Animation timing easing curves create smooth and consistent motion. Easing curves allow elements to move between positions or states. These easing curves affect an object's speed, opacity, and scale. These animation curves allow acceleration and deceleration changes to be smooth across the duration of an animation so that movement doesn't appear mechanical.
- Xcode 7.0 or higher.
- iOS SDK version 7.0 or higher.
To add this component to your Xcode project using CocoaPods, add the following to your Podfile
pod 'MaterialComponents/AnimationTiming'
Then, run the following command:
pod install
Before using animation timing, you'll need to import it:
import MaterialComponents
#import "MaterialAnimationTiming.h"
To use an animation timing curve select an appropriate a predefined MDCAnimationTimingFunction enum value. Use this value to look up an animation curve's timing function. The timing function can then be used in an animation.
let materialCurve = MDCAnimationTimingFunction.deceleration
let timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction.mdc_function(withType: materialCurve)
let animation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath:"transform.translation.x")
animation.timingFunction = timingFunction
MDCAnimationTimingFunction materialCurve = MDCAnimationTimingFunctionDeceleration;
CAMediaTimingFunction *timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction mdc_functionWithType:materialCurve];
CABasicAnimation *animation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"transform.translation.x"];
animation.timingFunction = timingFunction;