Thoughts on Bitcoin/Lightning integration.
See the main README for our project overview.
See also the Lightning MVP spec.
- Stream sats to service providers (eg. rideshare drivers)
- Passwordless email or social auth via Magic
- Every user is identified by a public key and a playertag.
- Playertags are also Lightning Addresses ( or user-provided)
- Pay anyone via Lightning Address or invoice
- Semi-custodial Lightning wallet via our Arcade relay incorporating LNDHub
- Option to connect your own wallet
- Option to run your own relay node
- Profiles at[playertag]
- Chat interoperability with Sphinx & Zion
- Earn sats for microtasks like tweeting about us, completing Bitcoin education, or user-defined microtasks
- Earn sats for commission on referrals
- 100% open-source
- Passwords
- Fully custodial wallet
- Shitcoins
- Run a Bitcoin full node or connect to external node
- Run an LND node or connect to external node
- Peer-to-peer data sharing via Hypercore
- Collect fees on Lightning transactions and maybe data storage
- Communicate with other Arcade/Sphinx/Zion nodes for chat
- Zebedee
- Login with social/email
- Every account has a Lightning Address
- Profile pages with Lightning addresses
- Gorgeous UX, wallets, blog
- BlueWallet
- LNDHub - multitenant Bitcoin/Lightning wallet
- Nostr
- Client/relay model and maybe the NIPs
- Update: Interoperability planned between LNBits' "BUber" and Arcade City via Nostr
- BTCPayServer
- Merchant tools
- Sphinx/Zion
- Adds chat on top of Lightning
- Potential for chat interoperability between Lightning projects
- Lightning.Page
- Desktop wizard to launch a node
- Diagon Alley
- Censorship-resistant market stalls / storefronts
- Impervious
- Layer 3 infrastructure for VPNs, messaging, federation
- Fountain
- Gorgeous UX
- Premium $2.99/mo IAP
- Stacker News
- Login with Lightning/social/email
- Hypercore P2P database
- Etleneum/RGB/OmniBolt (?)
- Smart contracts on Lightning
Please email or tweet at us