openresty docker image
Dockerfile + APKBUILD files to build a docker container with openresty. Dockerfile uses multi-stage building, so you need to have docker >= 17.05. Openresty is built from sources (see ./apk directory). The resulting image will also include the following luarocks modules:
- web (wrapper over lua-resty-http)
- docker
- pgmoon
- lsqlite3
- inspect
Nginx is configured to include every *.conf
file from /etc/nginx/conf.d/
(files from this dir included above nginx http config block) and
directories, so you can just mount a host directory
with your virtual hosts configs to container's /etc/nginx/vhosts
Same as the above, but entrypoint is set to resty instead of nginx, so you can run your resty scripts with this image. This image includes perl, cause resty won't run without it.