Install cantod binary
Initialize canto node directory
cantod init <node_name> --chain-id <chain_id>
- Download the genesis file
wget https://github.com/Canto-Network/Canto/raw/main/Mainnet/genesis.json -b $HOME/.cantod/config
A genesis account is required to create a GENTX
cantod add-genesis-account <address-or-key-name> acanto --chain-id <chain-id>
A GENTX is a genesis transaction that adds a validator node to the genesis file.
cantod gentx <key_name> <token-amount>acanto --chain-id=<chain_id> --moniker=<your_moniker> --commission-max-change-rate=0.01 --commission-max-rate=0.10 --commission-rate=0.05 --details="<details here>" --security-contact="<email>" --website="<website>"
Fork Canto
Copy the contents of
Copy the genesis.json file
Create a pull request to the main branch of the repository
You do not need to reinitialize your Canto Node. Basically a hard fork on Cosmos is starting from block 1 with a new genesis file. All your configuration files can stay the same. Steps to ensure a safe restart
- Backup your data directory.
mkdir $HOME/canto-backup
cp $HOME/.cantod/data $HOME/canto-backup/
- Remove old genesis
rm $HOME/.cantod/genesis.json
- Download new genesis
- Remove old data
rm -rf $HOME/.cantod/data
- Create a new data directory
mkdir $HOME/.cantod/data
If you do not reinitialize then your peer id and ip address will remain the same which will prevent you from needing to update your peers list.
- Download the new binary
cd $HOME/Canto
git checkout <branch>
make install
mv $HOME/go/bin/cantod /usr/bin/
- Restart your node
systemctl restart cantod
- Move your backup data directory into your .cantod directory
mv HOME/canto-backup/data $HOME/.canto/
- Download the old genesis file
wget https://github.com/Canto-Network/Canto/raw/main/Mainnet/genesis.json -b $HOME/.cantod/config/
- Restart your node
systemctl restart cantod