Source Code: /src/families/_1d/tests/numberline/
The MakeNumberline() function makes a numberline image from the samples you give it, and writes it to disk as a png, with the specified filename.
The first sample is red and the last sample is green. This lets you see the order of the samples on the numberline.
tests done:
BestCandidate (Progressive, Randomized)
BestCandidate5 (Progressive, Randomized)
BestCandidate10 (Progressive, Randomized)
Irrational Number Sampling
GoldenRatioZero (Progressive, Deterministic)
GoldenRatio (Progressive, Deterministic)
Pi (Progressive, Deterministic)
Sqrt2 (Progressive, Deterministic)
Low Discrepancy Sequences
Sobol (Progressive, Deterministic)
VanDerCorput2 (Progressive, Deterministic)
VanDerCorput3 (Progressive, Deterministic)
VanDerCorput5 (Progressive, Deterministic)
Regular (Not Progressive, Deterministic)
RegularCentered (Not Progressive, Deterministic)
RegularCenteredOffset (Not Progressive, Deterministic)
RegularJittered (Not Progressive, Randomized)
Uniform Random Number Sampling
UniformRandom (Progressive, Randomized)