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The Hacker's Guide to Hacking

Brigitta Sipocz edited this page Jul 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

What is a Hack?

In a nutshell: a "hack" is a small project that solves one problem, designed and executed as quickly as possible. Examples of hacks include:

  • a working demo of a new or modified algorithm (example here)
  • an outline of a larger project, with some key features scoped (example here)
  • a new visualization of an old dataset (for example here)
  • a modified algorithm applied to a new dataset
  • a mash-up of two pre-existing pieces of code to perform some new function (example here)
  • Note: Hacks need not be code! Hacks could be other things related to code (e.g. documentation, a logo, ...) or something entirely different (a comic, a video, a popular science article, a poem, field notes etc). This is your change to get creative!

and so on. Feel free to add more examples.


Add yours below, please!

  • Be selfish: arrive with a goal, and make sure you achieve it

  • Hacking is a community activity: find someone you can pair code with

  • Do the simplest thing that will work, you can extend it later

  • Love your neighbor: you might be the person they need to solve their problem, and vice versa

  • When discussing, pitch your explanation at the least experienced hacker in the group, and you'll end up better understanding what you're trying to do

Advice for New Hackers, from a New Hacker

What do I wish I knew?

  • Where machine learning/Bayesian inference is used in my field
  • What can I do with my data to try out stuff
  • What tools are out there and how to use (some of) them

What do I think makes a good hack for Astro Hack Week?

  • A clear problem: I have data and I want to do this
  • A set of milestones: I might not be able to get everything done but if I can make this step towards the end goal I’ll be happy :)
  • How useful is this hack: My hack will let me and others do really cool science really quickly vs my hack helped me make 1 plot for my paper/thesis/blog (both are important but it’s about getting the most out of the week)
  • Who can help me: Astrohack week is full of really clever people who are know lots of really cool things. Think about what you can learn from them/what kind of help you’ll need for your hack

What if I don’t have a hack/my hack doesn’t work?

  • Even if your hack backfires, there’s plenty of people with great ideas. Ask if other hack teams need your help/mind if you join and learn about what they’re doing and how to do it


Write yours here, hopefully someone else will answer, and/or write a new tip!

  • What is not a Hack? Can you give some examples that clarify what might be not so proper for a Hack Week?
  • ...