Upon trigger, it plays a random wav file from a pre-configured directory.
Jasper WavPlay Module for my HAL9000 Raspberry PI Instructable
- download some HAL9000 wav files
- run the following commands in order:
git clone https://github.com/ArtBIT/jasper-module-wavplay.git
cp jasper-module-wavplay/WavPlay.py <path to jasper/client/modules>
#i.e. cp jasper-module-wavplay/WavPlay.py /usr/local/lib/jasper/client/modules/
mkdir ~/wavs
cp path-to-downloaded-wavs/*.wav ~/wavs
- Edit
and add the follwing at the bottom:
path: /home/pi/wavs
- Restart the Pi:
sudo reboot
Here are some examples:
YOU: Say something.
JASPER: *plays a random wav from the ~/wavs directory*
YOU: Dave?
JASPER: *plays a random wav from the ~/wavs directory*