Depending on which ScriptModule
you desire the module to be in, you change the inheritance to allow for more events. All the possible events in the modules are documented within the the respective classes.
Script Module | CF Module |
1_Core | CF_ModuleCore |
2_GameScript | CF_ModuleCore |
3_Game | CF_ModuleGame |
4_World | CF_ModuleWorld |
5_Mission | CF_ModuleWorld |
All events within the modules are by default disabled. Once enabled the event can't be disabled. To enable an event you call the corresponding method starting with 'Enable'.
Event Method | Enable Method | When Fired? | Executing Platform | Expected Arguments |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMissionStart |
EnableMissionStart |
Called when MissionBase::OnMissionStart is ran |
ALL | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMissionFinish |
EnableMissionFinish |
Called when MissionBase::OnMissionFinish is ran |
ALL | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMissionLoaded |
EnableMissionLoaded |
Called when MissionBase::OnMissionLoaded is ran |
ALL | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnUpdate |
EnableUpdate |
Called when MissionBase::OnUpdate is ran |
ALL | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventUpdateArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnWorldCleanup |
EnableWorldCleanup |
See: WorldCleaupEventTypeID | ALL | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPSessionStart |
EnableMPSessionStart |
See: MPSessionStartEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPSessionPlayerReady |
EnableMPSessionPlayerReady |
See: MPSessionPlayerReadyEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPSessionFail |
EnableMPSessionFail |
See: MPSessionFailEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPSessionEnd |
EnableMPSessionEnd |
See: MPSessionEndEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPConnectAbort |
EnableMPConnectAbort |
See: ConnectingAbortEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnMPConnectionLost |
EnableMPConnectionLost |
See: MPConnectionLostEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventTimeArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnRespawn |
EnableRespawn |
See: RespawnEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventTimeArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnLoginTime |
EnableLoginTime |
See: LoginTimeEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventTimeArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnLoginStatus |
EnableLoginStatus |
See: LoginStatusEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventLoginArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnLogout |
EnableLogout |
See: LogoutEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventTimeArgs |
CF_ModuleCore::OnChat |
EnableChat |
See: ChatMessageEventTypeID | Client | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventChatArgs |
CF_ModuleGame::OnRPC |
EnableRPC |
Called when DayZGame::OnRPC is ran |
ALL | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventRPCArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnInvokeConnect |
EnableInvokeConnect |
Called from MissionServer::InvokeOnConnect |
Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnInvokeDisconnect |
EnableInvokeDisconnect |
Called from MissionServer::InvokeOnDisconnect |
Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientNew |
EnableClientNew |
See: ClientNewEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs , CF_EventNewPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientRespawn |
EnableClientRespawn |
See: ClientRespawnEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientReady |
EnableClientReady |
See: ClientReadyEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientPrepare |
EnableClientPrepare |
See: ClientPrepareEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerPrepareArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientReconnect |
EnableClientReconnect |
See: ClientReconnectEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientLogout |
EnableClientLogout |
See: ClientDisconnectedEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs , CF_EventPlayerDisconnectedArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientDisconnect |
EnableClientDisconnect |
Called from MissionServer::PlayerDisconnected |
Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs , CF_EventPlayerDisconnectedArgs |
CF_ModuleWorld::OnClientLogoutCancelled |
EnableClientLogoutCancelled |
See: LogoutCancelEventTypeID | Server | CF_EventArgs , CF_EventPlayerArgs |
See: X
refer to all events originating from DayZGame::OnEvent
Below is an example module which will send a message to the player 5 seconds after they log into the server.
class SomeModule : CF_ModuleWorld
override void OnInit()
// Enable the 'OnInvokeConnect' event
override void OnInvokeConnect(Class sender, CF_EventArgs args)
super.OnInvokeConnect(sender, args);
auto player = CF_EventPlayerArgs.Cast(args).Player;
// Send the messsage 5 seconds later, this event can fire before the HUD is loaded and so the message won't be seen
GetGame().GetCallQueue(CALL_CATEGORY_SYSTEM).CallLater(this.SendMessage, 5000, false, player, "Welcome to the server!");
void SendMessage(PlayerBase player, string message)
// Send a message by firing the RPC to the player
GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, new Param1<string>(message), true, player.GetIdentity());
Similiar to what is found in EntityAI, modules can contain variables that can be synchronized over the network from the server to every client.
A basic implementation for the modules is below. For more advanced examples checkout Networked Variables.
class SomeModule : CF_ModuleWorld
private float m_ModuleTime;
private float m_ModuleTimeSynch;
override void OnInit()
override void OnVariablesSynchronized(Class sender, CF_EventArgs args)
super.OnVariablesSynchronized(sender, args);
Print("The client module is at " + m_ModuleTime);
Print("The server module is at " + m_ModuleTimeSynch);
override void OnUpdate(Class sender, CF_EventArgs args)
auto update = CF_EventUpdateArgs.Cast(args);
m_ModuleTime += update.DeltaTime;
if (GetGame().IsServer())
m_ModuleTimeSynch += update.DeltaTime;