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String Equality Comparison


Check for the equality of two provided strings in a way that minimizes average gas consumption for a large number of different inputs.


Comparing strings in other programming languages is a trivial task. Built-in methods or packages can check for the equality of two inputs in one single call, e.g. String1.equals(String2) in Java. Solidity does not support any functionality like this at the time of writing. Therefore, we provide a reliable and gas efficient pattern to check if two strings are equal or not.

Several solutions to this problem have been implemented over the last years. One of the first was part of the StringUtils library provided by the Ethereum Foundation, which did a pairwise comparison of each character and returned false as soon as one pair did not match. This solution returns correct results and uses little gas for short strings and cases where the difference in characters occurs early on. However, gas consumption can get very high for strings that are actually equal as well as long pairs, where the difference is not already in the first few characters. This is because the algorithm has to do a lot of comparisons in these cases. Other forces that lead to varying gas requirements are differences in the average length of strings to compare, as well as different probabilities of correctness. Highly variable and unpredictable gas requirements are a problem for smart contracts, as they bear the risk for transactions to run out of gas and lead to unintended behavior. Therefore, a low, stable and predictable gas requirement is desired.

The solution we propose to mitigate the problem of scaling gas requirement is the usage of a hash function for comparison, combined with a check for matching length of the provided strings, to weed out pairs with different lengths from the start.


Use the String Equality Comparison pattern when

  • you want to check two strings for equality.
  • most of your strings to compare are longer than two characters.
  • you want to minimize the average amount of gas needed for a broad variety of strings.

Participants & Collaborations

As there are easier methods to compare two strings than on a blockchain, this pattern is intended mainly for internal use in smart contracts as well as in libraries. In both cases there are only two participants, the called function, which implements the pattern and conducts the actual comparison as well as a calling function. The calling function can call from within the same contract or an inheriting one, or from an external contract, in case of usage in a library.


The implementation of this pattern can be grouped into two parts:

  1. The first step checks if the two provided strings are of the same length. If this is not the case the function can return that the two strings are not equal and the second step is therefore skipped. To compare the length, the strings have to be converted to the bytes data type, which provides a built-in length member. This first step is needed to sort out any string pairs with different length and safe the gas for the hash functions in these cases.
  2. In the second step, each string is hashed with the built-in cryptographic function keccak256() that computes the Keccak-256 hash of its input. The calculated hashes can then be compared and prove, in case of a complete match, that the two inputs are equal to each other.

Sample Code

// This code has not been professionally audited, therefore I cannot make any promises about
// safety or correctness. Use at own risk.
function hashCompareWithLengthCheck(string a, string b) internal returns (bool) {
    if(bytes(a).length != bytes(b).length) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return keccak256(a) == keccak256(b);

The function takes two strings as input parameters and returns true if the strings are equal and false otherwise. In line 2 the strings are cast to bytes and their length is compared. In case of different lengths the function terminates and returns false. If the lengths match, the Keccak256 hashes of both parameters are calculated in line 5 and the result of their comparison is returned.

Gas Analysis

To quantify the potential reduction in required gas, a test has been conducted using the online solidity compiler Remix. Three different functions to check strings for equality have been implemented:

  1. Check with the use of hashes
  2. Check by comparing each character; including length check
  3. Check with the use of hashes; including length check To account for different usage environments, a set of different input pairs has been used that covers short, medium and long strings, as well as matches and differences in early and late stages. The experimental code can be found on GitHub.

The results of the evaluation are shown in the following table:

Input A Input B Hash Character + Length Hash + Length
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 7062 1261
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyX abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 7012 1261
Xbcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 912 1261
aXcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 1156 1261
abXdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 1400 1261
abcdefghijkl abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1225 690 707
a a 1225 962 1261
ab ab 1225 1156 1261
abc abc 1225 1450 1261

The following findings can be derived:

  • Checking with the help of hashes (Option 1 & 3) is more gas efficient then comparing characters as soon as more than two characters would have to be compared. This is the case for matching strings with over two characters or pairs where the difference occurs only after the second position.
  • In case of different lengths of the strings, methods that compare the strings before making any other tests (Option 2 & 3) are approximately 40% more efficient than options who do not do this check, regardless of the length of the strings.
  • The additional gas usage when using a length check with the hash comparison is only around 3%, while it has the potential to save around 40% of gas every time the lengths do not match.
  • The required amount of gas for the functions using hashes (Option 1 & 3) is very stable compared to the one comparing characters (Option 2), where the required gas grows linear with every needed iteration.


The consequences of our proposed implementation of a string equality check with the use of hashes and a length comparison can be evaluated in regards to correctness and gas requirement. Correctness can be assumed to be ideal, since the chance of two strings having the same hash without being equal is negligible low. Gas consumption is in most cases not optimal. We showed in the Gas Analysis section, that in the case of two very short strings, Option 2 was slightly more efficient, while in the other cases Option 1 was cheaper. But combined, our implementation makes a good trade off between the other options and performs only slightly worse in some cases but significantly better in the others. Thus making it the best option in most of the scenarios when no exact prediction about input parameters can be made. Another benefit is that the required gas is very stable and does not grow linear with the length of the string, as it does in Option 2, making it a scalable even for very long strings.

Known Uses

Usage of this pattern in a production environment could not be observed up until the point of writing.

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