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41 lines (33 loc) · 1.43 KB

File metadata and controls

41 lines (33 loc) · 1.43 KB


License: GPLv2 or later


  • MantisBT 1.2.x

Install dependency:

  • Depend on: Single file SSO client for Discourse
  • To install SSO client copy discourse-sso.php into your Mantis root directory and edit defines.
  • Visit once so script can create database table.
  • You might check if it's working properly by checking contents of SSO_DB_TABLE from commandline:
mysql -u mantisuser -pPASSWORD mantisdb -e "SELECT * FROM sso_login;"

How to install plugin:

  • Clone repository into plugins directory
git clone /path/to/mantis/plugins/MantisDiscourseSSO
  • Open Mantis in browser and login as administrator.
  • Go to Manage -> Manage Plugins
  • Find Discourse SSO Plugin in the list and install it.
  • Now set following settings in your config_inc.php:
        // Enable login through Discourse
        $g_login_method = DISCOURSE_SSO;
	// Disable signup on Mantis
        $g_allow_signup = OFF;
	// Disable password reset by Mantis
        $g_send_reset_password = OFF;
        // Must be changed since default is login_page.php and that page will redirect to Discourse SSO
        $g_logout_redirect_page = 'view_all_bug_page.php';
        // Users are created by SSO plugin with empty email
        $g_allow_blank_email = ON;