CalGames 2021 Robot code for calgames. Joystick Mappings Driver (port 4) Button/Stick Purpose Left Stick Drivetrain forward/backward Right Stick Drivetrain turning A Intake arm down X Intake arm up LB Rollers on RB Rollers off Shooter (port 5) Button/Stick Purpose B Ramp up flywheel Y Ramp down flywheel RT Run hopper X Reverse hopper Limelight Network Tables Values Value Meaning tv Whether the limelight has any valid targets (0 or 1) tx Horizontal Offset From Crosshair To Target (LL1: -27 degrees to 27 degrees ty Vertical Offset From Crosshair To Target (LL1: -20.5 degrees to 20.5 degrees ta Target Area (0% of image to 100% of image) Authors: Satvik Reddy Luke Phillips Copyright (c) 2021, Aragon Robotics