- [ ] Table
- [ ] Fixtures
- [ ] Live Scores
- [ ] Lineups
- [X] Table
- [X] Fixtures
- [X] Live Scores
- [X] Lineups
- [X] Free/100 requests per day
- [X] Table
- [ ] Fixtures
- [ ] Live Scores
- [ ] Lineups
- [ ] Free/100 requests per day
- [X] Table
- [X] Fixtures
- [ ] Live Scores
- [ ] Lineups
- [X] Free/50 requests per month
- [X] Table
- [X] Fixtures
- [X] Live Scores
- [X] Lineups
- [ ] Free/50 requests per month
- [X] Get Fixtures for current week by default
- [X] Highlight Favourite Team Fixture
- [X] Display Date and time of each fixture
- [X] Show Round title at the top of the fixture list
- [X] Adjust fixtures to work for both upcoming and live
- [X] Add match id to each fixture for event tracking
- [X] Sort the fixtures by date/time
- [X] optional flags for previous and next week fixtures (-p -n flags)
- [X] Show live fixtures if its happening
- [ ] optional flags for all fixtures (-a flag)
- Need to Print the round header for every week
- Change from printing the roundValue from GetCurrentRound() to the json round value in league.round
- [ ] Highlight team fixture the team colour
- [ ] Account for half-time
- [ ] Account for extratime
- [X] Gets the current events from a fixture id
- [ ] Fix incorrent added time. Example “premclu live 1035151”
- [X] Displays the table
- [ ] Add colour support in the future (tabswriter does not support color.Set())