This is my first laravel+react-based app! It is fake pizzeria app, where you can order some meals and manage orders as admin. It would be more feauters after couple of moths ;)
This is libraries I've used:
- react-router-dom (for routing in admin space)
- reactstrap (for bootstrap modals, popovers and buttons)
- prop-types (as library of react property types)
- react-table (for admin space tables)
- tymon/jwt-auth (for authorization and token authentification)
This is TODO list:
Add admin space
Add login feature
Make app fully adaptive
Make code more readable and write comments
Refactor styles SASS way
Protect API from outdoor use
Separate project to backend and frontend
Add meals, deals, settings, intro items CRUD to admin space
Add user profile: default phone number, name and address
Add order list for authorized users
Add all texts to site settings and make it editable in admin space
Add tests for both react and laravel code
Refactor app using new experience!
This is deploy steps:
- Clone this repo
- Add .env file with your environment settings
- Create database and grant privileges to user you will use to that database
- Add database settings to .env file
- Run composer install
- Run npm install to install dependencies
- Run php artisan migrate --seed to create tables and fill them with default data
- Finally, run npm run prod
This is app itself (use - delicious! credentials to auth)