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Hunternif edited this page May 23, 2015 · 22 revisions

Config file

To adjust what texture is used in each biome you have to edit the config file located at .minecraft/config/antiqueatlas/textures.json This file will be created on the first run of the mod, and it will look something like this:

  "0": "WATER",
  "1": "PLAINS",
  "10": "WATER",
  "11": "WATER",

These are key-value pairs, the number key being biome ID, the text value being the name of texture set. Default texture sets have their names in upper case (WATER, PLAINS, MOUNTAINS etc). You can reassign texture sets to biomes as you please. For biome IDs consult the Minecraft Wiki.

Negative IDs

Those are for special tiles registered to the TileAPI. You can find out which ID means what in the config file tileids.json.

Texture sets

The standard texture sets are called "sets" in the sense that most of them contain several variations of a texture. When biome data is loaded into atlas, each chunk is assigned one texture file out of the texture set at random, so a large area filled with just one biome looks more varied.

You can create your own texture set with a unique name. See Custom texture set.

Other mods

If another mod that you have installed adds a new biome, their biome ID will also be in this config file. Check the mod's config file to find out what ID their biome has been assigned. If the authors of the mod registered their biome in Forge Biome Dictionary with standard biome types, Antique Atlas will use that information to infer a fitting texture set. I.e. if a biome has been registered with type Water, water texture set will be assigned to it.

Adding custom textures

You can make your own textures and assign them to any biome in the config. Your textures must follow the Autotile layout. Examples:

Forest tile Mountains tile

In order to fit in with the default texture style, your textures should have transparent background and drawn with the single color 0x330000 (dark brown) with various alpha (transparency) levels.

You will need to put your textures in a resource pack and enable it in Minecraft's Options menu, and also add the file names and paths of your textures to the relevant Antique Alas config file.

Step 1. Making a Resource Pack (Minecraft 1.6.x)

Create a text file pack.meta, open it in a text editor and fill it with the following content:

      "description":"My custom textures for Antique Atlas"

The description can be your own, of course.

Put you files in a zip file with the following structure:

The exact name of the zip file doesn't matter, it is only used for display in the "Resource Packs" menu. The name of the folder inside assets (mytextures in this example) doesn't have to match the name of the zip. Inside the folder you can organize the files however you want.

Put the resulting zip file inside the folder .minecraft/resourcepacks.

Step 2. Modifying the config

Finally, you need to assign your custom textures to a biome in textures.json. If you don't want to create a custom texture set, it would have to look like this:

  "7": "WATER",
  "9": "BEACH",
  "99": [

The "7" and "9" are given as an example of vanilla biome IDs.
Add all your texture variations for your biome (in this case with ID "35"), separated by commas. You can as well have just a single texture. The path to texture files is structured like this:
"pack_name:path/to/texture_file.png" where pack_name is the name of the folder directly under assets in the zip, and path/to/ is your nested folder structure, i.e. in the example above it is textures/mybiome/.

Step 3. Loading the Resource Pack

Launch Minecraft, in the main menu go to "Options", "Resource Packs..." and click on your zip file that should be listed there. If you do it from the in-game menu, your textures may fail to load and you will have to restart Minecraft.

Example resource pack

Here's an example resource pack with a single texture which I used to debug my mod with:

My Autotile test texture

Download here:

Replace the contents of texture.json with the following:

  "0": [

This will replace the default texture for ocean biome with my debug texture. All the other biomes will be added to config automatically with default textures when you launch Minecraft.

The result

Custom texture set

Instead of listing all the texture files in biome_textures.json you could create a named texture set. Open the file texture_sets.json and write your texture set there in the following format:

  "version": 1,
  "data": {
    "my_unique_texture_set_name": [

Then in the file textures.json match the biome id with your texture set, like this:

  "99": "my_unique_texture_set_name",
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