Workshop given by Amadou Merico & François Oblin (, of AWS.
François is also currently working at SGCIB.
Global underlying theme: Wild Rydes Serverless Workshops - promote the fly with unicorns!
This whole serverless workshop is described in GitHub, see:
It is composed of 5 parts:
During this 3 hours coding games, we will only have a look at the 1st part, the Web Application
It is itself composed of 4 parts:
Those last imply the use of the following components:
Amazon Lambda
Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon API Gateway
Amazon Cognito: for user authentification
Amazon S3: to host the static resources of the site (everything that is not executed server side: HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.)
S3 is somehow the "datalake" of Amazon -
Amazon IAM: for autorisations
First, we lost time having issues with the temporary, pre-configured, AWS accounts for the workshop, but then, everything was fine.
Temporary connection ID for AWS : 19
Connection process:
AccountID: 001378298471
VDI_USER: 001378298471
→ Does not work
For external desktop, the connection to our pre-configured AWS accounts has to be done through ("classic" way)
Test with 3rd ID given OK : 043876642695 new MDP : TestAWS
CloudFormation for Infra As A Code to win some time and automatically perform all steps actions.
Pool Id: us-east-2_29iesPhXa
App client ID: 4qr027om263r1pp99vmehd5bnc -
Test123! -
Amazon Resource Name (ARN): arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-2:043876642695:table/Rides
All tests OK up to part IV, RESTFul APIs.
→ Web Application module working!
Except for the first technical issues with the AWS preconfigured accounts, it was a very good workshop, that could be also be done at home (using the GitHub repo).
Several AWS components used, with a real, effective, application created at the end.