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Hi, my name is Angel. I'm a software developer for an EHR platform. I especially love functional programming and continue to learn it on the side while I pay the bills. I am currently going through Mark Tarver's Logic, Proof and Computation second edition.
I've also dabbled in many other languages such as: Haskell, Java, C, Elm, Purescript, TypeScript, F#, Ocaml, SML, Oz, Racket, Shen, APL, J, Scala, D, Go, COBOL, ATS, Idris, Elixir, Rust, Erlang, Python, Lua, and others I can't remember.
I am a fanatic of programming languages and enjoy learning about them and what makes them special.
I'm also an academically trained musician and my musical interests also lie in the computer realm. I've dabbled in Pure Data, Supercollider, Faust, ChucK, CSound, Nyquist, Euterpea, Sonic Pi, Jython Music, Max MSP, and some others.