- design "edit classes" window
- can add, remove or edit
- need input for every attribute of a class
- design "setting" window
- design "about" window
- design "information" window on event from dataGrid
- add information section on main window
- Have to seperate setting from the classes xml, need to rewrite some code from the library for explicit setting uses. the console version will need to be adjusted
- setting.xml and schoolClasses.xml
- "Are you sure" on send to google.
- Make the progress bar work.
- Selecting a class on the left panel reveal informations
- DoubleClicking an event in the dataGrid open an information window.
- settings.xml should look like this
<settings> <setting year="2020" timeZone="America/Toronto" imageWidth="1528" imageHeight="1726" codeMatch="[0-9a-zA-Z]{3}[-_—][0-9a-zA-Z]{3}[-_—]R[O00]" monthsMatch="janv, f[eé]vr, mars, avr, ma[li], juin, jui[li], ao.t, sept, oct, nov, d[ée]c"/> <defaultClass group="392" colorId="10"/> <settings/>
- pls commit, it's been a while now.