LIRE-Lab is a desktop image retrieval tool developed on top of the LIRE Java library. LIRE-Lab provides an easy way to index collections of images and run queries using the LIRE features.
For a quick tutorial on how to use LIRE-Lab, go to the project website:
LIRE-Lab version 1.0.0 is still in active development. Hence significant changes are still expected to happen at any time.
Until now, LIRE-Lab was tested successfully both in Linux (Ubuntu) and MacOSX machines. For Windows10 machines a reported issue that prevents correct operation is still being analysed.
You will need Java 8u40 or higher to build and run LIRE-Lab. You can download it from the Oracle Website.
LIRE-Lab is currently distributed in jar format only. You can download the latest release here in a zip file. After extract the zip file you can run the system by double-clicking the jar file or typing the following command in terminal:
$ java -jar lirelab-<version>.jar
You can build the entire system with the following command:
$ mvn clean package
By default the GUI tests runs as part of the standard Maven build, in no-headless mode (showing the TestFX robot acting on the GUI):
$ mvn clean test
If you want to run the GUI tests in headless mode:
- Make sure the Monocle jar file is in the JDK extensions folder. In a Linux machine, the following command should do it (after downloading Maven dependencies):
$ sudo cp $HOME/.m2/repository/org/testfx/openjfx-monocle/8u76-b04/openjfx-monocle-8u76-b04.jar $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/openjfx-monocle-8u76-b04.jar
- Run the following command:
$ mvn clean test -Dheadless=true