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640 lines (446 loc) · 21.2 KB

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640 lines (446 loc) · 21.2 KB

Version 2.2.3

+ Added nb_NO translation.
+ Added es_ES translation.
+ Added option to "fix" LuckPerms' context on the Bungee for prefixes and suffixes only. This means that per server contexts are respected.
+ Added SocialSpy and LocalSpy exempt permissions.
+ Added permissions to view join, leave and server switch messages.
+ Added symbol for StaffChat.
+ Added AntiCapslock.
+ Added AntiSpam.
+ Added expiry to AntiDuplication.
+ Added configured language to bStats data.
* Fixed compatibility with older BungeeCord versions (including FlameCord) (Fixes #131).
* Filtering out vanished players from tabcomplete (this includes the ~Console~ player).
* Fixed some spelling issues and improved wordings all throughout the plugin.
* Updated de_DE.
* Updated fr_FR.
* Updated ru_RU.
* Updated zh_CN.
* Performance improvements.
* Fixed MulticastChat.
* Fixed /local sending messages to global chat (Fixes #136).
* AutoBroadcast no longer uses the GlobalChat server list.
* Fixed unmute showing the wrong player (Fixes #138).
* Fixed Alerts not containing clickable links under some rare circumstances.

Version 2.2.2

+ Added tab completion for all commands (where it is possible).
+ Added %unknown_server% placeholder.
* Make Global default if Local is disabled (Fixes #119).
* New accounts start in the default channel (Fixes #120).
* Disable channel correction if neither local nor global is active (Fixes #121).
* Updated fr_FR.
* Updated hu_HU.
* Updated zh_CN.
* Print unknown server name in unknown server message.
* Prevent the console from using /local.
* VersionChecker module is disabled if checking for updates is too.
* Commands players don't have permissions to no longer show in tab completion.
* Fixed typos.

Version 2.2.1

+ Added support for CloudNet 3.
* Fixed support for CloudNet 2 (Fixes #115).
* Fixed error when having the ignore bypass permission (Fixes #116).
* Fixed commands being canceled when players don't have permissions to chat (Fixes #117).
* Fixed ServerSwitch backwards compatibility (Fixes #118).
* Fixed build issues.

Version 2.2.0

This update is HUGE!
So instead of the typical list I'll try to summarize the biggest changes first and then I'll list everything in detail.
Also, please be aware that with this update support for version 2.1.6 stops right now. If you need my help, update.

Huge Changes

+ Using new HOCON config instead of YAML. Your old config will be migrated and backuped. The new format includes lots of helpful comments, is a lot less prone to incorrect formatting (you don't need to worry about indentation, : and = are interchangeable, etc.) and the config formats itself.
+ New translation system. This includes default translations that are shipped with the plugin, customizable translations, custom languages and few quality of life changes compared to the old system. Be sure to read the README files when editing translations!
* Reworked the channel system. Local chat now is treated the exact same way as global chat in the sense that it has its own command and permissions.
* Fixed several issues with people relogging too quickly.

Full Changelog

+ Added contributors and donators to the startup banner.
+ Using new HOCON config instead of YAML. (New config file is called config.conf) (Features of HOCON:
+ New message translation system with default translation files.
+ Added several new placeholders:

  • %fulldisplayname%, %sender_fulldisplayname%, %target_fulldisplayname%
  • %to_servername%, %to_serveralias%, %to_serverip% (for ServerSwitch Messages)
  • %from_servername%, %from_serveralias%, %from_serverip% (for ServerSwitch Messages)

+ Added /local command.
+ Added /localto command.
+ Added MulticastChat to group local servers together.
+ Added on/off parameters for /bvanish.
+ Added de_DE, fr_FR, hu_HU, nl_NL, pl_PL, ru_RU, zh_CN translations (done by their respective translators). If you can update them or add a new language, feel free to open a Pull Request on GitHub.
+ Added support for CloudNet Permissions Systems.
+ Added more options for passing local chat through the Bungee.
* Migrating old configs (old YAML config and older HOCON config) automatically (This should allow migrations from any version (starting with 2.1.6) to any newer version).
* Config migrates automatically when new options are added.
* Config automatically gets formatted on every start and reload.
* Renamed some badly named config sections.
* Fixed and improved ignoring.
* Improved placeholder performance.
* Placeholders may now be recursive.
* Fixed AntiSwear, so all combinations are allowed.
* Allowed changing the startup banner size (try it. long looks awesome ;) ).
* /chatlock and /clearchat allow the local server to be specified (and therefore can now be executed by the console too).
* Fixed several issues with people relogging too quickly.
* Updated LuckPerms to v5.
* Updated to BungeeCord 1.15 (backwards compatible with older versions (the new ServerSwitch Message placeholders need 1.15)).
* Reloading now works with all settings.
* Fixed countless other bugs and issues from both the development versions and the 2.1.6 release (I seriously lost track).
- Removed tab complete (all it did was tab complete player names everywhere with maximum priority. Super useless, especially with the 1.13+ improved auto complete).

Version 2.1.6

* Fixed bug with update checker.

Version 2.1.5

* Fixed leave message not showing after a reload.
* Added AdvancedBan to list of known mute plugins.
* Fixed no permission message being displayed instead of anti advertise.
* Anti-Advertise is now case-insensitive.
* Fixed blocked PMs being shown in socialSpy.
* Using wildcardStrings for filteredCommands.
* Using better version comparison library.
* Internal improvements.

Version 2.1.4

+ Added server aliases.
+ Added placeholders %serveralias%, %sender_serveralias% and %target_serveralias% for the server aliases.
+ Added ability to filter commands in logging.
* Fixed config not being read as UTF-8.
* Fixed error related to bStats.
* Performance improvements.

Version 2.1.3

* Fixed plugin not detecting outdated config.

Version 2.1.2

* Fixed chatlogging causing exceptions on every message.
* Changed license to GPL v3.0.
* Removed obfuscation of code.
* Made source available.

Version 2.1.1

* Fixed color codes not working properly.
* Fixed aliases of /msgtoggle to registering.
* Fixed /msgtoggle not working.
* Fixed staffchat not working from the console.

Version 2.1.0

+ Added AutoBroadcast Module.
+ Added MOTD Module.
+ Added WelcomeMessage Module.
+ Added key to customize chatlog file path.
+ Added separate permissions for colors and formats for messages.
* Fixed no permission message on join when user does not have permission bungeechat.admin.checkversion.
* Fixed Metrics for real.

Version 2.0.7

* Fixed bStats Metrics for real this time.

Version 2.0.6

* Fixed "No Permission" message being displayed, when new plugin version available.
* Fixed bStats Metrics.

Version 2.0.5

+ Added ClearChat command and module.
+ Added the /bungeechat modules sub command.
* New versioning scheme. The build is now part of the version number.
* A lot of internal improvements.
* Fixed FileStorage storing wrong data (Fixes #5)
* Empty messages don't get send.

Version 2.0.4

+ Added VersionChecker module.
* Fixed "No permission" message not being displayed.
* Don't display LocalSpy to players that receive the local chat message anyway.


* Fixed bug where some players did not see LocalSpy messages.


* Fixed option passToClientServer working inverted.

Version 2.0.3

* Fixed update message appearing when already on latest version.
* Fixed Exception when using /ignore list.
* JoinMessage now has access to the server (instead of unknown).
* When a player gets kicked before they join a client server no JoinMessage or LeaveMessage will be displayed.
* Allow passing of the chat messages to the client servers.

Version 2.0.2

* Fixed staff chat not being toggled when having global chat as default.

Version 2.0.1

* Fixed LocalSpy not correctly stating whether it got enabled or disabled.
* Fixed that StaffChat message displayed the Global Chat Is Default Message.
* Fixed that the Global Chat Is Default message was displayed when not being on a server added to the list of servers.

Version 2.0.0

+ Ability to configure which servers are included in the Global Chat.
+ Ability to save player data on a MySQL database.
+ Ability to register custom placeholders and filters via the API.
+ Ability to set a prefix (or suffix) via BungeeChat has been added back. (/bungeechat setprefix, /bungeechat setsuffix)
+ Ability to list your ignored players by using the '/ignore list' command.
+ Ability to choose between 'local' and 'global' when using the ChatLock feature.
+ Ability to use chat features as the console. (Username Console)
+ Ability to configure how many messages must be saved for the Anti-Duplication filter.
+ Ability to configure if the muting system of BungeeChat should be active on the Bukkit chat as well or not.
+ Ability to configure the Anti-Swear filter even better than before.
+ Ability to 'Spy' local chat messages via Localspy.
+ Ability to make Anti-Swear more aggressive by enabling "freeMatching", "leetSpeak", "ignoreSpaces" and "ignoreDuplicateLetters".
+ Ability to filter (Anti-Advertising, Anti-Swear, Anti-Duplicate and ChatLock) to be enabled on private messaging.
+ Ability to use Wildcards (* and ?) in domain names for the Anti-Advertising and Anti-Swear filters.
+ Ability to use Regexes (start them with R=) in domain names for the Anti-Advertising and Anti-Swear filters. + Ability to automatically disable the muting module when certain mute plugins are installed. + Added plugin metrics (

* Improved the performance of the plugin.
* Improved the chat filtering system.
* Improved the reloading feature (/bungeechat reload).
* Improved the BungeeChat API by adding new features.
* Improved the way of saving player data into a file.
* Improved the version checking system.
* Improved the chat logging system: it could now be saved in a file of which the format can be customized.
* Improved the permission plugin hook system. External plugins will now detect automatically!

* Fixed the bug were players got stuck in a 'ghost-chat' when disabling the feature of the channel they were talking in.
* Fixed the bug were the Server Switch Message was called when a player joins the network.
* Fixed a lot other small bugs.

- Removed all Redis features.
- Removed support for the old BungeeChatAPI.

Version 1.3.5

* Anti-Swear Filter now works case-insensitive.
* Slight performance improvements.


* Fixed a bug with loading data from External Permission Systems.


+ Added a warning message if chosen permissions manager isn't in the server.

Version 1.3.4

+ A lot of love for BrainStone for fixing these bugs!
* Fixed the bug that prefixes weren't loaded correctly.
* Fixed the bug that the leave message wasn't always displayed.
* Updated the integrations with other plugins.

Version 1.3.3

+ Added PowerfulPerms support.
* Fixed LuckPerms prefix/suffix bug.
* Fixed configuration structure.
* Changed Permissions implementation. (Use NONE, BUNGEEPERMS, LUCKPERMS, POWERFULPERMS)

Version 1.3.2

* Fixed messenger bug that displayed the sender message to both he target and sender.
* Fixed the color-code bug for formats.
* Fixed the local chat bug.
* Fixed bug when trying to get LuckPerms prefixes that aren't Present.
* Fixed bug where the suffix is always the default BungeeChat suffix.

Version 1.3.1

+ Added a configuration version checker.
+ Added the Anti-Duplication feature.
+ Added an API function to get the configuration version.
* Fixed bug with global chat when using the symbol.
* Fixed color bugs with placeholders.
* Fixed target is sender bug in the RedisMessanger.
* Fixed Local Chat Bug.

Version 1.3.0

+ Added support for LuckPerms.
+ Added RedisBungee support for the Messenger Feature.
+ Added new placeholders: %suffix%, %ping%, %displayname%.
+ Added a load screen on plugin load.
+ Added custom aliases for all commands.
+ Added the Ignore feature.
* Changed the placeholder format to %%.
* Changed the %player like placeholders to %name%.
* Changed the structure of the configuration file.
* Changed the ##BCHAT special command to the /bungeechat command.
* Changed the behavior of the ChatHandler.
* Updated the API features to support BungeeChat version 3.
* Updated the plugin features to Java 8.
* Fixed some typos in messages and variables.
* Fixed the bug when someone leaves the network.
* Fixed the bug when trying to get a version string longer than 7 chars.
* Fixed the typo in the helpop view permission.
* Fixed the bug when global chatting with a symbol other than '!'.
* Fixed userdata loading bugs.
- Removed the /setprefix command from BungeeChat.
- Removed all messages related to the /setprefix command.
- Removed support for Java 7.
- Removed support for old userdata files.

Version 1.2.5

+ Added new API features for developers.
* Fixed that features are not loading on older BungeeCord versions.
* Changed/Updated things for the upcoming RedisBungee support.


* Fixed prefix saving when a player leaves the server.
* Fixed a typo.

Version 1.2.4

+ Update checker with the '##BCHAT -ver' command.
+ Support more 'strange' characters in messages & formats.
+ Added 800+ Top-level domains for the Anti-Advertise.
+ Added pre-functions for RedisBungee support.
- Removed useless code.
- Removed another debug message that I forgot to remove...
* Fixed that some features could get a Concurrent Modification Exception.
* Fixed bugs/errors when trying to get BungeePerms prefixes.
* Fixed possible memory leaks.
* Fixed typos in the config.
* Improved the Muting System.

Version 1.2.3

- Removed some debug messages which were still in the plugin.
* Fixed the Concurrent Modification Exception.
* Fixed some typos.
* Changed the Plugin Build System.

Version 1.2.2

+ Added tab-complete as a feature, which can be disabled or enabled in the config.
* Updated version check system.
* Updated API features.


* Hotfix for the connection listeners.

Version 1.2.1

+ Added support for BungeePerms prefixes. (You can now use prefixes of zPerms, PEX and other bukkit plugins via this plugin).
* Remade the anti-advertise feature as some people got problems with it.
* Updated API features.

Version 1.2.0

+ Added chat cancellation check for compatibility with AuthMeBridge for BungeeCord.
* Fixed some little bugs.
* Cleared up some code.

Version 1.2.0 (Beta 2)

* Fixed support for UTF-8.
* Fixed some problems in mute time saving.
* Fixed a little bug in the API.

Version 1.2.0 (Beta 1)

+ Tempmute Command. + Time Placeholders: %time, %day, %month
+ Whitelisted Domains for Anti-Advertise
* Fixed some little bugs and cleaned up some code.

Version 1.1.5

+ Added an anti-advertise feature. (Perm to bypass anti-advertise: "bungeechat.antiadd.bypass")
+ Added a version checker when the plugin is enabling.
* Bug fixes.


* Fixed bug with server-switch message.


* Fixed bug when replying to an offline player.

Version 1.1.4

+ Added an anti-swear feature. Words can be added in the config!
+ Prefixes now can be longer than 1 argument!
* Made Bungee Chat more compatible with BungeeChatBukkitBridge.
* Some little code cleanup.

Version 1.1.3

+ Added a reload (config) and version function in the plugin. These function are not like the default bukkit command format! (See spoiler bellow).

Version 1.1.2

+ Added a logger system, which logs all chat messages and commands a player sends. You can disable/enable this feature in the config file.

Version 1.1.1

+ Added an API for other developers.
* Fixed the bug that switch server didn't give the server name.
* Fixed the bug that when you disconnected because you are not whitlisted it doesn't get your server.

Version 1.1.0

+ Players now see their own HelpOp messages.
* Fixed the bug with /r not giving the first word.
* Fixed the bug that a 'empty' prefix is not saved.
* Updated the placeholders of some messages in the config. (%target was used in messages)

Version 1.1.0 (Beta 2)

* Fixed error when disabling the plugin.
* Fixed error when player is connecting to the server.

Version 1.1.0 (Beta 1)

+ Added user files to store userdate.
+ Added UUID support for userdate.
+ Added a permission to allow a player to talk when the chat is locked (bungeechat.chatlock.bypass)
+ Added a placeholder to get the uuid of a user.
+ Added a server-switch message feature
- Removed the mutes.yml and prefixes.yml file.
* Recoded the whole plugin
* Tested and coded with Bungee Cord for minecraft 1.9
* Changed the placeholders
* Changed Muteall to ChatLock.

Version 1.0.11

+ Added a /muteall command, to disable chatting on your network.
- Removed the /t alias for the /msg command (caused problems on towny servers)
* Updated and tested with the newest bungee version 1109
* Fixed bugs when using BungeePerms. (This is tested with the latest BungeePerms version)

Version 1.0.10

+ Added an option to set the global chat as default chat.
* The reply command now is a part of the messenger feature.
* Fixed the "cannot find yourself bug".
* Changed the format of the feature loading.
* Removed some unused code.


* Updated and tested with the newest BungeeCord version (1.8 Build:1093)
* Some little code cleanup.

Version 1.0.9

+ Hide Mode (Vanish): This will hide you for tabcomplete and the /msg command.
+ Message Toggling
+ Helpop Command

Version 1.0.8

+ Tabcomplete for usernames (This may also work on other bungee plugins)!
+ You may now customize all messages in the plugin!
* Fixed the bug that the color resets on a new line!
* Some little code cleanup.

Version 1.0.7

+ You now can toggle global chat mode (You will need the perm for this!).
* Some little code cleanup

Version 1.0.6

+ Added join message.
+ Added leave message.

Version 1.0.5

+ There now is a prefix module with placeholders!
+ There now is a local chat manager feature witch allows you to customise you chat.

Version 1.0.4

+ You now can choose the commands you want to block when someone is muted!
- Removed some command aliases.
* Fixed that someone can't talk in staff chat when muted.

Version 1.0.3

+ Added a /mute command.
+ Added a /unmute command.

Version 1.0.2

+ Added custom formats for the chats (with placeholders!)
+ Added a Staff Chat feature.


* Fixed the none playername bug in the global chat.

Version 1.0.1

+ You can now Enable or Disable features.
+ There now is a /global command

Version 1.0.0

+ Added /msg and /reply command.