All notable changes to the "azure blockchain" extension will be documented in this file.
- Implement BDM core operations
- Fixed error when adding Mocks category from OpenZeppelin
- Removed unnecessary notifications when deploying to removed networks
- Added UI to handle required parameters for OpenZeppelin contract deployment.
- Added Blockchain Data Manager to the core view for connecting to existing instances.
- Cleanup of obfuscation for build directory path.
- Merge of public PR for url checker to include basic auth.
- Refactoring custom build directory code.
- Added progress notifications for long running tasks.
- Updated transaction bytecode copy option to support libraries and complex contracts.
- Added the ability to upgrade contracts deployed as part of OpenZeppelin.
- Added the ability for contract build redirects from configuration to be respected.
- Updated requirements for minimum VS Code version to 1.36.1. This was to resolve some issues specific to Mac OS.
- Updated notifications for code generation to be accurate for each type (logic app, flow app, function).
- Test runner enhancements to fix some test issues (timing)
- Updated search tags for SEO
- Deployments from external truffle boxes can now deploy to Azure Blockchain Service
- Additional context menu for deployed contract bytecode (transaction bytecode)
- Fix on Mocks category for OpenZeppelin to remove the dead link for not existent docs
- Better handling of OpenZeppelin when multiple categories are downloaded.
- Fix misspelling of OpenZeppelin on the welcome page.
- Fixed issue with Logic App generation JSON schema
- Added Contract UI support for contracts deployed on Azure Blockchain Service
- Updated deprecated Truffle NPM packages
- Bumped HD wallet provider to latest Truffle version
- Minimized output channel logs
- Fixed output channel issue which shows JavaScript object after contract migration
- Preview features added for token (TTI compliant) generation were added.
- Fixed Drizzle error handling issues
- Updated Azure Blockchain Service logos in tree view
- Updated Azure Blockchain Development Kit logo
- Fixed unit tests for debugger, OpenZeppelin and Truffle commands
- Improved sign-in support for Infura projects
- Added support for Infura project integration and account management
- Added support for Open Zeppelin contract/library download and deployment
- Contract UI/Interaction functionality updates
- Implement support for array types as function parameters
- Support Enum types
- Bug fixes
- Ganache not properly shutting down on VS Code exit
- Closing open items raised in the extension VS Code public GitHub repo
- Added contract UI/interaction feature
- Added Solidity debugging feature
- Added telemetry reporting capabilities
- Backend test coverage
- Cleanup of packaging output, optimization
- Truffle installation fails on new installs fix
- Improved support for multiple ganache instances
- Preflight validation for ABS deployments
- Cleanup of code generation output
- Ganache commands cleanup
- Add command to export private key from mnemonic
- Better error handling ABS deployments
- bug fixes
- various bug fixes
- moved logic app/function/flow generators out of Truffle build directory into their own directory
- refactoring of Welcome/Requirements pages
- doc and bug fixes for contract code generation
- Updated menu options
- Initial release