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James Moy edited this page Jul 9, 2017 · 13 revisions

This page explains the Advanced Options, which is meant only for people who know what they are doing.

Kodi/Plex Theater JSON RPC Detection (1.1.4 or later)

When enabled, this option allows Hachidori detect what Kodi/Plex Theater is playing. To make it function, you must have HTTP JSON RPC enabled. This is enabled by default in Plex Theater, but not in Kodi. You can enable it by following these steps.

This option is no longer recommended for Plex users as Plex Media Server detection has been added. See this page for more details.

Note: Do not enable Basic Auth as it won't work with Hachidori.

Limitations: The title, season and episode name needs to be shown in the label. This is because Hachidori will use that information for Anitomy to parse the title, episode and season.

To work, you need to set the following:

  • Host: This is usually the IP address. If you running Plex Theater/Kodi on the same computer Hachidori, you only need to specify localhost. Otherwise, specify the IP address of the remote computer running Kodi/Plex Theater (for Windows, you can get the IP information by typing ipconfig in the commandline)
  • Port: The port address that Kodi/Plex Theater is running the API from. For Plex, the default port is 3005 and on Kodi, port 80. For Kodi, you can set it to whatever you have it set on your computer.
  • Use File Name Detection - Uses the filename of the playing media instead of the label. This is required if you are using a Plex Agent with your Plex Media Server. However, this option is not compatible with uPnP/DLNA and media files being transcoded..

MyAnimeList Sync (1.1.8b1 or later)

This feature allows Hachidori to also update your MyAnimeList library. Note that you cannot use your MAL account alone and you need to have a valid Kitsu account. If you want to update your MyAnimeList only, use MAL Updater OS X.

  • API URL - (Advanced Users) the URL to an Atarashii-api endpoint
  • Reset API URL - Resets the API URL to its defaults
  • Test API - Tests the Atarashii-api endpoint.

Logged out view - Self explanatory. Just enter your MyAnimeList credentials to save your account to the user's keychain.

Logged in view

  • Enable MAL Sync - You need to enable this for MyAnimeList sync features to work.
  • Remove Account - Disables MAL Sync and removes the saved MyAnimeList account from the user's keychain.

Plex Media Server (2.0b11 or later)

See this page.