diff --git a/src/bicep/add-ons/azure-virtual-desktop/uiDefinition.json b/src/bicep/add-ons/azure-virtual-desktop/uiDefinition.json index ba3b4368..40ae8ac8 100644 --- a/src/bicep/add-ons/azure-virtual-desktop/uiDefinition.json +++ b/src/bicep/add-ons/azure-virtual-desktop/uiDefinition.json @@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ "visible": "[equals(steps('basics').scenario.profile, 'generic')]", "options": { "style": "Warning", - "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeGeneric)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), '')]" + "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeGeneric)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), ' ', ' '), '')]" } }, { @@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('basics').scenario.profile, 'arcGisPro'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.hostPoolType, 'Personal'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.workloadType, 6))]", "options": { "style": "Warning", - "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleLight)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), '')]" + "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleLight)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), ' ', ' '), '')]" } }, { @@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('basics').scenario.profile, 'arcGisPro'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.hostPoolType, 'Personal'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.workloadType, 4))]", "options": { "style": "Warning", - "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleMedium)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), '')]" + "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleMedium)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), ' ', ' '), '')]" } }, { @@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('basics').scenario.profile, 'arcGisPro'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.hostPoolType, 'Personal'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.workloadType, 3))]", "options": { "style": "Warning", - "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleHeavy)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), '')]" + "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProSingleHeavy)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), ' ', ' '), '')]" } }, { @@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ "visible": "[and(equals(steps('basics').scenario.profile, 'arcGisPro'), equals(steps('controlPlane').hostPool.hostPoolType, 'Pooled'))]", "options": { "style": "Warning", - "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProMulti)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), '')]" + "text": "[concat('Please ensure you have sufficient quota to deploy the selected virtual machine size and count for the following virtual machine family:

', replace(replace(replace(first(map(filter(steps('hosts').virtualMachines.resourceSkusApi.value, (item) => contains(item.name, steps('hosts').virtualMachines.sizeArcGisProMulti)), (item) => item.family)), 'standard', 'Standard '), 'Family', ' Family vCPUs'), ' ', ' '), '')]" } }, {