Create core-bresse
package who allow to use this chess engine with the following features:
Allow to add annotation to PGN before prediction of move (any color, previous move, stockfish evaluation, comment, symbol)
Model: (abstract)
- Add HuggingFaceHub
- Add TransformerModel (huggingface)
- Add LangChainModel (local, can only do chatbot prediction)
Add 'postprocess' system for edit annotation of PGN or add variation before inference
- Retry inference with different PGN metadata, add to Counter for 'most_common' move
- Add annotation symbol to PGN before inference (for white, black, all moves, X previous move)
- Add annotation comment to PGN before inference (for white, black, all moves, X previous move)
Replace all 'reference' variable by 'value' variable for all functions (create functions if python-chess don't have)
Add function who generate realistic random opening for a game