": [[7, "assumesamplerate"]], "AudioGain": [[8, "audiogain"]], "AudioLoop": [[9, "audioloop"]], "AudioMix": [[10, "audiomix"]], "AudioReverse": [[11, "audioreverse"]], "AudioSplice": [[12, "audiosplice"]], "AudioTrim": [[13, "audiotrim"]], "BlankAudio": [[14, "blankaudio"]], "SetAudioCache": [[15, "setaudiocache"]], "ShuffleChannels": [[16, "shufflechannels"]], "SplitChannels": [[17, "splitchannels"]], "LoadAllPlugins": [[18, "loadallplugins"]], "LoadPlugin": [[19, "loadplugin"]], "LoadPlugin (Avisynth Compatibility)": [[20, "loadplugin-avisynth-compatibility"]], "SetMaxCPU": [[21, "setmaxcpu"]], "AddBorders": [[22, "addborders"]], "AssumeFPS": [[23, "assumefps"]], "AverageFrames": [[24, "averageframes"]], "Binarize/BinarizeMask": [[25, "binarize-binarizemask"]], "BlankClip": [[26, "blankclip"]], "BoxBlur": [[27, "boxblur"]], "ClipToProp": [[28, "cliptoprop"]], "Convolution": [[29, "convolution"]], "CopyFrameProps": [[30, "copyframeprops"]], "Crop/CropAbs": [[31, "crop-cropabs"]], "Deflate/Inflate": [[32, "deflate-inflate"]], "DeleteFrames": [[33, "deleteframes"]], "DoubleWeave": [[34, "doubleweave"]], "DuplicateFrames": [[35, "duplicateframes"]], "Expr": [[36, "expr"]], "FlipVertical/FlipHorizontal": [[37, "flipvertical-fliphorizontal"]], "FrameEval": [[38, "frameeval"]], "FreezeFrames": [[39, "freezeframes"]], "Interleave": [[40, "interleave"]], "Invert/InvertMask": [[41, "invert-invertmask"]], "Levels": [[42, "levels"]], "Limiter": [[43, "limiter"]], "Loop": [[44, "loop"]], "Lut": [[45, "lut"]], "Lut2": [[46, "lut2"]], "MakeDiff": [[47, "makediff"]], "MaskedMerge": [[48, "maskedmerge"]], "Median": [[49, "median"]], "Merge": [[50, "merge"]], "MergeDiff": [[51, "mergediff"]], "Minimum/Maximum": [[52, "minimum-maximum"]], "ModifyFrame": [[53, "modifyframe"]], "PEMVerifier": [[54, "pemverifier"]], "PlaneStats": [[55, "planestats"]], "PreMultiply": [[56, "premultiply"]], "Prewitt/Sobel": [[57, "prewitt-sobel"]], "PropToClip": [[58, "proptoclip"]], "RemoveFrameProps": [[59, "removeframeprops"]], "Resize": [[60, "resize"]], "Reverse": [[61, "reverse"]], "SelectEvery": [[62, "selectevery"]], "SeparateFields": [[63, "separatefields"]], "SetFieldBased": [[64, "setfieldbased"]], "SetFrameProp": [[65, "setframeprop"]], "SetFrameProps": [[66, "setframeprops"]], "SetVideoCache": [[67, "setvideocache"]], "ShufflePlanes": [[68, "shuffleplanes"]], "Splice": [[69, "splice"]], "SplitPlanes": [[70, "splitplanes"]], "StackVertical/StackHorizontal": [[71, "stackvertical-stackhorizontal"]], "ClipInfo": [[72, "clipinfo"]], "CoreInfo": [[73, "coreinfo"]], "FrameNum": [[74, "framenum"]], "FrameProps": [[75, "frameprops"]], "Transpose": [[77, "transpose"]], "Trim": [[78, "trim"]], "Turn180": [[79, "turn180"]], "Getting Started": [[80, "getting-started"]], "Example Script": [[80, "example-script"]], "Output with VSPipe": [[80, "output-with-vspipe"]], "Included Plugins": [[81, "included-plugins"]], "Welcome to VapourSynth-Classic\u2019s documentation!": [[82, "welcome-to-vapoursynth-classics-documentation"]], "Indices and tables": [[82, "indices-and-tables"]], "Installation": [[83, "installation"], [83, "id1"]], "Basic Program": [[83, "basic-program"]], "Windows Installation": [[83, "windows-installation"]], "Prerequisites": [[83, "prerequisites"]], "Windows Installation (Portable)": [[83, "windows-installation-portable"]], "OS X Installation": [[83, "os-x-installation"]], "Linux installation": [[83, "linux-installation"]], "Debian": [[83, "debian"]], "Fedora, CentOS and RHEL": [[83, "fedora-centos-and-rhel"]], "Gentoo": [[83, "gentoo"]], "Arch Linux": [[83, "arch-linux"]], "Windows Compilation": [[83, "windows-compilation"]], "Preparing the Build Environment on Windows": [[83, "preparing-the-build-environment-on-windows"]], "Preparing the C++ Project": [[83, "preparing-the-c-project"]], "Preparing the Python Project": [[83, "preparing-the-python-project"]], "Distribution": [[83, "distribution"]], "Linux and OS X Compilation": [[83, "linux-and-os-x-compilation"]], "Required packages (OS X)": [[83, "required-packages-os-x"]], "Compilation": [[83, "compilation"]], "Plugins and Scripts": [[83, "plugins-and-scripts"]], "Installing with VSRepo": [[83, "installing-with-vsrepo"]], "Installing Manually": [[83, "installing-manually"]], "Plugin Autoloading": [[83, "plugin-autoloading"]], "Windows": [[83, "windows"]], "Windows Portable": [[83, "windows-portable"]], "Linux": [[83, "linux"]], "OS X": [[83, "os-x"]], "About the author": [[84, "about-the-author"]], "Output": [[85, "output"], [96, "output"]], "VSPipe": [[85, "vspipe"]], "Synopsis": [[85, "synopsis"]], "Options": [[85, "options"]], "Examples": [[85, "examples"]], "AVFS": [[85, "avfs"]], "Avisynth Support": [[85, "avisynth-support"]], "VFW": [[85, "vfw"]], "AVISource": [[86, "avisource"]], "EEDI3": [[87, "eedi3"]], "ImageMagick Writer-Reader": [[88, "imagemagick-writer-reader"]], "Miscellaneous Filters": [[89, "miscellaneous-filters"]], "Morpho": [[90, "morpho"]], "OCR": [[91, "ocr"]], "RGVS": [[92, "rgvs"]], "Subtext": [[93, "subtext"]], "Vinverse": [[94, "vinverse"]], "VIVTC": [[95, "vivtc"]], "Python Reference": [[96, "python-reference"]], "VapourSynth Structure": [[96, "vapoursynth-structure"]], "Grammar": [[96, "grammar"]], "Slicing and Other Syntactic Sugar": [[96, "slicing-and-other-syntactic-sugar"]], "Python Keywords as Filter Arguments": [[96, "python-keywords-as-filter-arguments"]], "Windows File Paths (Strings With Backslashes)": [[96, "windows-file-paths-strings-with-backslashes"]], "Raw Access to Frame Data": [[96, "raw-access-to-frame-data"]], "Classes and Functions": [[96, "classes-and-functions"]], "Constants": [[96, "constants"]], "Video": [[96, "video"]], "Color Family": [[96, "color-family"]], "Format": [[96, "format"]], "Chroma Location": [[96, "chroma-location"]], "Field Based": [[96, "field-based"]], "Color Range": [[96, "color-range"]], "Matrix Coefficients": [[96, "matrix-coefficients"]], "TransferCharacteristics": [[96, "transfercharacteristics"]], "Color Primaries": [[96, "color-primaries"]], "Audio": [[96, "audio"]], "Channels": [[96, "channels"]], "Sample Type": [[96, "sample-type"]]}, "indexentries": {"api (c member)": [[0, "c.api"]], "bitspersample (c member)": [[0, "c.bitsPerSample"]], "bytespersample (c member)": [[0, "c.bytesPerSample"]], "colorfamily (c member)": [[0, "c.colorFamily"]], "core (c member)": [[0, "c.core"]], "flags (c member)": [[0, "c.flags"]], "format (c member)": [[0, "c.format"]], "fpsden (c member)": [[0, "c.fpsDen"]], "fpsnum (c member)": [[0, "c.fpsNum"]], "height (c member)": [[0, "c.height"]], "id (c member)": [[0, "c.id"]], "maxframebuffersize (c member)": [[0, "c.maxFramebufferSize"]], "name (c member)": [[0, "c.name"]], "numframes (c member)": [[0, "c.numFrames"]], "numplanes (c member)": [[0, "c.numPlanes"]], "numthreads (c member)": [[0, "c.numThreads"]], "sampletype (c member)": [[0, "c.sampleType"]], "subsamplingh (c member)": [[0, "c.subSamplingH"]], "subsamplingw (c member)": [[0, "c.subSamplingW"]], "usedframebuffersize (c member)": [[0, "c.usedFramebufferSize"]], "versionstring (c member)": [[0, "c.versionString"]], "width (c member)": [[0, "c.width"]], "arevaliddimensions (c function)": [[1, "c.areValidDimensions"]], "int64toints (c function)": [[1, "c.int64ToIntS"]], "isconstantformat (c function)": [[1, "c.isConstantFormat"]], "issameformat (c function)": [[1, "c.isSameFormat"]], "muldivrational (c function)": [[1, "c.muldivRational"]], "vs_addrational (c function)": [[1, "c.vs_addRational"]], "vs_aligned_free (c++ function)": [[1, "_CPPv415vs_aligned_freePv"]], "vs_aligned_malloc (c++ function)": [[1, "_CPPv417vs_aligned_malloc6size_t6size_t"]], "vs_bitblt (c function)": [[1, "c.vs_bitblt"]], "vs_normalizerational (c function)": [[1, "c.vs_normalizeRational"]], "vsscript_clearenvironment (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_clearEnvironment"]], "vsscript_clearoutput (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_clearOutput"]], "vsscript_clearvariable (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_clearVariable"]], "vsscript_createscript (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_createScript"]], "vsscript_evaluatefile (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_evaluateFile"]], "vsscript_evaluatescript (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_evaluateScript"]], "vsscript_finalize (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_finalize"]], "vsscript_freescript (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_freeScript"]], "vsscript_getapiversion (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getApiVersion"]], "vsscript_getcore (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getCore"]], "vsscript_geterror (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getError"]], "vsscript_getexitcode (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getExitCode"]], "vsscript_getoutput (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getOutput"]], "vsscript_getvsapi (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getVSApi"]], "vsscript_getvsapi2 (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getVSApi2"]], "vsscript_getvariable (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_getVariable"]], "vsscript_init (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_init"]], "vsscript_setvariable (c function)": [[2, "c.vsscript_setVariable"]], "assumesamplerate() (in module std)": [[7, "std.AssumeSampleRate"]], "audiogain() (in module std)": [[8, "std.AudioGain"]], "audioloop() (in module std)": [[9, "std.AudioLoop"]], "audiomix() (in module std)": [[10, "std.AudioMix"]], "audioreverse() (in module std)": [[11, "std.AudioReverse"]], "audiosplice() (in module std)": [[12, "std.AudioSplice"]], "audiotrim() (in module std)": [[13, "std.AudioTrim"]], "blankaudio() (in module std)": [[14, "std.BlankAudio"]], "setaudiocache() (in module std)": [[15, "std.SetAudioCache"]], "shufflechannels() (in module std)": [[16, "std.ShuffleChannels"]], "splitchannels() (in module std)": [[17, "std.SplitChannels"]], "loadallplugins() (in module std)": [[18, "std.LoadAllPlugins"]], "loadplugin() (in module std)": [[19, "std.LoadPlugin"]], "loadplugin() (in module avs)": [[20, "avs.LoadPlugin"]], "setmaxcpu() (in module std)": [[21, "std.SetMaxCPU"]], "addborders() (in module std)": [[22, "std.AddBorders"]], "assumefps() (in module std)": [[23, "std.AssumeFPS"]], "averageframes() (in module std)": [[24, "std.AverageFrames"]], "binarize() (in module std)": [[25, "std.Binarize"]], "binarizemask() (in module std)": [[25, "std.BinarizeMask"]], "blankclip() (in module std)": [[26, "std.BlankClip"]], "boxblur() (in module std)": [[27, "std.BoxBlur"]], "cliptoprop() (in module std)": [[28, "std.ClipToProp"]], "convolution() (in module std)": [[29, "std.Convolution"]], "copyframeprops() (in module std)": [[30, "std.CopyFrameProps"]], "crop() (in module std)": [[31, "std.Crop"]], "cropabs() (in module std)": [[31, "std.CropAbs"]], "deflate() (in module std)": [[32, "std.Deflate"]], "inflate() (in module std)": [[32, "std.Inflate"]], "deleteframes() (in module std)": [[33, "std.DeleteFrames"]], "doubleweave() (in module std)": [[34, "std.DoubleWeave"]], "duplicateframes() (in module std)": [[35, "std.DuplicateFrames"]], "expr() (in module std)": [[36, "std.Expr"]], "fliphorizontal() (in module std)": [[37, "std.FlipHorizontal"]], "flipvertical() (in module std)": [[37, "std.FlipVertical"]], "frameeval() (in module std)": [[38, "std.FrameEval"]], "freezeframes() (in module std)": [[39, "std.FreezeFrames"]], "interleave() (in module std)": [[40, "std.Interleave"]], "invert() (in module std)": [[41, "std.Invert"]], "invertmask() (in module std)": [[41, "std.InvertMask"]], "levels() (in module std)": [[42, "std.Levels"]], "limiter() (in module std)": [[43, "std.Limiter"]], "loop() (in module std)": [[44, "std.Loop"]], "lut() (in module std)": [[45, "std.Lut"]], "lut2() (in module std)": [[46, "std.Lut2"]], "makediff() (in module std)": [[47, "std.MakeDiff"]], "maskedmerge() (in module std)": [[48, "std.MaskedMerge"]], "median() (in module std)": [[49, "std.Median"]], "merge() (in module std)": [[50, "std.Merge"]], "mergediff() (in module std)": [[51, "std.MergeDiff"]], "maximum() (in module std)": [[52, "std.Maximum"]], "minimum() (in module std)": [[52, "std.Minimum"]], "modifyframe() (in module std)": [[53, "std.ModifyFrame"]], "pemverifier() (in module std)": [[54, "std.PEMVerifier"]], "planestats() (in module std)": [[55, "std.PlaneStats"]], "premultiply() (in module std)": [[56, "std.PreMultiply"]], "prewitt() (in module std)": [[57, "std.Prewitt"]], "sobel() (in module std)": [[57, "std.Sobel"]], "proptoclip() (in module std)": [[58, "std.PropToClip"]], "removeframeprops() (in module std)": [[59, "std.RemoveFrameProps"]], "bicubic() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Bicubic"]], "bilinear() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Bilinear"]], "lanczos() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Lanczos"]], "point() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Point"]], "spline16() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Spline16"]], "spline36() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Spline36"]], "spline64() (in module resize)": [[60, "resize.Spline64"]], "reverse() (in module std)": [[61, "std.Reverse"]], "selectevery() (in module std)": [[62, "std.SelectEvery"]], "separatefields() (in module std)": [[63, "std.SeparateFields"]], "setfieldbased() (in module std)": [[64, "std.SetFieldBased"]], "setframeprop() (in module std)": [[65, "std.SetFrameProp"]], "setframeprops() (in module std)": [[66, "std.SetFrameProps"]], "setvideocache() (in module std)": [[67, "std.SetVideoCache"]], "shuffleplanes() (in module std)": [[68, "std.ShufflePlanes"]], "splice() (in module std)": [[69, "std.Splice"]], "splitplanes() (in module std)": [[70, "std.SplitPlanes"]], "stackhorizontal() (in module std)": [[71, "std.StackHorizontal"]], "stackvertical() (in module std)": [[71, "std.StackVertical"]], "clipinfo() (in module text)": [[72, "text.ClipInfo"]], "coreinfo() (in module text)": [[73, "text.CoreInfo"]], "framenum() (in module text)": [[74, "text.FrameNum"]], "frameprops() (in module text)": [[75, "text.FrameProps"]], "text() (in module text)": [[76, "text.Text"]], "transpose() (in module std)": [[77, "std.Transpose"]], "trim() (in module std)": [[78, "std.Trim"]], "turn180() (in module std)": [[79, "std.Turn180"]], "avifilesource() (in module avisource)": [[86, "avisource.AVIFileSource"]], "avisource() (in module avisource)": [[86, "avisource.AVISource"]], "opendmlsource() (in module avisource)": [[86, "avisource.OpenDMLSource"]], "eedi3() (in module eedi3)": [[87, "eedi3.eedi3"]], "read() (in module imwri)": [[88, "imwri.Read"]], "write() (in module imwri)": [[88, "imwri.Write"]], "averageframes() (in module misc)": [[89, "misc.AverageFrames"]], "hysteresis() (in module misc)": [[89, "misc.Hysteresis"]], "scdetect() (in module misc)": [[89, "misc.SCDetect"]], "bottomhat() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.BottomHat"]], "close() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.Close"]], "dilate() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.Dilate"]], "erode() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.Erode"]], "open() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.Open"]], "tophat() (in module morpho)": [[90, "morpho.TopHat"]], "recognize() (in module ocr)": [[91, "ocr.Recognize"]], "backwardclense() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.BackwardClense"]], "clense() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.Clense"]], "forwardclense() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.ForwardClense"]], "removegrain() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.RemoveGrain"]], "repair() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.Repair"]], "verticalcleaner() (in module rgvs)": [[92, "rgvs.VerticalCleaner"]], "imagefile() (in module sub)": [[93, "sub.ImageFile"]], "subtitle() (in module sub)": [[93, "sub.Subtitle"]], "textfile() (in module sub)": [[93, "sub.TextFile"]], "vinverse() (in module vinverse)": [[94, "vinverse.Vinverse"]], "vdecimate() (in module vivtc)": [[95, "vivtc.VDecimate"]], "vfm() (in module vivtc)": [[95, "vivtc.VFM"]], "audioframe (built-in class)": [[96, "AudioFrame"]], "audionode (built-in class)": [[96, "AudioNode"]], "core (built-in class)": [[96, "Core"]], "environment (built-in class)": [[96, "Environment"]], "environment.is_single()": [[96, "Environment.is_single"]], "environmentdata (built-in class)": [[96, "EnvironmentData"]], "environmentpolicy (built-in class)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy"]], "environmentpolicyapi (built-in class)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI"]], "error": [[96, "Error"]], "func (built-in class)": [[96, "Func"]], "function (built-in class)": [[96, "Function"]], "plugin (built-in class)": [[96, "Plugin"]], "videoformat (built-in class)": [[96, "VideoFormat"]], "videoframe (built-in class)": [[96, "VideoFrame"]], "videonode (built-in class)": [[96, "VideoNode"]], "videooutputtuple (built-in class)": [[96, "VideoOutputTuple"]], "add_log_handler() (core method)": [[96, "Core.add_log_handler"]], "alive (environment attribute)": [[96, "Environment.alive"]], "alpha (videooutputtuple attribute)": [[96, "VideoOutputTuple.alpha"]], "alt_output (videooutputtuple attribute)": [[96, "VideoOutputTuple.alt_output"]], "bits_per_sample (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.bits_per_sample"]], "bits_per_sample (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.bits_per_sample"]], "bits_per_sample (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.bits_per_sample"]], "built-in function": [[96, "Environment.is_single"], [96, "clear_output"], [96, "clear_outputs"], [96, "construct_signature"], [96, "get_current_environment"], [96, "get_output"], [96, "get_outputs"], [96, "has_policy"], [96, "register_policy"], [96, "vpy_current_environment"]], "bytes_per_sample (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.bytes_per_sample"]], "bytes_per_sample (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.bytes_per_sample"]], "bytes_per_sample (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.bytes_per_sample"]], "channel_layout (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.channel_layout"]], "channel_layout (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.channel_layout"]], "clear_output()": [[96, "clear_output"]], "clear_outputs()": [[96, "clear_outputs"]], "clip (videooutputtuple attribute)": [[96, "VideoOutputTuple.clip"]], "color_family (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.color_family"]], "construct_signature()": [[96, "construct_signature"]], "copy() (audioframe method)": [[96, "AudioFrame.copy"]], "copy() (environment method)": [[96, "Environment.copy"]], "copy() (videoframe method)": [[96, "VideoFrame.copy"]], "core": [[96, "core"]], "create_environment() (environmentpolicyapi method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI.create_environment"]], "denominator (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.denominator"]], "destroy_environment() (environmentpolicyapi method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI.destroy_environment"]], "env_id (environment attribute)": [[96, "Environment.env_id"]], "flags (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.flags"]], "format (videoframe attribute)": [[96, "VideoFrame.format"]], "format (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.format"]], "fps (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.fps"]], "fps_den (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.fps_den"]], "fps_num (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.fps_num"]], "frames() (audionode method)": [[96, "AudioNode.frames"]], "frames() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.frames"]], "functions() (plugin method)": [[96, "Plugin.functions"]], "get_current_environment()": [[96, "get_current_environment"]], "get_current_environment() (environmentpolicy method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy.get_current_environment"]], "get_format() (core method)": [[96, "Core.get_format"]], "get_frame() (audionode method)": [[96, "AudioNode.get_frame"]], "get_frame() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.get_frame"]], "get_frame_async() (audionode method)": [[96, "AudioNode.get_frame_async"]], "get_frame_async() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.get_frame_async"]], "get_frame_async_raw() (audionode method)": [[96, "AudioNode.get_frame_async_raw"]], "get_frame_async_raw() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.get_frame_async_raw"]], "get_functions() (plugin method)": [[96, "Plugin.get_functions"]], "get_output()": [[96, "get_output"]], "get_outputs()": [[96, "get_outputs"]], "get_plugins() (core method)": [[96, "Core.get_plugins"]], "get_read_ptr() (audioframe method)": [[96, "AudioFrame.get_read_ptr"]], "get_read_ptr() (videoframe method)": [[96, "VideoFrame.get_read_ptr"]], "get_stride() (audioframe method)": [[96, "AudioFrame.get_stride"]], "get_stride() (videoframe method)": [[96, "VideoFrame.get_stride"]], "get_video_format() (core method)": [[96, "Core.get_video_format"]], "get_write_ptr() (audioframe method)": [[96, "AudioFrame.get_write_ptr"]], "get_write_ptr() (videoframe method)": [[96, "VideoFrame.get_write_ptr"]], "has_policy()": [[96, "has_policy"]], "height (videoframe attribute)": [[96, "VideoFrame.height"]], "height (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.height"]], "id (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.id"]], "identifier (plugin attribute)": [[96, "Plugin.identifier"]], "is_alive() (environmentpolicy method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy.is_alive"]], "list_functions() (core method)": [[96, "Core.list_functions"]], "list_functions() (plugin method)": [[96, "Plugin.list_functions"]], "log_message() (core method)": [[96, "Core.log_message"]], "max_cache_size (core attribute)": [[96, "Core.max_cache_size"]], "name (function attribute)": [[96, "Function.name"]], "name (plugin attribute)": [[96, "Plugin.name"]], "name (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.name"]], "namespace (plugin attribute)": [[96, "Plugin.namespace"]], "num_channels (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.num_channels"]], "num_channels (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.num_channels"]], "num_frames (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.num_frames"]], "num_planes (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.num_planes"]], "num_threads (core attribute)": [[96, "Core.num_threads"]], "numerator (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.numerator"]], "on_policy_cleared() (environmentpolicy method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy.on_policy_cleared"]], "on_policy_registered() (environmentpolicy method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy.on_policy_registered"]], "output() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.output"]], "plugin (function attribute)": [[96, "Function.plugin"]], "plugins() (core method)": [[96, "Core.plugins"]], "props (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.props"]], "props (videoframe attribute)": [[96, "VideoFrame.props"]], "query_video_format() (core method)": [[96, "Core.query_video_format"]], "readonly (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.readonly"]], "readonly (videoframe attribute)": [[96, "VideoFrame.readonly"]], "register_format() (core method)": [[96, "Core.register_format"]], "register_policy()": [[96, "register_policy"]], "remove_log_handler() (core method)": [[96, "Core.remove_log_handler"]], "replace() (videoformat method)": [[96, "VideoFormat.replace"]], "return_signature (function attribute)": [[96, "Function.return_signature"]], "sample_rate (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.sample_rate"]], "sample_type (audioframe attribute)": [[96, "AudioFrame.sample_type"]], "sample_type (audionode attribute)": [[96, "AudioNode.sample_type"]], "sample_type (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.sample_type"]], "set_environment() (environmentpolicy method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicy.set_environment"]], "set_logger() (environmentpolicyapi method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI.set_logger"]], "set_output() (audionode method)": [[96, "AudioNode.set_output"]], "set_output() (videonode method)": [[96, "VideoNode.set_output"]], "signature (function attribute)": [[96, "Function.signature"]], "single (environment attribute)": [[96, "Environment.single"]], "subsampling_h (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.subsampling_h"]], "subsampling_w (videoformat attribute)": [[96, "VideoFormat.subsampling_w"]], "unregister_policy() (environmentpolicyapi method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI.unregister_policy"]], "use() (environment method)": [[96, "Environment.use"]], "version() (core method)": [[96, "Core.version"]], "version_number() (core method)": [[96, "Core.version_number"]], "vpy_current_environment()": [[96, "vpy_current_environment"]], "width (videoframe attribute)": [[96, "VideoFrame.width"]], "width (videonode attribute)": [[96, "VideoNode.width"]], "wrap_environment() (environmentpolicyapi method)": [[96, "EnvironmentPolicyAPI.wrap_environment"]]}})