??? Abstract "Kaggle Notebook"
style="margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 950px;"
Category | Technologies |
Languages | Python, JavaScript |
Libraries/Frameworks | TensorFlow, Keras, Flask |
Databases | MongoDB, PostgreSQL |
Tools | Docker, Git, Jupyter, VS Code |
Deployment | AWS, Heroku |
!!! info "What is the requirement of the project?" - Write the answer here in simple bullet points.
??? info "How is it beneficial and used?" - Write the answer here in simple bullet points.
??? info "How did you start approaching this project? (Initial thoughts and planning)" - Write the answer here in simple bullet points.
??? info "Mention any additional resources used (blogs, books, chapters, articles, research papers, etc.)." - Write the answer here in simple bullet points.
??? example "📂 dataset.csv"
- There are X features in the dataset.csv
| Feature Name | Description | Datatype |
| feature 1 | explain 1 | int64/object |
??? example "🛠 Developed Features from dataset.csv"
| Feature Name | Description | Reason | Datatype |
| feature 1 | explain 1 | reason 1 | int64/object |
!!! success "Project workflow"
``` mermaid
graph LR
A[Start] --> B{Error?};
B -->|Yes| C[Hmm...];
C --> D[Debug];
D --> B;
B ---->|No| E[Yay!];
=== "Step 1" - Explanation
=== "Step 2" - Explanation
=== "Step 3" - Explanation
=== "Step 4" - Explanation
=== "Step 5" - Explanation
=== "Step 6" - Explanation
=== "Section 1" - Explanation
=== "Trade Off 1" - Describe the trade-off encountered (e.g., accuracy vs. computational efficiency). - Explain how you addressed this trade-off (e.g., by optimizing hyperparameters, using a more efficient algorithm, etc.).
=== "Trade Off 2" - Describe another trade-off (e.g., model complexity vs. interpretability). - Explain the solution (e.g., by selecting a model that balances both aspects effectively).
!!! tip "Visualizations and EDA of different features"
=== "Image Topic"
??? example "Model performance graphs"
=== "Image Topic"
Model | Accuracy | MSE | R2 Score |
Model Name | 95% | 0.022 | 0.90 |
Model Name | 93% | 0.033 | 0.88 |
!!! tip "Insights gained from the data" - Write from here in bullet points
??? tip "Improvements in understanding machine learning concepts" - Write from here in bullet points
=== "Headline 1" - Explain your application
=== "Headline 2" - Explain your application
=== "Deployed Model" - https://www.google.com
=== "GitHub Repository" - https://www.google.com
=== "Binary Model File" - https://www.google.com