Sample code to test/integrate
import {AutoVault} from ' ./methods' ;
import {DirectSecp256k1HdWallet, Registry} from ' @cosmjs/proto-signing' ;
import {GasPrice, defaultRegistryTypes, coins, StdFee} from ' @cosmjs/stargate' ;
(async ()=> {
const password:string =" 1234567890"
// // Create Wallet
// const wallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.generate(24, {prefix: " autonomy" })
// console.log(wallet.mnemonic);
// // encrypeted account
// let serializedWallet = await wallet.serialize(password)
// console.log(serializedWallet);
// //decrept account when we have account sign for transactions
// let deserializeWallet = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.deserialize(serializedWallet, password)
// console.log(deserializeWallet.mnemonic);
// // log account address
// let [{address}] = await wallet.getAccounts ();
// console.log(address);
const gasPrice = GasPrice.fromString(" 0.02aut" )
const options = {
gasPrice: gasPrice, registry: new Registry([...defaultRegistryTypes])
// //Connect to Tendermint34Client
// const [autoVaultClient, queryClient] = await AutoVault.autoVaultSigner(' localhost:26657' , deserializeWallet, options)
// console.log(queryClient);
// deserialize Account
let data = ` {" type" :" directsecp256k1hdwallet-v1" ," kdf" :{" algorithm" :" argon2id" ," params" :{" outputLength" :32," opsLimit" :24," memLimitKib" :12288}}," encryption" :{" algorithm" :" xchacha20poly1305-ietf" }," data" :" r9KCpmHTHUKodJiEB/iVFxY/av5mYb3HfLyGTiwJjPRR4VSys587TlRtkogCjngCT0Lax6RMoUE5ggmNzragWAd5/zKRxo9voDrnel5C8kEZR+w2T+Dl54lEM6oftiHljVy5sqTUyxtlf2qUU8q90bXyd7/n+PmPsMYPLgpaXMQPU/1qYJUKyGEuQ9FXzwKSCdG96b1wh43zC1cBC+Je9stpXvYv6YsplXe017HAs1WOyps51rDwwapnvYPTX9qv/3Vk5gkCq95L4/4lWM1gupiXdRSZWny9ljfsdqLY823z25DDJVGKutI6JHS25/6Q448G5Z91zb2IjrwZ2TdhN3wQcbJKRWqJ" }
// Access wallet
let w1 = await DirectSecp256k1HdWallet.deserialize(data, password)
let [{address}] = await w1.getAccounts ()
const [autoVaultClient, queryClient] = await AutoVault.autoVaultSigner(' localhost:26657' , w1, options)
// Query account details
let account = await queryClient.auth.account(address)
// Query bank details
let balance = await
const fee:StdFee = {
gas : " 200000" ,
amount: coins(1, " uaut" ),
// send tokens
let result = await autoVaultClient.sendTokens(address, address, coins(1," uaut" ), fee," test tx" )
console.log(result.transactionHash); .
}) ();