我们仅对 v4 和 v5 两个大版本的最新稳定版提供安全支持,如有安全问题,我们将会尽可能快地发布新的稳定版解决。
We only provide security support for the latest Stable Release versions of v4 and v5. If there are security issues, we will release a new stable version as soon as possible to solve them.
The Nightly Release version and the Beta Release version are for testing only, and we will not provide security support for them.
如果该漏洞可以公开发表,请通过 issue 发布。
If the vulnerability can be published publicly, please publish it through an issue.
If the vulnerability cannot be published publicly (for example, the vulnerability that can be used to invade the user's devices), please report it privately.