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File metadata and controls

190 lines (159 loc) · 9.24 KB

Taxonomy Merger Configuration

Information on the merge configuration is contained in a JSON document. See ala-taxon-config.json for an example.

The main purpose of the file is to provide a description of the various taxonomy sources and rules for scoring individual taxon concepts.


The header consists of a number of top-level values that provide metadata about the configuration. This metadata is embedded in downstream metadata, such as the eml.xml file in a Darwin Core Archive. The header contains the following information:

  • id A unique identifier for the configuration.
  • name A human-readable name for the configuration.
  • description A description of the configuration.
  • contact Contact information in the same form as a GBIF contact description.


Class names and defaults for the taxonomy processors:

  • nameAnalyserClass The class name of the name analyser. Name analysers are used to work out the key name information from a taxon entry and resolve vocabulary entries. The only implemented name analyser is the
  • resolverClass The class name of the taxon resolver. Taxon resolvers contain algorithms that decide which of the multiple candidiates for a taxon concept is the preferred representation and which of the taxon concepts is the the concept that can be used when only a name is present. The only implemented resolver is the
  • acceptedCutoff A taxon has to be above this score to be considered to be worthy of consideration as a principal. The accepted cutoff allows ad-hoc inferred accepted taxa to not be considered superior to synonyms from more authoratative sources.
  • providers The provider list.


Providers are descriptions of taxonomy providers and how they should be treated. Each provider contains the following information:

  • id The identifier of the provider. Generally, this will be the data resource id of the source. Supplied taxonomies map onto providers via the datasetID or datasetName terms.
  • name A human readable name for the provider.
  • parent The id of a parent provider. Child providers inherit most properties of the parent provider.
  • description A description of the provider.
  • rightsHolder The rights holder to the source data.
  • licence The licence under which the source data is provided.
  • external Is this an external source of information that can be referred to, as opposed to an internally generated source. Defaults to true
  • loose Does this provider provide "loose" information? Generally, the data provided is expected to separate scientficName and scientificNameAuthorship with nameComplete containing the complete scientific name, if needed. A loose provider does not guarantee name/authorship separation and other features and an attempt is made to extract authorship during analysis.
  • defaultNomenclaturalCode The nomenclatural code to use for a name, if one is not explicitly provided.
  • defaultScore The default score to use when scoring taxon concepts.
  • scores A dictionary of name:score pairs containing non-default scores for specific names. Once a name has been matched, all child taxa of the name inherit that score.
  • adjuster Adjustments to the scores, based on things like taxonomic status, rank etc. See adjusters below.
  • keyAdjuster Adjustments to the name keys, based on things like name. See adjusters below.
  • owner A list of names that this provider "owns", meaning that an unauthored name will always be mapped onto the taxon concept supplied by this provider.
  • discardStrategy How to handle discarded/forbidden names (eg. unplaced names). This can be one of IGNORE (the default) which simply drops the names, IDENTIFIER_TO_PARENT which adds the discarded taxon's identifier to the parent taxon as a "discarded" identifier (only the prinary taxonID is added), SYNONYMISE_TO_PARENT makes the discarded taxon a synonym of its parent (use this option with caution, since you are likely to get a large number of "Unplaced"s acting as synonyms).
  • unrankedStrategy How to handle unranked taxa. This can be one of NONE (the default) which simply leaves unranked taxa as-is, SYNONYMS which searches for an existing ranked taxon with the same name/author for synonyms only, INFERRED_AND_SYNONYMS which searches for inferred status taxa or synonyms or ALL which searches for an existing ranked taxon for all unranked taxa. If you use SYNONYMS_INFER, INFERRED_AND_SYNONYMS_INFER or ALL_INFER an attempt to infer the rank is made, even if there isn't an existing ranked taxon.
  • unknownTaxonID An identifier for a missing taxon. Synonym loops and the like map onto this taxon. If the taxon doesn't already exist, it is created.
  • defaultParentTaxon The name of a default parent taxon to give to entires without an identifiable parent. This allows partial taxonomies to be shimmed into larger, orver-arching taxonomies. Use with caution, since the parent is applied without regard to rank.


Adjusters manipulate the scores and other features of taxa. The adjusters property is, essentially lists of rules that can be applied to a taxon concept. The rules are applied down the parent-child hierarchy, with the parent rules applied first and then the child rules. All rules that match, from whatever level, are applied so to cancel out a rule, a child needs to have a rule that reverses the parent rule.

  • forbidden A list of conditions that forbid a taxon. Forbidden taxa are not included in the output taxonomy. Synonyms and parent taxa are mapped onto the nearest, non-forbidden parent taxon.
  • adjustments A list of adjustments to be applied to the source taxa.


Conditions are identified by the condition class and are composable. An example condition is:

  "@class" : "",
  "scientificName" : "Viruses",
  "taxonRank": "KINGDOM"

The @class is the class of the condition. The possible classes are:

  • matches a number of specified criteria on a taxon.
  • Any of the conditions in the any property can match.
  • All of the conditions in the and property must match.

The major condition type is the MatchTaxonCondition. This can be used to match a number of criteria on an individual taxon. All specified criteria must be matched.

  • nomenclaturalCode Match a specific nomenclatuural code from the org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NomenclaturalCode vocabulary.
  • datasetID Match a specific datasetID
  • scientificName Match a scientificName.
  • scientificNameAuthorship Match an author
  • matchType The type of name/author match, one of EXACT the default, INSENSITIVE (case insensitive), NORMALISED (accents and odd characters normalised to ASCII) and REGEX (regular expression)
  • taxonomicStatus Match a taxonomic status from the vocabulary.
  • nomenclaturalStatus Match a nomenclatural status from the org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NomenclaturalStatus vocabulary
  • nameType Match a name type from the org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NameType vocabulary
  • taxonRank Match a rank from the vocabulary
  • year Match a year of publication


Score adjustments simply have a adjustment property containing a value to add to (or subtract from in the case of negative numbers) the current taxon score. Score adjustments can be used to prefer accepted taxa over synonyms or downgrade doubtful names.

Key adjusters can alter a name key used to categorise the taxon. These can be used to alter:

  • nomenclaturalCode Change to a nomenclatuural code from the org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NomenclaturalCode vocabulary.
  • scientificName Change the scientificName.
  • scientificNameAuthorship Change the author
  • nameType Change to a name type from the org.gbif.api.vocabulary.NameType vocabulary
  • rank Change to a rank from the vocabulary

"Squashing" Ranks

Multiple sources can disagree on the exact rank a taxon has. Adjusters can be used to "squash" the ranks so that, eg. superfamily, family, subfamily and infrafamily all have a key rank of family. Note that this does not change the supplied rank, which is what will be output.

Default Providers

Default providers are specified in the head object, preferably after the providers are listed, so that they can be referenced.

  • defaultProvider The provider to use if one cannot be deduced. If a datasetID has been provided but is not listed, an ad-hoc loose provider is generated with the default provider as a parent.
  • inferenceProvider The provider to which inferred taxa are attributed. The name resolution algorithms may be required to introduce inferred synonyms and other taxa that have not been provided by an original source. These are attributed to the inferenceProvider.