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- BEE 2 Addons By TeamSpen210
- BEE2 Addons Readme
- Table of Contents:
- To install:
- Merge the folders with your portal 2 install (Usually located at "C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamLibrary/SteamApps/common/portal 2
- The new items should show up in the BEE2 interface.
- Right-click on the new items to read the description, providing usage instructions for each item. More detail is available below.
- Please keep a copy of this readme. There is important information below on the functions of some items.
- Changelog:
- v44:
- IMPORTANT: please delete the various "tspen_collection" files in the "portal 2/portal2_dlc2/BEE2/items" folder , I've moved them into subfolders to organise them.
- NEW: I've improved most of the FGE items and many others, everything should work much better. Some items have been merged together.
- Sendificators should pack correctly.
- BEE Autoportals have a Blue version - having that in the map gives the player an orange-only gun. Having both takes the gun away entirely.
- Portalgun pedestals no longer have a PoTaTOS variant, it's been replaced with an orange-only gun (makes more sense-I don't think GLaDOS would clone herself!). After the player picks up the portalgun, the matching autoportals are permanently disabled (to prevent the portals from glitching up, as well as stopping the map from messing with the gun.)
- High Energy Pellet Catchers can switch to a timed mode, where they reset after a time limit. You can now customise the lifetime on Pellet Launchers.
- (Hopefully) most bugs have been fixed with the other items, restyled versions will come soon.
- v43:
- Improved Overgrown style observation rooms, the sound should be quieter and the flickering can be completely disabled by turning off "start enabled" in the large observation room.
- The overgrown style elevator screens are less random, they match Cave's PTI dialogue (If you heard them all, the video screens will be random).
- Overgrown Turrets are twitchy now.
- Changed style of Refurbished lights.
- Fixed bug with Overgrown track platform rails.
- v42:
- Fixed Overgrown reflection cube packing.
- Fixed floating cubes on Overgrown piston platforms.
- Added custom model for P1 styled storage cubes, companion cubes, spheres, pedestal buttons and laserfields.
- New custom Overgrown style glass.
- Better P1 style crusher, piston platform and buttons.
- Custom indicator lights for P1 style, to make them appear smaller.
- v41:
- All Valve+BEE1+HMW items finished for Overgrown Style.
- Coop exits done.
- v40:
- Added first version of Overgrown Style, featuring a heavily damaged Aperture overgrown with plants. This is not finished, some items remain clean styled, and Coop exit corridors haven't been styled yet.
- A quote list has been added to describe how the extra quotes in the various styles are picked.
- Neurotoxin vents have been modified to be cheaper; the activation radius is now only visible in the editor.
- Neurotoxin will permanently shut off when players get inside the exit door.
- Added update checker to the readme. When the next update is released, the readme will show a message (only when actually open).
- v39:
- Added files for some checkpoint instances.
- Adjusted lighting in P1 Style Checkpoint, and changed droppers to use P1 style versions (both checkpoints).
- Added the second door for P1 Style Chamberlocks (Whoops.)
- Checkpoints will not close their front door if an object is placed between it and the fizzler.
- Players will slide off of the camera in Refurbished Small Observation Rooms. (Prevents cheating puzzles).
- Changed something with Companion Cubes...
- v38:
- Fixed Refurbished Entrance leak.
- v37:
- Fixed Art Therapy elevator not working.
- Fixed Clean Style Retractable buttons.
- v36:
- Fixed Old Aperture Large Obs Rooms (They use a different grate in 80s style, and glass is used if the map has neurotoxin.)
- Added Unlocked Clean Style, which allows you to add/delete the mandatory items (exit/entry doors, the primary observation room). It could cause crashes or other bugs, be careful.
- v35:
- New Item - Retractable Floor Button.
- Neurotoxin vents now embed into the wall.
- Added a second door to Chamberlocks.
- Remade Global Cube Droppers so they are more reliable and are able to queue replacements if too many are triggered at once.
- Art Therapy Checkpoints now have bare vactube droppers.
- Implemented voices for Refurbished style, with a mix of Cave and GLaDOS.
- Many other changes to Refurbished spheres
- Lots of bugfixes.
- v34:
- v33:
- New Item - Chamberlock.
- 1980s open style.
- better P1 style pistons.
- better P1 style Covneyor.
- fixed restarting when killed by neurotoxin.
- v32:
- Added in-editor models for most items.
- New Item - Antline Magnet.
- v31:
- New Item - Neurotoxin Vent.
- New Item - Neurotoxin Timer.
- v30:
- v29:
- v28:
- New Item - Clamped Cube.
- New Item - Global Cube.
- Improved conveyors.
- v27:
- New Item - Piston Autoportal.
- New Item - Timeout Portal.
- v26:
- v25:
- v24:
- New Item - Ceiling Light.
- New Item - Cube Transmuter.
- New Item - Separated Checkpoint.
- Coop Refurbished maps skip the tubes in preview mode.
- v23:
- Update for BEE2 v2.5
- Removed quiet styles, as they are now part of BEE2.
- Players now drop into coop Refurbished maps through the sphere.
- v22:
- Bugfixes for various items
- Improved WorldPortal Door.
- New Old Aperture Retractable Pedestal Button.
- v21:
- New Item - Glass with Hole.
- New Item - Slow Crusher.
- New Item - Piston Relay.
- New Item - SR Latch.
- New Item - Glass Door.
- New Item - Angled Light Bridge.
- Re-added a older version of Conveyors that is paintable (but buggy).
- v20:
- New Item - Rotating Faith Plate.
- v19:
- New Item - BumbleBall Dropper.
- New Item - Catapult-Cube Dropper.
- New Item - Bomb Dropper.
- New Item - BumbleBall Button.
- Made Coop Checkpoints unlock after entering if in singleplayer mode.
- Added background to GLaDOS monitors.
- v18:
- v17:
- New Item - Sideways Light Bridge.
- New Item - Static Glass Panel.
- New Item - Static Half Panel.
- New Item - Shredder.
- Fixed an exploit that could allow players to keep portals when passing through a coop checkpoint if they have conversion gel.
- v16:
- Items all restyled for Art Therapy and Radelite's Ratman style.
- Added Quiet styles.
- conveyor belts improved (but now unpaintable).
- v15:
- New Item - Recessed Fizzler.
- New Item - Crusher Plate.
- added 60s/70s/80s coop checkpoint variants.
- v14:
- Actually added Refurbished Style.
- v13:
- Added Refurbished Style.
- New Item - Coop Checkpoint.
- v12:
- Bugfixes for Sphere Cannon Droppers.
- Bugfixes for Worldportal Doors.
- Bugfixes for Music.
- Bugfixes for Conveyors.
- v11:
- new Item - Static Piston Platform.
- New Item - Half/Half Wall.
- New Item - Static Panel.
- Rearranged readme.
- Added more filters to help with sorting my items.
- v10:
- New Item - Toggleable Faith Plate.
- Fixed Futbols not respawning when fizzled.
- Improved Large Faith Plate.
- Added model for Double Grate Panel.
- v9:
- v8:
- New Item - Portalable Piston Platform.
- New Item - Turret Dropper.
- v7:
- New Item - Wheatley Monitor.
- New Item - Caged Cube.
- New Item - Portalable Stair.
- Made conveyors less buggy.
- v6:
- Fixed futbols always respawning on death.
- v5:
- New Item - Futbol.
- New Item - Ditch.
- v4:
- New Item - Paint Cleanser.
- New Item - Double Grated Panel.
- v3:
- New Item - Global Cube Dropper.
- v2:
- v1:
- Initial release
- Items:
- Worldportals (Entry/Exit)
- Sphere Cannon Dropper
- Retractable Pedestal Button
- Antline Router
- Angled Block
- Diagonal Pellet/Laser
- Music
- Black and White Thin Wall
- Large Faith Plate
- Conveyor Belt
- Edits to standard items:
- A list of modifications to the p2editor_*
folders, for other instance makers. The global_ents.vmf change is the only current change that will affect the game without my other instances (all in instances/p2editor/tSpen
for new items or in instances/p2editor_rebuild
for the Refurbished style items). It needs an instance which is found at: "instances/p2editor/tSpen/<style name>/worldportal_door/global_ents.vmf"
- faith_plate_floor and faith_plate_target: adds global entity fires to trigger faith music
- all dropper-less cubes: adds global entity fires to trigger global cube dropper
- elevators: added the sendifcator triggers with additional outputs to reset timed portal devices.
- large observation rooms: added the ability to switch old Aperture gratings to glass (so neurotoxin doesn't escape), and turn off the projected texture (for ceiling light).
- exit hallways (regular and coop): add a trigger to disintegrate sphere cannons when taken to the exit, and to turn off the neurotoxin.
- global_ents.vmf
: added the worldportal script instances and added wheatley monitor studio instances (Clean and Wheatley styles only), many other parts for various items.
- Styles:
- Refurbished Style:
- This style is a hybrid Old Aperture/Clean style. It uses an old enrichment sphere which has been upgraded by GlaDOS. Vactubes fill the area above the sphere, and all items invented after 1950 (other than gel and paint fizzlers) use the fully modern versions. Cameras are dotted around the sphere. Modern items are mounted on small sections of clean wall, sticking into the chamber slightly. Panel or piston related items use modern panels/pistons, attached to old walls or grating. Items that were in the original underground maps (like Flip Panels, normal floor buttons, emancipation fields) appear identical to 1950s versions. Some pre-recorded Cave voices are present, with GLaDOS introducing new items or commenting on Cave's remarks.
- This is based off of the 1950s style by Carl Kenner.
- Overgrown Style:
- Destroyed and wrecked Aperture, like the first few levels of singleplayer. Features the Announcer, lots of plants and many broken test elements. Items will often have extra properties, so you can turn off certain types of damage if it may affect the puzzle (damaged portal surfaces, objects in different orientations, etc).
- Some items have an additional auto-rotate property, so for things like gel droppers or piston platforms on walls you may need to move them onto the floor and back to the wall to ensure plants hang downwards.
- If you find the flickering Observation room lights to be annoying, disable them in the properties of the Large Observation Room.
- 1980s Open style:
- A version of the 1980s style but with a new enrichment sphere instance. The sphere is heavily damaged, showing the Test Shaft it is mounted in. Modern elements will add generators for that element to the test shaft. The map takes much longer to compile when this style is used, unfortunately.
- Unlocked Clean Style
- A special style which allows you to add/delete the mandatory items (exit/entry doors, the primary observation room). It could cause crashes or other bugs, be careful. Switching back to another style will preserve the changes. Don't try changing the game type (Coop/Singleplayer) without an entry and exit door, this can cause crashes when the game tries to swap which door type is visible.
- Items:
- New Elements
- This category contains totally new items, either ones available through the Authoring Tools but not in the PTI or custom test elements made by others.
- Worldportals (two items):
- A worldportal packaged up into an exit/entry door. Wire ONE entry door to ONE exit door. For the entry door, inputs and the start enabled property work like normal,
- except they also affect the other door.
- For the exit door:
- Weighted is an exit door.
- Cube is a exit door with a fizzler inside.
- Sphere is a door with a fizzler that auto-closes and locks itself when walked through.
- Sphere Cannon Dropper:
- The Sphere Cannon, modified to spawn from a cube dropper. Original made by PortalCombat.
- Sphere Cannon
- Futbol:
- A reimplementation of the cut testing element, Futbols are small glass spheres held in receptacles. Upon contact with any surface they instantly break. They appear in one receptacle and can be taken to others to power them. Auto-drop controls whether this receptacle starts with a futbol, and auto-respawn controls whether this will automatically respawn the futbol. Inputs to this item work like cube-droppers; the output activates when a futbol is inside. High Energy Pellets, Thermal Discouragement Beams, Turret fire and Emancipation Grills will destroy futbols. Excursion funnels can carry them safely.
- Conveyor Belt:
- A continuous belt moving from one end of the track to the other. The first and last sections of belt track are covered.
- Setting it to reversed will increase the speed, preventing the player from overpowering it without Propulsion Gel. Auto-drop = Start enabled on this item.
- The conveyor surface is positioned one block above the surface it is placed on. Oscillating mode will make only one belt segment appear.
- No longer paintable, due to some resultant bugs. Use the legacy version if you want a printable one, but this is very buggy and not fully styled for all styles.
- Wheatley Monitor:
- A Wheatley monitor. This item shows the current controller of the Enrichment Center. All monitors will be damaged if the player or objects impact the glass.
- Clean Style uses a standard monitor which shows GLaDOS. Turrets will not fire at her.
- Portal 1 Style uses two stacked observation rooms.
- Old Aperture Style uses Cave portraits, matching the decade.
- Ratman Style uses a shattered, sparking monitor showing only static.
- Art Therapy is the same as Clean style.
- Turret Dropper:
- A turret dispenser. This will drop a boxed turret which unboxes itself (so it doesn't fall over immediately). It lands on a small pad 2 blocks below the dropper. Try not to let the player mess with the falling box. Unfortunately I can't detect turrets being fizzled so that won't cause a respawn.
- Toggleable Faith Plate:
- A faith plate that can be turned on and off. When off, it will not fire. An orange light indicates the plate is disabled. Old Aperture styled versions clean and re-dispense the gel when triggered. This is purely visual, no cubes or panels can be painted by this.
- Coop Checkpoint:
- A checkpoint room which will make players respawn there after they have walked through it. It is a one-way path and requires both players inside before the door in front will unlock as the doors behind close. The entry door will accept inputs to open/close it. Once any player enters the room, the entry door will lock open until both are inside. This is useful when having chambers with multiple rooms. The chamber also has a fizzler to keep the two sides of the chamber separated. Old Aperture style has two pedestal buttons that must be pressed rapidly to force both players to be inside; the door will only open when both players are inside and the buttons have been pushed, to prevent fast players from activating this.
- The space in front of the two doors must be empty.
- The door will also unlock when a player enters if the level is single-player only, for ease of playtesting.
- Separated Coop Checkpoint:
- A variant of the normal checkpoint, this separates the coop players into two rooms as well as setting their spawn point. The buttons inside allow players to choose which side they go to. The item takes up a 4 deep, 5 high and 5 wide area. The entry door takes up two blocks, but is centred on three. The two exit doors are on either side of the centre of the item. This centre section can be occupied by walls or other objects.
- BumbleBall Droppers, Catapult Cube Droppers, Bomb Dropper:
- A cube dropper which dispenses bombs (weighted), BumbleBalls (sphere) or Catapult Cubes (cube).
- Auto-respawn and auto-drop options work like the normal dropper. Catapult Cubes have a small Aerial Faith Plate on one side and were made by Skotty and Soundlogic. When a player or objects touches this, they will be thrown away from the cube. The cube is affected by gels, but this is not visible. Catapult Cubes will activate buttons like other cubes. When placed to face upwards, they will throw the player 2 blocks into the air. Old-Aperture themed versions are a regular cube painted with repulsion gel on one side. When held, these allow the player to rotate them by holding the secondary fire button and moving the mouse.
- Bumbleballs are large balls raised on spikes which hop around whenever players are not looking at them. They are not affected by gels, but they will be painted. The ball will still hop around if players look at it through portals. They only activate special BumbleBall buttons. BumbleBalls were created by Skotty and Moth. If the BumbleBall is dropped in goo it may not respawn correctly, so always add a respawn pedestal button if required.
- The bomb dropper appears as an exposed vacuum tube and drops bombs once a second when enabled. The input is inverted if the auto-drop option is selected. Bombs will be thrown by faith plates. The auto-respawn property does not affect this. Bombs can be safely caught by funnels and will be thrown by Faith Plates, in a similar manner to paint bombs. They can be painted, but very few circumstances exist where this will be useful.
- BumbleBalls and Catapult Cubes (but not the Old Aperture Catapult Cube) are custom models, which will be packed into your map automatically.
- Catapult Cubes
- BumbleBalls
- Bumbleball Button:
- A special button which is activated by BumbleBalls only. It appears like the normal sphere button. Old Aperture uses grated buttons like spheres, but with a star-shaped hole. When the BumbleBall is on the button it will not move by itself.
- Cube Transmuter:
- Converts a cube to a different type when placed inside. Only works on one at a time. When cubes dissolve it will re-dispense as the original type from the original dropper. The companion cube sign material was made by Skotty and this item was suggested by Unowninator.
- Timeout Portals:
- This modifies the player`s portals so they destroy themselves after a set amount of time. Only ever place one of each type into the map. If set to infinite portals will fizzle after they teleport the player, cubes, turrets or paint bombs. This item does not affect portals generated by AutoPortal emitters. Weighted is for Singleplayer, Cube is for ATLAS and Sphere is for P-Body.
- Property
- Resulting time
- Property
- Resulting Time
- 03 01:30 17 08:30
- 04 02:00 18 09:00
- 05 02:30 19 09:30
- 06 03:00 20 10:00
- 07 03:30 21 10:30
- 08 04:00 22 11:00
- 09 04:30 23 11:30
- 10 05:00 24 12:00
- 11 05:30 25 12:30
- 12 06:00 26 13:00
- 13 06:30 27 13:30
- 14 07:00 28 14:00
- 15 07:30 29 14:30
- 16 08:00 30 00:30
- Neurotoxin
- Introduce a time limit to test chambers. Every second on the counter property corresponds to 30 seconds (15 = 7:30). Setting it to infinite will make the timer last one minute. Inputs will start the neurotoxin or stop and reset the timer. The timer will only ever start after the player enters the map. The vent item dispenses neurotoxin in the nearby area. It is automatically controlled by any timers in the map. In preview mode indicator dots will appear to show the area of effect. These will not show up when published.
- In Coop mode the map will restart after the neurotoxin is released, as players will not be able to shut it off. I don't recommend you use this in coop maps though since robots shouldn't be affected by poisons.
- Modified Standard Items
- Currently available items rearranged or combined together in ways not normally possible, or more elegantly.
- Retractable Pedestal Button:
- This pedestal button accepts an input which will raise it up from under the floor. It cannot be pushed when not fully up. The Old Aperture styled version of this uses a normal button, modified to display a checkmark sign and not function without the input signal.
- Diagonal Pellet/Laser:
- A laser or pellet emitter on a triangular block which makes it aim diagonally. These do work with the Sendificator.
- Weighted is a pellet emitter.
- Cube is a centred laser.
- Sphere is a laser offset to the floor.
- Large Faith Plate:
- A set of three faith plates. They only animate straight upward, and are usually used on walls or when firing directly upward. This item can also be turned on/off, which will prevent the catapult from firing. It appears the same as the regular faith plate in Old Aperture Style.
- Cube Cleaner:
- A small hole in the wall with a water fountain to clean cubes.
- Double Grated Panel:
- A set of grating-topped panel arms that unfold in sequence. Chain these together using the in/outputs to extend the effect. Start Reversed reverses the movement order.
- Caged Turret, Cube:
- Weighted = A turret in a cage which prevents the turret from being tipped over. Thy can still be destroyed by lasers.
- Cube = A reflector cube inside a cage to stop it from being moved.
- Sphere = A reflector cube in a higher up cage to let it interact with centre-positioned lasers.
- Lasers will pass through the frame of all types, to help with aiming.
- Global Item Dropper:
- A special cube dropper which respawns any dropper-less cube. The input will enable this dropper and disable any other global droppers. Don't set two to start enabled or connect two to the same thing; this will cause the cube to be duplicated. Use this in maps with multiple rooms and to allow cubes to always respawn close to the player and not in inaccessible rooms. It can take some time to replace all cubes if many are destroyed at once. The dropper will replace:
- Any of Valve's cubes (Standard/Antique, Companion, Sphere, Reflective, Frankencube).
- Sphere Cannons
- Bumbleballs
- Catapult Cubes
- Portalable Stairs:
- Like the normal stairs, but portalable. Note that they are not intended to be portalable when up (too small), only when retracted. Old Aperture & Portal 1 styles angle these surfaces differently, extending them straight out instead of angling them.
- Portalable Piston Platform:
- A portable piston platform. This platform crushes players slightly slower than normal to allow you to portal through a auto-triggering platform. Portals will fizzle whenever the platform moves.
- Recessed Fizzler, Paint Fizzler, Laserfield:
- A panel recessed into the wall with a fizzler covering it. Accepts inputs like normal. Weighted is a Discouragement Field, Cube is a Emancipation Grill and Sphere is a Paint Fizzler.
- Sideways Hard Light Bridge:
- A sideways Hard Light Bridge that emits parallel to the surface it is placed on. It takes up the half of the surface in the direction of the rotation handle.
- Rotating Faith Plate:
- A Faith Plate on a rotating platform which can switch between two targets. Place part 1 down and aim it at the target for the off position. Put part 2 down on the same block and aim it at a the target for the on position. Wire inputs into part 1 to make it switch. You can freely adjust trajectories like the normal plates. Don't set either to aim straight up, this will have incorrect animations.
- Piston Relay:
- A Laser Relay mounted on top of a Piston Platform. The Relay will align to normal ones in any of its positions. The glass platform has been removed, leaving no standing space (except on top of the relay itself). Do not place this item in goo (any part), the relay will be destroyed by it.
- Slow Crusher:
- A version of the normal crusher which slowly extends when enabled, like in some coop maps. It is safe when fully extended or retracted, and does not oscillate. Players and objects are not able to fit through the gap between the pistons.
- Half Glass Door:
- Four glass panel arms that form a door, like in coop maps. They occupy space both below and above the door, but only take up half of the block in the facing direction. Place on the ceiling to improve the antline wiring, and add antline routers or light strips on the sides if necessary.
- Clamped Cube:
- A cube held in place by a claw on a piston. When the input is triggered, the cube will be released as the piston retracts into the wall. The hole will then be closed over. Cannot be placed on the floor. The claw is always positioned horizontally. Reflection cubes can still be used while held. This works very well with a Global Cube Dropper to allow the cube to be replaced if destroyed.
- Chamberlock:
- An exit door combined with a fizzler and some triggers, so it will lock closed after the player walks through. This will trigger its output permanently when the door closes, as well as autosave. The second door will fizzle items if they are between it, so it cannot be obstructed. The trigger shown in the editor model will lock the doors approximately when the player gets to the edge of it.
- Retractable Floor Button:
- A slightly recessed floor button covered by two angled panels. It cannot be pushed when the panels are closed, which will dissolve cubes left under them when retracting. All three button types are available, and the item takes up 2 blocks centred over 3 blocks. This is done to allow the button to align to the grid like normal buttons, and permit interaction with things like funnels or lasers.
- These items have two separate inputs like the Excursion Funnel. Due to a limitation in the PTI these inputs must be converted using some special logic before reaching the item to allow the inputs to stay separate.
- Input A and Input B:
- The Input A/B items convert inputs so they work separately to the other input. Place both in the map and wire them both to a dual-input item. Wire normal inputs into Input A/B to control those parts of the dual-input item. These don't work with the excursion funnel. These are combined with the SR latch as one item type to make it easier to switch between them. One Input A/B item can be connected to multiple targets, as long as each target has only a maximum of one input A and one input B item connected to it. You don't need to place an Input A/B item if it won't have any inputs to it.
- S/R (Set/Reset) Latch:
- A logic item which memorises its current state. When Input A turns on it is "set" to an enabled state. When Input B turns on the latch is "Reset" to a disabled state. If both inputs are on, the latch will prefer the most recently activated input. The Start Enabled option controls whether it begins enabled or not.
- Angled panel with Hard Light Bridge:
- A Hard Light Bridge mounted on an angled panel, to allow them to change their angle during a chamber. Input A and the "Start Enabled" property control the bridge; Input B and the "Start Open" property control the panel arm. The panel is always non-portalable, and in some styles may be completely absent. Set "Start Reversed" to switch the bridge to a vertical orientation, instead of a horizontal one.
- Piston Autoportal:
- A piston platform combined with a orange auto-portal emitter. The portal will close when moving, but reopen when stopped. Input A controls the portal and Input B controls the piston. It does not automatically move when not given inputs.
- Override:
- When Input B is off, this functions as an AND gate using Input A. When Input B is enabled, however the AND gate is overridden, changing the output to the state of the Start Reversed property until it turns off again. Start Enabled inverts the AND gate. This is very useful to lock doors behind players or reopen them again after the original inputs have deactivated.
- Logic
- Invisible, non-colliding items that affect the map in more technical ways.
- Music:
- Invisible items controlling the in-game music.
- Weighted is a laser music controller. Wire in up to 3 laser catchers or relays to have it emit dynamic music when they are powered.
- Cube is a music chooser for the background music. Set the timer to 3-9 to choose the track. Infinite turns off the music completely. It selects from the seven PTI music tracks.
- Sphere is the same, but lets you choose from a list of music tracks fitting the style.
- Only have one music chooser, you can have any number of laser controllers. When a music chooser has been placed in the map, it will also add faith-plate music.
- Tracks for Sphere mode (names from the Portal 2 Soundtrack ):
- Clean:
- Comedy = Tragedy + Time
- I'm Different
- Robot Waiting Room #1
- 9999999
- Love as a Construct
- Almost at Fifty Percent
- Old Aperture:
- Vitrification Order
- Music of the Spheres
- You are Not Part of the Control Group
- Forwarding the Cause of Science
- Music of the Spheres - part 2
- The Reunion
- Music of the Spheres 2 (Incendiary Lemons)
- Portal 1:
- Comedy = Tragedy + Time
- Still Alive (Radio Version)
- Robot Waiting Room #1
- 9999999
- Love as a Construct
- Robot Waiting Room #2
- Ratman:
- Ghost Of Rattman (no ratman voices)
- Haunted Panels
- The Future Starts With You
- Comedy = Tragedy + Time
- I Saw a Deer Today (also has unique faith-plate music)
- I'm Different
- Art Therapy:
- Robot Waiting Room #1
- Robot Waiting Room #2
- Robot Waiting Room #3
- Robot Waiting Room #4
- Robot Waiting Room #5
- Robot Waiting Room #6
- 9999999
- Antline Router:
- This item prevents antlines from running on the face it is placed on. This item should be free in respect to the entity count.
- Antline Magnet:
- Forces antlines to meet here. Up to four checkmark boxes from inputs will appear on the selected side. Turn off antlines for the target object to ensure the inputs are displayed correctly. If you need more inputs, use more routers on the other sides. Point it away from the target to make only signage appear.
- Global Cube Trigger:
- An item which will trigger currently active Global Cube Droppers to dispense a cube of a specified type. They will only trigger once, either upon entering the map or after an input is received. Don`t use too many of these at once, Global Cube Droppers can jam if trying to dispense many cubes at the same time.
- Static Items
- These items are more static compared to most. They are very cheap, do not move and form the geometry of the chamber, much like glass.
- Ditch:
- A small ditch in the floor to hold spheres for you. Don't use the angled sides as part of a puzzle, Portal 1 and Art Therapy use a square ditch instead of the angled depression.
- Thin Wall, Black and White:
- A thin black or white wall that occupies 1/4 of a block. This is two separate items, and is placed just like glass.
- Angled Block:
- An angled surface that extends to both sides of a block. White and black versions available. The 60 and 30 degree blocks are designed to be used together to form one continuous surface. Note: in some styles (Ratman/Wheatley) not all sides will be a full surface. The top side will always be the same, but the triangular sides may be replaced with grating.
- Wall Feature:
- A set of 6 "set pieces" that can be used to spice up wall sections. They are chosen based on the button type and portalability of the surface. They mainly fill inside walls. All styles have their own version of this. When placed on portalable surfaces, the items will have white textures to fit in but will never be portalable. Different items may or may not be affected by gels.
- Types:
- Clean:
- Black uses various mixed size black tiles.
- White uses both colours in these patterns. White set to sphere has a camera in the centre.
- Old Aperture:
- Black is a open frame showing air vents, motors and piping.
- White is varied: a boarded-over white wall, a wall with a loudspeaker and a wall featuring a number of signs.
- Portal 1:
- Black is a few mixed-size Portal 1 black tiles, similar to clean style.
- White is varied: a piston holding a small section of wall and two different mixed tile combinations.
- Art Therapy:
- Art Therapy uses similar panels to clean style, but with the addition of missing tiles and grating showing skybox.
- Ratman:
- Black uses different damaged wall tiles as well as malfunctioning panel arms.
- White is a few walls with many missing tiles.
- Refurbished:
- Similar to Old Aperture, but with some clean BTS elements included as well (vactubes, panels)
- Static Piston Platform:
- Cheaper version of the piston platform that never moves. Drag the platform up and down to set the position. It will use glass panels normally, check "Start Enabled" to add a black panel to the top, and check "Start Reversed" to make this panel portalable. Different styles will use appropriate pistons or other supports (Old Aperture uses a tower of metal truss).
- Static Angled Panel:
- A version of the standard angled panel that fits styles much better. This item gives only 30°, 45° and 60° angles. (90° could be made using thin walls). These panels will match the portalability of the attached surface. Portal 1 style will use accurate pistons, Old Aperture style uses wood panels held by small poles. Clean, Ratman, Art Therapy and Wheatley style look the same as the normal item.
- Crusher Plate:
- A large plate with holes that crusher spikes fit nicely into. Place on walls and floors opposite crushers to make the map look nicer.
- Static Glass Panel:
- Similar to the static angled panel, it is a replica of the normal glass panels but is cheaper, never moves and therefore fits styles much better. Clean and Art Therapy use normal glass panel arms, Portal 1 and Old Aperture style use framed sheets of glass held up by small supports and Ratman style has shattered glass panels on rusty arms.
- Static Half Panel:
- A version of the angled panel that only extends half a block out. It takes up a 1/2 x 1/2 x 1 area. The top of the panel matches the portalability of the anchor surface. Ratman style has panel arms that extend up when the player enters the map.
- Glass with Hole:
- A panel of glass with a small hole in the centre. Placed like normal glass and functions similarly to grating. It can be extended over multiple blocks, but all sections will have frames on the side and a hole in the centre. In some styles, the hole is square or a different shape, but this is purely cosmetic.
- Ceiling Light:
- An item that can be placed on the ceiling to provide large amounts of light, as well as make it look more interesting. Only place one of these at a time. When placed it will disable fancy lighting effects on the large observation room so it can use the effect. The direction that it is facing will be the direction the light casts in.
- Variants:
- Clean: Five large lighting panels.
- Portal 1: A black tiled roof with one large and two small holes that have a white glow behind them.
- Ratman: A collapsed section of black ceiling through which sunlight streams through.
- Overgrown Style A collapsed ceiling section, overgrown with plants. Sunlight also streams through it.
- 1950s: A hole in the roof with many lights shining down. They are covered by a grating.
- 1970s: Some of the lights are now missing, and they are mounted off-centre. The grating has been replaced with some support frames.
- 1980s: The lights are now more modern. The frames are a different style, with most missing.
- Art Therapy: Appears similar to 1950s style, with off-centre lights and a full grating covering them.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/portal2_dlc2/BEE2/items/clean_collection.beec b/portal2_dlc2/BEE2/items/clean_collection.beec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96b0c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portal2_dlc2/BEE2/items/clean_collection.beec
@@ -0,0 +1,6308 @@
+// "Name" "Clean"
+// "Style" "Clean"
+// "Author" "Valve"
+// "Comment" ""
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemPedestalButton"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A small button on a stand that can be pushed by the player. It is active for a configurable time, or indefinitely active once pushed."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_pedestal_button"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "switch.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttonpedestal.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_pedestal_button"
+ "Image" "palette/pedestal_button.png"
+ "Position" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "TimerDelay"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "TimerSound"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/pedestal_button.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "7"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "bt"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:relay_activated;OnTrigger"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:relay_deactivated;OnTrigger"
+ }
+ }
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ "Pos" "0 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ "Pos" "0 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 2 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // outside voxel
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 3 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 1 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ // sides
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "0 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ "GroupID" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "0 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 9 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ // inside voxel
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 7 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 5 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 3 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 1 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Big pressure buttons activated by players or cubes. Cube buttons are only activated by cubes, sphere buttons only by spheres."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "ButtonType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_portal_button"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "buttonweight.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttonweight.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_portal_button"
+ "Image" "palette/portal_button.png"
+ "Position" "1 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_cube_button"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "buttoncube.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "button_cube.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_cube_button"
+ "Image" "palette/box_socket.png"
+ "Position" "2 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_sphere_button"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "buttonball.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "button_ball.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_sphere_button"
+ "Image" "palette/ball_socket.png"
+ "Position" "3 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ButtonType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_button_white_intact.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "3"
+ "BrushCount" "41"
+ "BrushSideCount" "286"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_button_black_intact.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "3"
+ "BrushCount" "41"
+ "BrushSideCount" "286"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_cube_button_white.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ "BrushCount" "12"
+ "BrushSideCount" "88"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_cube_button_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ "BrushCount" "12"
+ "BrushSideCount" "88"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_ball_button_white.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ "BrushCount" "18"
+ "BrushSideCount" "152"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/floor_ball_button_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ "BrushCount" "18"
+ "BrushSideCount" "152"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "bt"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:p;OnTrigger"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:p;OnUser1"
+ }
+ }
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "ITEM_CUBE"
+ "ItemClass" "ItemCube"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Various types of cubes. Set Start Reversed to true on the dropper to allow cubes to be destroyed by Pellets. Reflector cubes redirect lasers, Edgeless Safety cubes are big spheres, Franken-turrets hop around when rightside up and Companion Cubes have hearts on the side. The cubes will be replaced by the cube dropper when destroyed."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "CubeType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_weighted_cube"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cube.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cube_falling.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_weighted_cube"
+ "Image" "palette/cube.png"
+ "Position" "0 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseCube"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveCube"
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_companion_cube"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cubecompanion.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube_companion.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "companion_cube_falling.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube_companion.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_companion_cube"
+ "Image" "palette/companion_cube.png"
+ "Position" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseCube"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveCube"
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_reflection_cube"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cubelaser.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cuberedirection.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "laser_cube_falling.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cuberedirection.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_reflection_cube"
+ "Image" "palette/reflection_cube.png"
+ "Position" "3 4 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseCube"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveCube"
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_sphere"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cubesphere.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cubesphere.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "cubesphere_falling.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cubesphere.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_sphere"
+ "Image" "palette/edgeless_safety_cube.png"
+ "Position" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseCube"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveCube"
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_franken_cube"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "frankenturret.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cubesphere.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "frankenturret_falling.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cubesphere.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_franken_cube"
+ "Image" "palette/frankenturret.png"
+ "Position" "3 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandCube"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseCube"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveCube"
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "InvalidSurface" "CEILING WALL"
+ "CanAnchorOnBarriers" "1"
+ "CanAnchorOnGoo" "1"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "CubeType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AutoRespawn"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AutoDrop"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "DropperEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/cube_standard.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/cube_companion.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/cube_reflection.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/cube_sphere.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/cube_monster.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "cu"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_PHYSICS"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_PHYSICS"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "ITEM_TBEAM"
+ "ItemClass" "ItemTBeam"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "An emitter that produces a swirling vortex that pushes or pulls objects. It can be reversed by inputs."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_tractor_beam"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "tbeam.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "tbeam2.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_tractor_beam"
+ "Image" "palette/tbeam.png"
+ "Position" "0 2 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "ConnectionCountPolarity"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ "StartReversed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "4"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/tbeam.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "9"
+ "BrushCount" "3"
+ "BrushSideCount" "22"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/tbeam_frame_white.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "12"
+ "BrushSideCount" "100"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/tbeam_frame_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "12"
+ "BrushSideCount" "100"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "tb"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter_polarity;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter_polarity;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemCatapult"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A powerful catapult that throws things along a preset trajectory. It is also capable of throwing paint bombs."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_faith_plate"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "faithplate.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "faithplate.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_faith_plate"
+ "Image" "palette/faithplate.png"
+ "Position" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_CATAPULT"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "CatapultSpeed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "500"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "TargetName"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "target"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "VerticalAlignment"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/faith_plate_floor.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "8"
+ "BrushCount" "3"
+ "BrushSideCount" "22"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "fp"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_SOLID"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "Overlay"
+ {
+ "Material" "signage/signage_overlay_arrow"
+ "Center" "16 16 0"
+ "Dimensions" "32 32 0"
+ "Rotation" "0"
+ }
+ "Overlay"
+ {
+ "Material" "signage/signage_overlay_catapult1"
+ "Center" "112 16 0"
+ "Dimensions" "32 32 0"
+ "Rotation" "180"
+ }
+ "Overlay"
+ {
+ "Material" "signage/signage_overlay_catapult2"
+ "Center" "112 112 0"
+ "Dimensions" "32 32 0"
+ "Rotation" "180"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemLightBridge"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A emitter that produces a continuous field of light. Objects will not pass through. Gel can be placed on the surface."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_light_bridge"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "bridge.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "lightbridgeemitter.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_light_bridge"
+ "Image" "palette/hard_light_emitter.png"
+ "Position" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_6_POSITIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bridge.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "lb"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 1 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 3 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 5 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 7 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 1 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 3 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 5 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 7 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ }
+ // top
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "4 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // bottom
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "4 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemBarrierHazard"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements;Custom"
+ "Author" "Valve, Carl Kenner"
+ "Description" "Pairs of emitters that produce a hazardous field. Fizzlers destroy cubes and turrets, block portal shots and destroy portals when the player walks through. Discouragement Fields kill players."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "HazardType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_fizzler"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "fizzler.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "fizzler.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "Fizzler / Paint Fizzler / Laserfield"
+ "Image" "palette/fizzler.png"
+ "Position" "0 3 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_laser_field"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "laserfield.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "fizzler.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_laser_field"
+ "Image" "palette/deathfield.png"
+ "Position" "0 6 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_6_POSITIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_HORIZONTAL"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "HazardType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/barrier_hazard_base.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/barrier_hazard_model.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "barrierhazard"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:isfiz;FireUser2"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:isfiz;FireUser1"
+ }
+ {
+ "Activate" "Enable"
+ "Deactivate" "Disable"
+ }
+ }
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:branch_toggle;OnTrue"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:branch_toggle;OnFalse"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 1 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 3 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 1 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 3 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "5 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "6 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemBarrier"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Thin walls made of glass or grating. Glass only lets through Discouragement Beams, grating only blocks player movement, cubes and turrets(but not turret bullets)."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "BarrierType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_glass"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "glass_handle.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "glassitem.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_glass"
+ "Image" "palette/glass.png"
+ "Position" "1 3 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_grating"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "glass_handle.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "glassitem.png"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS" // Test, does other positions work? (HANDLE_6_POSITIONS)
+ "OccupiesVoxel" "0"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "BarrierType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_128x128.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "2"
+ "BrushSideCount" "12"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_left_corner.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_left_straight.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_left_short.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_left_convex_corner.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_right_corner.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ }
+ "6"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_right_straight.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ "7"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_right_short.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ "8"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/glass_frame_right_convex_corner.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "g"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemPistonPlatform"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve, TeamSpen210"
+ "Description" "A large glass platform mounted on a piston that can move in and out. Players and objects are destroyed if they block downward movement of the piston. If no input is connected, it will automatically move when players stand on it."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_piston_platform"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_grate.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "pistonlift.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_section01.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "pistonlift.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_section02.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "pistonlift.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_section03.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "pistonlift.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_top.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "destination_target_outline.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "piston_lift_tube.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_piston_platform"
+ "Image" "palette/arm_paneltop.png"
+ "Position" "2 3 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "BottomLevel"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "TopLevel"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "StartUp"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "4"
+ }
+ "AutoTrigger"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "5"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_standalone.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "46"
+ "BrushCount" "15"
+ "BrushSideCount" "106"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "pl"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 -1"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemRailPlatform"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A platform that moves along a track. It can either move back and forth when enabled or change from one side to another when turned on or off."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_track_platform"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm_motionplatform.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm_motionplatform_rail.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm_motionplatform_rail_inwater.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_track_platform"
+ "Image" "palette/arm_motionplatform.png"
+ "Position" "3 3 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_DOWN"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "Oscillate"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "TravelDistance"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "Speed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "100"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ "TravelDirection"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "4"
+ }
+ "StartingPosition"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "5"
+ }
+ "StartActive"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "6"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_track_bottom_grate.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "4"
+ "BrushSideCount" "24"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_track_bottom.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "6"
+ "BrushSideCount" "46"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_track_middle.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "34"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_track_top.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "6"
+ "BrushSideCount" "46"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_platform.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "8"
+ "BrushCount" "4"
+ "BrushSideCount" "31"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_platform_oscillate.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "13"
+ "BrushCount" "4"
+ "BrushSideCount" "31"
+ }
+ "6"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/lift_track_single.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "6"
+ "BrushSideCount" "52"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "raillift"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemLaserEmitter"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve, Carl Kenner"
+ "Description" "A powerful laser beam. It ignites turrets and kills the player after prolonged contact. It can be redirected using redirection cubes, portals and Reflection Gel. It activates relays and catchers. This is modifed to function with Sendificators."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_laser_emitter"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "laseremitc.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_laser_emitter"
+ "Image" "palette/laser_emitter.png"
+ "Position" "0 4 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_5_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/laser_emitter_center.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "9"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "34"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "le"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "Portal 2; Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "This sensor detects when a Discouragement Beam is pointed into it."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_laser_catcher"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "laserrecc.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_laser_catcher"
+ "Image" "palette/laser_catcher.png"
+ "Position" "1 4 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_5_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/laser_catcher_center.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "3"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "34"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "lc"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:laser_catcher;OnPowered"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:laser_catcher;OnUnpowered"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // top
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // bottom
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Detects when a Discouragement Beam is fired through it."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_laser_relay"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "laserrelayc.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_laser_relay"
+ "Image" "palette/laser_receptacle.png"
+ "Position" "2 4 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "Animations"
+ {
+ "ANIM_IDLE" "0"
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_5_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/laser_relay_center.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "3"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "34"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "lr"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:relay;OnPowered"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:relay;OnUnpowered"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // bottom
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // top
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemAngledPanel"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A glass-topped panel arm that can rise to angles of 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_clear_panel"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_gls_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_motionplatform.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "airlock_ghost_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_undeployed_glass.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "airlock_ghost_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_undeployed_glass.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "airlock_ghost_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_undeployed_glass.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "airlock_ghost_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_undeployed_glass.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_clear_panel"
+ "Image" "palette/airlock.png"
+ "Position" "0 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_DOWN"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartDeployed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "Portalable"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AngledPanelType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "2"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AngledPanelAnimation"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "ramp_45_deg_open"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/panel_clear.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "13"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "39"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "cp"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_SOLID"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_ANTLINES"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemAngledPanel"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A panel arm that can rise to angles of 30,45,60 and 90 degrees. It is topped by a surface of white or black tiles."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_angled_panel"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_white_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_white_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_white_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_white_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_blk_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_blk_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_blk_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_blk_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_ghost_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_ghost_60deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_ghost_45deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_ghost_30deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_angled_panel"
+ "Image" "palette/panel_flap.png"
+ "Position" "1 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_DOWN"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartDeployed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "Portalable"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AngledPanelType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "2"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AngledPanelAnimation"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "ramp_45_deg_open"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/panel_nobrush.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "12"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "39"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "ap"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_SOLID"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_ANTLINES"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemPanelFlip"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A panel that can flip over to reverse the panel colour."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_flip_panel"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "panel_flip.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_flip_panel"
+ "Image" "palette/panel_flip.png"
+ "Position" "2 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_HORIZONTAL"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/panel_flip.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "10"
+ "BrushCount" "7"
+ "BrushSideCount" "54"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "fp"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 -1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 -1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "1 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "-1 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemStairs"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Panels"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A 2x1 area of black tiles that can rise on panel arms to form stairs."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_stairs"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "stairs.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "arm4_ghost_stairs_up.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_stairs"
+ "Image" "palette/stairs.png"
+ "Position" "3 2 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartDeployed"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/stairs.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "13"
+ "BrushCount" "7"
+ "BrushSideCount" "56"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "st"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_SOLID"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ // First step
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 3 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 3 0"
+ }
+ //Second Step bottom layer
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 3 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 0 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 3 0"
+ }
+ //Second Step second layer
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 3 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 2 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "3 3 1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_SOLID"
+ "Pos" "1 0 0"
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_ANTLINES"
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_ANTLINES"
+ "Pos" "1 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 1 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 3 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ "GroupID" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "16 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "17 1 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "16 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "17 3 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "16 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "17 5 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "1"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "16 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "17 7 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "1"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "0 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "2 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "3"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "6 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "8 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "10 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "11 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "12 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "13 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "14 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "15 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "2"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "0 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 9 0"
+ "Priority" "1"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "2 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "3 9 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "3"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "6 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 9 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "8 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 9 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "10 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "11 9 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "12 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "13 9 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "14 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "15 9 0"
+ "Priority" "4"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "ITEM_TURRET"
+ "ItemClass" "ItemTurret"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Stationary turrets used for area denial. Deactivates when knocked over and can be destroyed completely by Discouragement Beams and Emancipation Grids."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_turret"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "sentry.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "sentryturret.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_turret"
+ "Image" "palette/turret.png"
+ "Position" "1 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceTurret"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandTurret"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseTurret"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveTurret"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_36_DIRECTIONS"
+ "InvalidSurface" "CEILING WALL"
+ "CanAnchorOnBarriers" "1"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/turret.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "tu"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_PHYSICS"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_PHYSICS"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "ITEM_GOO"
+ "ItemClass" "ItemGoo"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A pool of deadly acid. Most items are not placeable inside the goo, but panel-type items can be immersed if they will appear above the goo or move above it."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_goo"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "goo_man.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "goo_man.png"
+ }
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "goo_man_water.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "goo_man_water.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_goo"
+ "Image" "palette/goo.png"
+ "Position" "2 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "TargetName" "goo"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "itemlightstrip"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A glass-covered light that emits cool lighting. It may also be used to block portal placement or antline wiring."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_light_strip"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "light_strip.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "fizzler.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_light_strip"
+ "Image" "palette/light_panel.png"
+ "Position" "3 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_8_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/light_strip.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "4"
+ "BrushCount" "2"
+ "BrushSideCount" "12"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "ls"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemPaintSplat"
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "Various paints that give surfaces different properties. Repulsion Gel makes surfaces very bouncy, Propulsion Gel accelerates the player and Conversion Gel makes surfaces portalable. Cleansing Gel washes away other gels. The dropper can be deleted to make pre-placed gel splats."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "PaintType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_paint_bounce"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "paint_splatter_blue.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "paint_dropper_blue.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_paint_bounce"
+ "Image" "palette/paintsplat_bounce.png"
+ "Position" "0 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.Gel_Placement"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandPaint"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapsePaint"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemovePaint"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_paint_speed"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "paint_splatter_orange.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "paint_dropper_orange.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_paint_speed"
+ "Image" "palette/paintsplat_speed.png"
+ "Position" "1 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.Gel_Placement"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandPaint"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapsePaint"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemovePaint"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_paint_portal"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "paint_splatter_white.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "paint_dropper_white.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_paint_portal"
+ "Image" "palette/paintsplat_portal.png"
+ "Position" "2 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.Gel_Placement"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandPaint"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapsePaint"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemovePaint"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_paint_water"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "paint_splatter_water.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "paint_dropper_water.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_paint_water"
+ "Image" "palette/paintsplat_water.png"
+ "Position" "3 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.Gel_Placement"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandPaint"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapsePaint"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemovePaint"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "CanAnchorOnGoo" "1"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "PaintType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "PaintExportType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "PaintFlowType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "DropperEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "AllowStreak"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/paint_splat.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "ps"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "Portal 2;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Valve"
+ "Description" "A smaller observation room used as a light source."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Item_observation_room"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "observation_office_1x1.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "observationroom.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_observation_room"
+ "Image" "palette/observation_room.png"
+ "Position" "3 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "InvalidSurface" "CEILING FLOOR"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/observation_room_128x128_1.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ "BrushCount" "9"
+ "BrushSideCount" "54"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "or"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Volume"
+ {
+ "Pos1" "1 -1 0"
+ "Pos2" "-1 1 -1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // BEE Items
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Logic"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi"
+ "Description" "Invisible blocks that trigger when walked into. Trigger Once permenently activates, Trigger Multiple activates while the player is inside and the Autosave saves the game once when walked into."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "ButtonType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Trigger Once"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "trigger_once.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "once.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "TRIGGER BLOCKS"
+ "Image" "trigger_once.png"
+ "Position" "0 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Trigger Multiple"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "trigger_multiple.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "multiple.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_trigger_multiple"
+ "Image" "trigger_multiple.png"
+ "Position" "0 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Trigger Autosave"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "trigger_autosave.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "autosave.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL2_PuzzleEditor_Palette_trigger_multiple"
+ "Image" "trigger_autosave.png"
+ "Position" "0 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "CanAnchorOnBarriers" "1"
+ "CanAnchorOnGoo" "0"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ButtonType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_once.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_once.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_multiple.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_multiple.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_autosave.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "0"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/trigger_autosave.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "0"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "tr"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:trigger;OnStartTouch"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:trigger;OnEndTouchAll"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Logic"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi"
+ "Description" "Invisible items allowing more complex input combinations. The AND only activates when all inputs are active, the OR activates when any input is activated and the NOT deactivates when any input activates."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "ButtonType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logic AND"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "logic_and.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "LOGIC GATES"
+ "Image" "palette/logic.png"
+ "Position" "1 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logic OR"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "logic_or.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cuberedirection.png"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logic NOT / NOR"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "logic_not.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "cube.png"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "ButtonType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_and.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_and.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_or.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_or.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_nor.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/bee_logic_nor.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "5"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "lg"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:activate;OnTrigger"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:deactivate;OnTrigger"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi and Rantis;Test Elements"
+ "Author" "Rantis and BenVlodgi, TeamSpen210"
+ "Description" "Creates a portal on the wall when powered. Place on a portalable surface. Having these in a map will prevent the player from firing the autoportal's type - place a orange autoportal to give the player a blue-only gun. Blue Autoportals will be disabled permanently if the player picks up a blue-only or dual portal device, and similarly with Orange autoportals."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Orange Auto-Portal"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "autoportal_orange.3ds"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Image" "palette/autoportal_orange.png"
+ "Position" "2 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Blue Auto-Portal"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "autoportal_blue.3ds"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "BLUE AUTO PORTAL"
+ "Image" "palette/autoportal_blue.png"
+ "Position" "2 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Auto-Portal Frame"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "autoportal_frame.3ds"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandButton"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseButton"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveButton"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_orange.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_orange_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_blue.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_blue_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_extra.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/autoportal_extra.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "11"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "ap"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 64 4"
+ "Grid" "1x2"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "itemlightstrip"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi"
+ "Description" "A glass-covered light that emits warm lighting. This light can be used to contrast or highlight areas as compared to the cool lights."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Warm Light Strip"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "light_strip02.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "fizzler.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "WARM LIGHT STRIP"
+ "Image" "palette/light_panel_warm2.png"
+ "Position" "3 7 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_8_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/light_strip_warm.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "30"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "ls"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ //"ItemClass" "ItemStairs"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Panels"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi, TeamSpen210"
+ "Description" "A 1 1/2 sized black or white panel arm which extends up like a drawbridge."
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Draw Bridge"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "drawbridge.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "arm_4panel.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "DRAW BRIDGE"
+ "Image" "palette/drawbridge.png"
+ "Position" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/drawbridge_196_01a_white.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "12"
+ "BrushCount" "5" // correct
+ "BrushSideCount" "32"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/drawbridge_196_01a_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "12"
+ "BrushCount" "5" // correct
+ "BrushSideCount" "32"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "db"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "DOOR"
+ "ItemClass" "itemlightstrip"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Geometry"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi"
+ "Description" "A placeable test chamber door."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Door"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "door_90deg.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "DOOR"
+ "Image" "palette/door.png"
+ "Position" "2 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_8_POSITIONS"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/door.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "7"
+ "BrushCount" "5"
+ "BrushSideCount" "34"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "dr"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // floor, front far left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0" // direction of antline?
+ "Pos" "2 6 0" // dotted line end pos: east, north, up?
+ "SignageOffset" "1 7 0" // yellow/blue or white symbol?
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, front left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-1 5 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, front right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "0 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-1 3 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, front far right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "2 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "1 1 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, back far right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "4 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 7 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, back right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "4 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 5 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, back left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "4 2 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 3 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ // floor, back far left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "4 0 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 1 0"
+ "Priority" "2"
+ "GroupID" "3"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Test Elements;Custom"
+ "Author" "Skotty, Rantis & BenVlodgi, TeamSpen210"
+ "Description" "High Energy Pellet Emitter ported from Portal 1. This periodically shoots energy spheres which ricochet off walls and kill players. Direct them into catchers to activate them. The timer property controls how long it will last until exploding, use the green emitter if you want infinite-lifetime pellets. If respawn is disabled, the launcher will permanently disabled once a catcher receives this pellet."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "High Energy Pellet Emitter"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "combine_ball_launcher.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PELLET EMITTER"
+ "Image" "palette/pellet_emitter2.png"
+ "Position" "0 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ "AutoRespawn"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "3"
+ }
+ "TimerDelay"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "5"
+ "Index" "4"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/high_energy_pellet_emitter.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "20"
+ "BrushSideCount" "20"
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/clean/combine_ball_launcher.mdl
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/c_ball_launcher_clean.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/c_ball_launcher_clean.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/c_ball_launcher_clean_exponent.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/c_ball_launcher_clean_lightwarp.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/props/c_ball_launcher_clean_normal.vtf
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.dx80.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.dx90.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.mdl
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.sw.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.vvd
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow1.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow1.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow2.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow2.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_sphere.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_sphere.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_tape.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_tape.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/eball_finite_life.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/eball_infinite_life.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/comball/comball.vtf
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_bounce1.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_bounce2.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_disintegrate4.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_disintegrate5.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_sing_explosion2.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_sing_flyby1.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_sing_flyby2.wav
+ // packer_additem:sound/weapons/physcannon/energy_sing_loop4.wav
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "pe"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Test Elements;Custom"
+ "Author" "Skotty, Rantis and BenVlodgi, TeamSpen210"
+ "Description" "High Energy Pellet Catcher ported from Portal 1. When this is hit by a pellet the pellet is caught, activating the output for the specified time. If set to infinite it will activate permanently, otherwise it can be re-triggered after the specified time."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "High Energy Pellet Catcher"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "combine_ball_catcher.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "laser_models.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PELLET CATCHER"
+ "Image" "palette/pellet_catcher2.png"
+ "Position" "1 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "TimerDelay"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/high_energy_pellet_catcher.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "20"
+ "BrushSideCount" "20"
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.dx80.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.dx90.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.mdl
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.sw.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.vtx
+ // packer_additem:models/effects/combineball.vvd
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow1.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow1.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow2.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_glow2.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_sphere.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_sphere.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_tape.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/models/effects/comball_tape.vtf
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/eball_finite_life.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/eball_infinite_life.vmt
+ // packer_additem:materials/effects/comball/comball.vtf
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "pc"
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:out;OnUser2"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:out;OnUser1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Type" "ITEM_VENT"
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Custom"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi, Carl Kenner"
+ "Description" "A large vacuum tube that sucks objects into it, destroying them. It also slightly diverts gel and can be transferred using portals. There is a large floor automatically generated with a portalable or non-portalable surface in the middle."
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Pneumatic Diversity Vent"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "vactube.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "tbeam2.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Image" "palette/pnuematic_diversity_vent.png"
+ "Position" "3 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "1"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/vent_end.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "30"
+ "BrushCount" "30"
+ "BrushSideCount" "30"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/vent_end_black.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "30"
+ "BrushCount" "30"
+ "BrushSideCount" "30"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "pdv"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "BEE;BenVlodgi & Rantis;Custom"
+ "Author" "Rantis & BenVlodgi"
+ "Description" "Large crushers, seen in coop maps and during Chapter 10 of the singleplayer campaign. These oscillate repeatedly when enabled, killing all players and destroying objects that are in its path."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Mashy Spike Plate"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "crusher.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "observationroom.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "Mashy Spike Plate"
+ "Image" "palette/crusher2.png"
+ "Position" "2 5 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/crusher2.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "20"
+ "BrushSideCount" "20"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "msp"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:counter;Add"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:counter;Subtract"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 -1 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "-1 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "-1 -1 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Volume"
+ {
+ "Pos1" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos2" "-1 0 -5"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "0 -112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "256 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "0 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "256 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "-112 0 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 192 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 0 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 192 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "-1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "-2 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "8 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "9 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 -1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 -2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 8 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 9 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// HMW Custom Portal 2 map editor items
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// Copy the text below into editoritems.txt, above the "Renderables" section.
+// Portal magnet
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// Places a portal_placement helper that nearby portals will align to.
+// Influences both location and rotation, so you can turn portals sideways
+// or upside down!
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "HMW;Logic"
+ "Author" "HMW"
+ "Description" "Places a portal_placement_helper that nearby portals will align to. Influences both location and rotation, so you can turn portals sideways or upside down!"
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Portal magnet"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_portal_magnet.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "PORTAL MAGNET"
+ "Image" "palette/portal_magnet.png"
+ "Position" "2 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ "OccupiesVoxel" "0"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/placement_helper2.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "0"
+ "BrushSideCount" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "TargetName" "pmagnet"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Save point
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// Saves the player's progress when they enter the marked voxel.
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "HMW;Logic"
+ "Author" "HMW"
+ "Description" "Saves the player`s progress when they enter the marked voxel."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Save point"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_savepoint.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "SAVE POINT"
+ "Image" "palette/save_point.png"
+ "Position" "3 0 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_NONE"
+ "OccupiesVoxel" "0"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/savepoint.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "1"
+ "BrushCount" "1"
+ "BrushSideCount" "6"
+ }
+ }
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "TargetName" "savepoint"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "CollideType" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "CollideAgainst" "COLLIDE_NOTHING"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Normal" "0 0 1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Square light
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// A 64x64 light armature set into the wall, that spreads a warm, reasonably
+// bright light. Occupies one wall cube.
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "Filter" "HMW;Geometry"
+ "Author" "HMW"
+ "Description" "A half-block square light armature set into the wall, that spreads a warm, reasonably bright light. Occupies one wall cube."
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Square Warm Light"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_square_light.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Image" "palette/square_light.png"
+ "Position" "3 1 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_UP"
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/square_light_warm.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "2"
+ "BrushCount" "6"
+ "BrushSideCount" "36"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "sqlight"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Logic gates
+// ________________________________________________________________________
+// Combine signals with AND, OR and XOR. Inverted versions are available
+// by setting the "start enabled" flag.
+// (Pro tip: the AND gate by itself is useful for reducing antline clutter.)
+ "Item"
+ {
+ "ItemClass" "ItemButtonFloor"
+ "Filter" "HMW;Logic"
+ "Author" "HMW"
+ "Description" "Combine signals with AND, OR and XOR. Inverted versions are available by setting the `start enabled` flag. (Pro tip: the AND gate by itself is useful for reducing antline clutter.)"
+ "Editor"
+ {
+ "SubTypeProperty" "ButtonType"
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logical AND gate"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_and_gate.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Palette"
+ {
+ "Tooltip" "LOGIC GATES"
+ "Image" "palette/logic_gate.png"
+ "Position" "0 6 0"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logical OR gate"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_or_gate.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "SubType"
+ {
+ "Name" "Logical XOR gate"
+ "Model"
+ {
+ "ModelName" "hmw_xor_gate.3ds"
+ "TextureName" "buttons.png"
+ }
+ "Sounds"
+ {
+ "SOUND_CREATED" "P2Editor.PlaceOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_ACTIVATE" "P2Editor.ExpandOther"
+ "SOUND_EDITING_DEACTIVATE" "P2Editor.CollapseOther"
+ "SOUND_DELETED" "P2Editor.RemoveOther"
+ }
+ }
+ "MovementHandle" "HANDLE_4_DIRECTIONS"
+ "DesiredFacing" "DESIRES_DOWN"
+ }
+ "Properties"
+ {
+ "ButtonType"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "0"
+ }
+ "ConnectionCount"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "1"
+ }
+ "StartEnabled"
+ {
+ "DefaultValue" "0"
+ "Index" "2"
+ }
+ }
+ "Exporting"
+ {
+ "Instances"
+ {
+ "0"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_and.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "28"
+ "BrushSideCount" "176"
+ }
+ "1"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_and.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "28"
+ "BrushSideCount" "176"
+ }
+ "2"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_or.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "30"
+ "BrushSideCount" "188"
+ }
+ "3"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_or.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "20"
+ "BrushCount" "30"
+ "BrushSideCount" "188"
+ }
+ "4"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_xor.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "19"
+ "BrushCount" "31"
+ "BrushSideCount" "190"
+ }
+ "5"
+ {
+ "Name" "instances/p2editor_clean/logic_gate_xor.vmf"
+ "EntityCount" "19"
+ "BrushCount" "31"
+ "BrushSideCount" "190"
+ }
+ }
+ "TargetName" "logic_and"
+ "Offset" "64 64 64"
+ "Inputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:signal_hi;Trigger"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:signal_lo;Trigger"
+ }
+ }
+ "Outputs"
+ {
+ {
+ "Activate" "instance:out_on;OnTrigger"
+ "Deactivate" "instance:out_off;OnTrigger"
+ }
+ }
+ "OccupiedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "1 2 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 1 0"
+ }
+ "Surface"
+ {
+ "Pos" "2 2 0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbeddedVoxels"
+ {
+ "Voxel"
+ {
+ "Pos" "0 0 0"
+ }
+ }
+ "EmbedFace"
+ {
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 16 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "64 112 128"
+ "Dimensions" "128 32 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "16 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ "Solid"
+ {
+ "Center" "112 64 128"
+ "Dimensions" "32 64 4"
+ "Grid" "4x4"
+ }
+ }
+ "ConnectionPoints"
+ {
+ // left
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "1 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "0 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // right
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 3 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 2 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "-1 0 0"
+ "Pos" "6 4 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "7 5 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // up
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 1 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 0 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ // down
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "3 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "2 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ "Point"
+ {
+ "Dir" "0 -1 0"
+ "Pos" "4 6 0"
+ "SignageOffset" "5 7 0"
+ "Priority" "0"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/quotes.html b/quotes.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5a411..0000000
--- a/quotes.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2217 +0,0 @@
- BEE 2 Level Quote Sequences
- BEE2 Quote Selection System
- This document explains how exactly quotes are chosen in the various styles. Use it to help you pick an appropriate style, or find out what items play a certain line.
- Table of Contents:
- Quotes are chosen using a priority system based on items in the map. Most items have a category, and some apply to two categories - for example, laserfields apply to the Deadly category as well as the Laser category. The categories have a specific priority sequence. The first category found that has an item that exists in the map will have its lines chosen, stopping other categories from playing. Some additional lines are played outside of this, based on other events occurring (usually only the first time).
- Sometimes there are multiple line sequences to choose from in one category, which are selected based upon which entry/exit corridor is selected (7 SP entry, 4 exits, 1 Coop entry). This is chosen randomly by the PTI whenever a map is created, and doesn't change after that making it useful for this purpose.
- In each table, the categories are ordered from highest to lowest. Click on a voice line to hear it (via the Portal Wiki ), or hover over to get a transcript. The heading before the colon says when it is triggered, and each indented line after plays as a group. if there are two or more colon-headings the same but ending with numbers, one will be randomly chosen to play.
- Categories:
- Generic (lowest priority, played if nothing else is found)
- Always plays (not on priority list, plays at special times regardless what items are in the map)
- Forced (overrides with a different voice line if a certain entry/exit room is chosen)
- ------
- Deadly (Turrets, Crushers, HEP emitters, LaserFields, Laser Emitters)
- Blue Gel (Repulsion, includes Faith Plates in 1950s,1960s,1970s and 1980s styles)
- Orange Gel (Propulsion)
- White Gel (Conversion)
- Grey Gel (Reflection, from the Stylechanger)
- Light Bridge
- Funnel
- Pellet (Emitter only)
- Sendificator (made by HMW but included in the BEE2)
- Laser (Laser Emitter, LaserField)
- Fizzler (Emancipation Grid, Paint Fizzler from the Stylechanger if no separate category exists)
- Crushers - BEEMOD
- Turret
- Paint Fizzler - Stylechanger
- Glass (walls, or clear panels)
- Character Code:
- Announcer
- Caroline
- Cave Johnson
- Wheatley
- Turret
- Sound Effects
- FGEmod Choreo Box
- This item allows the playing of some chosen voicelines when triggered by other logic. The lines are chosen via a timer selector. Most styles will probably use the Clean version, if the item is available but some will use other lines.
- In the 1980s style, Caroline will sometimes explain tests instead of Cave. This overrides a bunch of voice lines in favor of some Caroline lines, and changes the Cave portraits found in various entry/exit corridors (or in the 80s TS Addons Monitor) to the secret painting of Cave and Caroline. (See the Portrait Of A Lady achievement.)
- GLaDOS uses the intercom dings in Art Therapy style.
- Refurbished style is unique in that it has two quote characters, Cave and GLaDOS (plus the PTI dialogue). GLaDOS's line plays as you drop into the enrichment sphere, PTI dialogue starts once you touch the ground and Cave plays lines when you enter the chamber. In Coop they play in the same order, but GLaDOS and the PTI dialogue plays after the map starts. GLaDOS and Cave's lines do not obstruct each other, unless there is a sequence with both (IE. they only speak once on entry, excluding PTI dialogue and GLaDOS's intro dialogue.) GLaDOS uses the intercom dings to distinguish her lines more.
- The pictures in the monitor column show the order videos are chosen to be displayed on the two screens at the SP entry "elevator". Follow the list down on the left/right.
- Unreleased at time of writing, these are the lines that I'm planning to add. In this style the Announcer does use the in/out dings.
- This is heavily WIP, I haven't actually got started on any part of this style yet!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/elevator_entrance_quiet.vmf b/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/elevator_entrance_quiet.vmf
index 0172a11..62b8def 100644
--- a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/elevator_entrance_quiet.vmf
+++ b/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/elevator_entrance_quiet.vmf
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
"editorversion" "400"
- "editorbuild" "5685"
- "mapversion" "889"
+ "editorbuild" "6432"
+ "mapversion" "891"
"formatversion" "100"
"prefab" "0"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ viewsettings
"id" "1"
- "mapversion" "889"
+ "mapversion" "891"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"detailmaterial" "detail/detailsprites"
"detailvbsp" "detail.vbsp"
@@ -122,82 +122,6 @@ world
- {
- "id" "124957"
- side
- {
- "id" "24209"
- "plane" "(-2560 2048 1536) (1024 2048 1536) (1024 -2048 1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- side
- {
- "id" "24210"
- "plane" "(-2560 -2048 -1536) (1024 -2048 -1536) (1024 2048 -1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 -1 0 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- side
- {
- "id" "24211"
- "plane" "(-2560 2048 1536) (-2560 -2048 1536) (-2560 -2048 -1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[0 1 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- side
- {
- "id" "24212"
- "plane" "(1024 2048 -1536) (1024 -2048 -1536) (1024 -2048 1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[0 1 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- side
- {
- "id" "24213"
- "plane" "(1024 2048 1536) (-2560 2048 1536) (-2560 2048 -1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- side
- {
- "id" "24214"
- "plane" "(1024 -2048 -1536) (-2560 -2048 -1536) (-2560 -2048 1536)"
- "material" "TOOLS/TOOLSSKIP"
- "uaxis" "[1 0 0 0] 0.25"
- "vaxis" "[0 0 -1 0] 0.25"
- "rotation" "0"
- "lightmapscale" "16"
- "smoothing_groups" "0"
- }
- editor
- {
- "color" "0 201 238"
- "visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "1"
- }
- }
- solid
"id" "123361"
@@ -20712,26 +20636,6 @@ entity
- "id" "36316"
- "classname" "logic_auto"
- "file" "instances/p2editor_clean/global_ents.vmf"
- "spawnflags" "1"
- connections
- {
- "OnMapSpawn" "global_entsinstance:environment_testchamber;Trigger0-1"
- }
- "origin" "-1760 1200 568"
- editor
- {
- "color" "220 220 220"
- "groupid" "36312"
- "visgroupshown" "1"
- "visgroupautoshown" "1"
- "logicalpos" "[0 500]"
- }
"id" "93390"
"classname" "func_detail"
@@ -24444,8 +24348,8 @@ cameras
"activecamera" "0"
- "position" "[495.612 1059.05 586.658]"
- "look" "[479.995 1010.99 548.846]"
+ "position" "[750.886 -2834.53 1013.78]"
+ "look" "[735.685 -2786.61 975.619]"
diff --git a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/global_ents.vmf b/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/global_ents.vmf
index 454372d..e4580c2 100644
--- a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/global_ents.vmf
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index 4aea021..7372415 100644
--- a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_clean/global_ents_quiet.vmf
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@@ -6232,21 +6234,25 @@ hidden
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- editor
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+ }
@@ -6274,24 +6280,28 @@ hidden
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- "classname" "logic_relay"
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- connections
- {
- "OnTrigger" "glados_carefreeStart0-1"
- }
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- editor
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+ connections
+ {
+ "OnTrigger" "glados_carefreeStart0-1"
+ }
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+ {
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"OnMapSpawn" "@cube_makerForceSpawn1.51"
"OnMapSpawn" "c_franken*BecomeMonster1.511"
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"origin" "-64 -64 64"
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index 0000000..428e0f9
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ {
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new file mode 100644
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index 7e02829..82aa130 100644
--- a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_overgrown/elevator_entrance.vmf
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"OnMapSpawn" "@ann_exit_genericFireUser11.05-1"
+ "OnMapSpawn" "@ann_enterTrigger2-1"
"origin" "96 408 -472"
@@ -41300,12 +42930,12 @@ hidden
"targetname" "@ann_enter"
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"message" "World.GladosPotatoZap"
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--- a/sdk_content/maps/instances/p2editor_overgrown/global_ents_quiet.vmf
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+ "comments" "Creates occasional explosion sounds/shakes."
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"OnFizzled" "@respawn_reflectTrigger0-1"
"OnPlayerPickup" "@ann_mid_cubeFireUser101"
"OnFizzled" "@ann_mid_fizzlecubeFireUser101"
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+ {
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