- Typescript
- React
- Redux
- React Router
Develop a SPA application using React, Redux, Webpack, or CRA. Create multiple pages: Login, Registration, Change password. Expandable menu to switch between pages with page name.
- Email - must validate that the email is correct
- Password - validation of the number of characters (from 4 to 10) and for the presence of a capital letter.
- Repeat password - must be identical to password.
Page with authorization:
- Email - must validate that the email is correct
- Password - validation of the number of characters (from 4 to 10) and for the presence of a capital letter.
Change password:
- Old password
- New password - validation of the number of characters (from 4 to 10) and the presence of a capital letter.
- Repeat password - must be identical to password.
The password change page is available only to authorized users. The registration and authorization pages are only unauthorized. Make an imitation of a request to the server for each page and receive a response from the server about successful registration / authorization / password change.
Additions: Using middleware for API Saving the state of inputs when switching between pages. Notification system: About an internal error, about the presence of an incorrect password, about successful login, registration, etc.
Starting the server with authorization data on http://localhost:8000 Running the application on http://localhost:3000
Login/password for login: admin@mail.ru / Admin123 or user@google.com / User12345, stored in db.json Authorization data: stored in db.json