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Declarative Abstraction for Assembling Prototype Static Web Apps

Can we Declaratively Assemble Prototype AppWebs from (Html + Json) Data Components?


Assemble (Html + Json) Data Components

1. Declaratively Build Static UI, Static Data UI from (Html + Json) Data Components

2. Platform/Framework Independent Abstraction defined in Html/Json Files and Folder/File Names and Organization

Open Source Assembler (MIT) / Closed Source Tool/Runtime

Currently the tool consists of Assembler which implements the abstraction and also a tool/runtime for facilitating hot reloading, deployment to multiple regions/machiens, git integration, performance testing from multiple regions, client side load balancing*, proxy for multiple apps deployed in same machines etc

The Html/Json assembler will be extracted from the tool and the source will be published using MIT License.

The tool and the application using the MIT Licensed assembler/abstraction will be proprietory.

Online Demo

Some intersting links to showcase the abstraction. View the hidden Inspect Toolbar at the top to know other features

Main Page explaining the abstraction

Just add Meta to the end of the page to view the Metadata Json

Test Page to show case the different abstractions for assembling Html + Json

Major Features

Serverless Deployment in Machines

Can be deployed in machines across all regions but charged based on actual usage since the runtime will auto shutdown after a idle time of 30 seconds

View Page Performance on Cold Start/Warm Start

Can check the performance of the webpage by clicking the hidden button at the bottom left corner of any page

WebPage Performance Tootip "Click Bottom Left Corner to View Page Performance tooltip".

Inspect Toolbar for View Component Hierarchy

Can check the metadata of the assembeled components by opening the Inspect Toolbar by clicking the invisible top bar and clicking the view button

View Inspect Toolbar "Click Top Hiddent Toolbar to View Inspect Toolbar".

Inspect Toolbar "Inspect Toolbar".

View Component Source Hierarchy

Can view the Source Hierarchy of the Page (WIP)

View Source Hierarchy "View Component Source Hierarchy".

Edit Data Component Source Hierarchy

Can edit the Data Source Hierarchy of the Page after login

Edit Data Source Hierarchy "Edit Component Data Source Hierarchy".

Getting Started

Running Locally

Clone the repo and run the appropriate Arshu.AppBaseWeb core application for the respective platform

On first run the application will run the core kestrel server

If the source of the Html + Json is required, set the appconfig.json parameter UnPackAppSites to true for the server to extract the AppSites Html + Json to be root folder. Modifying any of the Html + Json should update the Browser UI by hot reload (WIP)

Running from Docker

Run the Docker Image arshucs/arshuweb as below

docker run --publish 8080:8080 arshucs/appweb:latest

Deploying to Serverless Machines provides free options which should be more than sufficient to host any web app for testing since the machine will auto shutdown after a idle time configured using Environment Flag

Prerequisite is Install the Fly Command Line Program from fly site and login using the fly command line program using fly auth login

Uses Fly Machines and not Fly Apps

Initial Step 1 : Create a Fly App for Machines
flyctl apps create --machines --name [appname] --org personal
Optional to Delete the [appname]
rem flyctl apps destroy [appname] --yes

Initial Step 2 : Allocation IPv4 and IPv6 for the App
flyctl ips allocate-v6 --app [appname]
flyctl ips allocate-v4 --app [appname]
flyctl ips list --app [appname]

Initial Step 3 : Create a Fly Machine [NOT A FLY APP]
flyctl apps create --machines --name [appname] --org personal

Initila Step 4 : Upload the Docker Image to Fly Docker Registry
Change directory to the linux64_musl Directory
flyctl deploy . --build-only --remote-only --push --image-label latest -a [appname]

Initial Step 5 : Deploy the Machine to Fly
flyctl machine run --name appweb-sin-1 --port 443:8080/tcp:tls --port 80:8080/tcp:http --env INITIAL_TIME_IN_SEC="30" --env IDLE_TIME_IN_SEC="30" --config fly.toml --app [appname]

Update Step 6
After Deploy after every change in the deploy folder deploy the docker image to Fly Docker Registry
flyctl deploy . --build-only --remote-only --push --image-label latest -a [appname]
Retrive the Machine ID
flyctl machine list --app [appname]
Update the Machine
flyctl machine update [machineID] --image[appname]:latest --port 443:8080/tcp:tls --port 80:8080/tcp:http --env INITIAL_TIME_IN_SEC="150" --env IDLE_TIME_IN_SEC="150" --config fly.toml --app [appname] --skip-health-checks --yes

Advanced Configuration (WIP)

To Reset the Login Details delete the contents of the App_Data Directory

Run the Server and it will prompt for the Initial Users ID which can be used to login and explore the other features of the application.

Abstraction for Assembling Static UI from Html Components

  1. Direct composition :

Abstraction for Composing of Html from Html Fragements

Url - / or /Index/Main - [AppSite]/[AppView]
UI Namespace is AppSite - Mapped to Directory Structure under AppSites Root Directory
UI Context is Main AppView - Mapped to File Name Prefix of Component


The Runtime will search the wwwroot folder arranged in correct folder structure and auto replace the mustache definition with the actual html component recursively. Reorganizing the Html Components in the appropirate folders has no impact to composition.
  1. Context Sensitive composition:

Abstraction for Composing where the Parent Component is composed with Child Components based on Context

When Context is vs

MetaData of the Pages are

The Main Prefix of a Mustache is replaced with the AppView Context (About) to render a different page retaining the same index.html page.
Url : /Index/About - [AppSite]/[AppView]
UI Namespace is AppSite - Mapped to Directory Structure under AppSites Root Directory
UI Context is About AppView - Mapped to File Name Prefix of Component

     {{MainHeader}}      =>      {{MainHeader}}
     {{MainContent}}     =>      {{AboutContent}} -- If Available else {{MainContent}}
     {{MainFooter}}      =>      {{MainFooter}}

  1. Inner Composition:

Abstraction for Composing Inner Components of a Parent Component defined in the page where the Component is used


    {{#Center}}                 =>      {{Center}}
            {{MainContent}}     =>      {{MainContent}} under the Center Html PlaceHolder

Abstraction for Assembling Static Data UI from Html + Json Components

  1. Placeholder Data Composition

Abstraction for Composing from Html + Json Property Fragemnts


        "Title" : "Name"

  1. Section Array Composition

Abstraction for Composing from Html + Json Array Fragemnts


        "List" : [
                "TaskName" : "Task 1"

  1. Data Flow Composition

Json Data is composed with Html Component based on the below precedence

    Component State
        Parent Components State                
                Context State
                    Global State            

Data Defined at the Any Data Level can be Overwriten by the Previous Precedence Data if allowed by $ Suffix to the Json Key

        "Title$" : "Name"           ==> Allow Override with Parent Data if Available

Abstraction for Assembling Dynamic/Realtime UI from Html + Json Components

  1. Abstractions for Assembling Dynamic Components is by adding a {{ViewPlaceHolder}} where the system will auto generate a View ID for accessing from Javascript

  1. Currently state flow between components is completed. State flow between global state, context state, parent state and component state where the component state overwrite all the previous state is implemented. Viewing the Metadata of the Page gives the State Flow.
     Component State
        Parent Components State                
                Context State
                    Global State   

Component Organization

Components should be grouped into AppSites and AppViews Folders for providing URL Context

AppSites are like namespaces which is used to separate components into libraries

AppSite's are created under AppSites Root Directory under the Application Root Folder 

AppView's can be grouped into Views/ViewsDefer Root Directory under Respective AppSite Directory.

General Components can be added to Component/Common Directory under Respective AppSite Directory 

Page Components can be added to AppView Directory under Views/ViewsDefer Directory

Url to access a page is https://[Hosting Domain]/[AppSite]/[AppView]