diff --git a/data/text/german/cuts/nar_8.txt b/data/text/german/cuts/nar_8.txt index d46009fdbd..8664a412d1 100644 --- a/data/text/german/cuts/nar_8.txt +++ b/data/text/german/cuts/nar_8.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens. +1:Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens. 2:Dein geschundener Körper bricht im Kugelhagel zusammen, und so endet dein Leben im Ödland. diff --git a/data/text/german/cuts_female/nar_8.txt b/data/text/german/cuts_female/nar_8.txt index d46009fdbd..8664a412d1 100644 --- a/data/text/german/cuts_female/nar_8.txt +++ b/data/text/german/cuts_female/nar_8.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens. +1:Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens. 2:Dein geschundener Körper bricht im Kugelhagel zusammen, und so endet dein Leben im Ödland. diff --git a/data/text/german/dialog/kcardin.msg b/data/text/german/dialog/kcardin.msg index 6a3a4bd7bc..eac33101e1 100644 --- a/data/text/german/dialog/kcardin.msg +++ b/data/text/german/dialog/kcardin.msg @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ {414}{}{Ja, hast du etwas rausgefunden?} {415}{}{Ich glaube die Dunton Brüder stehlen deine Brahmin. Ich dachte du solltest das Wissen.} {416}{}{Äh, Dankeschön.} -{417}{}{Was!? Bist du dir da sicher? Was hast du für Beweise?} +{417}{}{Was!? Bist du dir da sicher? Was hast du für Beweise?} {418}{}{Ich fand einige ausgehöhlte Radskorpion Klauen in einer Hütte in der Nähe eurer Brahmin Weidefläche. Ich konfrontierte die Duntons damit, und sie gaben zu sie zu verwenden, um Torr zu erschrecken.} {419}{}{Ich fand einige ausgehöhlte Radskorpion Klauen in einer Hütte in der Nähe eurer Brahmin Weidefläche. Ich denke, die Duntons tragen sie um Torr zu erschrecken -- daher seine Angst vor den "Wanzenmännern".} {420}{}{Ich denke, das gehört zu ihren üblichen Tricks! Mein armer kleiner Torr, die Kerle sind wirklich brutal. Das erklärt auch, was Torr so verschreckt hat, aber ich hätte gerne mehr Beweise, dass die Duntons diejenigen sind, die unsere Rinder gestohlen haben. Ich fürchte, Worte allein sind einfach nicht genug.} diff --git a/data/text/german/dialog/kcdunton.msg b/data/text/german/dialog/kcdunton.msg index d14b094b18..83c6a62ab0 100644 --- a/data/text/german/dialog/kcdunton.msg +++ b/data/text/german/dialog/kcdunton.msg @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ {601}{}{ Fertig?} {700}{}{Du hast dich erfolgreich als Brahmin-Dieb betätigt.} {702}{}{Nein, Ich werde euch erzählen für was ihr die habt. Ihr verkleidet euch als "Wanzen Männer" und erschreckt den armen, alten Torr damit er von seiner Brahmin Herde wegrennt, oder?! Jetzt macht alles Sinn. Ihr seid einfach nur ein paar unnütze Raufbolde.} -{703}{}{[Die beiden Brüder Dunton reißen die Augen weit auf und werden plötzlich ganz nervös.] Jj..jjj...ja und... was geht dich das an Wilder? Jeder braucht hin und wieder etwas Extraeinkommen. Was geht dich das überhaupt an? Was willst du jetzt eigentlich überhaupt tun, häh?} +{703}{}{[Die beiden Brüder Dunton reißen die Augen weit auf und werden plötzlich ganz nervös.] Jj..jjj...ja und... was geht dich das an Wilder? Jeder braucht hin und wieder etwas Extraeinkommen. Was geht dich das überhaupt an? Was willst du jetzt eigentlich überhaupt tun, häh?} {704}{}{Ich sag euch was. Wenn ihr aufhört die Brahmin zu stehlen und Torr zu verarschen, werde ich mich nicht einmischen. Alles was ich brauche ist euer Wort. Wenn ich aber einen von euch nochmal beim Brahminstehlen erwische, wird nicht mehr viel von euch übrig bleiben. Verstanden?!} {705}{}{[hyuk, hyuk, hyuk] Ja, Ok Wilder. Ich denke es wird mal Zeit. dass wir dir beibringen was man hier mit nervigen Wilden macht.} {706}{}{Also gut Wilder, du gewinnst dieses Mal. Wir werden aufhören, jetzt lass uns einfach in Ruhe.} diff --git a/data/text/german/dialog/tribec7.msg b/data/text/german/dialog/tribec7.msg index 20632617da..24fdf5cb52 100644 --- a/data/text/german/dialog/tribec7.msg +++ b/data/text/german/dialog/tribec7.msg @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ {214}{}{Und, Freund, hast du den Schlüssel? Bitte, beeil dich.} {215}{}{Noch nicht. Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche.} {216}{}{Ja, hier ist er. Zeit dich hier herauszuholen.} -{217}{}{Warum ist da draußen so ein Krawall? Oh, ich fühle dass sich viele mit den Geistern vereint haben. Wer ist . . . Sulik? Necken mich die Geister, oder bist du es wirklich, Bruder?} +{217}{}{Warum ist da draußen so ein Krawall? Oh, ich fühle dass sich viele mit den Geistern vereint haben. Wer ist . . . Sulik? Necken mich die Geister, oder bist du es wirklich, Bruder?} {218}{}{Warum ist da draußen so ein Krawall? Oh, ich fühle dass sich viele mit den Geistern vereint haben. Und ich spüre dass du derjenige bist, der sie zu ihnen geschickt hat. Was willst du, Geistermacher?} {219}{}{Ich bin gekommen, um dich zu befreien.} {221}{}{Ehret die Geister! Bitte, du musst uns aus dem Käfig herausholen. Weg von diesem grässlichen Ort.} diff --git a/data/text/german/dialog/vcoldjoe.msg b/data/text/german/dialog/vcoldjoe.msg index 6cd0ada9d6..b0420b4af4 100644 --- a/data/text/german/dialog/vcoldjoe.msg +++ b/data/text/german/dialog/vcoldjoe.msg @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ {148}{}{Nein, aber ich kenn die Geschichte sehr gut, sie wurde zu einer heilige Legende bei meinem Volk. Wie auch immer, vielleicht erfahre ich in Gecko etwas mehr. Pass auf dich auf.} {150}{}{Er wollte sich Waffen besorgen, um die Truppen aus Vault City loszuwerden. Ich konnte ihn aber davon überzeugen, dass es bessere Lösungen gibt als Waffengewalt.} -{151}{}{Achso, das ist also sein neuer Plan, hä? Jaa, Connar ist nen guter Mann, aber er denkt die Dinge nicht immer bis zum Ende. Manchmal ist es das Beste, die Dinge zu besprechen und zu versuchen, mit den Menschen darüber zu diskutieren. Das ist eine Lektion, die ich von meinem alten Freund, dem Bunkerbewohner, gelernt habe.} +{151}{}{Achso, das ist also sein neuer Plan, hä? Jaa, Connar ist nen guter Mann, aber er denkt die Dinge nicht immer bis zum Ende. Manchmal ist es das Beste, die Dinge zu besprechen und zu versuchen, mit den Menschen darüber zu diskutieren. Das ist eine Lektion, die ich von meinem alten Freund, dem Bunkerbewohner, gelernt habe.} {152}{}{Gut, hast du 'ne Ahnung mit wem im Stadtrat man darüber sprechen könnte?} {153}{}{Ich denke der Ratsälteste McClure ist der richtige Mann dafür. Was hältst du davon?} {154}{}{Der Ratsälteste McClure ist ein helles Köpfchen in Vault City. Vielleicht kann mit ihm eine Vereinbarung getroffen werden?} diff --git a/data/text/german/game/pro_item.msg b/data/text/german/game/pro_item.msg index a6440dbb32..9afe3b660a 100644 --- a/data/text/german/game/pro_item.msg +++ b/data/text/german/game/pro_item.msg @@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ {53600}{}{Fisch} {53601}{}{ein roher Fisch. Gekocht würde er sicher ne leckere Mahlzeit abgeben.} {53700}{}{Ode an die Flammenflut} -{53701}{}{Ein Roman der nach einem verherrenden Atomkrieg spielt. Das Buch beschreibt eine auf Weißheit und fort- schrittlicher Technik aufgebaute Kultur, welche die Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zuließ, die nach einem Krieg einen gewaltigen Rückschritt erlebte.} +{53701}{}{Ein Roman der nach einem verherrenden Atomkrieg spielt. Das Buch beschreibt eine auf Weißheit und fort- schrittlicher Technik aufgebaute Kultur, welche die Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zuließ, die nach einem Krieg einen gewaltigen Rückschritt erlebte.} {53800}{}{Buch} {53801}{}{Ein altes Buch aus der Vorkriegszeit. Es ist ziemlich technisch gehalten und scheint keine nützliche Information zu enthalten.} {53900}{}{Technische Anleitung} @@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ {55000}{}{Toaster} {55001}{}{silberner Toaster, der auf dem Tisch steht} {55100}{}{Spritze} -{55101}{}{Ein Vorkriegswerkzeug um chemische Substanzen zu verabreichen. Sie ist mit einer unbekannten Substanz gefüllt.} +{55101}{}{Ein Vorkriegswerkzeug um chemische Substanzen zu verabreichen. Sie ist mit einer unbekannten Substanz gefüllt.} {55200}{}{Hundefutter} {55201}{}{Verschiedene Dosen Hundefutter} {55300}{}{Fliegenspray} @@ -1110,11 +1110,11 @@ {57300}{}{UASH-Behälter} {57301}{}{Ein Behälter mit Hemmstoffen gegen das Umweltabstoßungs- syndrom. Die Probe wird Exemplaren verabreicht, die längere Zeit eingefroren waren.} {57400}{}{Lichtschwert} -{57401}{}{Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Obi-Wan-Killap gab es dir. Mindest-ST: 2} +{57401}{}{Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Obi-Wan-Killap gab es dir. Mindest-ST: 2} {57500}{}{Blaster} {57501}{}{Gespenstische Religionen und alte Waffen sind nichts gegenüber einem guten Blaster an deiner Seite, Kind. Min. ST: 3} {57600}{}{Lichtschwert} -{57601}{}{Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Imperatorin Timeslip gab es dir. Mindest-ST: 2.} +{57601}{}{Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Imperatorin Timeslip gab es dir. Mindest-ST: 2.} {57700}{}{Lüftungsgitter} {57701}{}{Der Grill auf diesem Ventilator sieht anders aus.} {57800}{}{Metall Spind} @@ -1122,7 +1122,7 @@ {57900}{}{Metall Spind} {57901}{}{Ein Vorratsbehälter.} {58000}{}{Chin. Zeichencodetabelle} -{58001}{}{Du bist nicht sicher, aber es scheint sich um ein Diagramm mit verschiedenen chines- ischen Kommandocodes zu handeln. Vielleicht, wenn du einen Platz zur Eingabe dieser Codes findest, kannst du ein paar Sachen lernen.} +{58001}{}{Du bist nicht sicher, aber es scheint sich um ein Diagramm mit verschiedenen chinesischen Kommandocodes zu handeln. Vielleicht, wenn du einen Platz zur Eingabe dieser Codes findest, kannst du ein paar Sachen lernen.} {58100}{}{Toter Wilder} {58101}{}{Diese Person ist einen schrecklichen Tod auf dem medizinischen Tisch gestorben.} {58200}{}{Toter Wilder} diff --git a/data/text/german/game/skilldex.msg b/data/text/german/game/skilldex.msg index 5fbd79168f..049f2cac1a 100644 --- a/data/text/german/game/skilldex.msg +++ b/data/text/german/game/skilldex.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{ KÖNNEN} +{100}{}{KÖNNEN} {101}{}{ABBRECHEN} {102}{}{SCHLEICHEN} {103}{}{ÖFFNEN} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/abbill.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/abbill.msg index 5bf37e4882..94a4d69920 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/abbill.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/abbill.msg @@ -12,7 +12,10 @@ myself, but they're nice people and they pay good money for anything pre-war I manage to get my hands on. But anyway, as for something special... hmm, [He glances over at Marcus.] It's funny you should ask, I just might have something that would interest your friend here.} -{212}{}{Haha, úgyhogy észrevetted, ugye? Igen, a Abbey lakói kissé el vannak ragadtatva mindennel, ami a háború előtti időkből származik, különösen, ha az technológiai jellegű. Valami furcsa vallást alakítottak köré, de én sem értem pontosan. De kedves emberek, és jó pénzt fizetnek minden háború előtti dologért, amit csak sikerül szerezni. De ami a különleges dolgot illeti... hmm, [Az illető a társaságod felé pillant.] Bocsi, de úgy tűnik, most nem rendelkezem semmivel, ami hasznos lenne számotokra.} +{212}{}{Haha, úgyhogy észrevetted, ugye? Igen, a Abbey lakói kissé el vannak ragadtatva mindennel, ami a háború előtti időkből származik, + különösen, ha az technológiai jellegű. Valami furcsa vallást alakítottak köré, de én sem értem pontosan. De kedves emberek, + és jó pénzt fizetnek minden háború előtti dologért, amit csak sikerül szerezni. De ami a különleges dolgot illeti... hmm, + [Az illető a társaságod felé pillant.] Bocsi, de úgy tűnik, most nem rendelkezem semmivel, ami hasznos lenne számotokra.} {213}{}{Oh, well. Let's see what you have in stock instead.} {214}{}{That's alright. Let me ask you something else.} {215}{}{Űgymint?} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccchris.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccchris.msg index fd6ea4caa9..08659ed85e 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccchris.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccchris.msg @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ {197}{}{Komolyan gondolom. Őket keresem.} {198}{}{Komolyan gondolom. Őket keresem.} {199}{}{Várjon egy percet, nagyokos! Azt próbálja itt mondani, hogy maga az Enklávé bázis váltása?} -{200}{}{Várjon egy percet! Azt próbálja itt mondani, hogy maga az Enklávé bázis váltása?} +{200}{}{Várjon egy percet! Azt próbálja itt mondani, hogy maga az Enklávé bázis váltása?} {201}{}{Öhm, egen.} {202}{}{Így van!} {203}{}{Picsába! Bocs ezért a színjátékért, de ezért vagyok itt, hogy a kíváncsiskodókat "békésebb" módszerekkel küldjem el, mint amivel a katonák tennék. Na, csak menjen a főkapuhoz, és közölje a jelszót. Ez jelen pillanatban a "tökfilkó". Ja, és maradjon a kövezett úton!} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccncomp.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccncomp.msg index 0730fcf9bd..875e5acdc7 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccncomp.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccncomp.msg @@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ {125}{}{Keresés... Földrajzi adatok... Adat letöltve. A főparancsnokság a Csendes-óceánon található 175 tengeri mérföldre a kaliforniai partoktól. Koordináták: Északi szélesség 37,18'' Nyugati hosszúság 120,7''.} {126}{}{Mi szart ez jelenteni?} {127}{}{Mi a szart jelent ez?} -{128}{}{Keresés... Szleng szótár... Információ feldolgozva. Ez négy dolgot jelent: - 1, Jó mélyen van az óceánon. 2, Kalifornia partjaitól is messze van. 3, San Franciscótól nyugatra található. 4, Ha nem tanultál földrajzot, úgysem fogod megérteni. } +{128}{}{Keresés... Szleng szótár... Információ feldolgozva. Ez négy dolgot jelent: 1, Jó mélyen van az óceánon. 2, Kalifornia partjaitól is messze van. 3, San Franciscótól nyugatra található. 4, Ha nem tanultál földrajzot, úgysem fogod megérteni.} {129}{}{Hogy menni oda?} {130}{}{Hogyan juthatok oda?} {131}{}{Keresés... Logisztikai adatbázis... Adat letöltve. A logisztikai napló szerint 1257 lehetséges módja van az odajutásnak. Viszont, most csak kettő elérhető: A gépmadár-szállítás igénybevétele a navarrói bázison, vagy hajóval történő szállítás San Franciscóban. Az öbölben állomásozó hajót a biztonsági parancsnokság a 9837-334-27A sz. rendelkezés hatálya alá vonja, tehát kódkártya nélkül működésképtelen. A felülírásahoz az F.B.K. szükséges, amit jelenleg a bázisparancsnok tart magánál.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/cctech2.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/cctech2.msg index 2bd060a175..de0d6a6ef7 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/cctech2.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/cctech2.msg @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ {137}{}{Katona, mondtam, hogy ezt az információt mindenkinek tudnia kell.} {138}{}{Biztonsági okokból ellenőrzöm, hogy a személyzet tagjai tudatában vannak-e fontos információknak. Most pedig mondja el az összes lehetséges odajutási módot, amit ismer!} {139}{}{Értem.} -{140}{}{Igenis, uram! Először is, az elsődleges mód a gépmadarak használata. Ám a kezelésük nehézkessége miatt valószínűtlen, hogy képzetlenek vezetni tudnák őket. A második lehetséges mód a San Francisco-i öbölben veszteglő tanker. A hajót hatástalanították, és kódkártya kell az újraindításához, amit a bázisparancsnok tart magánál. A harmadik és egyben utolsó mód az úszás, melynek túlélési esélye a nulla felé konvergál.} +{140}{}{Igenis, uram! Először is, az elsődleges mód a gépmadarak használata. Ám a kezelésük nehézkessége miatt valószínűtlen, hogy képzetlenek vezetni tudnák őket. A második lehetséges mód a San Francisco-i öbölben veszteglő tanker. A hajót hatástalanították, és kódkártya kell az újraindításához, amit a bázisparancsnok tart magánál. A harmadik és egyben utolsó mód az úszás, melynek túlélési esélye a nulla felé konvergál.} {141}{}{Kösz.} {142}{}{Kösz.} {143}{}{A szervizben tárolják őket, a légiirányítók mellett.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccxarn.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccxarn.msg index 3fbfc60b68..b0ca70709e 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccxarn.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ccxarn.msg @@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ {117}{}{Gondolkozni rajta.} {118}{}{Rendben van, vállalom.} {119}{}{Gondolkodom még rajta.} -{120}{}{(Xarn egy pillanatra felmér, mintha a szándékaidat fürkészné) Rendben, elmondom. Nemzetségemet az Enklávé teremtette, hogy rabszolgáik és harcosaik legyünk. Megnövelték az intelligenciánkat, hogy jobban megértsük a parancsokat, de arra vigyáztak, nehogy rádöbbenjünk szolga mivoltunkra. Nem jött be a számításuk, sokkal okosabbak vagyunk, mint amilyennek láttatni engedjük.} +{120}{}{(Xarn egy pillanatra felmér, mintha a szándékaidat fürkészné) Rendben, elmondom. + Nemzetségemet az Enklávé teremtette, hogy rabszolgáik és harcosaik legyünk. Megnövelték + az intelligenciánkat, hogy jobban megértsük a parancsokat, de arra + vigyáztak, nehogy rádöbbenjünk szolga mivoltunkra. + Nem jött be a számításuk, sokkal okosabbak vagyunk, mint amilyennek láttatni engedjük.} {121}{}{Elhatároztuk, hogy addig játsszuk a hülyét, amíg nem adódik alkalom a szabadságunk elnyerésére. Ez lehetségesnek látszott, mikor az Enklávé vezetése elhatározta, hogy a szárazföldön tesztel le bennünket. Schreber ellenkezett, de felülbírálták.} {122}{}{Mivel nyíltan szembeszegült a vezérkar döntésével, iderendelték Navarróba, hogy távol legyen a tűztől. Magával hozott engem is, hogy feltérképezze a valódi képességeimet. Sajnos ez sikerült is neki, nem tudtam kijátszani. Ha megírja a jelentését és elküldi az Enklávénak, vadászni fognak ránk, a többieket pedig egyszerűen lemészárolják. Meg kell szöknöm, és figyelmeztetnem őket.} {123}{}{(Xarn egy pillanatra felmér, mintha a szándékaidat fürkészné) Neked nincs mit mondanom, ember. Érzem, hogy sötétség van a lelkedben.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dclara.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dclara.msg index 61e1172171..cebb47655b 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dclara.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dclara.msg @@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ {263}{}{Talán később.} {270}{}{Szólj, ha meggondoltad magad!} {271}{}{Értem.} -{280}{}{Naszóval... innen keletre van egy templom. Metzger néhány embere őrzi, akármit is tárolnak odabenn. Derítsd ki, mi az, és fizetek érte 200 dollárt. } +{280}{}{Naszóval... innen keletre van egy templom. Metzger néhány embere őrzi, akármit is + tárolnak odabenn. Derítsd ki, mi az, és fizetek érte 200 dollárt.} {281}{}{Ez nagyon egyszerű. Időközben megtudtam.} {282}{}{Persze.} {283}{}{Majd kiderül, mit tudok tenni az ügy érdekében.} @@ -133,8 +134,8 @@ {575}{}{Rendben, viszlát!} {576}{}{He?} {577}{}{Aghhh!} -{590}{}{Azt mondtam, hogy együtt megyünk! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös!} -{591}{}{Azt mondtam, derítsd ki a gyenge pontjukat, nem azt, hogy öldd meg őket! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös!} +{590}{}{Azt mondtam, hogy együtt megyünk! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös.} +{591}{}{Azt mondtam, derítsd ki a gyenge pontjukat, nem azt, hogy öldd meg őket! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös.} {592}{}{A francba! Azt mondtam, hogy kérdezd meg Metzgert, nem azt, hogy öldd meg őket! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös!} {593}{}{A francba! Megmondtam, hogy ne támadj rájuk! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pipább, mint valaha!} {594}{}{Ó, igen, sajnos mennem kell.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcmetzge.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcmetzge.msg index be6218a7f3..caf9d9c37a 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcmetzge.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcmetzge.msg @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ {275}{}{Talán mégsem. Viszlát!} {276}{}{Uja! (bólintasz)} {277}{}{Nem, nem, nem, nem!} -{285}{}{Mégis, mi a faszt képzelsz? Ez a Rabszolga-Céh. Rabszolgákat adok, veszek.} +{285}{}{Mégis, mi a faszt képzelsz? Ez a Rabszolga-Céh. Rabszolgákat adok, veszek.} {286}{}{Honnan szerzed a rabszolgákat?} {287}{}{Szeretnék beállni!} {288}{}{Még szeretnék valamit kérdezni.} @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ {362}{}{Te hülye állat! Mi a francból gondoltad, hogy vissza akarom kapni ezt a hülyét? Egy örökkévalóságig tartott, amíg megjavította azt a rohadt rádiót. Egy rádiót! Veled marad. Nem akarom, hogy bármit is tönkre tegyen itt.} {363}{}{Hát nem is tudom... ez meglehetősen nyeszlett... okos legalább? Ez még érhet valamit. Kapsz érte } {364}{}{Ez egész jó harcosnak látszik. Hmmm... } -{365}{}{Egy újabb benszülött? Fura egy szerzet... Mindegy, erősnek látszik, és ez a külső önmagában hozhat némi plussz pénzt. Mit szólnál } +{365}{}{Egy újabb benszülött? Fura egy szerzet... Mindegy, erősnek látszik, és ez a külső önmagában hozhat némi plussz pénzt. Mit szólnál } {366}{}{Mit szólnál valami máshoz?} {367}{}{Izé, hadd kérdezzek valami mást akkor.} {368}{}{Oké.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcsmitty.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcsmitty.msg index 8275b715d1..c2666ebeb5 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcsmitty.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/dcsmitty.msg @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ {325}{}{Tudod, hogy nálunk már nem megy ez az ingyen-kaja-éjfél-után dolog, ugye?} {326}{}{Na, akkor megeszem én.} {327}{}{A Mama nem lesz túl boldog ettől.} -{330}{}{Amint láthatod, ez az autóm, egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Gyönyörű. Régen azt mondták "Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant." Strapabíró jószág, így tervezték őket.} +{330}{}{Amint láthatod, ez az autóm, egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Gyönyörű. Régen azt mondták "Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant." Strapabíró jószág, így tervezték őket.} {331}{}{Aha, és mit csináljak vele?} {340}{}{Azt hittem, csak egy aksi kell bele, de kiderült, hogy egy üzemanyag-cella vezérlőre van szükség. Ezek a vackok állandóan elromlanak bennük.} {341}{}{Nos, éppen van egy olyan} @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ {460}{}{Leginkább csak erre a szemétkupacra vigyázok. Egy dolog van csupán, ami megéri az itt gubbasztást.} {461}{}{Mi az?} {462}{}{Kitaláltam magamtól. Hadd kérdezzek valami mást!} -{470}{}{Ez nem más, mint egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Régen azt mondták rá, "Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant." Strapabíró jószág, mondhatom.} +{470}{}{Ez nem más, mint egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Régen azt mondták rá, "Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant." Strapabíró jószág, mondhatom.} {471}{}{Ejha, működik?} {480}{}{Ha működne, gondolod, hogy még ebben a porfészekben lennék?} {481}{}{Öö, igen.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ecbhead.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ecbhead.msg index aa1d525339..8badde2a8f 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ecbhead.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ecbhead.msg @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ {120}{}{Fogadjunk, hogy a Stonehenge-nek több látogatója van.} {121}{}{Hrnnfff... a-a, Mama... ma nincs suli... Zsnzzzzz} {122}{}{Zzzsnnnzzzz... nem akarok még felkelni....Zzznnsss} -{123}{}{Zzsssccs... mi?} +{123}{}{Zzsssccs... mi?} {124}{}{Mia--?} {125}{}{VIDD INNEN A MOCSKOS KEZEDET!} {126}{}{Játékos megfordul, párat hátralép, aztán arccal a kő-emlékmű felé fordul.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ectrader.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ectrader.msg index 2a10c6116a..e5d8f2cae6 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ectrader.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ectrader.msg @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ {108}{}{Üthetsz vele, vághatsz vele és különösen jól jöhet rosszindulatú állatok ellen. Ártól függetlenül előnyös vétel, de csak neked, csak ma nem több, mint } {109}{}{A környék legjobb fájából készült. Lehet vele szúrkálni, állatokat távol tartani, sőt, ha elég jó vagy, el is dobhatod. Csodálatosan áramvonalas és nem törik el becsapódáskor. Na, mit szólsz? Kész rablás, hogy az ára csak } {110}{}{Ez a fegyver a legjobb újrahasznosított acélból készült. Nézd csak meg, milyen kényelmesen illeszkedik a kezedbe! Nem kell aggódni, a mérnökeink biztonsági- és megbízhatósági teszteknek vetették alá. Nincs az az épeszű útonálló, aki beléd köt, ha ezt a kis aranyost a kezedben lóbálod. Az ára potom } -{111}{}{Ez a kis gyöngyszem igazán egyedülálló. Származási helye... öö... Úgy működik, hogy rámutatsz vele... mindegy, gőzöm sincs, mi a franc lehet ez. Kell vagy nem? Az ára } +{111}{}{Ez a kis gyöngyszem igazán egyedülálló. Származási helye... + öö... Úgy működik, hogy rámutatsz vele... mindegy, gőzöm sincs, mi a franc lehet ez. Kell vagy nem? Az ára } {112}{}{Ez a kis készség mintha azt mondaná: "Ne kekeckedj velem!" A puszta látványa menekülésre készteti az ellenségeidet. Alkalmi vétel. Az ára } {113}{}{Nekem úgy tűnik, hogy te az a fajta fickó vagy, aki harcban szeret közeli és személyes kapcsolatot kialakítani az ellenféllel. Nos, neked pont erre a kis aranyos készségre van szükséged, és nem kerül többe, mint } {114}{}{Megveszem.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcbadger.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcbadger.msg index 6869b9bcf7..9f41fc4699 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcbadger.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcbadger.msg @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ {175}{}{Jó szerencsét! Később visszajövök.} {176}{}{Találd meg nekem a barátnőmet és akkor majd beszélgethetünk.} {177}{}{Elnézést, csupán félreértés volt.} -{178}{}{Meghalt? MEGHALT? Hogy halt meg? Ne, inkább mégse mondd el... tartsd meg magadnak! Adj néhány órát, hogy összeszedjem magam!} +{178}{}{Meghalt? MEGHALT? Hogy halt meg? Ne, inkább mégse mondd el... tartsd meg magadnak! Adj néhány órát, hogy összeszedjem magam.} {179}{}{Hogyne, hogyne.} {180}{}{Ne durcáskodj már, öcsém! Csomó dolgunk van, vazze!} {181}{}{Rendben. Már jobban vagyok.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcchip.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcchip.msg index c3da0a8325..5eb2b89e59 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcchip.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcchip.msg @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ {151}{}{Jó. Egyébként szart se érdekelsz.} {152}{}{Ha esetleg tudnál csinálni valamit... öldd meg, vagy dumáld meg a fejét, vagy akármi... a lépem nélkül ki fogok nyiffanni.} {153}{}{Majd kiderül, mit tudok tenni az ügy érdekében.} -{154}{}{Bocs, barátom... de neked akkor annyi. Nem tudok segíteni.} +{154}{}{Bocs, barátom... de neked akkor annyi. Nem tudok segíteni.} {155}{}{Lép nélkül ki fogok nyiffanni. Amúgy kösz a segítségért.} {156}{}{Megtaláltam! Menj el Dr. Wonghoz érte!} {157}{}{Ó, majd én kisegítelek. Irány Fung!} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcmarc.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcmarc.msg index f1e5af49f1..91260f3604 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcmarc.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/fcmarc.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {110}{}{Semmit. Viszlát!} {111}{}{Hmm. Nem, sajna ebben nem tudok segíteni. Talán próbálkozz másnál!} {112}{}{Anks?} -{113}{}{Marc vagyok. A helyi mindenttudó okostojás vagyok. ::mosolyog hozzá::} +{113}{}{Marc vagyok. A helyi mindenttudó okostojás vagyok. ::mosolyog hozzá::} {114}{}{Ó... hadd kérdezzek valamit!} {115}{}{Viszlát!} {116}{}{Ez itt a Valdez, a Poseidon Olaj Tengerjárója - POT Valdeznek is hívják. Ha többet akarsz tudni a Valdezről, kérdezd a kapitányt!} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcjacob.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcjacob.msg index 65ea43ed0a..e96db5a005 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcjacob.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcjacob.msg @@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ {156}{}{Talán elmondom az igaz történetet, ha meggondolod magad.} {157}{}{Oké. Mondd el!} {158}{}{Nem. Nem érdekel.} -{159}{}{Ebben az esetben, egyszerűen nagyszerű itt lenni. Ennek a városnak mindene megvan, amit csak akarsz... mutáns seriff, uránbánya, kórház, bolt... majdnem mindent megkaphatsz. Segíthetek még valamiben?} +{159}{}{Ebben az esetben, egyszerűen nagyszerű itt lenni. Ennek a városnak mindene megvan, amit csak akarsz... mutáns + seriff, uránbánya, kórház, bolt... majdnem mindent megkaphatsz. Segíthetek még valamiben?} {160}{}{Igen.} {161}{}{Nem.} {162}{}{Nagyszerű! Viszlát!} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcprof.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcprof.msg index 3eee757a53..6d3c2169de 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcprof.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hcprof.msg @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ {137}{}{Szeretném tesztelni magamat.} {138}{}{Csináltál már valaha bármit, ami működött?} {139}{}{Értem. Csak ennyit akartam tudni. Viszlát!} -{140}{}{Persze, hogy megpróbáltam növényekkel is! Az intelligenciát a nulláról szeretném felfejleszteni!} +{140}{}{Persze, hogy megpróbáltam növényekkel is! Az intelligenciát a nulláról szeretném felfejleszteni!} {141}{}{Értem. Csináltál már valaha bármit, ami működött?} {142}{}{Szeretném tesztelni magamat.} {143}{}{Értem. Csak ennyit akartam tudni} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hctyphon.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hctyphon.msg index 4a8daf879d..879baeeb3b 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hctyphon.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/hctyphon.msg @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ {212}{}{Ha ha. Nagyon vicces. Lenne pár kérdésem.} {213}{}{Rövid úton felejtsd el!} {214}{}{Beee! Pá!} -{215}{}{Mi? Már nem kupakokat használnak pénzként? Azt mondod, hogy minden, amit gyűjtögettem, rejtegettem és aggódtam miatta hiába volt? Az isten VERJE MEG! Sajnálom, hogy ennyit dolgoztattalak emiatt, kölyök. Ha tudtam volna...} +{215}{}{Mi? Már nem kupakokat használnak pénzként? Azt mondod, hogy minden, amit gyűjtögettem, rejtegettem és aggódtam miatta hiába volt? Az isten VERJE MEG! Sajnálom, hogy ennyit dolgoztattalak emiatt, kölyök. Ha tudtam volna...} {216}{}{Rendbe' van. Pá!} {217}{}{Aha. De sebaj, ez volt az utolsó tévedése, vén ghoul. Ideje meghalni!} {218}{}{Mással is megtörténhetett volna. Lenne pár kérdésem.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/icmerc.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/icmerc.msg index 35df561b0e..1b103929d2 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/icmerc.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/icmerc.msg @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ {250}{}{Kimentünk piálni, erre beszólt szarul, mi meg jól szétrúgtuk a seggét.} {251}{}{Ellenőriznünk kéne a csapdákat a barlangban...} {252}{}{Mindjárt kezdődik az őrjárat...} -{253}{}{Basszus, ez a rézbőrű *bűzlik*! Akár az összes többi...} +{253}{}{Basszus, ez a rézbőrű *bűzlik*! Akár az összes többi...} {254}{}{Rohadt menedékvárosi lézerágyúk...} {255}{}{Belefáradtam a fegyverem fényesítésébe... mindkettőébe.} {256}{}{Meddig kell még itt maradnunk?} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocdalia.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocdalia.msg index 3fce22bd12..0be2bbdda7 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocdalia.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocdalia.msg @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ {123}{}{Hogyan kerültél ide?} {124}{}{Miért gondolod, hogy kell egy biztonságos hely?} {125}{}{Kösz. Majd később beszélünk.} -{126}{}{Nem, dehogy! Saját akaratomból vagyok itt, és tetszik ez a hely. Azt hiszem, jó darabig biztonságban elleszek itt.} +{126}{}{Nem, dehogy! Saját akaratomból vagyok itt, és tetszik ez a hely. Azt hiszem, jó darabig biztonságban elleszek itt.} {127}{}{Oké.} {128}{}{Viszlát!} {129}{}{Értem.} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocvaldis.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocvaldis.msg index 66677ad81c..2417dba887 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocvaldis.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/ocvaldis.msg @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ {139}{}{Értem. Próbáljuk meg ezt még egyszer. Helló, Valdis vagyok. Téged hogy hívnak?} {140}{}{Én } {141}{}{Viszlát!} -{142}{}{Nem felhatalmazott személy. Azt jelenti, hogy 'olyan ember, akinek nincs engedélye arra, hogy itt tartózkodjon.'} +{142}{}{Nem felhatalmazott személy. Azt jelenti, hogy 'olyan ember, akinek nincs engedélye arra, hogy itt tartózkodjon.'} {143}{}{Oké. Én ért.} {144}{}{Már megint lenni fejfájás. Én mostan menek kifele.} {145}{}{My goal is to maintain as much patience as I can, in light of the fact that you are being rude. diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qcprssec.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qcprssec.msg index b60a1b24a0..b7e3cb1014 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qcprssec.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qcprssec.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{Egy kicsit telt, szőke titkárnőt látsz. Tuti feszülős ruhát visel.} {101}{}{Az Elnök *személyi* titkárnője.} -{102}{}{Egy telt, nem annyira vonzó buksz... úgy értem, titkárnőt látsz. Kicsit zilált a haja.} +{102}{}{Egy telt, nem annyira vonzó buksz... úgy értem, titkárnőt látsz. Kicsit zilált a haja.} {103}{}{Hé? Mit szeretnél édes?} {104}{}{Most nem lehet, az előbb tisztítottam le a ruhámat.} {105}{}{Ezúttal mit szeretne, Fontos úr?} diff --git a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qiturtrm.msg b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qiturtrm.msg index 58f26eabd9..ed2c8b93e4 100644 --- a/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qiturtrm.msg +++ b/data/text/hungarian/dialog/qiturtrm.msg @@ -30,60 +30,60 @@ {130}{}{(This one has good access.) Curling, Dr. C.} {131}{}{(Ennek nagyon magas hozzáférése van) Bird, Daniel} {132}{}{(Majd inkább máskor) Kijelentkezés.} -{133}{}{Válasszon: } +{133}{}{Válasszon: } {134}{}{A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations, } -{135}{}{Security Status?} -{136}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} -{137}{}{Security Status.} -{138}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } -{139}{}{Válasszon: } -{140}{}{Security Level: Current Status, } +{135}{}{Biztonsági státusz?} +{136}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} +{137}{}{Biztonsági státusz.} +{138}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} +{139}{}{Válasszon: } +{140}{}{Biztonság szint: Jelenlegi állapot, } {141}{}{Chemical Corps: Project Status Report, } {142}{}{A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations, } -{143}{}{Security Status?} -{144}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } -{145}{}{Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report.} -{146}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} -{147}{}{Security Status.} -{148}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } -{149}{}{Válasszon: } -{150}{}{State of the Nation: Current Status, } +{143}{}{Biztonsági státusz?} +{144}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } +{145}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota.} +{146}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} +{147}{}{Biztonsági státusz.} +{148}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} +{149}{}{Válasszon: } +{150}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz, } {151}{}{Word List, } -{152}{}{Security Level: Current Status, } +{152}{}{Biztonság szint: Jelenlegi állapot, } {153}{}{Chemical Corps: Project Status Report, } {154}{}{A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations, } -{155}{}{Security Status?} -{156}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz } -{157}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } -{158}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } -{159}{}{Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report.} -{160}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} -{161}{}{Biztonsági státusz: } -{162}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } -{163}{}{Válasszon: Biztonsági státusz? } -{164}{}{Biztonsági státusz: } -{165}{}{End Access.} +{155}{}{Biztonsági státusz?} +{156}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz} +{157}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} +{158}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } +{159}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota.} +{160}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} +{161}{}{Biztonsági státusz} +{162}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} +{163}{}{Válasszon: Biztonsági státusz?} +{164}{}{Biztonsági státusz} +{165}{}{Hozzáférés vége.} {166}{}{Download failed - Security Status file missing.} -{167}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz } -{168}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } +{167}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz} +{168}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} {169}{}{Security/Level: Current Status.} -{170}{}{Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report.} -{171}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} -{172}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{170}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota.} +{171}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} +{172}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {173}{}{A letöltés befejeződött. } -{174}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } +{174}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} {175}{}{Security/Level: Current Status.} {176}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota } {177}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations} -{178}{}{Security Status.} -{179}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{178}{}{Biztonsági státusz.} +{179}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {180}{}{A letöltés befejeződött. } -{181}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz } +{181}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz} {182}{}{Security/Level: Current Status.} {183}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota } {184}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations} -{185}{}{Security Status.} -{186}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{185}{}{Biztonsági státusz.} +{186}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {187}{}{Körletek: Biztonsági lövegek élesített és riasztott állapotban.} {188}{}{Körletek: Biztonsági lövegek normál állapotban.} {189}{}{Körletek: Biztonsági lövegek átmenetileg deaktivált módban.} @@ -101,25 +101,25 @@ {201}{}{Information and Power plant Level: Security turrets currently at Deactivated Maintenance status.} {202}{}{Adjust security level.} {203}{}{A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz } -{204}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } -{205}{}{Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report.} -{206}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} +{204}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} +{205}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota.} +{206}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} {207}{}{Security status.} -{208}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{208}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {209}{}{A letöltés befejeződött. } {210}{}{Download State of the Nation: Current status.} -{211}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } -{212}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } -{213}{}{Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations.} -{215}{}{Security Status.} -{216}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{211}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} +{212}{}{Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot } +{213}{}{Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés.} +{215}{}{Biztonsági státusz.} +{216}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {217}{}{A letöltés befejeződött. } {218}{}{Download State of the Nation: Current status.} -{219}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája } +{219}{}{Letöltés: Szavak listája.} {220}{}{Biztonság/Szint: Jelenlegi állapot } -{221}{}{Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report.} +{221}{}{Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota.} {222}{}{Security status.} -{223}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz: } +{223}{}{Vissza az azonosításhoz:} {224}{}{Ez a terminál mélydiagnosztikai műveleteket végez. Kérjük, próbálkozzon egy másik terminálnál! Köszönjük.} {225}{}{Üdvözöljük a PoseidoNet Súgójában. Sajnálattal közöljük, hogy a Súgó állománya elavult, és átmenetileg nem is elérhető. Keres frissítést?} {226}{}{Igen.} diff --git a/data/text/po/german.po b/data/text/po/german.po index b45ddfeb4e..0726c53889 100644 --- a/data/text/po/german.po +++ b/data/text/po/german.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-12 03:53+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: LNx2 \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-19 12:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: tygyh \n" "Language-Team: German \n" "Language: german\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ msgstr "Dein Abenteuer ist vorbei." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_8.txt:1 msgid "You fought valiantly, but to no avail. " -msgstr "Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens." +msgstr "Du hast tapfer gekämpft - doch vergebens. " #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_8.txt:2 @@ -106003,7 +106003,7 @@ msgstr "Äh, Dankeschön." #: dialog/kcardin.msg:417 msgid "What!? Are you sure about this? What proof do you have?" -msgstr "Was!? Bist du dir da sicher? Was hast du für Beweise?" +msgstr "Was!? Bist du dir da sicher? Was hast du für Beweise?" #: dialog/kcardin.msg:418 msgid "" @@ -108851,9 +108851,9 @@ msgid "" "you gonna do about it, huh?" msgstr "" "[Die beiden Brüder Dunton reißen die Augen weit auf und werden plötzlich " -"ganz nervös.] Jj..jjj...ja und... was geht dich das an Wilder? Jeder " -"braucht hin und wieder etwas Extraeinkommen. Was geht dich das überhaupt an?" -" Was willst du jetzt eigentlich überhaupt tun, häh?" +"ganz nervös.] Jj..jjj...ja und... was geht dich das an Wilder? Jeder braucht " +"hin und wieder etwas Extraeinkommen. Was geht dich das überhaupt an? Was " +"willst du jetzt eigentlich überhaupt tun, häh?" #: dialog/kcdunton.msg:704 msgid "" @@ -216880,7 +216880,7 @@ msgid "" "you, brother?" msgstr "" "Warum ist da draußen so ein Krawall? Oh, ich fühle dass sich viele mit den " -"Geistern vereint haben. Wer ist . . . Sulik? Necken mich die Geister, oder " +"Geistern vereint haben. Wer ist . . . Sulik? Necken mich die Geister, oder " "bist du es wirklich, Bruder?" #: dialog/tribec7.msg:218 @@ -237414,8 +237414,8 @@ msgid "" "friend, the Vault Dweller." msgstr "" "Achso, das ist also sein neuer Plan, hä? Jaa, Connar ist nen guter Mann, " -"aber er denkt die Dinge nicht immer bis zum Ende. Manchmal ist es das Beste," -" die Dinge zu besprechen und zu versuchen, mit den Menschen darüber zu " +"aber er denkt die Dinge nicht immer bis zum Ende. Manchmal ist es das Beste, " +"die Dinge zu besprechen und zu versuchen, mit den Menschen darüber zu " "diskutieren. Das ist eine Lektion, die ich von meinem alten Freund, dem " "Bunkerbewohner, gelernt habe." @@ -275595,9 +275595,9 @@ msgid "" " likely to be killed." msgstr "" "Ein Roman der nach einem verherrenden Atomkrieg spielt. Das Buch beschreibt " -"eine auf Weißheit und fort- schrittlicher Technik aufgebaute Kultur, welche" -" die Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zuließ, die nach einem Krieg einen " -"gewaltigen Rückschritt erlebte." +"eine auf Weißheit und fort- schrittlicher Technik aufgebaute Kultur, welche " +"die Entwicklung von Atomwaffen zuließ, die nach einem Krieg einen gewaltigen " +"Rückschritt erlebte." #: game/pro_item.msg:53800 msgid "Text Book" @@ -275763,8 +275763,8 @@ msgid "" "A pre war implement for administrating drugs. It is full of an unknown " "substance." msgstr "" -"Ein Vorkriegswerkzeug um chemische Substanzen zu verabreichen. Sie ist mit" -" einer unbekannten Substanz gefüllt." +"Ein Vorkriegswerkzeug um chemische Substanzen zu verabreichen. Sie ist mit " +"einer unbekannten Substanz gefüllt." #: game/pro_item.msg:55200 msgid "Dog Food" @@ -275994,9 +275994,9 @@ msgid "" "An ancient weapon from a more civilized age. Not as clumsy or as random as a" " blaster. It was given to you by Obi-Wan-Killap. Min ST: 2" msgstr "" -"Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so " -"schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Obi-Wan-Killap gab es dir." -" Mindest-ST: 2" +"Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so " +"schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Obi-Wan-Killap gab es dir. " +"Mindest-ST: 2" #: game/pro_item.msg:57500 msgid "Blaster" @@ -276017,7 +276017,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Eine sehr alte Waffe aus einem weitaus zivilisierterem Zeitalter. Nicht so " "schwerfällig oder willkürlich wie ein Blaster. Imperatorin Timeslip gab es " -"dir. Mindest-ST: 2." +"dir. Mindest-ST: 2." #: game/pro_item.msg:57700 game/pro_scen.msg:187000 game/pro_scen.msg:198500 msgid "Air Processing Vent" @@ -276042,10 +276042,9 @@ msgid "" "command codes. Perhaps if you found a place to input these codes, you could " "learn a thing or two." msgstr "" -"Du bist nicht sicher, aber es scheint sich um ein Diagramm mit " -"verschiedenen chines- ischen Kommandocodes zu handeln. Vielleicht, wenn du " -"einen Platz zur Eingabe dieser Codes findest, kannst du ein paar Sachen " -"lernen." +"Du bist nicht sicher, aber es scheint sich um ein Diagramm mit verschiedenen " +"chinesischen Kommandocodes zu handeln. Vielleicht, wenn du einen Platz zur " +"Eingabe dieser Codes findest, kannst du ein paar Sachen lernen." #: game/pro_item.msg:58100 game/pro_item.msg:58200 game/pro_item.msg:58600 #: game/pro_item.msg:58700 @@ -287379,7 +287378,7 @@ msgstr "Mach du nur." #: game/skilldex.msg:100 msgid "SKILLDEX" -msgstr " KÖNNEN" +msgstr "KÖNNEN" #: game/skilldex.msg:103 msgid "LOCKPICK" diff --git a/data/text/po/hungarian.po b/data/text/po/hungarian.po index 5c0296464d..4ecd06e2af 100644 --- a/data/text/po/hungarian.po +++ b/data/text/po/hungarian.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-19 22:02+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Gell Zoli \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-20 12:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: tygyh \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: hungarian\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -3216,11 +3216,12 @@ msgid "" " useful right now." msgstr "" "Haha, úgyhogy észrevetted, ugye? Igen, a Abbey lakói kissé el vannak " -"ragadtatva mindennel, ami a háború előtti időkből származik, különösen, ha " -"az technológiai jellegű. Valami furcsa vallást alakítottak köré, de én sem " -"értem pontosan. De kedves emberek, és jó pénzt fizetnek minden háború előtti" -" dologért, amit csak sikerül szerezni. De ami a különleges dolgot illeti... " -"hmm, [Az illető a társaságod felé pillant.] Bocsi, de úgy tűnik, most nem " +"ragadtatva mindennel, ami a háború előtti időkből származik,\n" +" különösen, ha az technológiai jellegű. Valami furcsa vallást alakítottak " +"köré, de én sem értem pontosan. De kedves emberek,\n" +" és jó pénzt fizetnek minden háború előtti dologért, amit csak sikerül " +"szerezni. De ami a különleges dolgot illeti... hmm,\n" +" [Az illető a társaságod felé pillant.] Bocsi, de úgy tűnik, most nem " "rendelkezem semmivel, ami hasznos lenne számotokra." #: dialog/abbill.msg:213 @@ -18030,7 +18031,7 @@ msgid "" "Wait a minute. Are you trying to say you're one of the Enclave\n" " replacements?" msgstr "" -"Várjon egy percet! Azt próbálja itt mondani, hogy maga az Enklávé bázis " +"Várjon egy percet! Azt próbálja itt mondani, hogy maga az Enklávé bázis " "váltása?" #: dialog/ccchris.msg:202 dialog/ccmandr.msg:222 dialog/epac4.msg:411 @@ -21843,8 +21844,10 @@ msgid "" " not understand the geographical coordinate system then you will not find " "it." msgstr "" -"Keresés... Szleng szótár... Információ feldolgozva. Ez négy dolgot jelent:\n" -" 1, Jó mélyen van az óceánon. 2, Kalifornia partjaitól is messze van. 3, San Franciscótól nyugatra található. 4, Ha nem tanultál földrajzot, úgysem fogod megérteni. " +"Keresés... Szleng szótár... Információ feldolgozva. Ez négy dolgot jelent: " +"1, Jó mélyen van az óceánon. 2, Kalifornia partjaitól is messze van. 3, San " +"Franciscótól nyugatra található. 4, Ha nem tanultál földrajzot, úgysem fogod " +"megérteni." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:129 msgid "How get there?" @@ -22749,8 +22752,8 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Igenis, uram! Először is, az elsődleges mód a gépmadarak használata. Ám a " "kezelésük nehézkessége miatt valószínűtlen, hogy képzetlenek vezetni tudnák " -"őket. A második lehetséges mód a San Francisco-i öbölben veszteglő tanker. " -"A hajót hatástalanították, és kódkártya kell az újraindításához, amit a " +"őket. A második lehetséges mód a San Francisco-i öbölben veszteglő tanker. A " +"hajót hatástalanították, és kódkártya kell az újraindításához, amit a " "bázisparancsnok tart magánál. A harmadik és egyben utolsó mód az úszás, " "melynek túlélési esélye a nulla felé konvergál." @@ -22995,11 +22998,13 @@ msgid "" " They failed; we are much more intelligent than they suspect." msgstr "" "(Xarn egy pillanatra felmér, mintha a szándékaidat fürkészné) Rendben, " -"elmondom. Nemzetségemet az Enklávé teremtette, hogy rabszolgáik és harcosaik" -" legyünk. Megnövelték az intelligenciánkat, hogy jobban megértsük a " -"parancsokat, de arra vigyáztak, nehogy rádöbbenjünk szolga mivoltunkra. Nem" -" jött be a számításuk, sokkal okosabbak vagyunk, mint amilyennek láttatni " -"engedjük." +"elmondom.\n" +" Nemzetségemet az Enklávé teremtette, hogy rabszolgáik és harcosaik legyünk. " +"Megnövelték\n" +" az intelligenciánkat, hogy jobban megértsük a parancsokat, de arra\n" +" vigyáztak, nehogy rádöbbenjünk szolga mivoltunkra.\n" +" Nem jött be a számításuk, sokkal okosabbak vagyunk, mint amilyennek " +"láttatni engedjük." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:121 msgid "" @@ -30415,8 +30420,8 @@ msgid "" " is inside. Find out what and I'll pay you $200." msgstr "" "Naszóval... innen keletre van egy templom. Metzger néhány embere őrzi, " -"akármit is tárolnak odabenn. Derítsd ki, mi az, és fizetek érte 200 " -"dollárt. " +"akármit is\n" +" tárolnak odabenn. Derítsd ki, mi az, és fizetek érte 200 dollárt." #: dialog/dclara.msg:281 msgid "That was easy. I already know." @@ -30822,17 +30827,17 @@ msgid "" "I told you we would go together. Since no one was there to watch the place, " "it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell." msgstr "" -"Azt mondtam, hogy együtt megyünk! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, " -"valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös!" +"Azt mondtam, hogy együtt megyünk! Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki " +"megfújta és Metzger most pokoli dühös." #: dialog/dclara.msg:591 msgid "" "I told you to find a weakness, not kill them! Since no one was there to " "watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell." msgstr "" -"Azt mondtam, derítsd ki a gyenge pontjukat, nem azt, hogy öldd meg őket! " +"Azt mondtam, derítsd ki a gyenge pontjukat, nem azt, hogy öldd meg őket! " "Mivel senki nem vigyázott a cuccra, valaki megfújta és Metzger most pokoli " -"dühös!" +"dühös." #: dialog/dclara.msg:592 msgid "" @@ -32033,7 +32038,7 @@ msgstr "Nem, nem, nem, nem!" msgid "" "What do you fucking think? This is a slaving guild. I buy and sell slaves." msgstr "" -"Mégis, mi a faszt képzelsz? Ez a Rabszolga-Céh. Rabszolgákat adok, veszek." +"Mégis, mi a faszt képzelsz? Ez a Rabszolga-Céh. Rabszolgákat adok, veszek." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:286 msgid "Where do you get the slaves?" @@ -32193,7 +32198,7 @@ msgid "" "look might fetch something extra. $" msgstr "" "Egy újabb benszülött? Fura egy szerzet... Mindegy, erősnek látszik, és ez a " -"külső önmagában hozhat némi plussz pénzt. Mit szólnál " +"külső önmagában hozhat némi plussz pénzt. Mit szólnál " #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:366 msgid "How about someone else?" @@ -36986,7 +36991,7 @@ msgid "" " that's what they were." msgstr "" "Amint láthatod, ez az autóm, egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Gyönyörű. " -"Régen azt mondták \"Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant.\" Strapabíró " +"Régen azt mondták \"Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant.\" Strapabíró " "jószág, így tervezték őket." #: dialog/dcsmitty.msg:331 @@ -37154,7 +37159,7 @@ msgid "" "say that for 'em." msgstr "" "Ez nem más, mint egy Chrysalis Motors Highwayman. Régen azt mondták rá, " -"\"Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant.\" Strapabíró jószág, mondhatom." +"\"Semmi sem állíthat meg egy Highwaymant.\" Strapabíró jószág, mondhatom." #: dialog/dcsmitty.msg:471 msgid "Wow, does it run?" @@ -43057,7 +43062,7 @@ msgstr "Zzzsnnnzzzz... nem akarok még felkelni....Zzznnsss" #: dialog/ecbhead.msg:123 msgid "Zzsssccs... eh?" -msgstr "Zzsssccs... mi?" +msgstr "Zzsssccs... mi?" #: dialog/ecbhead.msg:124 msgid "Wha--?" @@ -47376,9 +47381,9 @@ msgid "" "This little gem is truly one of a kind. From the far reaches of... It works by pointing it\n" " like- Look, I don't know what the hell this is. You want it or not? The price is " msgstr "" -"Ez a kis gyöngyszem igazán egyedülálló. Származási helye... öö... Úgy " -"működik, hogy rámutatsz vele... mindegy, gőzöm sincs, mi a franc lehet ez. " -"Kell vagy nem? Az ára " +"Ez a kis gyöngyszem igazán egyedülálló. Származási helye...\n" +" öö... Úgy működik, hogy rámutatsz vele... mindegy, gőzöm sincs, mi a franc " +"lehet ez. Kell vagy nem? Az ára " #: dialog/ectrader.msg:112 msgid "" @@ -58933,8 +58938,8 @@ msgid "" "She's dead? She's DEAD? How did she die? No, wait... don't tell me. Give me " "a few hours to get myself together." msgstr "" -"Meghalt? MEGHALT? Hogy halt meg? Ne, inkább mégse mondd el... tartsd meg " -"magadnak! Adj néhány órát, hogy összeszedjem magam!" +"Meghalt? MEGHALT? Hogy halt meg? Ne, inkább mégse mondd el... tartsd meg " +"magadnak! Adj néhány órát, hogy összeszedjem magam." #: dialog/fcbadger.msg:179 msgid "Sure, sure." @@ -60113,7 +60118,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fcchip.msg:154 msgid "Sorry, man... I think you're screwed. I can't help." -msgstr "Bocs, barátom... de neked akkor annyi. Nem tudok segíteni." +msgstr "Bocs, barátom... de neked akkor annyi. Nem tudok segíteni." #: dialog/fcchip.msg:155 msgid "With no spleen, I'm going to die. Thanks for your help anyway." @@ -68810,8 +68815,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fcmarc.msg:113 msgid "I'm Marc. I'm the resident smart-ass and know-it-all. ::he smiles::" -msgstr "" -"Marc vagyok. A helyi mindenttudó okostojás vagyok. ::mosolyog hozzá::" +msgstr "Marc vagyok. A helyi mindenttudó okostojás vagyok. ::mosolyog hozzá::" #: dialog/fcmarc.msg:114 msgid "Oh. I have other questions." @@ -92592,8 +92596,9 @@ msgid "" " sheriff, uranium mine, hospital, store... you can get just about anything here. You want anything else?" msgstr "" "Ebben az esetben, egyszerűen nagyszerű itt lenni. Ennek a városnak mindene " -"megvan, amit csak akarsz... mutáns seriff, uránbánya, kórház, bolt... " -"majdnem mindent megkaphatsz. Segíthetek még valamiben?" +"megvan, amit csak akarsz... mutáns\n" +" seriff, uránbánya, kórház, bolt... majdnem mindent megkaphatsz. Segíthetek " +"még valamiben?" #: dialog/hcjacob.msg:164 msgid "" @@ -97374,7 +97379,7 @@ msgid "" "Of course I tried it out on a plant! I'm trying to increase intelligence " "from the ground up!" msgstr "" -"Persze, hogy megpróbáltam növényekkel is! Az intelligenciát a nulláról " +"Persze, hogy megpróbáltam növényekkel is! Az intelligenciát a nulláról " "szeretném felfejleszteni!" #: dialog/hcprof.msg:141 @@ -99487,8 +99492,8 @@ msgid "" " stash was for nothing? God DAMMIT! Sorry to make you run around like that, kid. If I'd'a known..." msgstr "" "Mi? Már nem kupakokat használnak pénzként? Azt mondod, hogy minden, amit " -"gyűjtögettem, rejtegettem és aggódtam miatta hiába volt? Az isten VERJE " -"MEG! Sajnálom, hogy ennyit dolgoztattalak emiatt, kölyök. Ha tudtam volna..." +"gyűjtögettem, rejtegettem és aggódtam miatta hiába volt? Az isten VERJE MEG! " +"Sajnálom, hogy ennyit dolgoztattalak emiatt, kölyök. Ha tudtam volna..." #: dialog/hctyphon.msg:216 msgid "'S okay. Bye!" @@ -101056,7 +101061,7 @@ msgstr "Mindjárt kezdődik az őrjárat..." #: dialog/icmerc.msg:253 msgid "Man, that tribal *stinks.* All his kind do." -msgstr "Basszus, ez a rézbőrű *bűzlik*! Akár az összes többi..." +msgstr "Basszus, ez a rézbőrű *bűzlik*! Akár az összes többi..." #: dialog/icmerc.msg:254 msgid "Damn Vault City laser cannons..." @@ -175560,8 +175565,8 @@ msgid "" "No, I'm not. I'm here of my own free will and I like it. I think this will be a safe place for\n" " me to stay for a while." msgstr "" -"Nem, dehogy! Saját akaratomból vagyok itt, és tetszik ez a hely. Azt hiszem," -" jó darabig biztonságban elleszek itt." +"Nem, dehogy! Saját akaratomból vagyok itt, és tetszik ez a hely. Azt hiszem, " +"jó darabig biztonságban elleszek itt." #: dialog/ocdalia.msg:130 msgid "I see. Well, I'll be going then." @@ -177479,11 +177484,11 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Itt rengeteg gép van, emberek gépei. Halálkarom kezek nem tudják használni " "őket. De van egy gép, amely megérti a kérdéseket. Megkérem a gépet, hogy " -"működtesse a többit, az meg engedelmeskedik. Ez a gép már nem hallgat rám. " +"működtesse a többit, az meg engedelmeskedik. Ez a gép már nem hallgat rám. " "Soha többé nem működteti a többi gépet. Kifogyunk az élelemből és a vízből. " "Én rendeltem el az emberek földjeit célzó rajtaütéseket, hátha úgy életben " -"maradunk. Nem vagyok büszke rá, de ha megjavítod ezt a gépet, ha újra etetni" -" tudom a népem, pontot teszek a végére. Örömmel állítom le a rajtaütéseket. " +"maradunk. Nem vagyok büszke rá, de ha megjavítod ezt a gépet, ha újra etetni " +"tudom a népem, pontot teszek a végére. Örömmel állítom le a rajtaütéseket. " "Beleegyezel?" #: dialog/ocgrutha.msg:146 @@ -179418,7 +179423,7 @@ msgid "" "Unauthorized personnel. Meaning 'people who do not have permission to be " "here.'" msgstr "" -"Nem felhatalmazott személy. Azt jelenti, hogy 'olyan ember, akinek nincs " +"Nem felhatalmazott személy. Azt jelenti, hogy 'olyan ember, akinek nincs " "engedélye arra, hogy itt tartózkodjon.'" #: dialog/ocvaldis.msg:144 @@ -183782,7 +183787,7 @@ msgid "" "You see a plump but not unattractive intern, uh, secretary. Her hair is a " "little mussed." msgstr "" -"Egy telt, nem annyira vonzó buksz... úgy értem, titkárnőt látsz. Kicsit " +"Egy telt, nem annyira vonzó buksz... úgy értem, titkárnőt látsz. Kicsit " "zilált a haja." #: dialog/qcprssec.msg:103 @@ -185690,68 +185695,56 @@ msgstr "(Majd inkább máskor) Kijelentkezés." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:133 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:139 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:149 msgid "Select: " -msgstr "Válasszon: " +msgstr "Válasszon: " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:134 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:142 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:154 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Download A. E. C.: Atomic Powerplant Operations" msgid "A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations, " -msgstr "Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés " +msgstr "Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:135 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:143 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:155 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Security Status" msgid "Security Status?" -msgstr "Biztonsági státusz: " +msgstr "Biztonsági státusz?" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:136 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:146 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:160 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:171 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:206 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:213 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Download A. E. C.: Atomic Powerplant Operations" msgid "Download A. E. C.: Atomic Power plant Operations." -msgstr "Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés " +msgstr "Letöltés: A. E. C.: Atomreakor vezérlés." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:137 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:147 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:178 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:185 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:215 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Security Status" msgid "Security Status." -msgstr "Biztonsági státusz: " +msgstr "Biztonsági státusz." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:138 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:148 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:162 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:172 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:179 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:186 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:208 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:216 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:223 msgid "Return to User ID:" -msgstr "Vissza az azonosításhoz: " +msgstr "Vissza az azonosításhoz:" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:140 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:152 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Security/Level: Current Status" msgid "Security Level: Current Status, " -msgstr "Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot " +msgstr "Biztonság szint: Jelenlegi állapot, " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:141 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:153 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report" msgid "Chemical Corps: Project Status Report, " -msgstr "Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota " +msgstr "Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:144 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:158 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:212 msgid "Security/Level: Current Status" -msgstr "Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot " +msgstr "Biztonság/szint: Jelenlegi állapot " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:145 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:159 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:170 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:205 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:221 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report" msgid "Download Chemical Corps: Project Status Report." -msgstr "Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota " +msgstr "Letöltés: Vegyi Kutatóalakulat - Projekt állapota." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:150 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "State of the Nation: Current Status" msgid "State of the Nation: Current Status, " -msgstr "A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz " +msgstr "A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz, " #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:151 #, fuzzy @@ -185761,26 +185754,24 @@ msgstr "Szavak listája" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:156 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:167 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:181 msgid "State of the Nation: Current Status" -msgstr "A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz " +msgstr "A Nemzet helyzete: Jelenlegi státusz" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:157 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:168 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:174 #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:204 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:211 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:219 msgid "Download Word List." -msgstr "Letöltés: Szavak listája " +msgstr "Letöltés: Szavak listája." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:161 dialog/qiturtrm.msg:164 msgid "Security Status" -msgstr "Biztonsági státusz: " +msgstr "Biztonsági státusz" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:163 msgid "Select: Security Status?" -msgstr "Válasszon: Biztonsági státusz? " +msgstr "Válasszon: Biztonsági státusz?" #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:165 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "End Access" msgid "End Access." -msgstr "Hozzáférés vége. " +msgstr "Hozzáférés vége." #: dialog/qiturtrm.msg:166 msgid "Download failed - Security Status file missing." diff --git a/data/text/po/polish.po b/data/text/po/polish.po index 43874a09d9..17d4319ca8 100644 --- a/data/text/po/polish.po +++ b/data/text/po/polish.po @@ -4,14 +4,15 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-11-03 17:29+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Full Name \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-20 13:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: tygyh \n" "Language-Team: Polish \n" "Language: polish\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " +"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.2\n" #: cuts/afailed.sve:10 @@ -22390,7 +22391,7 @@ msgid "" " birds? No way, man. Only Raul works on these babies. You know why? Cause\n" " Quincy don't know DICK, man, that's why!" msgstr "" -"Hej, człowieku, Raul nie będzie słuchać tego gówna od nikogo. Czy widzisz, " +" Hej, człowieku, Raul nie będzie słuchać tego gówna od nikogo. Czy widzisz, " "żeby Quincy robił coś przy tych ptaszkach? Człowieku, mowy nie ma. Tylko " "Raul pracuje przy tych maluszkach. A wiesz dlaczego? Bo Quincy się na tym " "CHUJA zna, oto dlaczego!" @@ -24107,7 +24108,7 @@ msgstr " zręcznie otwiera zamek na pojemniku." #: dialog/containr.msg:174 dialog/cstouch.msg:174 msgid "'s lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container." -msgstr " blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia." +msgstr "blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia." #: dialog/containr.msg:175 dialog/cstouch.msg:175 msgid " failed to pick the lock on this container." @@ -26385,7 +26386,7 @@ msgstr "Hmmm... Wygląda całkiem nieźle. Dam ci $" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:233 dialog/dccaesar.msg:246 msgid " coins." -msgstr "." +msgstr " ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:234 msgid "OK! It's a deal." @@ -26441,7 +26442,7 @@ msgstr "No dobra, dam ci $" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:251 msgid " but no more!" -msgstr ", ale ani grosza więcej!" +msgstr " , ale ani grosza więcej!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:253 msgid "Not good enough." @@ -31327,7 +31328,7 @@ msgstr "Witaj, jestem " #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:155 msgid ". What's there to do around here?" -msgstr " Jest tu coś do roboty?" +msgstr ". Jest tu coś do roboty?" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:156 msgid "Hi, I'm " @@ -32894,7 +32895,7 @@ msgstr "Dzięki. Czas na mnie. Cześć." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1360 msgid " for her. How about it?" -msgstr ". No jak, robimy interes?" +msgstr " . No jak, robimy interes?" #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1540 msgid ". Pretty fucking good job." @@ -32914,7 +32915,7 @@ msgstr " to niemało, ale możesz zarabiać dużo więcej." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1545 msgid " this time. Pretty good job." -msgstr ". Niezła robota." +msgstr " . Niezła robota." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1547 msgid "? Not bad." @@ -46047,7 +46048,7 @@ msgstr "Uzdrowienie $" #: dialog/ecnomsha.msg:150 msgid "and I will combine the two for you." -msgstr " za ich połączenie." +msgstr "za ich połączenie." #: dialog/ecoutcst.msg:100 msgid "Do not run." @@ -76002,8 +76003,8 @@ msgid "" " propose would benefit thousands of Vault City and Gecko citizens. You may not care\n" " for me or my motives but the results are still well worth working towards." msgstr "" -" Mimo twoich obiekcji co do sprawowania kontroli nad światem przez gryzonia," -" musisz pamiętać, że moje działania zmierzają ku poprawie życia tysięcy " +"Mimo twoich obiekcji co do sprawowania kontroli nad światem przez gryzonia, " +"musisz pamiętać, że moje działania zmierzają ku poprawie życia tysięcy " "mieszkańców Kryptopolis i Gecko. Moje pobudki nie powinny przysłaniać ci " "szczytnego celu, ku któremu zmierzamy." @@ -90736,7 +90737,7 @@ msgstr "Ty głupie ścierwo! Szykuj się na śmierć!" #: dialog/hcencha.msg:150 dialog/hchench.msg:451 msgid ", the caravan guard." -msgstr " - należy do strażników karawany." +msgstr "- należy do strażników karawany." #: dialog/hcencha.msg:151 dialog/hchench.msg:215 msgid ". I'm a guard for Bill's caravans. Anything else?" @@ -107886,7 +107887,7 @@ msgid "" "Well then, you better talk to Big Nose Sally. She makes all the business arrangements for us\n" " and she doesn't take kindly to any freelance work." msgstr "" -" Więc lepiej porozmawiaj z Wielkonosą Sally. Ona organizuje wszystkie " +"Więc lepiej porozmawiaj z Wielkonosą Sally. Ona organizuje wszystkie " "spotkania dla nas i nie toleruję robótek na boku." #: dialog/kcjenny.msg:380 @@ -113291,7 +113292,7 @@ msgstr "Torr pomocy!" #: dialog/kctorr.msg:122 msgid " Torr Help. (I'm coming to help you, Torr. Just hold on a bit longer!)" -msgstr "Torr pomocy. (Zaraz ci pomogę, Torr. Wytrzymaj jeszcze chwilę!)" +msgstr " Torr pomocy. (Zaraz ci pomogę, Torr. Wytrzymaj jeszcze chwilę!)" #: dialog/kctorr.msg:123 msgid "I'm trying to help you, Torr." @@ -113425,7 +113426,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" " Hep Torr. (I'll meet you in the pasture to the east of downtown at sunset.)" msgstr "" -"Pomusz Torr. (Spotkajmy się na pastwisku, na wschód stąd, o zachodzie " +" Pomusz Torr. (Spotkajmy się na pastwisku, na wschód stąd, o zachodzie " "słońca.)" #: dialog/kctorr.msg:173 @@ -116658,7 +116659,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" " brahmin got killed due to your carelessness. At $100 per brahmin your " "reward is " -msgstr ". Licząc po $100 za braminę, twoja nagroda wynosi " +msgstr " . Licząc po $100 za braminę, twoja nagroda wynosi " #: dialog/mcgrisha.msg:172 msgid "" @@ -118504,7 +118505,7 @@ msgstr " być twoim prawnie poślubionym " msgid "" "Then by frontier law, I pronounce you attached. You may now kiss the bride." msgstr "" -" A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was mężem i żoną. Możesz teraz " +"A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was mężem i żoną. Możesz teraz " "pocałować pannę młodą." #: dialog/mcjo.msg:608 @@ -118527,21 +118528,21 @@ msgstr "[Bo przewraca strony w swojej książce.]" #: dialog/mcjo.msg:625 msgid "husband?" -msgstr " stał się twoim przybranym w majestacie prawa mężem?" +msgstr "stał się twoim przybranym w majestacie prawa mężem?" #: dialog/mcjo.msg:626 msgid "wife?" -msgstr " stała się twoją przybraną w majestacie prawa żoną?" +msgstr "stała się twoją przybraną w majestacie prawa żoną?" #: dialog/mcjo.msg:627 msgid "uhhh... other? Yes, lawfully wedded other?" msgstr "" -" stał się twoją uuuch... drugą połową? Tak, przybraną w majestacie prawa " +"stał się twoją uuuch... drugą połową? Tak, przybraną w majestacie prawa " "drugą połową?" #: dialog/mcjo.msg:628 msgid "other?" -msgstr " stał się twoją drugą połową?" +msgstr "stał się twoją drugą połową?" #: dialog/mcjo.msg:800 msgid "We're gonna attack the Slags in " @@ -119831,7 +119832,7 @@ msgid "" " you're just so cool because you're normal just like everyone else.\" Yep, " "normal that's me." msgstr "" -", jesteś taki niezwykły, bo potrafisz się zachowywać jak normalny facet.\" " +" , jesteś taki niezwykły, bo potrafisz się zachowywać jak normalny facet.\" " "Taki właśnie jestem." #: dialog/mcmiria.msg:200 @@ -127193,7 +127194,7 @@ msgstr " to banda wymoczków. Co ty na to?" #: dialog/ncbisgrd.msg:1231 dialog/ncbismen.msg:1231 msgid " had time to do much more than kiss their bosses' ass." -msgstr ", aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi." +msgstr " , aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi." #: dialog/ncbisgrd.msg:1236 dialog/ncbismen.msg:1236 msgid " family is a bunch of pussies. Now I see it's true." @@ -132719,15 +132720,15 @@ msgstr " może teraz pójść z tobą po samochód? Prooooszę?" #: dialog/nccody.msg:1282 msgid " car! Where! Where! Take me! Take me! Pleeease? Will you? Huh?" -msgstr "! Gdzie! Gdzie! Pokaż! Pokaż! Proooszę? Dobrze? Hę?" +msgstr " ! Gdzie! Gdzie! Pokaż! Pokaż! Proooszę? Dobrze? Hę?" #: dialog/nccody.msg:1283 msgid " car is... oh, look! Shiny thing! (Wander off.)" -msgstr "... och, zobacz! Świeci się! (Odejdź.)" +msgstr " ... och, zobacz! Świeci się! (Odejdź.)" #: dialog/nccody.msg:1293 msgid "'s car and " -msgstr " będzie się teraz gniewać, bo zły pan ukradł samochód. " +msgstr "będzie się teraz gniewać, bo zły pan ukradł samochód. " #: dialog/nccody.msg:2204 msgid " car?" @@ -132736,8 +132737,8 @@ msgstr " samochód?" #: dialog/nccody.msg:2293 msgid "'s fist will be having a private conversation across the street." msgstr "" -" wyśle teraz swoją piąchę na krótki spacerek naprzeciwko i zapozna ją bliżej" -" ze złym panem." +"wyśle teraz swoją piąchę na krótki spacerek naprzeciwko i zapozna ją bliżej " +"ze złym panem." #: dialog/nccomedi.msg:100 msgid "You see a comedian." @@ -134640,7 +134641,7 @@ msgstr ", jeśli CHCESZ zrobić sobie z nami zdjęcie..." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:5528 msgid ". I'm outta this chicken-shit studio." -msgstr " też ci nic nie da. Spadam z tego podrzędnego studia." +msgstr "też ci nic nie da. Spadam z tego podrzędnego studia." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:5535 msgid "!\" I LIKE it! I LIKE it! Now, let's FILM..." @@ -138755,7 +138756,7 @@ msgstr "Wspomniał Ojciec o Redding?" #: dialog/ncftully.msg:794 msgid "" "The Mordinos are testing Jet on slaves, huh? Interesting. Thanks, Father." -msgstr " Mordinos testują Jet na niewolnikach, tak? Ciekawe. Dzięki, Ojcze." +msgstr "Mordinos testują Jet na niewolnikach, tak? Ciekawe. Dzięki, Ojcze." #: dialog/ncftully.msg:800 msgid "" @@ -140552,7 +140553,7 @@ msgstr " ZABIĆ TY!" #: dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:5341 msgid " family." -msgstr "." +msgstr " ." #: dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:6281 msgid " about Jet?" @@ -144068,7 +144069,7 @@ msgstr ". Co jest?" #: dialog/nckeiwri.msg:1252 msgid ". Everybody treating you all right? Anything I can do for you?" -msgstr " Wszyscy cię dobrze traktują? Mogę ci w czymś pomóc?" +msgstr "Wszyscy cię dobrze traktują? Mogę ci w czymś pomóc?" #: dialog/nckeiwri.msg:1253 msgid "" @@ -148304,7 +148305,7 @@ msgstr ". Rozwal ich i odejdź, albo jakoś inaczej." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:5273 msgid "s fuck with us, you'll be wormfood. Get outta here!" msgstr "" -" próbuje z nami zadzierać? Niech spróbuje, a wszyscy pójdziecie karmić " +"próbuje z nami zadzierać? Niech spróbuje, a wszyscy pójdziecie karmić " "robaki. Spadaj stąd!" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:5276 @@ -148357,11 +148358,11 @@ msgstr "! Wredna chica - wojowniczka! Jesteś niezła, chica!" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:6035 msgid "'s hand No TOUCH " -msgstr " ręka Nie DOTYKA " +msgstr "ręka Nie DOTYKA " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:7035 msgid "'s hand " -msgstr " ręka " +msgstr "ręka " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:8035 msgid " NO LIKE" @@ -151285,7 +151286,7 @@ msgid "" "Talk to me again, puta, and I'll fill you so full o' lead even Superman " "couldn't see through you." msgstr "" -" Spieprzaj stąd, puta, albo nafaszeruję cię ołowiem tak, że będziesz " +"Spieprzaj stąd, puta, albo nafaszeruję cię ołowiem tak, że będziesz " "zatrzymywać promieniowanie." #: dialog/ncmormen.msg:412 diff --git a/data/text/po/russian.po b/data/text/po/russian.po index 827fe75575..b0f558e86a 100644 --- a/data/text/po/russian.po +++ b/data/text/po/russian.po @@ -4,19 +4,20 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-04 12:10+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-09-24 08:09+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Pavel \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: russian\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" +"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.12.2\n" #: cuts/afailed.sve:10 msgid "Chosen. The village dies. All of our futures die, too." -msgstr "Избранный. Деревня умирает. Наше будущее умирает с ней." +msgstr "Избранный. Наша деревня умирает. И вместе с ней умирает наше будущее." #: cuts/artimer1.sve:20 msgid "Chosen, the spirits of our ancestors guide me to world of dreams" @@ -3140,9 +3141,10 @@ msgid "" "Say, I've noticed a lot of old equipment and items have been collected here at the Abbey.\n" " I don't suppose you've found anything... special, during your time here?" msgstr "" -"Я заметил, что здесь в Аббатстве собрано много старого оборудования и разных" -" вещей. Может быть, за время своего пребывания здесь вы находили что-" -"нибудь... особенное?" +"Скажите, я заметил, что здесь, в аббатстве, собрано много старого " +"оборудования и предметов.\n" +" Вы случайно не находили что-нибудь... особенное во время своего пребывания " +"здесь?" #: dialog/abbill.msg:211 msgid "" @@ -3193,12 +3195,12 @@ msgid "" " about how they'd wasted all the muties. Claimed there'd been nearly a dozen of 'em, and I called bullshit. But it turns\n" " out they had some proof." msgstr "" -"Видите ли, здесь не так давно прошел караван. Они говорили, что пришли с " -"самого юга. Еще сказали, что в дороге на них напали несколько мерзких " -"мутантов. [обращаясь к Маркусу] Без обид, здоровяк. Что бы там ни случилось," -" они много хвастали о том, как они порешили всех этих мутантиков. Врали, что" -" мутантов было около дюжины, я назвал тогда их треп дерьмом брамина. Но, как" -" оказалось, у них были доказательства." +"Видишь ли, караван проходил здесь не так давно, утверждая, что они прибыли с " +"далёкого юга. Говорили, что на них напали какие-то мерзкие мутанты (" +"поворачивается к Маркусу) без обид, здоровяк. В общем, они много хвастались " +"тем, как разделались со всеми мутантами. Утверждали, что их было почти " +"дюжина, и я посчитал это чушью собачьей. Но оказалось, что у них были " +"доказательства." #: dialog/abbill.msg:217 msgid "Yeah? What was that?" @@ -3211,12 +3213,12 @@ msgid "" " eager to keep lugging the heavy thing around, so they offered it to me for dirt cheap. I didn't know what I'd ever do\n" " with it, but I figured a deals a deal." msgstr "" -"Огромный набор мутантской брони, который они умудрились снять с одного из " -"трупов. Конечно же, исходя из того, что я знаю, скорее всего они сняли ее с " -"трупа давно умершего мутанта, на которого наткнулись в пустошах. Но кто " -"знает? Как бы там ни было, они не стремились тащить эту тяжеленную хрень с " -"собой, поэтому они предложили мне ее за бесценок. Я не знал, что я буду с " -"ней делать, но сделка казалась стоящей." +"Огромный комплект брони мутанта, который им удалось снять с одного из " +"трупов. Конечно, насколько мне известно, они сняли её с костей какого-нибудь " +"давно умершего мутанта, на которого наткнулись в пустошах, но кто знает? В " +"любом случае, они не горели желанием продолжать таскать эту тяжёлую " +"штуковину, поэтому предложили её мне за бесценок. Я не знал, что буду с ней " +"делать, но решил, что сделка есть сделка." #: dialog/abbill.msg:219 msgid "Well, I'm sure Marcus here could benefit from this. How much for it?" @@ -3295,11 +3297,11 @@ msgid "" " hanging around very long. But if you're looking to hook up with one of em, I'd head over to Redding or even down to NCR.\n" " They've got pretty active caravans and good help is always wanted." msgstr "" -"Я бы не сказал. Как правило, те караваны, что останавливаются здесь, " -"довольно хорошо оснащены и не заинтересованы в долгой стоянке. Но если вы " -"хотите присоединиться к одному из них, я бы направился в Реддинг или даже " -"спустился на юг к НКР. У них очень активное движение караванов и хорошие " -"помощники всегда нужны." +"Я не совсем уверен. Обычно те, кто заходят сюда, достаточно хорошо " +"экипированы и не особо заинтересованы задерживаться надолго. Но если ты " +"хочешь с кем-нибудь из них связаться, я бы направился в Реддинг или даже " +"вниз, в НКР. \n" +"У них там довольно активные караваны, и хорошая помощь всегда нужна»." #: dialog/abbill.msg:306 dialog/abpetson.msg:304 msgid "Interesting. I was curious about something else." @@ -21835,7 +21837,7 @@ msgstr "Запуск программы приветствия." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:145 dialog/ncsalvat.msg:220 dialog/rcgamble.msg:105 #: game/combatai.msg:41674 msgid "Shit!" -msgstr "Трандец!" +msgstr "Дерьмо!" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:146 msgid "Security System Lockout in Progress." @@ -30211,8 +30213,8 @@ msgid "" "Vault... Vault... Vault 13? Nope, never heard of it. Don't tell me they've come up\n" " with another new drug! Nothing can beat Jet!" msgstr "" -"Убежище... Убежище... Убежище 13? Нет, в первый раз слышу. Только не говори " -"мне, что какая-то новая дурь появилась! Ничто не сравнится с Джетом!" +"Убежище… Убежище… Убежище 13? Нет, никогда о нём не слышал. Не говори мне, " +"что они придумали ещё один новый наркотик! Ничто не сравнится с Джетом!" #: dialog/dcjoey.msg:258 msgid "No, you moron." @@ -47564,11 +47566,11 @@ msgstr "Вот что у меня есть: " #: dialog/ectrappr.msg:112 msgid "regular gecko pelts." -msgstr "шкур(ы) обычных гекко." +msgstr "шкур(ы) обычного гекко" #: dialog/ectrappr.msg:113 msgid "golden gecko pelts." -msgstr "шкур(ы) золотых гекко." +msgstr "шкур(ы) золотого гекко." #: dialog/ectrappr.msg:114 msgid "I'll take all you got." @@ -65402,9 +65404,8 @@ msgid "You see a well-armed guard." msgstr "Вы видите хорошо вооруженного охранника." #: dialog/fcelgrd.msg:101 dialog/hcdorgrd.msg:100 dialog/hcguard.msg:100 -#, fuzzy msgid "You see a Hubologist guard." -msgstr "Вы видите охранника хабологов." +msgstr "Вы видите охранника хаболога." #: dialog/fcelgrd.msg:102 msgid "You see a well-armed person with a cruel look to the eyes." @@ -73146,13 +73147,13 @@ msgid "" "Dr. Sheng: Biology Project Head until two months ago. One month sabbatical with new \"botany sentience serum\" accounted for; further absence a puzzle. Dr. Wong assumes control of Biology Program.\n" "Dr. Long: Recently deceased via FEV serum." msgstr "" -"Доктор Вонг: Новый руководитель биологического проекта, в дополнение к " -"физическим исследованиям. Доктор Шенг: руководил биологическим проектом, " -"которого доктор Вонг два месяца назад сменил на этом посту. На месяц " -"отправился в творческий отпуск по работе над новой \"ботаническую сывороткой" -" чувствительности\", из отпуска не вернулся, причина отсутствия неизвестна. " -"Руководителем биологической программы стал доктор Вонг. Доктор Лонг: недавно" -" погиб от ВРЭ-сыворотки." +"Доктор Вонг: Новый глава биологического проекта, помимо исследований по " +"физике.\n" +"Доктор Шэн: Руководитель биологического проекта до недавнего времени (два " +"месяца назад). Месячный отпуск с новой «сывороткой пробуждения растений» " +"учтён; дальнейшее отсутствие — загадка.\n" +"Доктор Вонг принимает руководство биологической программой.\n" +"Доктор Лонг: Недавно скончался из-за сыворотки ВРЭ." #: dialog/fsbiosta.msg:140 dialog/fschesta.msg:129 dialog/fsphysta.msg:125 msgid "Station deactivated." @@ -75127,9 +75128,8 @@ msgid "ERROR: Fuel Tanks Empty." msgstr "ОШИБКА: Топливные баки пусты." #: dialog/fstnkcmp.msg:116 -#, fuzzy msgid "ERROR: Navigation Computer non Functional." -msgstr "ОШИБКА: Навигационный компьютер неисправен." +msgstr "ОШИБКА: Навигационный компьютер не функционирует." #: dialog/fstnkcmp.msg:117 msgid "" @@ -75160,9 +75160,8 @@ msgstr "" "от причала.]" #: dialog/fstnkcmp.msg:131 -#, fuzzy msgid "Navigation Computer on-line." -msgstr "Навигационный компьютер готов к работе." +msgstr "Навигационный компьютер в сети." #: dialog/fstnkcmp.msg:200 msgid "" @@ -76204,8 +76203,8 @@ msgid "" "All right, all right... Consider it done. Just, don't touch the reactor. " "(mumbles) Damn psychotic humans..." msgstr "" -"Ладно, ладно... Считай, что все сделано. Только не трогай реактор. (себе " -"под нос) Ох уж эти сумасшедшие людишки..." +"\"Ладно, ладно... Считай, что дело сделано. Только не трогай реактор. " +"(бормочет) Чёртовы психованные людишки...\"" #: dialog/gcbrain.msg:703 msgid "" @@ -76458,7 +76457,7 @@ msgid "" " of them ugly-ass ghouls? It's bad enough that I have to watch over my Uncle" " Lenny, here. Why do you ask?" msgstr "" -"Гекко? Черт, нет, вы разве не знаете, что это место кишит кривомордыми " +"Гекко? Черт, нет, вы разве не знаете, что это место кишит кривомордыми " "гулями? Мне и так приходится смотреть за моим дядей Ленни. А почему вы " "спросили?" @@ -86875,7 +86874,7 @@ msgstr "Если ты думаешь, что я тут стою для мебе #: dialog/generic.msg:3928 msgid "You better not be planning what I think you're planning, stranger." -msgstr "Если я правильно понимаю, что ты хочешь сделать, даже и не пытайся." +msgstr "Ты лучше не замышляй то, что я думаю, чужак." #: dialog/generic.msg:3929 msgid "What? Like you think I don't notice you? Get outta here!" @@ -218073,10 +218072,8 @@ msgid "Yeah, why not... It'll help me feel like I'm dead." msgstr "Да, почему бы и нет... Это поможет мне почувствовать себя трупом." #: dialog/vccasidy.msg:30300 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Next!" msgid "[Next]" -msgstr "Следующий!" +msgstr "[Далее]" #: dialog/vccharly.msg:100 dialog/vccharly.msg:102 dialog/vccharly.msg:105 #: dialog/vccharly.msg:108 @@ -224238,7 +224235,6 @@ msgstr "" " людей. Хотя, знавал одного торговца, увлеченного этим вопросом..." #: dialog/vckohl.msg:196 -#, fuzzy msgid "Really? Used to?" msgstr "Правда? Как?" @@ -224252,7 +224248,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vckohl.msg:198 msgid "" "Well, I hope there's more of us out there. Thank you very much and goodbye!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ну, надеюсь, нас там больше. Большое спасибо и до свидания!" #: dialog/vckohl.msg:199 msgid "" diff --git a/data/text/po/spanish.po b/data/text/po/spanish.po index 62060507d5..78fbdf274a 100644 --- a/data/text/po/spanish.po +++ b/data/text/po/spanish.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-05-08 00:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Spinaton1541 \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-19 17:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: tygyh \n" "Language-Team: Spanish \n" "Language: spanish\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -52359,9 +52359,11 @@ msgid "" " style, amazing hair, and a voice of gold. With a simple thrust of his pelvis he could impregnate every woman in sight.\n" " He was worshiped as a God by the people of the world. He was my father." msgstr "" -"Había un hombre, más grande que cualquier otro, al que llamamos, \"El Rey\". Era un hombre guapo con impecable\n" -" estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista.\n" -" Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre." +"Había un hombre, más grande que cualquier otro, al que llamamos, \"El Rey\". " +"Era un hombre guapo con impecable\n" +" estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, " +"podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista.\n" +" Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre." #: dialog/epac10.msg:1251 dialog/epac10.msg:1265 dialog/epac10.msg:1273 #: dialog/epac10.msg:1283 dialog/epac10.msg:1293 @@ -52373,8 +52375,9 @@ msgid "" "There were immortals that lived secretly among us. They had to battle each other to the death with swords until\n" " only one remained to claim \"The Prize\"." msgstr "" -"Había inmortales que vivían en secreto entre nosotros. Tuvieron que luchar entre ellos hasta la muerte con espadas hasta\n" -" solo quedaba uno para reclamar \"El Premio\"." +"Había inmortales que vivían en secreto entre nosotros. Tuvieron que luchar " +"entre ellos hasta la muerte con espadas hasta\n" +" solo quedaba uno para reclamar \"El Premio\"." #: dialog/epac10.msg:1261 msgid "Wait. If they were immortal, how could they kill each other?" @@ -52385,8 +52388,9 @@ msgid "" "They could only be killed by decapitation. When one immortal decapitated another, a quickening\n" " would be released, giving the slain immortal's powers to the victor." msgstr "" -"Solo podían ser asesinados por decapitación. Cuando un inmortal decapita a otro, una aceleración\n" -" sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor." +"Solo podían ser asesinados por decapitación. Cuando un inmortal decapita a " +"otro, una aceleración\n" +" sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor." #: dialog/epac10.msg:1263 msgid "What exactly do you mean by \"powers\"?" @@ -52403,8 +52407,9 @@ msgid "" "There were these giant lizards, some bigger than buildings, that people would ride around on. We called them\n" " dinosaurs, and they were known as man's best friend." msgstr "" -"Existían estos lagartos gigantes, algunos más grandes que los edificios, en los que la gente se paseaba. Los llamamos\n" -" dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre." +"Existían estos lagartos gigantes, algunos más grandes que los edificios, en " +"los que la gente se paseaba. Los llamamos\n" +" dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre." #: dialog/epac10.msg:1271 msgid "Wow, did you have one?" @@ -52792,9 +52797,12 @@ msgid "" " in Chicago. That's when I took to sneaking out at night and knifing hookers. I'd been killing things for as long as I\n" " could remember, but gutting neighborhood critters didn't compare to the real deal, you know?" msgstr "" -"De todos modos, nos movimos mucho y no fue hasta que estaba en la escuela secundaria que finalmente nos acomodamos\n" -" en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo\n" -" podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara con el trato real, ¿sabes?" +"De todos modos, nos movimos mucho y no fue hasta que estaba en la escuela " +"secundaria que finalmente nos acomodamos\n" +" en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había " +"estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo\n" +" podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara " +"con el trato real, ¿sabes?" #: dialog/epac10.msg:3027 msgid "" @@ -52802,9 +52810,12 @@ msgid "" " Mr. Popular. Every guy wanted to be my friend and every gal I looked at was willing to spread for me. Except for this\n" " one gal, Vicky. She actually took a bit of work. Amazing, I know, but eventually I got her to come around and become my girl." msgstr "" -"Así que las cosas fueron bastante dulces, en su mayor parte. Quiero decir, odiaba a mi tío y mi tía, pero en la escuela estaba\n" -" Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto\n" -" una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica." +"Así que las cosas fueron bastante dulces, en su mayor parte. Quiero decir, " +"odiaba a mi tío y mi tía, pero en la escuela estaba\n" +" Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba " +"dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto\n" +" una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, " +"pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica." #: dialog/epac10.msg:3028 msgid "And all the while you were moonlighting as a serial killer?" @@ -73308,8 +73319,7 @@ msgstr "Salir" #: dialog/fsbiosta.msg:109 msgid "Data to find: -Botany program- -Genetic program- -Xeno program-" msgstr "" -"Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa " -"Xeno-" +"Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno-" #: dialog/fsbiosta.msg:110 dialog/fsbiosta.msg:126 dialog/fsbiosta.msg:131 #: dialog/fsbiosta.msg:136 dialog/fsempter.msg:170 dialog/fsempter.msg:179 @@ -73472,7 +73482,7 @@ msgstr "Salir." #: dialog/fschesta.msg:108 msgid "Chemistry Database: -Fuel and derivatives- -Polymers-" -msgstr "Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros" +msgstr "Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros" #: dialog/fschesta.msg:109 dialog/fsempter.msg:187 msgid "Fuel and derivatives." @@ -73985,8 +73995,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:169 msgid "Data to find: - Botany program - Genetic program - Xeno program." msgstr "" -"Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa " -"Xeno." +"Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno." #: dialog/fsempter.msg:174 msgid "" @@ -74037,7 +74046,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:186 msgid "Chemistry Database: Fuel and derivatives - Polymers" -msgstr "Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros" +msgstr "Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:190 msgid "" @@ -74054,7 +74063,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:201 msgid "Physics database: Exploration - Theory" -msgstr "Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría" +msgstr "Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:202 msgid "Exploration." @@ -74088,7 +74097,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "\"Aún estamos preparando un modelo funcional de un vehículo aéreo. Ninguno " "de los diseños que hemos creado han demostrado ser seguros o aerodinámicos. " -"Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos...\" -Dr. Wong" +"Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos...\" -Dr. Wong" #: dialog/fsempter.msg:210 dialog/fsphysta.msg:123 msgid "" @@ -85800,8 +85809,8 @@ msgid "" " But enough enjoyment -- oh, my splitting sides -- I need to ask you something." msgstr "" "Oh. Ya veo. Porque, sí. Por supuesto; es muy divertido. Jeje. No puedo " -"contener mi alegría... que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... " -"Necesito preguntarte algo." +"contener mi alegría...\n" +" que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... Necesito preguntarte algo." #: dialog/gcwooz.msg:570 msgid "" @@ -85930,7 +85939,7 @@ msgstr "Sí, Cerveza Tragos Gamma. ¿Sordo o algo?" #: dialog/gcwooz.msg:722 msgid "Yeah, it is. One Gamma Gulp coming right up." -msgstr "Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha." +msgstr "Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha." #: dialog/gcwooz.msg:723 msgid "Alright, enjoy. Anything else?" @@ -126188,8 +126197,10 @@ msgid "" "You. (Mordino glares at Myron as he enters, black lightning flashing in his eyes.) You have... left your post. Your USE\n" " to me is at an... end. (He makes a motion, and his guards reach for their weapons.)" msgstr "" -"Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD\n" -" para mí ha… finalizado. (Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas)." +"Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos " +"oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD\n" +" para mí ha… finalizado. (Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus " +"armas)." #: dialog/ncbigjes.msg:261 msgid "" @@ -127902,7 +127913,7 @@ msgid "" "whispers something. He waits for a minute, listens, then turns back to you.)" " " msgstr "" -"(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. " +"(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. " "Espera un minuto, escucha, y luego regresa a tu lado.) " #: dialog/ncbisgrd.msg:476 @@ -128344,7 +128355,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ncbishop.msg:336 msgid "What? How --" -msgstr "¿Qué? ¿Cómo --" +msgstr "¿Qué? ¿Cómo --" #: dialog/ncbishop.msg:337 msgid "That's gonna cost ex --" @@ -129292,7 +129303,8 @@ msgid "" "My daughter is MINE. Anything that gets put IN my daughter belongs to ME. You got a choice, tribal: either give me\n" " a pound of flesh, or you take the job, and we're even." msgstr "" -"Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu\n" +"Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, " +"tribal: o me pagas tu\n" " deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz." #: dialog/ncbishop.msg:788 @@ -132410,8 +132422,9 @@ msgid "" "Look, KID, don't start with me. If you know what's good for you, you'll stop trying to throw down every time\n" " a little truth comes along and bites you in the ass." msgstr "" -"OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo\n" -" a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está." +"OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de " +"darle vueltas todo el tiempo\n" +" a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está." #: dialog/ncchiwri.msg:438 dialog/ncchrwri.msg:438 msgid "Sorry, no offense intended. Say, I had some other questions..." @@ -133000,8 +133013,9 @@ msgid "" " trying to throw down every time a little truth comes along and bites you in" " the ass." msgstr "" -"OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo\n" -" a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está." +"OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de " +"darle vueltas todo el tiempo a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de " +"cerca que está." #: dialog/ncchrwri.msg:456 msgid "" @@ -134432,7 +134446,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:479 msgid "I'll try and work on my endurance. Maybe next time." -msgstr "Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez." +msgstr "Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:485 msgid "" @@ -136823,8 +136837,9 @@ msgid "" "Look, do you think this weapon I'm carrying is some mystic totem that I keep around for show? Cut the 'tribal'\n" " talk, all right?" msgstr "" -"Oye, ¿crees que este arma que llevo es algún tótem místico que llevo para enseñarlo por ahí? Corta el rollo del\n" -" 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?" +"Oye, ¿crees que este arma que llevo es algún tótem místico que llevo para " +"enseñarlo por ahí? Corta el rollo del\n" +" 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?" #: dialog/ncethwri.msg:274 msgid "I BETTER GO NOW BEFORE I LOSE MY TEMPER." @@ -136910,8 +136925,9 @@ msgid "" "The Temperance Union was established to help people turn away from the poison of drink and turn towards more\n" " hard-working pursuits." msgstr "" -"La Unión por la Templanza se creó para ayudar a la gente a dar la espalda al veneno de la bebida y guiarla hacia\n" -" objetivos más elevados." +"La Unión por la Templanza se creó para ayudar a la gente a dar la espalda al " +"veneno de la bebida y guiarla hacia\n" +" objetivos más elevados." #: dialog/ncethwri.msg:317 msgid "Oh. Well, how ab --" @@ -141018,8 +141034,10 @@ msgid "" "(Shrugs.) One of Mordino's boys cruises the Cat's Paw down the street, I hear, picks one Myron might like from Miss Kitty's\n" " stock...(Jimmy suddenly stops talking. He squints at you and frowns.) Wait a minute..." msgstr "" -"(Se encoge de hombros). Uno de los muchachos de Mordino va a La Garra de la Gata, calle abajo, eso he oído, y elige una para Myron de entre el grupo de\n" -" Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el ceño). Espera un momento..." +"(Se encoge de hombros). Uno de los muchachos de Mordino va a La Garra de la " +"Gata, calle abajo, eso he oído, y elige una para Myron de entre el grupo de\n" +" Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el " +"ceño). Espera un momento..." #: dialog/ncjimmyj.msg:601 dialog/ncorvill.msg:691 msgid "What's wrong?" @@ -145536,7 +145554,7 @@ msgid "" " yourself... presentable. Sorry." msgstr "" "No, no creo que pases la criba. Quizá si te lavases un poco, te\n" -" pusieses… presentable. Lo siento." +" pusieses… presentable. Lo siento." #: dialog/nckitty.msg:597 msgid "" @@ -218809,10 +218827,8 @@ msgid "Yeah, why not... It'll help me feel like I'm dead." msgstr "Sí, ¿por qué no... me ayudará a sentir como que estoy muerto." #: dialog/vccasidy.msg:30300 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Next!" msgid "[Next]" -msgstr "¡El siguiente!" +msgstr "[El siguiente]" #: dialog/vccharly.msg:100 dialog/vccharly.msg:102 dialog/vccharly.msg:105 #: dialog/vccharly.msg:108 @@ -261788,16 +261804,12 @@ msgid "Long" msgstr "Largo" #: game/k_alcohl.msg:1 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You have become addicted to alcohol. The thirst for alcohol will soon " -#| "consume you." msgid "" "You have become addicted to alcohol. The thirst for alcohol will soon " "consume you. You lost 1 Agility and 1 Charisma" msgstr "" -"Te has convertido en un adicto al alcohol. La sed de alcohol pronto se " -"consumirá." +"Te has convertido en un adicto al alcohol. La sed de alcohol pronto te " +"consumirá. Pierdes 1 en Agilidad y Carisma " #: game/k_alcohl.msg:2 msgid "The cravings are getting worse." @@ -261812,16 +261824,12 @@ msgstr "" "alcohol." #: game/k_alcohl.msg:4 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "You feel as if a great burden has been lifted from your mind. No longer do " -#| "you crave the need to drink alcohol." msgid "" "You feel as if a great burden has been lifted from your mind. No longer do " "you feel the need to drink alcohol. You regained 1 Agility and 1 Charisma" msgstr "" -"Se siente como si un gran peso se ha levantado de su mente. Ya No se le " -"antoja a la necesidad de beber alcohol." +"Sientes como si un gran peso se hubiese quitado de tu mente. Ya no sientes " +"el deseo de beber alcohol. Regeneras 1 en Agilidad y Carisma " #: game/lsgame.msg:100 game/lsgame.msg:110 game/misc.msg:11 game/options.msg:1 msgid "LOAD GAME" diff --git a/data/text/po/sv.po b/data/text/po/sv.po index b8a236459c..0e01871e97 100644 --- a/data/text/po/sv.po +++ b/data/text/po/sv.po @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-05 19:53+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-31 07:09+0000\n" "Last-Translator: tygyh \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: sv\n" @@ -2007,6 +2007,9 @@ msgid "" "forced to retire when her own Vice-President Carlson accused her of " "complicity in Councilman Westin's death." msgstr "" +"President Tandi var redan försvagad av misslyckandet med att annektera Valv " +"15 och tvingades dra sig tillbaka när hennes egen vice president Carlson " +"anklagade henne för delaktighet i Rådsmedlem Westins död." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_ncr3.txt:2 @@ -2092,6 +2095,8 @@ msgid "" "Driven by religious fervor, they took control of New Reno and put the other " "families to the spear." msgstr "" +"Drivna av religiös glöd tog de kontroll över New Reno och satte de andra " +"familjerna på spjutet." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr2.txt:4 @@ -2099,6 +2104,8 @@ msgid "" "After their victory, they sent out many messengers across Northern " "California looking for their founder, without success." msgstr "" +"Efter segern skickade de ut många budbärare över norra Kalifornien för att " +"leta efter sin grundare, utan framgång." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr2.txt:5 @@ -2106,6 +2113,8 @@ msgid "" "Many felt that the founder had been taken by the fortune spirits and now " "dwelled in a golden casino paradise in the sky." msgstr "" +"Många ansåg att grundaren hade blivit tagen av lyckoandarna och nu bodde i " +"ett gyllene kasinoparadis i himlen." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr3.txt:1 @@ -2120,6 +2129,8 @@ msgid "" "This child seemed to have little in common with the Bishops, preferring " "instead to spend his days exploring the wastes." msgstr "" +"Detta barn verkade inte ha mycket gemensamt med familjen Bishop, utan " +"föredrog att tillbringa sina dagar med att utforska ödemarkerna." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr3.txt:3 @@ -2127,6 +2138,8 @@ msgid "" "When he turned thirteen, he seized control of the Bishop Family and led them" " to victory over the remaining New Reno families." msgstr "" +"När han fyllde tretton tog han kontroll över familjen Bishop och ledde dem " +"till seger över de återstående familjerna i New Reno." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr3.txt:4 @@ -2134,6 +2147,8 @@ msgid "" "He died quietly in his sleep at the age of seventy-three, never having known" " his real father." msgstr "" +"Han dog stilla i sömnen vid sjuttiotre års ålder, utan att någonsin ha känt " +"sin riktiga far." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr4.txt:1 @@ -2142,6 +2157,9 @@ msgid "" "forming a strong political alliance with the New California Republic and " "Vault City." msgstr "" +"Familjen Bishop i New Reno blev alltmer framstående under de följande åren " +"och bildade en stark politisk allians med Nya Kaliforniska Republiken och " +"Valvstaden." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr4.txt:2 @@ -2150,6 +2168,9 @@ msgid "" "of the alliance, but in the end, New Reno became part of the 'civilized' " "world." msgstr "" +"Många mystiska dödsfall och förhandlingar bakom låsta dörrar pågick under " +"bildandet av alliansen, men i slutändan blev New Reno en del av den " +"'civiliserade' världen." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr4.txt:3 @@ -2157,6 +2178,8 @@ msgid "" "The other families were soon absorbed, and New Reno became a prime tourist " "location for the new republic." msgstr "" +"De andra familjerna absorberades snart, och New Reno blev ett utmärkt " +"turistmål för den nya republiken." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr4.txt:4 @@ -2165,6 +2188,9 @@ msgid "" "and were instrumental in the passage of several amendments protecting " "gambling rights and prostitution." msgstr "" +"Under årtiondena efter alliansen fick flera medlemmar i familjen Bishop " +"politisk makt och bidrog avgörande till att flera lagförslag antogs som " +"skyddade spelrättigheter och prostitution." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr5.txt:1 @@ -2173,6 +2199,9 @@ msgid "" "Navarro, used their laser weaponry to burn the other families into " "submission." msgstr "" +"Familjen Salvatore i New Reno, som hade dragit nytta av sina band till " +"Navarro, använde sina laservapen för att bränna de andra familjerna till " +"underkastelse." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr5.txt:2 @@ -2180,6 +2209,8 @@ msgid "" "The resultant massacre was dubbed \"Ash Friday\" and is still celebrated in " "New Reno to this day." msgstr "" +"Den resulterande massakern kallades \"Askfredagen\" och firas fortfarande i " +"New Reno till denna dag." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr6.txt:1 @@ -2187,6 +2218,8 @@ msgid "" "The Mordino Family grew greatly in power as Jet's influence spread across " "Northern California." msgstr "" +"Familjen Mordino växte kraftigt i makt när Jets påverkan spreds över norra " +"Kalifornien." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr6.txt:2 @@ -2194,6 +2227,8 @@ msgid "" "Within a year, they had seized control of New Reno and expanded their " "empire, absorbing the Den and other surrounding areas." msgstr "" +"Inom ett år hade de tagit kontroll över New Reno och utökat sitt imperium " +"genom att absorbera Lyan och andra omgivande områden." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr6.txt:3 @@ -2201,6 +2236,8 @@ msgid "" "There was little violence in the conquest, as Jet had weakened all " "resistance to Mordino rule." msgstr "" +"Det förekom endast lite våld i erövringen, eftersom Jet hade försvagat allt " +"motstånd mot familjen Mordinos styre." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr7.txt:1 @@ -2209,12 +2246,16 @@ msgid "" "Family quickly lost ground in New Reno and were absorbed by the other " "families." msgstr "" +"När deras Jet-produktion stoppades i och med upptäckten av ett botemedel " +"förlorade familjen Mordino snabbt mark i New Reno och absorberades av de " +"andra familjerna." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr7.txt:2 msgid "" "Most became enforcers or slaves, and the name Mordino was soon forgotten." msgstr "" +"De flesta blev indrivare eller slavar, och namnet Mordino glömdes snart bort." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr8.txt:1 @@ -2229,6 +2270,8 @@ msgid "" "The Wrights, armed with an arsenal of weaponry that dated back to the pre-" "war years, leveled the casinos of the other families with rocket launchers." msgstr "" +"Familjen Wright, som hade en vapenarsenal som gick tillbaka till " +"förkrigsåren, jämnade de andra familjernas kasinon med marken med raketgevär." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr8.txt:3 @@ -2236,6 +2279,8 @@ msgid "" "The 'mob war' was clocked as lasting a little over forty-three minutes, and " "when the smoke cleared, half of New Reno had been demolished." msgstr "" +"Mobbekriget beräknades pågå i lite mer än fyrtiotre minuter och när röken " +"skingrats hade halva New Reno demolerats." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr8.txt:4 @@ -2243,6 +2288,7 @@ msgid "" "To this day, it is commonly taught that the Wright Family were the founders " "of New Reno." msgstr "" +"Än idag är det vanligen sagt att familjen Wright var grundare av New Reno." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr9.txt:1 @@ -2257,6 +2303,8 @@ msgid "" "The Wrights, believing the Mordinos responsible for the death of one of " "their family, attacked the Desperado casino." msgstr "" +"Familjen Wright, som trodde att Mordino-familjen var ansvariga för en av " +"deras familjemedlemmars död, attackerade Desperado-kasinot." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr9.txt:3 @@ -2264,6 +2312,8 @@ msgid "" "The running gun battle that ensued lasted little more than a day, and the " "Wrights were massacred to the last woman and child." msgstr "" +"Den eldstrid som följde varade lite mer än en dag, och familjen Wright " +"massakrerades till sista kvinna och barn." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr9.txt:4 @@ -2271,6 +2321,8 @@ msgid "" "Their mansion lies vacant now, and there are few New Reno inhabitants who " "remembered who once lived there." msgstr "" +"Deras herrgård står nu tom och det är få New Reno-bor som minns vilka som en " +"gång bodde där." #. indexed_txt #: cuts/nar_nr10.txt:1 @@ -3299,7 +3351,7 @@ msgid "" " able to pry open." msgstr "" "Du ser en robust dörr med ett lås (som kan öppnas \n" -" med dyrkar) och en fälla i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan\n" +" med dyrkar) och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan\n" " bända upp." #: dialog/abdoor.msg:111 dialog/bselev.msg:111 dialog/door.msg:111 @@ -4547,29 +4599,31 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abhank.msg:205 msgid "[Drink it.]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Drick det.]" #: dialog/abhank.msg:206 msgid "I changed my mind I don't want any alcohol. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har ändrat mig Jag vill inte ha någon alkohol. Hej då." #: dialog/abhank.msg:207 msgid "(You feel warm and relaxed after you gulp down the wine.)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Du känner dig varm och avslappnad efter att du har druckit vinet)." #: dialog/abhank.msg:208 msgid "Gimme another, Hank." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ge me' en till, Hank." #: dialog/abhank.msg:209 msgid "I'll go now, bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska gå nu, hej då." #: dialog/abhank.msg:210 msgid "" "(Suddenly you feel like shit, then your vision begins to blur. You fall on " "the ground...)" msgstr "" +"(Plötsligt mår du skit, sedan börjar din syn bli suddig. Du faller på " +"marken...)" #: dialog/abhank.msg:211 dialog/ccchris.msg:142 dialog/ccchris.msg:210 #: dialog/ccgrdpa.msg:329 dialog/dcbilly.msg:170 dialog/epac17.msg:811 @@ -4609,89 +4663,89 @@ msgstr "[KLAR]" #: dialog/abhank.msg:212 msgid "No, Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, tyvärr." #: dialog/abhank.msg:213 dialog/dcvicgrd.msg:507 msgid "Hi, again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej igen." #: dialog/abhank.msg:214 msgid "Hi and bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej och hej då." #: dialog/abhank.msg:215 msgid "This one won't be free. It'll cost you $20." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den här kommer inte att vara gratis. Den kommer att kosta dig $20." #: dialog/abhank.msg:216 dialog/vcharry.msg:125 msgid "Sure. Here's the money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst. Här är pengarna." #: dialog/abhank.msg:217 msgid "Nah, I've had enough. Maybe next time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag har fått nog. Kanske nästa gång." #: dialog/abhank.msg:218 msgid "(He pockets the money.) Alright then, here's the drink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Han stoppar pengarna i fickan.) Okej då, här är drinken." #: dialog/abhank.msg:219 dialog/scvortis.msg:275 dialog/vcandy.msg:237 #: dialog/vcandy.msg:263 dialog/vcandy.msg:271 dialog/vcandy.msg:290 #: dialog/vcdwnbar.msg:154 dialog/vcdwnbar.msg:169 msgid "I'll come back when I have more money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar." #: dialog/abhank.msg:220 msgid "Any luck finding a lighter?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du lyckats hitta en tändare?" #: dialog/abhank.msg:250 msgid "I would like to buy some of the alcohol you make here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag skulle vilja köpa lite av alkoholen som ni tillverkar här." #: dialog/abhank.msg:251 msgid "Just looking around. Take care." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ser mig bara omkring. Ta hand om dig." #: dialog/abhank.msg:252 msgid "Sure. $20 a bottle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst. $20 flaskan." #: dialog/abhank.msg:253 msgid "[Hold on to it.]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Håll i den.]" #: dialog/abhank.msg:300 msgid "Where did I put my lighter?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var har jag lagt min tändare?" #: dialog/abhank.msg:301 msgid "I need a lighter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver en tändare." #: dialog/abhank.msg:302 msgid "COULD SOMEONE BRING ME A LIGHTER!?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "KAN NÅGON GE MIG EN TÄNDARE!?" #: dialog/abhank.msg:303 msgid "Uh, hi there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, hej på dig." #: dialog/abhank.msg:304 msgid "Sorry, I can't chat with you now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tyvärr, jag kan inte snacka med dig nu." #: dialog/abhank.msg:400 msgid "Ooh, look at all those pretty stars!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, titta på alla vackra stjärnor!" #: dialog/abhank.msg:500 msgid "Hello. Need something?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hallå. Behöver du något?" #: dialog/abhank.msg:501 msgid "Hey, thanks again for the lighter. It's better than my old one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej, tack igen för tändaren. Den är bättre än min gamla." #: dialog/abhank.msg:600 msgid "" @@ -5190,32 +5244,40 @@ msgid "" "Are you kidding me? They'd crucify me if I did that. You however, you're an experienced adventurer. Hell, I bet\n" " you could massacre everyone here without breaking a sweat. So will you do it, or are you afraid of a bunch of pacifist monks?" msgstr "" +"Skojar du med mig? De skulle korsfästa mig om jag gjorde det. Du däremot, du " +"är en erfaren äventyrare. Fan, jag slår vad om\n" +" att du skulle kunna massakrera alla här utan att svettas. Så kommer du att " +"göra det, eller är du rädd för ett gäng pacifistiska munkar?" #: dialog/abjason.msg:281 msgid "I'm not afraid of anyone. I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är inte rädd för någon. Jag gör det." #: dialog/abjason.msg:282 dialog/abjason.msg:287 msgid "Alright. I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, då. Jag gör det." #: dialog/abjason.msg:283 msgid "" "Nah, instead I think I'll test out your massacre theory. Starting with you." msgstr "" +"Nä, istället tror jag att jag ska testa din massakerteori. Jag börjar med " +"dig." #: dialog/abjason.msg:284 msgid "I'll pass. That's just not my style. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag står över. Det är bara inte min stil. Hej då." #: dialog/abjason.msg:285 dialog/abjason.msg:288 msgid "" "No, I'm not going to do it. If you hate it here, why don't you just leave?" msgstr "" +"Nej, jag tänker inte göra det. Om du hatar att vara här, varför flyttar du " +"inte bara?" #: dialog/abjason.msg:286 msgid "Unless you've changed your mind about helping me, fuck off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om du inte har ändrat dig om att hjälpa mig, så dra åt helvete." #: dialog/abjason.msg:290 msgid "" @@ -5231,7 +5293,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abjason.msg:292 msgid "I make no promises. Anything else?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ger inga löften. Var det något mer?" #: dialog/abjason.msg:300 msgid "" @@ -5512,10 +5574,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abjohn.msg:102 msgid "You see an old monk. He looks to be in his early seventies." msgstr "" +"Du ser en gammal munk. Han ser ut att vara i början av sjuttioårsåldern." #: dialog/abjohn.msg:300 msgid "Hi there, youngster." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej på dig, lillkisen." #: dialog/abjohn.msg:302 msgid "Have you heard anything about a GECK or Vault 13?" @@ -5523,27 +5586,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abjohn.msg:400 msgid "My name is John, I'm one of the oldest monks here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mitt namn är John, jag är en av de äldsta munkarna här." #: dialog/abjohn.msg:401 msgid "So, what's your job?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så, vad är ditt jobb?" #: dialog/abjohn.msg:402 msgid "I see, bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag förstår, hej då." #: dialog/abjohn.msg:403 msgid "Well, I used to work on a farm, but it was bad for my heart." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag brukade jobba på en gård, men det var dåligt för mitt hjärta." #: dialog/abjohn.msg:404 msgid "You have heart problems?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du hjärtproblem?" #: dialog/abjohn.msg:405 msgid "That's too bad, bye!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är synd, hej då!" #: dialog/abjohn.msg:406 msgid "" @@ -5748,16 +5811,18 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:500 msgid "I am at your service. What would you like to know?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag står till er tjänst. Vad skulle du vilja veta?" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:501 dialog/fcdrfung.msg:110 dialog/hcfrank.msg:108 #: dialog/hczaius.msg:110 msgid "What can you tell me about this place?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad kan du berätta om den här platsen?" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:502 msgid "You seem to be very poetic in your preaching. Any reason for this?" msgstr "" +"Du verkar vara väldigt poetisk i dina predikningar. Finns det någon " +"anledning till det?" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:503 msgid "Nevermind. Take care." @@ -5804,36 +5869,36 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:701 msgid "Fair enough. Another question." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rimligt nog. En annan fråga." #: dialog/abmatt.msg:800 msgid "It is good to see you again " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är trevligt att se dig igen " #: dialog/abmatt.msg:801 dialog/fcfmatt.msg:104 msgid ". What can I do for you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr ". Vad kan jag göra för dig?" #: dialog/abmatt.msg:802 dialog/epac22.msg:401 dialog/fcbadger.msg:185 #: dialog/fcjuavki.msg:119 msgid "I have some questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har några frågor." #: dialog/abmatt.msg:803 dialog/amonk5.msg:652 msgid "Nothing. See you around." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var inget. Vi ses." #: dialog/abmax.msg:100 msgid "You see Max." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Max." #: dialog/abmax.msg:101 dialog/amonk1.msg:102 dialog/amonk2.msg:102 msgid "You see a regular Abbey monk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en vanlig klostermunk." #: dialog/abmax.msg:102 msgid "He looks a little nervous." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han ser lite nervös ut." #: dialog/abmax.msg:200 msgid "Hello. What can I do for you?" @@ -5841,7 +5906,7 @@ msgstr "Hej, vad kan jag göra för dig?" #: dialog/abmax.msg:201 msgid "I have something from Elaine..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har något från Elaine..." #: dialog/abmax.msg:202 dialog/ccatech.msg:118 dialog/ccchris.msg:110 #: dialog/cccomp2.msg:106 dialog/ccdoctor.msg:117 dialog/ccdrgrd.msg:108 @@ -5863,208 +5928,239 @@ msgstr "Vad är det här för ställe?" #: dialog/abmax.msg:300 msgid "Let me guess. It's that service part I requested, right?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt mig gissa. Det är den där servicedelen jag bad om, eller hur?" #: dialog/abmax.msg:301 msgid "Yes, here it is." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, här är den." #: dialog/abmax.msg:302 msgid "No, I was just testing you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag testade dig bara." #: dialog/abmax.msg:303 msgid "" "(He takes the part from your hands) Finally! Now we can fix this printing " "machine. Thanks, take this survival manual for your trouble." msgstr "" +"(Han tar delen från dina händer) Äntligen! Nu kan vi fixa den här " +"tryckmaskinen. Tack, ta den här överlevnadshandboken för besväret." #: dialog/abmax.msg:305 msgid "Look, I don't have time for this. Do you have the part or not?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har inte tid med det här. Har du delen eller inte?" #: dialog/abmax.msg:306 msgid "Yeah, I have it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, jag har den." #: dialog/abmax.msg:307 msgid "Whatever, I'm outta here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hur som helst, jag sticker." #: dialog/abmax.msg:400 msgid "This is our printing works. We copy our books here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är vårt tryckeri. Här kopierar vi våra böcker." #: dialog/abmax.msg:401 msgid "Ok, thanks for the info." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ok, tack för informationen." #: dialog/abmax.msg:500 msgid "You gain %d experience points for delivering the part." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du får %d erfarenhetspoäng för att ha levererat delen." #: dialog/abmax.msg:600 msgid "I be BIG helper today. I have macheen part from pretty name woman." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag e STOR hjälpare idag. Jag har massiindel från finnamn kvinna." #: dialog/abmax.msg:610 msgid "" "That must be the service part that I requested from Elaine. Thanks for bringing this to me. Here, take this\n" " survival manual for your trouble... uh if you can read it that is." msgstr "" +"Det måste vara den reservdel som jag bad om från Elaine. Tack för att du kom " +"hit med den. Här, ta den här\n" +" överlevnadsmanualen för ditt besvär... eh om du kan läsa den vill säga." #: dialog/abmax.msg:611 msgid "" "I read ten words. I likie pitcher books more. They fun to look. Tankee!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag läsa tio ord. Jag gillar bildbokar mer. De kul att titta. Taack!" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:100 dialog/abmerch2.msg:100 dialog/ecmrchnt.msg:101 #: dialog/fcmercha.msg:100 dialog/fcmercha.msg:101 dialog/fctnkgmr.msg:100 #: dialog/fctnkmer.msg:100 msgid "You see a merchant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en handlare." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:102 msgid "You see a merchant who is trying to fix the waterpump." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en handlare som försöker laga vattenpumpen." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:103 msgid "I just can't get this thing working!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan bara inte få den här saken att fungera!" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:104 msgid "This seems to be very hard to fix." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Detta verkar vara mycket svårt att laga." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:105 msgid "What a piece of shit this is!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vilken jävla skit den här är!" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:106 msgid "Stubborn little sonnuva bitch are we?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Envis liten skitunge är vi?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:107 msgid "Could you lend me a hand?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan du hjälpa mig?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:108 msgid "Maybe you'll have better luck with this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kanske har mer tur med den här." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:109 msgid "Hey, thanks for fixing the waterpump!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej, tack för att du lagade vattenpumpen!" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:110 msgid "You should notify the headmonk that the waterpump is now fixed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du borde meddela huvudmunken att vattenpumpen nu är lagad." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:200 msgid "Thanks for helping us with this thing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack för att du hjälper oss med den här saken." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:300 msgid "" "Ah, what a piece of shi- umm, I'm a little busy right now. Do you need something or are\n" " you just wasting my time?" msgstr "" +"Åh, vilken ski-... ehh, jag är lite upptagen just nu. Behöver du något " +"eller\n" +" slösar du bara bort min tid?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:301 msgid "" "Actually yes, the Abbot sent me. He said the water pump is having some " "trouble." msgstr "" +"Faktiskt ja, Abboten skickade mig. Han sa att vattenpumpen har lite problem." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:302 msgid "" "Heh, \"having trouble\" is an understatement. This ol' thing is totally busted. There's no way\n" " it's going to run again." msgstr "" +"Hah, \"har problem\" är en underdrift. Den här gamla grejen är helt " +"förstörd. Det finns ingen chans\n" +" att den kommer att fungera igen." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:303 msgid "I see. Then I guess it wouldn't hurt anything if I took a look at it." msgstr "" +"Jag förstår. Då antar jag att det inte skulle skada något om jag tog en titt " +"på den." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:304 msgid "Sure, be my guest. Not like you could break it any more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, varsågod. Inte som att du kan förstöra den mer." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:305 msgid "I don't mean to bother, but what seems to be the trouble here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill inte störa, men vad är det som verkar vara problemet här?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:306 msgid "" "The main water pump for the Abbey is busted. The damn thing was breathing its last the past few days\n" " and now it's finally gone out." msgstr "" +"Huvudvattenpumpen för klostret är trasig. Den jäkla saken har dragit sina " +"sista andetag de senaste dagarna\n" +" och nu har den till sist stannat." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:307 msgid "I'm a bit of a techie, mind if I take a look?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är lite teknikintresserad, får jag ta en titt?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:308 msgid "" "Well, I'm not that great with machines, but perhaps I can see if something " "can be done." msgstr "" +"Jag är inte så bra på maskiner, men jag kanske kan se om det går att göra " +"något." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:309 msgid "Sure, no one's stopping you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, ingen stoppar dig." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:310 msgid "Uh, sorry. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, jag är ledsen. Hej då." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:311 msgid "I'll see what I can do then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska se vad jag kan göra då." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:312 msgid "" "I thought I might be able to help, but if you want to be an asshole about " "it, then you're welcome to figure it out on your own." msgstr "" +"Jag tänkte att jag kanske kunde hjälpa till, men om du vill vara en " +"skitstövel så är du välkommen att lösa det på egen hand." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:313 msgid "" "I told the Abbot I'd be willing to help, but if you want to be an asshole " "about it, then you're welcome to figure it out on your own." msgstr "" +"Jag sa till abboten att jag gärna hjälper till, men om du vill vara en " +"skitstövel får du gärna lösa det på egen hand." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:320 msgid "" "[He squints at you for a moment, then slowly lets out his breath in a sigh.] Sorry friend, this thing's being a\n" " real bitch, and it's gotten me all worked up. I didn't mean to snap at ya. " msgstr "" +"[Han kisar på dig ett ögonblick och släpper sedan långsamt ut andan i en " +"suck.] Ledsen vän, den här saken är en\n" +" riktig bitch, och den ha' gjort mig helt upprörd. Jag menade inte att snäsa " +"åt dig." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:321 msgid "Well, what seems to be the problem then?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tja, vad verkar vara problemet då?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:322 dialog/dcstory2.msg:145 msgid "Whatever, bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, hej då." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:330 msgid "Come back and talk to me in the morning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kom tillbaka och prata med mig i morgon bitti." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:400 msgid "Oh, it's you again. Any luck?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, det är du igen. Har du lyckats än?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:401 msgid "No, not yet. I'll get back to you if I do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, inte än. Jag hör av mig om jag gör det." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:402 msgid "" "Actually, yes. I looked inside and it seems the motor is completely busted. The connections are shot, so we're\n" " going to have to get our hands on a new motor, as well as some wires to reconnect everything since the old wires are fried." msgstr "" +"Ja, faktiskt. Jag tittade inuti och det verkar som om motorn är helt paj. " +"Anslutningarna är körda, så vi\n" +" måste få tag på en ny motor, samt några kablar för att återansluta allt " +"eftersom de gamla kablarna är stekta." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:500 msgid "" @@ -6072,112 +6168,133 @@ msgid "" " that specific motor. I am sure Vault City has the part though. Go there and speak with Harry in the main courtyard. Tell him\n" " Dave sent you. Damn motor is expensive, but he should give you a good deal." msgstr "" +"Hmmm... Kontakterna är körda på huvudmotorn, va? Tja, jag har några kablar " +"här med mig som kommer att fungera, men inte\n" +" den specifika motorn. Jag är säker på att Valvstaden har delen dock. Gå dit " +"och prata med Harry på huvudgården. Säg till honom att\n" +" Dave skickade dig. Den jäkla motorn är dyr, men han borde ge dig en bra " +"deal." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:501 msgid "I'll head there now. Be back soon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska dit nu. Kommer snart tillbaka." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:502 msgid "" "Whoa, hold on a second. I was happy to help you figure out the problem, but who said I'm willing to trek across\n" " the wastes to go buy you an expensive motor? If you want my help, it's going to cost you." msgstr "" +"Vänta lite. Jag var glad att hjälpa dig att förstå problemet, men vem sa att " +"jag är villig att vandra över\n" +" ödemarken för att köpa en dyr motor till dig? Om du vill ha min hjälp, så " +"kommer det att kosta dig." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:503 msgid "" "How 'bout *you* tell Harry that when you go fetch it your damn self? I'm not" " your fucking errand boy. Bye." msgstr "" +"Vad sägs om att *du* säger det till Harry när du hämtar den helt jäkla " +"själv? Jag är inte din jävla springpojke. Hej då." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:510 msgid "" "Alright, I wouldn't expect someone to do work for free. The part will cost you bout 500 and I think 100 more for\n" " your trouble is reasonable. Here's 600." msgstr "" +"Okej, jag skulle inte förvänta mig att någon gör jobbet gratis. Delen kommer " +"att kosta dig cirka 500 och jag tror att 100 mer för\n" +" ditt besvär är rimligt. Här får du 600." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:511 msgid "That's better. I'll be back with the part." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var bättre. Jag kommer tillbaka med delen." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:600 msgid "Any luck on that part? This machine won't fix itself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nån tur med den där delen? Den här maskinen lagar inte sig själv." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:601 msgid "No, not yet. I'll be back when I get it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, inte än. Jag kommer tillbaka när jag får den." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:602 msgid "Yep, got the part right here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Japp, jag har delen här." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:700 msgid "" "Excellent. Want me to install the damn thing, or do you want the pleasure?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utmärkt. Ska jag installera den jäkla saken, eller vill du ha nöjet?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:701 msgid "I think I can handle it. Step aside." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tror att jag klarar av det. Stig åt sidan." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:702 msgid "" "Actually, I think I've done enough on this job. Go ahead and install it " "yourself." msgstr "" +"Jag tror att jag har gjort tillräckligt med det här jobbet. Kör igång och " +"installera den själv." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:800 msgid "Alright fine, hand it over." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej bra, lämna över den." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:801 dialog/acmynoc.msg:308 dialog/ahmonk.msg:419 #: dialog/gcfestus.msg:620 dialog/ncbishop.msg:241 dialog/vcgatgrd.msg:181 #: dialog/vcstark.msg:125 msgid "Here you go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varsågod." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:900 dialog/epai29.msg:300 msgid "That should do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så där ja." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:901 msgid "The water pump has been repaired." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vattenpumpen har reparerats." #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:910 msgid "(Wipes the sweat from his forehead.) Yeah, need something?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Torkar svetten från pannan.) Ja, behöver du något?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:911 msgid "" "The Abbot said you might need some assistance. What seems to be the trouble?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Abboten sa att du kanske behövde lite hjälp. Vad verkar vara problemet?" #: dialog/abmerch1.msg:913 msgid "" "I took a look at the water pump and it seems the motor is completely busted. The connections are shot, so we're\n" " going to have to get our hands on a new motor, as well as some wires to reconnect everything since the old wires are fried." msgstr "" +"Jag tog en titt på vattenpumpen och det verkar som om motorn är helt paj. " +"Anslutningarna är körda, så vi\n" +" måste få tag på en ny motor, samt några kablar för att återansluta allt " +"eftersom de gamla kablarna är stekta." #: dialog/abmerch2.msg:101 msgid "He seems to be assisting the man who is fixing the pump." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han verkar hjälpa mannen som lagar pumpen." #: dialog/abmerch2.msg:102 msgid "This is taking longer than we thought." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här tar längre tid än vi trodde." #: dialog/abmerch2.msg:103 msgid "Check with the boss if you think you can help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hör med chefen om du tror att du kan hjälpa till." #: dialog/abmerch2.msg:104 msgid "Great job with fixing the pump." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bra jobbat med att laga pumpen." #: dialog/abmerch2.msg:105 msgid "Thanks again for your help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack än en gång för din hjälp." #: dialog/abmergrd.msg:100 dialog/bcdargrd.msg:100 dialog/ccggbak.msg:100 #: dialog/ccgrdca.msg:100 dialog/ccgrdpa.msg:100 dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:100 @@ -6186,75 +6303,75 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/mcslgext.msg:100 dialog/ncmyrgrd.msg:100 dialog/scbgrd.msg:101 #: dialog/scwesgrd.msg:100 dialog/vimergrd.msg:100 msgid "You see a guard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en vakt." #: dialog/abmergrd.msg:101 msgid "He seems to be hired muscle for the merchant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han verkar vara anställd som skydd för handlaren." #: dialog/abmergrd.msg:102 msgid "Talk to the boss if you need something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prata med chefen om du behöver något." #: dialog/abmergrd.msg:103 msgid "Don't cause any trouble, ya hear?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ställ inte till med några problem, hörru det?" #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:100 msgid "You see Mrs. Peterson." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ni ser fru Peterson." #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:101 msgid "You see a young, pretty woman. She smiles when she sees you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en ung, vacker kvinna. Hon ler när hon ser dig." #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:200 dialog/abmsptsn.msg:300 msgid "Welcome to the Abbey, friend." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Välkommen till klostret, min vän." #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:201 dialog/abmsptsn.msg:301 msgid "Talk to my husband if you need something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prata med min man om du behöver något." #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:202 msgid "Beautiful day, isn't it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vacker dag, eller hur?" #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:302 msgid "Lovely evening, isn't it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Härlig kväll, eller hur?" #: dialog/abmsptsn.msg:400 msgid "I have nothing to say to you. Please go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har inget att säga till dig. Snälla, gå härifrån." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:100 dialog/vcgenvil.msg:100 dialog/vcgenvil.msg:101 msgid "You see a peasant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en bonde." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:101 msgid "You see a healthy looking peasant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en bonde som ser frisk ut." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:102 msgid "You see a person." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en person." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:103 msgid "Drinking too much booze lately?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du druckit för mycket sprit på sistone?" #: dialog/abpeople.msg:104 msgid "Stay away from the alcohol for a while." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Håll dig borta från alkoholen ett tag." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:105 msgid "I see that you drank Hank's \"special\" mix." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ser att du drack Hanks \"speciella\" blandning." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:106 msgid "Welcome, hero!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Välkommen, hjälte!" #: dialog/abpeople.msg:107 msgid "You really showed those Enclave bastards!" @@ -6262,7 +6379,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/abpeople.msg:108 msgid "You are truly a hero!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du är sannerligen en hjälte!" #: dialog/abpeople.msg:109 msgid "I've heard that you destroyed the Enclave, well done!" @@ -6280,10 +6397,12 @@ msgstr "Hej." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:111 msgid "I hope that it starts to rain soon, or my crops will not survive." msgstr "" +"Jag hoppas att det börjar regna snart, annars kommer mina grödor inte att " +"överleva." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:112 msgid "We don't get too many visitors here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi får inte så många besökare här." #: dialog/abpeople.msg:113 msgid "Welcome!" @@ -6567,7 +6686,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/wsterm4b.msg:120 dialog/wsterm4b.msg:124 dialog/wsterm4b.msg:131 #: dialog/wsterm4b.msg:147 dialog/wsterm4b.msg:153 dialog/wsterm4c.msg:167 msgid "Exit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Avsluta." #: dialog/absamuel.msg:100 msgid "You see the monastery graveyard keeper." @@ -7426,32 +7545,33 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/acjordon.msg:105 msgid "No Thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej tack." #: dialog/acjordon.msg:107 msgid "There, you have learned what I can teach you about spears." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sådär, du har lärt dig allt jag kan lära dig om spjut." #: dialog/acklint.msg:100 msgid "You see Klint, a fellow tribesman." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Klint, en stamfrände." #: dialog/acklint.msg:101 msgid "You see Klint." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Klint." #: dialog/acklint.msg:102 dialog/actemvil.msg:102 msgid "" "You see a young man with bulging muscles and a very confident air about him." msgstr "" +"Du ser en ung man med stora muskler och en mycket självsäker utstrålning." #: dialog/acklint.msg:103 msgid "Good day to you, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "God dag på dig," #: dialog/acklint.msg:104 msgid ". You have not completed the trial of the Elder and may not pass." -msgstr "" +msgstr ". Du har inte avklarat den Äldste prövning och får inte passera." #: dialog/acklint.msg:105 dialog/ccdrgrd.msg:118 dialog/ccqmstr.msg:108 #: dialog/ccraul.msg:116 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:721 dialog/dctyler.msg:322 @@ -7463,17 +7583,17 @@ msgstr "Eh..." #: dialog/acklint.msg:106 msgid "I need to go back to the village." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag måste tillbaka till byn." #: dialog/acklint.msg:107 dialog/fccrocke.msg:161 dialog/gclumpy.msg:154 #: dialog/gclumpy.msg:163 dialog/kcmaida.msg:235 dialog/kcsajag.msg:184 #: dialog/kcsulik.msg:797 dialog/mcbaltha.msg:203 dialog/ocdalia.msg:111 msgid "I have some questions for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har några frågor till dig." #: dialog/acklint.msg:108 msgid "All right, I'm off to take the test." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, nu ska jag göra prövningen." #: dialog/acklint.msg:109 msgid "(sigh) " @@ -7525,7 +7645,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ncethwri.msg:352 dialog/vcgatgrd.msg:165 dialog/vcgreg.msg:175 #: dialog/vclynett.msg:818 msgid "Very well." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mycket bra." #: dialog/acklint.msg:119 msgid "" @@ -7533,64 +7653,69 @@ msgid "" "Alone, you would fail. I have no intention of helping you until you pass the" " trial of the Elder." msgstr "" +"Två personer som arbetar tillsammans kan flytta obelisken som blockerar " +"vägen. Ensam skulle du misslyckas. Jag har inte för avsikt att hjälpa dig " +"förrän du klarar den Äldstes prövning." #: dialog/acklint.msg:120 msgid "Uh-huh. I get the picture." -msgstr "" +msgstr "M-hm. Jag fattar." #: dialog/acklint.msg:121 msgid "Greetings, Chosen One! It is good to see you. How may I serve you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var hälsad, Utvalde! Det är trevligt att se dig. Hur kan jag tjäna dig?" #: dialog/acklint.msg:122 msgid "Me say hi. That all." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag säga hej. Det allt." #: dialog/acklint.msg:123 msgid "Just thought I'd say hello. I'll be leaving on my quest soon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tänkte bara säga hej. Jag ger mig snart av på mitt uppdrag." #: dialog/acklint.msg:124 msgid "" "May the spirits of our ancestors protect you, Chosen One. I wish you well on" " your journey." msgstr "" +"Må våra förfäders andar skydda dig, Utvalde. Jag önskar dig lycka till på " +"din resa." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:100 msgid "You see Morlis, one of your aunts -- the one who never liked you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Morlis, en av dina mostrar -- hon som aldrig gillade dig." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:101 msgid "Why do you bother me, nephew? Can't you see I'm busy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför stör du mig, brorson? Kan du inte se att jag är upptagen?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:102 msgid "Umm, okay. Sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umm, okej. Förlåt." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:103 msgid "What is it? You know I have a lot to do!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad är det? Du vet att jag har mycket att göra!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:104 msgid "Ummm, Mynoc said..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ummm, Mynoc sa..." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:105 msgid "Mynoc said what? Out with it, child!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad sa Mynoc? Ut med det, barn!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:106 msgid "That, umm, you might have some flint." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Att, ehh, du kanske har lite flinta." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:107 msgid "I do. You want some, is that it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det har jag. Du vill ha lite, är det så?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:108 msgid "Well, yeah." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Alltså, ja." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:109 msgid "" @@ -7598,46 +7723,51 @@ msgid "" " and I'm going to be ready. Bring them to me and you can have the flint. Now\n" " get to it!" msgstr "" +"Ja, men... Jag vill ha tre doser läkande pulver. Dåliga tider är på väg\n" +" och jag kommer att vara redo. Ta dem till mig och du kan få flintan.\n" +" Sätt igång nu!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:110 msgid "Yes, ma'am!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, frun!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:111 msgid "Now don't waste my time. Do you have the powders?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slösa inte bort min tid nu. Har du pulvret?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:112 dialog/epac17.msg:491 msgid "Yes, here they are." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, här är det." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:113 msgid "Umm, I guess not." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmm. Jag antar inte det." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:114 msgid "Here is the flint. Now off with you! I don't have time to gossip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här är flintan. Iväg med dig nu! Jag har inte tid att skvallra." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:115 msgid "Thank you, Aunt Morlis." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack, moster Morlis." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:116 msgid "" "Again you waste my time, worthless nephew! How did you ever become\n" " the Chosen One?" msgstr "" +"Återigen slösar du bort min tid, värdelöse brorson! Hur blev du någonsin\n" +" den Utvalde?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:117 dialog/acmorlis.msg:153 dialog/acmorlis.msg:156 #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:203 dialog/acmorlis.msg:207 dialog/acmorlis.msg:211 #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:214 dialog/acmorlis.msg:216 msgid "Yes, Aunt Morlis." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, moster Morlis." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:118 msgid "Uh, Aunt Morlis, I have three right here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, moster Morlis, jag har tre här." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:150 msgid "" @@ -7645,35 +7775,45 @@ msgid "" " My chances of success will be greatly enhanced if I keep the healing powders\n" " for myself and you give me the flint. Don't you agree?" msgstr "" +"Moster Morlis, jag är på en farlig resa för att rädda vår by.\n" +" Mina chanser att lyckas ökar om jag behåller läkepulvret\n" +" för mig själv och du ger mig flintan. Håller du inte med?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:151 msgid "" "What do you think you are doing, child? This is no way for the Chosen One to" " act. Now get out of my sight!" msgstr "" +"Vad tror du att du gör, unge? Detta är inget sätt för den Utvalde att agera. " +"Försvinn ur min åsyn nu!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:152 msgid "" "If this flint is so important that you are willing to disgrace the name of the Chosen One, then here. Take\n" " the flint and get out of my sight." msgstr "" +"Om den här flintan är så viktig att du är beredd att vanära den Utvaldes " +"namn, så ta den. Ta\n" +" flintan och försvinn ur min åsyn." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:154 msgid "" "Well... Oh, very well. Here is the flint. I wish you a safe journey, child. " msgstr "" +"Jaha... Åh, mycket bra. Här är flintan. Jag önskar dig en säker resa, mitt " +"barn." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:155 msgid "No, I don't. Now stop wasting my time and get out of here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, det gör jag inte. Sluta slösa bort min tid och försvinn härifrån!" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:200 msgid "So you've returned. Did you find the holy Thirteen?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så du har återvänt. Hittade du det heliga Tretton?" #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:201 msgid "No, Aunt Morlis, I..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, moster Morlis, jag..." #: dialog/acmorlis.msg:202 msgid "" @@ -8906,15 +9046,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/acnagor.msg:300 msgid "You see Nagor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Nagor." #: dialog/acompu.msg:100 msgid "You see a small computer terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en liten datorterminal." #: dialog/acompu.msg:101 msgid "You see the Abbey's computer terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser klostrets datorterminal." #: dialog/acompu.msg:102 msgid "You see a small computer terminal. It appears to be functional." @@ -9288,41 +9428,49 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/acompu.msg:2000 msgid "You format the Abbey's book databases." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du formaterar klostrets bokdatabaser." #: dialog/acsporpl.msg:100 msgid "You see a plant of dark soul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en växt med en mörk själ." #: dialog/acsporpl.msg:101 msgid "" "These plants aren't just harmful to the garden. They also have the ability to attack humans\n" " and other creatures." msgstr "" +"Dessa växter är inte bara skadliga för trädgården. De har också förmågan att " +"attackera människor\n" +" och andra varelser." #: dialog/acsporpl.msg:102 msgid "" "These plants of dark soul are an odd mutation. It is doubtful that they mutated this way as\n" " a result of natural causes." msgstr "" +"Dessa växter med en mörk själ är en udda mutation. Det är tveksamt att de " +"muterade på detta sätt som\n" +" ett resultat av naturliga orsaker." #: dialog/acsporpl.msg:103 msgid "" "You notice nothing extra about these plants - other than the fact that they " "attack humans." msgstr "" +"Du märker inget ovanligt med dessa växter - annat än att de angriper " +"människor." #: dialog/acsporpl.msg:150 msgid "You have rid the garden of all the plants of dark soul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har befriat trädgården från alla växter med mörka själar." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:100 msgid "You see Cameron, a fellow tribesman." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Cameron, en stamfrände." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:101 msgid "You see Cameron." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Cameron." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:103 dialog/ncsalvat.msg:640 msgid "Greetings, " @@ -9333,75 +9481,78 @@ msgid "" ". I have the honor of being your final challenge. To continue in your quest you must defeat\n" " me in unarmed combat. Shall we begin?" msgstr "" +". Jag har äran att vara din sista utmaning. För att fortsätta i din strävan " +"måste du besegra\n" +" mig i obeväpnad strid. Ska vi börja?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:105 dialog/bczeke.msg:105 dialog/bczeke.msg:113 #: dialog/ocdalia.msg:109 dialog/shtandi.msg:141 msgid "Me got questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja ha frågor." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:106 msgid "Okay, we fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, vi slåss." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:107 dialog/actemvil.msg:135 msgid "No, me get ready first." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag göra i ordning först." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:108 msgid "I've got some questions for you first." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har några frågor till dig först." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:109 msgid "Sure, let's party." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, nu kör vi." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:110 msgid "I think I need a moment to prepare for this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tror att jag behöver en stund för att förbereda mig för det här." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:111 msgid "What would you like to know? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad skulle du vilja veta? " #: dialog/actemvil.msg:112 msgid "Why we fight?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför vi slåss?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:113 msgid "We fight to death?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi slåss till döds?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:114 msgid "We fight unarmed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi slåss obeväpnade?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:115 msgid "Okay, we fight now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, vi slåss nu." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:116 msgid "Me need get ready." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag måste göra redo." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:117 msgid "Why do we have to fight?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför måste vi slåss?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:118 msgid "Is this a fight to the death?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är det här en kamp på liv och död?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:119 msgid "You say that we are to fight unarmed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Säger du att vi ska strida obeväpnade?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:120 msgid "Let's get this fight over with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dags att få den här striden överstökad." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:121 msgid "I need a moment to prepare for the fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver en stund för att förbereda mig för striden." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:122 msgid "The path of the Chosen One is not an easy trail to walk, " @@ -9515,7 +9666,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:139 msgid "Are you ready for your challenge, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du redo för din utmaning," #: dialog/actemvil.msg:140 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1361 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:1365 #: dialog/ecbridge.msg:112 dialog/ecmobstr.msg:107 dialog/ecmobstr.msg:110 @@ -9538,49 +9689,51 @@ msgstr "?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:141 msgid "Me ready. " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag redo. " #: dialog/actemvil.msg:142 msgid "Me not ready yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag inte redo än." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:143 msgid "I think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tror det." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:144 msgid "No, give me a minute." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, vänta en stund." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:145 msgid "" "Excellent! Your equipment will be kept in the trunk outside of the room.\n" " You can get it after the fight. Let the fight begin! Good luck to you " msgstr "" +"Utmärkt! Din utrustning kommer att förvaras i kofferten utanför rummet.\n" +" Du kan hämta den efter striden. Låt striden börja! Lycka till " #: dialog/actemvil.msg:147 msgid "It is good to see you again, Chosen One. How may I help you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är trevligt att se dig igen, Utvalde. Hur kan jag hjälpa dig?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:148 msgid "Me want visit temple again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill templet igen." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:149 msgid "Want fight again?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vill slåss igen?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:150 msgid "Just say hello. Me go now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bara säga hej. Jag gå nu." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:151 msgid "I'd like to visit the temple again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag skulle vilja besöka templet igen." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:152 msgid "Hello, Cameron. Ready for another fight?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej, Cameron. Redo för ännu en strid?" #: dialog/actemvil.msg:153 msgid "Just thought I'd say hi. See you later." @@ -11452,10 +11605,12 @@ msgid "" "The spirit was willing, but the spearheads were weak. The evil ones burned " "our warriors with the lights of hell." msgstr "" +"Anden var villig, men spjutspetsarna var svaga. De onda brände våra krigare " +"med skärseld." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:270 msgid "They killed everyone?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dödade de alla?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:271 msgctxt "hak113" @@ -11463,19 +11618,21 @@ msgid "" "All were dead or taken. My spirit returned to flesh only to reveal the truth" " to the Chosen." msgstr "" +"Alla blev dödade eller tillfångatagna. Min ande återvände till köttet bara " +"för att avslöja sanningen för Den Utvalde." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:272 msgid "What happened to the ones taken?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad hände med de som togs?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:273 msgctxt "hak114" msgid "The beasts swallowed all, then took to the winds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Odjuren svalde alla och gav sig sedan iväg för vinden." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:274 msgid "Uh, which way were the winds that they followed going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, åt vilket håll blåste vindarna som de följde?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:275 msgctxt "hak115" @@ -11483,16 +11640,20 @@ msgid "" "Did you never listen when I taught you the yearly dance of the wind spirits?" " South, of course." msgstr "" +"Lyssnade du aldrig när jag lärde dig vindandarnas årliga dans? Söderut, så " +"klart." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:276 msgid "" "Your descriptions were so vivid and powerful, great Hakunin, that I was " "often stricken senseless for the duration of your lessons." msgstr "" +"Dina beskrivningar var så levande och kraftfulla, store Hakunin, att jag " +"ofta blev helt hänförd under dina lektioner." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:277 msgid "Oh, those winds. Of course. " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, de vindarna. Såklart. " #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:278 msgctxt "hak116" @@ -11501,14 +11662,17 @@ msgid "" " planned to rest their beasts at a place named Navarro before crossing the " "great basin of our earth-mother's tears." msgstr "" +"Ja, de färdades med vinden söderut. Jag hörde de mörka själarna tala. De " +"planerade att vila sina bestar på en plats som heter Navarro innan de " +"korsade den stora funt fylld med vår jordmoders tårar." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:279 msgid "What shall I do?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad skall jag göra?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:280 msgid "Basin of tears?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tårarnas funt?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:281 msgctxt "hak117" @@ -11516,15 +11680,17 @@ msgid "" "For me, nothing. Chosen, you must seek the fold of the dark ones and rescue " "our people." msgstr "" +"För mig, ingenting. Utvalde, du måste söka de mörkas flock och rädda vårt " +"folk." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:282 dialog/dccaesar.msg:323 msgid "I will try." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska försöka." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:283 msgctxt "hak118" msgid "You are the Chosen. You must do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du är den Utvalde. Du måste göra det." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:284 msgid "Hakunin?" @@ -11532,16 +11698,16 @@ msgstr "Hakunin?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:285 msgid "First time I understood what you meant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Första gången jag förstod vad du menade." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:286 msgctxt "hak120" msgid "An ocean of tears, cried by a mother for her children." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett hav av tårar, gråtit av en mor för sina barn." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:287 msgid "Oh, the ocean. But what shall I do?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, havet. Men vad skall jag göra?" #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:288 msgctxt "hak121" @@ -11549,16 +11715,19 @@ msgid "" "A strange mist stole their minds and sent them to the land of Sleep. The " "evil ones walked among the dreamers, yet did not dream." msgstr "" +"En märklig dimma stal deras sinnen och skickade dem till Sömnens land. De " +"onda vandrade bland drömmare, men drömde inte." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:290 msgctxt "hak122" msgid "" "Too many seasons and too many wounds, Chosen. Instead, you must listen." msgstr "" +"För många årstider och för många sår, Utvalde. Istället måste du lyssna." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:300 msgid "Those who steal carry a great burden. Remember this, Chosen One." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De som stjäl bär på en stor börda. Kom ihåg detta, Utvalde." #: dialog/ahhakun.msg:301 msgid "You must now pay for your sins, Chosen One." @@ -11566,21 +11735,22 @@ msgstr "Du måste nu betala för dina synder, Utvalde." #: dialog/ahmonk.msg:100 msgid "You see the Abbot, the spiritual leader of the Abbey." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Abboten, Klostrets andlige ledare." #: dialog/ahmonk.msg:101 msgid "" "There's something about this monk that leads you to believe he's rather " "important." msgstr "" +"Det är något med den här munken som får dig att tro att han är ganska viktig." #: dialog/ahmonk.msg:200 dialog/amonk1.msg:200 dialog/amonk4.msg:200 msgid "Welcome traveler." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Välkommen resenär." #: dialog/ahmonk.msg:202 dialog/amonk1.msg:202 msgid "We are the guardians of knowledge." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi är kunskapens väktare." #: dialog/ahmonk.msg:203 msgid "I'm sorry, but knowledge of our books is of no use to you." @@ -13622,87 +13792,93 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bckarla.msg:101 msgid "You see Karla, a Khan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Karla, en Khan." #: dialog/bckarla.msg:102 msgid "" "You see a tough-looking woman in metal armor. She would be pretty, if it were not for the scars\n" " that line her face." msgstr "" +"Du ser en tuff kvinna i metallrustning. Hon skulle vara söt, om det inte " +"vore för ärren\n" +" som kantar hennes ansikte." #: dialog/bckarla.msg:103 msgid "Talk to Phil, shit head." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prata med Phil, din skitstövel." #: dialog/bckarla.msg:104 msgid "Talk to Phil, bitch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prata med Phil, slyna." #: dialog/bckarla.msg:106 msgid "That little bitch is dead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den lilla slynan är död." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:101 msgid "You see Phil, a Khan guard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Phil, en Khanvakt." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:102 msgid "You see a tough-looking young man in metal armor. He is heavily armed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en tuff ung man i metallrustning. Han är tungt beväpnad." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:103 msgid "" "I should shoot you dead, but I'm kind of curious about what you could possibly have to say to\n" " me." msgstr "" +"Jag borde skjuta ihjäl dig, men jag är lite nyfiken på vad du kan tänkas ha " +"att säga till\n" +" mig." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:104 msgid "Me look for spy. Go this way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag leta spion. Gå den här vägen." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:105 msgid "Me look for missing girl. You know where find?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag leta försvunnen flicka. Vet du var hitta?" #: dialog/bcphil.msg:106 msgid "Me come here accident. Go now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kom hit misstag. Gå nu." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:107 msgid "Screw you. Me shoot you dead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan ta dig. Jag skjuta dig död." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:108 msgid "Uh, we talk this out?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, vi prata om det här?" #: dialog/bcphil.msg:109 msgid "I'm looking for an eavesdropper who came this way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag letar efter en tjuvlyssnare som kom den här vägen." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:110 msgid "I'm looking for a missing girl. Seen her?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag letar efter en försvunnen flicka. Har du sett henne?" #: dialog/bcphil.msg:111 msgid "Sorry, took the wrong trail by accident. Gotta go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Förlåt, jag råkade ta fel spår av misstag. Måste gå." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:112 msgid "Up yours and have a bullet breakfast, asshole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kör upp den och ät en frukost av kulor, skitstövel." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:113 msgid "I think we can talk this out like two civilized beings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tror att vi kan prata ut om det här som två civiliserade varelser." #: dialog/bcphil.msg:114 msgid "Ah, that would be me. Now that you've found me, what's next?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah, det skulle vara jag. Nu när du har hittat mig, vad händer härnäst?" #: dialog/bcphil.msg:115 msgid "Why you spy Rebecca?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför du spioner Rebecca?" #: dialog/bcphil.msg:116 msgid "Now me know not be shooting wrong person. Thanks!" @@ -14563,16 +14739,16 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:100 msgid "You encounter rogues and wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter skurkar och vargar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:101 msgid "You encounter rogues." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter skurkar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:102 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:201 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:251 #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:552 msgid "You encounter wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter vargar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:103 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:252 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:406 msgid "You encounter radscorpions." @@ -14580,72 +14756,72 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:104 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:407 msgid "You encounter spore plants." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter sporväxter." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:105 msgid "You encounter a Unity Patrol fighting rogues." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en Enighetspatrull som slåss mot skurkar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:106 msgid "You encounter a Unity Patrol fighting wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en Enighetspatrull som slåss mot vargar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:107 msgid "You encounter a Unity Patrol." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en Enighetspatrull." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:150 msgid "You encounter slavers and dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter slavhandlare och hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:151 msgid "You encounter slavers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter slavhandlare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:152 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:404 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:452 #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:553 msgid "You encounter golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter gyllene geckoödlor." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:153 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:507 msgid "You encounter wild dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter vilda hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:154 msgid "You encounter a patrol and dogs fighting slavers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en patrull och hundar som slåss mot slavhandlare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:155 msgid "You encounter slavers fighting golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter slavhandlare som slåss mot gyllene geckoödlor." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:156 msgid "You encounter a patrol fighting slavers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en patrull som slåss mot slavhandlare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:157 msgid "You encounter a patrol fighting golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en patrull som slåss mot gyllene geckoödlor." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:158 msgid "You encounter a patrol fighting wild dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en patrull som slåss mot vilda hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:159 msgid "You encounter a patrol." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en patrull." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:200 msgid "You are ambushed by raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du blir överfallen av plundrare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:202 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:203 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:205 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:204 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off raiders" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:206 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:207 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:208 #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:209 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:257 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:258 @@ -14655,19 +14831,19 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:608 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:609 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:753 #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:754 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:755 msgid "You encounter a caravan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:250 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:301 msgid "You encounter marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter marodörer." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:253 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:254 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:255 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot vargar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:256 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:411 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off radscorpions." @@ -14675,11 +14851,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:261 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:706 msgid "You encounter a traveler." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en resenär." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:300 msgid "You encounter remnants of the Master's army." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter rester av Mästarens armé." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:302 msgid "You encounter NCR Rangers battling remnants of the Master's army." @@ -14691,11 +14867,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:304 msgid "You encounter farmers fending off remnants of the Master's army." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter bönder som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:305 msgid "You encounter farmers fending off marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter bönder som försvarar sig mot marodörer." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:306 msgid "You encounter NCR Rangers." @@ -14703,11 +14879,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:307 msgid "You encounter farmers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter bönder." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:350 msgid "You encounter a slaver caravan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en slavhandlarkaravan." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:351 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:450 msgid "You encounter highwaymen and robbers." @@ -14719,7 +14895,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:353 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:401 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:502 msgid "You encounter robbers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter rånare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:354 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:409 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:456 #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:511 @@ -14728,7 +14904,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:355 msgid "You encounter a caravan fighting robbers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som slåss mot rånare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:356 msgid "You encounter a caravan fighting highwaymen." @@ -14736,11 +14912,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:357 msgid "You encounter a caravan besieged by robbers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan belägrad av rånare." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:358 msgid "You encounter a slave caravan fighting a caravan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en slavkaravan som slåss mot en karavan." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:359 msgid "You encounter highwaymen fighting robbers." @@ -14796,27 +14972,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:501 msgid "You encounter robbers and wild dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter rånare och vilda hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:504 msgid "You encounter a swarm of mantis and some spore plants." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en svärm med bönsyrsor och några sporväxter." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:505 msgid "You encounter dogs and spore plants." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter hundar och sporväxter." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:506 msgid "You encounter a swarm of mantis." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en svärm med bönsyrsor." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:508 msgid "You encounter robbers fighting dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter rånare som slåss mot hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:509 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off dogs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot hundar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:550 msgid "You encounter geckos and wolves." @@ -14860,7 +15036,7 @@ msgstr "Du möter prospektörer." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:600 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:654 msgid "You encounter deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter dödsklor." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:601 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:652 dialog/bhrnddst.msg:655 msgid "You encounter fire geckos." @@ -14912,7 +15088,7 @@ msgstr "Du möter några vargar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:703 msgid "You encounter some mobsters fighting some Yakuza." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du möter några gangstrar som slåss mot några Yakuza." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:704 msgid "You encounter some mobsters fighting a gang." @@ -14924,7 +15100,7 @@ msgstr "Du möter några gangstrar." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:750 msgid "You encounter a caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army." -msgstr "Du stöter på en karavan som driver bort resterna av Mästarens armé." +msgstr "Du stöter på en karavan som driver bort rester av Mästarens armé." #: dialog/bhrnddst.msg:751 msgid "You encounter a caravan fighting remnants of the master's army." @@ -14933,34 +15109,34 @@ msgstr "Du möter en karavan som slåss mot rester av mästarens armé." #: dialog/bispyhol.msg:100 dialog/sifakhlo.msg:100 dialog/sihishol.msg:100 #: dialog/siweshol.msg:100 dialog/wievcdsk.msg:100 msgid "You see a battered tape." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser ett skadat kasettband." #: dialog/bispyhol.msg:101 dialog/wievcdsk.msg:101 msgid "Pip-Boy displays: File Found on System. Aborting download." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pipp-Pojke visar: Fil hittades på systemet. Avbryter nedladdningen." #: dialog/bispyhol.msg:102 dialog/wievcdsk.msg:102 msgid "Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from Disk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pipp-Pojke visar: Laddar ner data från disken." #: dialog/broken1.msg:100 msgid "You have entered the small town of Broken Hills." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har kommit till den lilla staden Broken Hills." #: dialog/broken2.msg:100 msgid "You have entered the East side of Broken Hills." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har kommit till östra sidan av Broken Hills." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:100 dialog/bscomp2.msg:100 dialog/bscomp3.msg:100 #: dialog/bscomp4.msg:100 dialog/bscomp5.msg:100 dialog/fsbiosta.msg:100 #: dialog/fschesta.msg:100 dialog/fselcomp.msg:100 dialog/fsempter.msg:100 #: dialog/fsphysta.msg:100 dialog/oscomptr.msg:100 msgid "You see a computer terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en datorterminal." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:101 msgid "You see the library computer terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser bibliotekets datorterminal." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:102 dialog/bscomp2.msg:102 dialog/bscomp3.msg:102 #: dialog/bscomp4.msg:102 dialog/bscomp5.msg:102 @@ -14968,26 +15144,32 @@ msgid "" "You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready " "for input." msgstr "" +"Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för " +"inmatning." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:103 msgid "" "You access the computer and quickly scan all available files. You find the location of Vault 13\n" " and copy it to your PIP-Boy." msgstr "" +"Du går in i datorn och skannar snabbt alla tillgängliga filer. Du hittar " +"platsen för Valv 13\n" +" och kopierar det till din PIPP-Pojke." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:104 dialog/bscomp2.msg:104 msgid "You are having difficulty accessing the files." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har problem med att komma åt filerna." #: dialog/bscomp1.msg:106 msgid "" "Other than the location of Vault 13, the computer contains no useful " "information." msgstr "" +"Förutom platsen för Valv 13 innehåller datorn ingen användbar information." #: dialog/bscomp2.msg:101 msgid "You see Darion's computer terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Darions datorterminal." #: dialog/bscomp2.msg:103 msgid "" @@ -15162,6 +15344,8 @@ msgid "" "You see a damaged door with a lock, which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks, and a cut wire in the doorframe." msgstr "" +"Du ser en skadad dörr med ett lås som kan dyrkas upp med\n" +" dyrkar och en avklippt tråd i dörrkarmen." #: dialog/bselev.msg:146 msgid "" @@ -15249,61 +15433,69 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/bsemtr.msg:100 msgid "You see a weird contraption next to a force field." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en konstig anordning bredvid ett kraftfält." #: dialog/bsemtr.msg:101 msgid "You see a force-field emitter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en kraftfältssändare." #: dialog/bsemtr.msg:102 msgid "This is the weirdest wall you have ever seen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är den konstigaste vägg du någonsin har sett." #: dialog/bsemtr.msg:103 msgid "This is a force-field emitter. It gives the power to the force field." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är en kraftfältssänadare. Den driver kraftfältet." #: dialog/bsemtr.msg:104 msgid "The emitter makes a whizzing sound and explodes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sändaren ger ifrån sig ett svischande ljud och exploderar." #: dialog/bsfield.msg:150 msgid "" "You fail to do anything useful, and take about 50,000 volts for it. At least you won't have to\n" " worry about shaving." msgstr "" +"Du misslyckas med att göra något nyttigt och får 50.000 volt för det. " +"Åtminstone behöver du inte\n" +" oroa dig om rakning." #: dialog/bsfield.msg:151 msgid "The force field seems to be unaffected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kraftfältet verkar vara opåverkat." #: dialog/bsfield.msg:152 msgid "The force field has been delayed for fifteen seconds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kraftfältet har fördröjts i femton sekunder." #: dialog/bsfield.msg:200 msgid "" "Yes, there is a lot of energy going through there. You stop before the electricity arcs to your\n" " hand." msgstr "" +"Ja, det är mycket energi som går igenom där. Du stannar innan elektriciteten " +"böjer sig till din\n" +" hand." #: dialog/bspower.msg:100 msgid "The generator is functioning normally. Power output is optimal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Generatorn fungerar normalt. Eltillförseln är optimalt." #: dialog/bspower.msg:101 msgid "" "The generator seems to be in an emergency stand-by mode. The power output is" " minimal." msgstr "" +"Generatorn verkar vara i standby-läge för nödsituationer. Eltillförseln är " +"minimal." #: dialog/bspower.msg:102 msgid "Try to diagnose the problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Försök att diagnostisera problemet." #: dialog/bspower.msg:103 msgid "Oh well. Gotta go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, ja. Måste gå." #: dialog/bspower.msg:104 msgid "" @@ -18157,6 +18349,9 @@ msgid "" "problems, soldier, you might wanna go get yourself checked out. Maybe some " "of that radiation out there got to you." msgstr "" +"Vad är du, full? Du är vid Navarro, så klart. Om du har problem med minnet, " +"soldat, borde du nog gå och bli undersökt. Lite av strålningen där ute har " +"kanske påverkat dig." #: dialog/ccgrdpa.msg:440 msgid "" @@ -18164,6 +18359,9 @@ msgid "" "Heh. That smart mouth of yours is gonna land you in all sorts of trouble--" "and I can't wait to see it happen. Now get back to your post, soldier." msgstr "" +"Kom inte med det där skitsnacket. Du är en av de nya rekryterna, eller hur? " +"Heh. Din rappa käft kommer att ge dig alla möjliga problem, och jag kan inte " +"vänta på att få se det hända. Gå nu tillbaka till din post, soldat." #: dialog/ccgrdpa.msg:450 msgid "Sir! Yes sir!" @@ -18225,15 +18423,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccguard.msg:108 msgid "Who the--? We got an intruder here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vem i--? Vi har en inkräktare här!" #: dialog/ccguard.msg:109 msgid "You there! Halt!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du där! Stanna!" #: dialog/ccguard.msg:110 msgid "Intruder on base!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inkräktare på basen!" #: dialog/ccguard.msg:111 msgid "Wait you--oh, never mind. " @@ -18272,7 +18470,7 @@ msgstr "Låt inte inkräktaren komma fram till grinden!" #: dialog/ccguard.msg:119 msgid "Die, primitive!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dö, din primitiva jävel!" #: dialog/cck9.msg:100 msgid "You see a cyberdog." @@ -18828,11 +19026,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:101 msgid "You see the Navarro base Commander." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser befälhavaren för Navarro-basen." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:103 dialog/ccqmstr.msg:103 msgid "Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders on the base!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vilka fan är ni... Varning! Inkräktare på basen!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:104 msgid "I don't have time to chitchat with the grunts. You're dismissed." @@ -18840,7 +19038,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:105 dialog/ccmandr.msg:125 msgid "Time to die." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dags att dö." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:107 msgid "" @@ -18854,10 +19052,13 @@ msgid "" "time to court martial you so I'll handle this myself. Guards! Kill this " "idiot!" msgstr "" +"Att inte lyda en direkt order från en högre officer är förräderi. Jag har " +"inte tid att ställa dig inför krigsrätt, så jag sköter det här själv. " +"Vakter! Döda den här idioten!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:110 msgid "Screw you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan ta dig!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:111 msgid "" @@ -18867,44 +19068,47 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:112 dialog/ccmandr.msg:114 dialog/ccmandr.msg:116 msgid "Yes sir!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, sir!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:113 msgid "Make it quick soldier, I don't have all day to stand around." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gör det snabbt soldat, jag har inte hela dagen på mig att stå här." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:115 dialog/ccmandr.msg:124 msgid "Leave my locker alone or I will dish out some serious pain." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lämna mitt skåp ifred annars kommer jag att göra ditt liv smärtsamt." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:117 msgid "" "This base is on alert and I don't recognize you. Show me your papers, " "soldier." msgstr "" +"Den här basen är i beredskap och jag känner inte igen dig. Visa mig dina " +"papper, soldat." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:118 msgid "What papers?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vilka papper?" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:119 msgid "You blow me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dra åt helvete!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:120 msgid "I don't seem to have them with me..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag verkar inte ha dem med mig..." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:122 msgid "" "Wrong answer, maggot. You're to carry your papers with you at all times. You" " should know that!" msgstr "" +"Fel svar, kryp. Du ska alltid ha dina papper med dig. Det borde du veta!" #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:123 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:751 dialog/dctyler.msg:303 #: dialog/gcwooz.msg:705 msgid "Fuck you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan ta dig." #: dialog/ccmandr.msg:200 msgid "" @@ -19047,55 +19251,62 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:100 msgid "Big surprise -- it looks like a guy in power armor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stor överraskning -- det ser ut som en snubbe i kraftrustning." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:101 msgid "Yep, it's still a guy in power armor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Japp, det är fortfarande en snubbe i kraftrustning." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:102 msgid "" "He's got some kind of insignia on his chest that different from any of the others you've seen\n" " around here. " msgstr "" +"Han har något slags märke på bröstet som skiljer sig från alla andra du " +"sett\n" +" häromkring." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:103 msgid " -the armory!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " -vapenförrådet!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:104 msgid "What the- >" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad i- >" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:105 msgid "" "(So, Sarge sent you. Something about needing power armor. Well, all I got is one in for\n" " maintenance. Might have a few problems still, so take it easy. Just sign here.)" msgstr "" +"(Så, Sergeanten skickade dig. Nåt om att behöva en kraftrustning. Tja, allt " +"jag har är en inne för\n" +" underhåll. Kan ha några problem fortfarande, så ta det lugnt. Skriv bara " +"under här.)" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:106 msgid "Uh... Could you repeat that?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh... Kan du upprepa det?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:107 msgid "I think there's something wrong with your suit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tror att det är något fel på din rustning." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:108 msgid "Sure, I'll do that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, det ska jag göra." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:109 msgid "No way. Forget it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte en chans. Glöm det." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:110 msgid "You the guy Arch radioed about?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "E du snubben Arch ropa' in om?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:111 msgid "Are you sure you're not the guy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du säker på att du inte är killen?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:112 dialog/ccmaster.msg:130 dialog/ccmaster.msg:134 #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:167 dialog/dcaddct2.msg:200 dialog/dcbilly.msg:414 @@ -19110,7 +19321,7 @@ msgstr "Vadå?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:115 dialog/ccmaster.msg:119 dialog/fcelrind.msg:103 msgid "Who are you? What are you doing here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vem är du? Vad gör du här?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:116 dialog/ccmaster.msg:120 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:215 #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:682 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:711 dialog/dcorphan.msg:201 @@ -19122,7 +19333,7 @@ msgstr "Vad?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:117 dialog/ccmaster.msg:121 msgid "Uh... I'm new here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh... jag är ny här?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:118 dialog/ccmaster.msg:122 msgid "Peek-a-boo!" @@ -19133,63 +19344,70 @@ msgid "" "What do you mean? This suit's working fine! You gonna sign the papers or " "not?" msgstr "" +"Vad menar du med det? Den här rustningen fungerar bra! Ska du skriva på " +"papperna eller inte?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:124 msgid "I'm not understanding a word of this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag förstår inte ett ord av det här." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:125 msgid "Your speaker's broken." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Din högtalare är trasig." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:126 dialog/scratch.msg:104 msgid "Sure, whatever." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:127 msgid "To hell with this!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åt helvete med det här!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:128 msgid "(What, are you deaf? I said I got a suit; just sign here.)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Vad, är du döv? Jag sa att jag har en rustning; skriv bara på här.)" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:129 msgid "" "Clown, are you? Well, I don't need this. You explain to Sarge why you don't " "have a uniform!" msgstr "" +"Är du en clown? Tja, jag behöver inte det här. Förklara för sergeanten " +"varför du inte har en uniform!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:131 msgid "Okay, fine. I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, bra. Jag ska göra det." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:132 msgid "Just forget it, okay?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Glöm det bara, okej?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:133 msgid "" "Your speaker's not broken. I can hear you just fine. Just sign the papers and we can get this\n" " done." msgstr "" +"Din högtalare är inte trasig. Jag hör dig alldeles utmärkt. Skriv bara under " +"papperna så kan vi få det här\n" +" gjort." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:135 msgid "Fine, I give up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, jag ger upp!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:136 msgid "You want me to what? I'm not that kind of person!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du vill att jag ska göra vadå? Jag är inte den sortens person!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:137 msgid "Okay, what's your name?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, vad heter du?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:138 dialog/ccmaster.msg:152 dialog/ccmaster.msg:190 #: dialog/sccarkid.msg:104 dialog/scsalbob.msg:108 msgid "[Player name]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Spelarens namn]" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:139 dialog/ccmaster.msg:153 msgid "Pisces?" @@ -19197,7 +19415,7 @@ msgstr "Fiskarna?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:140 msgid "I want the power armor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill ha kraftrustningen." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:141 dialog/ccmaster.msg:154 msgid "Swordfish." @@ -19205,7 +19423,7 @@ msgstr "Svärdfisk." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:142 msgid "Right. Unit?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej. Enhet?" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:143 dialog/ccmaster.msg:157 dialog/ccmaster.msg:181 msgid "Arroyo." @@ -19213,7 +19431,7 @@ msgstr "Arroyo." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:145 dialog/ccmaster.msg:183 msgid "I got better." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag blev bättre." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:146 dialog/ccmaster.msg:158 dialog/ccmaster.msg:184 msgid "42." @@ -19264,19 +19482,19 @@ msgstr "Inte." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:165 msgid "" "Okay, let's make this quick. Take that off and I'll give you a new suit." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, nu skyndar vi på. Ta av dig den där så får du en ny kostym." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:166 msgid "You're nothing but static." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag hör bara sprakande från dig." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:169 msgid "You're gonna off me? I don't think so!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tänker du döda mig? Jag tror inte det!" #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:170 msgid "Oh, well never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, ja, glöm det." #: dialog/ccmaster.msg:171 msgid "The power armor. Give me the power armor, you moron." @@ -19741,64 +19959,69 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:100 msgid "You see a man in a military uniform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en man i militäruniform." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:101 msgid "You see Quincy, the mechanic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Quincy, mekanikern." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:102 msgid "" "You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think\n" " he is more of a mechanic than a soldier." msgstr "" +"Du ser en man i militäruniform. Att döma av fettfläckarna tror du\n" +" att han är mer av en mekaniker än en soldat." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:103 msgid "" "Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?" msgstr "" +"Namnet är Quincy, soldat. Varför knackar du på min axel och ser vilsen ut?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:104 msgid "Me need ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag fråga dig en sak." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:106 msgid "Hi. I need to ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej. Jag måste fråga dig en sak." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:108 msgid "All right, but make it quick. I have inventory to do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, men det måste gå fort. Jag har en inventering att göra." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:109 dialog/epac11.msg:410 dialog/epac12.msg:410 msgid "What do you need to know?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad behöver du veta?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:111 msgid "Me look for vertibird plans. Where find?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag leta Vertibird-ritningar. Var hittar jag?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:112 msgid "Me told by tech me find vertibird plans here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag veta från tekniker jag hitta Vertibird-planer här." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:115 msgid "I'm looking for vertibird plans. Do you know where I can find them?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag letar efter Vertibird-ritningar. Vet du var jag kan hitta dem?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:116 msgid "I was told by a tech that I could find the vertibird plans here." msgstr "" +"Jag fick höra av en tekniker att jag kunde hitta Vertibird-planerna här." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:117 msgid "Well, got to go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nåväl, jag måste gå." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:118 msgid "" "This is maintenance. We repair pretty much anything except for the " "vertibirds." msgstr "" +"Det här är underhåll. Vi reparerar i stort sett allt utom vertibirderna." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:119 msgid "Where vertibird get repair?" @@ -20181,26 +20404,31 @@ msgid "" "You see someone wearing a lab coat with a pocket protector and lots of pens " "stuffed in it. He has that slightly confused look of someone new to a job." msgstr "" +"Du ser någon som bär en labbrock med ett fickskydd och massor av pennor i. " +"Han ser lite förvirrad ut som någon som är ny på ett jobb." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:103 dialog/cctech2.msg:103 msgid "Yes, sir?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, sir?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:106 msgid "" "I'm new here. I need to ask a few questions to familiarize myself with the " "base." msgstr "" +"Jag är ny här. Jag behöver ställa några frågor för att bekanta mig med basen." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:107 msgid "Sorry to bother you. I'm just saying hi." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ledsen att störa dig. Jag säger bara hej." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:108 msgid "" "I'm a new recruit myself, sir. I don't know if I can answer all your " "questions but I'll try." msgstr "" +"Jag är själv nyrekryterad, sir. Jag vet inte om jag kan svara på alla dina " +"frågor, men jag ska försöka." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:112 msgid "Where Enclave main base at." @@ -20211,40 +20439,48 @@ msgid "" "This is the comm center. We handle all communications with the main base " "from here." msgstr "" +"Det här är kommunikationscentralen. Vi sköter all kommunikation med " +"huvudbasen härifrån." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:129 msgid "" "I'm a comm center technician, second class. I handle all communications with" " main base and I maintain equipment status." msgstr "" +"Jag är en kommunikationscentertekniker, andra klass. Jag sköter all " +"kommunikation med huvudbasen och underhåller utrustningens status." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:132 msgid "You've got to be kidding, right? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du måste skämta, eller hur? " #: dialog/cctech1.msg:133 msgid "No kid. Where base?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte skämt. Var bas?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:134 msgid "Do I look like I'm kidding?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ser jag ut som om jag skojar?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:135 msgid "" "The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San " "Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?" msgstr "" +"Huvudbasen ligger utanför Stillahavskusten nära staden San Francisco. Får " +"jag fråga varför du frågar?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:136 msgid "No. Reason military. How many way get to base?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej. Anledning militär. Hur många sätt till basen?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:137 msgid "" "No. This is a military matter. Now, how many ways do you know of to reach " "the base?" msgstr "" +"Nej, det här är en militär angelägenhet. Hur många sätt känner du till för " +"att nå basen?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:138 msgid "" @@ -20254,7 +20490,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:141 dialog/cctech2.msg:143 msgid "They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. " -msgstr "" +msgstr "De skulle finnas på underhållsavdelningen, bredvid flygledningen. " #: dialog/cctech1.msg:154 dialog/cctech2.msg:156 msgid "If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass." @@ -20446,59 +20682,65 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccturret.msg:100 msgid "You see a Plasma Turret." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser ett Plasma-torn." #: dialog/ccturret.msg:101 msgid "You see a Mk II Plasma Turret." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser ett Mk II Plasma-torn." #: dialog/ccturret.msg:102 msgid "" "A sign on the turret warns that tampering with it will most likely result in" " death." msgstr "" +"En skylt på tornet varnar för att manipulering av tornet sannolikt kommer " +"att leda till dödsfall." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:100 msgid "Greetings, human. I am the warrior Xarn. Are you to be my executioner?" msgstr "" +"Var hälsad, människa. Jag är krigaren Xarn. Kommer du att bli min bödel?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:102 msgid "No, me here rescue you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag här rädda dig." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:103 msgid "Not know. Me want know why you here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte vet. Vill veta varför du här." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:104 msgid "Yes I am." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja det är jag." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:105 msgid "No, I'm here to rescue you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag är här för att rädda dig." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:106 msgid "I don't know. I'd like to know why you are here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vet inte. Jag skulle vilja veta varför du är här." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:107 msgid "" "So be it. I do not intend to go quietly, human. Let us make this a\n" " battle to remember!" msgstr "" +"Låt det så bli. Jag tänker inte gå tyst, människa. Låt oss göra detta till " +"en\n" +" strid att minnas!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:109 msgid "Wait. Me change mind. Why are you here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vänta. Jag ändrat mig. Varför är du här?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:110 msgid "I'm ready. Let's party." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är redo. Nu kör vi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:111 msgid "Wait a minute. Why are you here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vänta lite nu. Varför är du här?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:112 msgid "" @@ -20508,11 +20750,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:113 msgid "No. Me here rescue you. Really." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej. Jag här rädda dig. Verkligen." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:114 msgid "Look, I really am here to rescue you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är verkligen här för att rädda dig!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:115 msgid "" @@ -20522,19 +20764,24 @@ msgid "" " the door is securely locked and requires a passkey to open.\n" " Find the key, unlock the door, and grant me my freedom." msgstr "" +"Du är mitt sista hopp, så jag litar på dig. Dörren\n" +" där borta leder till ett luftschakt som mynnar ut i skogen ovanför.\n" +" Jag borde kunna klättra upp i schaktet och bli fri. Men,\n" +" dörren är säkert låst och kräver en nyckel för att öppnas.\n" +" Hitta nyckeln, lås upp dörren och ge mig min frihet." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:117 dialog/ccxarn.msg:135 dialog/ccxarn.msg:147 msgid "Me think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tänka på det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:118 dialog/hczaius.msg:136 dialog/hczaius.msg:140 #: dialog/hczaius.msg:145 dialog/hczaius.msg:176 dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:275 msgid "Sure, I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, jag ska göra det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:119 dialog/fcfmatt.msg:142 dialog/qcmartin.msg:183 msgid "I'll think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska tänka på det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:120 msgid "" @@ -20567,18 +20814,20 @@ msgid "" "(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) I have nothing\n" " to tell you, human. I can sense the darkness of your soul." msgstr "" +"(Xarn stirrar på dig intensivt för ett ögonblick) Jag har ingenting\n" +" att berätta för dig, människa. Jag kan känna mörkret i din själ." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:124 msgid "If doctor such threat why you no kill?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om doktor stort hot, varför du inte döda?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:125 msgid "Screw you then. Me shoot you ass." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan ta dig då. Jag skjuta din röv." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:126 msgid "If this guy is such a threat, then why didn't you just kill him?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om den här snubben är ett sånt hot, varför dödade du honom inte bara?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:127 msgid "Up yours, then. Die, deathclaw." @@ -20591,6 +20840,10 @@ msgid "" " noticed because he stopped seeing me in person. The choice is\n" " no longer mine to make." msgstr "" +"(suck) Nyligen började jag överväga just en sådan handling,\n" +" även om det inte är mitt sätt att döda. Jag är säker på att läkaren\n" +" märkte det eftersom han slutade träffa mig personligen. Valet är\n" +" inte längre mitt att göra." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:129 msgid "You not worry. Doctor dead. He not make report." @@ -20598,17 +20851,19 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:130 msgid "Me thank you for story." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tacka för berättelse." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:131 msgid "" "You don't have to worry. The doc is dead and he\n" " didn't make the report." msgstr "" +"Du behöver inte oroa dig. Doktorn är död och han\n" +" gjorde inte rapporten." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:132 msgid "Thanks for the story. It was interesting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack för berättelsen. Den var intressant." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:133 msgid "" @@ -20616,46 +20871,51 @@ msgid "" " better that this is so. I would ask you to help me escape\n" " this place. Will you?" msgstr "" +"Jag är ledsen att höra om hans död men det är för det\n" +" bättre att det är så. Jag skulle vilja be dig att hjälpa mig att fly\n" +" den här platsen. Kan du göra det?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:134 dialog/ccxarn.msg:146 msgid "Yes, me do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, jag gör." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:136 dialog/ccxarn.msg:148 msgid "No, me no think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag inte tro det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:137 dialog/ccxarn.msg:149 dialog/fcoz7.msg:166 msgid "Yeah, I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, jag ska göra det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:138 dialog/ccxarn.msg:150 msgid "No, but I'll think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, men jag ska fundera på det." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:139 dialog/ccxarn.msg:151 dialog/fcdragon.msg:159 #: dialog/fckenlee.msg:172 dialog/fcoz9.msg:206 dialog/hcfranci.msg:138 #: dialog/ocgrutha.msg:195 msgid "No, I don't think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, det tror jag inte." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:140 msgid "Very well... I will wait here until you come to a decision." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nåväl... Jag väntar här tills du har fattat ett beslut." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:142 msgid "" "Very well... I am saddened by your decision but it is\n" " your choice. If you change your mind, I will be here." msgstr "" +"Nåväl... Jag är ledsen över ditt beslut men det är\n" +" ditt val. Om du ändrar dig kommer jag att vara här." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:145 msgid "I would ask you to help me escape this place. Will you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill be dig att hjälpa mig att fly härifrån. Kan du göra det?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:152 msgid "Hello again. Are you ready for our battle?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej igen. Är du redo för vår strid?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:153 msgid "No want fight, want hear you story." @@ -20667,27 +20927,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:155 msgid "No. Me go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej. Jag gå." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:157 msgid "I don't really want to fight. Can I hear your story instead?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill egentligen inte slåss. Kan jag få höra din historia istället?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:158 msgid "I'm here to rescue you, not fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är här för att rädda dig, inte för att slåss." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:159 msgid "No. I'll be leaving now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag ska gå nu." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:160 msgid "All right, let's get it over with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, låt oss få det överstökat." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:161 dialog/ccxarn.msg:164 msgid "Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej igen. Har du ändrat dig? Tänker du hjälpa mig?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:166 msgid "No. Me still think about it." @@ -20695,15 +20955,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:167 msgid "No. Me not help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej. Jag inte hjälpa." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:168 msgid "No, I'm still thinking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag tänker fortfarande." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:169 msgid "I don't want to help you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill inte hjälpa dig." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:170 msgid "Hello again. Have you found the key to the door?" @@ -23171,11 +23431,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:371 msgid "Billy likes that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy gillar det." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:372 msgid "Ohhhh yeah." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åhhhh ja." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:373 msgid "Nice." @@ -23183,55 +23443,55 @@ msgstr "Snyggt." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:374 msgid "Jeezus and ramona." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jeezus och Ramona." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:375 msgid "Good Gracious." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gode Gud." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:376 msgid "I shoulda packed a box of tissue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag borde ha packat ner en ask med näsdukar." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:377 msgid "Hmmm, who should I imagine now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm, vem ska jag föreställa mig nu." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:390 msgid "Hey, can't you see I'm busy in here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru, kan du inte se att jag är upptagen här inne?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:391 msgid "Hey, hey, get the hell out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hallå, hallå, dra åt helvete." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:392 msgid "Hey, you couldn't finish the job, so get out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kunde inte avsluta jobbet, så ut med dig." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:393 msgid "Can you get me a mop and come back in 5?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan du ge mig en mopp och komma tillbaka om 5?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:400 msgid "Billy, you better not have made a mess on that mattress again!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, det är bäst att du inte kladdat ner madrassen igen!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:401 msgid "Hey Billy, you need a mop?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru Billy, behöver du en mopp?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:402 msgid "Billy, your fly's down. AGAIN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, din gylf är nere. IGEN!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:403 msgid "Yo Billy, don't forget to change your pants later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru Billy, glöm inte att byta byxor senare." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:404 msgid "Billy, you been eating doughnuts?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, har du ätit munkar?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:410 msgid "Uhhh." @@ -23247,43 +23507,43 @@ msgstr "Jeesh" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:413 msgid "He, he, heee..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He, he, heee..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:500 msgid "*SPIT, SPIT* Eccchhhh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "*SPOTT, SPOTT* Eccchhhh..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:510 msgid "Hey buddy, care to \"rent\" that fine ho of yours?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej kompis, vill du \"hyra ut\" din fina hora?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:511 msgid "Can't this wait? I've got to get a drink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan inte det här vänta? Jag måste ta en drink." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:512 msgid "Yeah, if you want to talk to me, I'll be at The Hole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, om du vill prata med mig, så är jag på Hålet." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:513 msgid "How about you meet me at The Hole and I buy you a drink?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad sägs om att du möter mig på Hålet så bjuder jag på en drink?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:520 msgid "Sorry, I'm a hurry to get home. I just got some new porn in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ursäkta, jag har bråttom hem. Jag har precis fått in lite ny porr." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:521 msgid "I'm uhhh, tired, please let me go home and uhhh, sleep..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är ehh, trött, snälla låt mig gå hem och ehhh, sova..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:522 msgid "I'm going over to Dave's. He's got a whole porn wing!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska gå över till Daves ställe. Han har en hel porrflygel!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:530 msgid "Uhhh, no thanks. I don't have money to piss away on that again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ehhh, nej tack. Jag har inte råd att slösa bort pengar på det igen." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:540 msgid "Alright, I'll give your ass a try again." @@ -24205,23 +24465,23 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:341 msgid "I don't know what she did to you but she didn't deserve to die." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vet inte vad hon gjorde mot dig, men hon förtjänade inte att dö." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:342 msgid "Maybe we should head to New Reno, since Becky's is closed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi kanske ska åka till New Reno, eftersom Becky's är stängt." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:343 msgid "I miss Becky's smile." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag saknar Beckys leende." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:344 msgid "No more cheap booze." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ingen mer billig sprit." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:345 msgid "The Den isn't the same without Becky's." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lyan är inte densamma utan Becky's." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:360 msgid "Frankie's is truly a hole... in the wall, that is." @@ -24229,15 +24489,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:361 msgid "I like the Hole better than Becky's." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag gillar Hålet bättre än Becky's." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:362 msgid "We call this place the Hole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi kallar den här platsen för Hålet." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:363 msgid "Take a seat. Oh, wait. Maybe not." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sätt dig ner. Åh, vänta lite. Kanske inte." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:364 msgid "Frankie's has action. Becky's is just a money pit." @@ -24245,56 +24505,56 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:365 msgid "Frankie sure doesn't like Becky." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Frankie gillar verkligen inte Becky." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:366 msgid "Frankie says Becky's drinks are watered down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Frankie säger att Beckys drinkar är urvattnade." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:367 dialog/dcg2grd.msg:272 dialog/dcg2grd.msg:301 #: dialog/dcmetrom.msg:260 dialog/dctyler.msg:373 dialog/dcvicgrd.msg:506 msgid "How's it going?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hur går det?" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:368 msgid "Frankie knows how to party." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Frankie vet hur man festar." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:369 msgid "Becky's tables are rigged! Well, that's what Frankie says." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Beckys bord är riggade! Eller, det är i alla fall vad Frankie säger." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:370 msgid "Bottoms up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Botten upp!" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:390 msgid "Damn, I warned Frankie about how he treated people." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan, jag varnade Frankie för hur han behandlade folk." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:391 msgid "Frankie should have watched his temper." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Frankie borde ha hållit sig i skinnet." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:392 msgid "Now where we going to hang out?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var ska vi nu hänga?" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:393 msgid "Too bad Frankie's gone. He knew how to party." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synd att Frankie är borta. Han visste hur man festade." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:394 msgid "You got quite a temper. What'd Frankie do to you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har ett riktigt temperament. Vad har Frankie gjort mot dig?" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:395 msgid "Frankie insult your mom or something?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har Frankie förolämpat din mamma eller nåt?" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:411 msgid "I'm not sure what I'm looking for." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är inte säker på vad jag letar efter." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:412 msgid "Tubby sure goes through a lot of Jet." @@ -24302,11 +24562,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:413 msgid "You see anything good?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du sett något bra?" #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:414 msgid "Not much here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte mycket här." #: dialog/dccustmr.msg:415 msgid "Tubby needs to get some better suppliers." @@ -24722,27 +24982,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:100 msgid "You see a thin, greasy looking, man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en tunn, oljig man." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:150 msgid "You see Flick, giving his groin a thorough scratching." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Flick, som kliar sig ordentligt i skrevet." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:151 msgid "You see an unclean fellow with a nasty facial-twitch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en oren man med en otäck ansiktsryckning." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:200 msgid "Get outta heeya, you dumb-ass." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Draa hääifrån, din idiot." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:201 msgid "Hey meatball! Yeah, you. Get outta heeya." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru, köttbullen! Ja, du. Draa hääirån." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:202 msgid "You dumb or sumpin'?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du dum elle'?" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:203 msgid "Whatchur problem, eh?" @@ -24750,11 +25010,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:204 msgid "Get the hell outta heeya." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Draa hääifrån, fö' i helvette" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:220 msgid "Hey der, I'm Flick. What the fuck do you want, huh?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hallå dä', jag ä' Flick. Vad i helvete vill du, va?" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:221 msgid "Now what? You wastin' my time heeya." @@ -24809,7 +25069,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:263 msgid "Uh, oh. OK. Goodbye, Flick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, åh. OK, Hej då, Flick." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:280 msgid "I provide fer them little paisanos." @@ -24825,26 +25085,28 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:291 msgid "Your kids?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dina barn?" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:292 msgid "" "Well, I'm not really interested in music lessons for children. Let me ask " "you about something else." msgstr "" +"Jag är inte riktigt intresserad av musiklektioner för barn. Låt mig fråga " +"dig om något annat." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:300 msgid "" "Yeah, well they work for me. They bring me things. Little things. You know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, de jobbar för mig. De ger mig saker. Små saker. Du vet." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:302 msgid "Oh, OK. Let me ask you something else then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, okej. Låt mig fråga dig något annat då." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:303 msgid "Ah, I see. Well, I don't want to cramp your, uh, style. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jaha, jag förstår. Jag vill inte störa din, eh, stil. Hej då." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:315 dialog/dcflick.msg:450 msgid "" @@ -24854,24 +25116,24 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:316 dialog/dcflick.msg:451 msgid "Sounds like a nice arrangement." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låter som ett trevligt arrangemang." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:325 msgid "(Flick shrugs) I get by OK." -msgstr "" +msgstr "(Flick rycker på axlarna) Jag klarar mig bra." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:326 msgid "Let me ask you about something else then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt mig fråga dig om något annat då." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:327 msgid "" "They must have brought you some real bargains. Let's see what you've got." -msgstr "" +msgstr "De måste ha gett dig några riktiga fynd. Låt mig se vad du har." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:328 dialog/dcflick.msg:472 msgid "Just checking. Well, goodbye Flick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kollar bara. Hej då, Flick." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:340 msgid "" @@ -24992,16 +25254,21 @@ msgid "" "Don't you get smart with me asshole. The kids bring me items they *find.* I " "don't know where they get them and frankly, I don't give a fuck." msgstr "" +"Försök inte vara smart mot mig, din jävel. Barnen ger mig saker som de " +"*hittar.* Jag vet inte var de får dem ifrån och ärligt talat bryr jag mig " +"inte ett skit." #: dialog/dcflick.msg:432 msgid "" "You're full of it. I'm sick of skum like you who use people for their own " "benefit. Time to die!" msgstr "" +"Du är full av det. Jag är trött på skumma typer som du som utnyttjar folk " +"för egen vinning. Dags att dö!" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:441 msgid "And you have an arrangement with them?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Och du har en överenskommelse med dem?" #: dialog/dcflick.msg:460 msgid "" @@ -25086,7 +25353,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:159 dialog/dcfranki.msg:182 msgid "Whiskey." -msgstr "Whiskey." +msgstr "Whisky." #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:160 msgid "Women." @@ -25122,27 +25389,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:169 msgid "Whiskey is $" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Whisky kostar $" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:170 msgid " a shot." -msgstr "" +msgstr " per shot." #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:171 dialog/rcjosh.msg:128 msgid "Here's your money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här får du dina pengar." #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:172 msgid "No way! That's too much!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aldrig i livet! Det kostar för mycket!" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:173 msgid "Why does your whiskey cost so much more than Becky's?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför kostar din whisky så mycket mer än Beckys?" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:177 dialog/gcwooz.msg:725 msgid "Nope, thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, tack." #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:178 msgid "You don't have enough money! This ain't no charity!" @@ -25196,7 +25463,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:194 msgid "I'll just go buy whiskey from her." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Då köper jag bara whisky av henne." #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:195 msgid "If you find out where she gets her booze, I'll pay you $100." @@ -26229,7 +26496,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:236 msgid "Is it time yet? I can hardly wait." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är det dags än? Jag kan knappt bärga mig." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:237 msgid "I hope I get the first kill." @@ -26237,53 +26504,56 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:238 msgid "Why did they wait until now to mess with us?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför har de väntat tills nu med att bråka med oss?" #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:239 msgid "This is going to be interesting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här kommer att bli intressant." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:240 msgid "Too bad we didn't get any action after all." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Synd bara att vi inte fick strida trots allt." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:241 msgid "I wonder why they changed their minds." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag undrar varför de ändrade sig." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:242 msgid "All that waiting and nothing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "All denna väntan och ingenting." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:243 msgid "So what ever happened to that trap you were going to help us set?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad hände med fällan som du skulle hjälpa oss att gillra?" #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:244 msgid "What happened the other night?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad hände häromnatten?" #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:245 msgid "" "Too bad those cowards chickened out. It would have been nice to finish them " "off." msgstr "" +"Synd att de fegisarna drog sig ur. Det hade varit trevligt att göra slut på " +"dem." #: dialog/dcg1grd.msg:246 msgid "Can't believe those bastards were going to try and ambush us." msgstr "" +"Jag kan inte tro att de jävlarna skulle försöka lägga sig i bakhåll för oss." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:100 msgid "You see a gangster." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en gangster." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:150 msgid "He seems to be a member of Lara's gang." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han verkar vara medlem i Laras gäng." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:151 msgid "She seems to be a member of Lara's gang." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hon verkar vara medlem i Laras gäng." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:200 msgid "Wise guy." @@ -26292,20 +26562,20 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:201 dialog/dcslaver.msg:200 dialog/slvcc2.msg:200 #: dialog/slvcc5.msg:200 msgid "There you are." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Där får du." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:202 msgid "Pay back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hämnd." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:203 dialog/gcharold.msg:310 dialog/hcmarcus.msg:333 #: dialog/qhprzrch.msg:332 msgid "Come here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kom hit." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:204 msgid "I'm not through with you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är inte färdig med dig." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:205 dialog/ncbitch.msg:406 dialog/ncprosti.msg:233 msgid "Bitch." @@ -26314,62 +26584,63 @@ msgstr "Subba." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:225 msgid "Wonder how long things will last around here with Metzger gone?" msgstr "" +"Undrar hur länge det kommer att hålla i sig här nu när Metzger är borta?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:226 msgid "So, Metzger's finally dead?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så Metzger är äntligen död?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:227 msgid "Was that your handiwork?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var det ditt hantverk?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:228 msgid "The Den'll never be the same again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lyan kommer aldrig att bli sig lik igen." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:240 msgid "I can't believe it, we actually beat them!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan inte tro det, vi slog dem faktiskt!" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:241 msgid "Metzger's got to show us respect now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Metzger måste visa oss respekt nu." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:242 msgid "We sure showed them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi visade dem verkligen." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:243 msgid "We gave 'em our own brand of justice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi gav 'em vår egen typ av rättvisa." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:244 msgid "We couldn't have done it without you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi skulle inte ha klarat det utan dig!" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:245 msgid "Thank you for your help!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack för din hjälp!" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:246 dialog/dclara.msg:530 msgid "We did it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi klarade det!" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:247 msgid "You screwing around with us?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jävlas du med oss?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:248 msgid "Better watch your step." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är bäst att du är försiktig med var du går." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:249 msgid "Lara's the only reason we don't string you up right now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lara är den enda anledningen till att vi inte hänger dig nu." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:250 msgid "What were you trying to pull?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad försökte du åstadkomma?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:251 msgid "Coward." @@ -26377,19 +26648,19 @@ msgstr "Ynkrygg." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:252 msgid "You make me sick." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du gör mig illamående." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:253 dialog/vcgatgrd.msg:117 dialog/vcskeeve.msg:105 msgid "Get lost." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Försvinn." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:255 msgid "We're ready when you are." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi är redo när du är det." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:256 msgid "It's about time we pay them back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är på tiden att vi hämnas på dem." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:258 msgid "Let's go already." @@ -26397,39 +26668,39 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:259 msgid "You ready yet?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du redo än?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:260 msgid "Just let Lara know when it's time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Säg bara till Lara när det är dags." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:270 msgid "You looking to join up?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vill du gå med i vårt gäng?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:271 msgid "You must be here to see Lara." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du måste vara här för att träffa Lara." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:273 msgid "Lara's the person you should be talking to." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lara är den du borde prata med." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:275 msgid "You here to see Lara?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du här för att träffa Lara?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:302 msgid "Hope things are going good." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hoppas att allt går bra." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:303 msgid "So you might be able to help us out?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så du kanske kan hjälpa oss?" #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:304 msgid "Good to see you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kul att se dig." #: dialog/dcg2grd.msg:305 msgid "We'll pay back Tyler soon..." @@ -27648,15 +27919,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dclara.msg:462 msgid "This is pointless." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är meningslöst." #: dialog/dclara.msg:470 msgid "Did you find anything?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hittade du något?" #: dialog/dclara.msg:471 msgid "Yes. They're having a party tonight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja. De ska ha fest ikväll." #: dialog/dclara.msg:473 msgid "Gra." @@ -27667,54 +27938,63 @@ msgid "" "Excellent! They're sure to leave a skeleton crew. Those should be good\n" " odds. We'll take out those at the party after we hit the church." msgstr "" +"Utmärkt! De kommer säkert att lämna ett skelett av personal. Det borde vara " +"bra\n" +" odds. Vi ger oss på de som är på festen efter att vi har slagit till mot " +"kyrkan." #: dialog/dclara.msg:481 msgid "And my money?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Och mina pengar?" #: dialog/dclara.msg:490 msgid "" "I don't think so. You'll have to come with us if you want your money. You\n" " won't have to fight but just to be sure it's not a trap. We'll give you $300 total." msgstr "" +"Jag tror inte det. Du måste följa med oss om du vill ha dina pengar. Du\n" +" behöver inte slåss, men bara för att vara säker på att det inte är en " +"fälla. Vi ger dig $300 totalt." #: dialog/dclara.msg:491 dialog/ecravpty.msg:179 msgid "You ready?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du redo?" #: dialog/dclara.msg:492 msgid "Okay, let's do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, då gör vi det." #: dialog/dclara.msg:493 msgid "Give me a bit to get ready." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ge mig lite tid att göra mig redo." #: dialog/dclara.msg:494 msgid "No way. Keep your money!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte en chans. Behåll dina pengar!" #: dialog/dclara.msg:500 msgid "" "Okay, but we've got to act soon so don't take too long or we'll ruin our " "chance." msgstr "" +"Okej, men vi måste agera snart, så ta inte för lång tid på dig, för då " +"förstör vi vår chans." #: dialog/dclara.msg:510 msgid "You don't have to fight. Easy money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du behöver inte slåss. Lättförtjänta pengar." #: dialog/dclara.msg:511 msgid "Well, have you changed your mind?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nå, har du ändrat dig?" #: dialog/dclara.msg:512 msgid "Let's go. I'm ready." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nu kör vi. Jag är redo." #: dialog/dclara.msg:513 msgid "Okay, I'll be right back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, jag kommer strax tillbaka." #: dialog/dclara.msg:515 msgid "Uk" @@ -27722,7 +28002,7 @@ msgstr "Uk" #: dialog/dclara.msg:520 msgid "Because of you we blew our chance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "På grund av dig sumpade vi vår chans." #: dialog/dclara.msg:521 msgid "Coward!" @@ -27730,51 +28010,52 @@ msgstr "Ynkrygg!" #: dialog/dclara.msg:522 msgid "You get nothing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du får ingenting." #: dialog/dclara.msg:523 msgid "It was probably a trap anyhow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var nog en fälla ändå." #: dialog/dclara.msg:524 msgid "Sorry, you're not reliable." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tyvärr, du är inte pålitlig." #: dialog/dclara.msg:525 msgid "I can't trust you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan inte lita på dig." #: dialog/dclara.msg:532 msgid "Special thanks to you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett särskilt tack till dig!" #: dialog/dclara.msg:533 msgid "I've finally paid Tyler back for what he did to my brother." msgstr "" +"Jag har äntligen givit igen för mot Tyler för vad han gjorde mot min bror." #: dialog/dclara.msg:534 msgid "Thank you again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack igen." #: dialog/dclara.msg:540 msgid "Now that Metzger's dead, I don't know what'll happen." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nu när Metzger är död vet jag inte vad som kommer att hända." #: dialog/dclara.msg:541 msgid "Maybe we should just pack up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi kanske bara ska packa ihop." #: dialog/dclara.msg:542 msgid "Did you hear Metzger died? I don't know what to do now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörde du att Metzger dog? Jag vet inte vad jag ska göra nu." #: dialog/dclara.msg:543 msgid "What's going to happen to the Den now? Maybe something better." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad kommer att hända med Lyan nu? Kanske något bättre." #: dialog/dclara.msg:544 msgid "This could actually be for the better." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Detta kan faktiskt vara till det bättre." #: dialog/dclara.msg:550 dialog/ectrader.msg:136 game/cmbatai2.msg:1682 #: game/cmbatai2.msg:36082 game/combatai.msg:1682 game/combatai.msg:36082 @@ -27984,15 +28265,15 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dclbfthr.msg:111 msgid "zzzZZZZzzz..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "zzzZZZZzzz..." #: dialog/dclbfthr.msg:112 msgid "zZZZZzzZZzzz..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "zZZZZzzZZzzz..." #: dialog/dclbfthr.msg:113 msgid "*mumbles*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*mumlar*" #: dialog/dclbfthr.msg:114 msgid "Can't you see I'm drinking here? *hickup*" @@ -28189,7 +28470,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:100 msgid "You see the owner of the saloon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser ägaren till salongen." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:101 msgid "You see Becky." @@ -28201,7 +28482,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:151 msgid "This is Becky, owner of this place." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är Becky, ägaren av det här stället." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:153 msgid "Hello, stranger, and welcome to my saloon. I'm Becky." @@ -28213,7 +28494,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:155 msgid ". What's there to do around here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr ". Vad finns det att göra här omkring?" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:156 msgid "Hi, I'm " @@ -28248,7 +28529,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "Drink of whiskey is $5 and the gambling tables are right over there. Have a " "good one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En whisky kostar $5 och spelborden står där borta. Ha det så trevligt." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:166 dialog/dcmaggie.msg:192 dialog/dcmaggie.msg:216 #: dialog/dcrebecc.msg:306 @@ -28265,7 +28546,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:170 msgid "Vault 13? Nope, never heard of it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valv 13? Nej, aldrig hört talas om det." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:171 msgid "Hmm, can I ask something else?" @@ -28273,7 +28554,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:172 msgid "Damn, I need to find it. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan, jag måste hitta det. Hej då." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:174 msgid "Where's a good place to eat?" @@ -28281,7 +28562,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:175 dialog/shtandi.msg:158 msgid "Do you know where Vault 13 is?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vet du var Valv 13 ligger?" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:176 dialog/dcrebecc.msg:304 msgid "Why are your drinks so cheap?" @@ -28297,7 +28578,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:178 msgid "Mom runs a little restaurant across town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mamma driver en liten restaurang på andra sidan stan." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:179 msgid "Mommy! Mommy!" @@ -28417,7 +28698,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:215 msgid "Not now. Maybe later. Yes, definitely later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte nu. Kanske senare. Ja, definitivt senare." #: dialog/dcmaggie.msg:217 dialog/fctnkbar.msg:119 msgid "Later then." @@ -28850,11 +29131,11 @@ msgstr "Visst?" #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:247 msgid "I'm not your fucking servant, so hurry it up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är inte din jävla betjänt, så skynda på." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:248 msgid "What is it? I don't have all day." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad är det? Jag har inte hela dagen på mig." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:249 dialog/scdocjub.msg:127 msgid "Shoot." @@ -28862,19 +29143,19 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:255 msgid "I have someone I'd like to sell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har någon jag skulle vilja sälja." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:256 dialog/dcvicgrd.msg:234 msgid "About Vic..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om Vic..." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:257 msgid "I'm looking for a merchant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag letar efter en handlare." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:258 msgid "Lara wanted me to ask you for permission to fight Tyler." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lara ville att jag skulle be dig om tillstånd att slåss mot Tyler." #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:259 msgid "Can I join the guild?" @@ -28893,6 +29174,10 @@ msgid "" "I was looking over the slaves you got back there, but you see, I have very, uh...*selective* tastes, and none of\n" " them are quite what I'm looking for. Are these all the slaves you have to offer?" msgstr "" +"Jag tittade på slavarna du har där borta, men du förstår, jag har mycket, eh " +"... *selektiv * smak, och ingen av\n" +" dem är riktigt vad jag letar efter. Är det här alla slavar du har att " +"erbjuda?" #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:270 msgid "" @@ -29126,7 +29411,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/scenlone.msg:123 dialog/schenry.msg:112 dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:187 #: dialog/vcskeeve.msg:154 msgid "What are you talking about?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad pratar du om?" #: dialog/dcmetzge.msg:402 msgid "So it's okay?" @@ -34267,7 +34552,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dctubby.msg:163 dialog/dctubby.msg:167 msgid "I need some information." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver lite information." #: dialog/dctubby.msg:165 msgid "" @@ -34277,7 +34562,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dctubby.msg:166 msgid "I want to buy some things." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag vill köpa några saker." #: dialog/dctubby.msg:169 msgid "I would prefer that you leave, instead." @@ -34410,59 +34695,59 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/dctubby.msg:520 dialog/scvortis.msg:172 msgid "Pleasure doing business." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nöje att göra affärer." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:110 msgid "You see a Jet whore." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en Jet-hora." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:111 msgid "You see one of Tubby's Jet whores." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en av Tubbys Jet-horor." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:150 msgid "He seems to be a friend of Tubby's." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han verkar vara en vän till Tubby." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:160 msgid "She seems to be extremely doped up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hon verkar vara extremt drogad." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:161 msgid "She seems to be suffering from massive withdrawals." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hon verkar lida av massiva abstinensbesvär." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:200 msgid "Oh, man. Where we going to get our shit now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, jösses. Var ska vi få tag på vår skit nu?" #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:201 msgid "What'd ya kill Tubby for?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vaffö döda' du Tubby?" #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:202 msgid "Oh man, that sucks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh jösses, det suger." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:203 msgid "Now what're we supposed to do?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad ska vi göra nu?" #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:204 msgid "Oh, man..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, jösses..." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:205 msgid "Hey, that's not fair." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru, det är inte rättvist." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:206 msgid "Don't hurt us, we won't tell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gör oss inte illa, vi säger inget." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:220 msgid "Wow, you look pretty mean." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wow, du ser ganska elak ut." #: dialog/dctubfri.msg:221 msgid "Hey, you're a real nice guy. Anyone ever tell you that?" @@ -38439,39 +38724,46 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:313 dialog/vcmacrae.msg:141 msgid "Well, good luck to you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nåväl, lycka till." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:314 msgid "" "Ah, well, good luck to you. Oh, by the way, watch out for the\n" " Den. They like to sell people there." msgstr "" +"Ja, lycka till. Åh, förresten, se upp för\n" +" Lyan. De gillar att sälja folk där." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:315 msgid "The Den?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lyan?" #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:316 msgid "Sell people?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sälja människor?" #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:317 msgid "Sure, whatever. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst. Hej då." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:320 msgid "" "Seems people around these parts like to keep slaves. I'm here to\n" " try and free them slaves. And if a slaver or two dies in the process, no biggie." msgstr "" +"Folk här gillar visst att ha slavar. Jag är här för att\n" +" försöka befria slavarna. Och om en slavhandlare eller två dör under " +"processen, är det ingen stor grej." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:321 msgid "What's wrong with owning slaves? I'd own some if I could find them." msgstr "" +"Vad är det för fel med att äga slavar? Jag skulle äga några om jag kunde " +"hitta dem." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:322 msgid "I'll keep my eyes out for the bastards." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska hålla ögonen öppna efter de jävlarna." #: dialog/ecabolst.msg:323 msgid "Killing is never justified." @@ -39535,83 +39827,83 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:100 msgid "You see a cannibal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en kannibal." #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:101 msgid "Foood!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maaat!" #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:102 msgid "It's eating time!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är dags att äta!" #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:103 msgid "Hmmm... white meat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hmmm... vitt kött." #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:104 msgid "Yum!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mums!" #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:105 msgid "Tasty!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smarrigt!" #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:106 msgid "It looks tender." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den ser mör ut." #: dialog/eccanbal.msg:107 msgid "::Slurp::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "::Slurp::" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:100 msgid "You see a little boy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en liten pojke." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:101 dialog/mcchild.msg:101 msgid "You see a little girl." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en liten flicka." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:200 msgid "Are we there yet?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är vi framme snart?" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:201 dialog/ncmcknee.msg:204 msgid "I'm tired." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är trött." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:202 msgid "Will you carry me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan du bära mig?" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:203 msgid "I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag får inte prata med främlingar." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:204 msgid "Mommy and Daddy went out here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mamma och pappa gick ut hit." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:205 msgid "See my shiny rock?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vill 'u se min glänsiga sten?" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:206 msgid "Will you play with me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vill du leka med mig?" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:207 msgid "La la la la la la. I can't hear you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "La la la la la la. Jag lyssnar inte." #: dialog/ecchild.msg:208 msgid "Why can't I play now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför får jag inte leka nu?" #: dialog/ecchild.msg:209 msgid "You wanna play?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vill du leka?" #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:100 msgid "You see a claim jumper." @@ -39619,7 +39911,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:101 msgid "We were here first." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi var här först." #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:102 msgid "Go find your own claim to jump." @@ -39627,93 +39919,98 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:103 msgid "Just another notch in my pistol." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bara ännu ett hack i min pistol." #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:104 msgid "Can't let you go now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan inte låta dig gå nu." #: dialog/ecclmjmp.msg:105 msgid "You've seen too much." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har sett för mycket." #: dialog/ecconcor.msg:101 msgid "This is Concorde." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är Concorde." #: dialog/ecconcor.msg:102 dialog/eceric.msg:102 dialog/ecjohn.msg:102 #: dialog/ecpatsy.msg:102 msgid "He's banging two coconut halves together." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han slår ihop två kokosnötshalvor." #: dialog/ecconcor.msg:103 dialog/eceric.msg:103 dialog/ecjohn.msg:103 #: dialog/ecpatsy.msg:103 msgid "Clip! Clop!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Klipp! Klopp!" #: dialog/eccowbmb.msg:200 msgid "MMMMOOOOOooooo....." -msgstr "" +msgstr "MMMMUUUUUuuuuu....." #: dialog/eccrazy.msg:100 msgid "You see a crazy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en galning." #: dialog/eccrazy.msg:101 msgid "Mmmm....brains." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mmmm....hjärnor." #: dialog/eccrazy.msg:102 msgid "Send more adventurers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skicka fler äventyrare." #: dialog/eccrazy.msg:103 msgid "Mooooaaaan..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stöööön..." #: dialog/eccrazy.msg:104 msgid "Make the pain stop." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Få smärtan att ta slut." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:101 msgid "You see one of the guards helping you with this caravan run." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en av vakterna som hjälper dig med karavanrundan." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:200 msgid "You see a caravan driver." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en karavanförare." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:201 msgid "You see one of the drivers helping you with this caravan run." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en av förarna som hjälper dig med den här karavanrundan." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:300 msgid "I hope we don't get too many more encounters along the way." msgstr "" +"Jag hoppas att vi inte råkar ut för alltför många fler möten längs vägen." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:301 msgid "It'll be good to get that paycheck at the end of the run." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det ska bli skönt att få den där lönechecken i slutet av rundan." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:302 msgid "I hope they have the bar open for when I get there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag hoppas att de har baren öppen när jag kommer dit." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:303 msgid "It'll be good to get some real food for once." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det ska bli skönt att få lite riktig mat för en gångs skull." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:304 msgid "I always wanted to travel. I guess this is the closest thing to it." msgstr "" +"Jag har alltid velat resa. Jag antar att det här är det närmaste jag kommer " +"det." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:305 msgid "My feet are killing me. I wish those stupid brahmin would hurry up." msgstr "" +"Mina fötter tar kol på mig. Jag önskar att de där dumma brahminerna kunde " +"skynda sig." #: dialog/eccvngrd.msg:306 msgid "I hear that we don't have much further to go on this trip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har hört att vi inte har så långt kvar på den här resan." #: dialog/eccvnmst.msg:100 msgid "You see a caravan master." @@ -43485,51 +43782,51 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1107 msgid "New Reno." -msgstr "" +msgstr "New Reno." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1108 dialog/hcoutfit.msg:182 msgid "Vault City." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valvstaden." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1109 msgid "Redding." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Redding." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1110 msgid "The Den." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lyan." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1111 msgid "San Francisco." -msgstr "" +msgstr "San Francisco." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1112 msgid "New California Republic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nya Kaliforniska Republiken." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1113 msgid "An abandoned mine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En övergiven gruva." #: dialog/ectravlr.msg:1114 msgid "An old, abandoned facility." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En gammal, övergiven anläggning." #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:100 msgid "For Unity!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "För Enigheten!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:101 msgid "Hold them off, gentlemen!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Håll dem borta, mina herrar!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:102 msgid "Kill the intruders!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Döda inkräktarna!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:103 msgid "Protect the city!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skydda staden!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:104 msgid "Go! Go! Go!" @@ -43537,11 +43834,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:105 msgid "Look out! Raiders!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Se upp! Plundrare!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:106 game/combatai.msg:41712 msgid "Let's get out of here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nu sticker vi härifrån!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:107 msgid "Oh man... just when I thought we were safe! No more! No more!" @@ -43549,37 +43846,39 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:108 game/combatai.msg:41305 msgid "Run for it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spring!" #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:109 dialog/fclogrd.msg:107 dialog/fcshigrd.msg:107 msgid "Treat our people with respect." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Behandla vårt folk med respekt." #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:110 msgid "Don't break the law." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bryt inte mot lagen." #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:111 msgid "" "If you're thinking of causing trouble, remember us. Act nice and Marcus will" " act nice." msgstr "" +"Om du tänker ställa till med problem, kom ihåg oss. Bete er bra så kommer " +"Marcus att bete sig bra." #: dialog/ecunipat.msg:112 msgid "We're peaceable people in Broken Hills, but we know how to fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi är fredliga i Broken Hills, men vi vet hur man slåss." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:100 msgid "Must warn Lynette!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Måste varna Lynette!" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:101 msgid "Must warn Vault City!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Måste varna Valvstaden!" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:102 msgid "Outworlder scum..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utbölingsavskum..." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:103 msgid "Degenerate filth..." @@ -43587,11 +43886,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:104 msgid "Time to weed out more outworlder trash... Die, outworlders!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dags att rensa ut mer utbölingsskräp... Dö, utbölingar!" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:105 msgid "What are you doing around Vault City?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad gör du runt Valvstaden?" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:106 msgid "What is your business near Vault City?" @@ -43599,19 +43898,19 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:107 msgid "This is part of the Vault City territory." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är en del av Valvstadens territorium." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:108 dialog/qhprzrch.msg:156 dialog/vccrtgrd.msg:105 msgid "Watch yourself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Se dig för." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:109 msgid "Vault City is not a sanctuary for *everyone.* So move on." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valvstaden är inte en fristad för *alla.* Så gå vidare." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:110 msgid "Your kind belongs at the Den." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Din sort hör hemma i Lyan." #: dialog/ecvltpat.msg:111 msgid "I suggest you go there now." @@ -54162,29 +54461,31 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/fcchip.msg:159 msgid "Did you talk to Fung?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du pratat med Fung?" #: dialog/fcchip.msg:160 msgid "Yeah, and he says he'll stick it in you for free." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, och han säger att han ska sticka in den i dig gratis." #: dialog/fcchip.msg:161 msgid "Yeah, and he's charging me $1,000." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, och han tar $1 000 av mig." #: dialog/fcchip.msg:163 msgid "" "Wow. You have some serious connections. Come back in a day and I'll see what" " help I can give you." msgstr "" +"Wow. Du har några seriösa kontakter. Kom tillbaka om en dag så ska jag se " +"vad jag kan ge dig." #: dialog/fcchip.msg:165 msgid "Can you cover me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan du täcka mig?" #: dialog/fcchip.msg:166 dialog/ocgrutha.msg:127 msgid "Yeah, I suppose." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Javisst, jag antar det." #: dialog/fcchip.msg:168 msgid "" @@ -97867,7 +98168,8 @@ msgid "" "You see a tall, muscular, Tribal. He has a bone through his nose, facial tattooing, and a\n" " confident, composed demeanor." msgstr "" -"Du ser en lång, muskulös Stambo. Han har ett ben genom näsan, ansiktstatueringar och ett\n" +"Du ser en lång, muskulös Stambo. Han har ett ben genom näsan, " +"ansiktstatueringar och ett\n" " självsäkert och lugnt uppträdande." #: dialog/kcsulik.msg:104 @@ -104808,71 +105110,74 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:100 msgid "One very drunk person. [He has a sign that says \"Will work for food.\"]" msgstr "" +"En mycket berusad person. [Han har en skylt som det står \"Kan arbeta för " +"mat\" på.]" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:101 msgid "You see Karl." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Karl." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:102 msgid "" "He is so filthy that you notice some wildflowers growing out of his hair." msgstr "" +"Han är så smutsig att du märker att några vildblommor växer ut ur hans hår." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:150 msgid "Here, have a beer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här, ta en öl." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:151 msgid "Here, have a bottle of booze." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här, ta en flaska sprit." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:152 msgid "Here, have a Nuka-Cola." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här, ta en Nuka-Cola." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:155 msgid "HEY!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HALLÅ!!" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:156 msgid "The ghosts won't be able to find me here... [sob]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spökena kommer inte att kunna hitta mig här... [snyft]" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:157 msgid "It's good to be home again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är skönt att vara hemma igen." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:159 msgid "It's Karl; he's passed out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är Karl, han har somnat." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:160 msgid "He's going to have to sleep it off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Han kommer att behöva sova ruset av sig." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:161 msgid "Ah! The ghosts from the farm have come to gets me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ah! Spökena från gården har kommit för att hämta mig!" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:162 msgid "Spare some change for (hic) an out-of-work farmer?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du några slantar över till (hick) en arbetslös bonde?" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:163 msgid "Sure thing, fella; how much do you need?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Visst, kompis; hur mycket behöver du?" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:164 msgid "How about I buy you a hot meal?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad sägs om att jag bjuder dig på en varm måltid?" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:165 msgid "Sorry, I don't have any money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tyvärr, jag har inga pengar." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:166 msgid "What's your story?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad är din historia?" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:167 msgid "Here cha-ange?" @@ -104887,18 +105192,21 @@ msgid "" "Oh, kind and generous person. (hic) How can Karl help you today? (hic) [He takes off his cap and\n" " holds out his hand.]" msgstr "" +"Åh, snälla och generösa person. (hick) Hur kan Karl hjälpa dig idag? (hick) [" +"Han tar av sig sin keps och\n" +" räcker fram handen.]" #: dialog/mckarl.msg:170 msgid "Here. Here's $100." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Här. Här får du $100." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:173 msgid "Sorry, I don't have anything for you. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ledsen, jag har inget åt dig. Hej då." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:175 msgid "You mentioned something about a garden earlier. Tell me more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du nämnde något om en trädgård tidigare. Berätta mer." #: dialog/mckarl.msg:179 msgid "" @@ -117749,13 +118057,16 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:429 msgid "Magic! Magic! Me like magic!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Magi! Magi! Jag gilla magi!" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:435 msgid "" "Act like a BEAST. Like a wild rhino. A primal animal, built only to harness his lust for the gratitude of the masses!\n" " MAGIC, BABY, MAGIC! THAT'S what I'm talking about!" msgstr "" +"Bete dig som ett ODJUR. Som en vild noshörning. Ett primitivt djur, byggt " +"bara för att tygla sin lust för massornas tacksamhet!\n" +" MAGI, JA, MAGI! Det är det jag pratar om!" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:436 msgid "" @@ -117768,66 +118079,74 @@ msgid "" "X-cellent! Now, time for a try-out. I need to see how you get over the " "'hump.' " msgstr "" +"X-cellent! Nu är det dags för ett prov. Jag vill se hur du tar dig över " +"'puckeln.' " #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:446 msgid "You game, pal?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du med, kompis?" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:447 msgid "You game, honey-tits?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du med, sötnos?" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:448 msgid "Oh-Kay" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oh-Kay" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:455 msgid "Let's do it, then! No time to lose! Hey! Somebody get me an extra! " msgstr "" +"Låt oss göra det, då! Ingen tid att förlora! Hallå! Kan någon ge mig en " +"extra! " #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:456 msgid "Alright, pal, time to shine..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, kompis, dags att glänsa..." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:457 msgid "Alright, honey-tits, time to shine..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, sötnos, dags att glänsa..." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:458 msgid "[Do as the odd man directs.]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[Gör som den udda mannen säger.]" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:459 msgid "You bet. You ain't seen NOTHING yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det kan du ge dig på. Du har inte sett NÅGONTING än." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:465 msgid "" "Sorry, pal, yer just not FLEXIBLE enough for what we need. Work on it, and " "maybe we can talk business later, okay?" msgstr "" +"Ledsen, kompis, men du ä' inte tillräckligt vig för det vi behöver. Jobba på " +"det, så kanske vi kan prata affärer senare, okej?" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:466 msgid "" "Sorry, honey-tits, yer just not FLEXIBLE enough, for what we need. Work on " "it, and maybe we can talk business later, okay?" msgstr "" +"Ledsen, sötnos, men du ä' inte tillräckligt vig för det vi behöver. Jobba på " +"det, så kanske vi kan prata affärer senare, okej?" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:467 msgid "Me LIKE doooo-ing business here. Me be BACK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag GILLAR att göööö-ra affärer här. Jag TILLBAKA senare" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:468 msgid "*Snffff* O-kay. *Snffff* Me feel used" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*Snffff* O-kej. *Snffff* Jag känna använd" #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:469 msgid "I'll try and work on my agility. Maybe next time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska försöka jobba på min smidighet. Kanske nästa gång." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:470 msgid "I might be back. After a shower. A long shower." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kanske kommer tillbaka. Efter en dusch. En lång dusch." #: dialog/nccorbro.msg:475 msgid "" @@ -129060,88 +129379,94 @@ msgid "" "You see a sunburned young man dressed in black leather and chains. His face is pock-marked\n" " with acne scars." msgstr "" +"Du ser en solbränd ung man klädd i svart läder och kedjor. Hans ansikte är " +"helt täckt\n" +" med akneärr." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:151 msgid "You see Lil' Jesus Mordino." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Lil' Jesus Mordino." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:152 msgid "" "You see Lil' Jesus Mordino. He is dressed mostly in black leather and " "playing with one of his knives." msgstr "" +"Du ser Lil' Jesus Mordino. Han är mestadels klädd i svart läder och leker " +"med en av sina knivar." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:200 dialog/ncmormen.msg:200 dialog/ncmormen.msg:357 msgid "Yo! " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru! " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:201 dialog/ncmormen.msg:201 dialog/ncmormen.msg:358 msgid "Fuckin'-A, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jävlar, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:202 dialog/ncmormen.msg:202 msgid "::Gives you thumbs up sign::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "::Ger dig tummen upp-tecken::" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:220 dialog/ncmormen.msg:205 msgid "How do you take a piss with that thing on?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hur pissar du med den där saken på?" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:240 dialog/ncmormen.msg:215 msgid "What you creeping around for, eh, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad smyger du omkring för, va, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:250 msgid "Wazzup, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tjenare, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:251 msgid "Heeey... " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heeej... " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:252 dialog/ncmormen.msg:223 dialog/ncmormen.msg:376 msgid "Sheee-it, it's hot." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faaan, det är varmt." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:253 msgid "Heeey! Whacha been up to, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heeej! Vad har du haft för dig, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:254 msgid "Good to see you, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kul att se dig, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:255 msgid "Hey! Come and check out my new knife, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej! Kom och kolla in min nya kniv, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:256 msgid "What shit Dad got you doing now, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad fan har pappa fått dig att göra nu, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:257 msgid "We goin' out tonight, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi går ut ikväll, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:258 msgid "My knife needs some Bishop blood..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min kniv behöver lite Bishop-blod..." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:259 msgid "Gonna carve up so many Salvatores they'll call me the \"butcher\"..." msgstr "" +"Jag ska skära upp så många Salvatores att de kallar mig \"slaktaren\"..." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:270 dialog/ncmormen.msg:230 msgid "Yo! Cabron! You looking for th' Angel o' Death? Beat it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hörru! Cabron! Letar du efter dödsängeln? Stick iväg!" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:271 msgid "You got some cojones coming in here, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har rejäla cojones som kommer in här, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:272 dialog/ncmormen.msg:403 msgid "Hijo de puta..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hijo de puta..." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:273 msgid "You " @@ -129152,14 +129477,16 @@ msgid "" "If you're still here when I finish my drink, I'm gonna carve my name on your" " face." msgstr "" +"Om du fortfarande är kvar när jag druckit upp min drink, ska jag rista in " +"mitt namn i ditt ansikte." #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:275 msgid "::Starts playing with his knife threateningly.::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "::Börjar leka hotfullt med sin kniv.::" #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:276 msgid "Lookin for your hermana, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Letar efter din hermana, " #: dialog/ncliljes.msg:277 dialog/ncmormen.msg:231 msgid "What the fu... you! You, what're you doing here?" @@ -158903,45 +159230,51 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:219 msgid "Your species may make it but you're sure not going to." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Din art kanske klarar sig, men du kommer inte att göra det." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:220 msgid "" "Yes, I do. There is no price too high to pay for the survival of one's " "species." msgstr "" +"Ja, det gör jag. Det finns inget pris som är för högt att betala för ens " +"egna arts överlevnad." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:221 msgid "" "I'd agree with you on that. Has it occurred to you that the *mutants* as you" " call them are just another type of human?" msgstr "" +"Jag håller med dig om det. Har det slagit dig att *mutanterna* som du kallar " +"dem bara är en annan typ av människa?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:222 msgid "" "I'd have to agree with you, doc. I think I'll strike a blow for us mutants. " "Starting with you!" msgstr "" +"Jag måste nog hålla med dig, doktorn. Jag tror att jag ska slå ett slag för " +"oss mutanter. Jag börjar med dig!" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:223 msgid "I told you I need a moment to think this over." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag sa ju att jag behövde en stund att tänka på det här." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:224 msgid "I really do need some time to think." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver verkligen lite tid att tänka." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:225 msgid "This isn't a snap-decision." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det här är inte ett snabbt beslut." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:226 msgid "I've got to think about this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag måste fundera på det här." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:227 msgid "Give me a moment won't you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ge mig ett ögonblick, okej?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:228 msgid "" @@ -158949,14 +159282,17 @@ msgid "" "along just isn't right. I was so blinded by trying to overcome the obstacles" " that I didn't think about the morality of my quest." msgstr "" +"Jag hatar att erkänna det, men du kan ha rätt. Det vi har planerat hela " +"tiden är inte rätt. Jag var så förblindad av att försöka övervinna hindren " +"att jag inte tänkte på det moraliska i min strävan." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:229 msgid "Well, now that you've thought about it. You should destroy the toxin." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nu när du har tänkt på det. Du borde förstöra giftet." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:230 msgid "That might... No, that wouldn't work." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det kanske... Nej, det skulle inte fungera." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:232 msgid "" @@ -158964,10 +159300,13 @@ msgid "" "between here and Navarro to assure that they could replicate my work. Only " "something more drastic will be enough." msgstr "" +"För att de bara skulle börja om. Även med mig död, finns det tillräckligt " +"med data mellan här och Navarro för att försäkra att de ska kunna replikera " +"mitt arbete. Bara något mer drastiskt skulle funka." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:233 msgid "More drastic? What do you mean?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mer drastisk? Vad menar du med det?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:234 msgid "" @@ -158990,7 +159329,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:237 msgid "What about my people? Or me? Or you, for that matter?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad händer då med mitt folk, då? Eller mig? Eller dig, för den delen?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:238 msgid "" @@ -159006,7 +159345,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:240 msgid "Hey, wait a minute, you're not sticking me with that thing!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vänta lite, du sticker mig inte med den saken!" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:241 msgid "" @@ -159017,7 +159356,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:242 msgid "How can I free my people from the detention area?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hur kan jag befria mitt folk från häktet?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:243 msgid "" @@ -159025,33 +159364,40 @@ msgid "" "controlled by a large computer near the reactor bay but I don't know exactly" " what you'd need to do to shut the reactor down." msgstr "" +"Du borde nog stänga av strömmen. Jag vet att reaktorn styrs av en stor dator " +"nära reaktorhallen, men jag vet inte exakt vad man behöver göra för att " +"stänga av reaktorn." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:244 msgid "" "Thanks for the information you've given me. Your sacrifice will be " "remembered by all the peoples of the earth." msgstr "" +"Tack för informationen du har givit mig. Din uppoffring kommer att minnas av " +"alla jordens folk." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:245 msgid "" "About time for you to come to your senses you old coot. Now get moving." msgstr "" +"Det är dags för dig att ta ditt förnuft till fånga, din gamla gubbe. Sätt " +"fart nu." #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:246 msgid "When the stars threw down their spears," -msgstr "" +msgstr "När stjärnorna kastade ner sina spjut," #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:247 msgid " And water'd heaven with their tears," -msgstr "" +msgstr " Och vattnade himlen när de grät ut," #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:248 msgid " Did he smile his work to see?" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Log han när han sitt arbete ser?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:249 msgid " Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Gjorde han som gjorde Lammet er?" #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:251 msgid "" @@ -164993,7 +165339,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdick.msg:149 dialog/rcmodjes.msg:148 msgid "Well, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var allt jag behövde veta. Hej då." #: dialog/rcdick.msg:150 msgid "" @@ -165003,7 +165349,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdick.msg:151 msgid "Uh, not really. Let me ask you something else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte direkt. Låt mig fråga dig något annat." #: dialog/rcdick.msg:153 msgid "" @@ -165014,17 +165360,19 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdick.msg:154 dialog/rcmodjes.msg:154 msgid "Sounds bad. Let me ask you something else, then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det låter illa. Låt mig fråga dig något annat, då." #: dialog/rcdick.msg:156 msgid "" "I did it. Don't feel real great about it, yet. But I reckon that I'll be " "better off for it." msgstr "" +"Jag gjorde det. Det känns inte så bra än. Men jag räknar med att det blir " +"bäst så." #: dialog/rcdick.msg:157 dialog/rcmodjes.msg:157 msgid "What do you mean? What happened?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad menar du? Vad hände?" #: dialog/rcdick.msg:158 msgid "You're tellin' me you ain't never heard of the Wanamingos?" @@ -165584,11 +165932,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:159 msgid "I'm just wondering about what's going on here in town." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag undrar bara vad som händer här i stan." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:160 msgid "Why do they call you Painless Doc Johnson?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför kallar de dig Smärtfria Doktor Johnson?" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:161 msgid "Got any medical supplies I could trade for?" @@ -165596,17 +165944,21 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:162 msgid "I was just looking around. Goodbye, Doc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag såg mig bara omkring. Adjö, Doktorn." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:163 msgid "" "What does this look like to you? A general store? No, I don't barter for medical services. I\n" " just want payment in honest gold dollars, thank you very much. Come back when you have some." msgstr "" +"Vad tycker du att det här ser ut som? En lanthandel? Nej, jag förhandlar " +"inte om medicinska tjänster. Jag\n" +" vill bara ha betalning i ärliga gulddollar, tack så mycket. Kom tillbaka " +"när du har några." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:164 msgid "All right. I get the picture. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, jag förstår. Hej då." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:165 msgid "" @@ -165616,49 +165968,52 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:166 msgid "Okay, Doc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej, Doktorn." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:167 msgid "" "I didn't mean right now. I was just wondering if you had stuff to trade. I have some questions,\n" " though." msgstr "" +"Jag menade inte just nu. Jag undrade bara om du hade saker att byta. Jag har " +"några frågor\n" +" däremot." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:168 msgid "Oh, I don't need anything right now. See you later, Doc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver inget just nu. Vi ses senare, Doktorn." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:169 msgid "Did you get everything you need?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fick du tag på allt du behövde?" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:170 msgid "Well? Did that do it for you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nå? Fick du ut något av det?" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:171 msgid "Actually, let me take one more look at your stuff." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faktiskt, låt mig ta en titt till på dina saker." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:172 msgid "Thanks, Doc. Let me ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack, Doktorn. Låt mig fråga dig en sak." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:173 msgid "I sure did, Doc. Thanks. Goodbye for now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det gjorde jag verkligen, Doktorn. Tack. Adjö för nu." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:174 msgid "There you go. All better. That do it for you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Så där ja. Mycket bättre. Räcker det för dig?" #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:175 msgid "Actually, I had some questions I wanted to ask you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag hade faktiskt några frågor som jag ville ställa till dig." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:176 msgid "That'll do it. Thanks, Doc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var allt. Tack, Doktorn." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:177 msgid "" @@ -165666,14 +166021,19 @@ msgid "" " gangrene. Course, lately, I haven't used my knives as much as I'd like. Getting a bit rusty. Tell you\n" " what: Go ahead and let it go as long as you want. Maybe I can get some practice later on." msgstr "" +"Låt det inte gå för länge. Vissa sår ruttnar och börjarläcka var. Sedan " +"finns det alltid\n" +" kallbrand. På sistone har jag inte använt mina knivar så mycket som jag " +"skulle vilja. Börjar bli lite rostig. Vet du\n" +" vad: Låt det pågå så länge du vill. Jag kanske kan få lite övning senare." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:178 msgid "I see. While I'm festering, let me ask you about something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag förstår. Medan jag ruttnar, låt mig fråga dig om en sak." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:179 msgid "Uh, yeah, well I'll think about that. Goodbye, Doc." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eh, ja, jag ska tänka på det. Adjö, Doktorn." #: dialog/rcdrjohn.msg:180 msgid "" @@ -169253,13 +169613,16 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:182 msgid "Hey, we cook them first. We're not savages, you know." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi tillagar dem först. Vi är inte vildar, vet du." #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:183 msgid "" "Let go of my leg, you cannibal! I need it for a good long while to come still. You find yourself\n" " another snack." msgstr "" +"Släpp mitt ben, din kannibal! Jag behöver det ett bra långt tag till. Du få' " +"hitta nå'\n" +" annat mellanmål." #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:184 msgid "" @@ -169272,6 +169635,8 @@ msgid "" "Well, I'll look around. But if I don't find anything better, I'll be back. " "Goodbye... for now." msgstr "" +"Jag ska se mig omkring. Men om jag inte hittar något bättre, så kommer jag " +"tillbaka. Adjö... för tillfället." #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:186 msgid "" @@ -169294,16 +169659,22 @@ msgid "" "Well, I guess you'd start by croaking someone. But I'd advise against it. Sheriff Marion isn't\n" " real keen on that kind of behavior." msgstr "" +"Jag antar att man kan börja med att döda någon. Men jag skulle avråda från " +"det. Sheriff Marion är inte\n" +" riktigt förtjust i den typen av beteende." #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:190 msgid "I'll try to behave myself. Let me ask you something else, Josh." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska försöka uppföra mig. Låt mig fråga dig något annat, Josh." #: dialog/rcjosh.msg:191 msgid "" "I see... well, at least I know who to talk to if there are any unfortunate *accidents*. Goodbye,\n" " Josh." msgstr "" +"Jag förstår... ja, jag vet i alla fall vem jag ska prata med om det skulle " +"inträffa några otursamma *olyckor*. Adjö,\n" +" Josh." #: dialog/rclou.msg:100 msgid "" @@ -169470,11 +169841,11 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rclou.msg:140 msgid "You said that you trade the ore?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du sa att du handlar med malmen?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:141 dialog/rclou.msg:144 dialog/rclou.msg:150 msgid "Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Intressant. Låt mig fråga dig om något annat, dock." #: dialog/rclou.msg:142 msgid "" @@ -169482,22 +169853,27 @@ msgid "" " California Republic in return for fresh brahmin and other victuals, and we trade gold to New Reno for\n" " drugs and booze." msgstr "" +"Tja, vi byter guldmalm med Valvstaden i utbyte mot sjukvårdsmaterial. Vi " +"byter malm till Nya\n" +" Kalifornienrepubliken i utbyte mot färskt brahminkött och annan mat, och vi " +"byter guld till New Reno mot\n" +" droger och sprit." #: dialog/rclou.msg:143 msgid "You mine the gold here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bryter ni guldet här?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:145 msgid "Jist a big dog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Båra en stor hund." #: dialog/rclou.msg:146 msgid "Oh, I see. Hmm, let me ask you about something else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jaha, jag förstår. Hmm, låt mig fråga dig om något annat." #: dialog/rclou.msg:147 msgid "Of course. That's all I really wanted to know. Thanks. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Självklart. Det var allt jag ville veta. Tack. Adjö." #: dialog/rclou.msg:148 msgid "" @@ -169508,21 +169884,24 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rclou.msg:149 msgid "Why? Is it dangerous?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför? Är det farligt?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:152 msgid "" "Well, I hear all kinds of things about the whole city bein' full o' nuthin' but crazy followers\n" " of some kind of kooky religion." msgstr "" +"Tja, jag hör alla möjliga saker om att hela stan ä' full me' galna " +"anhängare\n" +" ti' nån sorts knäpp religion." #: dialog/rclou.msg:153 msgid "Crazed followers?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Galna anhängare?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:154 msgid "Some things haven't changed as much as others. Thanks. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vissa saker har inte förändrats lika mycket som andra. Tack. Adjö." #: dialog/rclou.msg:155 msgid "" @@ -169535,28 +169914,35 @@ msgid "" "Seems like monuments to gods always seem to have some sort of trouble at the heart of them. Tell\n" " me about something else." msgstr "" +"Det verkar som om monument över gudar alltid verkar ha någon form av problem " +"i hjärtat av dem. Berätta\n" +" om något annat." #: dialog/rclou.msg:157 msgid "That's all I need to know for now. Thanks. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är allt jag behöver veta för tillfället. Tack. Adjö." #: dialog/rclou.msg:158 msgid "" "That's right. She's in a bad way. Used to be such a perty thing, too. I sure hope you take care\n" " of this quick. It's bad for business to let those miners think they can get away with something like this." msgstr "" +"Det stämmer. Hon är illa däran. Hon brukade vara en sån snygging, också. Jag " +"hoppas verkligen att du tar hand om\n" +" det här snabbt. Det är dåligt för affärerna att låta gruvarbetarna tro att " +"de kan komma undan med nåt sånt här." #: dialog/rclou.msg:159 dialog/rclou.msg:169 dialog/rclou.msg:176 msgid "Can I see the girl?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan jag få se tjejen?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:160 dialog/rclou.msg:164 dialog/rclou.msg:175 msgid "Do you know who did it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vet du vem som gjorde det?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:161 dialog/rclou.msg:165 dialog/rclou.msg:170 msgid "Do you know what happened?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vet du vad som hände?" #: dialog/rclou.msg:162 msgid "" @@ -169569,6 +169955,10 @@ msgid "" "I sent her away. She wasn't going to be no good in this business any more. Not that anybody'd\n" " want to be with her after that bastard finished with her. I gave her some money and let her go." msgstr "" +"Jag skickade iväg henne. Hon skulle inte vara till nytta i den här branschen " +"längre. Inte för att nån skulle\n" +" vilja vara med henne efter att den jäveln var klar med henne. Jag gav henne " +"lite pengar och lät henne gå." #: dialog/rclou.msg:167 dialog/rclou.msg:173 dialog/rclou.msg:178 #: dialog/rclou.msg:183 @@ -169759,21 +170149,30 @@ msgid "Yeah, whatever. Let's talk about something else." msgstr "" #: dialog/rclou.msg:219 +#, fuzzy msgid "" "What I mean is that Fannie's got a problem and money isn't the answer for it. I hate to break\n" " your heart, but Fannie's just playing you for a sucker. She just wants money so that she can buy Jet.\n" " Too damn much Jet." msgstr "" +"Vad jag menar är att Fannie har ett problem och att inte pengar lösningen. " +"Jag hatar att krossa\n" +" ditt hjärta, men Fannie har lurat dig. Hon vill bara ha pengar så att hon " +"kan köpa Jet.\n" +" För jävla mycket Jet." #: dialog/rclou.msg:220 msgid "" "I think you're just worried that you're going to loose one of your best earners. You just want\n" " to keep your girls down." msgstr "" +"Jag tror att du bara är orolig för att du kommer att förlora en av dina " +"bästa inkomsttagare. Du vill bara\n" +" hålla dina flickor nere." #: dialog/rclou.msg:221 msgid "Yeah, sure. I've heard enough. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, visst. Jag har hört tillräckligt. Hej då." #: dialog/rclou.msg:222 msgid "" @@ -169876,53 +170275,56 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:100 msgid "You see a burly, middle-aged woman covered with rock-dust." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en kraftig, medelålders kvinna täckt av stendamm." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:101 msgid "You see Marge LeBarge, owner of the Kokoweef Mine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Marge LeBarge, ägare av Kokoweef-gruvan." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:102 msgid "You see a strong, durable woman with an air of authority." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en stark, tålig kvinna med en aura av auktoritet." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:103 msgid "Sorry, I don't have time for charity cases right now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ledsen, jag har inte tid med välgörenhet just nu." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:104 msgid "Come back when that head-wound heals up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kom tillbaka när såret i huvudet har läkt." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:105 msgid "I'm surprised that you can walk and talk at the same time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är förvånad över att du kan gå och prata på samma gång." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:106 msgid "Looks like your belt doesn't go through all the loops." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det ser ut som om ditt bälte inte går igenom alla öglor." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:107 msgid "You're just a few clowns short of a circus, aren't you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har inte alla hästar hemma, eller hur?" #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:108 msgid "You aren't exactly my favorite person right now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du är inte precis min favoritperson just nu." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:109 msgid "" "Hey, thanks for getting me that excavator chip. Things are really going smooth for the Kokoweef\n" " Mine now." msgstr "" +"Tack för att du gav mig grävmaskinschipet. Saker och ting går verkligen " +"smidigt för\n" +" Kokoweef-gruvan nu." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:110 msgid "I'll give you $1,000 for that excavator chip." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ger dig $1 000 för det där grävmaskinschipet." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:111 msgid "Have any luck getting that excavator chip?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du lyckats få tag i grävmaskinschipet?" #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:112 msgid "" @@ -170054,25 +170456,27 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:143 msgid "I just thought I'd ask. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tänkte bara att jag skulle fråga. Hej då." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:144 msgid "" "Heck no. I was born way up north. Right on the edge of a lake. Lake LeBarge," " it was." msgstr "" +"Nej, för fan. Jag föddes långt uppe i norr. Precis vid kanten av en sjö. " +"Lake LeBarge, hette den." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:145 msgid "I've never heard of that. Let me ask you something else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den har jag aldrig hört talas om. Låt mig fråga dig något annat." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:146 msgid "Sounds nice. Maybe I'll go hunt that place down. Goodbye for now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låter trevligt. Jag kanske ska leta upp det där stället. Adjö för nu." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:147 msgid "Just some rumors is all." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bara några rykten." #: dialog/rcmarge.msg:148 msgid "" @@ -171135,6 +171539,8 @@ msgid "" "You see a short, barrel-chested man with a full, dark, beard. He's covered " "in rock-dust." msgstr "" +"Du ser en kort man med en bröstkorg formad som en tunna och ett mörkt " +"helskägg. Han är täckt av stendamm." #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:101 msgid "You see Dangerous Dan McGrew, the owner of the Morningstar Mine." @@ -171145,18 +171551,20 @@ msgid "" "You see a heavily muscled man with a scar on his face. He looks tough and " "confident." msgstr "" +"Du ser en kraftigt muskulös man med ett ärr i ansiktet. Han ser tuff och " +"självsäker ut." #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:103 msgid "If you had a brain, I think it'd just up and die of loneliness." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om du hade en hjärna, tror jag att den skulle dö av ensamhet." #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:104 msgid "I'll be damned. I guess evolution can go in reverse." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var som fan. Jag antar att evolutionen kan gå baklänges." #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:105 msgid "You ain't got all your dogs on one leash, do you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du har inte alla dina hundar i samma koppel, eller hur?" #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:106 msgid "" @@ -171224,7 +171632,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:124 msgid "Happy thumb hunting, then. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trevlig tumjakt, då. Adjö." #: dialog/rcmcgrew.msg:125 msgid "" @@ -179018,69 +179426,75 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:100 msgid "You see a sharp-dressed guy hawking lizard kebabs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en välklädd snubbe som säljer ödlekebab." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:101 msgid "It's the lizard-on-a-stick vendor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är ödla-på-pinne-försäljaren." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:102 msgid "" "For a lizard-on-a-stick vendor, this guy's got style. He's clean, well-" "dressed and runs a pretty spotless little operation." msgstr "" +"För att vara en ödla-på-pinne-försäljare har den här snubben stil. Han är " +"ren, välklädd och driver en ganska fläckfri liten verksamhet." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:103 msgid "Hungry, stranger? I got the best lizard around. Ask anybody!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hungrig, främling? Jag har den bästa ödlan här. Fråga vem som helst!" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:105 msgid "Gimme meat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ge me' kött." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:106 msgid "I'll take one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag tar en." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:109 msgid "Enjoy, stranger!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varsågod, främling!" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:110 msgid "There's mustard and onions over there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det finns senap och lök där borta." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:111 msgid "Hey, buddy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hej, kompis." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:112 msgid "Yeah, bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, hej då." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:113 msgid "Next!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nästa!" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:114 msgid "" "Look, I got a rule. I don't say nothing about nobody. It's a good rule, " "because if I keep my mouth shut, I keep out of trouble. Capiche?" msgstr "" +"Jag har en regel. Jag säger inget om nån. Det är en bra regel, för om jag " +"håller truten, så håller jag mig borta från problem. Capiche?" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:115 msgid "" "I don't hear nothing, I don't see nothing, and I especially don't say " "nothing. Now, stop bothering me about that." msgstr "" +"Jag hör ingenting, jag ser ingenting och jag säger framför allt ingenting. " +"Sluta nu att besvära mig med det där." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:116 msgid "Fine. Look, I'm hungry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okej. Jag är hungrig." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:118 msgid "Sorry for troubling you, Christ!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Förlåt att jag besvärar dig, Herregud!" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:119 msgid "" @@ -179092,21 +179506,24 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/scmikey.msg:120 msgid "I'm still hungry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är fortfarande hungrig." #: dialog/scmikey.msg:121 msgid "Well, thanks for not much." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack för inte så mycket." #: dialog/scmira.msg:100 msgid "" "You'd guess that even with the green hair and the scowl, she's the bartender" " of this joint." msgstr "" +"Man skulle kunna tro att hon är bartender på det här stället, trots det " +"gröna håret och den bistra minen." #: dialog/scmira.msg:101 +#, fuzzy msgid "That's Mira. She mixes a mean Rad-A-Waster." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det där är Mira. Hon blandar en grym Rad-A-Waster." #: dialog/scmira.msg:102 msgid "" @@ -179114,6 +179531,9 @@ msgid "" "says she don't take no crap from anybody. That and the spiked knuckles " "hanging on the chain around her neck." msgstr "" +"Hon är ung och attraktiv, men det finns en blick i hennes ögon som säger att " +"hon inte tar skit från någon. Det och de spikade knogarna som hänger på " +"kedjan runt hennes hals." #: dialog/scmira.msg:103 msgid "Mira's the name. What'll ya have, stranger?" @@ -192630,7 +193050,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:122 dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:134 dialog/vcsupgrd.msg:139 #: dialog/vcsupgrd.msg:144 msgid "What is it you do here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vad gör ni här?" #: dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:123 msgid "Just passing through, thanks." @@ -196173,22 +196593,25 @@ msgid "" "The books are being entered into one of the library terminals on the third level of the Vault.\n" " I don't recall which one... it's not one of the ones in the central core, though." msgstr "" +"Böckerna matas in i en av biblioteksterminalerna på tredje våningen i Valvet." +"\n" +" Jag minns inte vilken... det är inte en av dem i den centrala kärnan, dock." #: dialog/vckohl.msg:189 msgid "Why is everything being transcribed?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför transkriberas allt?" #: dialog/vckohl.msg:191 msgid "I see. Do you mind if I ask you some other questions?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag förstår. Har du något emot att jag ställer några andra frågor?" #: dialog/vckohl.msg:192 msgid "Maybe I'll go see if I can find it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kanske ska se om jag kan hitta den." #: dialog/vckohl.msg:193 msgid "! Well done! Bravo!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "! Bra gjort! Bravo!" #: dialog/vckohl.msg:194 msgid "Oh, I will for sure! I wish there were more people who did, too." @@ -196262,27 +196685,29 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vclynett.msg:101 dialog/vclynett.msg:102 msgid "You see First Citizen Lynette. She looks preoccupied." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Första Medborgaren Lynette. Hon ser upptagen ut." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:103 msgid "" "It is late. Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning, and I will receive" " you then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är sent. Boka en tid i morgon bitti, så tar jag emot dig då." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:104 msgid "" "As I SAID, I don't receive visitors this late. MOST Citizens have retired to" " bed by this time." msgstr "" +"Som jag SA, jag tar inte emot besökare så här sent. DE FLESTA Medborgarna " +"har gått till sängs vid den här tiden." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:105 msgid "Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning. I will receive you then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boka en tid i morgon bitti. Jag tar emot dig då." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:106 msgid "I will speak with you TOMORROW." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag pratar med dig I MORGON." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:107 msgid "" @@ -196410,6 +196835,10 @@ msgid "" "That may be a valid point. Next time, we should make a stronger effort to find these remnants\n" " of the government and ally ourselves with them. I hear they have great power armor." msgstr "" +"Det kan vara en giltig poäng. Nästa gång borde vi anstränga oss mer för att " +"hitta dessa rester\n" +" av regeringen och alliera oss med dem. Jag har hört att de har bra " +"kraftrustning." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:132 msgid "But... oh, forget it. Good luck, First Citizen." @@ -199311,17 +199740,21 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vclynett.msg:840 msgid "*Snorts*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*Fnys*" #: dialog/vclynett.msg:841 msgid "*Zzzzzzzzzzz*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*Zzzzzzzzzzz*" #: dialog/vclynett.msg:842 msgid "" "What is contained on the disk should put a stop to them; the raiders have been exposed, and if\n" " the contents of the disk were to get out to NCR's outer districts they would never be trusted again." msgstr "" +"Det som finns på disken borde sätta stopp för dem; plundrarna har blivit " +"avslöjade, och om\n" +" diskens innehåll skulle komma ut till NKRs yttre distrikt skulle ingen lita " +"på dem igen." #: dialog/vclynett.msg:843 msgid "" @@ -200972,6 +201405,8 @@ msgid "" "It is a forsaken place, a shantytown built around the remnants of an old " "atomic power plant." msgstr "" +"Det är en övergiven plats, en kåkstad som byggts upp kring resterna av ett " +"gammalt kärnkraftverk." #: dialog/vcmclure.msg:232 msgid "Where is Gecko located?" @@ -202257,45 +202692,48 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vcmoore.msg:242 msgid "We must open the gates of Vault City and embrace the outside world!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vi måste öppna portarna till Valvstaden och omfamna världen utanför!" #: dialog/vcmoore.msg:243 msgid "Why can we not share our wealth?! " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför kan vi inte dela med oss av vår rikedom?! " #: dialog/vcmoore.msg:244 msgid "Can you not hear the cries of those that suffer outside our walls?!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan du inte höra skriken från de som lider utanför våra murar?!" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:100 msgid "You see a ragged-looking farmer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en luggsliten bonde." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:101 msgid "You see Smith." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser Smith." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:102 msgid "" "Don't think I've seen you around before, stranger. The name's Smith. Help\n" " you with something?" msgstr "" +"Jag tror inte jag har sett dig här förut, främling. Namnet är Smith. Kan jag " +"hjälpa\n" +" dig med något?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:103 msgid "Was there something else you wanted?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var det något annat du ville?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:107 msgid "I'd like to help you with that plow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig med den där plogen." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:108 msgid "Your wife says things have been hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Din fru säger att ni har haft det svårt." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:109 msgid "No, just passing through. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nej, jag är bara på genomresa. Hej då." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:110 msgid "Um... Waga Nu-kik?" @@ -202306,24 +202744,29 @@ msgid "" "Well, what you see here ain't really Vault City... you're actually standing\n" " in the city's Courtyard." msgstr "" +"Tja, det du ser här är inte riktigt Valvstaden... du står faktiskt\n" +" på stadens Innergård." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:112 dialog/vcmsmith.msg:118 msgid "Why aren't you in the city?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför är du inte i stan?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:116 msgid "" "My family and I work a farm here in the Courtyard. We get by. Don't know\n" " for how long, though." msgstr "" +"Min familj och jag arbetar på en gård här på Innergården. Vi klarar oss. Vet " +"inte\n" +" för hur länge, dock." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:120 msgid "Yeah, times are tough. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ja, det är tuffa tider. Hej då." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:121 msgid "That's right, big fella. I gotta get going." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det stämmer, storponken. Jag måste gå nu." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:122 msgid "" @@ -202331,48 +202774,58 @@ msgid "" " inside the gates, along the cliff, I think. They only let the Citizens into it,\n" " though." msgstr "" +"Pratar du om Valvet inne i staden? Jag har bara sett det en gång... det är\n" +" innanför grindarna, längs klippan, tror jag. De släpper bara in Medborgare " +"i det,\n" +" däremot." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:125 msgid "" "Me and the family ain't the kind of people they let in there. So we\n" " live here under their protection." msgstr "" +"Ja' och familjen är inte den sortens människor som de släpper in där. Så vi\n" +" bor här under deras beskydd." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:126 msgid "Why aren't you allowed to live in the city?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varför får ni inte bo i stan?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:127 msgid "Protection? What kind of protection? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skydd? Vilken typ av skydd? " #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:129 msgid "I see. Well, thanks for your time. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag förstår. Tack för att du tog dig tid. Adjö." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:130 msgid "" "Well, it's tough without a plow. Me and the wife try, but the farming goes\n" " slow." msgstr "" +"Tja, det är svårt utan en plog. Jag och frun försöker, men jordbruket går\n" +" långsamt." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:131 msgid "Can I help?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan jag hjälpa till?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:133 dialog/vcmsmith.msg:142 msgid "Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nåja, det var tråkigt att höra. Adjö." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:135 msgid "" "Well, we're from the wasteland... like yourself. So all we can get is\n" " protection from Vault City." msgstr "" +"Tja, vi är från ödemarken... precis som du. Så allt vi kan få är\n" +" skydd från Valvstaden." #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:136 msgid "What kind of protection?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vilken typ av skydd?" #: dialog/vcmsmith.msg:139 msgid "" @@ -204563,11 +205016,13 @@ msgid "" "You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed" " on the ground." msgstr "" +"Du ser en stark man i arbetskläder. Han håller blicken stadigt fäst på " +"marken." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:101 dialog/vcslav2.msg:104 dialog/vcslave.msg:101 #: dialog/vcslave.msg:104 msgid "You see a Vault City slave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du ser en slav från Valvstaden." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:103 dialog/vcslav2.msg:105 dialog/vcslave.msg:103 #: dialog/vcslave.msg:105 @@ -204575,30 +205030,38 @@ msgid "" "You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on\n" " the ground." msgstr "" +"Du ser en kvinna i arbetskläder som ser frisk ut. Hon håller blicken stadigt " +"fäst på\n" +" marken." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:108 dialog/vcslave.msg:108 msgid "" "I wish I could somehow give you something for all you've done for us, but I have nothing to\n" " give... except my thanks." msgstr "" +"Jag önskar att jag på något sätt kunde ge dig något för allt du har gjort " +"för oss, men jag har inget att\n" +" ge... förutom mitt tack." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:109 dialog/vcslave.msg:109 msgid "" "The other servants will be envious that I was talking to the hero of the " "Wastes." msgstr "" +"De andra tjänarna kommer att vara avundsjuka på att jag pratade med hjälten " +"från Ödemarken." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:111 dialog/vcslave.msg:111 msgid "Captain?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kapten?" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:112 dialog/vcslave.msg:112 msgid "Is there something you wanted me to do, Captain?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är det något du vill att jag ska göra, Kapten?" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:113 dialog/vcslave.msg:113 msgid "Did you have a task for me, Captain?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Har du en uppgift åt mig, Kapten?" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:114 dialog/vcslave.msg:114 msgid "I'm sorry, Captain. I will try and work harder." @@ -204634,23 +205097,23 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:123 dialog/vcslave.msg:123 msgid "If the guards see your mutant, you will be forced to leave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om vakterna ser din mutant kommer du att tvingas gå." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:124 dialog/vcslave.msg:124 msgid "Mutants are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mutanter är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste ge er av!" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:125 dialog/vcslave.msg:125 msgid "Ghouls are not allowed inside the city!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden!" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:126 dialog/vcslave.msg:126 msgid "If the guards see your ghoul, you will be forced to leave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om vakterna ser din ghul, kommer du att tvingas lämna." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:127 dialog/vcslave.msg:127 msgid "Ghouls are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste lämna staden!" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:128 dialog/vcslave.msg:128 msgid "Yes, I am already owned. The Servant Allocation Center has my papers." @@ -204658,90 +205121,101 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:129 msgid "Please leave me be. I am a servant of Vault City." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Snälla, låt mig vara. Jag är en tjänare till Valvstaden." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:130 dialog/vcslave.msg:130 msgid "" "I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair...? They were taken by other slavers two years\n" " ago and sold North." msgstr "" +"Jag ber dig: har du sett två barn, mörkhåriga...? De togs av andra " +"slavhandlare för två år\n" +" sedan och såldes norrut." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:131 dialog/vcslave.msg:131 msgid "Please... I am not permitted to speak to anyone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Snälla... Jag får inte tala med någon." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:132 dialog/vcslave.msg:132 msgid "If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished." msgstr "" +"Om en Medborgare ertappar mig med att prata med en slavhandlare, kommer jag " +"att straffas." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:133 dialog/vcslave.msg:133 msgid "The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vakterna kommer att rapportera mig om du fortsätter att prata med mig." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:136 dialog/vcslave.msg:136 msgid "Escape? I... have never tried to escape from here. Life is good here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fly? Jag... har aldrig försökt fly härifrån. Livet är bra här." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:137 dialog/vcslave.msg:137 msgid "" "The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day *I* could become a " "Citizen." msgstr "" +"Medborgarna sa till mig att om jag arbetar tillräckligt hårt kan *jag* en " +"dag bli en Medborgare." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:138 dialog/vcslave.msg:138 msgid "The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Medborgarna lär oss att arbete är sin egen belöning." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:139 dialog/vcslave.msg:139 msgid "" "The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important " "matters." msgstr "" +"Medborgarna berättar att eftersom vi tjänar dem får de mer tid för viktigare " +"saker." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:140 dialog/vcslave.msg:140 msgid "" "I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in " "New Reno." msgstr "" +"Jag hade tur att Valvstaden behövde tjänare. Jag kunde ha hamnat i New Reno." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:141 dialog/vcslave.msg:141 msgid "Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valvstaden belönar tjänare som arbetar flitigt med extra ransoner." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:142 dialog/vcslave.msg:142 msgid "I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har hört att de gör hemska saker mot slavarna i New Reno." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:143 dialog/vcslave.msg:143 msgid "" "The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. " msgstr "" +"Medborgarna tog med sig hela min stam in i staden för att tjäna som tjänare." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:144 dialog/vcslave.msg:144 msgid "The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Medborgarna tog mig in från ödemarken och lärde mig att läsa." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:145 dialog/vcslave.msg:145 msgid "The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Medborgarna behandlar mig mycket bra. Maten här är utmärkt." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:146 dialog/vcslave.msg:146 msgid "I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag får inte tala med Utomstående." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:147 dialog/vcslave.msg:147 msgid "" "I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag saknade min familj först, men det var många år sedan jag såg dem." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:148 dialog/vcslave.msg:148 msgid "" "I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag togs från en stamby norrifrån. Livet är mycket bättre här." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:149 dialog/vcslave.msg:149 msgid "I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag fångades först i Lyan. Lyckligtvis hamnade jag här." #: dialog/vcslav2.msg:150 dialog/vcslave.msg:150 msgid "" @@ -210382,6 +210856,8 @@ msgid "" "\n" " " msgstr "" +"\n" +" " #: dialog/wsterm2a.msg:311 msgid "" @@ -210389,7 +210865,7 @@ msgid "" " " msgstr "" "\n" -" " +" " #: dialog/wsterm2b.msg:101 msgid "" @@ -211806,7 +212282,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:118 msgid "Roll" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slå" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:119 msgid "Pass line bet set at:" @@ -211846,23 +212322,23 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:128 msgid "1&2:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "1&2:" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:129 msgid "5&6:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "5&6:" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:130 msgid "1&1:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "1&1:" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:131 msgid "6&6:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "6&6:" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:132 msgid "Craps:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Craps:" #: dialog/zccrpdel.msg:133 msgid "Pls 4:" @@ -213893,17 +214369,17 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1082 game/cmbatai2.msg:32782 game/combatai.msg:1082 #: game/combatai.msg:32782 game/combatai.msg:70060 game/combatai.msg:70262 msgid "My eyes!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mina ögon!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1090 game/cmbatai2.msg:32090 game/cmbatai2.msg:32790 #: game/combatai.msg:1090 game/combatai.msg:32090 game/combatai.msg:32790 msgid "Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1091 game/cmbatai2.msg:32791 game/combatai.msg:1091 #: game/combatai.msg:32791 msgid "Oww... It burns!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ajj... Det bränns!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1092 game/cmbatai2.msg:1230 game/cmbatai2.msg:1293 #: game/cmbatai2.msg:32792 game/cmbatai2.msg:36094 game/combatai.msg:1092 @@ -213920,32 +214396,32 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:32794 game/combatai.msg:1094 game/combatai.msg:1192 #: game/combatai.msg:32094 game/combatai.msg:32794 msgid "I... can't... breathe..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag... kan... inte... andas..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1095 game/cmbatai2.msg:1194 game/cmbatai2.msg:32095 #: game/combatai.msg:1095 game/combatai.msg:1194 game/combatai.msg:32095 #: game/combatai.msg:41695 msgid "The pain, the pain..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smärtan, smärtan..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1101 game/combatai.msg:1104 msgid "My aching skull!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min värkande skalle!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1110 game/cmbatai2.msg:1120 game/combatai.msg:1113 #: game/combatai.msg:1123 msgid "Aggghhh! My arm!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aggghhh! Min arm!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1111 game/cmbatai2.msg:1121 game/cmbatai2.msg:1212 #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1222 game/combatai.msg:1114 game/combatai.msg:1124 #: game/combatai.msg:1212 game/combatai.msg:1222 msgid "My arm!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min arm!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1112 game/combatai.msg:1115 msgid "Oh man, that hurts!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh jösses, det gör ont!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1131 game/cmbatai2.msg:1140 game/cmbatai2.msg:1231 #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1239 game/cmbatai2.msg:36630 game/cmbatai2.msg:36640 @@ -213953,20 +214429,20 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:36630 game/combatai.msg:36640 game/combatai.msg:40030 #: game/combatai.msg:41634 msgid "Oof!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oof!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1133 game/combatai.msg:1136 msgid "Oof! My ribs hurt" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oof! Mina revben gör ont" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1134 game/cmbatai2.msg:1234 game/combatai.msg:1137 #: game/combatai.msg:1234 msgid "Ugh! That hurt!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ugh! Det där gjorde ont!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1135 game/combatai.msg:1138 msgid "Damn! I spit on you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan också! Jag spottar på dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1136 game/cmbatai2.msg:1236 game/combatai.msg:1139 #: game/combatai.msg:1236 @@ -213990,90 +214466,90 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:36070 game/combatai.msg:1161 game/combatai.msg:1171 #: game/combatai.msg:1670 game/combatai.msg:36070 msgid "My leg!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mitt ben!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1162 game/cmbatai2.msg:1172 msgid "There goes my knee" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Där försvann mitt knä" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1180 game/combatai.msg:1180 msgid "Aggghhh! I'm blind!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aggghhh! Jag är blind!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1181 game/combatai.msg:1181 msgid "My eyes! My eyes!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mina ögon! Mina ögon!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1182 game/cmbatai2.msg:1681 game/cmbatai2.msg:36081 #: game/combatai.msg:1182 game/combatai.msg:1681 game/combatai.msg:36081 msgid "My eye! You'll pay for that one!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1190 game/cmbatai2.msg:1290 game/combatai.msg:1190 #: game/combatai.msg:1290 msgid "Oooooo, my groin!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åååååå, mitt skrev!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1191 game/combatai.msg:1191 msgid "Oooooooooo!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åååååååååå!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1193 game/combatai.msg:1193 msgid "Erg! Right in the jewels!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Erg! Mitt i juvelerna!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1195 game/combatai.msg:1195 game/combatai.msg:70411 #: game/combatai.msg:70421 msgid "Damn, that hurts!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan, vad ont det gör!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1200 game/combatai.msg:1200 msgid "Ow! You son of a..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aj! Din jävla..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1201 game/combatai.msg:1201 msgid "You broke my nose!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du bröt min näsa!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1202 game/combatai.msg:1202 msgid "I'll take your head off!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska hugga huvudet av dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1210 game/cmbatai2.msg:1220 game/combatai.msg:1210 #: game/combatai.msg:1220 msgid "Ow, my arm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aj, min arm." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1211 game/cmbatai2.msg:1221 game/combatai.msg:1211 #: game/combatai.msg:1221 msgid "You just made the biggest mistake of your life." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du gjorde just ditt livs största misstag." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1237 game/combatai.msg:1237 msgid "Oh, I think you broke a rib!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh, jag tror att du bröt ett revben!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1238 game/combatai.msg:1238 msgid "Ow!!! My spleen!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aj!!! Min mjälte!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1260 game/cmbatai2.msg:1270 game/combatai.msg:1260 #: game/combatai.msg:1270 msgid "Ow, my leg." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aj, mitt ben." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1261 game/cmbatai2.msg:1271 game/combatai.msg:1261 #: game/combatai.msg:1271 msgid "I don't need to stand to kill you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver inte stå för att döda dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1280 game/combatai.msg:1280 msgid "I can't see!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan inte se!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1281 game/combatai.msg:1281 msgid "This fight is getting worse by the second." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den här striden blir värre för varje sekund." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1282 game/combatai.msg:1282 msgid "That was a real cheap shot!" @@ -214081,19 +214557,19 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1291 game/combatai.msg:1291 msgid "I'll feel that in the morning." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kommer att känna det i morgon bitti." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1300 game/combatai.msg:1300 msgid "That'll be a cool scar!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det där blir ett häftigt ärr!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1301 game/combatai.msg:1301 msgid "I'm starting to get annoyed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag börjar bli irriterad." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1302 game/combatai.msg:1302 msgid "Do that again, pig." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gör det igen, din gris." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1310 game/combatai.msg:1310 msgid "You winged me!" @@ -214101,19 +214577,19 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1312 game/cmbatai2.msg:1372 game/combatai.msg:1312 msgid "You broke my arm, but I'll break your neck!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du bröt min arm, men jag ska bryta nacken av dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1321 game/combatai.msg:1321 msgid "It's just a scratch..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det är bara en skråma..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1322 msgid "You broke my arm, so I'm gonna break your neck!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du bröt min arm, så jag ska bryta nacken av dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1330 game/combatai.msg:1330 msgid "A little blood ain't hurt no-one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lite blo' ha' aldri' skada' nån." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:1331 game/combatai.msg:1331 msgid "Oof! I'm gonna scrag you for that..." @@ -216823,35 +217299,35 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12220 game/combatai.msg:12220 msgid "I'm gonna roll you like dice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska kasta dig som en tärning." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12221 game/combatai.msg:12221 msgid "And here I was, thinking I wasn't gonna get to kill no one today..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Och jag som trodde att jag inte skulle få döda nån idag..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12222 game/combatai.msg:12222 msgid "Looks like Golgotha just got a new resident..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ser ut som Golgata precis fått en ny invånare..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12223 game/combatai.msg:12223 msgid "Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det ser ut som om vi får göra det här på det svåra sättet..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12224 game/combatai.msg:12224 msgid "I'm gonna knock out your teeth and make dice out of them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska slå ut dina tänder och göra tärningar av dem." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12225 game/combatai.msg:12225 msgid "Looks like someone's gambling with their life..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det ser ut som om någon satsar sitt liv..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12226 game/combatai.msg:12226 msgid "I'm gonna kill you, your family, then your dog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska döda dig, din familj och sen din hund." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12227 game/combatai.msg:12227 msgid "Time to take out the trash..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dags att gå ut med soporna..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12228 game/combatai.msg:12228 msgid "Gonna snap you like a wishbone..." @@ -216861,6 +217337,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "" "I'm going to kick your ass so hard you'll be wearing your ass as a hat." msgstr "" +"Jag ska sparka dig i röven så hårt att du kommer att bära din röv som en " +"hatt." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12241 game/combatai.msg:12241 msgid "Lady Luck ain't with you today..." @@ -216868,39 +217346,39 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12242 game/combatai.msg:12242 msgid "I'm gonna beat you until you're ugly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska slå dig ful och blå." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12243 game/combatai.msg:12243 msgid "Time to put your ass in a grave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dags att lägga dig i en grav." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12244 game/combatai.msg:12244 msgid "I'm gonna kick your heart out and stomp on it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska sparka ut ditt hjärta och stampa på det." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12245 game/combatai.msg:12245 msgid "Wish I had time to put your head in a vise..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag önskar att jag hade tid att sätta ditt huvud i ett skruvstäd..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12246 game/combatai.msg:12246 msgid "Let me show you what we do with garbage around here..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt mig visa dig vad vi gör med sopor här..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12247 game/combatai.msg:12247 msgid "I'm going to hit you so hard you'll think it's an earthquake..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kommer att slå dig så hårt att du tror att det är en jordbävning..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12248 game/combatai.msg:12248 msgid "I've had enough of this turd..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har fått nog av den här skiten..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12249 game/combatai.msg:12249 msgid "Say hello to the angels for me..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Säg hej till änglarna åt mig..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12260 game/combatai.msg:12260 msgid "Moves like that'll put you in the hospital..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rör du dig så där kommer du att hamna i sjukhuset..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12261 game/combatai.msg:12261 msgid "You hit like a bitch..." @@ -216908,11 +217386,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12262 game/combatai.msg:12262 msgid "Nice one. I'll show you how it's done in a sec." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den var bra. Jag ska visa dig hur det går till om en stund." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12263 game/combatai.msg:12263 msgid "You blind and stupid?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är du blind och korkad?" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12264 game/combatai.msg:12264 msgid "You flying on Jet or something?" @@ -216920,19 +217398,19 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12265 game/combatai.msg:12265 msgid "You couldn't hit the broad side of a casino." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kan inte ens träffa bredsidan på ett kasino." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12266 game/combatai.msg:12266 msgid "If you tried to hit the air, you'd miss." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om du försökte träffa luften skulle du missa." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12310 game/combatai.msg:12310 msgid "My... arm... my... beautiful... arm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Min...arm...min...vackra...arm." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12312 game/combatai.msg:12312 msgid "*hffff*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*hffff*" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12320 game/combatai.msg:12320 msgid "My stroke hand! Have you no shame?!" @@ -216941,27 +217419,28 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12322 game/combatai.msg:12322 msgid "Looks like I can't polish my gun with that hand anymore..." msgstr "" +"Det verkar som om jag inte kan polera min pistol med den handen längre..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12331 msgid "Hnrgggg" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hnrgggg" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12332 game/combatai.msg:12332 msgid "*hff*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*hff*" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12334 game/combatai.msg:12334 msgid "*Ooooof*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*Ooooof*" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12361 game/cmbatai2.msg:12371 game/combatai.msg:12361 #: game/combatai.msg:12371 msgid "*Ergg*" -msgstr "" +msgstr "*Ergg*" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12380 game/combatai.msg:12380 msgid "My eye! My beautiful eye!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mitt öga! Mitt vackra öga!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12391 game/combatai.msg:12391 msgid "Now I can't sound off like a got a pair." @@ -216969,39 +217448,39 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12394 game/combatai.msg:12394 msgid "Great. A player character with a ball fixation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Underbart. En spelarkaraktär med en fixering på kulor." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:12396 game/combatai.msg:12396 msgid "Nuts!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sablar!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26021 game/combatai.msg:26021 msgid "You're already dead..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du är redan död..." #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26022 game/combatai.msg:26022 msgid "I'm gonna fuck you up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska spöa upp dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26024 game/combatai.msg:26024 msgid "Take em!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta dom!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26025 game/combatai.msg:26025 msgid "Your ears will make a nice trophy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dina öron kommer att bli en fin trofé!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26043 game/combatai.msg:26043 msgid "I love doing this to you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag älskar att göra det här mot dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26045 game/combatai.msg:26045 msgid "Death and dismemberment. Just two of my favorite things!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Död och lemlästning. Bara två av mina favoritsaker!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26049 game/combatai.msg:26049 msgid "I'm gonna loot your corpse!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska plundra ditt lik!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26100 game/combatai.msg:26100 msgid "Khans! Cover me!" @@ -217009,19 +217488,19 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26105 game/combatai.msg:26105 msgid "Break off and regroup!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bryt av och omgruppera!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26106 game/combatai.msg:26120 msgid "Let the challenge begin!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt utmaningen börja!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26107 game/combatai.msg:26121 msgid "I'm going to use you for target practice!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska använda dig som måltavla!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26108 game/combatai.msg:26122 msgid "No mercy for you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ingen nåd för dig!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26110 game/combatai.msg:26124 msgid "Khans attack!" @@ -217030,11 +217509,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26111 game/cmbatai2.msg:44928 game/combatai.msg:26125 #: game/combatai.msg:44928 msgid "It's party time!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nu är det dags för fest!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26112 game/combatai.msg:26126 msgid "Would someone please kill this waste of flesh!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skulle någon vara snäll och döda det här slöseriet med kött!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26113 game/combatai.msg:26140 msgid "Khans kill!" @@ -217046,7 +217525,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26115 game/combatai.msg:26142 msgid "I am supreme!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag är överlägsen!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26116 game/combatai.msg:26143 msgid "Khans will rule!" @@ -217058,11 +217537,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26118 game/combatai.msg:26145 msgid "No retreat! No surrender!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ingen reträtt! Ingen kapitulation!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26120 game/combatai.msg:26147 msgid "I'll make a necklace out of your teeth!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag ska göra ett halsband av dina tänder!" #: game/cmbatai2.msg:26122 game/combatai.msg:26149 msgid "Khans are the strong!" @@ -221913,83 +222392,83 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:1303 msgid "That just makes me mad." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det gör mig bara arg." #: game/combatai.msg:1304 msgid "That ringing sound I hear is your death-knell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det där ringande ljudet jag hör är din dödsklocka." #: game/combatai.msg:1305 msgid "One more scar won't make me any uglier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett ärr till kommer inte att göra mig fulare." #: game/combatai.msg:1306 msgid "I didn't even feel that one." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kände inte ens det där." #: game/combatai.msg:1307 msgid "At least you only hit my head." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du träffade i alla fall bara i mitt huvud." #: game/combatai.msg:1308 msgid "Youch, that hurt, a little." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jösses, det gjorde lite ont." #: game/combatai.msg:1309 msgid "I still have *some* teeth left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag har fortfarande *några* tänder kvar." #: game/combatai.msg:1311 msgid "I can take you one-handed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan ta mig an dig med bara en hand." #: game/combatai.msg:1313 msgid "You can't stop me that easy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kan inte stoppa mig så lätt." #: game/combatai.msg:1314 msgid "That was just my left arm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Det var bara min vänstra arm." #: game/combatai.msg:1315 msgid "I can still take care of little problems like you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan fortfarande ta hand om små problem som du." #: game/combatai.msg:1316 msgid "Damn, you got my left arm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan, du träffade min vänsterarm." #: game/combatai.msg:1317 msgid "Took out my elbow!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du slog ut min armbåge!" #: game/combatai.msg:1318 msgid "Crap, there go a couple more fingers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fan, där försvann ett par fingrar till." #: game/combatai.msg:1319 msgid "You take my finger, I'll take your Goddamn hand." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Om du tar mitt finger, så tar jag din jävla hand." #: game/combatai.msg:1320 msgid "I can take you left-handed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag kan ta mig an dig vänsterhänt." #: game/combatai.msg:1322 msgid "You broke my arm, so I'm gonna break your neck." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du bröt min arm, så jag ska bryta din nacke." #: game/combatai.msg:1323 msgid "I only need one arm to take you out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver bara en arm för att slå ner dig." #: game/combatai.msg:1324 msgid "Took off another finger. That hurt." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du tog bort ett finger till. Det gjorde ont." #: game/combatai.msg:1325 msgid "I don't need that arm anyway." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver inte den armen ändå." #: game/combatai.msg:1326 msgid "That's more than a scratch." @@ -226819,7 +227298,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:41755 msgid "Chris Avellone loves you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chris Avellone älskar dig!" #: game/combatai.msg:41756 msgid "Here's a little mutant love tap." @@ -226827,11 +227306,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:41757 msgid "Regards, pal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hälsningar, kompis." #: game/combatai.msg:41758 msgid "Give my best to St. Peter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hälsa Sankte Per från mig." #: game/combatai.msg:41759 msgid "One fist, two fist, red fist, blue fist..." @@ -226839,83 +227318,83 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:41761 msgid "Let me know when you get scary." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt mig veta när du blir rädd." #: game/combatai.msg:41762 msgid "Next." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nästa." #: game/combatai.msg:41763 msgid "Take a number." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta en nummerlapp." #: game/combatai.msg:41764 msgid "Bzzt! That's a miss!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bzzt! Det var en miss!" #: game/combatai.msg:41765 msgid "You people ever quit?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slutar ni någonsin?" #: game/combatai.msg:41766 msgid "Yawn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gäsp." #: game/combatai.msg:41767 msgid "Amateurs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Amatörer." #: game/combatai.msg:41768 msgid "Target practice, kid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Målskjutning, kisen." #: game/combatai.msg:41769 msgid "Keep at it. Maybe you'll hit me someday." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fortsätt med det. Du kanske träffar mig till slut." #: game/combatai.msg:41770 msgid "When does the action start?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "När börjar det hända saker?" #: game/combatai.msg:41771 msgid "I need a nice cold drink. Nothing's happening here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jag behöver någonting kallt att dricka. Det händer ingenting här." #: game/combatai.msg:41772 msgid "Where's the excitement?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Var är spänningen?" #: game/combatai.msg:41773 msgid "Oh! You were aiming at ME!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Åh! Du siktade på MIG!" #: game/combatai.msg:41774 msgid "You practice missing that badly?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tränar du på att missa såhär mycket?" #: game/combatai.msg:41775 msgid "Thanks, try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tack, försök igen." #: game/combatai.msg:41776 msgid "That's not it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inte sådär." #: game/combatai.msg:41777 msgid "::looks at his watch::" -msgstr "" +msgstr "::kollar på sin klocka::" #: game/combatai.msg:41778 msgid "Isn't this violence pointless?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Är inte det här våldet meningslöst?" #: game/combatai.msg:41779 msgid "Can't we just get along?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kan vi inte bara komma överens?" #: game/combatai.msg:42000 msgid "ignore the pain in my head ignore the pain in my head" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ignorera smärtan i mitt huvud ignorera smärtan i mitt huvud" #: game/combatai.msg:42001 msgid "Aighh! There's blood all over my face! Help! Stimpak! Help!" @@ -228222,19 +228701,19 @@ msgstr "" #: game/combatai.msg:70304 msgid "You won this time, monkey!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du vann den här gången, apa!" #: game/combatai.msg:70320 msgid "Don't worry, this'll be over *real* soon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oroa dig inte, det här kommer att vara över *riktigt* snart." #: game/combatai.msg:70321 msgid "This cat's about to pounce!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Den här katten är på väg att slå till!" #: game/combatai.msg:70322 msgid "Let's waste these smegheads." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Låt oss göra slut på de här idioterna." #: game/combatai.msg:70340 msgid "Hurry up and die so I can go take a nap." @@ -228402,7 +228881,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/custom.msg:11 msgid "Cancel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Avbryt" #: game/custom.msg:99 msgid "Not Applicable." @@ -237326,7 +237805,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/pro_item.msg:39000 msgid "Solar Scorcher" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Solbrännaren" #: game/pro_item.msg:39001 msgid "" @@ -237335,10 +237814,14 @@ msgid "" "cells that power the Scorcher allow it to turn almost anything into a crispy" " critter. Min ST: 3." msgstr "" +"Utan solens strålar för att ladda vapnets kondensatorer kan den här pistolen " +"inte ens tända en tändsticka. Men i fullt dagsljus kan de experimentella " +"fotoelektriska cellerna som driver Brännaren förvandla nästan vad som helst " +"till ett krispigt kreatur. Min ST: 3." #: game/pro_item.msg:39100 msgid "H&K G11E" -msgstr "" +msgstr "H&K G11E" #: game/pro_item.msg:39101 msgid "" @@ -237347,10 +237830,14 @@ msgid "" "inside. The resultant weight and space savings allow it to have a very high " "magazine capacity. Min ST: 6." msgstr "" +"Detta vapen revolutionerade utformningen av understödsvapen på truppnivå. " +"Pistolen avfyrar en hylslös patron som består av ett drivmedelsblock med en " +"kula inuti. Den resulterande vikt- och utrymmesbesparingen gör att den kan " +"ha en mycket hög magasinkapacitet. Min ST: 6." #: game/pro_item.msg:39200 msgid "M72 Gauss Rifle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "M72 Gaussgevär" #: game/pro_item.msg:39201 msgid "" @@ -237358,6 +237845,9 @@ msgid "" "propel rounds at tremendous speed... and pierce almost any obstacle. Its " "range, accuracy and stopping power is almost unparalleled. Min ST: 6." msgstr "" +"M72-geväret är av tysk design. Det använder ett elektromagnetiskt fält för " +"att avfyra kulor med enorm hastighet... och genomborra nästan alla hinder. " +"Dess räckvidd, precision och stoppkraft är nästan oöverträffad. Min ST: 6." #: game/pro_item.msg:39300 msgid "Phazer" @@ -237370,10 +237860,14 @@ msgid "" "weapon against any enemy. The backup energy module consists of replaceable " "small energy cell. Min ST: 3." msgstr "" +"Det här mystiska högteknologiska vapnet verkar ha någon form av " +"energigenerator inuti. Om den inte var skadad skulle den här pistolen kunna " +"vara det ultimata vapnet mot alla fiender. Reservkraftmodulen består av en " +"utbytbar liten energicell. Min ST: 3." #: game/pro_item.msg:39400 msgid "PPK12 Gauss Pistol" -msgstr "" +msgstr "PPK12 Gausspistol" #: game/pro_item.msg:39401 msgid "" @@ -237381,6 +237875,9 @@ msgid "" "German design. The pistol uses an electromagnetic field to propel rounds at " "tremendous speed and punch through almost any armor. Min ST: 4." msgstr "" +"PPK12 Gauss Pistol är en tysk design som är berömd för sin räckvidd och " +"stoppkraft. Pistolen använder ett elektromagnetiskt fält för att avfyra " +"kulor med enorm hastighet och slå igenom nästan alla pansar. Min ST: 4." #: game/pro_item.msg:39500 msgid "Vindicator Minigun" @@ -245004,7 +245501,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/pro_scen.msg:228700 game/pro_scen.msg:228800 game/scrname.msg:412 #: game/scrname.msg:1486 msgid "Metal Door" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Metalldörr" #: game/pro_scen.msg:228701 game/pro_scen.msg:228801 msgid "A sturdy metal door." @@ -247376,11 +247873,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:738 game/scrname.msg:1118 game/scrname.msg:1119 #: game/scrname.msg:1120 msgid "Force Field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kraftfält" #: game/scrname.msg:351 game/scrname.msg:1199 msgid "Klaxon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Klaxon" #: game/scrname.msg:352 msgid "Buster" @@ -247389,7 +247886,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:357 game/scrname.msg:739 game/scrname.msg:844 #: game/scrname.msg:847 game/scrname.msg:1271 game/scrname.msg:1477 msgid "Peasant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bonde" #: game/scrname.msg:360 msgid "Rawhide Patron" @@ -247397,11 +247894,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:362 game/scrname.msg:363 msgid "Plasma Trap" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Plasmafälla" #: game/scrname.msg:397 game/scrname.msg:398 msgid "Bar Customer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barkund" #: game/scrname.msg:399 msgid "Vortis" @@ -247409,23 +247906,23 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:400 msgid "Bath Attendant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Badvakt" #: game/scrname.msg:401 msgid "Slaves" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slavar" #: game/scrname.msg:410 msgid "Corvega" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Corvega" #: game/scrname.msg:420 game/scrname.msg:1150 game/scrname.msg:1188 msgid "Boxer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Boxare" #: game/scrname.msg:422 msgid "Evan Hollyfeld" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Evan Hollyfeld" #: game/scrname.msg:423 msgid "Masticator" @@ -247437,31 +247934,31 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:427 game/scrname.msg:1474 msgid "Drug Dealer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Knarklangare" #: game/scrname.msg:428 msgid "Casino Patron" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasinobesökare" #: game/scrname.msg:429 msgid "Pimp" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hallick" #: game/scrname.msg:430 msgid "Junkie" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pundare" #: game/scrname.msg:431 msgid "Furniture" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Möbler" #: game/scrname.msg:437 game/scrname.msg:1594 msgid "Prostitute" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prostituerad" #: game/scrname.msg:440 msgid "Porn Actress" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Porrskådespelerska" #: game/scrname.msg:441 msgid "Fluffer" @@ -247469,11 +247966,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:444 game/scrname.msg:1233 game/scrname.msg:1301 msgid "Generator" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Generator" #: game/scrname.msg:446 game/scrname.msg:606 msgid "Super mutant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Supermutant" #: game/scrname.msg:447 msgid "Salvatore's Man" @@ -247493,11 +247990,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:451 msgid "Casino Bouncer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasinodörrvakt" #: game/scrname.msg:452 msgid "Mira" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mira" #: game/scrname.msg:453 msgid "New Reno Virgin Street" @@ -247505,7 +248002,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:454 msgid "New Reno 2nd Street" -msgstr "" +msgstr "New Reno 2:a gatan" #: game/scrname.msg:455 msgid "New Reno Commercial Row" @@ -247513,11 +248010,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:456 msgid "New Reno East Side" -msgstr "" +msgstr "New Reno Öst" #: game/scrname.msg:457 msgid "New Reno Stables" -msgstr "" +msgstr "New Reno-stall" #: game/scrname.msg:458 msgid "New Reno Chop Shop" @@ -247525,7 +248022,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:459 msgid "New Reno Gologtha" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nya Reno Gologta" #: game/scrname.msg:460 msgid "New Reno Bishop Basement" @@ -247533,11 +248030,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:468 msgid "Melchior" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Melchior" #: game/scrname.msg:469 msgid "Mutated Beast" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Muterat Odjur" #: game/scrname.msg:470 msgid "FEV Goo" @@ -247545,15 +248042,15 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:471 msgid "Guard Captain" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vaktkapten" #: game/scrname.msg:472 msgid "Slave Overseer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slavövervakare" #: game/scrname.msg:473 msgid "Melchior's Pet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Melchiors Husdjur" #: game/scrname.msg:479 msgid "Sheb" @@ -247561,7 +248058,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/scrname.msg:484 msgid "Dr. Henry" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dr Henry" #: game/scrname.msg:486 msgid "Carlson Guards Attack" @@ -249761,35 +250258,35 @@ msgstr "" #: game/stat.msg:100 msgid "Strength" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Styrka" #: game/stat.msg:101 msgid "Perception" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppfattning" #: game/stat.msg:102 msgid "Endurance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uthållighet" #: game/stat.msg:103 msgid "Charisma" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Karisma" #: game/stat.msg:104 msgid "Intelligence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Intelligens" #: game/stat.msg:105 msgid "Agility" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smidighet" #: game/stat.msg:106 msgid "Luck" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tur" #: game/stat.msg:107 msgid "Maximum Hit Points" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Maximalt antal Hälsopoäng" #: game/stat.msg:108 msgid "Maximum Action Points" @@ -249797,109 +250294,111 @@ msgstr "" #: game/stat.msg:112 msgid "Carry Weight" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bärvikt" #: game/stat.msg:113 msgid "Sequence" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sekvens" #: game/stat.msg:114 msgid "Healing Rate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Läkningshastighet" #: game/stat.msg:115 msgid "Critical Chance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kritisk chans" #: game/stat.msg:117 game/stat.msg:217 msgid "Damage Threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel" #: game/stat.msg:118 game/stat.msg:218 msgid "Damage Threshold Laser" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel Laser" #: game/stat.msg:119 game/stat.msg:219 msgid "Damage Threshold Fire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel Eld" #: game/stat.msg:120 game/stat.msg:220 msgid "Damage Threshold Plasma" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel Plasma" #: game/stat.msg:121 game/stat.msg:221 msgid "Damage Threshold Electrical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel Elektrisk" #: game/stat.msg:122 game/stat.msg:222 msgid "Damage Threshold EMP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel EMP" #: game/stat.msg:123 game/stat.msg:223 msgid "Damage Threshold Explosion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skadetröskel Explosion" #: game/stat.msg:124 msgid "Damage Resistance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd" #: game/stat.msg:125 game/stat.msg:225 msgid "Damage Resistance Laser" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd Laser" #: game/stat.msg:126 game/stat.msg:226 msgid "Damage Resistance Fire" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd Eld" #: game/stat.msg:127 game/stat.msg:227 msgid "Damage Resistance Plasma" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd Plasma" #: game/stat.msg:128 game/stat.msg:228 msgid "Damage Resistance Electrical" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd Elektrisk" #: game/stat.msg:129 game/stat.msg:229 msgid "Damage Resistance EMP" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd EMP" #: game/stat.msg:130 game/stat.msg:230 msgid "Damage Resistance Explosion" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skademotstånd Explosion" #: game/stat.msg:131 msgid "Radiation Resistance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Strålningsmotstånd" #: game/stat.msg:132 msgid "Poison Resistance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giftmotstånd" #: game/stat.msg:133 game/stat.msg:233 msgid "Age" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ålder" #: game/stat.msg:134 game/stat.msg:234 msgid "Gender" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kön" #: game/stat.msg:135 game/stat.msg:235 msgid "Current Hit Points" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nuvarande hälsopoäng" #: game/stat.msg:136 game/stat.msg:236 msgid "Current Poison Level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nuvarande giftnivå" #: game/stat.msg:137 game/stat.msg:237 msgid "Current Radiation Level" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nuvarande strålningsnivå" #: game/stat.msg:200 msgid "" "Raw physical strength. A high Strength is good for physical characters. " "Modifies: Hit Points, Melee Damage, and Carry Weight." msgstr "" +"Rå fysisk styrka. En hög Styrka är bra för fysiska karaktärer. Modifierar: " +"Hälsopoäng, Närstridsskada och Bärvikt." #: game/stat.msg:201 msgid "" @@ -251574,11 +252073,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:4814 msgid "Some trappers fighting some golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några jägare som slåss mot några gyllene geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:4850 msgid "A pack of wolves and some molerats." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock vargar och några mullvadsråttor." #: game/worldmap.msg:4851 msgid "Some radscorpions and some wolves." @@ -251586,62 +252085,62 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:4852 msgid "Some mutated molerats and some radscorpions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några muterade mullvadsråttor och några radioaktiva skorpioner." #: game/worldmap.msg:4863 game/worldmap.msg:5003 game/worldmap.msg:5065 #: game/worldmap.msg:5664 game/worldmap.msg:5702 game/worldmap.msg:5752 #: game/worldmap.msg:5814 game/worldmap.msg:5852 game/worldmap.msg:6400 #: game/worldmap.msg:6453 game/worldmap.msg:6513 game/worldmap.msg:6551 msgid "A pack of wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:4864 game/worldmap.msg:6703 game/worldmap.msg:6765 msgid "A pack of mutated molerats." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock muterade mullvadsråttor." #: game/worldmap.msg:4865 msgid "A pack of radscorpions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock radioaktiva skorpioner" #: game/worldmap.msg:4866 msgid "A pack of wolves and some golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock vargar och några gyllene geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:4867 msgid "Some mutated molerats fighting some golden geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några muterade mullvadsråttor som slåss mot några gyllene geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:4868 msgid "Some molerats fighting some radscorpions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några mullvadsråttor som slåss mot några radioaktiva skorpioner." #: game/worldmap.msg:4900 game/worldmap.msg:4953 game/worldmap.msg:5002 #: game/worldmap.msg:5064 msgid "A band of raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av plundrare." #: game/worldmap.msg:4902 game/worldmap.msg:4903 game/worldmap.msg:4913 #: game/worldmap.msg:4914 game/worldmap.msg:4964 game/worldmap.msg:4965 #: game/worldmap.msg:4966 game/worldmap.msg:4967 msgid "A caravan fending off some raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare." #: game/worldmap.msg:4921 game/worldmap.msg:4979 game/worldmap.msg:5017 #: game/worldmap.msg:5075 msgid "A band of angry raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av arga plundrare." #: game/worldmap.msg:5000 game/worldmap.msg:5053 msgid "A band of raiders leading some wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av plundrare som leder några vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5001 game/worldmap.msg:5063 msgid "Some spore plants and some wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några sporväxter och några vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5014 game/worldmap.msg:5067 msgid "A pack of wolves fighting some raiders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock vargar som slåss mot några plundrare." #: game/worldmap.msg:5103 game/worldmap.msg:5150 game/worldmap.msg:5200 msgid "An Enclave Patrol." @@ -251681,98 +252180,98 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:5269 game/worldmap.msg:5316 game/worldmap.msg:5366 msgid "A pack of centaurs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett paket kentaurer." #: game/worldmap.msg:5270 game/worldmap.msg:5317 game/worldmap.msg:5367 msgid "A swarm of floaters." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En svärm av svävare." #: game/worldmap.msg:5279 game/worldmap.msg:5320 game/worldmap.msg:5368 #: game/worldmap.msg:5423 game/worldmap.msg:5464 game/worldmap.msg:5512 #: game/worldmap.msg:5918 game/worldmap.msg:5970 game/worldmap.msg:6018 #: game/worldmap.msg:6079 msgid "A gathering of important looking individuals." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut." #: game/worldmap.msg:5300 game/worldmap.msg:5350 msgid "Some aliens and deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några utomjordingar och dödsklor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5403 game/worldmap.msg:5413 game/worldmap.msg:5450 #: game/worldmap.msg:5451 game/worldmap.msg:5500 game/worldmap.msg:5501 #: game/worldmap.msg:5563 game/worldmap.msg:5601 game/worldmap.msg:6114 #: game/worldmap.msg:6152 msgid "A pack of fire geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5553 game/worldmap.msg:5600 game/worldmap.msg:6113 #: game/worldmap.msg:6151 game/worldmap.msg:6214 game/worldmap.msg:6252 msgid "A pack of deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En flock dödsklor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5564 game/worldmap.msg:5565 game/worldmap.msg:5602 #: game/worldmap.msg:5603 msgid "A caravan fending off deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot dödsklor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5566 game/worldmap.msg:5567 game/worldmap.msg:5613 #: game/worldmap.msg:5614 game/worldmap.msg:6118 game/worldmap.msg:6165 msgid "A caravan fending off fire geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5653 game/worldmap.msg:5700 game/worldmap.msg:5750 msgid "Some yakuza." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några yakuza." #: game/worldmap.msg:5663 game/worldmap.msg:5701 game/worldmap.msg:5751 msgid "A gang." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett gäng." #: game/worldmap.msg:5665 game/worldmap.msg:5703 game/worldmap.msg:5753 msgid "Some mobsters fighting some yakuza." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några gangsters slåss mot några yakuza." #: game/worldmap.msg:5666 game/worldmap.msg:5713 game/worldmap.msg:5763 msgid "Some mobsters fighting a gang." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några gangsters som slåss mot ett gäng." #: game/worldmap.msg:5667 game/worldmap.msg:5714 game/worldmap.msg:5764 msgid "Some mobsters." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några gangsters." #: game/worldmap.msg:5668 game/worldmap.msg:5715 game/worldmap.msg:5765 #: game/worldmap.msg:6523 game/worldmap.msg:6570 msgid "A traveler." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En resenär." #: game/worldmap.msg:5803 game/worldmap.msg:5850 msgid "A band of rogues and some wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av skurkar och några vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5813 game/worldmap.msg:5851 msgid "A band of rogues." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av skurkar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5816 game/worldmap.msg:5863 msgid "A forest of spore plants." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En skog av sporväxter." #: game/worldmap.msg:5817 game/worldmap.msg:5864 msgid "A Unity patrol fighting some rogues." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några skurkar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5818 game/worldmap.msg:5865 msgid "A Unity patrol fighting some wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5819 game/worldmap.msg:5866 msgid "A Unity patrol." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En Enighetspatrull." #: game/worldmap.msg:5900 game/worldmap.msg:5950 game/worldmap.msg:6000 #: game/worldmap.msg:6053 game/worldmap.msg:6103 game/worldmap.msg:6150 msgid "A band of mercenaries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av legosoldater." #: game/worldmap.msg:5901 game/worldmap.msg:5951 game/worldmap.msg:6001 #: game/worldmap.msg:6063 @@ -251782,22 +252281,22 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:5902 game/worldmap.msg:5952 game/worldmap.msg:6002 #: game/worldmap.msg:6064 msgid "A herd of deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En hjord av dödsklor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5903 game/worldmap.msg:5953 game/worldmap.msg:6003 #: game/worldmap.msg:6065 msgid "A batch of fire geckos." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett parti eldsprutande geckoödlor." #: game/worldmap.msg:5913 game/worldmap.msg:5963 game/worldmap.msg:6013 #: game/worldmap.msg:6066 game/worldmap.msg:6115 game/worldmap.msg:6153 msgid "A slew of aliens." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En massa utomjordingar." #: game/worldmap.msg:5914 game/worldmap.msg:5964 game/worldmap.msg:6014 #: game/worldmap.msg:6067 msgid "Hubologists fighting mercenaries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hubologister som slåss mot legosoldater." #: game/worldmap.msg:5915 game/worldmap.msg:5965 game/worldmap.msg:6015 #: game/worldmap.msg:6068 @@ -251807,21 +252306,21 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:5916 game/worldmap.msg:5966 game/worldmap.msg:6016 #: game/worldmap.msg:6069 msgid "Hubologists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hubologister." #: game/worldmap.msg:5917 game/worldmap.msg:5969 game/worldmap.msg:6017 #: game/worldmap.msg:6078 game/worldmap.msg:6130 game/worldmap.msg:6169 msgid "A band of angry mercenaries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av arga legosoldater." #: game/worldmap.msg:6116 game/worldmap.msg:6117 game/worldmap.msg:6163 #: game/worldmap.msg:6164 msgid "A caravan fending off mercenaries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot legosoldater." #: game/worldmap.msg:6119 game/worldmap.msg:6166 msgid "A caravan fending off aliens." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot utomjordingar." #: game/worldmap.msg:6203 game/worldmap.msg:6250 msgid "An Enclave patrol." @@ -251829,43 +252328,43 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:6213 game/worldmap.msg:6251 msgid "Remnants of the Master's army." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rester av Mästarens armé." #: game/worldmap.msg:6303 game/worldmap.msg:6313 game/worldmap.msg:6350 #: game/worldmap.msg:6351 msgid "A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé." #: game/worldmap.msg:6314 game/worldmap.msg:6352 msgid "A caravan fending off some deathclaws." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot några dödsklor." #: game/worldmap.msg:6503 game/worldmap.msg:6550 game/worldmap.msg:6601 #: game/worldmap.msg:6663 msgid "A band of marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av marodörer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6515 game/worldmap.msg:6516 game/worldmap.msg:6553 #: game/worldmap.msg:6563 msgid "A caravan fending off marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6517 game/worldmap.msg:6564 msgid "A caravan fending off wolves." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot vargar." #: game/worldmap.msg:6518 game/worldmap.msg:6565 msgid "A caravan fending off radscorpions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En karavan som försvarar sig mot radioaktiva skorpioner." #: game/worldmap.msg:6532 game/worldmap.msg:6573 game/worldmap.msg:6619 #: game/worldmap.msg:6678 msgid "A band of angry marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ett band av arga marodörer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6600 msgid "A deteachment of the Master's armies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En avdelning från Mästarens arméer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6602 game/worldmap.msg:6664 msgid "Some Rangers fending off a squad of the Master's armies." @@ -251877,11 +252376,11 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:6613 game/worldmap.msg:6666 msgid "Some farmers fending off parts of the Master's armies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några bönder som försvarar sig mot delar av Mästarens arméer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6614 game/worldmap.msg:6667 msgid "Some farmers fending off marauders." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Några bönder som försvarar sig mot marodörer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6615 game/worldmap.msg:6668 msgid "A detachment of NCR Rangers." @@ -251889,39 +252388,39 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmap.msg:6653 msgid "A detachment of the Master's armies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "En avdelning från Mästarens arméer." #: game/worldmap.msg:6700 game/worldmap.msg:6753 msgid "Remnants of the Master's army fighting mutated molerats." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Spillror av Mästarens armé slåss mot muterade mullvadsråttor." #: game/worldmap.msg:6701 game/worldmap.msg:6763 msgid "Remnants of the Master's armies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rester av Mästarens arméer." #: game/worldmp.msg:200 msgid "Cavern Entrance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grottingång" #: game/worldmp.msg:202 game/worldmp.msg:212 msgid "Living Quarters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bostadsutrymme" #: game/worldmp.msg:203 game/worldmp.msg:213 msgid "Command Center" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kommandocentral" #: game/worldmp.msg:210 msgid "Desert Entrance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ökeningång" #: game/worldmp.msg:211 msgid "Caverns/Entrance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grottor/Ingång" #: game/worldmp.msg:222 msgid "Brahmin Pen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brahma-inhängnad" #: game/worldmp.msg:231 msgid "Crash House" @@ -251929,15 +252428,15 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmp.msg:232 msgid "Casino" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kasino" #: game/worldmp.msg:240 msgid "Base" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bas" #: game/worldmp.msg:250 msgid "Hotel" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hotell" #: game/worldmp.msg:251 msgid "Hall" @@ -251953,7 +252452,7 @@ msgstr "Höjder" #: game/worldmp.msg:263 msgid "Old Town" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gamla stan" #: game/worldmp.msg:264 msgid "Merchants" @@ -251961,11 +252460,11 @@ msgstr "Köpmän" #: game/worldmp.msg:281 msgid "Stronghold Level 1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fästning Nivå 1" #: game/worldmp.msg:282 msgid "Stronghold Level 2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fästning Nivå 2" #: game/worldmp.msg:283 msgid "Vats Level 1" @@ -251977,7 +252476,7 @@ msgstr "" #: game/worldmp.msg:290 msgid "Crater" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Krater" #: game/worldmp.msg:300 msgid "Adytum" @@ -251985,7 +252484,7 @@ msgstr "Adytum" #: game/worldmp.msg:302 msgid "Library" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bibliotek" #: game/worldmp.msg:303 msgid "Fortress" diff --git a/data/text/po/vi.po b/data/text/po/vi.po index e35b1fd713..76c1d3ce18 100644 --- a/data/text/po/vi.po +++ b/data/text/po/vi.po @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-09-07-13:52+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-08-22 09:10+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: anonymous \n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-10-17 09:09+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Tung Pham \n" "Language-Team: none\n" "Language: vi\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -10491,7 +10491,7 @@ msgstr "Được, ngộ đi." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:156 dialog/vcskeeve.msg:117 msgid "All right. Thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi. Cám ơn." #: dialog/actemvil.msg:157 msgid "" @@ -17942,8 +17942,8 @@ msgid "" "You see someone wearing a lab coat, complete with pocket protector and a " "stash of pens." msgstr "" -"Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đéo túi bảo vệ và một mớ " -"bút." +"Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đeo miếng bảo vệ túi và " +"một mớ bút." #: dialog/cccomp1.msg:103 msgid "Good day, soldier." @@ -21480,74 +21480,84 @@ msgid "" "You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate\n" " that you are unfamiliar with." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy ai đó mặc áo giáp chiến đấu. Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực\n" +"mà bạn không nhận ra." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:118 msgid "" "Sorry, soldier. That area is off limits to base personnel. I have to ask you\n" " to leave." msgstr "" +"Rất tiếc, cậu lính. Đây là khu cấm nhân sự trong căn cứ. Tôi yêu cầu cậu\n" +"rời khỏi chỗ này." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:119 msgid "Doc want me kill D'claw. He no want do himself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiến sĩ muốn ngộ giết con Vuốt. Ông ta không muốn tự làm." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:121 msgid "" "Doc wants me to kill the critter for him. He doesn't want to do it himself." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiến sĩ muốn tôi giết mẫu vật thay. Ông ta không muốn tự tay làm." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:122 msgid "" "I knew the bastard wouldn't have the balls to do it himself. Oh no, it's okay\n" " if one of us gets fucked up. (sigh) Oh well. Go on in and good luck, soldier." msgstr "" +"Tôi biết là lão chết tiệt đấy không dám tự tay làm mà. Ôi, kiểu gì thì cũng " +"có\n" +"người phải nhúng bùn. (thở dài) Ồ được rồi. Vào đi và chúc may mắn, cậu lính." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:124 msgid "Why are you looking at me like that, soldier?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao cậu lại nhìn tôi như thế hả, cậu lính?" #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:125 msgid "Me hear you call Snookie. That cute." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ nghe cô gọi là Snookie. Yêu đấy." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:126 msgid "I hear you're called Snookie. I think that's cute." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi nghe nói cô là Snookie. Tên dễ thương thật đấy." #: dialog/ccmedgrd.msg:127 msgid "" "What... He told you that? When I get off duty I'm going to kick his ass...\n" " Move along, soldier. And wipe that smirk off your face!" msgstr "" +"Cái... Hắn ta nói cho cậu à? Khi nào hết ca gác tôi sẽ cho hắn ta một trận..." +"\n" +"Bước đi, cậu lính. Và thôi cái điệu cười trên mặt đi!" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:100 dialog/ccncomp.msg:101 dialog/epai21.msg:118 #: dialog/epai35.msg:100 dialog/epai36.msg:100 dialog/sscomp.msg:100 msgid "You see a computer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một cái máy tính." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:102 msgid "You see the central computer for Navarro." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy cái máy tính trung tâm của Navarro." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:103 msgid "Please enter your password." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:104 msgid "Enter 'Snookie'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nhập \"Snookie\"" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:105 msgid "Forget this doo doo." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quên cái đụ đị." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:106 msgid "Screw this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ nó chứ." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:107 msgid "Try to hack the system." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cố bẻ khóa hệ thống." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:108 msgid "" @@ -21555,42 +21565,45 @@ msgid "" " ease of use this system has been equipped with a common English parser. " "Please enter all requests as English sentences." msgstr "" +"Chào mừng đến với Enclave. Bạn có quyền truy cập hệ thống giới hạn trong " +"phiên này. Để thuận tiện cho việc sử dụng, hệ thống đã được trang bị thiết " +"bị phân tích câu Tiếng Anh. Vui lòng nhập tất cả yêu cầu bằng Tiếng Anh." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:109 msgid "How may I help you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có thể giúp gì được?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:111 msgid "Where Enclave main base?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Căn cứ chính của Enclave ở chỗ nào?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:112 msgid "Where armory?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kho khí giới đâu?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:113 msgid "Where base commander?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chỉ huy căn cứ đâu?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:114 msgid "Me guess that all." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ chắc hết rồi." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:115 msgid "Where are the vertibird plans located?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở chỗ nào?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:117 msgid "Where is the armory located?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kho khí giới nằm ở đâu?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:118 msgid "Where is the base commander's office located?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phòng của chỉ huy căn cứ ở chỗ nào?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:119 msgid "I guess that's all." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi chắc vậy là đủ rồi." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:120 msgid "" @@ -21601,20 +21614,28 @@ msgid "" "copies of the vertibird schematics have been reported lost this quarter. The" " vertibird schematics are housed in maintenance." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập vào hồ sơ kho hiện tại... Nhận được dữ liệu. " +"Hồ sơ hiện tại cho biết có 1 bản sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng trong kho. Bốn bảo " +"sao sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng đã được yêu cầu trong quý này. Bốn bản sao sơ đồ " +"máy bay lên thẳng đã được gửi trong quý này. Ba bản sao sơ đồ máy bay lên " +"thẳng đã được báo cáo bị mất trong quý này. Sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng được lưu " +"trữ trong phòng bảo trì." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:121 msgid "Okay. Where maintenance?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Okê. Bảo trì đâu?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:122 msgid "Fine. So where is maintenance located?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rồi. Thế phòng bảo trì ở đâu?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:123 msgid "" "Searching... Accessing base architectural files... Data acquired. " "Maintenance is located above ground in the northeast quadrant of the base. " msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. " +"Phòng bảo trì nằm trên mặt đất ở góc Đông Bắc của căn cứ." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:125 msgid "" @@ -21623,14 +21644,17 @@ msgid "" "Pacific Ocean. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18 minutes north latitude by 120 " "degrees 7 minutes west longitude." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập bản đồ địa lí... Nhận được dữ liệu. Căn cứ " +"chính của Enclave cách bờ biển California giáp Thái Bình Dương 175 dặm, có " +"tọa độ 37 độ 18 phút vĩ độ Bắc, 120 độ 7 phút kinh độ tây." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:126 msgid "What the hell all that mean?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mấy thứ đó nghĩa quái gì vậy?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:127 msgid "What the hell does all that crap mean?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mấy con số quái quỷ đó có nghĩa là gì vậy?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:128 msgid "" @@ -21640,14 +21664,18 @@ msgid "" " not understand the geographical coordinate system then you will not find " "it." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập từ điển tiếng lóng Tiếng Anh... Nhận được dữ " +"liệu. Bản dịch như sau: 1) Cách xa ngoài biển. 2) Đi từ bờ biển California. " +"3) Phía Tây thành phố San Fransico. 4) Nếu không hiểu được hệ thống tọa độ " +"địa lí thì bạn sẽ không tìm được." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:129 msgid "How get there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đi cách nào?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:130 msgid "How can I get there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có thể đến đó bằng cách nào?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:131 msgid "" @@ -21661,16 +21689,26 @@ msgid "" "passkey is required for reactivation. Base commander, Navarro outpost, " "currently holds the passkey." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập thư mục vận tải... Nhận được dữ liệu. Tệp vận " +"tải cho biết có 1.257 phương tiện có thể đi đến căn cứ chính Enclave. Tuy " +"nhiên, theo hồ sơ thì hiện chỉ còn 2 cách để đi. Có thể đi bằng máy bay trực " +"thăng từ căn cứ tiền phương Navarro. Có thể đi bằng tàu thủy từ cảng San " +"Fransico. Vui lòng lưu ý rằng đường đi bằng tàu thủy đã được đánh dấu là " +"không sử dụng được do đạo luật an ninh 9837-334-27A. Tàu đã bị vô hiệu hóa " +"và cần có bộ mã khóa để kích hoạt lại. Chỉ huy căn cứ tiền phương Navarro " +"hiện đang giữ bộ mã khóa." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:134 msgid "" "Searching... Accessing base architectural files... Data acquired. Armory is " "located below ground in the northwest quadrant of the base." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. " +"Kho khí giới nằm dưới lòng đất ở góc Tây Bắc căn cứ." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:136 msgid "Yeah, got it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, hiểu rồi." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:137 msgid "" @@ -21678,61 +21716,69 @@ msgid "" "commander's office is located below ground in the northeast quadrant of the " "base." msgstr "" +"Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. " +"Phòng chỉ huy căn cứ nằm dưới lòng đất ở góc Đông Bắc căn cứ." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:140 msgid "Thank you for accessing EnclaveNet. Logging off... " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn đã truy cập EnclaveNet. Đang đăng xuất..." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:142 msgid "Command?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lệnh?" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:143 msgid "" "Unauthorized activity detected in main computer complex. Security alert. " "Security alert." msgstr "" +"Đã phát hiện hành vi trái phép trong khu phức hợp máy tính chính. Báo động " +"an ninh. Báo động an ninh." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:144 msgid "Initiate welcome program." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bắt đầu chương trình chào mừng." #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:145 dialog/ncsalvat.msg:220 dialog/rcgamble.msg:105 #: game/combatai.msg:41674 msgid "Shit!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứt thật!" #: dialog/ccncomp.msg:146 msgid "Security System Lockout in Progress." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đang tiến hành Khóa an ninh hệ thống." #: dialog/ccomp1.msg:102 msgid "" "You see someone wearing a lab coat complete with pocket protector and a " "stash of pens." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm kín người với miếng bảo hộ " +"túi và một nắm bút." #: dialog/ccomp1.msg:103 msgid "Good day soldier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào cậu lính." #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:103 msgid "Yes soldier?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao thế?" #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:109 msgid "Oh. Uh, What you do?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ. Ờ, làm gì thế?" #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:116 msgid "" "Well... I'm not supposed to allow anyone other than trained personnel to use" " the equipment. It's all rather complex and delicate you understand." msgstr "" +"Ồ... tôi không được phép để những người chưa được đào tạo sử dụng thiết bị. " +"Cậu phải hiểu là thứ này phức tạp và dễ hỏng lắm." #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:118 msgid "I promise not to break it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi hứa sẽ không làm hỏng" #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:119 msgid "" @@ -21740,70 +21786,78 @@ msgid "" "careful please. They'll shoot us both if you damage that machine. Oh, the " "guest password is 'Snookie.'" msgstr "" +"Được rồi. Cậu có thể truy cập vào hệ thống bằng bảng máy tính ở kia. Nhớ làm " +"ơn cẩn thận giùm. Họ sẽ bắn cả hai ta nếu cậu làm hỏng chiếc máy. Ồ, mật " +"khẩu cho khách là \"Snookie\"." #: dialog/ccomp2.msg:127 msgid "Yeah... Cute. Thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ... dễ thương đấy. Cám ơn." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:100 msgid "You see someone in power armor." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:101 msgid "You see the Quartermaster." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Sĩ quan quân nhu." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:102 msgid "" "You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design.\n" " There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor được thiết kế khác lạ.\n" +"Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực mà bạn không nhận ra." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:104 msgid "" "What the... I can see why you're here. You obviously want\n" " to get rid of that antique suit you're wearing." msgstr "" +"Cái gì... Ta có thể thấy tại sao cậu đến đây. Hẳn là cậu muốn\n" +"lột bỏ cái thứ cổ lỗ sĩ đang đeo trên người rồi." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:105 msgid "Why are you out of uniform, soldier?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao lại không mặc quân phục hả, đồ lính?" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:107 msgid "Uh, yeah..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, thì..." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:109 msgid "Me new here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ mới." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:110 msgid "Me not one you soldiers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ không lính của ông!" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:111 msgid "Uh, well..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, thì..." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:112 msgid "I'm new here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi là lính mới." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:113 msgid "I'm not one of your soldiers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không phải lính của ông!" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:114 msgid "Uh, what? Can't think of a good excuse? I'm waiting, soldier!" msgstr "" +"Ừ cái gì? Không nặn ra được lí do nào lọt tai à? Ta đang nghe đây, đồ lính!" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:115 msgid "Me not have uniform yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ chưa có quân phục." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:116 msgid "I don't have a uniform yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi vẫn chưa có quân phục." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:117 msgid "" @@ -21811,18 +21865,21 @@ msgid "" " not your fault. I have a brother just like you. Anyway, are you new here?\n" " I don't recall seeing you before." msgstr "" +"Cậu hơi đần nhỉ? (thở dài) Ồ, không phải lỗi của cậu.\n" +"Ta có thằng em y như cậu. Mà cậu là lính mới ở đây à?\n" +"Ta không nhớ có gặp cậu trước kia." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:118 msgid "Are you new here? I don't recall seeing you before." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lính mới à? Ta không nhớ có từng gặp qua." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:119 msgid "Yes! Me new here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng! Ngộ mới đây!" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:120 msgid "Yes, I'm new here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng vậy, tôi mới đến đây." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:121 msgid "" @@ -21830,146 +21887,167 @@ msgid "" " suit up, and take your weapon. You should report to the Drill Sergeant\n" " afterwards." msgstr "" +"Ồ, thế thì cậu sẽ cần đồ tiêu chuẩn. Đi đến kho khí giới, \n" +"mặc đồ và nhận vũ khí. Sau đó đến báo cáo chỗ \n" +"Trung sĩ huấn luyện." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:123 msgid "" "You're welcome. Now get out of here. I've got work to do and I\n" " don't want to be disturbed." msgstr "" +"Ổn rồi. Giờ thì biến khỏi đây đi. Ta có việc phải là và không\n" +"muốn bị quấy rầy." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:124 msgid "I'm busy right now. Come back later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giờ ta đang bận. Quay lại sau đi." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:125 msgid "" "Hello, recruit. I just got a call from your Sergeant. He says\n" " I'm to suit you up and send you back to him. That right?" msgstr "" +"Chào, tân binh. Ta mới nhận được cuộc gọi của Trung sĩ. Ông ta\n" +"bảo cậu đến nhận đồ rồi quay lại vị trí. Đúng chứ?" #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:127 msgid "" "This base is on alert and I don't recognize you. Show me your\n" " papers, soldier." msgstr "" +"Căn cứ đang có báo động và ta không nhận ra ngươi. Xuất trình\n" +"giấy tờ ra, đồ lính." #: dialog/ccqmstr.msg:132 msgid "" "Wrong answer. You're to carry your papers with you at all times\n" " and you should know that!" msgstr "" +"Trả lời sai rồi. Lúc nào mày cũng phải mang giấy tờ theo \n" +"và mày phải biết điều đó!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:100 msgid "You see a man in a military uniform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:101 msgid "You see Quincy, the mechanic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Quincy, thợ cơ khí." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:102 msgid "" "You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think\n" " he is more of a mechanic than a soldier." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục. Nhìn mấy vết dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ\n" +"ông ta giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:103 msgid "" "Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tên là Quincy, cậu lính. Sao cậu lại vỗ vai ta rồi đần mặt ra thế?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:104 msgid "Me need ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ cần hỏi ông chuyện." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:106 msgid "Hi. I need to ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào. Tôi cần hỏi mấy thứ." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:108 msgid "All right, but make it quick. I have inventory to do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi, nhưng nhanh lên nhé. Ta còn phải xếp hàng nữa." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:109 dialog/epac11.msg:410 dialog/epac12.msg:410 msgid "What do you need to know?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cần biết gì nào?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:111 msgid "Me look for vertibird plans. Where find?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Tìm đâu?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:112 msgid "Me told by tech me find vertibird plans here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kĩ thuật bảo ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở đây." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:115 msgid "I'm looking for vertibird plans. Do you know where I can find them?" msgstr "" +"Tôi đang tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Ông có biết là cần tìm ở đâu không?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:116 msgid "I was told by a tech that I could find the vertibird plans here." msgstr "" +"Một nhân viên kĩ thuật bảo tôi có thể tìm thấy bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở " +"đây." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:117 msgid "Well, got to go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, tôi đi đây." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:118 msgid "" "This is maintenance. We repair pretty much anything except for the " "vertibirds." msgstr "" +"Đây là phòng bảo trì. Bọn ta sửa gần như mọi thứ, trừ máy bay trực thăng." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:119 msgid "Where vertibird get repair?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Máy bay trực thăng sửa đâu?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:120 msgid "Where do the vertibirds get repaired?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Máy bay trực thăng được sửa ở đâu thế?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:121 msgid "" "They only fit in the hangar or outdoors. You figure it out from there, okay?" msgstr "" +"Chúng chỉ có thể đậu trong khoang chứa hoặc ngoài trời. Đến đấy rồi tự tìm " +"tiếp, được chứ?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:122 msgid "Oh... okay." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ... okay." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:123 msgid "Oh, yeah. I get it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, được. Tôi hiểu rồi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:124 msgid "" "Well... I've got a copy of the plans but I can't just hand them out to\n" " anyone who asks for them. What do you want with them?" msgstr "" +"Ồ... Ta có bản sao đây nhưng làm sao ta có thể đưa cho bất kì gã ngốc\n" +"nào đến hỏi được. Cậu cần chúng làm gì?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:125 msgid "Me got friends down south who want." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ có bạn phía Nam muốn." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:126 msgid "Uh... well..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ... thì..." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:127 msgid "I've got some friends down south who want to get their hands on them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có mấy người bạn phía Nam muốn lấy bản vẽ." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:128 msgid "I was told by the Sarge to get them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trung sĩ bảo tôi đến lấy." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:129 msgid "Down south... Holy shit! We've got a spy here! Guards! Alert!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phía Nam... Đậu má! Có gián điệp! Lính gác! Báo động!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:131 msgid "Ooops. Put my foot in it this time." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ ồ. Đạp phải cứt rồi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:132 msgid "" @@ -21978,47 +22056,58 @@ msgid "" " authorization, okay? So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper\n" " paperwork." msgstr "" +"Thiếu một viên nữa là đầy băng rồi ha? Ồ, họ xếp cậu làm lính cũng phải.\n" +"Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cậu mà không có giấy phép\n" +"được, rõ chứ? Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cậu đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ\n" +"đi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:133 msgid "" "Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without authorization, okay?\n" " So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper paperwork." msgstr "" +"Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cậu mà không có giấy phép " +"được, rõ chứ?\n" +"Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cậu đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ đi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:135 msgid "" "No, me shoot you first, find plans second, then... what come after two?" msgstr "" +"Không, ngộ bắn ông số một, tìm bản vẽ số hai, rồi... sau số hai là số mấy " +"nhỉ?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:136 msgid "Hey, you got it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, được rồi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:137 msgid "" "No, I think I'll shoot you instead and look around for the plans while\n" " you bleed." msgstr "" +"Không, chắc là tôi cho ông ăn đạn rồi đi tìm bản vẽ trong lúc ông\n" +"ngáp vì mất máu." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:138 msgid "A tech told you... You mean Raul? Did he send you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kĩ thuật bảo cậu... Ý cậu là Raul? Hắn ta bảo cậu đến đây?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:139 msgid "Uh, yeah." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, đúng thế." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:140 dialog/dcflick.msg:301 dialog/scfelix.msg:121 msgid "Uh, no." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, không." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:141 msgid "Yeah, that's the guy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng, đúng là gã đó." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:142 msgid "No, I don't think it was Raul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, tôi nghĩ đấy không phải là Raul." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:143 msgid "" @@ -22028,74 +22117,84 @@ msgid "" " and ask for them? Fine, they're in the locker over there. Oh and, when you\n" " deliver them, tell that asshole I want to see him." msgstr "" +"Mẹ kiếp! Đầu gã Raul này chắc phải rụng ra nếu không có ai gắn chặt vào đít " +"mất!\n" +"Đây là lần thứ ba trong quý này thằng đầu khấc làm mất bản vẽ rồi! Và giờ " +"hắn ta\n" +"thậm chí còn tụt cả bi vào trong nên không dám đến gặp yêu cầu ta nữa hả? " +"Rồi,\n" +"bản vẽ ở trong tủ khóa ở kia. Ồ, khi nào cầm đến tay thì bảo thằng lìn đấy " +"đến\n" +"đây gặp ta." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:145 msgid "So you're back. Did you get the authorization?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quay lại rồi đấy. Có giấy phép chưa?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:146 msgid "You again? What is it now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lại nữa à? Giờ thì là chuyện gì?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:147 msgid "Yeah, me got plasma rifle. That good enough me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng, ngộ có súng plasma. Ngộ đủ rồi!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:149 msgid "Yeah, I've got a big fucking gun. That's good enough for me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng, tôi có khẩu súng to vãi lìn đây. Thế là đầy đủ giấy tờ rồi chứ!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:151 msgid "Me ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ hỏi chuyện ông." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:152 msgid "Me just say 'Hi'." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ chỉ \"chào\" thôi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:153 dialog/dcvic.msg:1000 dialog/ocjimmy.msg:174 msgid "I need to ask you something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi cần hỏi chút việc." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:154 msgid "Nothing, just saying 'Hi'." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không có gì, chỉ \"chào\" thôi." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:155 msgid "Are you nuts? Walking around here out of uniform? Get suited up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Điên à? Đi loanh quanh mà không mặc quân phục? Đi mặc đồ vào!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:160 msgid "Guard! Intruders in maintenance!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập trong phòng bảo trì!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:164 msgid "Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:165 dialog/ccquincy.msg:302 msgid "I told you not to go through my stuff! Guards!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta đã bảo là đừng có động vào đồ của ta mà! Lính gác đâu!" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:200 msgid "Yeah. Well, don't believe everything you hear." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được. Ồ, đừng có tin mọi thứ nghe được." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:201 msgid "Who told you that? 'Cause he's next after I knock some sense into you." msgstr "" +"Ai bảo cậu thế? Cho cậu một trận xong là ta sẽ đến dạy cho kẻ đó một bài học." #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:300 dialog/gcfestus.msg:900 dialog/gchank.msg:900 msgid "Can't you see that I am busy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không thấy là ta đang bận hả?" #: dialog/ccquincy.msg:301 msgid "Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:101 msgid "You see Raul, the mechanic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Raul, thợ cơ khí." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:102 msgid "" @@ -22103,54 +22202,63 @@ msgid "" " spots you think he is more of a mechanic than a soldier, and a hard working\n" " one to boot." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc bộ quân phục bẩn thỉu. Nhìn vào mấy vết\n" +"dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ người này giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính, hơn nữa còn\n" +"chăm làm lắm." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:103 msgid "" "Sorry, man, but I don't have time to chit-chat, you know? I got to get\n" " this bird working." msgstr "" +"Xin lỗi, em giai, nhưng ta không có thời gian tán nhảm, rõ chứ? Ta còn\n" +"phải làm cho con chim này bay được." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:104 msgid "Doc want fix K-9. He say you got part." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiến sĩ muốn sửa K-9. Ông ta nói ông có bộ phận." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:105 dialog/ncsalvat.msg:556 msgid "Uh... okay." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ... okay." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:106 msgid "Uh, Quincy want see you. He ask me tell you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, Quincy muốn gặp ông. Ông ta bảo tôi nói cho ông biết." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:107 msgid "The doc wants to fix his dog. He sent me for the part." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiến sĩ muốn sửa con chó. Ông ta cử tôi đến lấy bộ phận." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:108 dialog/fcdragon.msg:238 dialog/fclopan.msg:238 #: dialog/hcrsuper.msg:141 dialog/hcrsuper.msg:146 dialog/hcsuper.msg:141 #: dialog/hcsuper.msg:146 msgid "Fine. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rồi. Tạm biệt." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:109 msgid "Raul, Quincy wants to see you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raul, Quincy muốn gặp ông." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:110 msgid "" "Quincy, huh? Well, Raul don't want to see him, man. Raul is tired of\n" " his shit, you know?" msgstr "" +"Quincy à? Ồ, Raul không muốn gặp lão ta, em giai à. Raul chán đống\n" +"cứt đấy lắm rồi, hiểu chứ?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:112 msgid "Quincy say you asshole. You no got balls see him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quincy nói ông đầu lìn. Ông sợ không dám đến." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:114 msgid "" "Quincy said you were an asshole and that you wouldn't have\n" " the balls to report to him." msgstr "" +"Quincy nói rằng ông là đồ đầu lìn, và rằng ông sợ không dám đến\n" +"chỗ ông ta báo cáo." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:115 msgid "" @@ -22158,20 +22266,26 @@ msgid "" " birds? No way, man. Only Raul works on these babies. You know why? Cause\n" " Quincy don't know DICK, man, that's why!" msgstr "" +" Này đứa kia, Raul không để yên cho ai ném cứt đâu nhé. Mày có thấy Quincy\n" +"sửa chim không? Làm đéo có chuyện. Chỉ có Raul mới sửa được mấy bé này thôi." +"\n" +"Biết tại sao không? Vì Quincy đéo biết cái lìn gì, rõ chưa!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:118 msgid "" "Hey, sorry, man. Raul shouldn't be yelling at you, you know? It's\n" " not your fault; you're just the messenger. Hey, man, you busy right now?" msgstr "" +"Này, xin lỗi em giai. Raul không nên quát cậu, hiểu chứ? Đâu phải lỗi của\n" +"cậu; cậu chỉ là người đưa tin. Này, em giai, cậu có đang bận gì không?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:119 msgid "No, me not busy. Why?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ngộ không bận. Sao chứ?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:120 msgid "Not really, why?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không hẳn, sao chứ?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:121 msgid "" @@ -22179,14 +22293,18 @@ msgid "" " Raul's going to clean the old man's clock.\n" " You stay here and watch Raul's birds. Ok?" msgstr "" +"Nghe này, cậu em. Raul sẽ đến chỗ Quincy một lúc, được chứ?\n" +"Raul sẽ đi thông não lão già dịch ấy.\n" +"Cậu em ở đây trông chim giúp Raul. Ok?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:122 msgid "Me watch." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ trông." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:123 msgid "Sure Raul. I'll do it for you, but not just anybody." msgstr "" +"Được chứ Raul. Tôi sẽ giúp ông, nhưng không phải ai tôi cũng hộ đâu nhé." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:124 msgid "" @@ -22194,6 +22312,9 @@ msgid "" " Don't go away and, hey, man, if anybody\n" " screws with Raul's birds, you shoot them in the ass. Ok?" msgstr "" +"Này, cám ơn em giai. Raul nhờ cậu lần này!\n" +"Đừng có rời khỏi đây, và em giai ơi, nếu có thằng nào\n" +"nghịch chim của Raul, cứ dí súng vào đít hắn. Ok?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:126 msgid "" @@ -22201,6 +22322,10 @@ msgid "" " man! Raul's got enough problems without you grunts fucking with things, you\n" " know? Damn flyboys are bad enough!" msgstr "" +"Này, đứa kia, làm cái gì đấy? Tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim sắt\n" +"ngay! Raul có thừa rắc rối rồi, không cần đến đám lính quèn đến phá nữa đâu," +"\n" +"hiểu chứ? Mẹ nó mấy đứa ruồi bay là đủ lắm rồi!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:127 msgid "" @@ -22208,219 +22333,258 @@ msgid "" " Now Raul has to teach you to listen. Come on, man. Take off the fucking\n" " armor and go one on one, mano e mano with Raul." msgstr "" +"Này, Raul đã bảo là tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim tao rồi. Giờ thì\n" +"Raul sẽ dạy cho mày một bài học. Đến đây nào, thằng cờ hó. Tụt bộ giáp\n" +"củ lìn ra vào đây một chọi một, meno e mano, với Raul nào." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:128 msgid "No, me not think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:129 msgid "Screw you, Raul. Me shoot you ass dead!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cút đi, Raul. Ngộ bắn ông nát đít!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:130 msgid "No thanks, you're too tough for me pal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không được đâu sói ạ, sói cứng vãi lìn ai mà dại." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:131 msgid "Why use fists when I have a perfectly good gun?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có khẩu súng ngon thế này thì ngu sao mà phải chơi tay không?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:132 msgid "Then don't fuck with Raul's birds, man! Get out of here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế thì đừng có đmm nghịch chim của Raul nữa! Cút khỏi đây ngay!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:134 msgid "Raul thinks you must be nuts walking around here out of uniform." msgstr "" +"Raul nghĩ cậu em chắc phải điên lắm mới lượn lờ quanh đây mà không mặc quân " +"phục." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:135 msgid "" "Hey, man, if the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand\n" " you your ass." msgstr "" +"Này cậu em, trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục là\n" +"lão ta cho cậu nát mông đấy." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:136 msgid "Why are you out of uniform, man?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao cậu em lại không mặc quân phục thế?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:139 msgid "Guard! Intruders in the hangar!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập vào khoang chứa máy bay!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:140 msgid "Hey, man, what's up? We under attack?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này cậu em, sao thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:141 msgid "Why the alert, man? What's happening?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao lại báo động thế? Có chuyện gì vậy?" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:143 msgid "Raul's going to put you in med lab, man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raul sẽ cho cậu vào bệnh xá đấy, cậu em." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:144 msgid "Hey, man, say your prayers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này cậu em, hãy cầu nguyện đi!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:145 msgid "Raul's going to kick your ass!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raul sẽ cho cậu em một trận!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:146 msgid "" "Hey, man, it's in the locker over there. Take it and tell the doc\n" " Raul says hi." msgstr "" +"Này cậu em, nó ở trong cái tủ khóa đằng kia. Lấy đi và nói với tiến sĩ\n" +"là Raul gửi lời chào nhé." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:150 msgid "" "Hey, man! Raul don't like it when people mess with his shit. Get out, man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này cậu em! Raul không thích người khác vào phá rối đâu. Biến đi." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:151 msgid "Raul told you not to go through his stuff! Guards!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raul đã bảo là không được sờ vào đồ rồi! Lính đâu!" #: dialog/ccraul.msg:200 msgid "Raul heard you were talking shit about him again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raul nghe nói cậu em lại đi nói đểu Raul lần nữa." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:201 msgid "" "This has happened once too often, asshole. Raul's gonna hurt you bad this " "time." msgstr "" +"Nói một lần rồi thì phải biết thân mà cúp mông đi chứ. Raul sẽ dần một trận " +"nhừ tử." #: dialog/ccraul.msg:300 msgid "Can't you see that Raul's busy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không thấy là Raul đang bận à?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:102 msgid "" "You see someone wearing a lab coat with a pocket protector and lots of pens " "stuffed in it. He has that slightly confused look of someone new to a job." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đeo miếng bảo vệ túi có " +"nhét đầy bút bên trong. Ông ta trông có vẻ hơi bối rối như thể chưa quen với " +"công việc." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:103 dialog/cctech2.msg:103 msgid "Yes, sir?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vâng?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:106 msgid "" "I'm new here. I need to ask a few questions to familiarize myself with the " "base." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi mới đến. Tôi cần hỏi vài câu để làm quen với căn cứ." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:107 msgid "Sorry to bother you. I'm just saying hi." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin lỗi đã làm phiền. Tôi chỉ chào hỏi thôi." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:108 msgid "" "I'm a new recruit myself, sir. I don't know if I can answer all your " "questions but I'll try." msgstr "" +"Tôi cũng là nhân viên mới. Tôi không chắc là mình có thể trả lời toàn bộ các " +"câu hỏi, nhưng tôi sẽ cố." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:112 msgid "Where Enclave main base at." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Căn cứ chính Enclave chỗ nào." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:126 msgid "" "This is the comm center. We handle all communications with the main base " "from here." msgstr "" +"Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Chúng tôi xử lí tất cả nội dung liên lạc với căn " +"cứ từ đây." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:129 msgid "" "I'm a comm center technician, second class. I handle all communications with" " main base and I maintain equipment status." msgstr "" +"Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhì. Tôi xử lí tất cả " +"nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ chính và bảo trì tình trạng thiết bị." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:132 msgid "You've got to be kidding, right? " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đùa đấy thôi, phải không? " #: dialog/cctech1.msg:133 msgid "No kid. Where base?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không đùa. Căn cứ đâu?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:134 msgid "Do I look like I'm kidding?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông tôi có giống đang đùa không?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:135 msgid "" "The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San " "Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?" msgstr "" +"Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San " +"Fransico. Liệu tôi có thể biết là anh hỏi làm gì được không?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:136 msgid "No. Reason military. How many way get to base?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Lí do quân sự. Có bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:137 msgid "" "No. This is a military matter. Now, how many ways do you know of to reach " "the base?" msgstr "" +"Không. Đây là bí mật quân sự. Còn giờ, ông biết bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?" #: dialog/cctech1.msg:138 msgid "" "Well... there's the vertibirds, but that's pretty obvious. Then there's the " "tanker down in San Fran. Other than that I guess you'd have to swim." msgstr "" +"Ồ... có máy bay trực thăng, nhưng cách đấy rõ như ban ngày nhỉ. Rồi còn có " +"cái tàu ở San Fran nữa. Ngoài ra thì tôi chắc là chỉ còn mỗi cách tự bơi " +"thôi." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:141 dialog/cctech2.msg:143 msgid "They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúng ở trong phòng bảo trì, bên cạnh phòng kiểm soát không lưu." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:154 dialog/cctech2.msg:156 msgid "If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass." msgstr "" +"Nếu trung sĩ mà bắt được không mặc quân phục thì ông ta sẽ dần cho nát đít " +"đấy." #: dialog/cctech1.msg:162 dialog/cctech2.msg:164 msgid "I'm just a tech, don't shoot me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi chỉ là nhân viên kĩ thuật thôi, đừng bắn tôi!" #: dialog/cctech2.msg:108 msgid "Certainly, soldier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chắc rồi, anh lính." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:126 msgid "" "This is the comm center. From here we handle all communications with the " "main base and any other outposts that have been established." msgstr "" +"Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Tại đây chúng tôi xử lí toàn bộ nội dung liên lạc " +"với căn cứ chính và những tiền đồn đã được tạo lập khác." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:129 msgid "" "I'm a comm center technician, first class. I perform supervisory duties. " "Mainly I make sure the other techs don't screw up." msgstr "" +"Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhất. Tôi thực hiện " +"nhiệm vụ giám sát. Chủ yếu là tôi đảm bảo những người khác không mắc lỗi." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:132 msgid "" "Soldier, that information is on a \"need to know\"-only basis. If you have " "to ask the question then you don't need to know." msgstr "" +"Anh lính, thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản \"cần phải biết\". Nếu anh phải đi " +"hỏi thì tức là anh không cần biết." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:134 msgid "" "Come on, it's not like I'm some damn tribal or something. We're in the same " "outfit; notice the insignia on the armor?" msgstr "" +"Thôi nào, tôi có phải dân toọc đâu. Chúng ta ăn mặc giống nhau mà; có thấy " +"cái phù hiệu trên giáp đây không?" #: dialog/cctech2.msg:136 msgid "" "Yes, sir. The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of " "San Francisco. May I inquire why you are asking, sir?" msgstr "" +"Vâng. Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San " +"Fransico. Tôi có thể biết tại sao anh hỏi vậy không?" #: dialog/cctech2.msg:137 msgid "Soldier, I told you that information is on a \"need to know\"-only basis." msgstr "" +"Anh lính, tôi đã bảo thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản \"cần phải biết\" rồi." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:138 msgid "" @@ -22428,6 +22592,9 @@ msgid "" " base personnel. Now, tell me all the ways you personally know of to get to " "main base." msgstr "" +"Vì lí do an ninh, tôi đang đi kiểm tra mức nhận biết thông tin của nhân sự " +"trong căn cứ. Giờ thì nói cho tôi tất cả những cách mà ông biết để đến được " +"căn cứ chính đi." #: dialog/cctech2.msg:140 msgid "" @@ -22439,200 +22606,223 @@ msgid "" "in his possession. Third, with the proper equipment, you could conceivably " "swim to main base but the probability of survival is next to nil." msgstr "" +"Vâng. Đầu tiên, máy bay trực thăng là phương pháp chính để đi đến căn cứ " +"chính. Do tính phức tạp của hành trình mà rất khó để nhân sự cấp thấp có thể " +"lái máy bay. Thứ hai là có tàu chạy xăng vẫn còn hoạt động ở cảng San " +"Fransico. Tuy nhiên, chiếc tàu này đã bị vô hiệu hóa và cần có bộ mã khóa để " +"khởi động lại. Chỉ huy căn cứ là người đang giữ bộ mã khóa. Thứ ba, nếu có " +"trang thiết bị phù hợp thì có thể bơi đến căn cứ chính nhưng khả năng sống " +"sót gần như bằng 0." #: dialog/cctech.msg:100 msgid "A soldier in a duty uniform." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Một người lính trong đồng phục nhiệm vụ." #: dialog/cctech.msg:101 msgid "Some Pfc-Tech, grade X." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Một vài Pfc-Tech, hạng X." #: dialog/cctech.msg:102 msgid "" "He's wearing a military uniform, but it's clear this guy's more a technician" " than a soldier." msgstr "" +"Ông ta mặc đồng phục quân đội, nhưng rõ ràng người này giống nhân viên kĩ " +"thuật hơn là lính." #: dialog/cctech.msg:103 msgid "Look, how many times I got to tell you goons? Don't get in the way!" msgstr "" +"Này, ta đã bảo lũ lính quèn chúng mày bao nhiêu lần rồi? Đừng có lẩn quẩn " +"vướng chân!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:104 msgid "Don't you have something to shoot?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không còn cái bia nào để bắn à?" #: dialog/cctech.msg:105 msgid "Greetings, trooper." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin chào, lính dù." #: dialog/cctech.msg:106 msgid "Who are you? Guards!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày là ai? Lính gác!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:107 msgid "What the hell is this? Infiltrator on base!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cái củ cải gì thế này? Có kẻ đột nhập trong căn cứ!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:108 msgid "Shit! Where's my gun!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứt thật! Súng để đâu rồi!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:109 msgid "Look, they already searched here and they didn't find anything." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, họ đã đến đây tìm rồi và không phát hiện thấy gì cả." #: dialog/cctech.msg:110 msgid "Jeez, these false alarms make me jumpy as hell." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phù, mấy cái báo động giả này làm tôi sợ cứng cả người." #: dialog/cctech.msg:111 msgid "" "Great, another false alarm. Now we'll have to tear the whole system down and put it back\n" " together again. " msgstr "" +"Hay đấy, lại báo động giả nữa. Giờ thì bọn tôi phải tháo dỡ toàn bộ hệ thống " +"rồi lắp lại\n" +"như cũ." #: dialog/cctech.msg:112 msgid "Goddamn it! Over here! Get the spy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ nó chứ! Ở đây! Đến bắt gián điệp đi!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:113 msgid "Shit! It's an attack! Where's my piece?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứt thật! Bị tấn công rồi! Đồ của tao đâu?" #: dialog/cctech.msg:114 msgid "Shooting? Nobody said there'd be any shooting!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có nổ súng à? Làm đéo có ai nói là sẽ có nổ súng đâu!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:115 msgid "Who the hell are you? Guards!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày là thằng đéo nào thế? Lính gác đâu!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:116 msgid "You're not Enclave! Guards!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày không phải người của Enclave! Lính gác!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:117 msgid "Infiltrators! Saboteurs! Over here!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kẻ đột nhập! Đồ phá hoại! Ở đây!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:118 msgid "Hey, don't mess up the plans. I'm working here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, đừng có làm mọi thứ lộn tùng phèo lên. Tôi đang làm việc." #: dialog/cctech.msg:119 msgid "Where the hell's that gyrovator part?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bộ phận hồi chuyển ở chỗ đéo nào thế?" #: dialog/cctech.msg:120 msgid "Damn fly-boys, always breaking my machines." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ cái lũ ruồi bay, lúc đéo nào cũng làm hỏng máy." #: dialog/cctech.msg:121 msgid "Roger that, we got you on the scope -- don't bother me, I'm working." msgstr "" +"Đã rõ, chúng tôi đã bắt được tín hiệu trên máy quét -- đừng có làm phiền, " +"tôi đang làm việc." #: dialog/cctech.msg:122 msgid "Look, no personal calls allowed, soldier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, không được gọi ai cả, cậu lính." #: dialog/cctech.msg:123 msgid "Sorry, can't help you now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin lỗi, hiện không giúp được." #: dialog/cctech.msg:124 msgid "You have business down here? If not, out of my way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có việc gì ở đây à? Không thì tránh đường." #: dialog/cctech.msg:125 msgid "This is a restricted area, soldier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây là khu vực hạn chế, đồ lính." #: dialog/cctech.msg:126 msgid "Move out of my way, soldier." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tránh đường ra, đồ lính." #: dialog/cctech.msg:127 msgid "What the hell? What's going on up there?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cái đéo gì thế? Trên đấy đang có chuyện gì thế?" #: dialog/cctech.msg:128 msgid "Shit! They've broken in!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứt thật! Chúng nó vào được rồi!" #: dialog/cctech.msg:129 msgid "Those clowns! It's probably just another false alarm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lũ hề này! Chắc là lại báo động giả nữa rồi." #: dialog/ccturret.msg:100 msgid "You see a Plasma Turret." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một Tháp súng Plasma." #: dialog/ccturret.msg:101 msgid "You see a Mk II Plasma Turret." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một Tháp súng Plasma Mk II." #: dialog/ccturret.msg:102 msgid "" "A sign on the turret warns that tampering with it will most likely result in" " death." msgstr "" +"Miếng dán trên tháp súng cảnh báo rằng động vào tháp súng thì gần như chắc " +"chắn chết." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:100 msgid "Greetings, human. I am the warrior Xarn. Are you to be my executioner?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào, người. Ta là chiến binh Xarn. Người là kẻ giết ta?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:102 msgid "No, me here rescue you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ngộ đây cứu ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:103 msgid "Not know. Me want know why you here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không biết. Ngộ muốn biết sao ngươi ở đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:104 msgid "Yes I am." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng vậy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:105 msgid "No, I'm here to rescue you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ta đến để cứu ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:106 msgid "I don't know. I'd like to know why you are here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta không biết. Ta muốn biết sao ngươi lại ở đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:107 msgid "" "So be it. I do not intend to go quietly, human. Let us make this a\n" " battle to remember!" msgstr "" +"Được rồi. Ta không định ngồi yên chịu chết đâu, người. Hãy chiến đấu\n" +"một trận đáng nhớ nào!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:109 msgid "Wait. Me change mind. Why are you here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chờ. Ngộ đổi ý. Sao ngươi ở đây?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:110 msgid "I'm ready. Let's party." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẵn sàng rồi. Chiến nào." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:111 msgid "Wait a minute. Why are you here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chờ một chút đã. Sao ngươi lại ở đây?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:112 msgid "" "I find it hard to believe that an Enclave soldier is here to rescue me.\n" " More likely, you are here to build up my hopes so that you can dash them to pieces." msgstr "" +"Ta thấy thật khó tin rằng một lính Enclave lại đến đây để cứu ta. Đúng hơn " +"là,\n" +"người mang hi vọng đến để làm chúng tan vỡ." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:113 msgid "No. Me here rescue you. Really." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ngộ đây cứu ngươi. Thật." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:114 msgid "Look, I really am here to rescue you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, ta thật sự đến đây để cứu ngươi!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:115 msgid "" @@ -22642,19 +22832,24 @@ msgid "" " the door is securely locked and requires a passkey to open.\n" " Find the key, unlock the door, and grant me my freedom." msgstr "" +"Người là hi vọng cuối cùng nên ta sẽ tin người. Cái cửa\n" +"đằng kia dẫn vào ống thông gió lên khu rừng ở trên.\n" +"Ta có thể trèo qua ống thông để tìm tự do. Tuy nhiên, \n" +"cửa đã bị khóa chặt và cần có chìa để mở.\n" +"Hãy tìm chìa, mở khóa cửa và cho ta được tự do." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:117 dialog/ccxarn.msg:135 dialog/ccxarn.msg:147 msgid "Me think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ nghĩ về chuyện đó." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:118 dialog/hczaius.msg:136 dialog/hczaius.msg:140 #: dialog/hczaius.msg:145 dialog/hczaius.msg:176 dialog/vcdrtroy.msg:275 msgid "Sure, I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, ta sẽ làm vậy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:119 dialog/fcfmatt.msg:142 dialog/qcmartin.msg:183 msgid "I'll think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:120 msgid "" @@ -22664,6 +22859,11 @@ msgid "" " commands, and yet not recognize our status as slaves.\n" " They failed; we are much more intelligent than they suspect." msgstr "" +"(Xarn nhìn bạn chằm chằm một lúc) Được. Enclave tạo ra\n" +"chúng ta làm chiến binh nô lệ. Họ tăng cường trí tuệ cho \n" +"chúng ta với hi vọng chúng ta sẽ hiểu được lệnh rõ hơn, \n" +"nhưng không nhận ra tình trạng nô lệ. Họ đã thất bại; \n" +"chúng ta thông minh hơn nhiều so với những gì họ nghĩ." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:121 msgid "" @@ -22672,6 +22872,10 @@ msgid "" " us outside their control, here on the mainland. Doctor Schreber\n" " opposed their decision, but he was overruled." msgstr "" +"Chúng ta quyết định giả ngu cho đến khi có thể được tự do.\n" +"Cơ hội đã đến khi Enclave quyết định đưa chúng ta ra ngoài\n" +"khu kiểm soát để thử nghiệm tại đây trên lục địa. Tiến sĩ Schreber\n" +"phản đối quyết định này, nhưng ông ta bị áp quyền." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:122 msgid "" @@ -22681,28 +22885,35 @@ msgid "" " to the Enclave my people will be hunted down and slain. I must\n" " escape and warn my people." msgstr "" +"Không chấp nhận quyết định của Enclave, ông ta chọn bị điều đến căn cứ\n" +"này, bắt ta, rồi thực hiện các thí nghiệm để xác định bản chất thực của ta.\n" +"Ông ta đã thành công. Nếu ông ta báo cáo phát hiện của mình cho Enclave\n" +"thì người của ta sẽ bị săn tìm và tiêu diệt. Ta phải trốn thoát và cảnh báo\n" +"người của mình." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:123 msgid "" "(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) I have nothing\n" " to tell you, human. I can sense the darkness of your soul." msgstr "" +"(Xarn nhìn bạn chằm chằm một lúc) Ta không có gì để nói\n" +"với người cả. Ta có thể cảm nhận được sự hắc ám trong tâm người." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:124 msgid "If doctor such threat why you no kill?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nếu tiến sĩ nguy vậy, sao ngươi không giết?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:125 msgid "Screw you then. Me shoot you ass." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bỏ mẹ ngươi đi. Ngộ bắn nát đít." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:126 msgid "If this guy is such a threat, then why didn't you just kill him?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nếu gã đó nguy hiểm đến vậy thì tại sao ngươi không giết hắn ta đi?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:127 msgid "Up yours, then. Die, deathclaw." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Do ngươi thôi. Chết đi, deathclaw." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:128 msgid "" @@ -22711,24 +22922,30 @@ msgid "" " noticed because he stopped seeing me in person. The choice is\n" " no longer mine to make." msgstr "" +"(thở dài) Gần đây ta bắt đầu nghĩ về hành động đó, dù\n" +"ta không muốn phải giết chóc. Ta chắc là tiến sĩ đã nhận ra\n" +"điều đó vì hắn ta không tự mình đến gặp ta nữa. Ta không còn\n" +"có thể tự mình quyết định nữa." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:129 msgid "You not worry. Doctor dead. He not make report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi không lo. Tiến sĩ chết. Ông ta không báo cáo." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:130 msgid "Me thank you for story." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ cám ơn vì câu chuyện." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:131 msgid "" "You don't have to worry. The doc is dead and he\n" " didn't make the report." msgstr "" +"Ngươi không cần phải lo nữa. Tiến sĩ đã chết và\n" +"hắn ta chưa báo cáo đâu." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:132 msgid "Thanks for the story. It was interesting." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn vì câu chuyện. Hấp dẫn đấy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:133 msgid "" @@ -22736,185 +22953,200 @@ msgid "" " better that this is so. I would ask you to help me escape\n" " this place. Will you?" msgstr "" +"Ta rất tiếc khi nghe tin ông ta đã chết nhưng có lẽ\n" +"đó là điều tốt. Ta muốn nhờ người giúp ta thoát khỏi\n" +"chốn này. Được chứ?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:134 dialog/ccxarn.msg:146 msgid "Yes, me do." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, ngộ làm." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:136 dialog/ccxarn.msg:148 msgid "No, me no think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:137 dialog/ccxarn.msg:149 dialog/fcoz7.msg:166 msgid "Yeah, I'll do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, ta sẽ làm." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:138 dialog/ccxarn.msg:150 msgid "No, but I'll think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, nhưng ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:139 dialog/ccxarn.msg:151 dialog/fcdragon.msg:159 #: dialog/fckenlee.msg:172 dialog/fcoz9.msg:206 dialog/hcfranci.msg:138 #: dialog/ocgrutha.msg:195 msgid "No, I don't think so." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ta không nghĩ vậy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:140 msgid "Very well... I will wait here until you come to a decision." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi... ta sẽ chờ ở đây cho đến khi người đưa ra quyết định." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:142 msgid "" "Very well... I am saddened by your decision but it is\n" " your choice. If you change your mind, I will be here." msgstr "" +"Được rồi... Ta thất vọng về quyết định này nhưng đó là\n" +"lựa chọn của người. Nếu người đổi ý thì ta sẽ ở đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:145 msgid "I would ask you to help me escape this place. Will you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta muốn nhờ người giúp ta thoát khỏi chốn này. Được chứ?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:152 msgid "Hello again. Are you ready for our battle?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào lần nữa. Người đã sẵn sàng cho trận chiến chưa?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:153 msgid "No want fight, want hear you story." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không muốn đấu, muốn nghe câu chuyện của ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:154 msgid "Me not want fight. Me here rescue you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngộ không muốn đấu. Ngộ đến cứu ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:155 msgid "No. Me go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ngộ đi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:157 msgid "I don't really want to fight. Can I hear your story instead?" msgstr "" +"Ta không thực sự muốn chiến đấu. Liệu ta có thể nghe chuyện của ngươi không?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:158 msgid "I'm here to rescue you, not fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta đến để cứu ngươi, không phải đến để chiến đấu." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:159 msgid "No. I'll be leaving now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ta đi giờ đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:160 msgid "All right, let's get it over with." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi, kết thúc nào." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:161 dialog/ccxarn.msg:164 msgid "Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin chào lần nữa. Người đã đổi ý chưa? Người sẽ giúp ta?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:166 msgid "No. Me still think about it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ngộ vẫn nghĩ về việc đó." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:167 msgid "No. Me not help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ngộ không giúp." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:168 msgid "No, I'm still thinking." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, ta vẫn đang nghĩ." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:169 msgid "I don't want to help you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta không muốn giúp ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:170 msgid "Hello again. Have you found the key to the door?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin chào lần nữa. Người đã tìm thấy chìa để mở cửa chưa?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:171 msgid "Yes, me open for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rồi, ngộ mở cho ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:173 msgid "Yeah, I've got it. I'll open the door for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây, ta tìm được rồi. Ta sẽ mở cửa cho ngươi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:175 msgid "Thank you. I will not forget this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn. Ta sẽ không quên ơn này đâu." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:177 msgid "You are welcome." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không có gì." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:178 msgid "Thank you again, my friend. I owe you a debt that can not be repaid." msgstr "" +"Cám ơn lần nữa, bạn của ta. Ta nợ bạn món nợ chẳng thể nào trả hết được này." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:179 msgid "" "Greetings, human. The base is on full alert. Are you by any chance the " "cause?" msgstr "" +"Xin chào, người. Căn cứ đang ở cấp báo động cao nhất. Liệu có phải người là " +"nguyên nhân?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:180 msgid "Hello again. The base is on full alert. Are you the cause?" msgstr "" +"Xin chào lần nữa. Căn cứ đang ở cấp báo động cao nhất. Có phải người là " +"nguyên nhân?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:181 msgid "Yes, me cause. Who you, why you want know?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phải, ngộ làm. Ngươi ai, sao ngươi muốn biết?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:182 msgid "Yes, me cause. Why?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng, ngộ làm. Sao chứ?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:183 msgid "" "I am Xarn, pack warrior. Allow me to join you and fight at your side for our" " freedom. Together we stand a chance; alone... who knows?" msgstr "" +"Ta là Xarn, chiến binh của bầy. Hãy để ta đi cùng người và chiến đấu vì tự " +"do. Cùng nhau chúng ta sẽ có cơ hội; đơn lẻ... ai mà biết được?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:184 msgid "" "Then allow me to join you and fight at your side. Together\n" " we may be able to gain our freedom; alone... who knows?" msgstr "" +"Vậy thì hãy để ta đi cùng người kề vai chiến đấu. Cùng nhau\n" +"chúng ta có thể lấy lại được tự do; đơn lẻ... ai mà biết được?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:185 msgid "Before me decide you tell why you here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trước khi ngộ quyết định, nói sao ngươi ở đây?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:186 dialog/ccxarn.msg:191 msgid "Uh... okay. You come me. We fight way out together." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ... okay. Ngươi đi với ngộ. Chúng ta chiến đấu mở đường cùng nhau." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:187 dialog/ccxarn.msg:192 msgid "You on you own. Me out of here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi tự lo thân. Ngộ đi đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:188 msgid "Before I come to any decision I'd like to know why you're here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trước khi ta đưa ra quyết định, ta muốn biết tại sao ngươi ở đây?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:189 dialog/ccxarn.msg:193 msgid "Fine. We're in this together. Load up your claws and let's party down!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi. Chúng ta sẽ đi cùng nhau. Giương vuốt lên và cùng chiến nào!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:190 dialog/ccxarn.msg:194 msgid "You're on your own pal. I'm out of here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Anh bạn tự lo thân nhé. Ta sẽ đi khỏi đây." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:195 msgid "" "I thank you, human. Let us kick some Enclave ass! Pack Gruthar! Grrrrrrrhh!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn, người. Chúng ta sẽ đi làm thịt đám Enclave! Bầy Gruthar! Gào!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:201 msgid "Yes. Who are you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng. Ngươi là ai?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:202 dialog/vcmainwk.msg:167 msgid "Yes. Why?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng vậy. Sao chứ?" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:300 msgid "" @@ -22923,6 +23155,10 @@ msgid "" " commands, and yet not recognize our status as slaves. They failed; we are\n" " much more intelligent than they suspect." msgstr "" +"Được rồi. Enclave đã tạo ra chúng ta làm chiến binh nô lệ. Họ tăng cường\n" +"trí tuệ cho chúng ta với hi vọng chúng ta sẽ hiểu được lệnh rõ hơn, nhưng\n" +"không nhận ra tình trạng nô lệ. Họ đã thất bại; chúng ta thông minh hơn\n" +"nhiều so với những gì họ nghĩ." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:301 msgid "" @@ -22930,6 +23166,12 @@ msgid "" " chance arrived when the Enclave decided to test us outside their control, here\n" " on the mainland. Doctor Schreber opposed their decision, but he was overruled." msgstr "" +"Chúng ta quyết định giả ngu cho đến khi có thể được tự do. Cơ hội đã đến " +"khi\n" +"Enclave quyết định đưa chúng ta ra ngoài khu kiểm soát để thử nghiệm tại " +"đây\n" +"trên lục địa. Tiến sĩ Schreber phản đối quyết định này, nhưng ông ta bị áp " +"quyền." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:302 msgid "" @@ -22938,82 +23180,96 @@ msgid "" " been successful. When he reports his findings to the Enclave my people will be\n" " hunted down and slain. I must escape and warn my people." msgstr "" +"Không chấp nhận quyết định của Enclave, ông ta chọn bị điều đến căn cứ này, " +"bắt ta,\n" +"rồi thực hiện các thí nghiệm để xác định bản chất thực của ta. Ông ta đã " +"thành công.\n" +"Nếu ông ta báo cáo phát hiện của mình cho Enclave thì người của ta sẽ bị săn " +"tìm và \n" +"tiêu diệt. Ta phải trốn thoát và cảnh báo người của mình." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:500 msgid "" "You are a true Pack brother. May we meet again in more peaceful times.\n" " I must go now to prepare my people for war." msgstr "" +"Người đúng là huynh đệ tốt của Bầy. Hi vọng chúng ta sẽ gặp lại nhau trong\n" +"thời bình. Giờ ta phải đi để chuẩn bị bầy cho cuộc chiến." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:501 msgid "I am going to tear off your limbs and beat you with them." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẽ bẻ gãy tay chân người và dùng chúng đánh người." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:502 dialog/ocgrutha.msg:202 msgid "Die, treacherous human!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chết đi, loại người gian trá!" #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:503 msgid "This will hurt you a lot more than it does me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Việc này sẽ khiến ngươi đau đơn hơn ta nhiều đấy." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:600 msgid "Together we will crush our enemies." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau nghiền nát kẻ địch." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:601 msgid "You line 'em up and I'll knock 'em down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy xếp chúng thành hàng và ta sẽ đánh ngã chúng." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:602 msgid "Time for some serious head bashing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đã đến lúc giã đầu thật mạnh rồi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:700 dialog/ocdar.msg:100 dialog/ocjul.msg:100 #: dialog/octhearn.msg:100 dialog/ocvaldis.msg:100 msgid "You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:701 msgid "You see Xarn, the Deathclaw." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Xarn, con Deathclaw." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:702 msgid "" "You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, " "sharp teeth, and long claws." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một con deathclaw thông thường. Con quái vật to lớn có thân thể " +"mạnh mẽ, hàm răng sắc nhọn và móng vuốt dài." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:800 msgid "You killed Xarn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã giết Xarn." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:810 msgid "You freed Xarn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã giải cứu Xarn." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:820 msgid "You joined Xarn." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã tham gia cùng Xarn." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:900 msgid "" "No. Me here rescue you. Really. Me already open door for leave. You go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Ngộ đây cứu ngươi. Thật. Ngộ đã mở cửa ra rồi. Ngươi đi." #: dialog/ccxarn.msg:901 msgid "" "Look, I really am here to rescue you! I already unlocked the other door. You" " are free to leave." msgstr "" +"Này, ta thật sự đến đây để cứu ngươi! Ta đã mở khóa cánh cửa rồi. Ngươi có " +"thể rời đi." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:100 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:100 msgid "You open the dresser and find rows of files and notes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn mở cửa tủ và tìm thấy hàng đống tài liệu cùng giấy tờ." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:101 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:101 msgid "Search the dresser." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tìm kiếm trong tủ." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:102 dialog/epai2.msg:103 dialog/fschesta.msg:115 #: dialog/fschesta.msg:131 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:102 dialog/ncslots.msg:195 @@ -23021,22 +23277,24 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/vicencom.msg:257 dialog/zislots.msg:2110 dialog/zislots.msg:2176 #: dialog/zislots.msg:2186 msgid "Leave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rời khỏi." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:103 msgid "" "As you search through the records in the dresser, you notice a thin leather " "briefcase stuffed carefully far in the back." msgstr "" +"Trong lúc tìm kiếm qua các bản lưu trong tủ, bạn để ý thấy một chiếc vali da " +"mỏng được cất cẩn thận tít phía đằng trong." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:104 dialog/chadshlf.msg:107 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:104 #: dialog/hicdshlf.msg:107 msgid "Pull out briefcase." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kéo vali ra." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:105 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:105 msgid "Ignore and continue perusing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bỏ qua và tiếp tục lục lọi." #: dialog/chadshlf.msg:106 dialog/hicdshlf.msg:106 msgid "" @@ -23044,21 +23302,29 @@ msgid "" " documenting every moment of his life. He's a pretty boring guy actually. Just as you are about to close the drawers, you\n" " hear a cough from the front door and a handle turning..." msgstr "" +"30 phút trôi qua và bạn không tìm thấy gì quan trọng. Tất cả những gì bạn " +"tìm được là Chad đã ghi lại từng\n" +"khoảng khắc trong đời hắn. Đúng là một gã chán đời. Đúng lúc bạn sắp đóng " +"ngăn tủ, bạn nghe có tiếng ho ngoài\n" +"cửa trước và tay nắm đang xoay..." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:100 dialog/epai3.msg:100 dialog/epai32.msg:100 #: dialog/qinuke.msg:100 msgid "You see a functional computer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một chiếc máy tính vẫn hoạt động." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:101 msgid "You see the air traffic control terminal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy bảng máy tính kiểm soát không lưu." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:102 msgid "" "Welcome to air traffic control. This terminal controls satellite alignment for the movement of Vertibirds.\n" " Please enter a command." msgstr "" +"Chào mừng đến với kiểm soát không lưu. Bảng máy tính này điều khiển việc bố " +"trí vệ tinh cho Máy bay\n" +"trực thăng di chuyển. Vui lòng nhập lệnh." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:103 dialog/cisactrl.msg:108 dialog/civerti.msg:202 #: dialog/civerti.msg:205 dialog/civerti.msg:211 dialog/civerti.msg:222 @@ -23071,28 +23337,28 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/oscomptr.msg:340 dialog/oscomptr.msg:351 dialog/oscomptr.msg:375 #: dialog/oscomptr.msg:521 dialog/qinuke.msg:202 dialog/qinuke.msg:227 msgid "Log off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đăng xuất." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:104 msgid "Align satellite to receive Enclave coordinates." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xếp vệ tinh để nhận tọa độ của Enclave." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:105 msgid "Satellite realigning. One moment please..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đang căn chỉnh lại vệ tinh. Vui lòng chờ một lúc..." #: dialog/cisactrl.msg:107 msgid "" "Realignment successful. Docking rig ready to receive incoming aircrafts." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Căn chỉnh lại thành công. Giàn neo đậu đã sẵn sàng đón tiếp máy bay." #: dialog/civerti.msg:100 msgid "You see a large aircraft." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một chiếc máy bay lớn." #: dialog/civerti.msg:101 dialog/ncheli.msg:175 dialog/newrvb.msg:130 msgid "You see a Vertibird." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một chiếc Máy bay trực thăng." #: dialog/civerti.msg:200 dialog/civerti.msg:300 msgid "" @@ -23100,48 +23366,61 @@ msgid "" "PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between Enclave " "Vertibird squad and docking rig. Command?" msgstr "" +"[Bạn trèo lên máy bay và truy cập vào bảng máy lái]. Chào mừng đến với " +"PoseidoNet. Bảng máy tính này được giới hạn cho việc truyền tin giữa đội " +"Trực thăng Enclave và giàn neo đậu. Lệnh?" #: dialog/civerti.msg:201 dialog/civerti.msg:301 msgid "Status." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trạng thái." #: dialog/civerti.msg:203 msgid "" "This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from the Navarro outpost, to the docking rig, and back again.\n" " All procedures are fully automated and thus no intervention by crew members is needed. Current fuel status is: Full." msgstr "" +"Máy bay chỉ có đủ nguyên liệu để bay một vòng từ tiền đồn Navarro đến giàn " +"neo rồi quay lại. Tất cả các bước\n" +"đều được tự động hoàn toàn và thành viên đội bay không cần can thiệp. Trạng " +"thái xăng hiện tại: Đầy bình." #: dialog/civerti.msg:204 msgid "Fly to Oil Rig." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bay đến Giàn khoan dầu." #: dialog/civerti.msg:206 msgid "" "Error. Yellow Reactor Keycard not inserted. All pilots are issued this card upon clearance for takeoff.\n" " Automated flight cannot occur without the presence of this clearance card." msgstr "" +"Lỗi. Thẻ chìa hạt nhân vàng chưa được nhét vào. Tất cả phi công đều được cấp " +"thẻ này khi nhận lệnh cất cánh.\n" +"Không thể thực hiện chuyến bay tự động nếu thiếu thẻ cất cánh." #: dialog/civerti.msg:207 msgid "Insert card." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nhét thẻ vào." #: dialog/civerti.msg:208 msgid "Shit. Looks like I will have to find this card." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứt thật. Có vẻ như mình phải đi tìm thẻ này." #: dialog/civerti.msg:209 msgid "Keycard accepted. Aircraft is now activated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xác nhận thẻ. Máy bay đã được kích hoạt." #: dialog/civerti.msg:210 dialog/civerti.msg:221 msgid "Run pre-flight diagnostics." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chạy trình chẩn đoán trước khi bay." #: dialog/civerti.msg:212 msgid "" "Beginning system diagnostics...35% complete...75% complete...100% complete. " "All systems appear operational. Checking for response from docking rig..." msgstr "" +"Bắt đầu chẩn đoán hệ thống... hoàn thành 35%... hoàn thành 75%... hoàn thành " +"100%. Toàn bộ hệ thống đều đang hoạt động. Đang kiểm tra phản hồi từ giàn " +"neo..." #: dialog/civerti.msg:214 msgid "" @@ -23149,34 +23428,41 @@ msgid "" "automated docking with Oil Rig. Please make sure docking rig is aware of the" " presence of incoming aircrafts." msgstr "" +"Không nhận được tín hiệu trả lời từ giàn neo. Lí do: Vệ tinh chưa được căn " +"chỉnh để đậu tự động trên Dàn khoan dầu. Vui lòng đảm bảo rằng giàn neo biết " +"về máy bay sắp đến." #: dialog/civerti.msg:215 msgid "Hmm... Looks like I will have to find a way to align the satellites." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm... Có vẻ như mình phải tìm cách căn chỉnh vệ tinh." #: dialog/civerti.msg:216 dialog/hcenchb.msg:104 dialog/mcmiria.msg:218 msgid "Urg?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Urg?" #: dialog/civerti.msg:220 msgid "Aircraft currently activated. Command?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Máy bay hiện đã kích hoạt. Lệnh?" #: dialog/civerti.msg:230 msgid "" "Test signal received. Retrieving docking coordinates... complete. Aircraft " "ready for takeoff." msgstr "" +"Đã nhận tín hiệu kiểm tra. Đang nhận tọa độ điểm hạ cánh... hoàn tất. Máy " +"bay đã sẵn sàng cất cánh." #: dialog/civerti.msg:231 dialog/fstnkcmp.msg:106 msgid "Go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đi." #: dialog/civerti.msg:240 msgid "" "Aircraft is locked in on target. Flight time is approximately 6 hours. Enjoy" " your flight." msgstr "" +"Máy bay đã được khóa tọa độ. Thời gian bay xấp xỉ 6 tiếng. Hãy tận hưởng " +"chuyến bay." #: dialog/civerti.msg:241 msgid "" @@ -23184,32 +23470,41 @@ msgid "" " aches, and I don't remember the last time I ate a decent meal. These are the moments we live for. There's no turning back.\n" " It's time to show the world what " msgstr "" +"Chính là đây -- thời điểm của sự thật. Bộ tộc đang gặp rắc rối và mọi chuyện " +"đều phụ thuộc vào ta. Chân mỏi nhừ, toàn thân\n" +"ê ẩm, chẳng nhớ lần cuối được ăn một bữa ra hồn lúc nào. Đây là khoảng khắc " +"chúng ta tồn tại. Không còn đường lùi.\n" +"Đã đến lúc cho thế giới thấy " #: dialog/civerti.msg:242 msgid " is made of. Bring it on, Enclave!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " chúng ta là ai. Hãy đến nào, Enclave!" #: dialog/civerti.msg:243 msgid "Hehe... Fly birdie, fly! " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hehe... Bay đi chim, bay! " #: dialog/civerti.msg:244 msgid " save day now." -msgstr "" +msgstr " ngày cứu thế rồi." #: dialog/civerti.msg:303 msgid "" "This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from the Navarro outpost, to the docking rig, and back again.\n" " All procedures are fully automated and thus no intervention by crew members is needed. Current fuel status is: Empty." msgstr "" +"Máy bay chỉ có đủ nguyên liệu để bay một vòng từ tiền đồn Navarro đến giàn " +"neo rồi quay lại. Tất cả các bước\n" +"đều được tự động hoàn toàn và thành viên đội bay không cần can thiệp. Trạng " +"thái xăng hiện tại: Cạn kiệt." #: dialog/containr.msg:100 dialog/cstouch.msg:100 msgid "You see a wooden crate." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy chiếc thùng gỗ." #: dialog/containr.msg:101 dialog/cstouch.msg:101 msgid "You see a metal locker." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy tủ khóa thép." #: dialog/containr.msg:102 dialog/cstouch.msg:102 msgid "" @@ -23217,6 +23512,9 @@ msgid "" " lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame, which\n" " you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một chiếc thùng chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng \n" +"cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung, mà bạn \n" +"có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:103 dialog/cstouch.msg:103 msgid "" @@ -23224,6 +23522,9 @@ msgid "" " explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to\n" " pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa \n" +"và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn\n" +"có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:104 dialog/cstouch.msg:104 msgid "" @@ -23231,6 +23532,9 @@ msgid "" " a highly explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able\n" " to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử\n" +"cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:105 dialog/cstouch.msg:105 msgid "" @@ -23238,6 +23542,9 @@ msgid "" " explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry\n" " open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ rét và\n" +"bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử\n" +"cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:106 dialog/cstouch.msg:106 msgid "" @@ -23245,24 +23552,33 @@ msgid "" " lockpicks) and a trap in the frame, which you may be able to\n" " pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng\n" +"cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy trên khung, mà bạn có thể thử\n" +"cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:107 dialog/cstouch.msg:107 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in\n" " the frame, which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên\n" +"khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:108 dialog/cstouch.msg:108 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có\n" +"khóa nhưng có bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:109 dialog/cstouch.msg:109 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap\n" " in the frame, which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét\n" +"và bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:110 dialog/cstouch.msg:110 msgid "" @@ -23270,12 +23586,17 @@ msgid "" " lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame, which you may be\n" " able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử\n" +"cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:111 dialog/cstouch.msg:111 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire\n" " in the frame, which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và một đoạn dây thép\n" +"bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:112 dialog/cstouch.msg:112 msgid "" @@ -23283,544 +23604,661 @@ msgid "" " a severed wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry\n" " open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử\n" +"cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:113 dialog/cstouch.msg:113 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut\n" " wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và\n" +"đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:114 dialog/cstouch.msg:114 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks), which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:115 dialog/cstouch.msg:115 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it, which you may be\n" " able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa mà bạn có thể\n" +"thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:116 dialog/cstouch.msg:116 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device,\n" " which you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không\n" +"có khóa mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:117 dialog/cstouch.msg:117 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock, which\n" " you may be able to pry open." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét\n" +"mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:118 dialog/cstouch.msg:118 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:119 dialog/cstouch.msg:119 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy\n" +"thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:120 dialog/cstouch.msg:120 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:121 dialog/cstouch.msg:121 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét\n" +"và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:122 dialog/cstouch.msg:122 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:123 dialog/cstouch.msg:123 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in\n" " the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên\n" +"khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:124 dialog/cstouch.msg:124 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:125 dialog/cstouch.msg:125 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét\n" +"và bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:126 dialog/cstouch.msg:126 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:127 dialog/cstouch.msg:127 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và đoạn dây thép\n" +"bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:128 dialog/cstouch.msg:128 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a severed wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:129 dialog/cstouch.msg:129 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut\n" " wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét\n" +"và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:130 dialog/cstouch.msg:130 msgid "" "You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) on it." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) bên trên." #: dialog/containr.msg:131 dialog/cstouch.msg:131 msgid "You see a sturdy container with a lock on it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:132 dialog/cstouch.msg:132 msgid "You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:133 dialog/cstouch.msg:133 msgid "You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét." #: dialog/containr.msg:134 dialog/cstouch.msg:134 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để \n" +"mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:135 dialog/cstouch.msg:135 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn tháy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ\n" +"nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:136 dialog/cstouch.msg:136 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa nhưng\n" +"có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:137 dialog/cstouch.msg:137 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy\n" +"thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:138 dialog/cstouch.msg:138 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để\n" +"mở) và bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:139 dialog/cstouch.msg:139 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a trap in\n" " the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy\n" +"trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:140 dialog/cstouch.msg:140 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:141 dialog/cstouch.msg:141 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a trap\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy\n" +"trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:142 dialog/cstouch.msg:142 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để mở)\n" +"và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:143 dialog/cstouch.msg:143 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a severed wire\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và đoạn dây thép bị đứt\n" +"trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:144 dialog/cstouch.msg:144 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a severed wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:145 dialog/cstouch.msg:145 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a cut\n" " wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn\n" +"dây thép bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:146 dialog/cstouch.msg:146 msgid "" "You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks)." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở)." #: dialog/containr.msg:147 dialog/cstouch.msg:147 msgid "You see a damaged container with a lock on it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:148 dialog/cstouch.msg:148 msgid "You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:149 dialog/cstouch.msg:149 msgid "You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét." #: dialog/containr.msg:150 dialog/cstouch.msg:150 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để\n" +"mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:151 dialog/cstouch.msg:151 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock on it and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ\n" +"nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:152 dialog/cstouch.msg:152 msgid "" "You see an old container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a highly explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:153 dialog/cstouch.msg:153 msgid "" "You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a highly\n" " explosive trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy\n" +"thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:154 dialog/cstouch.msg:154 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:155 dialog/cstouch.msg:155 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock on it and a trap in\n" " the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy trên\n" +"khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:156 dialog/cstouch.msg:156 msgid "" "You see an old container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a trap in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:157 dialog/cstouch.msg:157 msgid "" "You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a trap\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và\n" +"bẫy trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:158 dialog/cstouch.msg:158 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:159 dialog/cstouch.msg:159 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock on it and a severed wire\n" " in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và đoạn dây thép\n" +"bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:160 dialog/cstouch.msg:160 msgid "" "You see an old container with no apparent locking device and\n" " a severed wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa\n" +"nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:161 dialog/cstouch.msg:161 msgid "" "You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a cut\n" " wire in the frame." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn\n" +"dây thép bị cắt trên khung." #: dialog/containr.msg:162 dialog/cstouch.msg:162 msgid "" "You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with\n" " lockpicks)." msgstr "" +"Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa\n" +"để mở)." #: dialog/containr.msg:163 dialog/cstouch.msg:163 msgid "You see an old container with a lock on it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:164 dialog/cstouch.msg:164 msgid "You see an old container with no apparent locking device." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:165 dialog/cstouch.msg:165 msgid "You see an old container with an old, rusty lock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét." #: dialog/containr.msg:170 dialog/cstouch.msg:170 msgid "You deftly pick the lock on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:171 dialog/cstouch.msg:171 msgid "Your lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kĩ năng kém cỏi của bạn đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:172 dialog/cstouch.msg:172 msgid "You fail to pick the lock on this container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này." #: dialog/containr.msg:173 dialog/cstouch.msg:173 msgid " deftly picks the lock on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:174 dialog/cstouch.msg:174 msgid "'s lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "do thiếu kĩ năng đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa này." #: dialog/containr.msg:175 dialog/cstouch.msg:175 msgid " failed to pick the lock on this container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " đã không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này." #: dialog/containr.msg:176 dialog/cstouch.msg:176 msgid "You bust the lock off the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:181 dialog/cstouch.msg:181 msgid " busts the lock off the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:189 dialog/cstouch.msg:189 msgid "You deftly lock the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn khéo léo khóa thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:190 dialog/cstouch.msg:190 msgid "You fail to lock the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không khóa được thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:191 dialog/cstouch.msg:191 msgid " deftly locks the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " khéo léo khóa thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:192 dialog/cstouch.msg:192 msgid " failed to lock the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " đã không khóa được thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:193 dialog/cstouch.msg:193 msgid "The explosives don't even put a scratch on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thuốc nổ thậm chí còn chẳng làm xước nổi thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:194 dialog/cstouch.msg:194 msgid "You find a trap on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:195 dialog/cstouch.msg:195 msgid "You fail to find any traps on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:199 dialog/cstouch.msg:199 msgid " finds a trap on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:200 dialog/cstouch.msg:200 msgid " fails to find any traps on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:203 dialog/cstouch.msg:203 msgid "The container appears to be locked." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thùng chứa có vẻ như đã bị khóa." #: dialog/containr.msg:204 dialog/cstouch.msg:204 msgid "You notice a trap on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn nhận thấy có bẫy trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:205 dialog/cstouch.msg:205 msgid " notices a trap on the container jamb." -msgstr "" +msgstr " nhận thấy có bẫy trên khung thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:206 dialog/cstouch.msg:206 msgid "" "You are unable to place a trap on this container, because\n" " the container is open." msgstr "" +"Bạn không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa\n" +"đang mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:207 dialog/cstouch.msg:207 msgid "" " is unable to place a trap on this container, because the\n" " container is open." msgstr "" +" không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa\n" +"đang mở." #: dialog/containr.msg:208 dialog/cstouch.msg:208 msgid "You skillfully set a trap in the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:209 dialog/cstouch.msg:209 msgid "You fail to properly set the trap in the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:210 dialog/cstouch.msg:210 msgid " skillfully sets a trap on the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:211 dialog/cstouch.msg:211 msgid " fails to properly set the trap in the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr " không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:212 dialog/cstouch.msg:212 msgid "You see a refrigerator." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một cái tủ lạnh." #: dialog/containr.msg:400 dialog/cstouch.msg:400 msgid "You unlock the container." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn mở khóa thùng chứa." #: dialog/containr.msg:601 dialog/cstouch.msg:601 dialog/door.msg:601 msgid "It is open, dummy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đang mở rồi, đồ ngốc." #: dialog/containr.msg:610 dialog/cstouch.msg:610 dialog/door.msg:610 msgid "You fail spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm." #: dialog/containr.msg:611 dialog/cstouch.msg:611 dialog/door.msg:611 msgid " fails spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely." -msgstr "" +msgstr " thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm." #: dialog/containr.msg:620 dialog/cstouch.msg:620 dialog/door.msg:620 msgid "You bend the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi." #: dialog/containr.msg:621 dialog/cstouch.msg:621 dialog/door.msg:621 msgid " bends the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now." -msgstr "" +msgstr " bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi." #: dialog/cowbomb.msg:100 msgid "" "You have a funny feeling about this place. The enchanting smell of cow dung" " and rotting flesh emanates a few feet from here." msgstr "" +"Bạn có cảm giác kì quặc về nơi này. Mùi phân bò và thịt thối nồng nặc bốc " +"lên cách đây mấy bước chân." #: dialog/cstouch.msg:800 msgid "You retrieved the fob." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã lấy được chìa khóa." #: dialog/cstouch.msg:810 msgid "You retrieved the plans." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận được bản vẽ." #: dialog/cstouch.msg:820 dialog/ctk9part.msg:100 msgid "You retrieved the K-9 motivator." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận được động cơ của K-9." #: dialog/csvent.msg:100 msgid "You see a boulder." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một tảng đá." #: dialog/csvent.msg:101 msgid "You see a camouflaged ventilation shaft." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một khe thông gió được giấu kín." #: dialog/csvent.msg:102 game/proto.msg:493 msgid "You see nothing out of the ordinary." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không thấy có gì đặc biệt." #: dialog/csvent.msg:120 msgid "You cannot go back up the ventilation shaft." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn không thể trở vào khe thông gió." #: dialog/csvent.msg:200 msgid "You see a ventilation shaft." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một khe thông gió." #: dialog/csxdoor.msg:100 msgid "This door requires a passkey to unlock." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cần có khóa mã để mở cánh cửa này." #: dialog/csxdoor.msg:101 msgid "Using the pass key, you unlock the door." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sử dụng khóa mã, bạn mở cửa." #: dialog/ctfob.msg:100 msgid "You retrieved the tanker fob." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận được chìa khóa tàu chở dầu." #: dialog/ctplans.msg:100 msgid "You retrieved the Vertibird plans." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận được bản vẽ Máy bay trực thăng." #: dialog/ctsound.msg:100 msgid "This laboratory appears to be heavily soundproofed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Căn phòng thí nghiệm này có vẻ như được cách âm rất kín." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:101 msgid "You see a man covered in dirt and filth." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một người đàn ông ngập trong bụi đất và rác bẩn." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:102 msgid "You see a woman covered in dirt and filth." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một phụ nữ ngập trong bụi đất và rác bẩn." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:104 msgid "" "I want you and your friends out of this building. It's come to my attention that Mom intends to turn this place\n" " into an orphanage to get all those homeless children off the streets. And she can't do that with you squatting here." msgstr "" +"Tôi muốn ông và lũ bạn ra khỏi tòa nhà này. Tôi biết là Bà Má định biến nơi " +"này thành một trại trẻ mồ côi và giúp\n" +"lũ trẻ vô gia cư không phải bám đường nữa. Và bà ấy không thể làm vậy nếu " +"các người cứ chầu ở đây." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:105 msgid "" "[He snickers uneasily and glances at his fellow squatters for support.] Mom knows the deal. We're not going anywhere\n" " until she coughs up the money. So unless you brought us a million coins, fuck off." msgstr "" +"[Hắn ta cười khẩy một cách chịu rồi liếc nhìn đám đồng bọn sống nhờ tìm kiếm " +"sự trợ giúp]. Bà Má phải biết chứ. Bọn ta sẽ\n" +"không đi đâu cho đến khi bà ta nôn tiền ra. Vì vậy trừ phi ngươi mang một " +"triệu xu đến đây, không thì biến." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:106 msgid "" "Look, Mom doesn't have that kind of money, and even if she did, she'd never pay you, so just forget it. Why not show\n" " some decency and go squat someplace else? Those homeless kids need this place a hell of a lot more than you do." msgstr "" +"Xem này, Bà Má đào đâu ra khoản tiền đấy, mà nếu có thì bà ấy cũng không bao " +"giờ đưa cho mấy người đâu, quên đi. Sao\n" +"không tốt tính lên một chút và đi chầu chỗ khác ấy? Lũ trẻ vô gia cư cần nơi " +"này hơn bất kì ai trong số các ông." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:107 msgid "" "Who're you to say who deserves what? We *like* it here. You can't make us " "leave." msgstr "" +"Mày là ai mà lên mặt dạy rằng ai xứng với cái gì? Bọn ta *thích* nơi này. " +"Bọn ta sẽ không đi đâu cả." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:108 msgid "" "Listen, you have two choices: You can either walk out of here on your own two feet, or *I* can remove you -- by dragging\n" " you out, one corpse at a time." msgstr "" +"Nghe này, các người có hai sự lựa chọn: Tự đứng lên bằng hai chân và bước ra " +"khỏi đây, hoặc *ta* có thể giúp -- bằng cách\n" +"kéo các ông ra, từng cái xác một." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:109 msgid "" "([He exchanges a look with his fellow squatters, then looks back at you and shakes his head.] You can't intimidate us.\n" " No one's kicking us out of here. We'll fight you for our turf." msgstr "" +"(Hắn ta nhìn lũ sống nhờ đồng bọn, rồi nhìn lại bạn và lắc đầu]. Mày không " +"dọa được bọn ta đâu. Không ai đuổi được\n" +"bọn ta cả. Bọn ta sẽ chiến đấu vì lãnh thổ của mình." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:110 msgid "" @@ -23829,10 +24267,17 @@ msgid "" " only jobs around here involve peddling drugs or pain, and we're not into that. [He sighs.] We'll leave, but where do you suggest\n" " we go? This place is our home." msgstr "" +"[Hắn ta nhìn lũ sống nhờ đồng bọn, rồi nhìn lại bạn và gật đầu]. OK, ngươi " +"nói cũng có lí. Bọn ta cũng đâu có ghét trẻ con đâu,\n" +"mẹ nó chứ, phần lớn người ở đây đều từng là trẻ không nhà. Bọn ta chỉ đang " +"cố kiếm chút tiền thôi, hiểu chứ? Công việc duy nhất\n" +"ở đây là đi bán cần hoặc đấm nhau, và bọn ta không muốn làm vậy [Hắn ta thở " +"dài]. Bọn ta sẽ đi, nhưng ngươi thử nói xem bọn ta\n" +"phải đi đâu? Đây là nhà của bọn ta." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:111 msgid "I don't know. That's not my problem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta không biết. Không phải vấn đề của ta." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:112 msgid "" @@ -23840,18 +24285,31 @@ msgid "" " so maybe if you apologize, she'd give you a fair chance to prove you're more than a bunch of lazy opportunists. I'll talk to her about it. But if you try to\n" " fuck her over, I'll hunt you down and make you pay." msgstr "" +"Có thể ta sẽ thấy hối hận vì điều này, nhưng nếu các người thực sự muốn tìm " +"việc thì chắc là Bà Má có thể sẽ cần người giúp sửa sang lại chỗ này. Bà ấy\n" +"là một phụ nữ tốt bụng, nên nếu các người xin lỗi thì bà ấy sẽ cho các người " +"cơ hội để chứng tỏ rằng mình không chỉ là một lũ kền kền lười biếng. Ta sẽ\n" +"nói chuyện với bà ấy. Nhưng nếu các người giở trò thì ta sẽ đi săn từng đứa " +"một và bắt các người trả giá." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:113 msgid "" "Screw this, I changed my mind. We ain't leaving. We're staying right here " "and fighting." msgstr "" +"Mẹ nó chứ, tao đổi ý rồi. Bọn tao không đi đâu. Bọn tao sẽ ở đây và chiến " +"đấu." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:114 msgid "" "[He exchanges a look with the other squatters and ponders your words.] You know what? That doesn't sound too bad. In fact, that could work out great,\n" " if you really think Mom will go for it. While you go talk to her, we'll get started on cleaning this place up. Oh, and thanks for being so cool about things." msgstr "" +"[Hắn ta nhìn lũ đồng bọn sống nhờ và suy nghĩ về lời của bạn]. Biết gì " +"không? Nghe có vẻ ổn đấy. Thật ra mà nói thì như vậy sẽ rất tốt, nếu ngươi " +"thật sự\n" +"nghĩ rằng Bà Má sẽ đồng ý. Trong lúc ngươi đi nói chuyện với bà ta, bọn ta " +"sẽ bắt đầu dọn dẹp nơi này. Ồ, cám ơn đã không dùng bạo lực." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:115 dialog/dcstory1.msg:166 dialog/dctubby.msg:190 #: dialog/epac7.msg:272 dialog/hcdoc.msg:313 dialog/hcmarcus.msg:355 @@ -23859,53 +24317,55 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/scwesgrd.msg:122 dialog/vclynett.msg:420 dialog/vcmacrae.msg:157 #: dialog/vcmacrae.msg:160 msgid "Nevermind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quên đi." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:116 msgid "" "She's not going to pay you. But I'm here to offer you a new deal: You and " "your friends walk away from here now, and you get to keep your lives." msgstr "" +"Bà ấy sẽ không trả tiền cho các người đâu. Nhưng ta đây sẽ cho các ngươi một " +"thỏa thuận mới: ngươi và lũ bạn cuốn xéo khỏi đây ngay thì vẫn còn được sống." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:117 msgid "Alright, well, I gave it a shot. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "À, được rồi, để ta thử. Tạm biệt." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:120 msgid "This is a great idea. We'll get things ready." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ý hay đấy. Bọn ta sẽ chuẩn bị sẵn sàng mọi thứ." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:201 msgid "This is our turf." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây là lãnh địa của bọn ta." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:202 msgid "You squatting here too?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi cũng đến đây chầu à?" #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:203 msgid "Got anything to eat?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có gì đớp không?" #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:300 msgid "You see a man in work clothes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một người đàn ông trong bộ đồ lao động." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:301 msgid "You see a woman in work clothes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một phụ nữ trong bộ đồ lao động." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:310 msgid "Hey, thanks for helping to set this up for us. We'll work hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ầy, cám ơn đã giúp chúng tôi việc này. Chúng tôi sẽ làm việc chăm chỉ." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:311 msgid "You better. Make sure the children stay out of trouble too." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phải vậy chứ. Nhớ trông chừng tránh để lũ trẻ gặp rắc rối nữa." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:312 msgid "We'll do our best." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bọn tôi sẽ cố hết sức." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:350 msgid "" @@ -23913,420 +24373,429 @@ msgid "" "else to crash. Come on, do you really want the children to live on the " "streets?" msgstr "" +"Đâu chả được. The Den rộng thế này cơ mà, ta chắc là mấy người nằm chỗ nào " +"cũng vừa. Thôi nào, các người thực sự muốn lũ trẻ phải bám đường sao?" #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:351 msgid "" "Nah, you're right, that ain't cool for the children. Alright, we'll pack our" " things and move out. This place had a leaky roof anyway." msgstr "" +"Chẹp, ngươi nói đúng, đám trẻ không đáng bị như vậy. Được rồi, bọn ta sẽ dọn " +"đồ và đi chỗ khác. Nơi này đằng nào cũng dột nát rồi." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:352 msgid "Thanks. This will mean a lot to them. Take care." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn. Bọn trẻ sẽ biết ơn lắm đấy. Bảo trọng." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:353 msgid "" "Nah, that ain't our problem. If Mom thinks it's that important to get those kids off the streets, then she should stop being stingy with her cash and share the\n" " wealth. Yeah, I've changed my mind, we're staying until she pays up. Now this conversation's over, so you better leave if you know what's good for you." msgstr "" +"Này, đâu phải vấn đề của bọn ta. Nếu Bà Má nghĩ rằng bọn trẻ không cần phải " +"sống trên vỉa hè thì bà ta nên thôi cái tính ki bo đi và chìa tiền ra. Ừ, ta " +"đổi ý rồi.\n" +"Bọn ta sẽ ở đây cho đến lúc bà ta trả tiền. Bây giờ tán chuyện xong rồi, nếu " +"ngươi biết điều thì tốt nhất là biến đi." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:360 msgid "Alright. No need for this to get out of control. I'll leave you alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi. Không cần phải xửng cồ lên thế. Ta sẽ để mặc các người." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:361 msgid "Time to clean this place up then. (Attack)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đã đến lúc dọn dẹp chỗ này rồi. (Tấn công)" #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:400 msgid "Thanks again!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn nhé!" #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:401 msgid "We'll work hard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bọn tôi sẽ làm việc chăm chỉ." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:402 msgid "Thanks for being so cool about things." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn đã không dùng bạo lực." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:403 msgid "We won't let you down." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bọn tôi sẽ không làm bạn thất vọng đâu." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:500 msgid "We'll collect our things and be out of here soon." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bọn ta sẽ dọn đồ và biến khỏi đây ngay." #: dialog/dcaddct2.msg:600 msgid "You've cleared out all the squatters." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn đã tống cổ hết lũ sống nhờ." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:100 dialog/ecravpty.msg:120 msgid "You see an addict." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một con nghiện." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:101 msgid "This person is heavily drugged." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Người này nghiện nặng." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:102 msgid "He looks like he's high on drugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông hắn ta phê lắm rồi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:103 msgid "She looks like she's high on drugs." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông mụ ta phê lắm rồi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:104 msgid "" "He's looking pretty bad. You suspect it's withdrawal from some kind of drug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông ông ta nát lắm rồi. Bạn đoán là do bị đói loại thuốc nào đó." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:105 msgid "She's seen better days. She looks like she's going through withdrawal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mụ này nhàu lắm rồi. Có vẻ như đang trải qua cơn vã thuốc." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:106 msgid "This addict looks like the living dead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Con nghiện này trông y như xác chết." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:107 msgid "You think this addict just threw up." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn chắc rằng con nghiện này chỉ vừa mới nôn." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:150 msgid "The lights are hurting me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sáng đéo gì chói thế!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:151 msgid "Monsters everywhere!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quỷ ở khắp nơi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:152 msgid "That felt weird." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lạ thật đấy." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:153 msgid "Am I bleeding?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đang chảy máu à?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:154 msgid "It doesn't normally seem this real." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bình thường có thật đến thế này đâu nhỉ." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:155 msgid "Stop it, man!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dừng lại đi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:156 msgid "Will no one help me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không ai giúp tôi ư?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:157 dialog/fcdockid.msg:113 dialog/fcdocsqa.msg:118 #: dialog/mcslag.msg:101 dialog/qcmartin.msg:116 game/cmbatai2.msg:2003 #: game/combatai.msg:2003 msgid "Help!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứu với!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:158 dialog/dcgamble.msg:600 dialog/dcgamble.msg:602 #: dialog/mcmiria.msg:251 msgid "Get away!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Biến đi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:159 msgid "My head hurts enough as it is!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đầu tao đau thế là đủ lắm rồi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:200 msgid "Wow, you've got a weird dark glow." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, ngươi có ánh sáng đen lạ thế." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:201 msgid "My, you're a big pup." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, ngươi to lớn thật đấy." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:202 msgid "Don't tell them what we know is not there." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đừng nói với chúng là những gì bọn ta biết không ở đó." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:203 dialog/dcpetey.msg:303 dialog/ncwriply.msg:701 msgid "Ahhh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "À à..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:204 msgid "Can you see me?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thấy ta không?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:205 msgid "Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yên, uyên lặng lào. Tao đang săn trỏ." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:206 msgid "How did you get way up here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Làm sao mà mày bay được lên đó thế?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:207 msgid "Shhh, I'm hiding." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Suỵt, ta đang trốn." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:208 msgid "I'm running faster than a wolf!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tao chạy còn nhanh hơn cả sói!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:209 dialog/dctubfri.msg:408 msgid "I feel so alive!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mình khỏe vãi lìn!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:210 msgid "It's coursing through my veins..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngấm vào từng mạch máu..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:211 msgid "Right there, baby." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng chỗ rồi, cưng ơi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:212 msgid "Oooohhh, can you feel the power?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ ồ ồ, có cảm thấy sức mạnh không?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:213 msgid "Wow, you're glowing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, ngươi đang tỏa sáng..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:214 msgid "I love you, man!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn tôi ơi, yêu thế không biết!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:215 msgid "Life's been so good to me. Has it been good to you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cuộc sống thật là tươi đẹp. Bạn có thấy thế không?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:216 msgid "The little ones fly at night." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đám tiểu yêu đến tối mới bay." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:217 msgid "Say hello to my little friend." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào cậu bạn bé nhỏ của tôi đi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:218 msgid "Boy, I'm sleepy..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chà, buồn ngủ thế..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:219 msgid "Have you seen my dog?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có ai thấy chó của tôi không?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:220 msgid "Shhh, they're right behind you..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Suỵt, chúng ở ngay sau lưng kìa..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:221 msgid "Mine!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Của ta!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:222 game/combatai.msg:1111 msgid "Oooh, my head." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ ôi, cái đầu tôi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:223 msgid "I ache all over." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đau hết cả mình." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:224 msgid "I'm starting to get the shakes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bắt đầu thấy rung rồi đấy." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:225 msgid "Oh, I need some more." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, vẫn chưa đủ đô." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:226 msgid "I need a fix." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cần một liều." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:227 msgid "I can't wait, I need it now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đéo chờ được nữa, bố cần ngay." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:228 msgid "You take my shit?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày lấy đồ của tao à?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:229 msgid "Ah, leave me alone." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A, để ta yên." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:230 msgid "I got the shakes bad, man." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ặc, rung kinh thật." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:231 msgid "I hate this part." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta ghét phần này." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:232 msgid "I just want to die." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi chỉ muốn chết thôi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:233 msgid "I need some more bad." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta cần đồ nặng hơn." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:234 dialog/dctubfri.msg:442 msgid "I can't take this much longer." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không chịu nổi thêm nữa." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:235 msgid "I think I have a fever." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi nghĩ là tôi bị sốt rồi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:236 msgid "I think I'm going to puke." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi e là mình sắp nôn rồi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:237 msgid "Maybe if I just sleep..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có lẽ nếu mình nhắm mắt lại..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:238 msgid "I got the shakes bad, lady." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cô ơi, tôi đang lắc dữ lắm." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:300 msgid "Is that blood?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phải máu không?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:301 msgid "Whoa! Am I bleeding? I can't feel a thing!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oác! Tôi đang chảy máu à? Chẳng cảm thấy gì hết!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:302 msgid "It tingles." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngứa thế không biết." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:303 msgid "Who did that?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ai làm thế?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:304 dialog/dcslave.msg:415 dialog/scdoroth.msg:105 msgid "What's going on?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chuyện gì vậy?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:305 msgid "I'm bleeding... I think." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đang chảy máu... chắc vậy." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:306 dialog/dcaddict.msg:375 msgid "Oh, the pain." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ôi, niềm đau." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:307 msgid "Now I really need a fix." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giờ thì ta đúng thật cần một liều." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:308 msgid "Just let me die." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy để tôi chết đi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:350 msgid "Ahhhh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "A a a..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:351 msgid "I'm floating..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đang trôi..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:352 msgid "I have the power!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thần lực đây rồi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:353 msgid "Hello, Mr. Flower." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào, bé Hoa." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:354 msgid "All the colors..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rực rỡ quá..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:355 msgid "More longer friend see that sky?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hơn bạn thấy trời ư?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:356 msgid "They aren't listening..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chẳng ai nghe cả..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:357 dialog/wcdobbs.msg:200 msgid "Where am I?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đang ở đâu?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:358 msgid "There it is!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây rồi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:359 msgid "Whoa, no! Stop! Wait! Okay, go ahead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, không! Dừng lại! Chờ đã! Okê, làm đi." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:360 msgid "There, there... ahh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây, đây này... à..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:361 msgid "Yea, baby!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yeah, baby!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:362 game/cmbatai2.msg:3168 game/combatai.msg:3168 #: game/combatai.msg:14062 game/combatai.msg:41372 msgid "What was that?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cái gì đấy?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:363 msgid "Sasha? Where are you Sasha?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sasha? Em đâu rồi Sasha?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:364 msgid "The colors are fading!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Màu đang phai mất rồi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:365 dialog/dcmaggie.msg:158 dialog/dcsheila.msg:156 #: dialog/dcsheila.msg:161 dialog/ncjunkie.msg:404 dialog/ncjunkie.msg:445 msgid "Mom?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ ơi?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:366 msgid "Hey! Get away from me! Oh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này! Tránh xa tao ra! Ồ..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:367 msgid "Don't you do that!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đừng có làm vậy!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:368 msgid "I can't see... again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi lại... không thấy gì." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:369 msgid "Need..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cần..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:370 msgid "Get more..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lấy thêm..." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:371 msgid "There? No." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đó? Không." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:372 msgid "No. Can't find it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Không thể tìm được." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:373 msgid "Make it stop!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Làm nó dừng lại đi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:374 dialog/dcanna.msg:561 dialog/dcfred.msg:315 #: dialog/dcfred.msg:412 dialog/dclara.msg:577 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:556 @@ -24338,128 +24807,132 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/wcbrnbot.msg:121 dialog/wcbrnbot.msg:129 dialog/wcbrnbot.msg:144 #: dialog/wsterm4c.msg:110 msgid "Ug." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hực." #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:376 msgid " " -msgstr "" +msgstr "" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:377 msgid "Ooh, my head!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ôi, cái đầu tôi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:378 msgid "Where'd I put my stash?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mình để đồ chỗ nào ấy nhỉ?" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:400 msgid "A demon!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đồ quỷ!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:401 msgid "The enemy is upon us!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kẻ thù đến rồi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:402 msgid "You murderer! You killed my son!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đồ sát nhân! Mày đã giết con trai tao!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:403 msgid "A monster! Kill it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có quỷ! Giết nó đi!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:404 msgid "Ah! Pargasraka!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Á! Pargasraka!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:405 msgid "Feet fom chin rat going! Ahhh!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chuột tòi cả chân lên đầu! Á Á!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:406 msgid "You won't take it from me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày không lấy được nó đi đâu!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:407 msgid "Give it back!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trả lại đây!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:408 msgid "No!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không!!!" #: dialog/dcaddict.msg:409 msgid "My family!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gia đình tôi!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:100 msgid "You see a short man with a thick mustache." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn với bộ râu rậm." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:101 msgid "You see the Great Ananias." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Montania vĩ đại." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:102 msgid "You see a short, mustachioed, man with a somewhat furtive look to him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn để râu ria với bộ dạng lén lút." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:103 msgid "You! What do you want to do to the, formerly, Great Ananias now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi! Ngươi muốn làm gì với Ananias vốn từng vĩ đại đây?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:104 dialog/dccustmr.msg:200 dialog/dcslave.msg:333 #: dialog/dcstory2.msg:105 dialog/slvcc4.msg:333 msgid "Get away from me!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tránh xa ta ra!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:105 msgid "Go ruin someone else's business." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đi phá chỗ khác đi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:106 msgid "Take it out on someone else." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đi chỗ khác mà đái." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:107 msgid "You've already done your worst to me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi đã khiến ta mất tất cả rồi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:108 msgid "Just go away, you've done enough harm to me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy cút đi, ngươi phá thế là đủ lắm rồi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:109 dialog/echomles.msg:106 msgid "I'm so hungry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đói quá." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:110 msgid "How will I ever feed my family now?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Làm thế nào nuôi sống được gia đình giờ?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:111 msgid "You were born with a heart 12 sizes too small." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi sinh ra với trái tim nhỏ hơn 12 cỡ." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:112 msgid "" "No, my friend, a MUMMY! Straight from the sands of ancient Egypt to the " "sands of the Wastes! Exclusively for you to see!" msgstr "" +"Không phải, bạn tôi ơi, một XÁC ƯỚP! Được đưa trực tiếp từ cát vùng Ai Cập " +"cổ đại đến cát vùng Hoang mạc! Chỉ có mình ngươi được thấy!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:113 msgid "OK, I'll bite. How much to see the wizened corpse?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rồi, cắn câu rồi đây. Thế nghía cái xác chết khô hết bao xèng?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:114 msgid "" "(to yourself) Hmm, a mummy would kinda describe the way a ghoul looks. OK, " "I'd like to take a look -- how much?" msgstr "" +"(tự lẩm nhẩm) Hừm, xác ướp cũng khá giống với ghoul. OK, tôi sẽ xem -- bao " +"nhiêu?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:115 msgid "I've seen enough corpses already. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đã thấy đủ xác chết rồi. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:116 msgid "" @@ -24467,83 +24940,93 @@ msgid "" "bow, with a flourish). I bring mysteries from near and far friend. Mysteries" " from a world beyond our own... of the Netherworld." msgstr "" +"Xin chào, chào mừng! Ta là Montania vĩ đại (ông ta khẽ cúi chào với động tác " +"khoa trương). Ta mang đến điều bí ẩn từ mọi chốn xa xôi, bạn à. Những điều " +"bí ẩn từ thế giới vượt ra khỏi thế giới của chúng ta... thế giới Bên kia." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:117 msgid "" "Come back to learn of the Great Ananias' mysteries of the Netherworld have " "you?" msgstr "" +"Quay lại để tìm hiểu những điều bí ẩn của Montania vĩ đại về thế giới Bên " +"kia à?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:118 msgid "What kind of mysteries?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bí ẩn nào thế?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:119 msgid "Uh, nice to meet you Mr. Great Anus... something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, rất vui được gặp ngài Mông to... gì đấy." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:120 msgid "Hmm, mysteries make me sleep uneasily, I better go. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm, bí ẩn làm tôi mất ngủ. Tôi nên đi thì hơn. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:121 msgid "Step right up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiến lên đi!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:127 msgid "" "Today, in the room within, I have, for your eyes exclusively... A Jan-u-wine" " Egyptian Mummy!" msgstr "" +"Hôm nay, trong căn phòng này, ta có thứ này, chỉ mình bạn được thấy... Xác " +"ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:128 msgid "A mummy?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xác ướp à?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:129 msgid "" "A mummy? Hmm, I wonder if it could be.... No, nobody could be that stupid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xác ướp à? Hừm, không biết có phải... Không, làm gì có ai ngốc đến thế." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:130 msgid "I don't have any interest in that sort of thing. Corpses scare me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không quan tâm đến mấy thứ đó. Xác chết kinh bỏ xừ." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:131 msgid "Out of the way, you're blocking paying customers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tránh đường, ngươi đang cản lối khách trả tiền đấy." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:132 msgid "I don't think this is for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta không nghĩ thứ này hợp với ngươi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:133 msgid "Why don't you take your little tribal self elsewhere." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao ngươi không lê cái thân toọc đi chỗ khác đi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:134 msgid "This isn't really for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thứ này không hợp với ngươi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:135 msgid "I see, hmmm, how about GO (he points) AWAY!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hiểu rồi. Hừm, vậy thì BIẾN (ông ta chỉ tay) ĐI!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:136 msgid "" "For a person of your obvious class I would be happy to show this unique, and" " historic, specimen to you for a mere $25." msgstr "" +"Đối với một nhân vật sành sỏi như bạn, ta rất vui được trưng bày mẫu vật đặc " +"biệt và cổ đại này chỉ với giá 25$." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:137 msgid "OK, I'll cough up the dough. Now... Show Me The Mummy!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK, tôi sẽ nôn tiền ra. Giờ thì... Cho xem Xác ướp nào!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:138 msgid "" "I don't want to spend that much. I think I'll survive without seeing the " "thing. Goodbye." msgstr "" +"Tôi không muốn tiêu phí tiền. Tôi chắc là mình không cần nhìn thứ đó. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:139 msgid "" @@ -24551,10 +25034,13 @@ msgid "" " all its ancient glory, to you. But please, no touching, and, uh, no flash " "photography." msgstr "" +"Chỉ cần mở nắp quan tài và Xác ướp kì diệu sẽ lộ diện, với tất cả vẻ đẹp cổ " +"xưa trước mắt quý khách. Nhưng vui lòng không sờ, và, ờ, không chụp ảnh có " +"đèn nháy." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:140 msgid "Great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tuyệt." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:141 msgid "" @@ -24562,6 +25048,10 @@ msgid "" "a desiccated corpse, that looks very much like an ordinary ghoul, standing " "in a poorly painted, chipped and cracked paper-mache sarcophagus.)" msgstr "" +"Mời quý khách xem! XÁC ƯỚP đến đây! (Nắp quan tài mở ra và bạn thấy một cái " +"xác khô kiệt, trông rất giống một người ghoul bình thường, đứng trong một " +"chiếc quan tài bằng giấy bồi được bôi sơn cẩu thả, thủng lỗ chỗ và đầy vết " +"nứt)." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:142 msgid "" @@ -24569,56 +25059,73 @@ msgid "" "reveal a jan-u-wine Egyptian mummy standing in an open sarcophagus that " "looks as though it's made out of pure gold!)" msgstr "" +"Mời quý khách! Xin giới thiệu, XÁC ƯỚP! (cái nắp giống như cửa hầm mở ra, hé " +"lộ một xác ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu đứng trong chiếc quan tài mở trông giống " +"như được làm từ vàng nguyên chất!)" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:143 msgid "" "Hey, wait a minute. That's not a Mummy. That's a ghoul. WOODY! Hey WOODY! Is" " that you?" msgstr "" +"Này, chờ chút. Đấy không phải Xác ướp. Đó là một ghoul. WOODY! Này WOODY! " +"Phải ông không?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:144 msgid "That sure looks like a ghoul to me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao tôi nhìn thứ này giống hệt dân ghoul." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:145 msgid "" "That's a mummy? I can't believe I just paid $25 to see a six-foot hunk of " "jerky. Goodbye." msgstr "" +"Xác ướp đấy à? Đéo thể tin là tôi vừa trả 25$ để nghía miếng thịt bò khô dài " +"6 bộ. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:146 msgid "" "Wow, that's fantastic... I guess. (you look at the Mummy very intently for a" " while). Uh, thanks, Goodbye." msgstr "" +"Ồ, tuyệt thật đấy... Chắc vậy (Bạn chăm chú nhìn Xác ướp một lúc). Ờ, cám " +"ơn. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:147 msgid "" "(the Mummy, snorts, stretches languidly, and then looks at you with a sleepy" " blink to its eyes) Hello. (he says, sleepily)" msgstr "" +"(Xác ướp hắt xì hơi, duỗi người một cách uể oải rồi nhìn bạn bằng ánh mắt " +"ngái ngủ) Chào. (ông ta nói bằng giọng ngủ gật)." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:148 msgid "" "Holy shit! That *is* Woody! Run Woody, run for it! Well, uh, gimp for it " "then! Go Woody go!" msgstr "" +"Con mẹ nó! Đây *là* Woody! Chạy đi Woody, chạy đi! À, ờ, lê bước đi cũng " +"được! Đi nào, Woody, đi đi!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:149 msgid "I assure you that the Mummy is, in fact, quite jan-u-wine." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đảm bảo với cậu rằng Xác ướp này đúng thực là một xác-ngâm-rượu." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:150 msgid "" "I don't think I believe you. Let me try something. WOODY! Hey WOODY! Is that" " you?" msgstr "" +"Tôi không nghĩ mình có thể tin được ông. Để tôi thử xem sao. WOODY! Này " +"WOODY! Phải ông không thế?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:151 msgid "" "Well, if you say so. But I sure think it looks like an ordinary ghoul. " "Goodbye." msgstr "" +"Ồ, nếu ông đã nói thế. Nhưng tôi vẫn chắc là thứ này trông giống một gã " +"ghoul bình thường. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:152 msgid "" @@ -24627,36 +25134,48 @@ msgid "" "mache sarcophagus, lets out a shriek and runs for the door, leaving a trail of toilet-paper 'mummy-wrappings'\n" " and a hasty \"Thankee kindly, Stranger!\" behind him.)" msgstr "" +"(Wood -- đúng là Woody chứ không phải một Xác ướp, đứng dậy một cách ngái " +"ngủ -- vịn tay vào thành chiếc\n" +"quan tài\n" +"bằng giấy bồi, hét lên một tiếng rồi chạy về phía cửa, để lại sau lưng dải " +"giấy vệ sinh \"băng buộc xác ướp\" và\n" +"câu nói vội \"Cạm ơn nhiệu, Người lạ!\"." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:153 msgid "" "Hah! I knew it! You're finished in this town. You're not the Great Ananias " "anymore, you're just another ass." msgstr "" +"Ha! Tôi biết mà! Ông hết trò ở cái thị trấn này rồi. Ông không còn là " +"Montania vĩ đại nữa, ông chỉ là một gã khốn nạn thôi." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:154 msgid "Go Woody go! Ahah! I knew it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chạy đi, Woody! À há! Tôi biết mà!" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:155 msgid "" "(The Great Ananias shrugs) I knew I should have picked up that mono-headed " "Brahmin instead. Oh well, back to the drawing board." msgstr "" +"(Motania vĩ đại nhún vai) Ta biết là đáng lẽ mình nên vác con Brahmin một " +"đầu đấy đi mà. Ôi dào, lại về nghĩ mưu tiếp." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:156 msgid "" "Mono-headed brahmin? Sure, who would ever believe that! Goodbye, you " "Charlatan." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bò một đầu ấy hả? Hà, có cái đầu kak đi tin ấy! Chào nhé, đồ Lừa đảo." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:157 msgid "You woke up Woody the ghoul and freed him from indentured mummy-tude." msgstr "" +"Bạn đã đánh thức ghoul Woody và giải thoát cho ông ta khỏi bị đóng vai xác " +"ướp nữa." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:158 msgid "I think I'd rather hear the ghost story." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi nghĩ là mình muốn nghe truyện ma hơn." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:200 msgid "" @@ -24664,38 +25183,54 @@ msgid "" " there for a moment. I have tales of a Ghost that haunts these very grounds, as well as a Jan-u-wine Egypt-ee-an Mummy that you\n" " can see, right here in this marvelous sarcophagus." msgstr "" +"Ta biết là có những thứ người phàm không được phép biết. Aiieee! Nyarloth... " +"Ồ, xin lỗi (he-he). Hơi quá mồm một chút. Ta\n" +"biết những câu truyện Ma ám ảnh ngay những mảnh đất này, cũng như Xác ướp Ai " +"Ca-a-ập ngâm rượu mà bạn có thể xem,\n" +"ngay tại đây trong chiếc quan tài diễm lệ này." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:201 msgid "Tell me about the mummy. I'm just dying to hear more about that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy nói cho tôi về xác ướp đi. Tôi rất muốn nghe thêm." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:202 msgid "" "I've just got to hear that ghost story. Uh, do I get a nice hot cup of cocoa" " to go with it?" msgstr "" +"Tôi chỉ muốn nghe truyện ma thôi. Ồ, mà tôi có được uống ca cao nóng tặng " +"kèm không?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:203 msgid "" "I don't think I have any more time to waste on whatever it is that you're " "hawking." msgstr "" +"Tôi không nghĩ là mình có thừa thời gian để ngồi nghe ông lảm nhảm những " +"điều huyên thuyên." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:300 msgid "" "Well, you see, (he motions you closer) there was once a great queen that ruled all of the surrounding town. She kept her\n" " throne by virtue of a special amulet that she kept around her neck at all times. Great stuff, huh?" msgstr "" +"Ồ bạn thấy đấy (ông ta ra hiệu cho bạn lại gần hơn) hồi xưa từng có một nữ " +"hoàng vĩ đại cai trị tất cả những vùng quanh đây.\n" +"Nàng giữ vững được ngai vị nhờ tấm bùa đặc biệt mà nàng luôn đeo trên cổ. " +"Hấp dẫn đấy chứ hả?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:301 msgid "" "Uh, yeah. You bet. So this princess had a *magic* amulet. Oh, do go on. I just can't stand this level of suspense\n" " much longer (yawn)." msgstr "" +"Ừ, ờ. Đúng thế. Vậy là cô công chúa này có một tấm bùa *phép*. Ồ, kể tiếp " +"đi. Tôi không thể chờ\n" +"lâu hơn được nữa đâu (ngáp)." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:302 dialog/dcanan.msg:402 msgid "OK. I think I've heard just about enough. Goodbye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK. Tôi nghĩ là mình nghe đủ rồi. Chào." #: dialog/dcanan.msg:400 msgid "" @@ -24703,108 +25238,116 @@ msgid "" " around the room next door ever since. Well, uh, that is, just at the witching hour, anyway. That's why I keep the door locked.\n" " Pretty darn scary, huh?" msgstr "" +"Ồ, để ta vào thẳng mạch chính dzậy. Gã phù thủy độc ác đã hạ độc nàng công " +"chúa trẻ và lấy đi tấm bùa của nàng. Kể từ đó,\n" +"nàng vẫn luôn luẩn quẩn trong căn phòng kế bên. À, ừ, luôn ở đó vào giờ hắc " +"đạo. Đấy là lí do tại sao ta luôn khóa chặt cửa.\n" +"Đáng sợ đấy chứ hả?" #: dialog/dcanan.msg:401 msgid "" "The ghost of an amuletless princess in the trashed room next door? That's it? I can't believe you're peddling *that* as a story.\n" " I'd rather hear about this stupid Mummy you're supposed to have here." msgstr "" +"Hồn ma của công chúa mất bùa bị trói buộc trong căn phòng kế bên? Vậy thôi " +"à? Tôi không nghĩ là ông lại đi rao *đấy* là\n" +"cậu chuyện. Tôi thà nghe kể về cái Xác ướp ngu ngốc mà chắc là ông có ở đây." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:100 msgid "You see a ghost!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một hồn ma!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:101 msgid "You see Anna the ghost." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy hồn ma Anna." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:150 msgid "This a ghost. That's not something you see every day." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đó là một hồn ma. Không phải thứ bạn vẫn thấy mỗi ngày." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:151 msgid "She seems quite tormented." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông cô ta có vẻ đau khổ." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:153 msgid "Oh, the pain! It burns so!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ôi, cơn đau này! Đốt cháy tim tôi!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:154 dialog/epac12.msg:304 msgid "What's the matter?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có chuyện gì thế?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:156 msgid "Begone, foul spirit!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy cút đi, linh hồn tội lỗi!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:157 msgid "I stop and knock at every door, but no one comes, no one hears." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đã đi gõ từng cánh cửa, nhưng chẳng ai thấy, chẳng ai nghe cả." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:158 msgid "I can hear you. What's the matter?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có thể nghe tiếng cô. Có chuyện gì vậy?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:159 msgid "I think you need to turn off your Stealth Boy, ma'am." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi nghĩ là cô cần tắt Thiết bị tàng hình đi đấy, cô gái ạ." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:160 msgid "Where is it? I cannot find it! I am lost! Oh...." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nó đâu rồi? Tôi không tìm được! Tôi lạc lối! Ôi..." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:161 msgid "What are you looking for? Maybe I can help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cô đang tìm gì thế? Có lẽ tôi có thể giúp đỡ." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:162 msgid "You really need to stop moaning and groaning and start making sense." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cô cần phải ngừng kêu ca than vãn lại và nói cho tử tế đi." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:163 msgid "My locket! It is gone. Thief! Thief!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mặt dây chuyền của tôi! Mất rồi! Kẻ trộm! Có kẻ trộm!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:164 msgid "Whoa, I just got here. I didn't do it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, tôi mới đến đây. Tôi không trộm nó." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:165 msgid "Can I help you find it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi giúp cô tìm được không?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:166 msgid "Oh, cruel fate." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ôi, số phận nghiệt ngã." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:167 msgid "You can't hear me, can you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cô không nghe thấy tôi phải không?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:168 msgid "Later, ghost girl." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gặp lại sau, cô gái ma." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:169 msgid "Bye. I'll try to help." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào. Tôi sẽ cố giúp." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:170 msgid "My locket! Give it to me!!! Oh!!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mặt dây chuyền của tôi! Đưa nó cho tôi!!! Ôi!!!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:171 msgid "No way! Go to hell. I found this fair and square." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mơ à! Biến về địa ngục đi. Tôi tự mình tìm thấy thứ này cơ mà." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:172 msgid "OK. Here you go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK. Của cô đây." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:173 msgid "Here. May you rest in peace." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đây. Mong cô yên nghỉ." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:174 dialog/dcbilly.msg:163 dialog/dcbilly.msg:173 #: dialog/dcfranki.msg:239 dialog/gczamok.msg:181 dialog/gczamok.msg:201 @@ -24812,910 +25355,924 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/kcsulik.msg:3054 dialog/ocgordon.msg:154 dialog/qhprzrch.msg:112 #: dialog/vcmacrae.msg:158 dialog/vcmacrae.msg:161 dialog/vcmacrae.msg:163 msgid "OK." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:176 msgid "My locket, my locket! I'm coming, Daddy! I'm coming!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mặt dây chuyền của tôi, của tôi! Con đến đây, Cha ơi! Con đang đến đây!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:178 msgid "Wait! Don't go!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chờ đã! Đừng đi!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:179 msgid "Go into the light." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy bước theo ánh sáng." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:200 msgid "Where could it be?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ở đâu được nhỉ?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:201 msgid "Ohhh." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ-ồ-ồ." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:202 msgid "Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ? Cha ơi? Mọi người đâu rồi?" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:203 msgid "I can't find it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không tìm được nó!" #: dialog/dcanna.msg:500 msgid "Mommy... Daddy... I'm coming..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ ơi... Cha ơi... Con đến đây..." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:501 msgid "It's so bright..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sáng quá..." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:502 msgid "Grammy, I can see you..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bà ơi, con có thể gặp người rồi..." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:503 msgid "Oh, it's the kind Mr. Cain. It's good to see you again..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, là ngài Cain tốt bụng. Thật vui được gặp lại ông..." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:550 msgid "This house is clear." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngôi nhà này đã thanh bình rồi." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:551 msgid "Oog, pretti bones." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oog, xương xinh đấy." #: dialog/dcanna.msg:560 msgid "GHOST BUSTER!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SĂN MA!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:100 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:101 msgid "This man looks fairly strong and alert." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Người đàn ông này trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh và cảnh giác." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:101 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:111 msgid "She seems strong despite her size." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông cô ta có vẻ khỏe dù có thân hình nhỏ bé." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:200 msgid "He seems to be awfully thin but angry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông ta tuy rất gầy gò nhưng mặt lại cau có." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:201 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:131 msgid "This one looks fairly strong." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Người này trông khá mạnh." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:202 msgid "He moves with great speed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông ta di chuyển nhanh thật." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:210 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:151 msgid "She doesn't seem to have ever bathed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trông cô ta cứ như thể chưa tắm bao giờ." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:211 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:161 msgid "She looks like strong fighter." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cô ta trông có vẻ chiến." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:212 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:171 msgid "This one doesn't seem like much trouble." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Người này chắc chỉ một đòn là gục." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:245 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:245 msgid "Quiet! They near." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yên lặng nào! Chúng đang ở gần rồi." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:246 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:246 msgid "Kill bad men." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Diệt người xấu." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:247 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:247 msgid "No take family from me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không lấy nhà từ tôi." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:248 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:248 msgid "I protect family." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi bảo vệ nhà." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:249 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:249 msgid "Must not find us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không được tìm thấy chúng tôi." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:250 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:250 msgid "They bad people." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúng người xấu." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:260 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:260 msgid "Slavers are coming. Everyone quiet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đám buôn người đang đến. Mọi người yên lặng." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:261 msgid "Get ready. I think they're close now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sẵn sàng đi. Tôi nghĩ giờ chúng ở gần rồi." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:262 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:262 msgid "I'm not going down without a fight." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ không bỏ cuộc mà không chiến đấu đâu." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:263 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:263 msgid "They'll never enslave us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúng sẽ không bao giờ ép chúng ta thành nô lệ được." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:264 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:264 msgid "Those slavers will pay for this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đám buôn người sẽ phải trả giá vì điều này." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:265 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:265 msgid "No slaver's going to take my family." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không kẻ buôn người nào lấy nhà tôi đi được." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:300 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:290 msgid "You die now!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày chết giờ!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:301 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:291 msgid "Me kill!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta giết!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:302 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:292 msgid "You no hurt family!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày không làm đau nhà!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:303 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:293 msgid "You no take family!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày không lấy mất nhà!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:304 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:294 msgid "I protect!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta bảo vệ!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:305 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:295 msgid "I hurt you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta làm đau mày!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:306 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:296 msgid "You pay!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày trả giá!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:308 msgid "I'm gonna hurt you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẽ làm ngươi thấy đau đớn." #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:350 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:300 msgid "You're not going to take my family, slaver!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kẻ buôn người, ngươi sẽ không cướp được gia đình ta đâu!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:351 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:301 dialog/ecabolst.msg:204 msgid "Die, slaving scum!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chết đi, đồ buôn người ghê tởm!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:352 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:302 msgid "You'll pay, you bastard!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày sẽ phải trả giá, đồ khốn!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:353 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:303 msgid "I'll fight to the death for my family!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẽ chiến đấu đến cùng vì gia đình!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:354 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:304 msgid "You won't get away with this!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ngươi sẽ không thoát được đâu!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:355 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:305 msgid "You're not leaving here with my friends!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày sẽ không đưa các bạn ta rời khỏi đây được đâu!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:356 msgid "I'm going to get you for this!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ta sẽ cho ngươi một trận!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:357 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:211 msgid "God damn slavers!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lũ buôn người chết tiệt!" #: dialog/dcatkslv.msg:358 dialog/dcslvrun.msg:212 msgid "You'll pay for this!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày sẽ trả giá cho chuyện này!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:100 msgid "You see a patron of the Hole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một khách của quán Lỗ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:150 msgid "This fellow sure isn't very attractive." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Người này rõ ràng là không hấp dẫn lắm." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:151 msgid "This guy's only got one tooth." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gã này chỉ còn mỗi một cái răng." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:153 msgid "Your wife sure is pretty!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vợ cậu đẹp đấy!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:154 msgid "Get away from us." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tránh xa bọn tôi ra." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:155 msgid "You like her, huh?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông thích cô ta à?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:156 msgid "Yes, she is." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, đúng vậy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:157 dialog/ectrader.msg:121 dialog/ectrader.msg:126 #: dialog/rcgenpes.msg:121 dialog/vcgatgrd.msg:215 msgid "Yup." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chuẩn." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:158 msgid "I sure would like to do her." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi khá chắc là muốn đụ cô ta." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:159 msgid "Go right ahead." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thì cứ tự nhiên." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:160 msgid "OK. That'll be $50." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK. Hết tất cả 50$." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:161 msgid "Sure, but it'll cost you $200." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được, nhưng ông phải nhè 200$ ra." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:162 msgid "No way! Get away from us!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không đâu! Tránh xa bọn tôi ra!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:165 msgid "Alright! Now come with Billy, sweetie." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi! Giờ thì đi với Billy nào cưng." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:166 msgid "Now go away." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giờ thì biến đi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:169 msgid "Aw, shucks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Òa, tệ thật." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:171 msgid "I am plumb tuckered out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi mệt lắm rồi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:172 dialog/dcchcgrd.msg:164 dialog/dcfranki.msg:180 #: dialog/dcsheila.msg:183 msgid "I'll come back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ trở lại." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:174 msgid "You sure are a pretty thing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cưng đẹp thật đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:175 dialog/rcrooney.msg:103 msgid "Get away from me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tránh xa tôi ra." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:176 msgid "Give me $200 and you can spend some time with me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nhè 200$ ra và ông có thể chơi tôi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:177 msgid "I cost $50, Mac." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi giá 50$, Mac." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:178 msgid "Hee hee. Thanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He he. Cám ơn." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:179 msgid "I don't have enough money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không có đủ tiền." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:180 msgid "Ok, $50 then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ok, thế 50$." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:181 msgid "Too bad for you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế thì tệ quá." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:182 dialog/eastereg.msg:2142 msgid "See you around." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gặp lại sau." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:183 msgid "Don't bother me. I'm scoping for nice-looking chicks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đừng có làm phiền tôi. Tôi đang săn đám gà tơ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:184 msgid "Good luck. You'll need it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúc may mắn. Ông sẽ cần nhiều đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:185 msgid "What am I, chopped liver?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không đáng nhìn đến à?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:187 msgid "Oooh. OK. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ-ồ. OK. Chào." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:188 msgid "[looks you up and down] No. I like chopped liver." -msgstr "" +msgstr "[nhìn bạn từ trên xuống dưới] Ồ không. Tôi thấy ổn đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:189 dialog/dcfranki.msg:237 msgid "I don't need this from you!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không cần thứ này của ông!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:190 msgid "Excuse me, I have to go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thứ lỗi, tôi phải đi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:191 msgid "Too bad. I thought you were cute." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tệ thật. Tôi cứ tưởng cô dễ thương lắm." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:203 msgid "I want my money back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn lấy lại tiền." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:204 msgid "I ain't giving you anything but a hole in the head." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ không trả lại ông cái gì ngoài một lỗ trên sọ đâu." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:205 msgid "OK, here you go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK, của ông đây." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:206 dialog/mckarl.msg:153 msgid "Hey." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:207 msgid "Oh come on, give " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ thôi nào, cho " #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:208 msgid " another chance here." -msgstr "" +msgstr " một cơ hội nữa đi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:209 msgid "I can see you don't want to talk to me. I'm leaving." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có thể thấy là ông không muốn nói chuyện nữa. Tôi đi đây." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:210 msgid "I gave you your chance and you blew it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đã cho cô cơ hội và cô đã phung phí rồi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:211 msgid "OK, but just one more chance." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK, nhưng chỉ một lần nữa thôi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:212 msgid "That's my boy." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế mới là đàn ông chứ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:213 msgid "I'm just gonna have to kill you, then." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế thì tôi sẽ phải thịt ông vậy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:220 msgid "Hey, Frankie, I'm gonna just borrow the back room for a little while." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, Frankie, tôi mượn phòng sau một lát nhé." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:221 msgid "Hey, Frankie, look what I snagged." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, Frankie, xem tôi kiếm được gì này." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:222 msgid "Uh, Frankie, if anyone's... uh... looking for me, I'll be in back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, Frankie, nếu có ai... ờ... tìm tôi, thì tôi ở phòng sau nhé." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:223 dialog/dcfranki.msg:258 dialog/dcsheila.msg:215 #: dialog/dcsheila.msg:223 dialog/gcharold.msg:308 dialog/hcmarcus.msg:331 msgid "Follow me." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Theo tôi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:224 msgid "It's gonna have to wait. I'll talk to you later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cứ chờ đấy. Tôi sẽ nói chuyện sau." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:225 msgid "I don't have it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi không có tiền." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:300 msgid "Damn, I'm fucked flat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mẹ kiếp, tôi cháy túi rồi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:301 dialog/nckitty.msg:723 msgid "Wahoo." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wahoo." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:302 msgid "That was... was... WOW!!!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thật là... là... WOW!!!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:303 msgid "You could set her ass on fire." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông có thế đốt mông cô ta đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:304 msgid "Damn that parted my hair - well, what little I have." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chậc vặt trụi hết cả tóc – ồ, tôi cũng chả còn mấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:305 msgid "Sure beats a roll with Dave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng là hơn hẳn Dave." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:320 msgid "Not bad... Not bad..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không tệ... Không tệ..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:321 msgid "I might even pay for that again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có thể tôi sẽ trả tiền để thêm lần nữa." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:322 dialog/dcmaggie.msg:161 dialog/ncjunkie.msg:601 msgid "Mmmm..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:323 msgid "Not bad, not bad." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không tệ, không tệ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:324 msgid "We'll have to do that again and work on our... flexibility." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chúng ta sẽ phải làm lại và điều chỉnh lại... độ dẻo dai." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:350 msgid "Looks like I'm going to be getting Handy again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Có vẻ như tôi sẽ lại cần đấy Tay đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:351 msgid "Don't let the door hit your DRY ASS on the way out!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đừng có để cửa đập vào CÁI MÔNG KHÔ KHÔNG KHỐC lúc ra đấy!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:352 msgid "Time to finish what you couldn't even start!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đã đến lúc kết thúc thứ mà ông còn thậm chí còn chưa bắt đầu rồi!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:370 msgid "Oh, that's nice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, hay đấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:371 msgid "Billy likes that." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy thích vậy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:372 msgid "Ohhhh yeah." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ tuyệt." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:373 msgid "Nice." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tuyệt." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:374 msgid "Jeezus and ramona." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jeezus và Ramona." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:375 msgid "Good Gracious." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Trời đất ơi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:376 msgid "I shoulda packed a box of tissue." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đáng ra tôi phải cầm theo hộp khăn giấy." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:377 msgid "Hmmm, who should I imagine now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm, tôi nên tưởng tượng đến ai giờ nhỉ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:390 msgid "Hey, can't you see I'm busy in here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, không thấy là tôi đang bận à?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:391 msgid "Hey, hey, get the hell out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, này, cút khỏi đây ngay." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:392 msgid "Hey, you couldn't finish the job, so get out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này, cô làm còn chẳng xong, biến đi." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:393 msgid "Can you get me a mop and come back in 5?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lấy giúp tôi cái chổi và quay lại lúc 5 giờ được không?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:400 msgid "Billy, you better not have made a mess on that mattress again!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, tốt nhất là ông đừng có làm bẩn thảm lần nữa đấy!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:401 msgid "Hey Billy, you need a mop?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này Billy, ông cần chổi à?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:402 msgid "Billy, your fly's down. AGAIN!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, ông lại hở khuy quần NỮA RỒI!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:403 msgid "Yo Billy, don't forget to change your pants later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yo Billy, tí nữa đừng quên thay quần đấy nhé." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:404 msgid "Billy, you been eating doughnuts?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Billy, ông dạo này ăn bánh vòng à?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:410 msgid "Uhhh." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ù-ừ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:411 msgid "Shucks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chậc" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:412 msgid "Jeesh" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừ" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:413 msgid "He, he, heee..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "He, he, heee..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:500 msgid "*SPIT, SPIT* Eccchhhh..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "*KHẠC NHỔ* Oạc oẹ..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:510 msgid "Hey buddy, care to \"rent\" that fine ho of yours?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Này anh bạn, có cho thuê cô bồ xinh đẹp đấy không?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:511 msgid "Can't this wait? I've got to get a drink." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chờ chút được không? Tôi đi làm ly đã." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:512 msgid "Yeah, if you want to talk to me, I'll be at The Hole." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, nếu muốn nói chuyện với tôi thì tôi sẽ ở quán Lỗ." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:513 msgid "How about you meet me at The Hole and I buy you a drink?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế gặp tôi ở quán Lỗ đi, rồi tôi sẽ mời một ly?" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:520 msgid "Sorry, I'm a hurry to get home. I just got some new porn in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin lỗi, tôi cần phải về nhà sớm. Có mấy món khiêu dâm mới về." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:521 msgid "I'm uhhh, tired, please let me go home and uhhh, sleep..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi ờ ờ, mệt rồi, làm ơn để tôi về nhà và ờ, ngủ..." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:522 msgid "I'm going over to Dave's. He's got a whole porn wing!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ đi đến chỗ Dave. Hắn ta có cả một phòng khiêu dâm!" #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:530 msgid "Uhhh, no thanks. I don't have money to piss away on that again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ừ, không cám ơn. Tôi không có tiền để tè vào chỗ đấy nữa." #: dialog/dcbilly.msg:540 msgid "Alright, I'll give your ass a try again." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi, tôi sẽ thử mông cô lần nữa." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:100 msgid "You see a member of the Slaver's Guild." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy một thành viên của Hội buôn người." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:150 msgid "You see Metzger, head of the Slaver's Guild." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bạn thấy Metzger, người đứng đầu Hội buôn người." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:152 msgid "Guards! Attack!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lính gác! Tấn công!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:153 dialog/dccaesar.msg:155 dialog/dccaesar.msg:308 #: dialog/dcpetey.msg:163 msgid "[done]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "[xong]" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:154 msgid "Come back in the morning damn it! I do my business during the day." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Quay lại lúc sáng ấy mẹ kiếp! Tao chỉ làm việc ban ngày thôi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:156 msgid "What is it now? You're really starting to piss me off." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giờ thì cần gì? Mày bắt đầu khiến tao phát cáu rồi đấy." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:157 msgid "I would like to apologize." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn xin lỗi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:158 msgid "Sorry, I was drugged earlier. I didn't mean anything." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xin lỗi, lúc trước tôi phê quá. Tôi không có ý gì đâu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:159 msgid "Whoa, what's your problem?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ này, ông sao thế?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:160 msgid "I wanted to ask you a question." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn hỏi một câu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:161 msgid "Apparently I have. Good bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rõ ràng là có rồi. Chào." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:162 dialog/dcfranki.msg:189 msgid "Wah." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Wa." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:163 msgid "Well, it's too late for that. Get out." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, trễ quá rồi. Biến đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:164 msgid "Please, please, please; I'm sorry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Làm ơn, làm ơn đi mà; Tôi xin lỗi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:165 msgid "Oh well, I tried." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ồ, tôi cũng đã thử rồi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:166 msgid "Screw you, then!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vậy thì đi chết đi!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:167 msgid "Alright, alright. Apology accepted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi, được rồi. Nhận lỗi thế là được." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:168 msgid "Whew. Can I ask you some questions?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Phù. Tôi hỏi mấy câu được không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:169 msgid "I'm glad we straightened that out. See you later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi mừng là chúng ta đã giải quyết xong chuyện đó. Gặp lại sau." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:170 msgid "Hello. It's good to see you." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào, rất vui gặp lại cậu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:171 msgid "Hi Metzger. We need to talk." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào Metzger. Chúng ta cần nói chuyện." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:172 msgid "You too. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông cũng thế. Chào." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:173 msgid "Blurp." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ợ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:174 msgid "I am Metzger, Head of the Slaver's Guild. Whatcha need?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tao là Metzger, Trưởng Hội buôn người. Mày cần gì?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:175 dialog/fcoz7.msg:169 msgid "Yes, I have some questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi có mấy câu hỏi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:176 msgid "No thanks. I'll just go now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, cám ơn. Tôi đi giờ đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:177 msgid "Swavuh???" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bun ngùi???" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:178 msgid "Please leave. Now." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Làm ơn biến đi. Ngay bây giờ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:179 dialog/dcfranki.msg:166 msgid "Or what?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không thì sao?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:180 msgid "Alright. But I'll be back!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi. Nhưng tôi sẽ trở lại!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:181 dialog/dcsheila.msg:207 msgid "OK. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK. Chào." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:183 msgid "About Trader Vic..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Về Thương nhân Vic..." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:184 msgid "Can I join the Slaver's Guild?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi gia nhập Hội buôn người được không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:185 msgid "I'd like to sell my husband into slavery." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn bán chồng đi làm nô lệ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:186 msgid "I'd like to sell my wife. How much?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn bán vợ. Giá nhiêu?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:187 msgid "I'd like to sell one of my friends here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn bán một trong số đám bạn ở đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:188 msgid "Tell me about the guild." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hãy kể cho tôi về hội đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:189 msgid "What cities buy your slaves?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ông mua nô lệ ở thành phố nào thế?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:190 msgid "I'd like to buy a slave." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn mua nô lệ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:191 msgid "I'm looking for Vault 13. Have you heard of it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đang tìm Vault 13. Ông có biết gì không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:192 msgid "Metzger? That's a strange name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Metzger? Tên lạ thật đấy." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:193 msgid "Nothing. I have to go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không có gì. Tôi phải đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:195 msgid "It's from an old language, prewar or something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tên này từ một ngôn ngữ cổ, trước chiến tranh gì đó." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:196 msgid "Metzger means butcher. Fitting, don't you think?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Metzger có nghĩa là đồ tể. Hợp đấy chứ, phải không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:197 msgid "" "That was my great grandfather's name. He came from somewhere far to\n" " the east. Across a large body of water." msgstr "" +"Đấy là tên ông cố nội tao. Lão đến từ chỗ rất xa về phía Đông. Qua một\n" +"vùng nước lớn." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:198 msgid "I read some book about a Metzger. He was a president, or something." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đã đọc một số sách về gã Metzger. Ông ta là tổng thống gì đó." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:199 msgid "Look who's talking tribal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Xem ai đang nói tiếng toọc này." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:200 msgid "" "It's Germen, German, Garmen, or something. Ancient language, from a\n" " long time ago." msgstr "" +"Tiếng Đút, Đức, Đục gì đấy. Ngôn ngữ cổ,\n" +"cổ lổ xĩ lắm rồi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:201 msgid "Et tu, Brutus?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Et tu, Brutus?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:202 msgid "I see. I still have a question, though." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hiểu rồi. Mà tôi vẫn còn muốn hỏi thêm nữa." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:203 msgid "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đó là thứ ngu ngốc nhất mà tôi từng nghe." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:204 msgid "Fascinating. Gotta go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hay đấy. Tôi phải đi rồi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:205 msgid "" "Our mission is to provide a steady and high-quality labor force to\n" " handle the ever-growing demands of the larger cities. Would you like to join?" msgstr "" +"Nhiệm vụ của chúng tao là cung cấp lực lượng lao động ổn định có chất lượng " +"cao\n" +"cho các thành phố lớn đang ngày càng thiếu nhân lực. Muốn tham gia cùng " +"không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:206 msgid "Sure. Sounds great." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được chứ. Nghe hay đấy." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:207 dialog/dcfred.msg:522 dialog/fckenlee.msg:204 #: dialog/hcrsuper.msg:148 dialog/hcsuper.msg:148 msgid "No way." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không đời nào." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:208 msgid "I'll get back to you on that. What cities buy your slaves?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ quay lại việc đó sau. Thành phố nào mua nô lệ của ông thế?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:209 msgid "Sorry, that's private guild information." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thứ lỗi, đấy là thông tin nội bộ trong hội." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:210 msgid "OK. Sign me up!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK. Ghi tên tôi vào nào!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:211 msgid "No! You guys are sick people!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không! Lũ các người là một đám bệnh hoạn!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:212 msgid "I'll consider that. I have more questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi sẽ suy nghĩ về việc đó. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:213 msgid "Hmm, I'll come back later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm, tôi sẽ trở lại sau." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:214 msgid "" "We will need to brand a small marking on your forehead to show to all\n" " your allegiance with the slavers guild. Are you ready?" msgstr "" +"Bọn ta cần xăm một dấu nhỏ trên trán mày để thể hiện cho mọi người\n" +"rằng mày là một thành viên của hội buôn người. Sẵn sàng chưa?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:215 msgid "Sounds great! Do it!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nghe tuyệt đấy! Làm đi!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:216 msgid "I've changed my mind. Can I ask another question?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi đổi ý rồi. Tôi hỏi câu khác được không?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:217 msgid "I don't have time right now. I have to go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hiện tại tôi không có thời gian. Tôi phải đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:218 msgid "Welcome to the guild!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chào mừng đến với hội!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:219 msgid "Great, I have questions!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tuyệt, tôi có câu hỏi!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:220 msgid "OK, thanks. I'll be back." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK, cám ơn. Tôi sẽ trở lại." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:221 msgid "Vault 13? No. Wait... I think Vic's from Vault City. Maybe that's it." msgstr "" +"Vault 13? Không. Chờ tí... Tao nghĩ là Vic đến từ Thành phố Vault. Chắc là " +"chỗ đó." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:222 msgid "Yes, where is it?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Đúng rồi, nơi đó ở đâu vậy?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:223 msgid "No. I have another question though." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Nhưng tôi có câu hỏi khác." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:224 msgid "No, never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không, thôi quên đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:225 msgid "" "We sell most of our slaves to Vault City and New Reno. New Reno is\n" " south east of here and most of the Den trades with it." msgstr "" +"Bọn tao chủ yếu bán nô lệ cho Thành phố Vault và New Reno. New Reno ở\n" +"phía Đông Nam chỗ này và phần lớn người The Den đều trao đổi với họ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:226 msgid "Where is Vault City?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thành phố Vault ở đâu vậy?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:227 dialog/dccaesar.msg:230 dialog/fccrocke.msg:140 #: dialog/fckenlee.msg:144 dialog/fckenlee.msg:168 dialog/fcsuze.msg:114 @@ -25725,134 +26282,138 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/hcmarcus.msg:174 dialog/hcmarcus.msg:180 dialog/hcphil.msg:207 #: dialog/hcsteve.msg:147 dialog/hcsteve.msg:196 msgid "I have more questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn hỏi thêm." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:228 msgid "Thanks, gotta go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn, phải đi đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:229 msgid "Vault City is east of here, and a little south. Vic's from there." msgstr "" +"Thành phố Vault đi về phía Đông, rồi lên hướng Bắc một chút. Vic từ đó đến " +"đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:231 msgid "Thanks; gotta go." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn; phải đi đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:232 msgid "Hmm, looks like a healthy slave. I'll give you " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hừm, trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh. Tao sẽ trả mày " #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:233 dialog/dccaesar.msg:246 msgid " coins." -msgstr "" +msgstr " xu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:234 msgid "OK! It's a deal." -msgstr "" +msgstr "OK! Cứ thế đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:235 msgid "Uh, never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, thôi quên đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:236 msgid "No way! I want double!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không được! Phải gấp đôi!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:237 msgid "You drive a hard bargain. Here is your money!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày trả giá cứng đấy. Tiền đây!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:238 msgid "Thanks. I have some more questions." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm mấy câu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:241 msgid "Yes, I have a question." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Cám ơn, tôi muốn hỏi thêm một câu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:242 dialog/hctyphon.msg:205 dialog/vibaron.msg:373 msgid "Nope. Bye." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không. Chào." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:243 msgid "Which \"friend\" are you selling?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mày muốn bán \"bạn\" nào?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:244 msgid "Um, never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ờ, thôi quên đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:245 msgid "Interesting. I'll give you " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hay đấy. Tao sẽ trả mày " #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:247 dialog/dccaesar.msg:252 msgid "Sold!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bán!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:249 msgid "I want more money than that!" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn nhiều hơn thế!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:250 msgid "Alright, I'll give you " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Được rồi, tao sẽ trả mày " #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:251 msgid " but no more!" -msgstr "" +msgstr " nhưng không hơn nữa đâu!" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:253 msgid "Not good enough." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Chưa đủ." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:254 msgid "That's way too little. I'm leaving." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Thế thì ít quá. Tôi đi đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:255 msgid "" "What do you want with Vic? He's my property now. He shouldn't have fucked " "with me." msgstr "" +"Mày muốn làm gì với Vic? Lão ta giờ là tài sản của ta rồi. Ai bảo đi chọc " +"vào tao." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:256 msgid "I'd like to buy him." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tôi muốn mua ông ta." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:257 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:445 dialog/dcmetzge.msg:476 msgid "Why are you keeping him here?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao ông lại giữ ông ta ở đây?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:258 dialog/dcjoey.msg:163 msgid "Nothing. Never mind." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Không có gì. Thôi quên đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:259 msgid "He is not for sale, yet." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lão ta vẫn chưa được bán đâu." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:260 dialog/gcgordon.msg:270 dialog/ncjules.msg:696 #: dialog/qccurlng.msg:231 dialog/vcnancy.msg:189 msgid "Why not?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sao lại chưa?" #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:262 msgid "He will cost $2000." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lão ta có giá 2000$." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:263 dialog/dccaesar.msg:266 msgid "Here is your money." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiền của ông đây." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:264 msgid "That's a lot. Maybe later." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nhiều thế. Để sau đi." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:265 msgid "The cost is $1000." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Giá 1000$." #: dialog/dccaesar.msg:267 msgid "Don't have that much yet. Bye." @@ -41990,7 +42551,7 @@ msgstr "" #: dialog/eccvnmst.msg:198 game/map.msg:1507 msgid "New Reno" -msgstr "" +msgstr "New Reno" #: dialog/eccvnmst.msg:199 game/map.msg:106 game/map.msg:107 game/map.msg:108 #: game/map.msg:1501 @@ -255925,3 +256486,253 @@ msgstr "Nhóm 42 à? Đơn vị tốt đó. Được rồi. Đồ đây. Giải #~ msgid "All right. Thanks" #~ msgstr "Được rồi. Cám ơn." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Sorry, soldier. That area is off limits to base personnel. I have to ask " +"you\n" +" to leave." +msgstr "" +"Rất tiếc, cô lính. Đây là khu cấm nhân sự trong căn cứ. Tôi yêu cầu cô\n" +"rời khỏi chỗ này." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"I knew the bastard wouldn't have the balls to do it himself. Oh no, it's " +"okay\n" +" if one of us gets fucked up. (sigh) Oh well. Go on in and good luck, " +"soldier." +msgstr "" +"Tôi biết là lão chết tiệt đấy không dám tự tay làm mà. Ôi, kiểu gì thì cũng " +"có\n" +"người phải nhúng bùn. (thở dài) Ồ được rồi. Vào đi và chúc may mắn, cô lính." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"What the... I can see why you're here. You obviously want\n" +" to get rid of that antique suit you're wearing." +msgstr "" +"Cái gì... Ta có thể thấy tại sao cô đến đây. Hẳn là cô muốn\n" +"lột bỏ cái thứ cổ lỗ sĩ đang đeo trên người rồi." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Why are you looking at me like that, soldier?" +msgstr "Sao cô lại nhìn tôi như thế hả, cô lính?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"What... He told you that? When I get off duty I'm going to kick his ass...\n" +" Move along, soldier. And wipe that smirk off your face!" +msgstr "" +"Cái... Hắn ta nói cho cô à? Khi nào hết ca gác tôi sẽ cho hắn ta một trận..." +"\n" +"Bước đi, cô lính. Và thôi cái điệu cười trên mặt đi!" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Good day soldier." +msgstr "Chào cô lính." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"You're a bit on the slow side, aren't you? (sigh) Well, that's\n" +" not your fault. I have a brother just like you. Anyway, are you new here?\n" +" I don't recall seeing you before." +msgstr "" +"Cô hơi đần nhỉ? (thở dài) Ồ, không phải lỗi của cô.\n" +"Ta có thằng em y như cô. Mà cô là lính mới ở đây à?\n" +"Ta không nhớ có gặp cô trước kia." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Well... I'm not supposed to allow anyone other than trained personnel to use " +"the equipment. It's all rather complex and delicate you understand." +msgstr "" +"Ồ... tôi không được phép để những người chưa được đào tạo sử dụng thiết bị. " +"Cô phải hiểu là thứ này phức tạp và dễ hỏng lắm." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"All right. You can access the system from the terminal over there. Just be " +"careful please. They'll shoot us both if you damage that machine. Oh, the " +"guest password is 'Snookie.'" +msgstr "" +"Được rồi. Cô có thể truy cập vào hệ thống bằng bảng máy tính ở kia. Nhớ làm " +"ơn cẩn thận giùm. Họ sẽ bắn cả hai ta nếu cô làm hỏng chiếc máy. Ồ, mật khẩu " +"cho khách là \"Snookie\"." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Well, you'll need your standard issue, then. Go into the armory,\n" +" suit up, and take your weapon. You should report to the Drill Sergeant\n" +" afterwards." +msgstr "" +"Ồ, thế thì cô sẽ cần đồ tiêu chuẩn. Đi đến kho khí giới, \n" +"mặc đồ và nhận vũ khí. Sau đó đến báo cáo chỗ \n" +"Trung sĩ huấn luyện." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Hello, recruit. I just got a call from your Sergeant. He says\n" +" I'm to suit you up and send you back to him. That right?" +msgstr "" +"Chào, tân binh. Ta mới nhận được cuộc gọi của Trung sĩ. Ông ta\n" +"bảo cô đến nhận đồ rồi quay lại vị trí. Đúng chứ?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?" +msgstr "Tên là Quincy, cô lính. Sao cô lại vỗ vai ta rồi đần mặt ra thế?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Well... I've got a copy of the plans but I can't just hand them out to\n" +" anyone who asks for them. What do you want with them?" +msgstr "" +"Ồ... Ta có bản sao đây nhưng làm sao ta có thể đưa cho bất kì cô ngốc\n" +"nào đến hỏi được. Cô cần chúng làm gì?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"You're one round short of a full clip, aren't you? Well, they call you\n" +" grunts for a reason. Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without\n" +" authorization, okay? So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the " +"proper\n" +" paperwork." +msgstr "" +"Thiếu một viên nữa là đầy băng rồi ha? Ồ, họ xếp cô làm lính cũng phải.\n" +"Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cô mà không có giấy phép\n" +"được, rõ chứ? Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cô đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ\n" +"đi." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without authorization, okay?\n" +" So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper paperwork." +msgstr "" +"Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cô mà không có giấy phép " +"được, rõ chứ?\n" +"Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cô đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ đi." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "A tech told you... You mean Raul? Did he send you?" +msgstr "Kĩ thuật bảo cô... Ý cô là Raul? Hắn ta bảo cô đến đây?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Who told you that? 'Cause he's next after I knock some sense into you." +msgstr "" +"Ai bảo cô thế? Cho cô một trận xong là ta sẽ đến dạy cho kẻ đó một bài học." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Sorry, man, but I don't have time to chit-chat, you know? I got to get\n" +" this bird working." +msgstr "" +"Xin lỗi, cô em, nhưng ta không có thời gian tán nhảm, rõ chứ? Ta còn\n" +"phải làm cho con chim này bay được." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Quincy, huh? Well, Raul don't want to see him, man. Raul is tired of\n" +" his shit, you know?" +msgstr "" +"Quincy à? Ồ, Raul không muốn gặp lão ta, cô em à. Raul chán đống\n" +"cứt đấy lắm rồi, hiểu chứ?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Hey, sorry, man. Raul shouldn't be yelling at you, you know? It's\n" +" not your fault; you're just the messenger. Hey, man, you busy right now?" +msgstr "" +"Này, xin lỗi cô em. Raul không nên quát cô em, hiểu chứ? Đâu phải lỗi của\n" +"cô; cô em chỉ là người đưa tin. Này, cô em, cô có đang bận gì không?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Hey, man, if the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand\n" +" you your ass." +msgstr "" +"Này cô em, trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục là\n" +"lão ta cho cô nát mông đấy." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Why are you out of uniform, man?" +msgstr "Sao cô em lại không mặc quân phục thế?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Hey, man, what's up? We under attack?" +msgstr "Này cô em, sao thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Raul's going to put you in med lab, man." +msgstr "Raul sẽ cho cô vào bệnh xá đấy, cô em." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Hey, man, say your prayers!" +msgstr "Này cô em, hãy cầu nguyện đi!" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Raul's going to kick your ass!" +msgstr "Raul sẽ cho cô em một trận!" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Hey, man, it's in the locker over there. Take it and tell the doc\n" +" Raul says hi." +msgstr "" +"Này cô em, nó ở trong cái tủ khóa đằng kia. Lấy đi và nói với tiến sĩ\n" +"là Raul gửi lời chào nhé." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Hey, man! Raul don't like it when people mess with his shit. Get out, man." +msgstr "Này cô em! Raul không thích người khác vào phá rối đâu. Biến đi." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Raul heard you were talking shit about him again." +msgstr "Raul nghe nói cô em lại đi nói đểu Raul lần nữa." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San " +"Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?" +msgstr "" +"Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San " +"Fransico. Liệu tôi có thể biết là cô hỏi làm gì được không?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Certainly, soldier." +msgstr "Chắc rồi, cô lính." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Yes, sir. The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of " +"San Francisco. May I inquire why you are asking, sir?" +msgstr "" +"Vâng. Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San " +"Fransico. Tôi có thể biết tại sao cô hỏi vậy không?" + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Soldier, I told you that information is on a \"need to know\"-only basis." +msgstr "" +"Cô lính, tôi đã bảo thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản \"cần phải biết\" rồi." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "" +"Soldier, that information is on a \"need to know\"-only basis. If you have " +"to ask the question then you don't need to know." +msgstr "" +"Cô lính, thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản \"cần phải biết\". Nếu cô phải đi hỏi " +"thì tức là cô không cần biết." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Look, no personal calls allowed, soldier." +msgstr "Này, không được gọi ai cả, cô lính." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "I assure you that the Mummy is, in fact, quite jan-u-wine." +msgstr "Tôi đảm bảo với cô rằng Xác ướp này đúng thực là một xác-ngâm-rượu." + +msgctxt "female" +msgid "Hello. It's good to see you." +msgstr "Chào, rất vui gặp lại cô." diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ccraul.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ccraul.msg index 7c5d5c4e01..4922016fa3 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ccraul.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ccraul.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {112}{}{Quincy mówić ty dupek. On mówić ty mieć pietra przyjść.} {113}{}{Dobra.} {114}{}{Quincy powiedział, że jesteś dupkiem i masz za dużego pietra, żeby się do niego zgłosić.} -{115}{}{Hej, człowieku, Raul nie będzie słuchać tego gówna od nikogo. Czy widzisz, żeby Quincy robił coś przy tych ptaszkach? Człowieku, mowy nie ma. Tylko Raul pracuje przy tych maluszkach. A wiesz dlaczego? Bo Quincy się na tym CHUJA zna, oto dlaczego!} +{115}{}{ Hej, człowieku, Raul nie będzie słuchać tego gówna od nikogo. Czy widzisz, żeby Quincy robił coś przy tych ptaszkach? Człowieku, mowy nie ma. Tylko Raul pracuje przy tych maluszkach. A wiesz dlaczego? Bo Quincy się na tym CHUJA zna, oto dlaczego!} {116}{}{Uch...} {117}{}{No więc...} {118}{}{No wybacz, człowieku. Raul nie powinien tak na ciebie wrzeszczeć, no nie? To nie twoja wina, ty tu tylko nosisz wiadomości. Hej, człowieku, masz teraz chwilkę?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/containr.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/containr.msg index d7825d0cdb..354fd0d1be 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/containr.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/containr.msg @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ {171}{}{Zbyt niskie zdolności sprawiają, że blokujesz zamek przy próbie jego otwarcia.} {172}{}{Nie udaje ci się rozbroić zamka na tym pojemniku.} {173}{}{ zręcznie otwiera zamek na pojemniku.} -{174}{}{ blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia.} +{174}{}{blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia.} {175}{}{ nie potrafi otworzyć zamka na tym pojemniku.} {176}{}{Niszczysz zamek na pojemniku.} {177}{}{Nadwerężasz się próbując wyłamać zamek i odnosisz jeden punkt obrażeń.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/cstouch.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/cstouch.msg index 24bd04219e..ab21b531ef 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/cstouch.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/cstouch.msg @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ {171}{}{Zbyt niskie zdolności sprawiają, że blokujesz zamek przy próbie jego otwarcia.} {172}{}{Nie udaje ci się rozbroić zamka na tym pojemniku.} {173}{}{ zręcznie otwiera zamek na pojemniku.} -{174}{}{ blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia.} +{174}{}{blokuje zamek na pojemniku podczas próby jego otwarcia.} {175}{}{ nie potrafi otworzyć zamka na tym pojemniku.} {176}{}{Niszczysz zamek na pojemniku.} {177}{}{Nadwerężasz się próbując wyłamać zamek i odnosisz jeden punkt obrażeń.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/dccaesar.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/dccaesar.msg index 0d07011ded..60dcd55eee 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/dccaesar.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/dccaesar.msg @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ zaspokoić ciągle rosnący popyt większych miast. Chcesz do nas dołączyć?} {230}{}{Mam więcej pytań.} {231}{}{Dzięki, muszę już iść.} {232}{}{Hmmm... Wygląda całkiem nieźle. Dam ci $} -{233}{}{.} +{233}{}{ .} {234}{}{Dobra! Umowa stoi.} {235}{}{Uh, zapomnijmy o całej sprawie, dobra?} {236}{}{Żartujesz?! Chcę dwa razy tyle!} @@ -95,12 +95,12 @@ zaspokoić ciągle rosnący popyt większych miast. Chcesz do nas dołączyć?} {243}{}{Którego 'przyjaciela' chcesz sprzedać?} {244}{}{Uch, zapomnijmy o całej sprawie.} {245}{}{Interesujące. Dam ci $} -{246}{}{.} +{246}{}{ .} {247}{}{Sprzedane!} {248}{}{Nie, dzięki.} {249}{}{Chcę znacznie więcej!} {250}{}{No dobra, dam ci $} -{251}{}{, ale ani grosza więcej!} +{251}{}{ , ale ani grosza więcej!} {252}{}{Sprzedane!} {253}{}{To ciągle za mało.} {254}{}{To o wiele za mało. Wychodzę.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg index c7d0108cb0..3133ccc1b2 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ {152}{}{[ROZMAWIAJ]} {153}{}{Czołem, przybyszu, witaj w moim saloonie. Jestem Becky.} {154}{}{Witaj, jestem } -{155}{}{ Jest tu coś do roboty?} +{155}{}{. Jest tu coś do roboty?} {156}{}{Cześć, jestem } {157}{}{. Mogę cię o coś zapytać?} {158}{}{Mama?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg index 782a71e33b..31753eba02 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ przytułek dla jebanych ćpunów.} Obozu Łowców Niewolników na mapie w Pip-Boju.]} {915}{}{Mam to. Pozwól, że jeszcze cię o coś zapytam.} {916}{}{Dzięki. Czas na mnie. Cześć.} -{1360}{}{. No jak, robimy interes?} +{1360}{}{ . No jak, robimy interes?} {1361}{}{?} {1363}{}{.} {1364}{}{.} @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ przytułek dla jebanych ćpunów.} {1542}{}{.} {1543}{}{. $} {1544}{}{ to niemało, ale możesz zarabiać dużo więcej.} -{1545}{}{. Niezła robota.} +{1545}{}{ . Niezła robota.} {1546}{}{.} {1547}{}{? Nieźle.} {1548}{}{? Mogło być lepiej.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ecnomsha.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ecnomsha.msg index 5c96a47606..294637a81d 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ecnomsha.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ecnomsha.msg @@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ {147}{}{Odejdź stąd!} {148}{}{Zostaw nas.} {149}{}{Jesteśmy pokojowym plemieniem.} -{150}{}{ za ich połączenie.} +{150}{}{za ich połączenie.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/gcbrain.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/gcbrain.msg index 8fcff48ede..54eef1a2f5 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/gcbrain.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/gcbrain.msg @@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ {639}{}{Może opowiesz mi o tym ostatnim etapie, a ja zastanowię się, czy ci pomóc.} {640}{}{Komu go dać?} {641}{}{Drugi etap?} -{650}{}{ Mimo twoich obiekcji co do sprawowania kontroli nad światem przez gryzonia, musisz pamiętać, że moje działania zmierzają ku poprawie życia tysięcy mieszkańców Kryptopolis i Gecko. Moje pobudki nie powinny przysłaniać ci szczytnego celu, ku któremu zmierzamy.} +{650}{}{Mimo twoich obiekcji co do sprawowania kontroli nad światem przez gryzonia, musisz pamiętać, że moje działania zmierzają ku poprawie życia tysięcy mieszkańców Kryptopolis i Gecko. Moje pobudki nie powinny przysłaniać ci szczytnego celu, ku któremu zmierzamy.} {651}{}{Masz już dysk z danymi z reaktora. Teraz musisz coś z nim zrobić.} {652}{}{Dysk z danymi został już przeanalizowany. Teraz musisz go użyć.} {653}{}{Do naprawy naszego reaktora potrzebna jest pewna specjalistyczna część.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/hcencha.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/hcencha.msg index a7ad19953a..237363c97d 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/hcencha.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/hcencha.msg @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ {143}{}{Dzięki. Oto twoje $500. Jeśli znowu zechcesz się z nami gdzieś wybrać - pogadaj z Billem.} {144}{}{Ty głupie ścierwo! Szykuj się na śmierć!} {145}{}{Umm...} -{150}{}{ - należy do strażników karawany.} +{150}{}{- należy do strażników karawany.} {151}{}{. Pilnuję karawan Billa. Coś jeszcze?} {152}{}{.} {153}{}{. Powinien gdzieś tu się kręcić. Szukasz pracy?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/hchench.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/hchench.msg index dde551b1e1..b0042a07c7 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/hchench.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/hchench.msg @@ -71,5 +71,5 @@ {412}{}{Julie} {413}{}{Sarah} {450}{}{To jest } -{451}{}{ - należy do strażników karawany.} +{451}{}{- należy do strażników karawany.} {2050}{}{W takim razie, powinnieneś porozmawiać z Billem, w Broken Hills. Jako jedyny nosi tam kapelusz.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/kcjenny.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/kcjenny.msg index 690f4503d6..d555028ce2 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/kcjenny.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/kcjenny.msg @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ {362}{}{Właściwie mogłabym skorzystać z kilku podpowiedzi na temat intymnej piękności od takiej ślicznotki, jak ty.} {363}{}{Mam kilka pytań, o które chciałabym cię zapytać.} {364}{}{Szukam informacji o pewnym handlarzu rzeczami sprzed wojny.} -{370}{}{ Więc lepiej porozmawiaj z Wielkonosą Sally. Ona organizuje wszystkie spotkania dla nas i nie toleruję robótek na boku.} +{370}{}{Więc lepiej porozmawiaj z Wielkonosą Sally. Ona organizuje wszystkie spotkania dla nas i nie toleruję robótek na boku.} {380}{}{Cześć, mysiu-pysiu. Nazywam się Jenny. Szukasz tutaj pracy? Jeżeli ruszasz się tak dobrze, jak wyglądasz, to mogłabyś tu porządnie zarobić.} {381}{}{Nie jestem zainteresowana pracą tutaj.} {382}{}{Mmm, chciałabym pokazać ci osobiście, jak dobrze potrafię się poruszać.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/kctorr.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/kctorr.msg index abc44efb23..07e2ec85fe 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/kctorr.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/kctorr.msg @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ {115}{}{Torr cierpi. Zły ludzie! Zły!} {120}{}{Torr pomocy! (Proszę, pomóż mi. Jakaś istota nie pozwala mi się stąd wydostać.)} {121}{}{Torr pomocy!} -{122}{}{Torr pomocy. (Zaraz ci pomogę, Torr. Wytrzymaj jeszcze chwilę!)} +{122}{}{ Torr pomocy. (Zaraz ci pomogę, Torr. Wytrzymaj jeszcze chwilę!)} {123}{}{Próbuję ci pomóc, Torr.} {130}{}{Pii Pii złe! Pomusz Torr! (Uważaj na Ducha Który Chodzi! Porozmawiamy jak mnie stąd wydostaniesz.)} {131}{}{Pii Pii! Nów! Zły Duch! Pomusz Torr! Torr już iść!} @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ {166}{}{Kupać Uu? (Zanim weźmiemy się do roboty Torr, możesz mi coś powiedzieć o kupcu zamieszkującym to miasto?)} {170}{}{Ty pomusz Torr. Pole muu-muu (wskazuje na wschód) ciemno tak? (uśmiecha się) (Dzięki za pomoc.)} {171}{}{Ty pomusz Torr. Pole muu-muu (wskazuje na wschód) ciemno tak? (uśmiecha się)} -{172}{}{Pomusz Torr. (Spotkajmy się na pastwisku, na wschód stąd, o zachodzie słońca.)} +{172}{}{ Pomusz Torr. (Spotkajmy się na pastwisku, na wschód stąd, o zachodzie słońca.)} {173}{}{Torr? (Pomogę ci pilnować stada, ale mam jeszcze kilka ważnych pytań.)} {174}{}{Pomogę ci pilnować stada dziś w nocy, Torr. Spotkamy się na pastwisku, na wschód stąd, o zachodzie słońca. Do zobaczenia.} {175}{}{Przykro mi Torr, ale nie mogę ci pomóc. Żegnaj.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcgrisha.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcgrisha.msg index da4f66ff1d..ba35f556f4 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcgrisha.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcgrisha.msg @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ {168}{}{Czy możesz mi powiedzieć coś o rzeźni?} {169}{}{Widzę, że susza jeszcze nie wpłynęła zbytnio na twój biznes?} {170}{}{Wiedziałem, że dasz sobie z tym radę. Więc jestem ci winien $1000 za ukończenie tej roboty. Niemniej, z powodu twojej nieostrożności pogłowie bramin zmniejszyło się o } -{171}{}{. Licząc po $100 za braminę, twoja nagroda wynosi } +{171}{}{ . Licząc po $100 za braminę, twoja nagroda wynosi } {172}{}{. Nie zadawaj sobie trudu, i nie zmyślaj liczby bramin, które zostały zabite - jeden z moich chłopaków poszedł za tobą i obserwował cię z ukrycia.} {173}{}{Nie mówiłeś nic o obciążaniu mnie w przypadku śmierci jakiejkolwiek braminy!} {174}{}{Ty wredny, dwulicowy starcu! Argh! Uprzedzam cię - to jest ostatni raz, gdy zachowuję się tak grzecznie!} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcjo.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcjo.msg index 5870ff93fd..cec0820caa 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcjo.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcjo.msg @@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ {604}{}{Czy ty } {605}{}{ chcesz } {606}{}{ być twoim prawnie poślubionym } -{607}{}{ A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was mężem i żoną. Możesz teraz pocałować pannę młodą.} +{607}{}{A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was mężem i żoną. Możesz teraz pocałować pannę młodą.} {608}{}{A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was małżeństwem. Państwo młodzi mogą się teraz pocałować.} {609}{}{A więc, z mocy prawa pogranicza, ogłaszam was małżeństwem. Możesz teraz pocałować swoją drugą połowę.} {612}{}{[Bo przewraca strony w swojej książce.]} -{625}{}{ stał się twoim przybranym w majestacie prawa mężem?} -{626}{}{ stała się twoją przybraną w majestacie prawa żoną?} -{627}{}{ stał się twoją uuuch... drugą połową? Tak, przybraną w majestacie prawa drugą połową?} -{628}{}{ stał się twoją drugą połową?} +{625}{}{stał się twoim przybranym w majestacie prawa mężem?} +{626}{}{stała się twoją przybraną w majestacie prawa żoną?} +{627}{}{stał się twoją uuuch... drugą połową? Tak, przybraną w majestacie prawa drugą połową?} +{628}{}{stał się twoją drugą połową?} {629}{}{Miria} {630}{}{Davin} {800}{}{Zaatakujemy Żużlowców dokładnie za } diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcmiria.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcmiria.msg index 1cced6a494..9bf6ce82f2 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/mcmiria.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/mcmiria.msg @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ {196}{}{Jestem wzruszona. Nikt nigdy nie chciał dowiedzieć się o mnie czegoś więcej. Wszyscy chcieli tylko seksu, seksu, więcej seksu! Mam już po dziurki w nosie dzikiego, nieskrępowanego seksu. Tak się cieszę, że poznałam wreszcie kogoś innego.} {197}{}{Ty dziwko! Jesteś taka jak wszystkie!} {198}{}{No wiesz, jestem po prostu normalnym facetem. Nawet moi przyjaciele mówią mi czasem, "} -{199}{}{, jesteś taki niezwykły, bo potrafisz się zachowywać jak normalny facet." Taki właśnie jestem.} +{199}{}{ , jesteś taki niezwykły, bo potrafisz się zachowywać jak normalny facet." Taki właśnie jestem.} {200}{}{Po prostu jesteś najbardziej interesującą osobą, jaką dane mi było poznać.} {202}{}{Czekam? Niby na co? Co sugerujesz?} {203}{}{Myślę, że dobrze wiesz o co mi chodzi, maleńka. I wiem, że tego pragniesz. [Uśmiechasz się i zaczynasz się rozbierać.]} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg index a45a5a1c2a..bfeb8fd836 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ {1228}{}{. Natychmiast.} {1229}{}{. Czy twojej rodzinie nie będzie cię brakowało?} {1230}{}{ to banda wymoczków. Co ty na to?} -{1231}{}{, aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi.} +{1231}{}{ , aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi.} {1236}{}{ to banda wymoczków. Teraz wiem już, że to prawda.} {1247}{}{! Nie możesz wnosić tu broni, no nie?} {1265}{}{. Dbasz o siebie?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbismen.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbismen.msg index df86374289..f7a29cef79 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbismen.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncbismen.msg @@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ {1228}{}{ to banda wymoczków. Co ty na to?} {1229}{}{. Natychmiast.} {1230}{}{. Czy twojej rodzinie nie będzie cię brakowało?} -{1231}{}{, aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi.} +{1231}{}{ , aby zrobili coś więcej, niż tylko całowanie tyłka swojemu szefowi.} {1236}{}{ to banda wymoczków. Teraz wiem już, że to prawda.} {1252}{}{! Nie możesz wnosić tu broni, no nie?} {1260}{}{. Dbasz o siebie?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/nccody.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/nccody.msg index a87e1251cc..4d6bfd9a8e 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/nccody.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/nccody.msg @@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ {1204}{}{ smutno. Ty widzieć } {1205}{}{ może teraz pójść z tobą po samochód? Prooooszę?} {1254}{}{?} -{1282}{}{! Gdzie! Gdzie! Pokaż! Pokaż! Proooszę? Dobrze? Hę?} -{1283}{}{... och, zobacz! Świeci się! (Odejdź.)} -{1293}{}{ będzie się teraz gniewać, bo zły pan ukradł samochód. } +{1282}{}{ ! Gdzie! Gdzie! Pokaż! Pokaż! Proooszę? Dobrze? Hę?} +{1283}{}{ ... och, zobacz! Świeci się! (Odejdź.)} +{1293}{}{będzie się teraz gniewać, bo zły pan ukradł samochód. } {2204}{}{ samochód?} -{2293}{}{ wyśle teraz swoją piąchę na krótki spacerek naprzeciwko i zapozna ją bliżej ze złym panem.} +{2293}{}{wyśle teraz swoją piąchę na krótki spacerek naprzeciwko i zapozna ją bliżej ze złym panem.} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/nccorbro.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/nccorbro.msg index 4454aba772..4c270df0bb 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/nccorbro.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/nccorbro.msg @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ {5246}{}{. Ładna dzisiaj pogoda, prawda?} {5252}{}{?} {5256}{}{, jeśli CHCESZ zrobić sobie z nami zdjęcie...} -{5528}{}{ też ci nic nie da. Spadam z tego podrzędnego studia.} +{5528}{}{też ci nic nie da. Spadam z tego podrzędnego studia.} {5535}{}{!" PODOBA mi się! PODOBA! A teraz, KRĘCIMY...} {5641}{}{ cię ładnie prosi, więc nie przynieś wstydu.} {5712}{}{!} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncftully.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncftully.msg index a6833464c1..018d5f461b 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncftully.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncftully.msg @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ {784}{}{A więc Mordino sprzedają Jet do Redding, tak? Ciekawe. Dzięki, Ojcze.} {790}{}{Mordino mają... farmę... za miastem. Trzymają tam niewolników. Testują... na nich... Jet. Niewolnicy padają jak muchy. (Wzrusza ramionami) Tylko Mordino wiedzą, gdzie to dokładnie jest.} {792}{}{Wspomniał Ojciec o Redding?} -{794}{}{ Mordinos testują Jet na niewolnikach, tak? Ciekawe. Dzięki, Ojcze.} +{794}{}{Mordinos testują Jet na niewolnikach, tak? Ciekawe. Dzięki, Ojcze.} {800}{}{Mówiłem o Salvatore? (Mruga, wzrusza ramionami, pociąga z butelki) Nie wiem, co mógłbym o nich powiedzieć. Rodzina siedzi cicho jak mysz pod miotłą. Ale lepiej nie włazić im w drogę... wiesz czemu?} {803}{}{Chwilowo mnie to nie obchodzi, Ojczulku. Mogę cię zapytać o coś innego?} {804}{}{Słuchaj, może wrócimy do tej rozmowy, kiedy trochę wytrzeźwiejesz...} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg index 009994a11a..6eac9cbfdb 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg @@ -209,5 +209,5 @@ {5281}{}{ próbujesz okłamywać } {5314}{}{ ZABIĆ TY!} {5340}{}{?} -{5341}{}{.} +{5341}{}{ .} {6281}{}{ w temacie Jetu?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/nckeiwri.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/nckeiwri.msg index dd24462ce2..c0f9cee2cf 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/nckeiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/nckeiwri.msg @@ -75,5 +75,5 @@ {471}{}{Dziękuję.} {480}{}{To syn Dużego Jesusa. Niezły drań. Bez wątpienia mógł złapać Richarda i wpakować w niego kupę Jetu. Jeśli go szukasz, zajrzyj do Desperado. Mały Jesus siedzi tam razem ze swoim starym.} {1220}{}{. Co jest?} -{1252}{}{ Wszyscy cię dobrze traktują? Mogę ci w czymś pomóc?} +{1252}{}{Wszyscy cię dobrze traktują? Mogę ci w czymś pomóc?} {1253}{}{. Mamy u ciebie dług, a Wrightowie zawsze spłacają swoje długi. W czym mogę ci pomóc?} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncliljes.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncliljes.msg index 2a84390107..4a04c7069b 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncliljes.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncliljes.msg @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ {5256}{}{?} {5257}{}{. Idziesz z nami?} {5271}{}{. Rozwal ich i odejdź, albo jakoś inaczej.} -{5273}{}{ próbuje z nami zadzierać? Niech spróbuje, a wszyscy pójdziecie karmić robaki. Spadaj stąd!} +{5273}{}{próbuje z nami zadzierać? Niech spróbuje, a wszyscy pójdziecie karmić robaki. Spadaj stąd!} {5276}{}{? Właśnie skończyła całować mój tyłek. Ty też lepiej stąd zmiataj.} {5280}{}{, lepiej stąd odejdź.} {5320}{}{? Z takim prawym sierpowym nie masz chyba czego się obawiać.} @@ -322,6 +322,6 @@ {5542}{}{! Wielki, stary, dobry wojownik! Facet, jesteś niezły!} {5543}{}{! Wredna chica - wojowniczka! Jesteś niezła, chica!} {5560}{}{? } -{6035}{}{ ręka Nie DOTYKA } -{7035}{}{ ręka } +{6035}{}{ręka Nie DOTYKA } +{7035}{}{ręka } {8035}{}{ NIE LUBI} diff --git a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncmormen.msg b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncmormen.msg index ef1caa640e..60bdc7c9d9 100644 --- a/data/text/polish/dialog/ncmormen.msg +++ b/data/text/polish/dialog/ncmormen.msg @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ {408}{}{Jak jeszcze raz spróbujesz się do mnie odezwać, zabiję ciebie, twoją rodzinę, twojego psa i wreszcie ciebie. A potem zacznę być naprawdę niemiły.} {409}{}{::Pluje ci pod nogi::} {410}{}{Myślisz, że możesz tak po prostu podejść do Mordino i sobie pogawędzić? Spieprzaj stąd.} -{411}{}{ Spieprzaj stąd, puta, albo nafaszeruję cię ołowiem tak, że będziesz zatrzymywać promieniowanie.} +{411}{}{Spieprzaj stąd, puta, albo nafaszeruję cię ołowiem tak, że będziesz zatrzymywać promieniowanie.} {412}{}{Wracaj lepiej do swojej psiarni, puta.} {413}{}{Musisz być najbardziej popieprzonym stworzeniem na tej ziemi, że tak sobie tutaj spacerujesz.} {414}{}{Hija de puta...} diff --git a/data/text/russian/cuts/afailed.sve b/data/text/russian/cuts/afailed.sve index d8fe1bba4f..d785fd5da3 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/cuts/afailed.sve +++ b/data/text/russian/cuts/afailed.sve @@ -1 +1 @@ -10:Избранный. Деревня умирает. Наше будущее умирает с ней. +10:Избранный. Наша деревня умирает. И вместе с ней умирает наше будущее. diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/abbill.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/abbill.msg index 027df5ef07..b7c3c09f9f 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/abbill.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/abbill.msg @@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ {202}{}{Давай обменяемся.} {203}{}{Я слышал, что вы тот, с кем можно поговорить о караванах.} {204}{}{Забудь. Пока.} -{210}{}{Я заметил, что здесь в Аббатстве собрано много старого оборудования и разных вещей. Может быть, за время своего пребывания здесь вы находили что-нибудь... особенное?} +{210}{}{Скажите, я заметил, что здесь, в аббатстве, собрано много старого оборудования и предметов. + Вы случайно не находили что-нибудь... особенное во время своего пребывания здесь?} {211}{}{Ха, так вы заметили, да? Да, люди из Аббатства немного помешаны на всём довоенном, особенно если это связано с технологиями. Они создали какую-то странную религию вокруг этого. Я сам не совсем понимаю, но они хорошие люди и хорошо платят за всё довоенное, что мне удаётся найти. Но, кстати, @@ -19,9 +20,9 @@ {213}{}{Ну ладно. Давайте лучше посмотрим, что у вас есть на продажу.} {214}{}{Хорошо. Позвольте мне спросить вас еще кое о чем.} {215}{}{Например?} -{216}{}{Видите ли, здесь не так давно прошел караван. Они говорили, что пришли с самого юга. Еще сказали, что в дороге на них напали несколько мерзких мутантов. [обращаясь к Маркусу] Без обид, здоровяк. Что бы там ни случилось, они много хвастали о том, как они порешили всех этих мутантиков. Врали, что мутантов было около дюжины, я назвал тогда их треп дерьмом брамина. Но, как оказалось, у них были доказательства.} +{216}{}{Видишь ли, караван проходил здесь не так давно, утверждая, что они прибыли с далёкого юга. Говорили, что на них напали какие-то мерзкие мутанты (поворачивается к Маркусу) без обид, здоровяк. В общем, они много хвастались тем, как разделались со всеми мутантами. Утверждали, что их было почти дюжина, и я посчитал это чушью собачьей. Но оказалось, что у них были доказательства.} {217}{}{Да? И что же это?} -{218}{}{Огромный набор мутантской брони, который они умудрились снять с одного из трупов. Конечно же, исходя из того, что я знаю, скорее всего они сняли ее с трупа давно умершего мутанта, на которого наткнулись в пустошах. Но кто знает? Как бы там ни было, они не стремились тащить эту тяжеленную хрень с собой, поэтому они предложили мне ее за бесценок. Я не знал, что я буду с ней делать, но сделка казалась стоящей.} +{218}{}{Огромный комплект брони мутанта, который им удалось снять с одного из трупов. Конечно, насколько мне известно, они сняли её с костей какого-нибудь давно умершего мутанта, на которого наткнулись в пустошах, но кто знает? В любом случае, они не горели желанием продолжать таскать эту тяжёлую штуковину, поэтому предложили её мне за бесценок. Я не знал, что буду с ней делать, но решил, что сделка есть сделка.} {219}{}{Что ж, я уверен, Маркусу пригодилась бы броня. Сколько за нее?} {220}{}{Это интересно. Но Маркус у нас достаточно крепкий парень, я не думаю, что она ему особо нужна. Позвольте мне спросить о чем-нибудь другом.} {221}{}{Ну, эту штуку можно легко переплавить и сделать три или четыре комплекта металлической брони. Скажем, $3000.} @@ -35,7 +36,8 @@ {302}{}{Караванщики нанимают охранников?} {303}{}{Я должен идти.} {304}{}{Я получаю новые поставки дважды в месяц. Честно говоря, я хотел бы, чтобы они приходили чаще, но мы находимся на малозначимом торговом пути, и мне кажется, это лучшее, что я могу тут получить.} -{305}{}{Я бы не сказал. Как правило, те караваны, что останавливаются здесь, довольно хорошо оснащены и не заинтересованы в долгой стоянке. Но если вы хотите присоединиться к одному из них, я бы направился в Реддинг или даже спустился на юг к НКР. У них очень активное движение караванов и хорошие помощники всегда нужны.} +{305}{}{Я не совсем уверен. Обычно те, кто заходят сюда, достаточно хорошо экипированы и не особо заинтересованы задерживаться надолго. Но если ты хочешь с кем-нибудь из них связаться, я бы направился в Реддинг или даже вниз, в НКР. +У них там довольно активные караваны, и хорошая помощь всегда нужна».} {306}{}{Интересно. Мне интересно еще кое-что.} {307}{}{Спасибо. Давайте торговать.} {308}{}{Что ж, спасибо за информацию. Увидимся.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/ccncomp.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/ccncomp.msg index 81a14eb047..228ad8ffcf 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/ccncomp.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/ccncomp.msg @@ -43,5 +43,5 @@ {142}{}{Команда?} {143}{}{Попытка несанкционированного доступа к главному компьютерному комплексу. Тревога. Тревога.} {144}{}{Запуск программы приветствия.} -{145}{}{Трандец!} +{145}{}{Дерьмо!} {146}{}{Выполняется блокировка системы по сигналу безопасности.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/dcjoey.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/dcjoey.msg index f9c8911d50..0b086e84da 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/dcjoey.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/dcjoey.msg @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ {254}{}{Ладно, проехали. Могу я кое-что спросить?} {255}{}{Ладно, вот деньги.} {256}{}{Ладно, ерунда. До встречи.} -{257}{}{Убежище... Убежище... Убежище 13? Нет, в первый раз слышу. Только не говори мне, что какая-то новая дурь появилась! Ничто не сравнится с Джетом!} +{257}{}{Убежище… Убежище… Убежище 13? Нет, никогда о нём не слышал. Не говори мне, что они придумали ещё один новый наркотик! Ничто не сравнится с Джетом!} {258}{}{Нет, придурок.} {259}{}{Нет, это такое место. Могу я задать еще вопрос?} {260}{}{Да, это такая здоровская дурь.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/ectrappr.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/ectrappr.msg index 7755ace6bb..79b33231b9 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/ectrappr.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/ectrappr.msg @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ {109}{}{Нет, ничего.} {110}{}{Гыг.} {111}{}{Вот что у меня есть: } -{112}{}{шкур(ы) обычных гекко.} -{113}{}{шкур(ы) золотых гекко.} +{112}{}{шкур(ы) обычного гекко} +{113}{}{шкур(ы) золотого гекко.} {114}{}{Забираю все, что есть.} {115}{}{Может, в следующий раз. Пока.} {116}{}{Вот покупатель, просто сокровище. Еще увидимся.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/fcelgrd.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/fcelgrd.msg index d1334e914a..5c81067694 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/fcelgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/fcelgrd.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {100}{}{Вы видите хорошо вооруженного охранника.} -{101}{}{You see a Hubologist guard.} +{101}{}{Вы видите охранника хаболога.} {102}{}{Вы видите хорошо вооруженного субъекта со злобным выражением лица.} {103}{}{Посторонний!} {104}{}{Взять чужаков!} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/fsbiosta.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/fsbiosta.msg index 13a3eeef8a..e2f14b8261 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/fsbiosta.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/fsbiosta.msg @@ -33,7 +33,10 @@ {132}{}{Генетическая программа.} {133}{}{Последние данные о кадрах.} {134}{}{Назад.} -{135}{}{Доктор Вонг: Новый руководитель биологического проекта, в дополнение к физическим исследованиям. Доктор Шенг: руководил биологическим проектом, которого доктор Вонг два месяца назад сменил на этом посту. На месяц отправился в творческий отпуск по работе над новой "ботаническую сывороткой чувствительности", из отпуска не вернулся, причина отсутствия неизвестна. Руководителем биологической программы стал доктор Вонг. Доктор Лонг: недавно погиб от ВРЭ-сыворотки.} +{135}{}{Доктор Вонг: Новый глава биологического проекта, помимо исследований по физике. +Доктор Шэн: Руководитель биологического проекта до недавнего времени (два месяца назад). Месячный отпуск с новой «сывороткой пробуждения растений» учтён; дальнейшее отсутствие — загадка. +Доктор Вонг принимает руководство биологической программой. +Доктор Лонг: Недавно скончался из-за сыворотки ВРЭ.} {136}{}{Ботаническая программа.} {137}{}{Генетическая программа.} {138}{}{Ксенопрограмма.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg index 8031ba1fce..0deaa7601e 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg @@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ {113}{}{-назад-} {114}{}{Отключиться.} {115}{}{ОШИБКА: Топливные баки пусты.} -{116}{}{ERROR: Navigation Computer non Functional.} +{116}{}{ОШИБКА: Навигационный компьютер не функционирует.} {117}{}{-Топливные баки: Пусты- -Груз на борту: Отсутствует- -Навигационный компьютер: Готов к работе- -Швартовы: Закреплены-} {118}{}{-Топливные баки: Полны- -Груз на борту: Отсутствует- -Навигационный компьютер: Готов к работе- -Швартовы: Закреплены-} {119}{}{Вы видите навигационный компьютер ПосейдоНет.} {129}{}{[Процесс отдачи швартовов происходит в считанные секунды, и корабль отходит от причала.]} {130}{}{[Готово]} -{131}{}{Navigation Computer on-line.} +{131}{}{Навигационный компьютер в сети.} {200}{}{ВНИМАНИЕ: Подводная лодка все еще активна! Дальнейшие действия могут привести к разрушению судна.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/gcbrain.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/gcbrain.msg index 28e26caede..075e6ada59 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/gcbrain.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/gcbrain.msg @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ {672}{}{Слушай, если ты не отзовешь набеги, люди в деревне скорее всего станут слугами в Городе Убежища.} {700}{}{Мне больше нечего вам сказать.} {701}{}{Так, слушай сюда, уродец. Предлагаю сделку: либо ты отзовешь набеги своих грызунов, или я взорву этот проклятый реактор к чертовой бабушке!} -{702}{}{Ладно, ладно... Считай, что все сделано. Только не трогай реактор. (себе под нос) Ох уж эти сумасшедшие людишки...} +{702}{}{"Ладно, ладно... Считай, что дело сделано. Только не трогай реактор. (бормочет) Чёртовы психованные людишки..."} {703}{}{Теперь, когда мы пришли к соглашению, что ты там говорил об оптимизации?} {704}{}{Отлично, решено. Прощай.} {705}{}{Вы пришли с Брэйном к соглашению о кротокрысах.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/gcenc2.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/gcenc2.msg index c26853b269..127f5e27ff 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/gcenc2.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/gcenc2.msg @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ {114}{}{Воу, воу, постойте! Почему вы не верите мне? Хоть скажите, что я, по-вашему, натворил?} {115}{}{Кто-то взломал компьютерную сеть Анклава с терминала реактора Посейдон Ойл. Мы пытаемся разыскать его.} {116}{}{Взломал что?! Ну, это не мое. Я всего лишь дикарь. Я даже не знаю, как использовать -- как вы это называете? - Ком-пю-теры.} -{200}{}{Гекко? Черт, нет, вы разве не знаете, что это место кишит кривомордыми гулями? Мне и так приходится смотреть за моим дядей Ленни. А почему вы спросили?} +{200}{}{Гекко? Черт, нет, вы разве не знаете, что это место кишит кривомордыми гулями? Мне и так приходится смотреть за моим дядей Ленни. А почему вы спросили?} {201}{}{Ургх?} {202}{}{Моя убивать плохих людей!} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/generic.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/generic.msg index 40304366ac..1d1e7283ee 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/generic.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/generic.msg @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ {3925}{}{Эй, ты! Что ты там делаешь?} {3926}{}{Тебе нечего здесь делать!} {3927}{}{Если ты думаешь, что я тут стою для мебели, подумай еще раз.} -{3928}{}{Если я правильно понимаю, что ты хочешь сделать, даже и не пытайся.} +{3928}{}{Ты лучше не замышляй то, что я думаю, чужак.} {3929}{}{Что? Тебе вправду казалось, что я тебя не замечу? Убирайся отсюда!} {3950}{}{} {3975}{}{} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/hcdorgrd.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/hcdorgrd.msg index d9ebf18a1d..0a4e0c4216 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/hcdorgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/hcdorgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a Hubologist guard.} +{100}{}{Вы видите охранника хаболога.} {101}{}{Он выглядит крепким и хорошо вооруженным.} {200}{}{Стоять! Это частная территория Церкви Хабологов. Что вам здесь надо?} {201}{}{Сейчас я буду грабить это место. До меня дошли слухи, что здесь лежит много ценного.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/hcguard.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/hcguard.msg index 51c6b10954..59070fa410 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/hcguard.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/hcguard.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a Hubologist guard.} +{100}{}{Вы видите охранника хаболога.} {101}{}{Вы видите хорошо вооруженного человека с жестоким взглядом.} {110}{}{Вы видите хаболога.} {111}{}{Он смотрит на стоящие перед собой компьютеры.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/ncsalvat.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/ncsalvat.msg index 9c31d1e21b..829af26122 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/ncsalvat.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/ncsalvat.msg @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ {217}{}{МОЯ НЕ ГОВОРИТЬ СО ЗВОНОК. ОТКЛЮЧАЙ, МЫ ГОВОРИТЬ.} {218}{}{Я тебя сейчас ИСКАЛЕЧУ, старикан! Ты у меня вообще ходить не будешь!} {219}{}{Все-таки стоило сначала спросить разрешения...} -{220}{}{Трандец!} +{220}{}{Дерьмо!} {221}{}{Ох, скажите мне, что это вы вызвали слугу.} {230}{}{(Старый человек поднимает на вас глаза. У него худое, покрытое лихорадочными пятнами лицо. Он держит в руках дыхательную маску, которая соединена с кислородной подушкой у него на боку.) Что... тебе от меня нужно?} {231}{}{Моя нужно... моя не знать что нужно.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/rcgamble.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/rcgamble.msg index 0a43ea4d10..568f55da71 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/rcgamble.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/rcgamble.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{Вы видите игрока в состоянии нервного возбуждения.} {103}{}{Ну давай, деточке нужны новые ботинки.} {104}{}{Во, вот она удача!} -{105}{}{Трандец!} +{105}{}{Дерьмо!} {106}{}{Почему я?} {107}{}{Никто сдачу не одолжит?} {108}{}{В этот раз уж наверняка.} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/vccasidy.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/vccasidy.msg index 46eb5201fa..4bc3342176 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/vccasidy.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/vccasidy.msg @@ -231,4 +231,4 @@ {30000}{}{О, я на самом деле чувствую себя лучше! Кажется, теперь у меня будет все получаться гораздо лучше!} {30001}{}{Ого, чувствую изменения! Эти таблетки и правда действуют!} {30100}{}{Да, почему бы и нет... Это поможет мне почувствовать себя трупом.} -{30300}{}{[Next]} +{30300}{}{[Далее]} diff --git a/data/text/russian/dialog/vckohl.msg b/data/text/russian/dialog/vckohl.msg index c156cdee9f..795ccdc15b 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/dialog/vckohl.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/dialog/vckohl.msg @@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ {193}{}{! Отлично сделано! Браво!} {194}{}{О, обязательно! Если бы в мире было больше людей, как вы.} {195}{}{Подпишусь под каждым словом! Давненько я не встречал заинтересованных в этом людей. Хотя, знавал одного торговца, увлеченного этим вопросом...} -{196}{}{Really? Used to?} +{196}{}{Правда? Как?} {197}{}{Что ж, приятно знать, что нас больше. Не против, если я спрошу кое-что еще?} -{198}{}{Well, I hope there's more of us out there. Thank you very much and goodbye!} +{198}{}{Ну, надеюсь, нас там больше. Большое спасибо и до свидания!} {199}{}{Да, он приходил во двор менять алкоголь, но заходил ко мне за книгами. Я даже денег не брала, но он настаивал. Говорил, что у них дома книги очень ценятся.} {200}{}{Вау, это очень приятно слышать! Откуда он был?} {201}{}{Почему он больше не появляется?} diff --git a/data/text/russian/game/combatai.msg b/data/text/russian/game/combatai.msg index a726548c12..ba6a7d7094 100644 --- a/data/text/russian/game/combatai.msg +++ b/data/text/russian/game/combatai.msg @@ -3037,7 +3037,7 @@ {41671}{}{Мое колено!} {41672}{}{Лодыжка!} {41673}{}{Икра!} -{41674}{}{Трандец!} +{41674}{}{Дерьмо!} {41675}{}{Черт!} {41676}{}{Шрам останется.} {41677}{}{Ой!} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/epac10.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/epac10.msg index 05dec7fa1d..61901506db 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/epac10.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/epac10.msg @@ -314,19 +314,19 @@ peinar su cabello oscuro peinado con la rápida precisión de un profesional exp {1244}{}{No hay problema. Son unas 2.000 millas en esa dirección. [Dex señala hacia el este.]} {1245}{}{Oh. Bueno, entonces. No importa.} {1250}{}{Había un hombre, más grande que cualquier otro, al que llamamos, "El Rey". Era un hombre guapo con impecable - estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista. - Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre.} + estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista. + Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre.} {1251}{}{Interesante...} {1260}{}{Había inmortales que vivían en secreto entre nosotros. Tuvieron que luchar entre ellos hasta la muerte con espadas hasta - solo quedaba uno para reclamar "El Premio".} + solo quedaba uno para reclamar "El Premio".} {1261}{}{Espera. Si eran inmortales, ¿cómo pudieron matarse entre ellos?} {1262}{}{Solo podían ser asesinados por decapitación. Cuando un inmortal decapita a otro, una aceleración - sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor.} + sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor.} {1263}{}{¿A qué exactamente te refieres con "poderes"?} {1264}{}{Um, ¿poderes de lucha? ¿poderes mecánicos? Ni idea, era un poco confuso.} {1265}{}{Interesante...} {1270}{}{Existían estos lagartos gigantes, algunos más grandes que los edificios, en los que la gente se paseaba. Los llamamos - dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre.} + dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre.} {1271}{}{Vaya, ¿tenías uno?} {1272}{}{Por supuesto. Monté un T-rex, el lagarto gigante más rudo de todos. Solo que el mío era aún más rudo porque tiene alas. Básicamente, era un dragón.} {1273}{}{Interesante...} @@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ Pero bueno, si no me vas a creer, ya no te cuento historias por ahora.} {3023}{}{Así que apartaron a mi papá y me enviaron a vivir con mi tía y mi tío. Verá, yo era un pequeño infierno, incluso entonces, y mi tío, que era militar, pensó que sería capaz de enderezarme y convertirme en un chico soldado rojo asesino, al igual que el hijo que había perdió. Dio su mejor tiro, pero yo era un terco hijo de puta.} {3024}{}{Vaaale. Continúa.} {3025}{}{De todos modos, nos movimos mucho y no fue hasta que estaba en la escuela secundaria que finalmente nos acomodamos - en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo - podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara con el trato real, ¿sabes?} + en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo + podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara con el trato real, ¿sabes?} {3026}{}{Claro.} {3027}{}{Así que las cosas fueron bastante dulces, en su mayor parte. Quiero decir, odiaba a mi tío y mi tía, pero en la escuela estaba - Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto - una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica.} + Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto + una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica.} {3028}{}{Y todo el tiempo que se trabajaba también como un asesino en serie?} {3029}{}{Realmente no me importa tu novia de secundaria. Olvida la historia.} {3030}{}{Sí. [Dex sonríe.] Aquellos eran los días. Yo estaba realmente feliz, sabes? Después de graduarnos, Vicky y yo tenemos nuestro diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg index a8b2ada196..8eeebd2a82 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ {106}{}{INTLVR-Dnky-Pnch-98790} {107}{}{::piratear la computadora::} {108}{}{Salir} -{109}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno-} +{109}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno-} {110}{}{Programa botánico.} {111}{}{Programa genético.} {112}{}{Programa Xeno.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fschesta.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fschesta.msg index 2fa8aa829e..858ccd0fee 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fschesta.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fschesta.msg @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ {105}{}{TIUASPO-Lo-Shi-S12908} {106}{}{Piratear la computadora.} {107}{}{Salir.} -{108}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} +{108}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} {109}{}{Combustible y derivados.} {110}{}{Polímeros.} {111}{}{Desactivar estación de trabajo.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsempter.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsempter.msg index ea8fbb7cb1..41d519656e 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsempter.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/fsempter.msg @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ {166}{}{No.} {167}{}{Formateando... formateando... formateo completo. El reinicio requerirá una instalación completa. Apagando. Apagado... completado...} {168}{}{[HECHO]} -{169}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno.} +{169}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno.} {170}{}{Programa botánico.} {171}{}{Programa genético.} {172}{}{Programa Xeno.} @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ {183}{}{Programa botánico.} {184}{}{Programa genético.} {185}{}{Atrás.} -{186}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} +{186}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} {187}{}{Combustible y derivados.} {188}{}{Polímeros.} {189}{}{Atrás.} @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ {198}{}{[HECHO]} {199}{}{Combustible dirigido a petición. Tanques de almacenamiento = Vacíos. Cerrando programa.} {200}{}{[HECHO]} -{201}{}{Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría} +{201}{}{Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría} {202}{}{Exploración.} {203}{}{Teoría.} {204}{}{Atrás.} {205}{}{"Con la reciente adquisición de planos de un vertibird, la posibilidad de crear una máquina voladora viable ha dado un cualitativo paso adelante. Esperamos tener un prototipo funcional a finales de año, y la habilidad de producir en masa este tipo de vehículos en dos años". -Dr. Wong} {206}{}{::copiar planos:: Atrás.} {207}{}{Atrás.} -{208}{}{"Aún estamos preparando un modelo funcional de un vehículo aéreo. Ninguno de los diseños que hemos creado han demostrado ser seguros o aerodinámicos. Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos..." -Dr. Wong} +{208}{}{"Aún estamos preparando un modelo funcional de un vehículo aéreo. Ninguno de los diseños que hemos creado han demostrado ser seguros o aerodinámicos. Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos..." -Dr. Wong} {209}{}{Atrás.} {210}{}{(Tras sortear la introducción y las matemáticas, descubres que los Shi están aprendiendo a desarrollar de nuevo energía nuclear, reconstruyendo las teorías de los viajes espaciales de los antiguos -y se burlan de los Hubologistas mientras lo hacen- aprovechando la energía del sol, el viento y el mar. Al menos, eso es lo que pone en las notas).} {211}{}{Atrás.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/gcwooz.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/gcwooz.msg index 337d6e187f..4e59c73dc9 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/gcwooz.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/gcwooz.msg @@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ clamando por su sangre.} {551}{}{Pareces un tanto obsesionado con esto, ¿no? Mmm. ¿Tu madre fumó durante el embarazo? ¿Has tenido alguna vez problemas mojando tu cama?} {560}{}{No, no te enteras. Trata sobre una cabeza cortada. ¿Lo pillas? Jejeje, ¡es divertido! ¿Cómo puedes pensar en una cabeza cortada, por todos los puñeteros demonios, sin reírte?} {561}{}{Wooz, no te conozco muy bien, y estoy bastante seguro de que no quiero. De todos modos, creo que puedo decir, sin pecar de exagerado, que necesitas ayuda. Inmediata y competente. } -{562}{}{Oh. Ya veo. Porque, sí. Por supuesto; es muy divertido. Jeje. No puedo contener mi alegría... que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... Necesito preguntarte algo.} +{562}{}{Oh. Ya veo. Porque, sí. Por supuesto; es muy divertido. Jeje. No puedo contener mi alegría... + que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... Necesito preguntarte algo.} {570}{}{¡Vete a la mierda! Eres como todos los demás. Te digo que es hilarantemente divertido. No es culpa mía que no tengas sentido del humor.} {571}{}{Tienes razón, Wooz. Creo que no soy tan listo como tú. Eres una perla en un océano de vulgaridad. Ahora cuéntame algo más.} {572}{}{Tengo el suficiente sentido del humor para reconocer la ausencia de él en los demás. Adiós.} @@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ clamando por su sangre.} {719}{}{¡¡NOO!! ¡¿CÓMO PODÍA HABER PERDIDO?! Ahhhgghhhgh.} {720}{}{Sí... parece que no puedo parar. Sólo un juego más...} {721}{}{Sí, Cerveza Tragos Gamma. ¿Sordo o algo?} -{722}{}{Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha.} +{722}{}{Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha.} {723}{}{De acuerdo, disfrúta. ¿Algo más?} {724}{}{Ocasión especial, ¿eh? Bien lah-de-dah, estamos muy especiales hoy. Un Roentgen viniendo ahora mismo entonces.} {725}{}{No, gracias.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbigjes.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbigjes.msg index 484bddaeab..5974b022d4 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbigjes.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbigjes.msg @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ {248}{}{¿Quién eres?} {249}{}{¿Eres Jesús Mordino?} {250}{}{Lo siento. He entrado en la estancia equivocada.} -{260}{}{Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD +{260}{}{Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD para mí ha… finalizado. (Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} {261}{}{(Su mirada se ensombrece. Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} {262}{}{(La mirada de Gran Jesús se oscurece. Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg index c311196662..3311093c63 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbisgrd.msg @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ {468}{}{.} {469}{}{No necesitas mi nombre. Simplemente déjame verlo.} {471}{}{Olvídalo. No necesitas comprobarlo… me marcharé.} -{475}{}{(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. Espera un minuto, escucha, y luego regresa a tu lado.) } +{475}{}{(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. Espera un minuto, escucha, y luego regresa a tu lado.) } {476}{}{No te conoce. Piérdete, chaval. Estás haciéndonos perder el tiempo.} {477}{}{No te conoce. Piérdete, muchacha. Estás haciéndonos perder el tiempo.} {478}{}{Dejadme verlo. Ahora.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbishop.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbishop.msg index f0db16adba..a3b0d89fda 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbishop.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncbishop.msg @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ {327}{}{No hay problema. Ese tal Westin ya se puede dar por muerto.} {328}{}{No me interesa. Encuentra a algún otro.} {335}{}{Espera. Aún no he TERMINADO de contártelo todo. Quiero a ese tipo muerto, pero no puede PARECER que se lo han cargado. No le metas una bala en la cabeza, no le golpees hasta matarlo, no hagas NADA que parezca un rasguño.} -{336}{}{¿Qué? ¿Cómo --} +{336}{}{¿Qué? ¿Cómo --} {337}{}{Eso va a suponer un ex --} {338}{}{¿Y eso ha de ser así por...?} {345}{}{Porque es como TIENE que hacerse. Cabrea a alguien de por allí, y hazles pensar que yo he tenido ALGO que @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} {786}{}{Mi mujer ME pertenece. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi mujer ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} -{787}{}{Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu +{787}{}{Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} {788}{}{Puedes cobrarte la deuda… simplemente ven a buscarla.} {789}{}{De acuerdo entonces. Lo haré...} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchiwri.msg index 2b9c0f816e..8199512e5a 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchiwri.msg @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ {435}{}{Sí, bueno, sólo ten cuidado. Se están diciendo cosas que no se deben de los Wright, así que no dispares así por la boca, ¿de acuerdo?} {436}{}{No se ciega a sí mismo a la posibilidad de que podría haber estado tomando. Jet es extremadamente adictivo.} {437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo - a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} + a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {438}{}{Lo siento, no quería ofender. Oye, tenía algunas preguntas más…} {439}{}{Entendido. Mejor será que me vaya. } {445}{}{Piérdete. No tengo nada más que decirte.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchrwri.msg index 95dcc5a9a9..35f0187673 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncchrwri.msg @@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {425}{}{No busco problemas. Será mejor que me vaya. } {435}{}{Sí, bueno, sólo ten cuidado. Se están diciendo cosas que no se deben de los Wright, así que no dispares así por la boca, ¿de acuerdo?} -{437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo - a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} +{437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {438}{}{Lo siento, no quería ofender. Oye, tenía algunas preguntas más…} {439}{}{Entendido. Mejor será que me vaya. } {445}{}{Piérdete. No tengo nada más que decirte.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/nccorbro.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/nccorbro.msg index 3740c10b41..acdd3e9471 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/nccorbro.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/nccorbro.msg @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ un poco, y quizá hagamos negocios, ¿vale?} {476}{}{Lo siento, tetazas, eres atractiva y lo bastante flexible, pero es sólo que no tienes la, eh, resistencia que necesitamos... mejora un poco, y quizá hagamos negocios, ¿vale?} -{479}{}{Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez.} +{479}{}{Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez.} {485}{}{Lo siento, amigo, eres atractivo, eres flexible, tienes la resistencia de un brahmin, pero necesitas un poco más de experiencia en la cama antes de que podamos hacer negocios, ¿vale? No tenemos tiempo para entrenarte.} {486}{}{Lo siento, tetazas, eres atractiva, eres flexible, eres resistente, pero necesitas un poco más de experiencia en la diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncethwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncethwri.msg index 11329822b5..1295229fa2 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncethwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncethwri.msg @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ {272}{}{Quizá creas que esta armadura de alta tecnología que llevo está mágicamente pegada a mí. Mira, corta el rollo del 'tribal', de acuerdo?} {273}{}{Oye, ¿crees que este arma que llevo es algún tótem místico que llevo para enseñarlo por ahí? Corta el rollo del - 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?} + 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?} {274}{}{MEJOR ME VOY ANTES DE QUE ME ENFADE.} {280}{}{¡Oh! ¡Perdóname! (Parece espantada). ¡Lo siento, lo siento! Es sólo que pensé… bueno… no importa, olvidemos lo ocurrido. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?} @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ {313}{}{Tengo que irme. Me parece oír a los de mi tribu llamándome.} {315}{}{(Divaga). } {316}{}{La Unión por la Templanza se creó para ayudar a la gente a dar la espalda al veneno de la bebida y guiarla hacia - objetivos más elevados.} + objetivos más elevados.} {317}{}{Oh. Bueno, acerca d--} {318}{}{Lo que q--} {320}{}{(Parece sorprendida). Seguramente te equivocas. Incluso un tribal primitivo como tú no puede diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg index 93f72c2687..c7c1f86d28 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/ncjimmyj.msg @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Así que mi amigo piloto... ¿qué puede hacer Jeta Jimmy J por ti hoy?} tiene las hormonas de veinte… veinte HOMBRES, en realidad.} {592}{}{Interesante… oye, por CURIOSIDAD, dónde consiguen los Mordino a esas prostitutas y cómo las seleccionan?} {600}{}{(Se encoge de hombros). Uno de los muchachos de Mordino va a La Garra de la Gata, calle abajo, eso he oído, y elige una para Myron de entre el grupo de - Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el ceño). Espera un momento...} + Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el ceño). Espera un momento...} {601}{}{¿Qué sucede?} {602}{}{Uh... no importa. Decir, que yo tenía algunas otras preguntas...} {603}{}{Eh, bien, gracias por la información, Jimmy.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/nckitty.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/nckitty.msg index b7adfb51ab..19d1520309 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/nckitty.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/nckitty.msg @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ el mismo mensaje continuamente. Aunque seguro que TODAVÍA seguirá saliendo, au {588}{}{Hmmmm. Gracias por la información.} {595}{}{(Te estudia, y después te indica que te des la vuelta con el dedo). Gírate para que te vea. Hmmmm… } {596}{}{No, no creo que pases la criba. Quizá si te lavases un poco, te - pusieses… presentable. Lo siento.} + pusieses… presentable. Lo siento.} {597}{}{Sí… sí, creo que lo harías bien. ¿Te interesa probar? El resto de mis chicas están… hartas de ello.} {598}{}{Claro.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog/vccasidy.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog/vccasidy.msg index d77591839e..cd59a156ef 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog/vccasidy.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog/vccasidy.msg @@ -231,4 +231,4 @@ {30000}{}{Ah, que en realidad se siente bien. Me siento como que puedo manejar las cosas mucho mejor ahora.} {30001}{}{Wow, esto se siente diferente. Aquellos corazón pastillas deben estar trabajando.} {30100}{}{Sí, ¿por qué no... me ayudará a sentir como que estoy muerto.} -{30300}{}{[Next]} +{30300}{}{[El siguiente]} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/epac10.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/epac10.msg index 1ad5c3b27e..4f3aeadfdc 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/epac10.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/epac10.msg @@ -314,19 +314,19 @@ profundamente y limpia las lágrimas.] De todos modos, gracias a ti.} {1244}{}{No hay problema. Son unas 2.000 millas en esa dirección. [Dex señala hacia el este.]} {1245}{}{Oh. Bueno, entonces. No importa.} {1250}{}{Había un hombre, más grande que cualquier otro, al que llamamos, "El Rey". Era un hombre guapo con impecable - estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista. - Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre.} + estilo, un pelo increíble y una voz de oro. Con un simple empuje de pelvis, podía dejar embarazadas a todas las mujeres a la vista. + Fue adorado como un Dios por la gente del mundo. Él era mi padre.} {1251}{}{Interesante...} {1260}{}{Había inmortales que vivían en secreto entre nosotros. Tuvieron que luchar entre ellos hasta la muerte con espadas hasta - solo quedaba uno para reclamar "El Premio".} + solo quedaba uno para reclamar "El Premio".} {1261}{}{Espera. Si eran inmortales, ¿cómo pudieron matarse entre ellos?} {1262}{}{Solo podían ser asesinados por decapitación. Cuando un inmortal decapita a otro, una aceleración - sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor.} + sería liberado, dando los poderes del inmortal asesinado al vencedor.} {1263}{}{¿A qué exactamente te refieres con "poderes"?} {1264}{}{Um, ¿poderes de lucha? ¿poderes mecánicos? Ni idea, era un poco confuso.} {1265}{}{Interesante...} {1270}{}{Existían estos lagartos gigantes, algunos más grandes que los edificios, en los que la gente se paseaba. Los llamamos - dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre.} + dinosaurios, y eran conocidos como el mejor amigo del hombre.} {1271}{}{Vaya, ¿tenías uno?} {1272}{}{Por supuesto. Monté un T-rex, el lagarto gigante más rudo de todos. Solo que el mío era aún más rudo porque tiene alas. Básicamente, era un dragón.} {1273}{}{Interesante...} @@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ Pero bueno, si no me vas a creer, ya no te cuento historias por ahora.} {3023}{}{Así que apartaron a mi papá y me enviaron a vivir con mi tía y mi tío. Verá, yo era un pequeño infierno, incluso entonces, y mi tío, que era militar, pensó que sería capaz de enderezarme y convertirme en un chico soldado rojo asesino, al igual que el hijo que había perdió. Dio su mejor tiro, pero yo era un terco hijo de puta.} {3024}{}{Vaaale. Continúa.} {3025}{}{De todos modos, nos movimos mucho y no fue hasta que estaba en la escuela secundaria que finalmente nos acomodamos - en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo - podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara con el trato real, ¿sabes?} + en Chicago. Ahí fue cuando me escabullí por la noche y me puse puños. Había estado matando cosas durante tanto tiempo como yo + podría recordar, pero destripar las criaturas del vecindario no se compara con el trato real, ¿sabes?} {3026}{}{Claro.} {3027}{}{Así que las cosas fueron bastante dulces, en su mayor parte. Quiero decir, odiaba a mi tío y mi tía, pero en la escuela estaba - Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto - una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica.} + Sr. Popular Cada chico quería ser mi amigo y cada chica que miraba estaba dispuesta a extenderse por mí. Excepto por esto + una chica, Vicky. Ella realmente tomó un poco de trabajo. Asombroso, lo sé, pero eventualmente conseguí que viniera y se convirtiera en mi chica.} {3028}{}{Y todo el tiempo que se trabajaba también como un asesino en serie?} {3029}{}{Realmente no me importa tu novia de secundaria. Olvida la historia.} {3030}{}{Sí. [Dex sonríe.] Aquellos eran los días. Yo estaba realmente feliz, sabes? Después de graduarnos, Vicky y yo tenemos nuestro diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/fsempter.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/fsempter.msg index 5a09d95b65..0569b9b33d 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/fsempter.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/fsempter.msg @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ {166}{}{No.} {167}{}{Formateando... formateando... formateo completo. El reinicio requerirá una instalación completa. Apagando. Apagado... completado...} {168}{}{[HECHO]} -{169}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno.} +{169}{}{Datos a encontrar: - Programa botánico - Programa genético - Programa Xeno.} {170}{}{Programa botánico.} {171}{}{Programa genético.} {172}{}{Programa Xeno.} @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ {183}{}{Programa botánico.} {184}{}{Programa genético.} {185}{}{Atrás.} -{186}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} +{186}{}{Base de datos Química: Combustible y derivados - Polímeros} {187}{}{Combustible y derivados.} {188}{}{Polímeros.} {189}{}{Atrás.} @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ {198}{}{[HECHO]} {199}{}{Combustible dirigido a petición. Tanques de almacenamiento = Vacíos. Cerrando programa.} {200}{}{[HECHO]} -{201}{}{Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría} +{201}{}{Base de datos Física: Exploración - Teoría} {202}{}{Exploración.} {203}{}{Teoría.} {204}{}{Atrás.} {205}{}{"Con la reciente adquisición de planos de un vertibird, la posibilidad de crear una máquina voladora viable ha dado un cualitativo paso adelante. Esperamos tener un prototipo funcional a finales de año, y la habilidad de producir en masa este tipo de vehículos en dos años". -Dr. Wong} {206}{}{::copiar planos:: Atrás.} {207}{}{Atrás.} -{208}{}{"Aún estamos preparando un modelo funcional de un vehículo aéreo. Ninguno de los diseños que hemos creado han demostrado ser seguros o aerodinámicos. Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos..." -Dr. Wong} +{208}{}{"Aún estamos preparando un modelo funcional de un vehículo aéreo. Ninguno de los diseños que hemos creado han demostrado ser seguros o aerodinámicos. Quizá si tuviéramos acceso a los planos de los antiguos..." -Dr. Wong} {209}{}{Atrás.} {210}{}{(Tras sortear la introducción y las matemáticas, descubres que los Shi están aprendiendo a desarrollar de nuevo energía nuclear, reconstruyendo las teorías de los viajes espaciales de los antiguos -y se burlan de los Hubologistas mientras lo hacen- aprovechando la energía del sol, el viento y el mar. Al menos, eso es lo que pone en las notas).} {211}{}{Atrás.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/gcwooz.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/gcwooz.msg index 335b8da671..04053118aa 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/gcwooz.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/gcwooz.msg @@ -175,7 +175,8 @@ clamando por su sangre.} {551}{}{Pareces un tanto obsesionado con esto, ¿no? Mmm. ¿Tu madre fumó durante el embarazo? ¿Has tenido alguna vez problemas mojando tu cama?} {560}{}{No, no te enteras. Trata sobre una cabeza cortada. ¿Lo pillas? Jejeje, ¡es divertido! ¿Cómo puedes pensar en una cabeza cortada, por todos los puñeteros demonios, sin reírte?} {561}{}{Wooz, no te conozco muy bien, y estoy bastante segura de que no quiero. De todos modos, creo que puedo decir, sin pecar de exagerado, que necesitas ayuda. Inmediata y competente. } -{562}{}{Oh. Ya veo. Porque, sí. Por supuesto; es muy divertido. Jeje. No puedo contener mi alegría... que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... Necesito preguntarte algo.} +{562}{}{Oh. Ya veo. Porque, sí. Por supuesto; es muy divertido. Jeje. No puedo contener mi alegría... + que es bastante... oh, me parto de la risa... Necesito preguntarte algo.} {570}{}{¡Vete a la mierda! Eres como todos los demás. Te digo que es hilarantemente divertido. No es culpa mía que no tengas sentido del humor.} {571}{}{Tienes razón, Wooz. Creo que no soy tan lista como tú. Eres una perla en un océano de vulgaridad. Ahora cuéntame algo más.} {572}{}{Tengo el suficiente sentido del humor para reconocer la ausencia de él en los demás. Adiós.} @@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ clamando por su sangre.} {719}{}{¡¡NOO!! ¡¿CÓMO PODÍA HABER PERDIDO?! Ahhhgghhhgh.} {720}{}{Sí... parece que no puedo parar. Sólo un juego más...} {721}{}{Sí, Cerveza Tragos Gamma. ¿Sordo o algo?} -{722}{}{Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha.} +{722}{}{Si lo es. Un Trago-Gamma viene a la derecha.} {723}{}{De acuerdo, disfrúta. ¿Algo más?} {724}{}{Ocasión especial, ¿eh? Bien lah-de-dah, estamos muy especiales hoy. Un Roentgen viniendo ahora mismo entonces.} {725}{}{No, gracias.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbigjes.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbigjes.msg index e41170eafc..9a0e7c6904 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbigjes.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbigjes.msg @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ {248}{}{¿Quién eres?} {249}{}{¿Eres Jesús Mordino?} {250}{}{Lo siento. He entrado en la estancia equivocada.} -{260}{}{Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD +{260}{}{Tú. (Mordino penetra con la mirada a Myron cuando entra, como si relámpagos oscuros ardieran en sus ojos). Has… abandonado tu puesto. Tu UTILIDAD para mí ha… finalizado. (Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} {261}{}{(Su mirada se ensombrece. Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} {262}{}{(La mirada de Gran Jesús se oscurece. Hace un gesto, y sus guardias desenfundan sus armas).} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbisgrd.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbisgrd.msg index 43bad7bc24..d852b930d6 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbisgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbisgrd.msg @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ {468}{}{.} {469}{}{No necesitas mi nombre. Simplemente déjame verlo.} {471}{}{Olvídalo. No necesitas comprobarlo… me marcharé.} -{475}{}{(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. Espera un minuto, escucha, y luego regresa a tu lado.) } +{475}{}{(El guardia retrocede, abre un panel de una de las paredes y susurra algo. Espera un minuto, escucha, y luego regresa a tu lado.) } {476}{}{No te conoce. Piérdete, chaval. Estás haciéndonos perder el tiempo.} {477}{}{No te conoce. Piérdete, muchacha. Estás haciéndonos perder el tiempo.} {478}{}{Dejadme verlo. Ahora.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbishop.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbishop.msg index dc5737b75b..b80fb3e639 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbishop.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncbishop.msg @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ {327}{}{No hay problema. Ese tal Westin ya se puede dar por muerto.} {328}{}{No me interesa. Encuentra a algún otro.} {335}{}{Espera. Aún no he TERMINADO de contártelo todo. Quiero a ese tipo muerto, pero no puede PARECER que se lo han cargado. No le metas una bala en la cabeza, no le golpees hasta matarlo, no hagas NADA que parezca un rasguño.} -{336}{}{¿Qué? ¿Cómo --} +{336}{}{¿Qué? ¿Cómo --} {337}{}{Eso va a suponer un ex --} {338}{}{¿Y eso ha de ser así por...?} {345}{}{Porque es como TIENE que hacerse. Cabrea a alguien de por allí, y hazles pensar que yo he tenido ALGO que @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} {786}{}{Mi mujer ME pertenece. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi mujer ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} -{787}{}{Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu +{787}{}{Mi hija es MÍA. Todo lo que ENTRA en mi hija ME pertenece. Puedes elegir, tribal: o me pagas tu deuda, o haces el trabajo, y estaremos en paz.} {788}{}{Puedes cobrarte la deuda… simplemente ven a buscarla.} {789}{}{De acuerdo entonces. Lo haré...} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchiwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchiwri.msg index f451f00f27..fff6d3365d 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchiwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchiwri.msg @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ {435}{}{Sí, bueno, sólo ten cuidado. Se están diciendo cosas que no se deben de los Wright, así que no dispares así por la boca, ¿de acuerdo?} {436}{}{No se ciega a sí mismo a la posibilidad de que podría haber estado tomando. Jet es extremadamente adictivo.} {437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo - a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} + a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {438}{}{Lo siento, no quería ofender. Oye, tenía algunas preguntas más…} {439}{}{Entendido. Mejor será que me vaya. } {445}{}{Piérdete. No tengo nada más que decirte.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchrwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchrwri.msg index b08e1d9462..c9aaa5becc 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchrwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncchrwri.msg @@ -103,8 +103,7 @@ muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {425}{}{No busco problemas. Será mejor que me vaya. } {435}{}{Sí, bueno, sólo ten cuidado. Se están diciendo cosas que no se deben de los Wright, así que no dispares así por la boca, ¿de acuerdo?} -{437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo - a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} +{437}{}{OYE, chico, no me vengas con esas. Si sabes lo que te conviene, dejarás de darle vueltas todo el tiempo a cualquier verdad que te muerde el culo de cerca que está.} {438}{}{Lo siento, no quería ofender. Oye, tenía algunas preguntas más…} {439}{}{Entendido. Mejor será que me vaya. } {445}{}{Piérdete. No tengo nada más que decirte.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nccorbro.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nccorbro.msg index ad8f136d68..1ce59bd276 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nccorbro.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nccorbro.msg @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ un poco, y quizá hagamos negocios, ¿vale?} {476}{}{Lo siento, tetazas, eres atractiva y lo bastante flexible, pero es sólo que no tienes la, eh, resistencia que necesitamos... mejora un poco, y quizá hagamos negocios, ¿vale?} -{479}{}{Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez.} +{479}{}{Intentaré mejorar mi resistencia. Quizá la próxima vez.} {485}{}{Lo siento, amigo, eres atractivo, eres flexible, tienes la resistencia de un brahmin, pero necesitas un poco más de experiencia en la cama antes de que podamos hacer negocios, ¿vale? No tenemos tiempo para entrenarte.} {486}{}{Lo siento, tetazas, eres atractiva, eres flexible, eres resistente, pero necesitas un poco más de experiencia en la diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncethwri.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncethwri.msg index 41c34791f4..9113fbe176 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncethwri.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncethwri.msg @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ {272}{}{Quizá creas que esta armadura de alta tecnología que llevo está mágicamente pegada a mí. Mira, corta el rollo del 'tribal', de acuerdo?} {273}{}{Oye, ¿crees que este arma que llevo es algún tótem místico que llevo para enseñarlo por ahí? Corta el rollo del - 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?} + 'tribal', ¿de acuerdo?} {274}{}{MEJOR ME VOY ANTES DE QUE ME ENFADE.} {280}{}{¡Oh! ¡Perdóname! (Parece espantada). ¡Lo siento, lo siento! Es sólo que pensé… bueno… no importa, olvidemos lo ocurrido. ¿Qué puedo hacer por ti?} @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ {313}{}{Tengo que irme. Me parece oír a los de mi tribu llamándome.} {315}{}{(Divaga). } {316}{}{La Unión por la Templanza se creó para ayudar a la gente a dar la espalda al veneno de la bebida y guiarla hacia - objetivos más elevados.} + objetivos más elevados.} {317}{}{Oh. Bueno, acerca d--} {318}{}{Lo que q--} {320}{}{(Parece sorprendida). Seguramente te equivocas. Incluso un tribal primitivo como tú no puede diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncjimmyj.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncjimmyj.msg index 36a9246e75..86080a7356 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncjimmyj.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/ncjimmyj.msg @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Así que mi amigo piloto... ¿qué puede hacer Jeta Jimmy J por ti hoy?} tiene las hormonas de veinte… veinte HOMBRES, en realidad.} {592}{}{Interesante… oye, por CURIOSIDAD, dónde consiguen los Mordino a esas prostitutas y cómo las seleccionan?} {600}{}{(Se encoge de hombros). Uno de los muchachos de Mordino va a La Garra de la Gata, calle abajo, eso he oído, y elige una para Myron de entre el grupo de - Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el ceño). Espera un momento...} + Miss Kitty… (Jimmy deja de hablar de repente. Te mira fijamente y frunce el ceño). Espera un momento...} {601}{}{¿Qué sucede?} {602}{}{Uh... no importa. Decir, que yo tenía algunas otras preguntas...} {603}{}{Eh, bien, gracias por la información, Jimmy.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nckitty.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nckitty.msg index 44fe0eac9f..3a4213358a 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nckitty.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/nckitty.msg @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ el mismo mensaje continuamente. Aunque seguro que TODAVÍA seguirá saliendo, au {588}{}{Hmmmm. Gracias por la información.} {595}{}{(Te estudia, y después te indica que te des la vuelta con el dedo). Gírate para que te vea. Hmmmm… } {596}{}{No, no creo que pases la criba. Quizá si te lavases un poco, te - pusieses… presentable. Lo siento.} + pusieses… presentable. Lo siento.} {597}{}{Sí… sí, creo que lo harías bien. ¿Te interesa probar? El resto de mis chicas están… hartas de ello.} {598}{}{Claro.} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/vccasidy.msg b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/vccasidy.msg index 2cfe251fdd..846e39a05b 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/vccasidy.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/dialog_female/vccasidy.msg @@ -231,4 +231,4 @@ {30000}{}{Ah, que en realidad se siente bien. Me siento como que puedo manejar las cosas mucho mejor ahora.} {30001}{}{Wow, esto se siente diferente. Aquellos corazón pastillas deben estar trabajando.} {30100}{}{Sí, ¿por qué no... me ayudará a sentir como que estoy muerto.} -{30300}{}{[Next]} +{30300}{}{[El siguiente]} diff --git a/data/text/spanish/game/k_alcohl.msg b/data/text/spanish/game/k_alcohl.msg index 8666cb9e05..4a7be15d1a 100644 --- a/data/text/spanish/game/k_alcohl.msg +++ b/data/text/spanish/game/k_alcohl.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{1}{}{You have become addicted to alcohol. The thirst for alcohol will soon consume you. You lost 1 Agility and 1 Charisma} +{1}{}{Te has convertido en un adicto al alcohol. La sed de alcohol pronto te consumirá. Pierdes 1 en Agilidad y Carisma } {2}{}{Los antojos son cada vez peores.} {3}{}{Tienes los batidos. Usted tiene este intenso ganas de beber algo con alcohol.} -{4}{}{You feel as if a great burden has been lifted from your mind. No longer do you feel the need to drink alcohol. You regained 1 Agility and 1 Charisma} +{4}{}{Sientes como si un gran peso se hubiese quitado de tu mente. Ya no sientes el deseo de beber alcohol. Regeneras 1 en Agilidad y Carisma } diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_ncr3.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_ncr3.txt index 635f99434c..f75492956e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_ncr3.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_ncr3.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -1:Already weakened by the failure to annex Vault 15, President Tandi was forced to retire when her own Vice-President Carlson accused her of complicity in Councilman Westin's death. +1:President Tandi var redan försvagad av misslyckandet med att annektera Valv 15 och tvingades dra sig tillbaka när hennes egen vice president Carlson anklagade henne för delaktighet i Rådsmedlem Westins död. 2:Som president slösade Carlson ingen tid med att säkra sitt grepp om makten. 3:Under hans styre avtog expansionen, eftersom han var mer angelägen om att fylla sina egna fickor än att främja civilisationens bästa. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr2.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr2.txt index cb1d2adc1d..ab3f6705a9 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr2.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr2.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1:In the years following the destruction of the Enclave, a new family arose in New Reno, following the example of a simple tribal that had once visited their city. 2:De var få till antalet men förvånansvärt resursstarka. -3:Driven by religious fervor, they took control of New Reno and put the other families to the spear. -4:After their victory, they sent out many messengers across Northern California looking for their founder, without success. -5:Many felt that the founder had been taken by the fortune spirits and now dwelled in a golden casino paradise in the sky. +3:Drivna av religiös glöd tog de kontroll över New Reno och satte de andra familjerna på spjutet. +4:Efter segern skickade de ut många budbärare över norra Kalifornien för att leta efter sin grundare, utan framgång. +5:Många ansåg att grundaren hade blivit tagen av lyckoandarna och nu bodde i ett gyllene kasinoparadis i himlen. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr3.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr3.txt index c32f626524..16535cb913 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr3.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr3.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, the Bishop Family of New Reno was blessed with a child. -2:This child seemed to have little in common with the Bishops, preferring instead to spend his days exploring the wastes. -3:When he turned thirteen, he seized control of the Bishop Family and led them to victory over the remaining New Reno families. -4:He died quietly in his sleep at the age of seventy-three, never having known his real father. +2:Detta barn verkade inte ha mycket gemensamt med familjen Bishop, utan föredrog att tillbringa sina dagar med att utforska ödemarkerna. +3:När han fyllde tretton tog han kontroll över familjen Bishop och ledde dem till seger över de återstående familjerna i New Reno. +4:Han dog stilla i sömnen vid sjuttiotre års ålder, utan att någonsin ha känt sin riktiga far. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr4.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr4.txt index 51b934f348..14d987f956 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr4.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr4.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1:The Bishop Family of New Reno rose to prominence over the next few years, forming a strong political alliance with the New California Republic and Vault City. -2:Many mysterious deaths and closed-door proceedings surrounded the formation of the alliance, but in the end, New Reno became part of the 'civilized' world. -3:The other families were soon absorbed, and New Reno became a prime tourist location for the new republic. -4:In the decades after the alliance, several Bishops rose to political power and were instrumental in the passage of several amendments protecting gambling rights and prostitution. +1:Familjen Bishop i New Reno blev alltmer framstående under de följande åren och bildade en stark politisk allians med Nya Kaliforniska Republiken och Valvstaden. +2:Många mystiska dödsfall och förhandlingar bakom låsta dörrar pågick under bildandet av alliansen, men i slutändan blev New Reno en del av den 'civiliserade' världen. +3:De andra familjerna absorberades snart, och New Reno blev ett utmärkt turistmål för den nya republiken. +4:Under årtiondena efter alliansen fick flera medlemmar i familjen Bishop politisk makt och bidrog avgörande till att flera lagförslag antogs som skyddade spelrättigheter och prostitution. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr5.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr5.txt index 2590e2a671..dc6ba75079 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr5.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr5.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:The Salvatore Family of New Reno, having profited from their ties to Navarro, used their laser weaponry to burn the other families into submission. -2:The resultant massacre was dubbed "Ash Friday" and is still celebrated in New Reno to this day. +1:Familjen Salvatore i New Reno, som hade dragit nytta av sina band till Navarro, använde sina laservapen för att bränna de andra familjerna till underkastelse. +2:Den resulterande massakern kallades "Askfredagen" och firas fortfarande i New Reno till denna dag. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr6.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr6.txt index 188dafd156..1a60630dde 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr6.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr6.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -1:The Mordino Family grew greatly in power as Jet's influence spread across Northern California. -2:Within a year, they had seized control of New Reno and expanded their empire, absorbing the Den and other surrounding areas. -3:There was little violence in the conquest, as Jet had weakened all resistance to Mordino rule. +1:Familjen Mordino växte kraftigt i makt när Jets påverkan spreds över norra Kalifornien. +2:Inom ett år hade de tagit kontroll över New Reno och utökat sitt imperium genom att absorbera Lyan och andra omgivande områden. +3:Det förekom endast lite våld i erövringen, eftersom Jet hade försvagat allt motstånd mot familjen Mordinos styre. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr7.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr7.txt index 6cc2ccce97..7cf96ecd2a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr7.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr7.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:With their Jet production halted with the discovery of a cure, the Mordino Family quickly lost ground in New Reno and were absorbed by the other families. -2:Most became enforcers or slaves, and the name Mordino was soon forgotten. +1:När deras Jet-produktion stoppades i och med upptäckten av ett botemedel förlorade familjen Mordino snabbt mark i New Reno och absorberades av de andra familjerna. +2:De flesta blev indrivare eller slavar, och namnet Mordino glömdes snart bort. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr8.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr8.txt index 06f9ea129a..84cca5c4ba 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr8.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr8.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Less than a month after the Enclave's destruction, a mob war broke out in New Reno streets. -2:The Wrights, armed with an arsenal of weaponry that dated back to the pre-war years, leveled the casinos of the other families with rocket launchers. -3:The 'mob war' was clocked as lasting a little over forty-three minutes, and when the smoke cleared, half of New Reno had been demolished. -4:To this day, it is commonly taught that the Wright Family were the founders of New Reno. +2:Familjen Wright, som hade en vapenarsenal som gick tillbaka till förkrigsåren, jämnade de andra familjernas kasinon med marken med raketgevär. +3:Mobbekriget beräknades pågå i lite mer än fyrtiotre minuter och när röken skingrats hade halva New Reno demolerats. +4:Än idag är det vanligen sagt att familjen Wright var grundare av New Reno. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr9.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr9.txt index 9e458c497d..ff80b4e2b2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr9.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts/nar_nr9.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Within months after the Enclave's destruction, war broke out in New Reno streets. -2:The Wrights, believing the Mordinos responsible for the death of one of their family, attacked the Desperado casino. -3:The running gun battle that ensued lasted little more than a day, and the Wrights were massacred to the last woman and child. -4:Their mansion lies vacant now, and there are few New Reno inhabitants who remembered who once lived there. +2:Familjen Wright, som trodde att Mordino-familjen var ansvariga för en av deras familjemedlemmars död, attackerade Desperado-kasinot. +3:Den eldstrid som följde varade lite mer än en dag, och familjen Wright massakrerades till sista kvinna och barn. +4:Deras herrgård står nu tom och det är få New Reno-bor som minns vilka som en gång bodde där. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_ncr3.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_ncr3.txt index 635f99434c..f75492956e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_ncr3.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_ncr3.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -1:Already weakened by the failure to annex Vault 15, President Tandi was forced to retire when her own Vice-President Carlson accused her of complicity in Councilman Westin's death. +1:President Tandi var redan försvagad av misslyckandet med att annektera Valv 15 och tvingades dra sig tillbaka när hennes egen vice president Carlson anklagade henne för delaktighet i Rådsmedlem Westins död. 2:Som president slösade Carlson ingen tid med att säkra sitt grepp om makten. 3:Under hans styre avtog expansionen, eftersom han var mer angelägen om att fylla sina egna fickor än att främja civilisationens bästa. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr2.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr2.txt index cb1d2adc1d..ab3f6705a9 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr2.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr2.txt @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1:In the years following the destruction of the Enclave, a new family arose in New Reno, following the example of a simple tribal that had once visited their city. 2:De var få till antalet men förvånansvärt resursstarka. -3:Driven by religious fervor, they took control of New Reno and put the other families to the spear. -4:After their victory, they sent out many messengers across Northern California looking for their founder, without success. -5:Many felt that the founder had been taken by the fortune spirits and now dwelled in a golden casino paradise in the sky. +3:Drivna av religiös glöd tog de kontroll över New Reno och satte de andra familjerna på spjutet. +4:Efter segern skickade de ut många budbärare över norra Kalifornien för att leta efter sin grundare, utan framgång. +5:Många ansåg att grundaren hade blivit tagen av lyckoandarna och nu bodde i ett gyllene kasinoparadis i himlen. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr3.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr3.txt index c32f626524..16535cb913 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr3.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr3.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, the Bishop Family of New Reno was blessed with a child. -2:This child seemed to have little in common with the Bishops, preferring instead to spend his days exploring the wastes. -3:When he turned thirteen, he seized control of the Bishop Family and led them to victory over the remaining New Reno families. -4:He died quietly in his sleep at the age of seventy-three, never having known his real father. +2:Detta barn verkade inte ha mycket gemensamt med familjen Bishop, utan föredrog att tillbringa sina dagar med att utforska ödemarkerna. +3:När han fyllde tretton tog han kontroll över familjen Bishop och ledde dem till seger över de återstående familjerna i New Reno. +4:Han dog stilla i sömnen vid sjuttiotre års ålder, utan att någonsin ha känt sin riktiga far. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr4.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr4.txt index 51b934f348..14d987f956 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr4.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr4.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -1:The Bishop Family of New Reno rose to prominence over the next few years, forming a strong political alliance with the New California Republic and Vault City. -2:Many mysterious deaths and closed-door proceedings surrounded the formation of the alliance, but in the end, New Reno became part of the 'civilized' world. -3:The other families were soon absorbed, and New Reno became a prime tourist location for the new republic. -4:In the decades after the alliance, several Bishops rose to political power and were instrumental in the passage of several amendments protecting gambling rights and prostitution. +1:Familjen Bishop i New Reno blev alltmer framstående under de följande åren och bildade en stark politisk allians med Nya Kaliforniska Republiken och Valvstaden. +2:Många mystiska dödsfall och förhandlingar bakom låsta dörrar pågick under bildandet av alliansen, men i slutändan blev New Reno en del av den 'civiliserade' världen. +3:De andra familjerna absorberades snart, och New Reno blev ett utmärkt turistmål för den nya republiken. +4:Under årtiondena efter alliansen fick flera medlemmar i familjen Bishop politisk makt och bidrog avgörande till att flera lagförslag antogs som skyddade spelrättigheter och prostitution. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr5.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr5.txt index 2590e2a671..dc6ba75079 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr5.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr5.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:The Salvatore Family of New Reno, having profited from their ties to Navarro, used their laser weaponry to burn the other families into submission. -2:The resultant massacre was dubbed "Ash Friday" and is still celebrated in New Reno to this day. +1:Familjen Salvatore i New Reno, som hade dragit nytta av sina band till Navarro, använde sina laservapen för att bränna de andra familjerna till underkastelse. +2:Den resulterande massakern kallades "Askfredagen" och firas fortfarande i New Reno till denna dag. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr6.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr6.txt index 188dafd156..1a60630dde 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr6.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr6.txt @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -1:The Mordino Family grew greatly in power as Jet's influence spread across Northern California. -2:Within a year, they had seized control of New Reno and expanded their empire, absorbing the Den and other surrounding areas. -3:There was little violence in the conquest, as Jet had weakened all resistance to Mordino rule. +1:Familjen Mordino växte kraftigt i makt när Jets påverkan spreds över norra Kalifornien. +2:Inom ett år hade de tagit kontroll över New Reno och utökat sitt imperium genom att absorbera Lyan och andra omgivande områden. +3:Det förekom endast lite våld i erövringen, eftersom Jet hade försvagat allt motstånd mot familjen Mordinos styre. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr7.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr7.txt index 6cc2ccce97..7cf96ecd2a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr7.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr7.txt @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -1:With their Jet production halted with the discovery of a cure, the Mordino Family quickly lost ground in New Reno and were absorbed by the other families. -2:Most became enforcers or slaves, and the name Mordino was soon forgotten. +1:När deras Jet-produktion stoppades i och med upptäckten av ett botemedel förlorade familjen Mordino snabbt mark i New Reno och absorberades av de andra familjerna. +2:De flesta blev indrivare eller slavar, och namnet Mordino glömdes snart bort. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr8.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr8.txt index 06f9ea129a..84cca5c4ba 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr8.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr8.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Less than a month after the Enclave's destruction, a mob war broke out in New Reno streets. -2:The Wrights, armed with an arsenal of weaponry that dated back to the pre-war years, leveled the casinos of the other families with rocket launchers. -3:The 'mob war' was clocked as lasting a little over forty-three minutes, and when the smoke cleared, half of New Reno had been demolished. -4:To this day, it is commonly taught that the Wright Family were the founders of New Reno. +2:Familjen Wright, som hade en vapenarsenal som gick tillbaka till förkrigsåren, jämnade de andra familjernas kasinon med marken med raketgevär. +3:Mobbekriget beräknades pågå i lite mer än fyrtiotre minuter och när röken skingrats hade halva New Reno demolerats. +4:Än idag är det vanligen sagt att familjen Wright var grundare av New Reno. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr9.txt b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr9.txt index 9e458c497d..ff80b4e2b2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr9.txt +++ b/data/text/swedish/cuts_female/nar_nr9.txt @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1:Within months after the Enclave's destruction, war broke out in New Reno streets. -2:The Wrights, believing the Mordinos responsible for the death of one of their family, attacked the Desperado casino. -3:The running gun battle that ensued lasted little more than a day, and the Wrights were massacred to the last woman and child. -4:Their mansion lies vacant now, and there are few New Reno inhabitants who remembered who once lived there. +2:Familjen Wright, som trodde att Mordino-familjen var ansvariga för en av deras familjemedlemmars död, attackerade Desperado-kasinot. +3:Den eldstrid som följde varade lite mer än en dag, och familjen Wright massakrerades till sista kvinna och barn. +4:Deras herrgård står nu tom och det är få New Reno-bor som minns vilka som en gång bodde där. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abdoor.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abdoor.msg index abaced6160..decc612d8f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abdoor.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abdoor.msg @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ {109}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett gammalt, rostigt lås och en fälla i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} {110}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett lås (som kan öppnas - med dyrkar) och en fälla i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan + med dyrkar) och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} {111}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett lås på och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abhank.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abhank.msg index d41d1da2a7..c6af365523 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abhank.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abhank.msg @@ -6,34 +6,34 @@ {202}{}{This is perfect. Thanks!} {203}{}{Out of curiosity, what exactly are you doing here?} {204}{}{Sure. Since you brought me a lighter, here's one on the house.} -{205}{}{[Drink it.]} -{206}{}{I changed my mind I don't want any alcohol. Bye.} -{207}{}{(You feel warm and relaxed after you gulp down the wine.)} -{208}{}{Gimme another, Hank.} -{209}{}{I'll go now, bye.} -{210}{}{(Suddenly you feel like shit, then your vision begins to blur. You fall on the ground...)} +{205}{}{[Drick det.]} +{206}{}{Jag har ändrat mig Jag vill inte ha någon alkohol. Hej då.} +{207}{}{(Du känner dig varm och avslappnad efter att du har druckit vinet).} +{208}{}{Ge me' en till, Hank.} +{209}{}{Jag ska gå nu, hej då.} +{210}{}{(Plötsligt mår du skit, sedan börjar din syn bli suddig. Du faller på marken...)} {211}{}{[KLAR]} -{212}{}{No, Sorry.} -{213}{}{Hi, again.} -{214}{}{Hi and bye.} -{215}{}{This one won't be free. It'll cost you $20.} -{216}{}{Sure. Here's the money.} -{217}{}{Nah, I've had enough. Maybe next time.} -{218}{}{(He pockets the money.) Alright then, here's the drink.} -{219}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} -{220}{}{Any luck finding a lighter?} -{250}{}{I would like to buy some of the alcohol you make here.} -{251}{}{Just looking around. Take care.} -{252}{}{Sure. $20 a bottle.} -{253}{}{[Hold on to it.]} -{300}{}{Where did I put my lighter?} -{301}{}{I need a lighter.} -{302}{}{COULD SOMEONE BRING ME A LIGHTER!?} -{303}{}{Uh, hi there.} -{304}{}{Sorry, I can't chat with you now.} -{400}{}{Ooh, look at all those pretty stars!} -{500}{}{Hello. Need something?} -{501}{}{Hey, thanks again for the lighter. It's better than my old one.} +{212}{}{Nej, tyvärr.} +{213}{}{Hej igen.} +{214}{}{Hej och hej då.} +{215}{}{Den här kommer inte att vara gratis. Den kommer att kosta dig $20.} +{216}{}{Visst. Här är pengarna.} +{217}{}{Nej, jag har fått nog. Kanske nästa gång.} +{218}{}{(Han stoppar pengarna i fickan.) Okej då, här är drinken.} +{219}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} +{220}{}{Har du lyckats hitta en tändare?} +{250}{}{Jag skulle vilja köpa lite av alkoholen som ni tillverkar här.} +{251}{}{Jag ser mig bara omkring. Ta hand om dig.} +{252}{}{Visst. $20 flaskan.} +{253}{}{[Håll i den.]} +{300}{}{Var har jag lagt min tändare?} +{301}{}{Jag behöver en tändare.} +{302}{}{KAN NÅGON GE MIG EN TÄNDARE!?} +{303}{}{Eh, hej på dig.} +{304}{}{Tyvärr, jag kan inte snacka med dig nu.} +{400}{}{Åh, titta på alla vackra stjärnor!} +{500}{}{Hallå. Behöver du något?} +{501}{}{Hej, tack igen för tändaren. Den är bättre än min gamla.} {600}{}{We brew our own alcohol here at the monastery. Some of the most powerful stuff you'll taste in the Wastes.} {601}{}{Mind if I try some?} {602}{}{Sounds interesting. I must be going.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjason.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjason.msg index 5c8b3a07cd..7213a8a8bc 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjason.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjason.msg @@ -57,22 +57,22 @@ {272}{}{Radera hundratals år av någon annans hårda arbete? Låter kul. Jag gör det.} {273}{}{Varför formaterar du det inte själv?} {274}{}{Om du hatar att vara här, varför åker du inte bara härifrån?} -{280}{}{Are you kidding me? They'd crucify me if I did that. You however, you're an experienced adventurer. Hell, I bet - you could massacre everyone here without breaking a sweat. So will you do it, or are you afraid of a bunch of pacifist monks?} -{281}{}{I'm not afraid of anyone. I'll do it.} -{282}{}{Alright. I'll do it.} -{283}{}{Nah, instead I think I'll test out your massacre theory. Starting with you.} -{284}{}{I'll pass. That's just not my style. Bye.} -{285}{}{No, I'm not going to do it. If you hate it here, why don't you just leave?} -{286}{}{Unless you've changed your mind about helping me, fuck off.} -{287}{}{Alright. I'll do it.} -{288}{}{No, I'm not going to do it. If you hate it here, why don't you just leave?} +{280}{}{Skojar du med mig? De skulle korsfästa mig om jag gjorde det. Du däremot, du är en erfaren äventyrare. Fan, jag slår vad om + att du skulle kunna massakrera alla här utan att svettas. Så kommer du att göra det, eller är du rädd för ett gäng pacifistiska munkar?} +{281}{}{Jag är inte rädd för någon. Jag gör det.} +{282}{}{Okej, då. Jag gör det.} +{283}{}{Nä, istället tror jag att jag ska testa din massakerteori. Jag börjar med dig.} +{284}{}{Jag står över. Det är bara inte min stil. Hej då.} +{285}{}{Nej, jag tänker inte göra det. Om du hatar att vara här, varför flyttar du inte bara?} +{286}{}{Om du inte har ändrat dig om att hjälpa mig, så dra åt helvete.} +{287}{}{Okej, då. Jag gör det.} +{288}{}{Nej, jag tänker inte göra det. Om du hatar att vara här, varför flyttar du inte bara?} {290}{}{You will? Seriously? Oh man, that's awesome. But first, you'll need to get access, 'cause they're pretty protective of the database. It shouldn't be too hard though, these monks are pretty trusting. They're gonna be pissed as hell when you format it, but they're all a bunch of wimps, so don't worry about it. Just try not to kill anyone -- I don't want things to get too out of hand, you know?} {291}{}{Sure. Anything else?} -{292}{}{I make no promises. Anything else?} +{292}{}{Jag ger inga löften. Var det något mer?} {300}{}{Just format it, then take off, cause they're not going to want you around here. Don't even bother to come tell me you did it, because I'll have to act just as pissed as everyone else or they'll suspect something's up. Thanks again for doing this. It's for their own good.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjohn.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjohn.msg index d8f8b13aec..cba38544dc 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abjohn.msg @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ {100}{}{You see Brother John.} {101}{}{You see one of the Abbey's older Monks.} -{102}{}{You see an old monk. He looks to be in his early seventies.} -{300}{}{Hi there, youngster.} +{102}{}{Du ser en gammal munk. Han ser ut att vara i början av sjuttioårsåldern.} +{300}{}{Hej på dig, lillkisen.} {301}{}{Vem är du?} {302}{}{Have you heard anything about a GECK or Vault 13?} {303}{}{Hej då.} -{400}{}{My name is John, I'm one of the oldest monks here.} -{401}{}{So, what's your job?} -{402}{}{I see, bye.} -{403}{}{Well, I used to work on a farm, but it was bad for my heart.} -{404}{}{You have heart problems?} -{405}{}{That's too bad, bye!} +{400}{}{Mitt namn är John, jag är en av de äldsta munkarna här.} +{401}{}{Så, vad är ditt jobb?} +{402}{}{Jag förstår, hej då.} +{403}{}{Jag brukade jobba på en gård, men det var dåligt för mitt hjärta.} +{404}{}{Har du hjärtproblem?} +{405}{}{Det är synd, hej då!} {406}{}{Yeah, I have a bad heart. If I still had my heart pills, it would ease my life a lot more. It is very difficult to find medicine for that problem in today's world you know.} {407}{}{I might have a solution for your heart problems...} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmatt.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmatt.msg index e3199e77c6..a88c567c3e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmatt.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmatt.msg @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ of holy pre-war relics. I'd ask you not to damage anything, but I'm afraid everything's already broken beyond repair.} {401}{}{I think I just might. I have some questions though.} {402}{}{Thanks. I think I'll go do that now.} -{500}{}{I am at your service. What would you like to know?} -{501}{}{What can you tell me about this place?} -{502}{}{You seem to be very poetic in your preaching. Any reason for this?} +{500}{}{Jag står till er tjänst. Vad skulle du vilja veta?} +{501}{}{Vad kan du berätta om den här platsen?} +{502}{}{Du verkar vara väldigt poetisk i dina predikningar. Finns det någon anledning till det?} {503}{}{Nevermind. Take care.} {600}{}{The Abbey is home to anyone, so long as they don't cause trouble. We are an independent community and rarely get visitors, such as yourself. The majority of those you see here are descended from the original founders that settled in @@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ {604}{}{Interesting. Well, I must be going.} {700}{}{[The man chuckles at your question] No, no particular reason. I have just read much poetry throughout my life and I enjoy applying it to my teachings. It helps leave a greater impact on those listening.} -{701}{}{Fair enough. Another question.} -{800}{}{It is good to see you again } -{801}{}{. What can I do for you?} -{802}{}{I have some questions.} -{803}{}{Nothing. See you around.} +{701}{}{Rimligt nog. En annan fråga.} +{800}{}{Det är trevligt att se dig igen } +{801}{}{. Vad kan jag göra för dig?} +{802}{}{Jag har några frågor.} +{803}{}{Det var inget. Vi ses.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmax.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmax.msg index 3149bc568b..4b8146ea78 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmax.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmax.msg @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -{100}{}{You see Max.} -{101}{}{You see a regular Abbey monk.} -{102}{}{He looks a little nervous.} +{100}{}{Du ser Max.} +{101}{}{Du ser en vanlig klostermunk.} +{102}{}{Han ser lite nervös ut.} {200}{}{Hej, vad kan jag göra för dig?} -{201}{}{I have something from Elaine...} +{201}{}{Jag har något från Elaine...} {202}{}{Vad är det här för ställe?} {203}{}{Hej då.} -{300}{}{Let me guess. It's that service part I requested, right?} -{301}{}{Yes, here it is.} -{302}{}{No, I was just testing you.} -{303}{}{(He takes the part from your hands) Finally! Now we can fix this printing machine. Thanks, take this survival manual for your trouble.} +{300}{}{Låt mig gissa. Det är den där servicedelen jag bad om, eller hur?} +{301}{}{Ja, här är den.} +{302}{}{Nej, jag testade dig bara.} +{303}{}{(Han tar delen från dina händer) Äntligen! Nu kan vi fixa den här tryckmaskinen. Tack, ta den här överlevnadshandboken för besväret.} {304}{}{Tack.} -{305}{}{Look, I don't have time for this. Do you have the part or not?} -{306}{}{Yeah, I have it.} -{307}{}{Whatever, I'm outta here.} -{400}{}{This is our printing works. We copy our books here.} -{401}{}{Ok, thanks for the info.} -{500}{}{You gain %d experience points for delivering the part.} -{600}{}{I be BIG helper today. I have macheen part from pretty name woman.} -{610}{}{That must be the service part that I requested from Elaine. Thanks for bringing this to me. Here, take this - survival manual for your trouble... uh if you can read it that is.} -{611}{}{I read ten words. I likie pitcher books more. They fun to look. Tankee!} +{305}{}{Jag har inte tid med det här. Har du delen eller inte?} +{306}{}{Ja, jag har den.} +{307}{}{Hur som helst, jag sticker.} +{400}{}{Det här är vårt tryckeri. Här kopierar vi våra böcker.} +{401}{}{Ok, tack för informationen.} +{500}{}{Du får %d erfarenhetspoäng för att ha levererat delen.} +{600}{}{Jag e STOR hjälpare idag. Jag har massiindel från finnamn kvinna.} +{610}{}{Det måste vara den reservdel som jag bad om från Elaine. Tack för att du kom hit med den. Här, ta den här + överlevnadsmanualen för ditt besvär... eh om du kan läsa den vill säga.} +{611}{}{Jag läsa tio ord. Jag gillar bildbokar mer. De kul att titta. Taack!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch1.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch1.msg index ec9d6a0eac..716f344c63 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch1.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch1.msg @@ -1,62 +1,62 @@ -{100}{}{You see a merchant.} -{102}{}{You see a merchant who is trying to fix the waterpump.} -{103}{}{I just can't get this thing working!} -{104}{}{This seems to be very hard to fix.} -{105}{}{What a piece of shit this is!} -{106}{}{Stubborn little sonnuva bitch are we?} -{107}{}{Could you lend me a hand?} -{108}{}{Maybe you'll have better luck with this.} -{109}{}{Hey, thanks for fixing the waterpump!} -{110}{}{You should notify the headmonk that the waterpump is now fixed.} -{200}{}{Thanks for helping us with this thing.} -{300}{}{Ah, what a piece of shi- umm, I'm a little busy right now. Do you need something or are - you just wasting my time?} -{301}{}{Actually yes, the Abbot sent me. He said the water pump is having some trouble.} -{302}{}{Heh, "having trouble" is an understatement. This ol' thing is totally busted. There's no way - it's going to run again.} -{303}{}{I see. Then I guess it wouldn't hurt anything if I took a look at it.} -{304}{}{Sure, be my guest. Not like you could break it any more.} -{305}{}{I don't mean to bother, but what seems to be the trouble here?} -{306}{}{The main water pump for the Abbey is busted. The damn thing was breathing its last the past few days - and now it's finally gone out.} -{307}{}{I'm a bit of a techie, mind if I take a look?} -{308}{}{Well, I'm not that great with machines, but perhaps I can see if something can be done.} -{309}{}{Sure, no one's stopping you.} -{310}{}{Uh, sorry. Bye.} -{311}{}{I'll see what I can do then.} -{312}{}{I thought I might be able to help, but if you want to be an asshole about it, then you're welcome to figure it out on your own.} -{313}{}{I told the Abbot I'd be willing to help, but if you want to be an asshole about it, then you're welcome to figure it out on your own.} -{320}{}{[He squints at you for a moment, then slowly lets out his breath in a sigh.] Sorry friend, this thing's being a - real bitch, and it's gotten me all worked up. I didn't mean to snap at ya. } -{321}{}{Well, what seems to be the problem then?} -{322}{}{Whatever, bye.} -{330}{}{Come back and talk to me in the morning.} -{400}{}{Oh, it's you again. Any luck?} -{401}{}{No, not yet. I'll get back to you if I do.} -{402}{}{Actually, yes. I looked inside and it seems the motor is completely busted. The connections are shot, so we're - going to have to get our hands on a new motor, as well as some wires to reconnect everything since the old wires are fried.} -{500}{}{Hmm... the connectors are shot on the main motor, eh? Well, I got some wires here with me that will work, but not - that specific motor. I am sure Vault City has the part though. Go there and speak with Harry in the main courtyard. Tell him - Dave sent you. Damn motor is expensive, but he should give you a good deal.} -{501}{}{I'll head there now. Be back soon.} -{502}{}{Whoa, hold on a second. I was happy to help you figure out the problem, but who said I'm willing to trek across - the wastes to go buy you an expensive motor? If you want my help, it's going to cost you.} -{503}{}{How 'bout *you* tell Harry that when you go fetch it your damn self? I'm not your fucking errand boy. Bye.} -{510}{}{Alright, I wouldn't expect someone to do work for free. The part will cost you bout 500 and I think 100 more for - your trouble is reasonable. Here's 600.} -{511}{}{That's better. I'll be back with the part.} -{600}{}{Any luck on that part? This machine won't fix itself.} -{601}{}{No, not yet. I'll be back when I get it.} -{602}{}{Yep, got the part right here.} -{700}{}{Excellent. Want me to install the damn thing, or do you want the pleasure?} -{701}{}{I think I can handle it. Step aside.} -{702}{}{Actually, I think I've done enough on this job. Go ahead and install it yourself.} -{800}{}{Alright fine, hand it over.} -{801}{}{Here you go.} -{900}{}{That should do it.} -{901}{}{The water pump has been repaired.} -{910}{}{(Wipes the sweat from his forehead.) Yeah, need something?} -{911}{}{The Abbot said you might need some assistance. What seems to be the trouble?} +{100}{}{Du ser en handlare.} +{102}{}{Du ser en handlare som försöker laga vattenpumpen.} +{103}{}{Jag kan bara inte få den här saken att fungera!} +{104}{}{Detta verkar vara mycket svårt att laga.} +{105}{}{Vilken jävla skit den här är!} +{106}{}{Envis liten skitunge är vi?} +{107}{}{Kan du hjälpa mig?} +{108}{}{Du kanske har mer tur med den här.} +{109}{}{Hej, tack för att du lagade vattenpumpen!} +{110}{}{Du borde meddela huvudmunken att vattenpumpen nu är lagad.} +{200}{}{Tack för att du hjälper oss med den här saken.} +{300}{}{Åh, vilken ski-... ehh, jag är lite upptagen just nu. Behöver du något eller + slösar du bara bort min tid?} +{301}{}{Faktiskt ja, Abboten skickade mig. Han sa att vattenpumpen har lite problem.} +{302}{}{Hah, "har problem" är en underdrift. Den här gamla grejen är helt förstörd. Det finns ingen chans + att den kommer att fungera igen.} +{303}{}{Jag förstår. Då antar jag att det inte skulle skada något om jag tog en titt på den.} +{304}{}{Visst, varsågod. Inte som att du kan förstöra den mer.} +{305}{}{Jag vill inte störa, men vad är det som verkar vara problemet här?} +{306}{}{Huvudvattenpumpen för klostret är trasig. Den jäkla saken har dragit sina sista andetag de senaste dagarna + och nu har den till sist stannat.} +{307}{}{Jag är lite teknikintresserad, får jag ta en titt?} +{308}{}{Jag är inte så bra på maskiner, men jag kanske kan se om det går att göra något.} +{309}{}{Visst, ingen stoppar dig.} +{310}{}{Eh, jag är ledsen. Hej då.} +{311}{}{Jag ska se vad jag kan göra då.} +{312}{}{Jag tänkte att jag kanske kunde hjälpa till, men om du vill vara en skitstövel så är du välkommen att lösa det på egen hand.} +{313}{}{Jag sa till abboten att jag gärna hjälper till, men om du vill vara en skitstövel får du gärna lösa det på egen hand.} +{320}{}{[Han kisar på dig ett ögonblick och släpper sedan långsamt ut andan i en suck.] Ledsen vän, den här saken är en + riktig bitch, och den ha' gjort mig helt upprörd. Jag menade inte att snäsa åt dig.} +{321}{}{Tja, vad verkar vara problemet då?} +{322}{}{Visst, hej då.} +{330}{}{Kom tillbaka och prata med mig i morgon bitti.} +{400}{}{Åh, det är du igen. Har du lyckats än?} +{401}{}{Nej, inte än. Jag hör av mig om jag gör det.} +{402}{}{Ja, faktiskt. Jag tittade inuti och det verkar som om motorn är helt paj. Anslutningarna är körda, så vi + måste få tag på en ny motor, samt några kablar för att återansluta allt eftersom de gamla kablarna är stekta.} +{500}{}{Hmmm... Kontakterna är körda på huvudmotorn, va? Tja, jag har några kablar här med mig som kommer att fungera, men inte + den specifika motorn. Jag är säker på att Valvstaden har delen dock. Gå dit och prata med Harry på huvudgården. Säg till honom att + Dave skickade dig. Den jäkla motorn är dyr, men han borde ge dig en bra deal.} +{501}{}{Jag ska dit nu. Kommer snart tillbaka.} +{502}{}{Vänta lite. Jag var glad att hjälpa dig att förstå problemet, men vem sa att jag är villig att vandra över + ödemarken för att köpa en dyr motor till dig? Om du vill ha min hjälp, så kommer det att kosta dig.} +{503}{}{Vad sägs om att *du* säger det till Harry när du hämtar den helt jäkla själv? Jag är inte din jävla springpojke. Hej då.} +{510}{}{Okej, jag skulle inte förvänta mig att någon gör jobbet gratis. Delen kommer att kosta dig cirka 500 och jag tror att 100 mer för + ditt besvär är rimligt. Här får du 600.} +{511}{}{Det var bättre. Jag kommer tillbaka med delen.} +{600}{}{Nån tur med den där delen? Den här maskinen lagar inte sig själv.} +{601}{}{Nej, inte än. Jag kommer tillbaka när jag får den.} +{602}{}{Japp, jag har delen här.} +{700}{}{Utmärkt. Ska jag installera den jäkla saken, eller vill du ha nöjet?} +{701}{}{Jag tror att jag klarar av det. Stig åt sidan.} +{702}{}{Jag tror att jag har gjort tillräckligt med det här jobbet. Kör igång och installera den själv.} +{800}{}{Okej bra, lämna över den.} +{801}{}{Varsågod.} +{900}{}{Så där ja.} +{901}{}{Vattenpumpen har reparerats.} +{910}{}{(Torkar svetten från pannan.) Ja, behöver du något?} +{911}{}{Abboten sa att du kanske behövde lite hjälp. Vad verkar vara problemet?} {912}{}{Nevermind. Goodbye.} -{913}{}{I took a look at the water pump and it seems the motor is completely busted. The connections are shot, so we're - going to have to get our hands on a new motor, as well as some wires to reconnect everything since the old wires are fried.} +{913}{}{Jag tog en titt på vattenpumpen och det verkar som om motorn är helt paj. Anslutningarna är körda, så vi + måste få tag på en ny motor, samt några kablar för att återansluta allt eftersom de gamla kablarna är stekta.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch2.msg index 723cac507c..4d89207d17 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmerch2.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You see a merchant.} -{101}{}{He seems to be assisting the man who is fixing the pump.} -{102}{}{This is taking longer than we thought.} -{103}{}{Check with the boss if you think you can help.} -{104}{}{Great job with fixing the pump.} -{105}{}{Thanks again for your help.} +{100}{}{Du ser en handlare.} +{101}{}{Han verkar hjälpa mannen som lagar pumpen.} +{102}{}{Det här tar längre tid än vi trodde.} +{103}{}{Hör med chefen om du tror att du kan hjälpa till.} +{104}{}{Bra jobbat med att laga pumpen.} +{105}{}{Tack än en gång för din hjälp.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmergrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmergrd.msg index 710e6f7b44..c1ba695820 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmergrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmergrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} -{101}{}{He seems to be hired muscle for the merchant.} -{102}{}{Talk to the boss if you need something.} -{103}{}{Don't cause any trouble, ya hear?} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} +{101}{}{Han verkar vara anställd som skydd för handlaren.} +{102}{}{Prata med chefen om du behöver något.} +{103}{}{Ställ inte till med några problem, hörru det?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmsptsn.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmsptsn.msg index 6662934b2b..0df8976a08 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmsptsn.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abmsptsn.msg @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -{100}{}{You see Mrs. Peterson.} -{101}{}{You see a young, pretty woman. She smiles when she sees you.} -{200}{}{Welcome to the Abbey, friend.} -{201}{}{Talk to my husband if you need something.} -{202}{}{Beautiful day, isn't it?} -{300}{}{Welcome to the Abbey, friend.} -{301}{}{Talk to my husband if you need something.} -{302}{}{Lovely evening, isn't it?} -{400}{}{I have nothing to say to you. Please go away.} +{100}{}{Ni ser fru Peterson.} +{101}{}{Du ser en ung, vacker kvinna. Hon ler när hon ser dig.} +{200}{}{Välkommen till klostret, min vän.} +{201}{}{Prata med min man om du behöver något.} +{202}{}{Vacker dag, eller hur?} +{300}{}{Välkommen till klostret, min vän.} +{301}{}{Prata med min man om du behöver något.} +{302}{}{Härlig kväll, eller hur?} +{400}{}{Jag har inget att säga till dig. Snälla, gå härifrån.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpeople.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpeople.msg index 5d1ff06d2b..641d493442 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpeople.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpeople.msg @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -{100}{}{You see a peasant.} -{101}{}{You see a healthy looking peasant.} -{102}{}{You see a person.} -{103}{}{Drinking too much booze lately?} -{104}{}{Stay away from the alcohol for a while.} -{105}{}{I see that you drank Hank's "special" mix.} -{106}{}{Welcome, hero!} +{100}{}{Du ser en bonde.} +{101}{}{Du ser en bonde som ser frisk ut.} +{102}{}{Du ser en person.} +{103}{}{Har du druckit för mycket sprit på sistone?} +{104}{}{Håll dig borta från alkoholen ett tag.} +{105}{}{Jag ser att du drack Hanks "speciella" blandning.} +{106}{}{Välkommen, hjälte!} {107}{}{You really showed those Enclave bastards!} -{108}{}{You are truly a hero!} +{108}{}{Du är sannerligen en hjälte!} {109}{}{I've heard that you destroyed the Enclave, well done!} {110}{}{Hej.} -{111}{}{I hope that it starts to rain soon, or my crops will not survive.} -{112}{}{We don't get too many visitors here.} +{111}{}{Jag hoppas att det börjar regna snart, annars kommer mina grödor inte att överleva.} +{112}{}{Vi får inte så många besökare här.} {113}{}{Välkommen!} {114}{}{Yeah, I know. It's pretty boring here, but at least we're safe from raiders and such...} {115}{}{Hi, tribal.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpump.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpump.msg index cce15af5e3..b972a8fcc7 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpump.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/abpump.msg @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ {203}{}{Upon closer inspection you see that the crack is not the cause of the trouble, but rather the connection for where the wires go. The connectors seem to have burned out over the years of use. It's going to take a whole new motor as well as a new set of wires to get this machine working again.} -{204}{}{Exit.} +{204}{}{Avsluta.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acjordon.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acjordon.msg index 823756f894..ec11491bf9 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acjordon.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acjordon.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{Good luck! I must get back to my training.} {103}{}{Hello Chosen One. I see you're in need of a little training. Can I be of help?} {104}{}{Visst.} -{105}{}{No Thanks.} +{105}{}{Nej tack.} {106}{}{This will take a little while.} -{107}{}{There, you have learned what I can teach you about spears.} +{107}{}{Sådär, du har lärt dig allt jag kan lära dig om spjut.} {108}{}{Thanks Jordan, that's going to help a lot.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acklint.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acklint.msg index 213fb5a023..802e663f79 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acklint.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acklint.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -{100}{}{You see Klint, a fellow tribesman.} -{101}{}{You see Klint.} -{102}{}{You see a young man with bulging muscles and a very confident air about him.} -{103}{}{Good day to you, } -{104}{}{. You have not completed the trial of the Elder and may not pass.} +{100}{}{Du ser Klint, en stamfrände.} +{101}{}{Du ser Klint.} +{102}{}{Du ser en ung man med stora muskler och en mycket självsäker utstrålning.} +{103}{}{God dag på dig,} +{104}{}{. Du har inte avklarat den Äldste prövning och får inte passera.} {105}{}{Eh...} -{106}{}{I need to go back to the village.} -{107}{}{I have some questions for you.} -{108}{}{All right, I'm off to take the test.} +{106}{}{Jag måste tillbaka till byn.} +{107}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} +{108}{}{Visst, nu ska jag göra prövningen.} {109}{}{(suck)} {110}{}{. You go temple. You take test. You not come back here until take test. Obey Elder. Go!} {111}{}{Me go.} @@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ {115}{}{Can I ask you some questions then?} {116}{}{I could kick your ass and just walk out of here.} {117}{}{Forgive me, but I have no answers to your questions. Take the trial set before you by the Elder and prove yourself worthy to lead our people.} -{118}{}{Very well.} -{119}{}{Two people working together can move the obelisk that blocks the path. Alone, you would fail. I have no intention of helping you until you pass the trial of the Elder.} -{120}{}{Uh-huh. I get the picture.} -{121}{}{Greetings, Chosen One! It is good to see you. How may I serve you?} -{122}{}{Me say hi. That all.} -{123}{}{Just thought I'd say hello. I'll be leaving on my quest soon.} -{124}{}{May the spirits of our ancestors protect you, Chosen One. I wish you well on your journey.} +{118}{}{Mycket bra.} +{119}{}{Två personer som arbetar tillsammans kan flytta obelisken som blockerar vägen. Ensam skulle du misslyckas. Jag har inte för avsikt att hjälpa dig förrän du klarar den Äldstes prövning.} +{120}{}{M-hm. Jag fattar.} +{121}{}{Var hälsad, Utvalde! Det är trevligt att se dig. Hur kan jag tjäna dig?} +{122}{}{Jag säga hej. Det allt.} +{123}{}{Jag tänkte bara säga hej. Jag ger mig snart av på mitt uppdrag.} +{124}{}{Må våra förfäders andar skydda dig, Utvalde. Jag önskar dig lycka till på din resa.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmorlis.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmorlis.msg index ef95ca47ed..5bc59afee5 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmorlis.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmorlis.msg @@ -1,52 +1,52 @@ -{100}{}{You see Morlis, one of your aunts -- the one who never liked you.} -{101}{}{Why do you bother me, nephew? Can't you see I'm busy?} -{102}{}{Umm, okay. Sorry.} -{103}{}{What is it? You know I have a lot to do!} -{104}{}{Ummm, Mynoc said...} -{105}{}{Mynoc said what? Out with it, child!} -{106}{}{That, umm, you might have some flint.} -{107}{}{I do. You want some, is that it?} -{108}{}{Well, yeah.} -{109}{}{Well... I want three doses of healing powder. Bad times are coming - and I'm going to be ready. Bring them to me and you can have the flint. Now - get to it!} -{110}{}{Yes, ma'am!} -{111}{}{Now don't waste my time. Do you have the powders?} -{112}{}{Yes, here they are.} -{113}{}{Umm, I guess not.} -{114}{}{Here is the flint. Now off with you! I don't have time to gossip.} -{115}{}{Thank you, Aunt Morlis.} -{116}{}{Again you waste my time, worthless nephew! How did you ever become - the Chosen One?} -{117}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} -{118}{}{Uh, Aunt Morlis, I have three right here.} -{150}{}{Aunt Morlis, I'm on a perilous quest for the salvation of our village. - My chances of success will be greatly enhanced if I keep the healing powders - for myself and you give me the flint. Don't you agree?} -{151}{}{What do you think you are doing, child? This is no way for the Chosen One to act. Now get out of my sight!} -{152}{}{If this flint is so important that you are willing to disgrace the name of the Chosen One, then here. Take - the flint and get out of my sight.} -{153}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} -{154}{}{Well... Oh, very well. Here is the flint. I wish you a safe journey, child. } -{155}{}{No, I don't. Now stop wasting my time and get out of here!} -{156}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} -{200}{}{So you've returned. Did you find the holy Thirteen?} -{201}{}{No, Aunt Morlis, I...} +{100}{}{Du ser Morlis, en av dina mostrar -- hon som aldrig gillade dig.} +{101}{}{Varför stör du mig, brorson? Kan du inte se att jag är upptagen?} +{102}{}{Umm, okej. Förlåt.} +{103}{}{Vad är det? Du vet att jag har mycket att göra!} +{104}{}{Ummm, Mynoc sa...} +{105}{}{Vad sa Mynoc? Ut med det, barn!} +{106}{}{Att, ehh, du kanske har lite flinta.} +{107}{}{Det har jag. Du vill ha lite, är det så?} +{108}{}{Alltså, ja.} +{109}{}{Ja, men... Jag vill ha tre doser läkande pulver. Dåliga tider är på väg + och jag kommer att vara redo. Ta dem till mig och du kan få flintan. + Sätt igång nu!} +{110}{}{Ja, frun!} +{111}{}{Slösa inte bort min tid nu. Har du pulvret?} +{112}{}{Ja, här är det.} +{113}{}{Hmm. Jag antar inte det.} +{114}{}{Här är flintan. Iväg med dig nu! Jag har inte tid att skvallra.} +{115}{}{Tack, moster Morlis.} +{116}{}{Återigen slösar du bort min tid, värdelöse brorson! Hur blev du någonsin + den Utvalde?} +{117}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} +{118}{}{Eh, moster Morlis, jag har tre här.} +{150}{}{Moster Morlis, jag är på en farlig resa för att rädda vår by. + Mina chanser att lyckas ökar om jag behåller läkepulvret + för mig själv och du ger mig flintan. Håller du inte med?} +{151}{}{Vad tror du att du gör, unge? Detta är inget sätt för den Utvalde att agera. Försvinn ur min åsyn nu!} +{152}{}{Om den här flintan är så viktig att du är beredd att vanära den Utvaldes namn, så ta den. Ta + flintan och försvinn ur min åsyn.} +{153}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} +{154}{}{Jaha... Åh, mycket bra. Här är flintan. Jag önskar dig en säker resa, mitt barn.} +{155}{}{Nej, det gör jag inte. Sluta slösa bort min tid och försvinn härifrån!} +{156}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} +{200}{}{Så du har återvänt. Hittade du det heliga Tretton?} +{201}{}{Nej, moster Morlis, jag...} {202}{}{Then get yourself out of here and find it! People are depending on you!} -{203}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} +{203}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} {204}{}{Well, here you are again. Have you once again failed to complete your quest?} {205}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis, but...} {206}{}{Then get yourself out of here and don't come back until you do! Why waste time coming back here, when you could be using that time to continue your search!?} -{207}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} +{207}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} {208}{}{The fact that you are standing here must mean that you have completed your quest. You wouldn't waste precious time returning here empty-handed, would you?} {209}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis. I mean no, Aunt Morlis. Uh, I've got to go, Aunt Morlis.} {210}{}{So, child. Once again you stand before me. Are you empty-handed yet again?} -{211}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} +{211}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} {212}{}{Lyssna,} {213}{}{. People are dying, cattle are dying, and crops are failing. Everyone is either hungry, sick, or both. Our time draws near. If you do not find the GECK soon, we are doomed. Do you understand me?} -{214}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} +{214}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} {215}{}{Then get yourself out of here and find the GECK! People are depending on you!} -{216}{}{Yes, Aunt Morlis.} +{216}{}{Ja, moster Morlis.} {300}{}{Well, I seem to have misplaced the flint. Oh well, at least I got my powders. Now off with you! I don't have time to gossip.} {301}{}{Why do you bother me, niece? Can't you see I'm busy?} {302}{}{Well, I can't seem to find the flint. I'm sure you took it from me when I wasn't looking though. I caught you before. Now off with you! I don't have time to gossip.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmynoc.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmynoc.msg index 8dd003614e..be4b40c688 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmynoc.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acmynoc.msg @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ {305}{}{Yes, I have some right here.} {306}{}{Not yet.} {307}{}{It's a good piece. Give me your spear.} -{308}{}{Here you go.} +{308}{}{Varsågod.} {309}{}{I guess I don't have one.} {310}{}{Now, you put the pieces like so...} {311}{}{The Chosen One without a spear? Well, you'll have to take one of diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acnagor.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acnagor.msg index d05222508f..f09937279c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acnagor.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acnagor.msg @@ -62,5 +62,5 @@ {215}{}{I'm sorry, cousin. Things have been getting worse and worse since you last left. People are sick, the brahmin are dying and... I... my dog Smoke died. I miss him so much. Sorry, but I can't really talk any more...} -{300}{}{You see Nagor.} +{300}{}{Du ser Nagor.} {302}{}{Cousin, am I glad to see you! I need your help.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acompu.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acompu.msg index 19e0948ef9..e1b28fa522 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acompu.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acompu.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{100}{}{You see a small computer terminal.} -{101}{}{You see the Abbey's computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en liten datorterminal.} +{101}{}{Du ser klostrets datorterminal.} {102}{}{You see a small computer terminal. It appears to be functional.} {103}{}{You access the computer and scan all available files. You find some files containing the keywords "GECK" and "Vault".} {104}{}{Read GECK info.} @@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ Vault to create homes and defensive structures for the new community. As you finish reading over the files, you decide that even though it's not the magical device the Elder seems to think it is, finding a GECK is still your best option if you hope to save your tribe.} {1000}{}{You upload the EPA Botany Holodisk.} -{2000}{}{You format the Abbey's book databases.} +{2000}{}{Du formaterar klostrets bokdatabaser.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acsporpl.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acsporpl.msg index 1d90b6a371..d85fb81e69 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/acsporpl.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/acsporpl.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -{100}{}{You see a plant of dark soul.} -{101}{}{These plants aren't just harmful to the garden. They also have the ability to attack humans - and other creatures.} -{102}{}{These plants of dark soul are an odd mutation. It is doubtful that they mutated this way as - a result of natural causes.} -{103}{}{You notice nothing extra about these plants - other than the fact that they attack humans.} -{150}{}{You have rid the garden of all the plants of dark soul.} +{100}{}{Du ser en växt med en mörk själ.} +{101}{}{Dessa växter är inte bara skadliga för trädgården. De har också förmågan att attackera människor + och andra varelser.} +{102}{}{Dessa växter med en mörk själ är en udda mutation. Det är tveksamt att de muterade på detta sätt som + ett resultat av naturliga orsaker.} +{103}{}{Du märker inget ovanligt med dessa växter - annat än att de angriper människor.} +{150}{}{Du har befriat trädgården från alla växter med mörka själar.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/actemvil.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/actemvil.msg index 244cd08350..30c75e9fbf 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/actemvil.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/actemvil.msg @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ -{100}{}{You see Cameron, a fellow tribesman.} -{101}{}{You see Cameron.} -{102}{}{You see a young man with bulging muscles and a very confident air about him.} +{100}{}{Du ser Cameron, en stamfrände.} +{101}{}{Du ser Cameron.} +{102}{}{Du ser en ung man med stora muskler och en mycket självsäker utstrålning.} {103}{}{Hälsningar,} -{104}{}{. I have the honor of being your final challenge. To continue in your quest you must defeat - me in unarmed combat. Shall we begin?} -{105}{}{Me got questions.} -{106}{}{Okay, we fight.} -{107}{}{No, me get ready first.} -{108}{}{I've got some questions for you first.} -{109}{}{Sure, let's party.} -{110}{}{I think I need a moment to prepare for this.} -{111}{}{What would you like to know? } -{112}{}{Why we fight?} -{113}{}{We fight to death?} -{114}{}{We fight unarmed?} -{115}{}{Okay, we fight now.} -{116}{}{Me need get ready.} -{117}{}{Why do we have to fight?} -{118}{}{Is this a fight to the death?} -{119}{}{You say that we are to fight unarmed?} -{120}{}{Let's get this fight over with.} -{121}{}{I need a moment to prepare for the fight.} +{104}{}{. Jag har äran att vara din sista utmaning. För att fortsätta i din strävan måste du besegra + mig i obeväpnad strid. Ska vi börja?} +{105}{}{Ja ha frågor.} +{106}{}{Okej, vi slåss.} +{107}{}{Nej, jag göra i ordning först.} +{108}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig först.} +{109}{}{Visst, nu kör vi.} +{110}{}{Jag tror att jag behöver en stund för att förbereda mig för det här.} +{111}{}{Vad skulle du vilja veta? } +{112}{}{Varför vi slåss?} +{113}{}{Vi slåss till döds?} +{114}{}{Vi slåss obeväpnade?} +{115}{}{Okej, vi slåss nu.} +{116}{}{Jag måste göra redo.} +{117}{}{Varför måste vi slåss?} +{118}{}{Är det här en kamp på liv och död?} +{119}{}{Säger du att vi ska strida obeväpnade?} +{120}{}{Dags att få den här striden överstökad.} +{121}{}{Jag behöver en stund för att förbereda mig för striden.} {122}{}{The path of the Chosen One is not an easy trail to walk, } {123}{}{. You will be faced with many challenges throughout your lifetime, and the most difficult of these will be dealing with your fellow man. There will come a time when diplomacy and tact @@ -40,25 +40,25 @@ {132}{}{I understand.} {133}{}{Very well. Shall we begin?} {134}{}{Me ready.} -{135}{}{No, me get ready first.} +{135}{}{Nej, jag göra i ordning först.} {136}{}{I'm ready.} {137}{}{No, I need some time to prepare.} {138}{}{Very well. Return and tell me when you are ready for your challenge.} -{139}{}{Are you ready for your challenge, } +{139}{}{Är du redo för din utmaning,} {140}{}{?} -{141}{}{Me ready. } -{142}{}{Me not ready yet.} -{143}{}{I think so.} -{144}{}{No, give me a minute.} -{145}{}{Excellent! Your equipment will be kept in the trunk outside of the room. - You can get it after the fight. Let the fight begin! Good luck to you } +{141}{}{Jag redo. } +{142}{}{Jag inte redo än.} +{143}{}{Jag tror det.} +{144}{}{Nej, vänta en stund.} +{145}{}{Utmärkt! Din utrustning kommer att förvaras i kofferten utanför rummet. + Du kan hämta den efter striden. Låt striden börja! Lycka till } {146}{}{.} -{147}{}{It is good to see you again, Chosen One. How may I help you?} -{148}{}{Me want visit temple again.} -{149}{}{Want fight again?} -{150}{}{Just say hello. Me go now.} -{151}{}{I'd like to visit the temple again.} -{152}{}{Hello, Cameron. Ready for another fight?} +{147}{}{Det är trevligt att se dig igen, Utvalde. Hur kan jag hjälpa dig?} +{148}{}{Jag vill templet igen.} +{149}{}{Vill slåss igen?} +{150}{}{Bara säga hej. Jag gå nu.} +{151}{}{Jag skulle vilja besöka templet igen.} +{152}{}{Hej, Cameron. Redo för ännu en strid?} {153}{}{Jag tänkte bara säga hej. Vi ses senare.} {154}{}{Take the path to my left, Chosen One. It leads to the temple proper. The cave entrance behind me will return you to the last chamber.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahhakun.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahhakun.msg index bf0c349797..83df6928a2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahhakun.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahhakun.msg @@ -167,28 +167,28 @@ {266}{}{Dark souls? What do you mean?} {267}{hak110}{A rush of wind came. On it were great dragonflies that spat flame. Evil men crawled from the beasts' bellies and brought death to our warriors.} {268}{}{Our warriors couldn't stop them?} -{269}{hak112}{The spirit was willing, but the spearheads were weak. The evil ones burned our warriors with the lights of hell.} -{270}{}{They killed everyone?} -{271}{hak113}{All were dead or taken. My spirit returned to flesh only to reveal the truth to the Chosen.} -{272}{}{What happened to the ones taken?} -{273}{hak114}{The beasts swallowed all, then took to the winds.} -{274}{}{Uh, which way were the winds that they followed going?} -{275}{hak115}{Did you never listen when I taught you the yearly dance of the wind spirits? South, of course.} -{276}{}{Your descriptions were so vivid and powerful, great Hakunin, that I was often stricken senseless for the duration of your lessons.} -{277}{}{Oh, those winds. Of course. } -{278}{hak116}{Yes, they traveled the wind south. I overheard the dark souls speaking. They planned to rest their beasts at a place named Navarro before crossing the great basin of our earth-mother's tears.} -{279}{}{What shall I do?} -{280}{}{Basin of tears?} -{281}{hak117}{For me, nothing. Chosen, you must seek the fold of the dark ones and rescue our people.} -{282}{}{I will try.} -{283}{hak118}{You are the Chosen. You must do.} +{269}{hak112}{Anden var villig, men spjutspetsarna var svaga. De onda brände våra krigare med skärseld.} +{270}{}{Dödade de alla?} +{271}{hak113}{Alla blev dödade eller tillfångatagna. Min ande återvände till köttet bara för att avslöja sanningen för Den Utvalde.} +{272}{}{Vad hände med de som togs?} +{273}{hak114}{Odjuren svalde alla och gav sig sedan iväg för vinden.} +{274}{}{Eh, åt vilket håll blåste vindarna som de följde?} +{275}{hak115}{Lyssnade du aldrig när jag lärde dig vindandarnas årliga dans? Söderut, så klart.} +{276}{}{Dina beskrivningar var så levande och kraftfulla, store Hakunin, att jag ofta blev helt hänförd under dina lektioner.} +{277}{}{Åh, de vindarna. Såklart. } +{278}{hak116}{Ja, de färdades med vinden söderut. Jag hörde de mörka själarna tala. De planerade att vila sina bestar på en plats som heter Navarro innan de korsade den stora funt fylld med vår jordmoders tårar.} +{279}{}{Vad skall jag göra?} +{280}{}{Tårarnas funt?} +{281}{hak117}{För mig, ingenting. Utvalde, du måste söka de mörkas flock och rädda vårt folk.} +{282}{}{Jag ska försöka.} +{283}{hak118}{Du är den Utvalde. Du måste göra det.} {284}{}{Hakunin?} -{285}{}{First time I understood what you meant.} -{286}{hak120}{An ocean of tears, cried by a mother for her children.} -{287}{}{Oh, the ocean. But what shall I do?} -{288}{hak121}{A strange mist stole their minds and sent them to the land of Sleep. The evil ones walked among the dreamers, yet did not dream.} +{285}{}{Första gången jag förstod vad du menade.} +{286}{hak120}{Ett hav av tårar, gråtit av en mor för sina barn.} +{287}{}{Åh, havet. Men vad skall jag göra?} +{288}{hak121}{En märklig dimma stal deras sinnen och skickade dem till Sömnens land. De onda vandrade bland drömmare, men drömde inte.} {289}{}{And then?} -{290}{hak122}{Too many seasons and too many wounds, Chosen. Instead, you must listen.} +{290}{hak122}{För många årstider och för många sår, Utvalde. Istället måste du lyssna.} {291}{}{All right.} -{300}{}{Those who steal carry a great burden. Remember this, Chosen One.} +{300}{}{De som stjäl bär på en stor börda. Kom ihåg detta, Utvalde.} {301}{}{Du måste nu betala för dina synder, Utvalde.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahmonk.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahmonk.msg index cb047020c3..e903c5920c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahmonk.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ahmonk.msg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -{100}{}{You see the Abbot, the spiritual leader of the Abbey.} -{101}{}{There's something about this monk that leads you to believe he's rather important.} -{200}{}{Welcome traveler.} +{100}{}{Du ser Abboten, Klostrets andlige ledare.} +{101}{}{Det är något med den här munken som får dig att tro att han är ganska viktig.} +{200}{}{Välkommen resenär.} {201}{}{Peace to you.} -{202}{}{We are the guardians of knowledge.} +{202}{}{Vi är kunskapens väktare.} {203}{}{I'm sorry, but knowledge of our books is of no use to you.} {300}{}{Welcome to the Abbey, traveler. How can I help you?} {301}{}{What can you tell me about your order?} @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ {416}{}{Hello, my friend.} {417}{}{I've killed your beast, and I've got your book.} {418}{}{Excellent! Let me have it!} -{419}{}{Here you go.} +{419}{}{Varsågod.} {420}{}{Not so fast. How much is it worth to you?} {421}{}{[He takes the book from you and caresses its cover as if to sooth it.] You have done us a great service. You now have full access to our computers in the library. Tell Brother Paul I grant you permission to access our files.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk1.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk1.msg index 42885d348a..d4f994f1be 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk1.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk1.msg @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ {100}{}{You see a monk.} {101}{}{You see a holy woman.} -{102}{}{You see a regular Abbey monk.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig klostermunk.} {103}{}{You see a regular Abbey nun.} -{200}{}{Welcome traveler.} +{200}{}{Välkommen resenär.} {201}{}{Peace to you.} -{202}{}{We are the guardians of knowledge.} +{202}{}{Vi är kunskapens väktare.} {203}{}{Hej.} {204}{}{Nice weather.} {205}{}{I hope you enjoy your stay here.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk2.msg index 844c6239b3..04af94a6f2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk2.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{You see a monk.} {101}{}{You see a holy woman.} -{102}{}{You see a regular Abbey monk.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig klostermunk.} {103}{}{You see a regular Abbey nun.} {200}{}{Hälsningar.} {201}{}{Welcome to the Abbey.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk4.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk4.msg index cd294c98c4..56bc351888 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk4.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk4.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{You see a monk.} {101}{}{This monk looks like a trader.} -{200}{}{Welcome traveler.} +{200}{}{Välkommen resenär.} {201}{}{Peace to you.} {202}{}{Nice weather.} {203}{}{Go play somewhere else.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk5.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk5.msg index 5e1fd79125..1d5c6a4407 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk5.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/amonk5.msg @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ {602}{}{Thanks. See you around.} {650}{}{Greetings traveler! I am Brother Paul and I am in charge of the collection of information for the Abbey. What can I do for you?} {651}{}{Nice to meet you, Paul. I have some questions.} -{652}{}{Nothing. See you around.} +{652}{}{Det var inget. Vi ses.} {4210}{}{Uh, no, I can't say I knew that. That's... interesting.} {4211}{}{And did you know a cucumber is 96% water?} {4212}{}{Wow, 96%, huh? Fascinating. But, um, what's a cucumber?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcdargrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcdargrd.msg index d613b7b7d3..5c44731364 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcdargrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcdargrd.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see one of Darion's personal guards.} {102}{}{He has armor, weapons, and a bad attitude - not the type of guy who likes your company.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bckarla.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bckarla.msg index d07ffb1ef2..eb6ae37b98 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bckarla.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bckarla.msg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ {100}{}{You see a Khan raider.} -{101}{}{You see Karla, a Khan.} -{102}{}{You see a tough-looking woman in metal armor. She would be pretty, if it were not for the scars - that line her face.} -{103}{}{Talk to Phil, shit head.} -{104}{}{Talk to Phil, bitch.} +{101}{}{Du ser Karla, en Khan.} +{102}{}{Du ser en tuff kvinna i metallrustning. Hon skulle vara söt, om det inte vore för ärren + som kantar hennes ansikte.} +{103}{}{Prata med Phil, din skitstövel.} +{104}{}{Prata med Phil, slyna.} {105}{}{Ok.} -{106}{}{That little bitch is dead.} +{106}{}{Den lilla slynan är död.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcphil.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcphil.msg index 101fe38f64..85a20333d6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcphil.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bcphil.msg @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ {100}{}{You see a Khan raider.} -{101}{}{You see Phil, a Khan guard.} -{102}{}{You see a tough-looking young man in metal armor. He is heavily armed.} -{103}{}{I should shoot you dead, but I'm kind of curious about what you could possibly have to say to - me.} -{104}{}{Me look for spy. Go this way.} -{105}{}{Me look for missing girl. You know where find?} -{106}{}{Me come here accident. Go now.} -{107}{}{Screw you. Me shoot you dead.} -{108}{}{Uh, we talk this out?} -{109}{}{I'm looking for an eavesdropper who came this way.} -{110}{}{I'm looking for a missing girl. Seen her?} -{111}{}{Sorry, took the wrong trail by accident. Gotta go.} -{112}{}{Up yours and have a bullet breakfast, asshole.} -{113}{}{I think we can talk this out like two civilized beings.} -{114}{}{Ah, that would be me. Now that you've found me, what's next?} -{115}{}{Why you spy Rebecca?} +{101}{}{Du ser Phil, en Khanvakt.} +{102}{}{Du ser en tuff ung man i metallrustning. Han är tungt beväpnad.} +{103}{}{Jag borde skjuta ihjäl dig, men jag är lite nyfiken på vad du kan tänkas ha att säga till + mig.} +{104}{}{Jag leta spion. Gå den här vägen.} +{105}{}{Jag leta försvunnen flicka. Vet du var hitta?} +{106}{}{Jag kom hit misstag. Gå nu.} +{107}{}{Fan ta dig. Jag skjuta dig död.} +{108}{}{Eh, vi prata om det här?} +{109}{}{Jag letar efter en tjuvlyssnare som kom den här vägen.} +{110}{}{Jag letar efter en försvunnen flicka. Har du sett henne?} +{111}{}{Förlåt, jag råkade ta fel spår av misstag. Måste gå.} +{112}{}{Kör upp den och ät en frukost av kulor, skitstövel.} +{113}{}{Jag tror att vi kan prata ut om det här som två civiliserade varelser.} +{114}{}{Ah, det skulle vara jag. Nu när du har hittat mig, vad händer härnäst?} +{115}{}{Varför du spioner Rebecca?} {116}{}{Now me know not be shooting wrong person. Thanks!} {117}{}{Nothing, me go now.} {118}{}{Why are you spying on Rebecca?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bczeke.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bczeke.msg index 8d4a800179..c017c78482 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bczeke.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bczeke.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {103}{}{My name's Zeke, stranger. I'm sorry, but I don't have time to talk to you -- and I don't think there's anything in this town for you, anyway. You should move on.} {104}{}{Uh, okay.} -{105}{}{Me got questions.} +{105}{}{Ja ha frågor.} {106}{}{All right, I'll leave.} {107}{}{I just wanted to ask a couple of questions.} {108}{}{Well, I think you'll find that we're all out of answers here. Why don't you come back when we @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ {111}{}{Färdigt.} {112}{}{Rebecca has told me what you did for her. I want to apologize for the treatment you received here. You certainly didn't deserve it. What can I help you with?} -{113}{}{Me got questions.} +{113}{}{Ja ha frågor.} {114}{}{Nothing. Wavy.} {115}{}{I've got some questions for you.} {116}{}{Nothing for now, thanks.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bhrnddst.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bhrnddst.msg index 84994ea1d7..2ee03cfa40 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bhrnddst.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bhrnddst.msg @@ -1,104 +1,104 @@ -{100}{}{You encounter rogues and wolves.} -{101}{}{You encounter rogues.} -{102}{}{You encounter wolves.} +{100}{}{Du möter skurkar och vargar.} +{101}{}{Du möter skurkar.} +{102}{}{Du möter vargar.} {103}{}{You encounter radscorpions.} -{104}{}{You encounter spore plants.} -{105}{}{You encounter a Unity Patrol fighting rogues.} -{106}{}{You encounter a Unity Patrol fighting wolves.} -{107}{}{You encounter a Unity Patrol.} -{150}{}{You encounter slavers and dogs.} -{151}{}{You encounter slavers.} -{152}{}{You encounter golden geckos.} -{153}{}{You encounter wild dogs.} -{154}{}{You encounter a patrol and dogs fighting slavers.} -{155}{}{You encounter slavers fighting golden geckos.} -{156}{}{You encounter a patrol fighting slavers.} -{157}{}{You encounter a patrol fighting golden geckos.} -{158}{}{You encounter a patrol fighting wild dogs.} -{159}{}{You encounter a patrol.} -{200}{}{You are ambushed by raiders.} -{201}{}{You encounter wolves.} -{202}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off raiders.} -{203}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off raiders.} -{204}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off raiders} -{205}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off raiders.} -{206}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{207}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{208}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{209}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{250}{}{You encounter marauders.} -{251}{}{You encounter wolves.} +{104}{}{Du möter sporväxter.} +{105}{}{Du möter en Enighetspatrull som slåss mot skurkar.} +{106}{}{Du möter en Enighetspatrull som slåss mot vargar.} +{107}{}{Du möter en Enighetspatrull.} +{150}{}{Du möter slavhandlare och hundar.} +{151}{}{Du möter slavhandlare.} +{152}{}{Du möter gyllene geckoödlor.} +{153}{}{Du möter vilda hundar.} +{154}{}{Du möter en patrull och hundar som slåss mot slavhandlare.} +{155}{}{Du möter slavhandlare som slåss mot gyllene geckoödlor.} +{156}{}{Du möter en patrull som slåss mot slavhandlare.} +{157}{}{Du möter en patrull som slåss mot gyllene geckoödlor.} +{158}{}{Du möter en patrull som slåss mot vilda hundar.} +{159}{}{Du möter en patrull.} +{200}{}{Du blir överfallen av plundrare.} +{201}{}{Du möter vargar.} +{202}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare.} +{203}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare.} +{204}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare} +{205}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot plundrare.} +{206}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{207}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{208}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{209}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{250}{}{Du möter marodörer.} +{251}{}{Du möter vargar.} {252}{}{You encounter radscorpions.} -{253}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off marauders.} -{254}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off marauders.} -{255}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off wolves.} +{253}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} +{254}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} +{255}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot vargar.} {256}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off radscorpions.} -{257}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{258}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{259}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{260}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{261}{}{You encounter a traveler.} -{300}{}{You encounter remnants of the Master's army.} -{301}{}{You encounter marauders.} +{257}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{258}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{259}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{260}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{261}{}{Du möter en resenär.} +{300}{}{Du möter rester av Mästarens armé.} +{301}{}{Du möter marodörer.} {302}{}{You encounter NCR Rangers battling remnants of the Master's army.} {303}{}{You encounter NCR Rangers fighting marauders.} -{304}{}{You encounter farmers fending off remnants of the Master's army.} -{305}{}{You encounter farmers fending off marauders.} +{304}{}{Du möter bönder som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé.} +{305}{}{Du möter bönder som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} {306}{}{You encounter NCR Rangers.} -{307}{}{You encounter farmers.} -{350}{}{You encounter a slaver caravan.} +{307}{}{Du möter bönder.} +{350}{}{Du möter en slavhandlarkaravan.} {351}{}{You encounter highwaymen and robbers.} {352}{}{You encounter highwaymen.} -{353}{}{You encounter robbers.} +{353}{}{Du möter rånare.} {354}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off highwaymen.} -{355}{}{You encounter a caravan fighting robbers.} +{355}{}{Du möter en karavan som slåss mot rånare.} {356}{}{You encounter a caravan fighting highwaymen.} -{357}{}{You encounter a caravan besieged by robbers.} -{358}{}{You encounter a slave caravan fighting a caravan.} +{357}{}{Du möter en karavan belägrad av rånare.} +{358}{}{Du möter en slavkaravan som slåss mot en karavan.} {359}{}{You encounter highwaymen fighting robbers.} -{360}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{361}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{360}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{361}{}{Du möter en karavan.} {400}{}{You encounter highwaymen.} -{401}{}{You encounter robbers.} +{401}{}{Du möter rånare.} {402}{}{You encounter robbers and highwaymen.} {403}{}{You encounter golden geckos and radscorpions.} -{404}{}{You encounter golden geckos.} +{404}{}{Du möter gyllene geckoödlor.} {405}{}{You encounter mole rats and pig rats.} {406}{}{You encounter radscorpions.} -{407}{}{You encounter spore plants.} +{407}{}{Du möter sporväxter.} {408}{}{You encounter robbers fighting highwaymen.} {409}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off highwaymen.} {410}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off robbers.} {411}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off radscorpions.} {412}{}{You encounter geckos fighting radscorpions.} -{413}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{413}{}{Du möter en karavan.} {450}{}{You encounter highwaymen and robbers.} {451}{}{You encounter highwaymen and geckos.} -{452}{}{You encounter golden geckos.} +{452}{}{Du möter gyllene geckoödlor.} {453}{}{You encounter radscorpions and spore plants.} {454}{}{You encounter robbers fighting radscorpions.} {455}{}{You encounter radscorpions fighting robbers.} {456}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off highwaymen.} {457}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off robbers.} {458}{}{You encounter some highwaymen weeding out some spore plants.} -{459}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{459}{}{Du möter en karavan.} {500}{}{You encounter highwaymen and wild dogs.} -{501}{}{You encounter robbers and wild dogs.} -{502}{}{You encounter robbers.} +{501}{}{Du möter rånare och vilda hundar.} +{502}{}{Du möter rånare.} {503}{}{You encounter highwaymen.} -{504}{}{You encounter a swarm of mantis and some spore plants.} -{505}{}{You encounter dogs and spore plants.} -{506}{}{You encounter a swarm of mantis.} -{507}{}{You encounter wild dogs.} -{508}{}{You encounter robbers fighting dogs.} -{509}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off dogs.} +{504}{}{Du möter en svärm med bönsyrsor och några sporväxter.} +{505}{}{Du möter hundar och sporväxter.} +{506}{}{Du möter en svärm med bönsyrsor.} +{507}{}{Du möter vilda hundar.} +{508}{}{Du möter rånare som slåss mot hundar.} +{509}{}{Du möter en karavan som försvarar sig mot hundar.} {510}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off robbers.} {511}{}{You encounter a caravan fending off highwaymen.} -{512}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{512}{}{Du möter en karavan.} {550}{}{Du stöter på geckoödlor och vargar.} {551}{}{You encounter claim jumpers.} -{552}{}{You encounter wolves.} -{553}{}{You encounter golden geckos.} +{552}{}{Du möter vargar.} +{553}{}{Du möter gyllene geckoödlor.} {554}{}{You encounter prospectors fending off claim jumpers.} {555}{}{Du möter jägare som jagar geckoödlor.} {556}{}{Du möter förfalskare som slåss mot vargar.} @@ -107,21 +107,21 @@ {559}{}{Du möter förfalskare.} {560}{}{Du möter jägare.} {561}{}{Du möter prospektörer.} -{600}{}{You encounter deathclaws.} +{600}{}{Du möter dödsklor.} {601}{}{Du möter eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {602}{}{Du möter en karavan som flyr från dödsklor.} {603}{}{Du möter en karavan som strider mot dödsklor.} {604}{}{Du möter en karavan som strider mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {605}{}{Du möter en karavan som strider mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} -{606}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{607}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{608}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{609}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{606}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{607}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{608}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{609}{}{Du möter en karavan.} {650}{}{Du möter utomjordingar och dödsklor.} {651}{}{Man möter kentaurer och svävare.} {652}{}{Du möter eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {653}{}{Du möter utomjordingar.} -{654}{}{You encounter deathclaws.} +{654}{}{Du möter dödsklor.} {655}{}{Du möter eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {656}{}{Du möter utomjordingar.} {657}{}{Du möter kentaurer.} @@ -129,13 +129,13 @@ {700}{}{Du möter några Yakuza-medlemmar.} {701}{}{Du möter ett gäng.} {702}{}{Du möter några vargar.} -{703}{}{You encounter some mobsters fighting some Yakuza.} +{703}{}{Du möter några gangstrar som slåss mot några Yakuza.} {704}{}{Du möter några gangstrar som slåss mot ett gäng.} {705}{}{Du möter några gangstrar.} -{706}{}{You encounter a traveler.} -{750}{}{Du stöter på en karavan som driver bort resterna av Mästarens armé.} +{706}{}{Du möter en resenär.} +{750}{}{Du stöter på en karavan som driver bort rester av Mästarens armé.} {751}{}{Du möter en karavan som slåss mot rester av mästarens armé.} {752}{}{Du möter en karavan som strider mot dödsklor.} -{753}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{754}{}{You encounter a caravan.} -{755}{}{You encounter a caravan.} +{753}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{754}{}{Du möter en karavan.} +{755}{}{Du möter en karavan.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bispyhol.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bispyhol.msg index 6342b5ebe5..63e17c1f47 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bispyhol.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bispyhol.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a battered tape.} -{101}{}{Pip-Boy displays: File Found on System. Aborting download.} -{102}{}{Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from Disk.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett skadat kasettband.} +{101}{}{Pipp-Pojke visar: Fil hittades på systemet. Avbryter nedladdningen.} +{102}{}{Pipp-Pojke visar: Laddar ner data från disken.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken1.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken1.msg index 09ae3ca470..316a815e3c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken1.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken1.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You have entered the small town of Broken Hills.} +{100}{}{Du har kommit till den lilla staden Broken Hills.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken2.msg index cf50335d5c..02d9a65747 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/broken2.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You have entered the East side of Broken Hills.} +{100}{}{Du har kommit till östra sidan av Broken Hills.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp1.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp1.msg index 38adff9b8d..171bf36b6b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp1.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp1.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} -{101}{}{You see the library computer terminal.} -{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.} -{103}{}{You access the computer and quickly scan all available files. You find the location of Vault 13 - and copy it to your PIP-Boy.} -{104}{}{You are having difficulty accessing the files.} -{106}{}{Other than the location of Vault 13, the computer contains no useful information.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} +{101}{}{Du ser bibliotekets datorterminal.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för inmatning.} +{103}{}{Du går in i datorn och skannar snabbt alla tillgängliga filer. Du hittar platsen för Valv 13 + och kopierar det till din PIPP-Pojke.} +{104}{}{Du har problem med att komma åt filerna.} +{106}{}{Förutom platsen för Valv 13 innehåller datorn ingen användbar information.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp2.msg index 8db14a6f2a..b06415199d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp2.msg @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} -{101}{}{You see Darion's computer terminal.} -{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} +{101}{}{Du ser Darions datorterminal.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för inmatning.} {103}{}{You access the computer and quickly scan all available files. Among some personal journal entries, you find several detailed reports on the NCR. It seems there is a spy on their council. You copy the reports to a holodisk.} -{104}{}{You are having difficulty accessing the files.} +{104}{}{Du har problem med att komma åt filerna.} {105}{}{Färdigt.} {106}{}{Other than the information about the NCR spy, the computer contains no useful information.} {107}{}{Färdigt.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp3.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp3.msg index e38a953acd..1d71cc0a1d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp3.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp3.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the control center computer terminal.} -{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för inmatning.} {103}{}{The terminal indicates that the security force field at the vault entrance has been activated now that power has been restored.} {104}{}{The terminal indicates that all security systems in the vault are off line due to power diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp4.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp4.msg index 7026be62bc..d75ad706eb 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp4.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp4.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the security computer terminal.} -{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för inmatning.} {103}{}{This terminal monitors the force field generators. It indicates that everything is functioning normally.} {104}{}{This terminal monitors the force field generators. It indicates that the unit is off line due diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp5.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp5.msg index 4a18d6fc67..431293bf23 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp5.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bscomp5.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the power center computer terminal.} -{102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal. It appears to be functional and ready for input.} +{102}{}{Du ser en vanlig datorterminal. Den ser ut att fungera och vara redo för inmatning.} {103}{}{This terminal monitors the power generator. It indicates that everything is functioning normally.} {104}{}{This terminal monitors the power generator. It indicates that the unit is off line due to a diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bselev.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bselev.msg index b53de31f19..960d1940cc 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bselev.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bselev.msg @@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ en fälla i dörrkarmen.} {141}{}{Du ser en skadad dörr med ett gammalt, rostigt lås och en fälla i dörrkarmen.} -{142}{}{You see a damaged door with a lock, which can be picked with - lockpicks, and a cut wire in the doorframe.} +{142}{}{Du ser en skadad dörr med ett lås som kan dyrkas upp med + dyrkar och en avklippt tråd i dörrkarmen.} {143}{}{Du ser en skadad dörr med ett lås på och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen.} {144}{}{Du ser en skadad dörr utan någon uppenbar låsanordning och diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsemtr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsemtr.msg index 4cf2bfb365..41321f757b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsemtr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsemtr.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{100}{}{You see a weird contraption next to a force field.} -{101}{}{You see a force-field emitter.} -{102}{}{This is the weirdest wall you have ever seen.} -{103}{}{This is a force-field emitter. It gives the power to the force field.} -{104}{}{The emitter makes a whizzing sound and explodes.} +{100}{}{Du ser en konstig anordning bredvid ett kraftfält.} +{101}{}{Du ser en kraftfältssändare.} +{102}{}{Det här är den konstigaste vägg du någonsin har sett.} +{103}{}{Det här är en kraftfältssänadare. Den driver kraftfältet.} +{104}{}{Sändaren ger ifrån sig ett svischande ljud och exploderar.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsfield.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsfield.msg index cbaa5b1c94..47c33a781a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsfield.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bsfield.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{150}{}{You fail to do anything useful, and take about 50,000 volts for it. At least you won't have to - worry about shaving.} -{151}{}{The force field seems to be unaffected.} -{152}{}{The force field has been delayed for fifteen seconds.} -{200}{}{Yes, there is a lot of energy going through there. You stop before the electricity arcs to your +{150}{}{Du misslyckas med att göra något nyttigt och får 50.000 volt för det. Åtminstone behöver du inte + oroa dig om rakning.} +{151}{}{Kraftfältet verkar vara opåverkat.} +{152}{}{Kraftfältet har fördröjts i femton sekunder.} +{200}{}{Ja, det är mycket energi som går igenom där. Du stannar innan elektriciteten böjer sig till din hand.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bspower.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bspower.msg index d492aeb867..c3bd0e8cd1 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/bspower.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/bspower.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -{100}{}{The generator is functioning normally. Power output is optimal.} -{101}{}{The generator seems to be in an emergency stand-by mode. The power output is minimal.} -{102}{}{Try to diagnose the problem.} -{103}{}{Oh well. Gotta go.} +{100}{}{Generatorn fungerar normalt. Eltillförseln är optimalt.} +{101}{}{Generatorn verkar vara i standby-läge för nödsituationer. Eltillförseln är minimal.} +{102}{}{Försök att diagnostisera problemet.} +{103}{}{Åh, ja. Måste gå.} {104}{}{There must have been a short in the system at some time. The emergency circuit breakers kicked in, but fused in the open position. You may be able to free them up and restore power.} {105}{}{You can't seem to find anything wrong. It just doesn't work.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccggbak.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccggbak.msg index 87f66cab0e..d93811201e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccggbak.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccggbak.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard in power armor.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} {103}{}{Gå vidare.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdca.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdca.msg index 3ede000854..097c7a3b89 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdca.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdca.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard in combat armor.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} {103}{}{Nothing to report.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdpa.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdpa.msg index a743415780..1b2da3f19f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdpa.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccgrdpa.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard in power armor.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} {103}{}{Nothing to report.} @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ {426}{}{Uh . . . my name } {427}{}{. I take fun ride in metal birdie! Go again! Wanna go again!} {428}{}{You not need know my name. I no like you. I kill. [Jump out and start fighting.]} -{430}{}{What are you, drunk? You're at Navarro, of course. If you're having memory problems, soldier, you might wanna go get yourself checked out. Maybe some of that radiation out there got to you.} -{440}{}{Don't give me that bullshit. You're one of the new recruits, aren't you? Heh. That smart mouth of yours is gonna land you in all sorts of trouble--and I can't wait to see it happen. Now get back to your post, soldier.} +{430}{}{Vad är du, full? Du är vid Navarro, så klart. Om du har problem med minnet, soldat, borde du nog gå och bli undersökt. Lite av strålningen där ute har kanske påverkat dig.} +{440}{}{Kom inte med det där skitsnacket. Du är en av de nya rekryterna, eller hur? Heh. Din rappa käft kommer att ge dig alla möjliga problem, och jag kan inte vänta på att få se det hända. Gå nu tillbaka till din post, soldat.} {450}{}{Sir! Yes sir!} {451}{}{Ma'am! Yes ma'am!} {460}{}{[The soldier looks at one of his comrades.] My God, contact with all the muties and radiation out there must have made him retarded. You see? *That's* why I never volunteer for those wasteland runs. Anyway, let's put this stupid bastard out of his misery before he contaminates us.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccguard.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccguard.msg index 7be18499ee..0b575b356b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccguard.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccguard.msg @@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ {105}{}{To hell with waiting. I say we nuke all these primitives and get things over with.} {106}{}{Got a light? Oh wait, never mind. Got one.} {107}{}{Craps game behind the hanger tonight. Don't let the CO know.} -{108}{}{Who the--? We got an intruder here!} -{109}{}{You there! Halt!} -{110}{}{Intruder on base!} +{108}{}{Vem i--? Vi har en inkräktare här!} +{109}{}{Du där! Stanna!} +{110}{}{Inkräktare på basen!} {111}{}{Vänta du--åh, glöm det. } {112}{}{Bäst att du hämtar din legitimation. De här falska larmen gör alla nervösa.} {113}{}{Du ska vara här, eller hur? De här falska larmen går mig på nerverna!} @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ {116}{}{Här borta! Låt 'em inte komma undan!} {117}{}{Vi blir attackerade på framsidan. Skicka förstärkning!} {118}{}{Låt inte inkräktaren komma fram till grinden!} -{119}{}{Die, primitive!} +{119}{}{Dö, din primitiva jävel!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmandr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmandr.msg index 2473092029..7309ea696d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmandr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmandr.msg @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ {100}{}{You see someone in power armor. } -{101}{}{You see the Navarro base Commander.} +{101}{}{Du ser befälhavaren för Navarro-basen.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} -{103}{}{Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders on the base!} +{103}{}{Vilka fan är ni... Varning! Inkräktare på basen!} {104}{}{I don't have time to chitchat with the grunts. You're dismissed.} -{105}{}{Time to die.} +{105}{}{Dags att dö.} {106}{}{Okej.} {107}{}{I told you I don't have time for you. Leave this office and do not come back here unless I send for you. Dismissed!} -{108}{}{Disobeying a direct order of a superior officer is treason. I don't have time to court martial you so I'll handle this myself. Guards! Kill this idiot!} +{108}{}{Att inte lyda en direkt order från en högre officer är förräderi. Jag har inte tid att ställa dig inför krigsrätt, så jag sköter det här själv. Vakter! Döda den här idioten!} {109}{}{Okej.} -{110}{}{Screw you!} +{110}{}{Fan ta dig!} {111}{}{The Fob is in the locker over there. Have the duty officer contact me once it's secured. Dismissed!} -{112}{}{Yes sir!} -{113}{}{Make it quick soldier, I don't have all day to stand around.} -{114}{}{Yes sir!} -{115}{}{Leave my locker alone or I will dish out some serious pain.} -{116}{}{Yes sir!} -{117}{}{This base is on alert and I don't recognize you. Show me your papers, soldier.} -{118}{}{What papers?} -{119}{}{You blow me!} -{120}{}{I don't seem to have them with me...} +{112}{}{Ja, sir!} +{113}{}{Gör det snabbt soldat, jag har inte hela dagen på mig att stå här.} +{114}{}{Ja, sir!} +{115}{}{Lämna mitt skåp ifred annars kommer jag att göra ditt liv smärtsamt.} +{116}{}{Ja, sir!} +{117}{}{Den här basen är i beredskap och jag känner inte igen dig. Visa mig dina papper, soldat.} +{118}{}{Vilka papper?} +{119}{}{Dra åt helvete!} +{120}{}{Jag verkar inte ha dem med mig...} {121}{}{Papers? I've got your papers right here!} -{122}{}{Wrong answer, maggot. You're to carry your papers with you at all times. You should know that!} -{123}{}{Fuck you.} -{124}{}{Leave my locker alone or I will dish out some serious pain.} -{125}{}{Time to die.} +{122}{}{Fel svar, kryp. Du ska alltid ha dina papper med dig. Det borde du veta!} +{123}{}{Fan ta dig.} +{124}{}{Lämna mitt skåp ifred annars kommer jag att göra ditt liv smärtsamt.} +{125}{}{Dags att dö.} {200}{}{Alright, let's get this over with--I don't like muties stinking up my office, and I got shit to do. Do you work for the Salvatores? } {201}{}{None of your business, asshole.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmaster.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmaster.msg index 9f91d42b4e..32ea96c43b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmaster.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmaster.msg @@ -1,59 +1,59 @@ -{100}{}{Big surprise -- it looks like a guy in power armor.} -{101}{}{Yep, it's still a guy in power armor.} -{102}{}{He's got some kind of insignia on his chest that different from any of the others you've seen - around here. } -{103}{}{ -the armory!} -{104}{}{What the- >} -{105}{}{(So, Sarge sent you. Something about needing power armor. Well, all I got is one in for - maintenance. Might have a few problems still, so take it easy. Just sign here.)} -{106}{}{Uh... Could you repeat that?} -{107}{}{I think there's something wrong with your suit.} -{108}{}{Sure, I'll do that.} -{109}{}{No way. Forget it.} -{110}{}{You the guy Arch radioed about?} -{111}{}{Are you sure you're not the guy?} +{100}{}{Stor överraskning -- det ser ut som en snubbe i kraftrustning.} +{101}{}{Japp, det är fortfarande en snubbe i kraftrustning.} +{102}{}{Han har något slags märke på bröstet som skiljer sig från alla andra du sett + häromkring.} +{103}{}{ -vapenförrådet!} +{104}{}{Vad i- >} +{105}{}{(Så, Sergeanten skickade dig. Nåt om att behöva en kraftrustning. Tja, allt jag har är en inne för + underhåll. Kan ha några problem fortfarande, så ta det lugnt. Skriv bara under här.)} +{106}{}{Eh... Kan du upprepa det?} +{107}{}{Jag tror att det är något fel på din rustning.} +{108}{}{Visst, det ska jag göra.} +{109}{}{Inte en chans. Glöm det.} +{110}{}{E du snubben Arch ropa' in om?} +{111}{}{Är du säker på att du inte är killen?} {112}{}{Vadå?} {113}{}{Ja.} {114}{}{Nej.} -{115}{}{Who are you? What are you doing here?} +{115}{}{Vem är du? Vad gör du här?} {116}{}{Vad?} -{117}{}{Uh... I'm new here?} +{117}{}{Eh... jag är ny här?} {118}{}{Tittut!} -{119}{}{Who are you? What are you doing here?} +{119}{}{Vem är du? Vad gör du här?} {120}{}{Vad?} -{121}{}{Uh... I'm new here?} +{121}{}{Eh... jag är ny här?} {122}{}{Tittut!} -{123}{}{What do you mean? This suit's working fine! You gonna sign the papers or not?} -{124}{}{I'm not understanding a word of this.} -{125}{}{Your speaker's broken.} -{126}{}{Sure, whatever.} -{127}{}{To hell with this!} -{128}{}{(What, are you deaf? I said I got a suit; just sign here.)} -{129}{}{Clown, are you? Well, I don't need this. You explain to Sarge why you don't have a uniform!} +{123}{}{Vad menar du med det? Den här rustningen fungerar bra! Ska du skriva på papperna eller inte?} +{124}{}{Jag förstår inte ett ord av det här.} +{125}{}{Din högtalare är trasig.} +{126}{}{Visst.} +{127}{}{Åt helvete med det här!} +{128}{}{(Vad, är du döv? Jag sa att jag har en rustning; skriv bara på här.)} +{129}{}{Är du en clown? Tja, jag behöver inte det här. Förklara för sergeanten varför du inte har en uniform!} {130}{}{Vadå?} -{131}{}{Okay, fine. I'll do it.} -{132}{}{Just forget it, okay?} -{133}{}{Your speaker's not broken. I can hear you just fine. Just sign the papers and we can get this - done.} +{131}{}{Okej, bra. Jag ska göra det.} +{132}{}{Glöm det bara, okej?} +{133}{}{Din högtalare är inte trasig. Jag hör dig alldeles utmärkt. Skriv bara under papperna så kan vi få det här + gjort.} {134}{}{Vadå?} -{135}{}{Fine, I give up!} -{136}{}{You want me to what? I'm not that kind of person!} -{137}{}{Okay, what's your name?} -{138}{}{[Player name]} +{135}{}{Okej, jag ger upp!} +{136}{}{Du vill att jag ska göra vadå? Jag är inte den sortens person!} +{137}{}{Okej, vad heter du?} +{138}{}{[Spelarens namn]} {139}{}{Fiskarna?} -{140}{}{I want the power armor.} +{140}{}{Jag vill ha kraftrustningen.} {141}{}{Svärdfisk.} -{142}{}{Right. Unit?} +{142}{}{Okej. Enhet?} {143}{}{Arroyo.} {144}{}{Näpp.} -{145}{}{I got better.} +{145}{}{Jag blev bättre.} {146}{}{42.} {147}{}{That with an S or a C?} {148}{}{Ja.} {149}{}{Nej.} {150}{}{I don't know.} {151}{}{You'll get the damn armor when I'm good and ready! Now, answer the question.} -{152}{}{[Player name]} +{152}{}{[Spelarens namn]} {153}{}{Fiskarna?} {154}{}{Svärdfisk.} {155}{}{Arroy-- Wait a minute! We just hit that place. You're a damn tribal! Guards!} @@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ {162}{}{Ja.} {163}{}{Like a fish in water.} {164}{}{Inte.} -{165}{}{Okay, let's make this quick. Take that off and I'll give you a new suit.} -{166}{}{You're nothing but static.} +{165}{}{Okej, nu skyndar vi på. Ta av dig den där så får du en ny kostym.} +{166}{}{Jag hör bara sprakande från dig.} {167}{}{Vadå?} {168}{}{Okej.} -{169}{}{You're gonna off me? I don't think so!} -{170}{}{Oh, well never mind.} +{169}{}{Tänker du döda mig? Jag tror inte det!} +{170}{}{Åh, ja, glöm det.} {171}{}{The power armor. Give me the power armor, you moron.} {172}{}{Okej.} {173}{}{I already made the deal. I'm not giving you any more.} @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ {180}{}{Right, J. Okay, Unit?} {181}{}{Arroyo.} {182}{}{Näpp.} -{183}{}{I got better.} +{183}{}{Jag blev bättre.} {184}{}{42.} {185}{}{You deaf? Who are you?} {186}{}{I'm the new guy?} @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ {188}{}{New guy, eh? Suppose you want your issue. Why don't anybody ever tell me these things? What's your name?} {189}{}{Huh? You ain't nothing but static.} -{190}{}{[Player name]} +{190}{}{[Spelarens namn]} {191}{}{Not if I shoot first!} {192}{}{Wait a minute -- you're not one of us! GUARDS!} {193}{}{Look soldier, I already gave you your gear, so get on out of here.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg index d49c64502b..c6c8835169 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard in combat armor.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccqmstr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccqmstr.msg index e47e318cdc..7eb087e01e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccqmstr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccqmstr.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {101}{}{You see the Quartermaster.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} -{103}{}{Who the hell are you guys... Alert! Intruders on the base!} +{103}{}{Vilka fan är ni... Varning! Inkräktare på basen!} {104}{}{What the... I can see why you're here. You obviously want to get rid of that antique suit you're wearing.} {105}{}{Why are you out of uniform, soldier?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccquincy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccquincy.msg index a3192bc2b0..bf86d5b800 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccquincy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccquincy.msg @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ -{100}{}{You see a man in a military uniform.} -{101}{}{You see Quincy, the mechanic.} -{102}{}{You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think - he is more of a mechanic than a soldier.} -{103}{}{Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?} -{104}{}{Me need ask you something.} +{100}{}{Du ser en man i militäruniform.} +{101}{}{Du ser Quincy, mekanikern.} +{102}{}{Du ser en man i militäruniform. Att döma av fettfläckarna tror du + att han är mer av en mekaniker än en soldat.} +{103}{}{Namnet är Quincy, soldat. Varför knackar du på min axel och ser vilsen ut?} +{104}{}{Jag fråga dig en sak.} {105}{}{Ingenting.} -{106}{}{Hi. I need to ask you something.} +{106}{}{Hej. Jag måste fråga dig en sak.} {107}{}{Never mind.} -{108}{}{All right, but make it quick. I have inventory to do.} -{109}{}{What do you need to know?} +{108}{}{Okej, men det måste gå fort. Jag har en inventering att göra.} +{109}{}{Vad behöver du veta?} {110}{}{What this place?} -{111}{}{Me look for vertibird plans. Where find?} -{112}{}{Me told by tech me find vertibird plans here.} +{111}{}{Jag leta Vertibird-ritningar. Var hittar jag?} +{112}{}{Jag veta från tekniker jag hitta Vertibird-planer här.} {113}{}{Jag gå nu.} {114}{}{Vad är det här för ställe?} -{115}{}{I'm looking for vertibird plans. Do you know where I can find them?} -{116}{}{I was told by a tech that I could find the vertibird plans here.} -{117}{}{Well, got to go.} -{118}{}{This is maintenance. We repair pretty much anything except for the vertibirds.} +{115}{}{Jag letar efter Vertibird-ritningar. Vet du var jag kan hitta dem?} +{116}{}{Jag fick höra av en tekniker att jag kunde hitta Vertibird-planerna här.} +{117}{}{Nåväl, jag måste gå.} +{118}{}{Det här är underhåll. Vi reparerar i stort sett allt utom vertibirderna.} {119}{}{Where vertibird get repair?} {120}{}{Where do the vertibirds get repaired?} {121}{}{They only fit in the hangar or outdoors. You figure it out from there, okay?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech1.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech1.msg index f774eb0d22..bc9cf9ef96 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech1.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech1.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ {100}{}{You see a tech.} {101}{}{You see an Enclave technician.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing a lab coat with a pocket protector and lots of pens stuffed in it. He has that slightly confused look of someone new to a job.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{102}{}{Du ser någon som bär en labbrock med ett fickskydd och massor av pennor i. Han ser lite förvirrad ut som någon som är ny på ett jobb.} +{103}{}{Ja, sir?} {104}{}{Me new here. Need ask question.} {105}{}{Me just say hi. Me go now.} -{106}{}{I'm new here. I need to ask a few questions to familiarize myself with the base.} -{107}{}{Sorry to bother you. I'm just saying hi.} -{108}{}{I'm a new recruit myself, sir. I don't know if I can answer all your questions but I'll try.} +{106}{}{Jag är ny här. Jag behöver ställa några frågor för att bekanta mig med basen.} +{107}{}{Ledsen att störa dig. Jag säger bara hej.} +{108}{}{Jag är själv nyrekryterad, sir. Jag vet inte om jag kan svara på alla dina frågor, men jag ska försöka.} {109}{}{What can I help you with?} {110}{}{What this place?} {111}{}{What you job?} @@ -18,22 +18,22 @@ {120}{}{Where is the Enclave main base located?} {121}{}{I need to look at the vertibird plans. Where are they kept?} {125}{}{Nothing. I've got to go.} -{126}{}{This is the comm center. We handle all communications with the main base from here.} +{126}{}{Det här är kommunikationscentralen. Vi sköter all kommunikation med huvudbasen härifrån.} {127}{}{Me see. Me ask more.} {128}{}{All right. A couple more questions.} -{129}{}{I'm a comm center technician, second class. I handle all communications with main base and I maintain equipment status.} +{129}{}{Jag är en kommunikationscentertekniker, andra klass. Jag sköter all kommunikation med huvudbasen och underhåller utrustningens status.} {130}{}{Uh... yeah.} {131}{}{Good. Keep up the good work.} -{132}{}{You've got to be kidding, right? } -{133}{}{No kid. Where base?} -{134}{}{Do I look like I'm kidding?} -{135}{}{The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?} -{136}{}{No. Reason military. How many way get to base?} -{137}{}{No. This is a military matter. Now, how many ways do you know of to reach the base?} +{132}{}{Du måste skämta, eller hur? } +{133}{}{Inte skämt. Var bas?} +{134}{}{Ser jag ut som om jag skojar?} +{135}{}{Huvudbasen ligger utanför Stillahavskusten nära staden San Francisco. Får jag fråga varför du frågar?} +{136}{}{Nej. Anledning militär. Hur många sätt till basen?} +{137}{}{Nej, det här är en militär angelägenhet. Hur många sätt känner du till för att nå basen?} {138}{}{Well... there's the vertibirds, but that's pretty obvious. Then there's the tanker down in San Fran. Other than that I guess you'd have to swim.} {139}{}{Tack.} {140}{}{Tack.} -{141}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{141}{}{De skulle finnas på underhållsavdelningen, bredvid flygledningen. } {142}{}{Okej.} {143}{}{Got it.} {153}{}{Are you nuts, walking around here out of uniform? Get suited up!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech2.msg index 83f6607f20..027708741a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/cctech2.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{You see a tech.} {101}{}{You see an Enclave technician.} {102}{}{You see someone wearing a lab coat. He appears confident and self-assured.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{103}{}{Ja, sir?} {104}{}{Me new here. Need ask question.} {105}{}{Me just say hi. Me go now.} {106}{}{I'm new here and I'm trying to get familiar with the base. Can I ask you some questions?} @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ {140}{}{Yes, sir. First, the vertibirds are the primary method used in reaching main base. Due to the complexity of their operation it is doubtful that subversives could commandeer a vertibird. Second, there is an operational fuel tanker in San Francisco harbor. The ship has, however, been disabled and a passkey is required to restart it. The base commander has the passkey in his possession. Third, with the proper equipment, you could conceivably swim to main base but the probability of survival is next to nil.} {141}{}{Tack.} {142}{}{Tack.} -{143}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{143}{}{De skulle finnas på underhållsavdelningen, bredvid flygledningen. } {144}{}{Okej.} {145}{}{Got it.} {155}{}{Are you nuts, walking around here out of uniform? Get suited up!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccturret.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccturret.msg index 2aba934f32..eea8468d89 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccturret.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccturret.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a Plasma Turret.} -{101}{}{You see a Mk II Plasma Turret.} -{102}{}{A sign on the turret warns that tampering with it will most likely result in death.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett Plasma-torn.} +{101}{}{Du ser ett Mk II Plasma-torn.} +{102}{}{En skylt på tornet varnar för att manipulering av tornet sannolikt kommer att leda till dödsfall.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccxarn.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccxarn.msg index 57b01ee338..06ff8c2890 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccxarn.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ccxarn.msg @@ -1,29 +1,29 @@ -{100}{}{Greetings, human. I am the warrior Xarn. Are you to be my executioner?} +{100}{}{Var hälsad, människa. Jag är krigaren Xarn. Kommer du att bli min bödel?} {101}{}{Ja.} -{102}{}{No, me here rescue you.} -{103}{}{Not know. Me want know why you here.} -{104}{}{Yes I am.} -{105}{}{No, I'm here to rescue you.} -{106}{}{I don't know. I'd like to know why you are here.} -{107}{}{So be it. I do not intend to go quietly, human. Let us make this a - battle to remember!} +{102}{}{Nej, jag här rädda dig.} +{103}{}{Inte vet. Vill veta varför du här.} +{104}{}{Ja det är jag.} +{105}{}{Nej, jag är här för att rädda dig.} +{106}{}{Jag vet inte. Jag skulle vilja veta varför du är här.} +{107}{}{Låt det så bli. Jag tänker inte gå tyst, människa. Låt oss göra detta till en + strid att minnas!} {108}{}{Okej.} -{109}{}{Wait. Me change mind. Why are you here?} -{110}{}{I'm ready. Let's party.} -{111}{}{Wait a minute. Why are you here?} +{109}{}{Vänta. Jag ändrat mig. Varför är du här?} +{110}{}{Jag är redo. Nu kör vi.} +{111}{}{Vänta lite nu. Varför är du här?} {112}{}{I find it hard to believe that an Enclave soldier is here to rescue me. More likely, you are here to build up my hopes so that you can dash them to pieces.} -{113}{}{No. Me here rescue you. Really.} -{114}{}{Look, I really am here to rescue you!} -{115}{}{You are my last hope so I will place my trust in you. That - door over there leads to an airshaft that exits into the woods above. - I should be able to climb the shaft and gain my freedom. However, - the door is securely locked and requires a passkey to open. - Find the key, unlock the door, and grant me my freedom.} +{113}{}{Nej. Jag här rädda dig. Verkligen.} +{114}{}{Jag är verkligen här för att rädda dig!} +{115}{}{Du är mitt sista hopp, så jag litar på dig. Dörren + där borta leder till ett luftschakt som mynnar ut i skogen ovanför. + Jag borde kunna klättra upp i schaktet och bli fri. Men, + dörren är säkert låst och kräver en nyckel för att öppnas. + Hitta nyckeln, lås upp dörren och ge mig min frihet.} {116}{}{Okay, me do.} -{117}{}{Me think about it.} -{118}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} -{119}{}{I'll think about it.} +{117}{}{Jag tänka på det.} +{118}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} +{119}{}{Jag ska tänka på det.} {120}{}{(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) Very well. The Enclave created my people as a slave warrior race. They enhanced our intellect hoping we could better understand their @@ -38,61 +38,61 @@ true nature. He has been successful. When he reports his findings to the Enclave my people will be hunted down and slain. I must escape and warn my people.} -{123}{}{(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) I have nothing - to tell you, human. I can sense the darkness of your soul.} -{124}{}{If doctor such threat why you no kill?} -{125}{}{Screw you then. Me shoot you ass.} -{126}{}{If this guy is such a threat, then why didn't you just kill him?} +{123}{}{(Xarn stirrar på dig intensivt för ett ögonblick) Jag har ingenting + att berätta för dig, människa. Jag kan känna mörkret i din själ.} +{124}{}{Om doktor stort hot, varför du inte döda?} +{125}{}{Fan ta dig då. Jag skjuta din röv.} +{126}{}{Om den här snubben är ett sånt hot, varför dödade du honom inte bara?} {127}{}{Up yours, then. Die, deathclaw.} -{128}{}{(sigh) Recently I began to consider just such an action, - even though it is not my way to kill. I am certain the doctor - noticed because he stopped seeing me in person. The choice is - no longer mine to make.} +{128}{}{(suck) Nyligen började jag överväga just en sådan handling, + även om det inte är mitt sätt att döda. Jag är säker på att läkaren + märkte det eftersom han slutade träffa mig personligen. Valet är + inte längre mitt att göra.} {129}{}{You not worry. Doctor dead. He not make report.} -{130}{}{Me thank you for story.} -{131}{}{You don't have to worry. The doc is dead and he - didn't make the report.} -{132}{}{Thanks for the story. It was interesting.} -{133}{}{I am sorry to hear of his death but it is for the - better that this is so. I would ask you to help me escape - this place. Will you?} -{134}{}{Yes, me do.} -{135}{}{Me think about it.} -{136}{}{No, me no think so.} -{137}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} -{138}{}{No, but I'll think about it.} -{139}{}{No, I don't think so.} -{140}{}{Very well... I will wait here until you come to a decision.} +{130}{}{Jag tacka för berättelse.} +{131}{}{Du behöver inte oroa dig. Doktorn är död och han + gjorde inte rapporten.} +{132}{}{Tack för berättelsen. Den var intressant.} +{133}{}{Jag är ledsen att höra om hans död men det är för det + bättre att det är så. Jag skulle vilja be dig att hjälpa mig att fly + den här platsen. Kan du göra det?} +{134}{}{Ja, jag gör.} +{135}{}{Jag tänka på det.} +{136}{}{Nej, jag inte tro det.} +{137}{}{Ja, jag ska göra det.} +{138}{}{Nej, men jag ska fundera på det.} +{139}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} +{140}{}{Nåväl... Jag väntar här tills du har fattat ett beslut.} {141}{}{Färdigt.} -{142}{}{Very well... I am saddened by your decision but it is - your choice. If you change your mind, I will be here.} +{142}{}{Nåväl... Jag är ledsen över ditt beslut men det är + ditt val. Om du ändrar dig kommer jag att vara här.} {143}{}{Hej då.} {144}{}{Farväl.} -{145}{}{I would ask you to help me escape this place. Will you?} -{146}{}{Yes, me do.} -{147}{}{Me think about it.} -{148}{}{No, me no think so.} -{149}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} -{150}{}{No, but I'll think about it.} -{151}{}{No, I don't think so.} -{152}{}{Hello again. Are you ready for our battle?} +{145}{}{Jag vill be dig att hjälpa mig att fly härifrån. Kan du göra det?} +{146}{}{Ja, jag gör.} +{147}{}{Jag tänka på det.} +{148}{}{Nej, jag inte tro det.} +{149}{}{Ja, jag ska göra det.} +{150}{}{Nej, men jag ska fundera på det.} +{151}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} +{152}{}{Hej igen. Är du redo för vår strid?} {153}{}{No want fight, want hear you story.} {154}{}{Me not want fight. Me here rescue you.} -{155}{}{No. Me go.} +{155}{}{Nej. Jag gå.} {156}{}{Yes. Me ready.} -{157}{}{I don't really want to fight. Can I hear your story instead?} -{158}{}{I'm here to rescue you, not fight.} -{159}{}{No. I'll be leaving now.} -{160}{}{All right, let's get it over with.} -{161}{}{Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?} +{157}{}{Jag vill egentligen inte slåss. Kan jag få höra din historia istället?} +{158}{}{Jag är här för att rädda dig, inte för att slåss.} +{159}{}{Nej, jag ska gå nu.} +{160}{}{Okej, låt oss få det överstökat.} +{161}{}{Hej igen. Har du ändrat dig? Tänker du hjälpa mig?} {162}{}{Ja.} {163}{}{Nej.} -{164}{}{Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?} +{164}{}{Hej igen. Har du ändrat dig? Tänker du hjälpa mig?} {165}{}{Ja.} {166}{}{No. Me still think about it.} -{167}{}{No. Me not help.} -{168}{}{No, I'm still thinking.} -{169}{}{I don't want to help you.} +{167}{}{Nej. Jag inte hjälpa.} +{168}{}{Nej, jag tänker fortfarande.} +{169}{}{Jag vill inte hjälpa dig.} {170}{}{Hello again. Have you found the key to the door?} {171}{}{Yes, me open for you.} {172}{}{Me still look.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcbilly.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcbilly.msg index b2e220b805..10dda6df76 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcbilly.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcbilly.msg @@ -73,34 +73,34 @@ {351}{}{Don't let the door hit your DRY ASS on the way out!} {352}{}{Time to finish what you couldn't even start!} {370}{}{Oh, that's nice.} -{371}{}{Billy likes that.} -{372}{}{Ohhhh yeah.} +{371}{}{Billy gillar det.} +{372}{}{Åhhhh ja.} {373}{}{Snyggt.} -{374}{}{Jeezus and ramona.} -{375}{}{Good Gracious.} -{376}{}{I shoulda packed a box of tissue.} -{377}{}{Hmmm, who should I imagine now.} -{390}{}{Hey, can't you see I'm busy in here?} -{391}{}{Hey, hey, get the hell out.} -{392}{}{Hey, you couldn't finish the job, so get out.} -{393}{}{Can you get me a mop and come back in 5?} -{400}{}{Billy, you better not have made a mess on that mattress again!} -{401}{}{Hey Billy, you need a mop?} -{402}{}{Billy, your fly's down. AGAIN!} -{403}{}{Yo Billy, don't forget to change your pants later.} -{404}{}{Billy, you been eating doughnuts?} +{374}{}{Jeezus och Ramona.} +{375}{}{Gode Gud.} +{376}{}{Jag borde ha packat ner en ask med näsdukar.} +{377}{}{Hmmm, vem ska jag föreställa mig nu.} +{390}{}{Hörru, kan du inte se att jag är upptagen här inne?} +{391}{}{Hallå, hallå, dra åt helvete.} +{392}{}{Du kunde inte avsluta jobbet, så ut med dig.} +{393}{}{Kan du ge mig en mopp och komma tillbaka om 5?} +{400}{}{Billy, det är bäst att du inte kladdat ner madrassen igen!} +{401}{}{Hörru Billy, behöver du en mopp?} +{402}{}{Billy, din gylf är nere. IGEN!} +{403}{}{Hörru Billy, glöm inte att byta byxor senare.} +{404}{}{Billy, har du ätit munkar?} {410}{}{Ehhh.} {411}{}{Attans} {412}{}{Jeesh} {413}{}{He, he, heee...} {414}{}{Vadå?} -{500}{}{*SPIT, SPIT* Eccchhhh...} -{510}{}{Hey buddy, care to "rent" that fine ho of yours?} -{511}{}{Can't this wait? I've got to get a drink.} -{512}{}{Yeah, if you want to talk to me, I'll be at The Hole.} -{513}{}{How about you meet me at The Hole and I buy you a drink?} -{520}{}{Sorry, I'm a hurry to get home. I just got some new porn in.} -{521}{}{I'm uhhh, tired, please let me go home and uhhh, sleep...} -{522}{}{I'm going over to Dave's. He's got a whole porn wing!} -{530}{}{Uhhh, no thanks. I don't have money to piss away on that again.} +{500}{}{*SPOTT, SPOTT* Eccchhhh...} +{510}{}{Hej kompis, vill du "hyra ut" din fina hora?} +{511}{}{Kan inte det här vänta? Jag måste ta en drink.} +{512}{}{Ja, om du vill prata med mig, så är jag på Hålet.} +{513}{}{Vad sägs om att du möter mig på Hålet så bjuder jag på en drink?} +{520}{}{Ursäkta, jag har bråttom hem. Jag har precis fått in lite ny porr.} +{521}{}{Jag är ehh, trött, snälla låt mig gå hem och ehhh, sova...} +{522}{}{Jag ska gå över till Daves ställe. Han har en hel porrflygel!} +{530}{}{Ehhh, nej tack. Jag har inte råd att slösa bort pengar på det igen.} {540}{}{Alright, I'll give your ass a try again.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccaesar.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccaesar.msg index a86243a217..94a2ead9d5 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccaesar.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccaesar.msg @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ {320}{}{Thank you. I will.} {321}{}{I don't know if I like this too much.} {322}{}{You need to improve your enslavement technique.} -{323}{}{I will try.} +{323}{}{Jag ska försöka.} {324}{}{I apologize for my poor performance.} {325}{}{I think I'm good enough.} {326}{}{Damn it! You did terribly in this Run. Are you trying to ruin me? Be more careful next time. diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg index a3e7480cb8..3abde26993 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {150}{}{The guard is guarding the old church.} {151}{}{[TALA]} {152}{}{How dare you show your face again!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccustmr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccustmr.msg index 206fe5e653..910ca824bc 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccustmr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dccustmr.msg @@ -36,33 +36,33 @@ {320}{}{If anyone ever lays a finger on her, they'll regret it.} {321}{}{This is some good stuff.} {340}{}{We should kill you for what you did.} -{341}{}{I don't know what she did to you but she didn't deserve to die.} -{342}{}{Maybe we should head to New Reno, since Becky's is closed.} -{343}{}{I miss Becky's smile.} -{344}{}{No more cheap booze.} -{345}{}{The Den isn't the same without Becky's.} +{341}{}{Jag vet inte vad hon gjorde mot dig, men hon förtjänade inte att dö.} +{342}{}{Vi kanske ska åka till New Reno, eftersom Becky's är stängt.} +{343}{}{Jag saknar Beckys leende.} +{344}{}{Ingen mer billig sprit.} +{345}{}{Lyan är inte densamma utan Becky's.} {360}{}{Frankie's is truly a hole... in the wall, that is.} -{361}{}{I like the Hole better than Becky's.} -{362}{}{We call this place the Hole.} -{363}{}{Take a seat. Oh, wait. Maybe not.} +{361}{}{Jag gillar Hålet bättre än Becky's.} +{362}{}{Vi kallar den här platsen för Hålet.} +{363}{}{Sätt dig ner. Åh, vänta lite. Kanske inte.} {364}{}{Frankie's has action. Becky's is just a money pit.} -{365}{}{Frankie sure doesn't like Becky.} -{366}{}{Frankie says Becky's drinks are watered down.} -{367}{}{How's it going?} -{368}{}{Frankie knows how to party.} -{369}{}{Becky's tables are rigged! Well, that's what Frankie says.} -{370}{}{Bottoms up!} -{390}{}{Damn, I warned Frankie about how he treated people.} -{391}{}{Frankie should have watched his temper.} -{392}{}{Now where we going to hang out?} -{393}{}{Too bad Frankie's gone. He knew how to party.} -{394}{}{You got quite a temper. What'd Frankie do to you?} -{395}{}{Frankie insult your mom or something?} +{365}{}{Frankie gillar verkligen inte Becky.} +{366}{}{Frankie säger att Beckys drinkar är urvattnade.} +{367}{}{Hur går det?} +{368}{}{Frankie vet hur man festar.} +{369}{}{Beckys bord är riggade! Eller, det är i alla fall vad Frankie säger.} +{370}{}{Botten upp!} +{390}{}{Fan, jag varnade Frankie för hur han behandlade folk.} +{391}{}{Frankie borde ha hållit sig i skinnet.} +{392}{}{Var ska vi nu hänga?} +{393}{}{Synd att Frankie är borta. Han visste hur man festade.} +{394}{}{Du har ett riktigt temperament. Vad har Frankie gjort mot dig?} +{395}{}{Har Frankie förolämpat din mamma eller nåt?} {410}{}{I'm just looking around.} -{411}{}{I'm not sure what I'm looking for.} +{411}{}{Jag är inte säker på vad jag letar efter.} {412}{}{Tubby sure goes through a lot of Jet.} -{413}{}{You see anything good?} -{414}{}{Not much here.} +{413}{}{Har du sett något bra?} +{414}{}{Inte mycket här.} {415}{}{Tubby needs to get some better suppliers.} {416}{}{You need drugs? Tubby is normally well stocked.} {430}{}{What did you kill Tubby for?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcflick.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcflick.msg index 2caf539086..861c6b22c1 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcflick.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcflick.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -{100}{}{You see a thin, greasy looking, man.} -{150}{}{You see Flick, giving his groin a thorough scratching.} -{151}{}{You see an unclean fellow with a nasty facial-twitch.} -{200}{}{Get outta heeya, you dumb-ass.} -{201}{}{Hey meatball! Yeah, you. Get outta heeya.} -{202}{}{You dumb or sumpin'?} +{100}{}{Du ser en tunn, oljig man.} +{150}{}{Du ser Flick, som kliar sig ordentligt i skrevet.} +{151}{}{Du ser en oren man med en otäck ansiktsryckning.} +{200}{}{Draa hääifrån, din idiot.} +{201}{}{Hörru, köttbullen! Ja, du. Draa hääirån.} +{202}{}{Är du dum elle'?} {203}{}{Whatchur problem, eh?} -{204}{}{Get the hell outta heeya.} -{220}{}{Hey der, I'm Flick. What the fuck do you want, huh?} +{204}{}{Draa hääifrån, fö' i helvette} +{220}{}{Hallå dä', jag ä' Flick. Vad i helvete vill du, va?} {221}{}{Now what? You wastin' my time heeya.} {222}{}{What's with the wacky accent, Flick?} {223}{}{What the hell do you do here?} @@ -19,22 +19,22 @@ {260}{}{I'm a fuckin' provider, waddya think? I'm like a good Samurai-itan guy.} {261}{}{Say what?} {262}{}{Yeah, uh, well... let me ask you something else.} -{263}{}{Uh, oh. OK. Goodbye, Flick.} +{263}{}{Eh, åh. OK, Hej då, Flick.} {280}{}{I provide fer them little paisanos.} {281}{}{You provide little pianos?} {290}{}{Pai-san-o, you know, the kids. My kids.} -{291}{}{Your kids?} -{292}{}{Well, I'm not really interested in music lessons for children. Let me ask you about something else.} -{300}{}{Yeah, well they work for me. They bring me things. Little things. You know.} +{291}{}{Dina barn?} +{292}{}{Jag är inte riktigt intresserad av musiklektioner för barn. Låt mig fråga dig om något annat.} +{300}{}{Ja, de jobbar för mig. De ger mig saker. Små saker. Du vet.} {301}{}{Uh, no.} -{302}{}{Oh, OK. Let me ask you something else then.} -{303}{}{Ah, I see. Well, I don't want to cramp your, uh, style. Goodbye.} +{302}{}{Åh, okej. Låt mig fråga dig något annat då.} +{303}{}{Jaha, jag förstår. Jag vill inte störa din, eh, stil. Hej då.} {315}{}{They bring me stuff that they find. Little, little things. Stuff no one ain't usin' no more. In return, I takes care of 'em.} -{316}{}{Sounds like a nice arrangement.} -{325}{}{(Flick shrugs) I get by OK.} -{326}{}{Let me ask you about something else then.} -{327}{}{They must have brought you some real bargains. Let's see what you've got.} -{328}{}{Just checking. Well, goodbye Flick.} +{316}{}{Låter som ett trevligt arrangemang.} +{325}{}{(Flick rycker på axlarna) Jag klarar mig bra.} +{326}{}{Låt mig fråga dig om något annat då.} +{327}{}{De måste ha gett dig några riktiga fynd. Låt mig se vad du har.} +{328}{}{Jag kollar bara. Hej då, Flick.} {340}{}{What you talkin' about? You think I'm a fucking stupid pirla? Some dumb filio di puttana? You think I'm some kinda clown? Am I here to amuse you, is that it?} {341}{}{Uh, no. Sorry, I was just curious. Let me ask you about something else.} {342}{}{Yeah, that's right, shithead. And nothing's going to amuse me more than your death-throes.} @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ {420}{}{Hey, don't get me wrong. Life on the street is tough fer them kids, but it's the end of our little arrangement that gets me down.} {421}{}{What arrangement?} {422}{}{You mean them pickpocketing from people and bringing the items to you to sell.} -{430}{}{Don't you get smart with me asshole. The kids bring me items they *find.* I don't know where they get them and frankly, I don't give a fuck.} +{430}{}{Försök inte vara smart mot mig, din jävel. Barnen ger mig saker som de *hittar.* Jag vet inte var de får dem ifrån och ärligt talat bryr jag mig inte ett skit.} {431}{}{Just det.} -{432}{}{You're full of it. I'm sick of skum like you who use people for their own benefit. Time to die!} +{432}{}{Du är full av det. Jag är trött på skumma typer som du som utnyttjar folk för egen vinning. Dags att dö!} {440}{}{Pai-san-o, you know, the kids. My kids.} -{441}{}{And you have an arrangement with them?} +{441}{}{Och du har en överenskommelse med dem?} {450}{}{They bring me stuff that they find. Little, little things. Stuff no one ain't usin' no more. In return, I takes care of 'em.} -{451}{}{Sounds like a nice arrangement.} +{451}{}{Låter som ett trevligt arrangemang.} {460}{}{Yeah... business was good 'til you came along. See, yer little stunt's gonna cost me. My business is gonna suffer thanks to you. Because of this, I don't really like you too much. In fact, I fuckin' hate you. But, I'm a business man, so if you need to barter, get to it. If not, fuck off.} @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ In fact, I vomit in my mouth a little every time I see yer face. That's how much you disgust me. And if yer not here to trade, then I suggest you turn around and walk the fuck outta here.} {471}{}{Let's trade.} -{472}{}{Just checking. Well, goodbye Flick.} +{472}{}{Jag kollar bara. Hej då, Flick.} {480}{}{You done wastin' my time?} {481}{}{Let me take another look.} {482}{}{That should do it. Goodbye Flick.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcfranki.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcfranki.msg index 6e6e34c64c..41def25406 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcfranki.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcfranki.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {156}{}{I see why you call this place "The Hole."} {157}{}{Vadå?} {158}{}{What's yer pleasure?} -{159}{}{Whiskey.} +{159}{}{Whisky.} {160}{}{Kvinnor.} {161}{}{Män.} {162}{}{Info.} @@ -21,20 +21,20 @@ {166}{}{Or what?} {167}{}{Just do your job and get me a drink.} {168}{}{I'll just leave instead.} -{169}{}{Whiskey is $} -{170}{}{ a shot.} -{171}{}{Here's your money.} -{172}{}{No way! That's too much!} -{173}{}{Why does your whiskey cost so much more than Becky's?} +{169}{}{Whisky kostar $} +{170}{}{ per shot.} +{171}{}{Här får du dina pengar.} +{172}{}{Aldrig i livet! Det kostar för mycket!} +{173}{}{Varför kostar din whisky så mycket mer än Beckys?} {174}{}{Nej tack.} {175}{}{Nåt annat?} {176}{}{Ja.} -{177}{}{Nope, thanks.} +{177}{}{Nej, tack.} {178}{}{You don't have enough money! This ain't no charity!} {179}{}{Oh, sorry. I'm low on funds.} {180}{}{I'll come back.} {181}{}{Vad vill du?} -{182}{}{Whiskey.} +{182}{}{Whisky.} {183}{}{Nothing. I'm leaving.} {184}{}{Wahdo a peedee!} {185}{}{And stay out!} @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ {191}{}{Well, you should try to find out.} {192}{}{I could find out.} {193}{}{I know how she does it.} -{194}{}{I'll just go buy whiskey from her.} +{194}{}{Då köper jag bara whisky av henne.} {195}{}{If you find out where she gets her booze, I'll pay you $100.} {196}{}{OK, I'll find out.} {197}{}{Nope, not interested.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg1grd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg1grd.msg index 5cc59a513b..a0e271b11a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg1grd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg1grd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {150}{}{He's one of Tyler's guards.} {151}{}{She's one of Tyler's guards.} {200}{}{You still alive?} @@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ {233}{}{Tonight's the night.} {234}{}{I hate waiting.} {235}{}{I'll pass up drinks for this anytime.} -{236}{}{Is it time yet? I can hardly wait.} +{236}{}{Är det dags än? Jag kan knappt bärga mig.} {237}{}{I hope I get the first kill.} -{238}{}{Why did they wait until now to mess with us?} -{239}{}{This is going to be interesting.} -{240}{}{Too bad we didn't get any action after all.} -{241}{}{I wonder why they changed their minds.} -{242}{}{All that waiting and nothing.} -{243}{}{So what ever happened to that trap you were going to help us set?} -{244}{}{What happened the other night?} -{245}{}{Too bad those cowards chickened out. It would have been nice to finish them off.} -{246}{}{Can't believe those bastards were going to try and ambush us.} +{238}{}{Varför har de väntat tills nu med att bråka med oss?} +{239}{}{Det här kommer att bli intressant.} +{240}{}{Synd bara att vi inte fick strida trots allt.} +{241}{}{Jag undrar varför de ändrade sig.} +{242}{}{All denna väntan och ingenting.} +{243}{}{Vad hände med fällan som du skulle hjälpa oss att gillra?} +{244}{}{Vad hände häromnatten?} +{245}{}{Synd att de fegisarna drog sig ur. Det hade varit trevligt att göra slut på dem.} +{246}{}{Jag kan inte tro att de jävlarna skulle försöka lägga sig i bakhåll för oss.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg2grd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg2grd.msg index 00f02a3612..8f389a7991 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg2grd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcg2grd.msg @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ -{100}{}{You see a gangster.} -{150}{}{He seems to be a member of Lara's gang.} -{151}{}{She seems to be a member of Lara's gang.} +{100}{}{Du ser en gangster.} +{150}{}{Han verkar vara medlem i Laras gäng.} +{151}{}{Hon verkar vara medlem i Laras gäng.} {200}{}{Wise guy.} -{201}{}{There you are.} -{202}{}{Pay back.} -{203}{}{Come here.} -{204}{}{I'm not through with you.} +{201}{}{Där får du.} +{202}{}{Hämnd.} +{203}{}{Kom hit.} +{204}{}{Jag är inte färdig med dig.} {205}{}{Subba.} -{225}{}{Wonder how long things will last around here with Metzger gone?} -{226}{}{So, Metzger's finally dead?} -{227}{}{Was that your handiwork?} -{228}{}{The Den'll never be the same again.} -{240}{}{I can't believe it, we actually beat them!} -{241}{}{Metzger's got to show us respect now.} -{242}{}{We sure showed them.} -{243}{}{We gave 'em our own brand of justice.} -{244}{}{We couldn't have done it without you!} -{245}{}{Thank you for your help!} -{246}{}{We did it!} -{247}{}{You screwing around with us?} -{248}{}{Better watch your step.} -{249}{}{Lara's the only reason we don't string you up right now.} -{250}{}{What were you trying to pull?} +{225}{}{Undrar hur länge det kommer att hålla i sig här nu när Metzger är borta?} +{226}{}{Så Metzger är äntligen död?} +{227}{}{Var det ditt hantverk?} +{228}{}{Lyan kommer aldrig att bli sig lik igen.} +{240}{}{Jag kan inte tro det, vi slog dem faktiskt!} +{241}{}{Metzger måste visa oss respekt nu.} +{242}{}{Vi visade dem verkligen.} +{243}{}{Vi gav 'em vår egen typ av rättvisa.} +{244}{}{Vi skulle inte ha klarat det utan dig!} +{245}{}{Tack för din hjälp!} +{246}{}{Vi klarade det!} +{247}{}{Jävlas du med oss?} +{248}{}{Det är bäst att du är försiktig med var du går.} +{249}{}{Lara är den enda anledningen till att vi inte hänger dig nu.} +{250}{}{Vad försökte du åstadkomma?} {251}{}{Ynkrygg.} -{252}{}{You make me sick.} -{253}{}{Get lost.} +{252}{}{Du gör mig illamående.} +{253}{}{Försvinn.} {254}{}{Beat it.} -{255}{}{We're ready when you are.} -{256}{}{It's about time we pay them back.} +{255}{}{Vi är redo när du är det.} +{256}{}{Det är på tiden att vi hämnas på dem.} {257}{}{I hate waiting.} {258}{}{Let's go already.} -{259}{}{You ready yet?} -{260}{}{Just let Lara know when it's time.} -{270}{}{You looking to join up?} -{271}{}{You must be here to see Lara.} -{272}{}{How's it going?} -{273}{}{Lara's the person you should be talking to.} +{259}{}{Är du redo än?} +{260}{}{Säg bara till Lara när det är dags.} +{270}{}{Vill du gå med i vårt gäng?} +{271}{}{Du måste vara här för att träffa Lara.} +{272}{}{Hur går det?} +{273}{}{Lara är den du borde prata med.} {274}{}{Hej.} -{275}{}{You here to see Lara?} +{275}{}{Är du här för att träffa Lara?} {300}{}{Hej.} -{301}{}{How's it going?} -{302}{}{Hope things are going good.} -{303}{}{So you might be able to help us out?} -{304}{}{Good to see you.} +{301}{}{Hur går det?} +{302}{}{Hoppas att allt går bra.} +{303}{}{Så du kanske kan hjälpa oss?} +{304}{}{Kul att se dig.} {305}{}{We'll pay back Tyler soon...} {306}{}{Any new developments?} {310}{}{Thanks for the help. Too bad about Lara.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclara.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclara.msg index c6f5e11466..ba82ec2d52 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclara.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclara.msg @@ -89,45 +89,45 @@ {452}{}{Okej.} {460}{}{I don't know. That's why I'm asking you to help.} {461}{}{I'll try.} -{462}{}{This is pointless.} -{470}{}{Did you find anything?} -{471}{}{Yes. They're having a party tonight.} +{462}{}{Det här är meningslöst.} +{470}{}{Hittade du något?} +{471}{}{Ja. De ska ha fest ikväll.} {472}{}{Not yet. I'll let you know.} {473}{}{Gra.} {474}{}{Na.} -{480}{}{Excellent! They're sure to leave a skeleton crew. Those should be good - odds. We'll take out those at the party after we hit the church.} -{481}{}{And my money?} -{490}{}{I don't think so. You'll have to come with us if you want your money. You - won't have to fight but just to be sure it's not a trap. We'll give you $300 total.} -{491}{}{You ready?} -{492}{}{Okay, let's do it.} -{493}{}{Give me a bit to get ready.} -{494}{}{No way. Keep your money!} -{500}{}{Okay, but we've got to act soon so don't take too long or we'll ruin our chance.} +{480}{}{Utmärkt! De kommer säkert att lämna ett skelett av personal. Det borde vara bra + odds. Vi ger oss på de som är på festen efter att vi har slagit till mot kyrkan.} +{481}{}{Och mina pengar?} +{490}{}{Jag tror inte det. Du måste följa med oss om du vill ha dina pengar. Du + behöver inte slåss, men bara för att vara säker på att det inte är en fälla. Vi ger dig $300 totalt.} +{491}{}{Är du redo?} +{492}{}{Okej, då gör vi det.} +{493}{}{Ge mig lite tid att göra mig redo.} +{494}{}{Inte en chans. Behåll dina pengar!} +{500}{}{Okej, men vi måste agera snart, så ta inte för lång tid på dig, för då förstör vi vår chans.} {501}{}{Okej.} -{510}{}{You don't have to fight. Easy money.} -{511}{}{Well, have you changed your mind?} -{512}{}{Let's go. I'm ready.} -{513}{}{Okay, I'll be right back.} +{510}{}{Du behöver inte slåss. Lättförtjänta pengar.} +{511}{}{Nå, har du ändrat dig?} +{512}{}{Nu kör vi. Jag är redo.} +{513}{}{Okej, jag kommer strax tillbaka.} {514}{}{Nej.} {515}{}{Uk} -{520}{}{Because of you we blew our chance.} +{520}{}{På grund av dig sumpade vi vår chans.} {521}{}{Ynkrygg!} -{522}{}{You get nothing.} -{523}{}{It was probably a trap anyhow.} -{524}{}{Sorry, you're not reliable.} -{525}{}{I can't trust you.} -{530}{}{We did it!} +{522}{}{Du får ingenting.} +{523}{}{Det var nog en fälla ändå.} +{524}{}{Tyvärr, du är inte pålitlig.} +{525}{}{Jag kan inte lita på dig.} +{530}{}{Vi klarade det!} {531}{}{Tack för din hjälp.} -{532}{}{Special thanks to you!} -{533}{}{I've finally paid Tyler back for what he did to my brother.} -{534}{}{Thank you again.} -{540}{}{Now that Metzger's dead, I don't know what'll happen.} -{541}{}{Maybe we should just pack up.} -{542}{}{Did you hear Metzger died? I don't know what to do now.} -{543}{}{What's going to happen to the Den now? Maybe something better.} -{544}{}{This could actually be for the better.} +{532}{}{Ett särskilt tack till dig!} +{533}{}{Jag har äntligen givit igen för mot Tyler för vad han gjorde mot min bror.} +{534}{}{Tack igen.} +{540}{}{Nu när Metzger är död vet jag inte vad som kommer att hända.} +{541}{}{Vi kanske bara ska packa ihop.} +{542}{}{Hörde du att Metzger dog? Jag vet inte vad jag ska göra nu.} +{543}{}{Vad kommer att hända med Lyan nu? Kanske något bättre.} +{544}{}{Detta kan faktiskt vara till det bättre.} {550}{}{Din jävel!} {551}{}{Subba!} {560}{}{Thanks. Here's your money and $100 extra.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclbfthr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclbfthr.msg index 77c9ad0901..5dd6b825de 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclbfthr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dclbfthr.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {110}{}{You are a hero to all fathers out there. Keep it up!} {111}{}{zzzZZZZzzz...} {112}{}{zZZZZzzZZzzz...} -{113}{}{*mumbles*} +{113}{}{*mumlar*} {114}{}{Can't you see I'm drinking here? *hickup*} {115}{}{Don't bother me. *hickup*} {116}{}{Actually it is a little before 11 O'clock, but that's not important right now. Seriously though, do you know where your children are?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg index 4c0179aff6..9b6e9d365b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmaggie.msg @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -{100}{}{You see the owner of the saloon.} +{100}{}{Du ser ägaren till salongen.} {101}{}{You see Becky.} {150}{}{This looks like the owner.} -{151}{}{This is Becky, owner of this place.} +{151}{}{Det här är Becky, ägaren av det här stället.} {152}{}{[TALA]} {153}{}{Hello, stranger, and welcome to my saloon. I'm Becky.} {154}{}{Hello, I am } -{155}{}{. What's there to do around here?} +{155}{}{. Vad finns det att göra här omkring?} {156}{}{Hi, I'm } {157}{}{. Can I ask some questions?} {158}{}{Mamma?} @@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ {162}{}{Screw you.} {163}{}{I'm going.} {164}{}{Sorry, no offense was meant. Can I ask something?} -{165}{}{Drink of whiskey is $5 and the gambling tables are right over there. Have a good one.} +{165}{}{En whisky kostar $5 och spelborden står där borta. Ha det så trevligt.} {166}{}{Can I ask a question?} {167}{}{I want a drink!} {168}{}{Hmm, those are some cheap drinks. Let's see one.} {169}{}{Tack. Hej då.} -{170}{}{Vault 13? Nope, never heard of it.} +{170}{}{Valv 13? Nej, aldrig hört talas om det.} {171}{}{Hmm, can I ask something else?} -{172}{}{Damn, I need to find it. Bye.} +{172}{}{Fan, jag måste hitta det. Hej då.} {173}{}{What would you like to know?} {174}{}{Where's a good place to eat?} -{175}{}{Do you know where Vault 13 is?} +{175}{}{Vet du var Valv 13 ligger?} {176}{}{Why are your drinks so cheap?} {177}{}{Nothing. Bye.} -{178}{}{Mom runs a little restaurant across town.} +{178}{}{Mamma driver en liten restaurang på andra sidan stan.} {179}{}{Mommy! Mommy!} {180}{}{One more question.} {181}{}{Tack. Hej då.} @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ {212}{}{How can you sell your drinks so cheaply?} {213}{}{How about a drink?} {214}{}{Gotta run. See ya.} -{215}{}{Not now. Maybe later. Yes, definitely later.} +{215}{}{Inte nu. Kanske senare. Ja, definitivt senare.} {216}{}{Can I ask a question?} {217}{}{Later then.} {218}{}{I have a still in the basement. I made it myself. Beats paying triple to those New Reno diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmarc.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmarc.msg index 78203caf95..3421d8acf9 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmarc.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmarc.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see Marc, a guard.} {102}{}{You see Marc, one of Tyler's guards.} {150}{}{Yo, Tyler!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetrom.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetrom.msg index 844a2e3e26..a83bd1e459 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetrom.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetrom.msg @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ {257}{}{Hey, man.} {258}{}{You're lucky you only have to go on the runs.} {259}{}{Being a door guard's a boring life.} -{260}{}{How's it going?} +{260}{}{Hur går det?} {261}{}{You're the first woman Metzger's ever hired.} {262}{}{Metzger must have a soft spot for you.} {263}{}{You're all alone little lady.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg index f958b04b9a..82c128278a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcmetzge.msg @@ -39,22 +39,22 @@ {243}{}{Kitsune} {245}{}{Go ahead.} {246}{}{Visst?} -{247}{}{I'm not your fucking servant, so hurry it up.} -{248}{}{What is it? I don't have all day.} +{247}{}{Jag är inte din jävla betjänt, så skynda på.} +{248}{}{Vad är det? Jag har inte hela dagen på mig.} {249}{}{Shoot.} {250}{}{Kanske.} -{255}{}{I have someone I'd like to sell.} -{256}{}{About Vic...} -{257}{}{I'm looking for a merchant.} -{258}{}{Lara wanted me to ask you for permission to fight Tyler.} +{255}{}{Jag har någon jag skulle vilja sälja.} +{256}{}{Om Vic...} +{257}{}{Jag letar efter en handlare.} +{258}{}{Lara ville att jag skulle be dig om tillstånd att slåss mot Tyler.} {259}{}{Can I join the guild?} {260}{}{What can you tell me about your guild?} {261}{}{I'd like to go on a slave run.} {262}{}{Never mind. Bye.} {263}{}{ want to ill.} {264}{}{Na.} -{265}{}{I was looking over the slaves you got back there, but you see, I have very, uh...*selective* tastes, and none of - them are quite what I'm looking for. Are these all the slaves you have to offer?} +{265}{}{Jag tittade på slavarna du har där borta, men du förstår, jag har mycket, eh ... *selektiv * smak, och ingen av + dem är riktigt vad jag letar efter. Är det här alla slavar du har att erbjuda?} {270}{}{You think you can cut it? I don't take in just anyone... What the hell. If you fuck up, I'll sell you off. You'll have to get a tattoo on your forehead identifying you as a slaver to everyone. It's permanent, so no second thoughts.} @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ {392}{}{Okay. Bye.} {400}{}{What the hell crawled up her ass all of a sudden? I gave that bitch a chance a while back. Didn't think she had the balls to try this.} -{401}{}{What are you talking about?} +{401}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {402}{}{So it's okay?} {410}{}{Oh, don't play coy with me. I know exactly what she's planning to do. I gave her a chance a while back and she couldn't cut it, but if she @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ {741}{}{Bring it on!} {742}{}{I'm not getting out of this am I?} {750}{}{Oh, but this will be fun. Trust me.} -{751}{}{Fuck you.} +{751}{}{Fan ta dig.} {752}{}{Uh, okay.} {800}{}{You've killed the leader of the Slave Guild.} {900}{}{What you see is what you get. If you don't like my merchandise, then get the fuck out of my face and stop wasting my time.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebdor.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebdor.msg index 6c5ea6f44e..3a7e25032d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebdor.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebdor.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard for Becky's Casino Bar.} {150}{}{He seems to be keeping a close eye on this door.} {200}{}{You're not getting off that easy.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebgrd.msg index 5b19f5b096..9e9d8aac5c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcrebgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a guard for Becky's Casino Bar.} {150}{}{He seems to be eyeing the crowd for thieves.} {151}{}{She seems to be keeping a close eye on everyone in the room.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcslaver.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcslaver.msg index eedde10c7a..dfac275b1b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcslaver.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcslaver.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{You see a slaver.} {150}{}{He seems to be one of Metzger's personal guards.} -{200}{}{There you are.} +{200}{}{Där får du.} {201}{}{Now you die.} {300}{}{You want to see the boss? Go right in.} {301}{}{Metzger's the man to talk to, not me.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcstory2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcstory2.msg index 29f4692ae3..89955e6eba 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcstory2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcstory2.msg @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ {142}{}{Självklart.} {143}{}{Do you think you're funny or something? Get a better line.} {144}{}{So why the glum face?} -{145}{}{Whatever, bye.} +{145}{}{Visst, hej då.} {146}{}{I hear there used to be ones that were as big as you and me. They used to eat animals as big as a brahmin. Now that's scary stuff.} {147}{}{That's nothing.} {148}{}{Yeah, it is.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubby.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubby.msg index 5a0f9f1118..d8cd6f9895 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubby.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubby.msg @@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ {161}{}{Hello, sir, and welcome to Tubby's. I am the proprietor. May I help you?} {162}{}{Yes, let's trade.} -{163}{}{I need some information.} +{163}{}{Jag behöver lite information.} {164}{}{Farväl.} {165}{}{Hello, madam. I am called Tubby by my friends, and I welcome you to my store. How may I help you?} -{166}{}{I want to buy some things.} -{167}{}{I need some information.} +{166}{}{Jag vill köpa några saker.} +{167}{}{Jag behöver lite information.} {168}{}{Farväl.} {169}{}{I would prefer that you leave, instead.} {170}{}{Hej då.} @@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ town may use grain or gold. Redding is another prime example of a town fueled by {510}{}{Here you go, Petey.} {511}{}{You know, Petey, you should kick this shit.} {512}{}{Take this and get the hell outta here, Petey.} -{520}{}{Pleasure doing business.} +{520}{}{Nöje att göra affärer.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubfri.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubfri.msg index 5ed26ab0c1..d4c7c9e755 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubfri.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctubfri.msg @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ {100}{}{You see a drug addict.} -{110}{}{You see a Jet whore.} -{111}{}{You see one of Tubby's Jet whores.} -{150}{}{He seems to be a friend of Tubby's.} -{160}{}{She seems to be extremely doped up.} -{161}{}{She seems to be suffering from massive withdrawals.} -{200}{}{Oh, man. Where we going to get our shit now?} -{201}{}{What'd ya kill Tubby for?} -{202}{}{Oh man, that sucks.} -{203}{}{Now what're we supposed to do?} -{204}{}{Oh, man...} -{205}{}{Hey, that's not fair.} -{206}{}{Don't hurt us, we won't tell.} -{220}{}{Wow, you look pretty mean.} +{110}{}{Du ser en Jet-hora.} +{111}{}{Du ser en av Tubbys Jet-horor.} +{150}{}{Han verkar vara en vän till Tubby.} +{160}{}{Hon verkar vara extremt drogad.} +{161}{}{Hon verkar lida av massiva abstinensbesvär.} +{200}{}{Åh, jösses. Var ska vi få tag på vår skit nu?} +{201}{}{Vaffö döda' du Tubby?} +{202}{}{Åh jösses, det suger.} +{203}{}{Vad ska vi göra nu?} +{204}{}{Åh, jösses...} +{205}{}{Hörru, det är inte rättvist.} +{206}{}{Gör oss inte illa, vi säger inget.} +{220}{}{Wow, du ser ganska elak ut.} {221}{}{Hey, you're a real nice guy. Anyone ever tell you that?} {222}{}{Hey, you're a real nice gal. Anyone ever tell you that?} {223}{}{We're Tubby's guards.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctyler.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctyler.msg index bc141976a1..2b5bf68d22 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctyler.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dctyler.msg @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ {300}{}{Beat it, tough guy, before I get angry on Your face.} {301}{}{Beat it, bitch. Metzger wouldn't have sent a woman anyhow, so take a hike.} {302}{}{Bitch? I'll show you what this bitch can do.} -{303}{}{Fuck you.} +{303}{}{Fan ta dig.} {304}{}{[Lämna]} {310}{}{Beat it.} {320}{}{That's nice. Me Tyler. Me go bye bye.} @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ {370}{}{Now what the hell does the boss want? Another stupid fucking inspection?} {371}{}{Ja?} {372}{}{What now?} -{373}{}{How's it going?} +{373}{}{Hur går det?} {374}{}{Sorry, gotta go.} {375}{}{Uk.} {376}{}{Lub?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcvicgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcvicgrd.msg index cb277fca4c..e402cc8567 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcvicgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/dcvicgrd.msg @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ {231}{}{Hey, you joined up, huh? Cool. Hope we go on some runs together.} {232}{}{So, what is it you want to talk about?} {233}{}{So, who's in there?} -{234}{}{About Vic...} +{234}{}{Om Vic...} {235}{}{Good, thanks.} {236}{}{Got to go.} {237}{}{Wuk?} @@ -113,5 +113,5 @@ {503}{}{Hope Vic works out for you.} {504}{}{Vic better be working hard for ya.} {505}{}{Maybe I'll catch you on a run.} -{506}{}{How's it going?} -{507}{}{Hi, again.} +{506}{}{Hur går det?} +{507}{}{Hej igen.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/door.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/door.msg index 22300b99dd..d363a3ab1d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/door.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/door.msg @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ {109}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett gammalt, rostigt lås och en fälla i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} {110}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett lås (som kan öppnas - med dyrkar) och en fälla i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan + med dyrkar) och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} {111}{}{Du ser en robust dörr med ett lås på och en avklippt sladd i dörrkarmen, som du kanske kan bända upp.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecabolst.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecabolst.msg index d1b7a9cf7c..5e4c572b4d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecabolst.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecabolst.msg @@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ for so long, I'm not certain where anything is any more.} {311}{}{Why are you wandering around here?} {312}{}{What are you doing out here?} -{313}{}{Well, good luck to you.} -{314}{}{Ah, well, good luck to you. Oh, by the way, watch out for the - Den. They like to sell people there.} -{315}{}{The Den?} -{316}{}{Sell people?} -{317}{}{Sure, whatever. Bye.} -{320}{}{Seems people around these parts like to keep slaves. I'm here to - try and free them slaves. And if a slaver or two dies in the process, no biggie.} -{321}{}{What's wrong with owning slaves? I'd own some if I could find them.} -{322}{}{I'll keep my eyes out for the bastards.} +{313}{}{Nåväl, lycka till.} +{314}{}{Ja, lycka till. Åh, förresten, se upp för + Lyan. De gillar att sälja folk där.} +{315}{}{Lyan?} +{316}{}{Sälja människor?} +{317}{}{Visst. Hej då.} +{320}{}{Folk här gillar visst att ha slavar. Jag är här för att + försöka befria slavarna. Och om en slavhandlare eller två dör under processen, är det ingen stor grej.} +{321}{}{Vad är det för fel med att äga slavar? Jag skulle äga några om jag kunde hitta dem.} +{322}{}{Jag ska hålla ögonen öppna efter de jävlarna.} {323}{}{Killing is never justified.} {324}{}{Kill? I'll help you kill them.} {330}{}{Really? That's great. Well, I have to head out and look for more diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecbridge.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecbridge.msg index 0be655bfbc..d00835f821 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecbridge.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecbridge.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ other side he see.} {105}{}{Cee... Deeee... Eee... Ffff... Gggg} {106}{}{Shamble off.} -{107}{}{Very well.} +{107}{}{Mycket bra.} {108}{}{Ask me the questions, bridge keeper. I'm not afraid.} {109}{}{Maybe I'll just come back later.} {110}{}{Vad heter du?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccanbal.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccanbal.msg index a5ea48c980..08f0b3353f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccanbal.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccanbal.msg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -{100}{}{You see a cannibal.} -{101}{}{Foood!} -{102}{}{It's eating time!} -{103}{}{Hmmm... white meat.} -{104}{}{Yum!} -{105}{}{Tasty!} -{106}{}{It looks tender.} +{100}{}{Du ser en kannibal.} +{101}{}{Maaat!} +{102}{}{Det är dags att äta!} +{103}{}{Hmmm... vitt kött.} +{104}{}{Mums!} +{105}{}{Smarrigt!} +{106}{}{Den ser mör ut.} {107}{}{::Slurp::} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecchild.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecchild.msg index bb0b475284..85436f7f7f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecchild.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecchild.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ -{100}{}{You see a little boy.} -{101}{}{You see a little girl.} -{200}{}{Are we there yet?} -{201}{}{I'm tired.} -{202}{}{Will you carry me?} -{203}{}{I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.} -{204}{}{Mommy and Daddy went out here.} -{205}{}{See my shiny rock?} -{206}{}{Will you play with me?} -{207}{}{La la la la la la. I can't hear you.} -{208}{}{Why can't I play now?} -{209}{}{You wanna play?} +{100}{}{Du ser en liten pojke.} +{101}{}{Du ser en liten flicka.} +{200}{}{Är vi framme snart?} +{201}{}{Jag är trött.} +{202}{}{Kan du bära mig?} +{203}{}{Jag får inte prata med främlingar.} +{204}{}{Mamma och pappa gick ut hit.} +{205}{}{Vill 'u se min glänsiga sten?} +{206}{}{Vill du leka med mig?} +{207}{}{La la la la la la. Jag lyssnar inte.} +{208}{}{Varför får jag inte leka nu?} +{209}{}{Vill du leka?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecclmjmp.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecclmjmp.msg index 1ad1e42e14..593aed1111 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecclmjmp.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecclmjmp.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{You see a claim jumper.} -{101}{}{We were here first.} +{101}{}{Vi var här först.} {102}{}{Go find your own claim to jump.} -{103}{}{Just another notch in my pistol.} -{104}{}{Can't let you go now.} -{105}{}{You've seen too much.} +{103}{}{Bara ännu ett hack i min pistol.} +{104}{}{Jag kan inte låta dig gå nu.} +{105}{}{Du har sett för mycket.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecconcor.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecconcor.msg index c60d5c5291..3e41aad7c3 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecconcor.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecconcor.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ {100}{}{You see a man.} -{101}{}{This is Concorde.} -{102}{}{He's banging two coconut halves together.} -{103}{}{Clip! Clop!} +{101}{}{Det här är Concorde.} +{102}{}{Han slår ihop två kokosnötshalvor.} +{103}{}{Klipp! Klopp!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccowbmb.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccowbmb.msg index 29fb368e7b..b2b3a17934 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccowbmb.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccowbmb.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{200}{}{MMMMOOOOOooooo.....} +{200}{}{MMMMUUUUUuuuuu.....} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccrazy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccrazy.msg index 55a75a102b..3ca7a73057 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccrazy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccrazy.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{100}{}{You see a crazy.} -{101}{}{Mmmm....brains.} -{102}{}{Send more adventurers.} -{103}{}{Mooooaaaan...} -{104}{}{Make the pain stop.} +{100}{}{Du ser en galning.} +{101}{}{Mmmm....hjärnor.} +{102}{}{Skicka fler äventyrare.} +{103}{}{Stöööön...} +{104}{}{Få smärtan att ta slut.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccvngrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccvngrd.msg index 12eddb01c1..f1348d96eb 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccvngrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eccvngrd.msg @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} -{101}{}{You see one of the guards helping you with this caravan run.} -{200}{}{You see a caravan driver.} -{201}{}{You see one of the drivers helping you with this caravan run.} -{300}{}{I hope we don't get too many more encounters along the way.} -{301}{}{It'll be good to get that paycheck at the end of the run.} -{302}{}{I hope they have the bar open for when I get there.} -{303}{}{It'll be good to get some real food for once.} -{304}{}{I always wanted to travel. I guess this is the closest thing to it.} -{305}{}{My feet are killing me. I wish those stupid brahmin would hurry up.} -{306}{}{I hear that we don't have much further to go on this trip.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} +{101}{}{Du ser en av vakterna som hjälper dig med karavanrundan.} +{200}{}{Du ser en karavanförare.} +{201}{}{Du ser en av förarna som hjälper dig med den här karavanrundan.} +{300}{}{Jag hoppas att vi inte råkar ut för alltför många fler möten längs vägen.} +{301}{}{Det ska bli skönt att få den där lönechecken i slutet av rundan.} +{302}{}{Jag hoppas att de har baren öppen när jag kommer dit.} +{303}{}{Det ska bli skönt att få lite riktig mat för en gångs skull.} +{304}{}{Jag har alltid velat resa. Jag antar att det här är det närmaste jag kommer det.} +{305}{}{Mina fötter tar kol på mig. Jag önskar att de där dumma brahminerna kunde skynda sig.} +{306}{}{Jag har hört att vi inte har så långt kvar på den här resan.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eceric.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eceric.msg index ef392b7571..c1fd47e2ed 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/eceric.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/eceric.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ {100}{}{You see a man.} {101}{}{This is Eric.} -{102}{}{He's banging two coconut halves together.} -{103}{}{Clip! Clop!} +{102}{}{Han slår ihop två kokosnötshalvor.} +{103}{}{Klipp! Klopp!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecjohn.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecjohn.msg index ff5b8b057a..b0459948e3 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecjohn.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ {100}{}{You see a man.} {101}{}{This is John.} -{102}{}{He's banging two coconut halves together.} -{103}{}{Clip! Clop!} +{102}{}{Han slår ihop två kokosnötshalvor.} +{103}{}{Klipp! Klopp!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecmrchnt.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecmrchnt.msg index 00e5e2698b..5877c3dab6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecmrchnt.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecmrchnt.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {100}{}{You see a well-traveled person.} -{101}{}{You see a merchant.} +{101}{}{Du ser en handlare.} {102}{}{Wow, I rarely see people out here.} {103}{}{Hey! Wait! I have things that could help you along!} {104}{}{Hey! Do you have anything to trade for these?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecpatsy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecpatsy.msg index 554feed199..7d50446898 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecpatsy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecpatsy.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ {100}{}{A man.} {101}{}{Patsy.} -{102}{}{He's banging two coconut halves together.} -{103}{}{Clip! Clop!} +{102}{}{Han slår ihop två kokosnötshalvor.} +{103}{}{Klipp! Klopp!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecravpty.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecravpty.msg index 28c2b8ed77..0b211dc16d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecravpty.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecravpty.msg @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ {176}{}{Hey, you got a cigarette?} {177}{}{Hey, now don't get too attached -- I like my freedom.} {178}{}{You're as sleek as a panther and I want you.} -{179}{}{You ready?} +{179}{}{Är du redo?} {180}{}{Not now; I gotta shoot up.} {181}{}{Man the hatches. We're goin' in.} {200}{}{Don't be a jerk!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ectravlr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ectravlr.msg index 27ac1df619..961b46cabb 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ectravlr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ectravlr.msg @@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ {149}{}{I must depart.} {150}{}{Thanks. I need directions to some other places.} {1107}{}{New Reno.} -{1108}{}{Vault City.} +{1108}{}{Valvstaden.} {1109}{}{Redding.} -{1110}{}{The Den.} +{1110}{}{Lyan.} {1111}{}{San Francisco.} -{1112}{}{New California Republic.} -{1113}{}{An abandoned mine.} -{1114}{}{An old, abandoned facility.} +{1112}{}{Nya Kaliforniska Republiken.} +{1113}{}{En övergiven gruva.} +{1114}{}{En gammal, övergiven anläggning.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecunipat.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecunipat.msg index b5b7ce677a..46325332b5 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecunipat.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecunipat.msg @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -{100}{}{For Unity!} -{101}{}{Hold them off, gentlemen!} -{102}{}{Kill the intruders!} -{103}{}{Protect the city!} +{100}{}{För Enigheten!} +{101}{}{Håll dem borta, mina herrar!} +{102}{}{Döda inkräktarna!} +{103}{}{Skydda staden!} {104}{}{Go! Go! Go!} -{105}{}{Look out! Raiders!} -{106}{}{Let's get out of here!} +{105}{}{Se upp! Plundrare!} +{106}{}{Nu sticker vi härifrån!} {107}{}{Oh man... just when I thought we were safe! No more! No more!} -{108}{}{Run for it!} -{109}{}{Treat our people with respect.} -{110}{}{Don't break the law.} -{111}{}{If you're thinking of causing trouble, remember us. Act nice and Marcus will act nice.} -{112}{}{We're peaceable people in Broken Hills, but we know how to fight.} +{108}{}{Spring!} +{109}{}{Behandla vårt folk med respekt.} +{110}{}{Bryt inte mot lagen.} +{111}{}{Om du tänker ställa till med problem, kom ihåg oss. Bete er bra så kommer Marcus att bete sig bra.} +{112}{}{Vi är fredliga i Broken Hills, men vi vet hur man slåss.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecvltpat.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecvltpat.msg index 461c3967c8..7d33693e7f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecvltpat.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ecvltpat.msg @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -{100}{}{Must warn Lynette!} -{101}{}{Must warn Vault City!} -{102}{}{Outworlder scum...} +{100}{}{Måste varna Lynette!} +{101}{}{Måste varna Valvstaden!} +{102}{}{Utbölingsavskum...} {103}{}{Degenerate filth...} -{104}{}{Time to weed out more outworlder trash... Die, outworlders!} -{105}{}{What are you doing around Vault City?} +{104}{}{Dags att rensa ut mer utbölingsskräp... Dö, utbölingar!} +{105}{}{Vad gör du runt Valvstaden?} {106}{}{What is your business near Vault City?} -{107}{}{This is part of the Vault City territory.} -{108}{}{Watch yourself.} -{109}{}{Vault City is not a sanctuary for *everyone.* So move on.} -{110}{}{Your kind belongs at the Den.} +{107}{}{Det här är en del av Valvstadens territorium.} +{108}{}{Se dig för.} +{109}{}{Valvstaden är inte en fristad för *alla.* Så gå vidare.} +{110}{}{Din sort hör hemma i Lyan.} {111}{}{I suggest you go there now.} {112}{}{Hello, citizen.} {113}{}{Anything we can do for you, citizen?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac11.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac11.msg index a1f406dcd6..bbba07428b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac11.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac11.msg @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ {400}{}{Need something?} {401}{}{How can the Cat be of service?} {402}{}{Ja?} -{410}{}{What do you need to know?} +{410}{}{Vad behöver du veta?} {411}{}{Well, I was trained to use the usual military stuff. Rifles, pistols, SMGs and the like. I prefer laser weapons and the like better though. Those have style! But if you give me some brass knuckles or one of those power fists, I'll pounce on any flat-footed goons before they know what hit them!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac12.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac12.msg index 7f1a5cb151..39e22c060b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac12.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac12.msg @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ {376}{}{Ever since the transplant I always felt like I was seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. More so than ever now. And that helps me carry on.} {377}{}{We all have our ways of coping.} -{410}{}{What do you need to know?} +{410}{}{Vad behöver du veta?} {411}{}{I have a black belt in sanshou. I can stab a man to death if the situation calls for it. Pistols, rifles and the like I'm decent with.} {420}{}{We need to talk about the distance between us.} {421}{}{What's wrong with it?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac17.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac17.msg index 34ab734fab..55d3e2fc0a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac17.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac17.msg @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ {483}{}{I'm looking for work. Do you have any?} {484}{}{Where do you get all your equipment from?} {490}{}{Have you collected the pelts as I requested?} -{491}{}{Yes, here they are.} +{491}{}{Ja, här är det.} {492}{}{No, not as yet.} {500}{}{Wonderful! Excellent! Let me see... ahh yes, these will do nicely! Now then, do you want another job?} {501}{}{Yes, if you have anything} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac22.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac22.msg index d088f1fcf8..5877973794 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac22.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac22.msg @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ you think?} {391}{}{Definitely. Let me ask you something else.} {400}{}{Hello again. Something else I can help you with?} -{401}{}{I have some questions.} +{401}{}{Jag har några frågor.} {402}{}{Det är inte viktigt. Hej då.} {500}{}{You open up the side panel to the hologram emitter and look inside. You see a mess of cables and circuit boards.} {501}{}{Well, let's get started.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac9.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac9.msg index c48c6c737d..e43e332177 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac9.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epac9.msg @@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ {383}{}{Nothing} {390}{}{This is your lucky day! I have just enough chemicals in my storage tanks to make one batch of ERSIs! Would you like Mr. Chemmie to make them for you?!} {391}{}{Create.} -{392}{}{Exit.} +{392}{}{Avsluta.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai23.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai23.msg index 4edb6bbff8..fe6f07e041 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai23.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai23.msg @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ {101}{}{You see a forcefield control unit.} {200}{}{Forcefield control terminal. Enter command:} {201}{}{Disable forcefield.} -{202}{}{Exit.} +{202}{}{Avsluta.} {203}{}{You fiddle with the interface to no avail. You feel sure you could crack it with higher skills.} {204}{}{[After several minutes of tinkering, a countdown of 5 seconds is displayed along with a message.] Releasing specimens...} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai29.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai29.msg index cc7c99f914..3262eb66d6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai29.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai29.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {200}{}{If I tie some rope to this I could probably climb down there.} {201}{}{Some rope would definitely be useful here.} -{300}{}{That should do it.} +{300}{}{Så där ja.} {301}{}{I already placed the rope.} {302}{}{You tie the rope to one of the bars of the vent and drop the rest of the rope down. You hear a thud as it hits the bottom.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai4.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai4.msg index fa3b92be4a..50e4782a78 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai4.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/epai4.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{Disempower Electric Chair.} {103}{}{Chair empowered. Please encourage person to move as close to chair as possible from either side. Thank you.} {104}{}{Chair disempowered.} -{105}{}{Exit.} +{105}{}{Avsluta.} {106}{}{You see a computer whirring to itself.} {107}{}{You see the Electric Chair Computer.} {108}{}{You see a computer controlling the electric chair.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcbadger.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcbadger.msg index d083a82a9a..ef6b4d5264 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcbadger.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcbadger.msg @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ {182}{}{Good. I need to ask you something.} {183}{}{Good for you. I didn't want to talk to you.} {184}{}{Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't thank you enough for saving her. What do you want?} -{185}{}{I have some questions.} +{185}{}{Jag har några frågor.} {186}{}{Your gratitude is enough for me. So long.} {187}{}{Okay, I got into the Shi computers. I don't know if I made it out undetected. I guess now the best thing is to hide. You want anything else?} {188}{}{Ja.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcchip.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcchip.msg index 7f01c347a6..e79a85aab3 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcchip.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcchip.msg @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ {156}{}{I found it. Go over to Dr. Wong's place.} {157}{}{Oh, I'll cover you. Get over to Fung's.} {158}{}{No prob. Good luck.} -{159}{}{Did you talk to Fung?} -{160}{}{Yeah, and he says he'll stick it in you for free.} -{161}{}{Yeah, and he's charging me $1,000.} +{159}{}{Har du pratat med Fung?} +{160}{}{Ja, och han säger att han ska sticka in den i dig gratis.} +{161}{}{Ja, och han tar $1 000 av mig.} {162}{}{} -{163}{}{Wow. You have some serious connections. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you.} +{163}{}{Wow. Du har några seriösa kontakter. Kom tillbaka om en dag så ska jag se vad jag kan ge dig.} {164}{}{Ska ske.} -{165}{}{Can you cover me?} -{166}{}{Yeah, I suppose.} +{165}{}{Kan du täcka mig?} +{166}{}{Javisst, jag antar det.} {167}{}{Nej.} {168}{}{I really appreciate this. Come back in a day and I'll see what help I can give you.} {169}{}{You better.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fccrocke.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fccrocke.msg index 4df4de0807..c45044c37b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fccrocke.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fccrocke.msg @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Try it, bucko. You'll have guards down on your ass and you'll never learn how to {158}{}{I see. Well, I have more questions.} {159}{}{Hmm. Gotta go. Bye.} {160}{}{Hey, I got no beef with you. Just don't hurt me.} -{161}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{161}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {162}{}{I'm here for my armor.} {163}{}{Too late.} {164}{}{Hej då.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdragon.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdragon.msg index 15c2e0bb83..c083586809 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdragon.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdragon.msg @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ {156}{}{[BEGIN]} {157}{}{Yet, in a formalized fighting environment, you cannot dispute that you have entered this arena of your own choosing. Once you have so entered, should you not abide by its rules?} {158}{}{Yes, probably. But in a live or die situation, you must do anything to survive.} -{159}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{159}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} {160}{}{You have a point. Well then. If you wish to fight Lo Pan, will you do it unarmed and unarmored? If we are to ask for your aid in this, we request that you abide by our rules.} {161}{}{Yeah, I'll do it your way.} {162}{}{Nope. Forget it.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrfung.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrfung.msg index ccd863f1a8..5e63cb39e4 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrfung.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrfung.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ {107}{}{Do you have any stimpaks? I'd like to buy some.} {108}{}{Vem är du?} {109}{}{I have a friend who's missing a spleen. Can you help him?} -{110}{}{What can you tell me about this place?} +{110}{}{Vad kan du berätta om den här platsen?} {111}{}{Hej då.} {112}{}{Let me take a look at that. Hmm. Yes. I'll have to charge you, of course.} {113}{}{How much?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrwong.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrwong.msg index 6d270f8bde..68bb642568 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrwong.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcdrwong.msg @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ {151}{}{It's a human spleen? Lao Chou didn't tell me that!} {152}{}{Yet, because of the rudeness of the messenger, I believe I will hold all parties to the bargain. I will experiment on it instead.} {153}{}{Tell your friend to come by for it within the next day, and I will gladly return it to him. I just hope you can find a way to replace it in his body in time.} -{154}{}{Very well.} +{154}{}{Mycket bra.} {155}{}{Ha ha! Yes, I too saw that old movie. Wait... what are you saying? Are you saying that...?} {156}{}{Yes, it's a human spleen.} {157}{}{Actually, I would object to that. You have not shown yourself to be of good character. Indeed, I do not know why I am talking to you. Good day.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcelrind.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcelrind.msg index feb8521f1b..63f1b34985 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcelrind.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcelrind.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{You see someone in a floppy robe.} {101}{}{It's another robed Hubologist.} {102}{}{It appears to be someone wearing a robe.} -{103}{}{Who are you? What are you doing here?} +{103}{}{Vem är du? Vad gör du här?} {104}{}{You're not supposed to be here, are you?} {105}{}{Look! Rim meat!} {106}{}{Hey! Who let the rim meat in?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcfmatt.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcfmatt.msg index e544f43223..8512ad3569 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcfmatt.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcfmatt.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {101}{}{You see Matthew.} {102}{}{You see a man wearing metal armor with a lightning bolt insignia on it.} {103}{}{Hello,} -{104}{}{. What can I do for you?} +{104}{}{. Vad kan jag göra för dig?} {105}{}{You answer questions?} {106}{}{Nothing. Me come back later.} {107}{}{You can start by answering some questions.} @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ {139}{}{Me think about.} {140}{}{No way. Me be going.} {141}{}{What the hell. Me do.} -{142}{}{I'll think about it.} +{142}{}{Jag ska tänka på det.} {143}{}{No way. Find yourself a new chump.} {144}{}{What the hell. I must be crazy, but I'll do it.} {145}{}{Fair enough. Come back to me when you reach a decision.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcjuavki.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcjuavki.msg index 60ebd80c32..243b2cccc1 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcjuavki.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcjuavki.msg @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ {116}{}{Him: If you won't accept our help... Her: ... then we can't help you. Goodbye.} {117}{}{Hej då!} {118}{}{Him: Ah, you see? The teachings of the Hub have demonstrated their worth again!} -{119}{}{I have some questions.} +{119}{}{Jag har några frågor.} {120}{}{Thanks! Bye!} {121}{}{Her: Why, we were in the movie business in New Reno. We made hundreds of films, many of them classics, like "Top Bun," "Frisky Bizness," and "Days of Rubber". That's what makes us celebrities.} {122}{}{Him: But then, as a member of the industry, you already knew that.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fckenlee.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fckenlee.msg index 8a4b444a60..5245e072e0 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fckenlee.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fckenlee.msg @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ {169}{}{Tack. Hej då.} {170}{}{You must complete a second test: the Hubologists are our enemies. Their leader, AHS-9, has been abducting and brainwashing our children. Kill him for the good of the Shi and I shall tell you how to speak to the Emperor.} {171}{}{He's as good as dead.} -{172}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{172}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} {173}{}{No? It saddens me, but I understand. Best of luck in your quest. If you change your mind, you know where to reach me.} {174}{}{Sure do. I have more questions.} {175}{}{Yep. Bye.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fclogrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fclogrd.msg index 673967fed4..8ca8463aee 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fclogrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fclogrd.msg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ {104}{}{You have business here?} {105}{}{We're keeping an eye on you.} {106}{}{Don't try anything funny.} -{107}{}{Treat our people with respect.} +{107}{}{Behandla vårt folk med respekt.} {108}{}{Don't touch that and that's your last warning.} {109}{}{Keep away from there.} {110}{}{Step back, lao wai, or I'll fill you with so much metal you'll clank when you walk.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcmercha.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcmercha.msg index fc51543d53..5abbddd041 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcmercha.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcmercha.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{100}{}{You see a merchant.} -{101}{}{You see a merchant.} +{100}{}{Du ser en handlare.} +{101}{}{Du ser en handlare.} {102}{}{You see an animated Shi merchant. Like all the others, he seems to be full of wind.} {103}{}{Come buy octopus! Very tasty!} {104}{}{You like fish? We got fish!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz7.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz7.msg index be2d5234d4..659869fb28 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz7.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz7.msg @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ {163}{}{Fine, I'll join.} {164}{}{Forget it. I don't like strong-arm tactics.} {165}{}{The oppressive Shi have been contesting our power and wreaking havoc among our brethren with their neurodyne-influencing ways. We believe that if their Emperor is killed, they will see the error of their ways. Will you kill the Emperor?} -{166}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} +{166}{}{Ja, jag ska göra det.} {167}{}{No, the Shi have never done anything to me.} {168}{}{Perhaps you will reconsider. Let me know if you do. Now, is there anything the Hub can provide for you, recruit?} {169}{}{Yes, I have some questions.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz9.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz9.msg index c605ecddf2..ecfa11515c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz9.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcoz9.msg @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ {203}{}{Nej.} {204}{}{No, I just want you to die.} {205}{}{This, then, is my bargain: return to the Shi and eliminate Ken Lee and the Emperor. I will repay you with more money than you have ever dreamed.} -{206}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{206}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} {207}{}{You've got a deal, fat man.} {208}{}{Then go and smite those troublesome souls. I await word of your success. [He smiles beatifically.]} {209}{}{So long.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcshigrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcshigrd.msg index 8d18253d16..0729bf9e5b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcshigrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fcshigrd.msg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ {104}{}{You have business here?} {105}{}{We're keeping an eye on you.} {106}{}{Don't try anything funny.} -{107}{}{Treat our people with respect.} +{107}{}{Behandla vårt folk med respekt.} {108}{}{Don't touch that. That's your last warning.} {109}{}{Keep away from there.} {110}{}{Step back, outsider.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkgmr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkgmr.msg index 1a1d18ee72..6d6706c47b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkgmr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkgmr.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a merchant.} +{100}{}{Du ser en handlare.} {101}{}{You see Cal, the gun merchant.} {102}{}{You see a bored but friendly looking man.} {103}{}{Good day to you, sir. May I help you?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkmer.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkmer.msg index 4fd832d3a6..421e7a4317 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkmer.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fctnkmer.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a merchant.} +{100}{}{Du ser en handlare.} {101}{}{You see Jenna, the merchant.} {102}{}{You see a pretty shop owner.} {103}{}{Hi! I'm Jenna. May I help you?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg index 34b6a7d07e..1d2b410866 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsbiosta.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the biology workstation.} {102}{}{You see a functional computer terminal.} {103}{}{Greetings. Please confirm your identity.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fschesta.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fschesta.msg index 9ba8ff0789..4321e6b1ae 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fschesta.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fschesta.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the chemistry workstation.} {102}{}{You see a computer workstation.} {103}{}{Hälsningar. Vänligen ange ditt lösenord för att bekräfta din identitet.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fselcomp.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fselcomp.msg index cb05e285b5..d18e24b7bc 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fselcomp.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fselcomp.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see a Hubologist computer.} {102}{}{You see a computer. It seems to be in good working order, though primitive.} {103}{}{This unit not accepting commands. Goodbye.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsempter.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsempter.msg index a1f0f257fc..6d2f51f0aa 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsempter.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsempter.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the Emperor Computer terminal.} {102}{}{You see a computer with a built-in touch screen for its interface. Engraved on the side is "Emperor v8.8 Computer Terminal".} {103}{}{Hälsningar. Vänligen ange ditt lösenord för att bekräfta din identitet.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsphysta.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsphysta.msg index 2b689f5aa6..4054dc85a7 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsphysta.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/fsphysta.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the physics station.} {102}{}{You see a functional computer terminal.} {103}{}{Greetings. Please confirm your identity.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcfestus.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcfestus.msg index 10f12a7566..88ad3f6af7 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcfestus.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcfestus.msg @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ {530}{}{Festus leaves and then comes back. He looks very pleased about something.} {600}{}{I have a reactor data disk that may help you optimize the reactor.} {610}{}{Okay, give it to me and I'll see what I can do.} -{620}{}{Here you go.} +{620}{}{Varsågod.} {630}{}{No, I think I'll keep it for now.} {640}{}{Okay. Looks good. Thanks for all your help.} {650}{}{Sure. No problem.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcharold.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcharold.msg index 380bdf5174..2885319836 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcharold.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcharold.msg @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ {307}{}{There must be another way.} {308}{}{Follow me.} {309}{}{Try this.} -{310}{}{Come here.} +{310}{}{Kom hit.} {311}{}{I'm scared.} {312}{}{I'm worried.} {313}{}{I found something.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gclumpy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gclumpy.msg index 8122828935..b3e00a94e0 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gclumpy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gclumpy.msg @@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ {151}{}{Keeter. Heh, heh, heh.} {152}{}{Who're you?} {153}{}{What do you do here?} -{154}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{154}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {155}{}{Oh, okay. I'll talk to Skeeter then. Thanks.} {160}{}{Hello there. Since you've already invited yourself in -- what can I do for you?} {161}{}{Me hungry.} {162}{}{Uh, I was wondering where Skeeter is?} -{163}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{163}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {164}{}{Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to barge in. Goodbye.} {170}{}{I guard the brahmin or help Skeeter in his workshop.} {171}{}{Who's Skeeter?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcwooz.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcwooz.msg index ca3377cde4..de6a862679 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcwooz.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/gcwooz.msg @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ {702}{}{I need a ruling on that!} {703}{}{Kick me in the jimmy.} {704}{}{Hi, shills.} -{705}{}{Fuck you.} +{705}{}{Fan ta dig.} {706}{}{I wouldn't shit you on this one.} {707}{}{Let's play Tragic.} {708}{}{I am the worst Tragic player in the world.} @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ {722}{}{Yeah, it is. One Gamma Gulp coming right up.} {723}{}{Alright, enjoy. Anything else?} {724}{}{Special occasion, huh? Well lah-de-dah, aren't we special today. One Roentgen coming right up then.} -{725}{}{Nope, thanks.} +{725}{}{Nej, tack.} {726}{}{Yeah, what else do you have?} {727}{}{Whatever, I'll take one.} {728}{}{Right. Let me get something else.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfranci.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfranci.msg index 4e5f2e6f79..893ff6780b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfranci.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfranci.msg @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ {136}{}{Buddy, do you want to arm-wrestle or not? I haven't got the time to waste with snotty remarks and cowards.} {137}{}{Yeah, sure. Let's do it.} -{138}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{138}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} {139}{}{You come on back and find me when you're ready, then. I should be around.} {140}{}{Get out of here before my stupid brain decides to beat your face in.} {141}{}{Backing out, eh? Coward. I figured as much.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfrank.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfrank.msg index 2d08235897..712376fc79 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfrank.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcfrank.msg @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ {105}{}{You! Me! Go!} {106}{}{Vem är du?} {107}{}{Why are you in jail?} -{108}{}{What can you tell me about this place?} +{108}{}{Vad kan du berätta om den här platsen?} {109}{}{What can you tell me about Marcus?} {110}{}{I got no idea what you're saying, freak. Get out of my sight.} {111}{}{Oooooh...} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcmarcus.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcmarcus.msg index aa6f1d27ec..cf5c972193 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcmarcus.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcmarcus.msg @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ {330}{}{Gotta be another way.} {331}{}{Follow me.} {332}{}{Try this.} -{333}{}{Come here.} +{333}{}{Kom hit.} {334}{}{Found something you might want to see.} {335}{}{Far as I can tell, it's safe to camp here.} {336}{}{Ain't safe to camp here.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcoutfit.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcoutfit.msg index df7affc3ee..77e20e1ae4 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcoutfit.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcoutfit.msg @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ {179}{}{Change? What caravan do you want? Gecko leaves on the 1st, NCR on the 11th, and Vault City on the 21st.} {180}{}{NCR.} {181}{}{Gecko.} -{182}{}{Vault City.} +{182}{}{Valvstaden.} {183}{}{Yeah? Fine. Get out of my store. Come back when you got enough guts to make the trip.} {184}{}{Great. Then get going.} {185}{}{I wanted something else first.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcsulvan.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcsulvan.msg index 9c821a9801..56f2fd7efd 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcsulvan.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hcsulvan.msg @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ {107}{}{Ach, another tribal tiched in the hayed.} {108}{}{(Looks you up and down appraisingly) Well now, what have we here? Looks as though you dinnay know much about the sweet science at all do ye?} {109}{}{If you would get off your wee high horse, I could see helpin' ye a bit with your skills.} -{110}{}{What are you talking about?} +{110}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {111}{}{Uh, yeah, whatever, mister. See you around. Maybe.} {112}{}{Well, it's just my educated opinion but I can see by the way you move that you could do with a few pointers.} {113}{}{Pointers? With what?} {114}{}{I don't think so, old man. I doubt that *you* could teach me anything. Goodbye.} {115}{}{About the sweet science, of course. The sportin' art.} {116}{}{Uh, the art? Are you talking about magic!?! Can you teach me magic spells?} -{117}{}{What are you talking about?} +{117}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {118}{}{(he grins broadly) Sure and begorah, I could teach you about the wee folk, leprechauns, spriggans, Ban'sidhe and the like. Would you like that?} {119}{}{That sounds great. Teach away.} {120}{}{Pugilism, the manly art of hand-to-hand combat. That's what I mean.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hczaius.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hczaius.msg index 7017096d07..7ad70e7d66 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/hczaius.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/hczaius.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ {107}{}{Yeah, rolled in a little while back.} {108}{}{No, genius, I've been living here all along and you never noticed me.} {109}{}{Heard you're having a little trouble with the mine.} -{110}{}{What can you tell me about this place?} +{110}{}{Vad kan du berätta om den här platsen?} {111}{}{Ummm... riiiight. Tell you what. Here's a couple of dollars. Head on down to the saloon and get yourself something to drink.} {112}{}{Yagga? Ogg? Gronk!} @@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ {133}{}{Well, if you ever happen to think of a way, let me know.} {134}{}{Really? Would you do it for me... and, more importantly, for Broken Hills?} {135}{}{What's in it for me?} -{136}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{136}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} {137}{}{Inte just nu} {138}{}{Izzat so? Well, my brainy friend, why not fix the air purifier down below? You'll need the parts, and you'll need to find a way to breathe the gas. Until you can show me you can do that, I think I'll just assume the only thing smart about you is your mouth.} {139}{}{What's in it for me?} -{140}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{140}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} {141}{}{Are you kidding?} {142}{}{The main problem is that I'm an idiot. I'm repeating this because I don't believe that your asshole just spouted something that sounded like words. Get out of my sight, maggot.} @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ busted, and we don't have the protective gear to breathe the radon and we don't have the parts to fix it. You can, though, right? Because you're so smart?} {144}{}{What's in it for me?} -{145}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{145}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} {146}{}{Are you kidding? No way.} {147}{}{. How's that sound?} {148}{}{Like shit. I want more.} @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ {173}{}{You get along all right with the humans?} {174}{}{You changed your mind about trying to fix the mine yet?} {175}{}{What's in it for me?} -{176}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{176}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} {177}{}{Inte just nu} {178}{}{Nej.} {179}{}{How's it coming? I hope you're going to take care of this soon...} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcmaida.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcmaida.msg index a26abfeffa..2ddb7bf74a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcmaida.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcmaida.msg @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ {233}{}{What may I help you with?} {234}{}{Well, you just better be more civil from now on. Just what do you want anyway? What can I help you with here?} -{235}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{235}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {236}{}{I was looking for someplace to stay.} {237}{}{I need to buy some things.} {238}{}{I'd like a drink.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsajag.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsajag.msg index dcb862af6b..8f287ca0c2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsajag.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsajag.msg @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ {181}{}{Nice of you to drink with us lowlifes. (snickers) Just what do you want anyway?} {182}{}{I think I'll have another drink.} {183}{}{I'd like to buy a round of drinks for all my new friends here.} -{184}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{184}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {185}{}{I think that's all I need for now, thanks.} {190}{}{Well information's what it's all about, pal. What do you want to know about?} {191}{}{Yeah? What the heck do you want to know about?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsulik.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsulik.msg index eed8723539..4ed8dc3c20 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsulik.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/kcsulik.msg @@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ the rest. Let's ease on down.} {795}{}{Uh, yeah. OK, Sulik.} {796}{slk54}{What can we and I do ya for?} -{797}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{797}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {798}{}{Where can I find trade, a healer, or a room?} {799}{}{Ever hear of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?} {800}{}{What's going on in town?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcbaltha.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcbaltha.msg index 4f789406b8..ece549ac64 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcbaltha.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcbaltha.msg @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ {201}{}{Well, maybe you're right. Thanks for listening.} {202}{}{I've heard of you. Look, I don't want any trouble; we're a peaceful community. Let's just keep the subject to business, OK?} -{203}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{203}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {204}{}{I don't have any business with you for now. Bye.} {205}{}{Well... I'm worried about my missing son, Jonny. We've searched everywhere, but still can't find him. I fear that maybe wild animals got him.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcchild.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcchild.msg index c24918a629..56a156cb4d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcchild.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcchild.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {100}{}{You see a small boy.} -{101}{}{You see a little girl.} +{101}{}{Du ser en liten flicka.} {120}{}{You see a small boy. He seems rather playful.} {121}{}{You see a little girl. She seems rather playful.} {150}{}{Don't eat me!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mccornel.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mccornel.msg index c5243f21f7..a167f6163d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mccornel.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mccornel.msg @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ {190}{}{Did you try looking for it on your desk?} {191}{}{You'll help me? That's great! Go beat up Farrel and get my watch back. He probably hid it good. So tear his house apart and look for it.} -{192}{}{What are you talking about?} +{192}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {193}{}{Look, I don't want any part of this.} {194}{}{Kill Farrel, get watch back... got it? I'll be right back.} {195}{}{Kill Farrel? Who's going to kill Farrel? He's my best friend! I'll personally string up the diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mckarl.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mckarl.msg index 8420452f02..c5822b5d89 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mckarl.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mckarl.msg @@ -1,30 +1,30 @@ -{100}{}{One very drunk person. [He has a sign that says "Will work for food."]} -{101}{}{You see Karl.} -{102}{}{He is so filthy that you notice some wildflowers growing out of his hair.} -{150}{}{Here, have a beer.} -{151}{}{Here, have a bottle of booze.} -{152}{}{Here, have a Nuka-Cola.} +{100}{}{En mycket berusad person. [Han har en skylt som det står "Kan arbeta för mat" på.]} +{101}{}{Du ser Karl.} +{102}{}{Han är så smutsig att du märker att några vildblommor växer ut ur hans hår.} +{150}{}{Här, ta en öl.} +{151}{}{Här, ta en flaska sprit.} +{152}{}{Här, ta en Nuka-Cola.} {153}{}{Hej.} {154}{}{Hey!} -{155}{}{HEY!!} -{156}{}{The ghosts won't be able to find me here... [sob]} -{157}{}{It's good to be home again.} -{159}{}{It's Karl; he's passed out.} -{160}{}{He's going to have to sleep it off.} -{161}{}{Ah! The ghosts from the farm have come to gets me!} -{162}{}{Spare some change for (hic) an out-of-work farmer?} -{163}{}{Sure thing, fella; how much do you need?} -{164}{}{How about I buy you a hot meal?} -{165}{}{Sorry, I don't have any money.} -{166}{}{What's your story?} +{155}{}{HALLÅ!!} +{156}{}{Spökena kommer inte att kunna hitta mig här... [snyft]} +{157}{}{Det är skönt att vara hemma igen.} +{159}{}{Det är Karl, han har somnat.} +{160}{}{Han kommer att behöva sova ruset av sig.} +{161}{}{Ah! Spökena från gården har kommit för att hämta mig!} +{162}{}{Har du några slantar över till (hick) en arbetslös bonde?} +{163}{}{Visst, kompis; hur mycket behöver du?} +{164}{}{Vad sägs om att jag bjuder dig på en varm måltid?} +{165}{}{Tyvärr, jag har inga pengar.} +{166}{}{Vad är din historia?} {167}{}{Here cha-ange?} {168}{}{Jooky.} -{169}{}{Oh, kind and generous person. (hic) How can Karl help you today? (hic) [He takes off his cap and - holds out his hand.]} -{170}{}{Here. Here's $100.} -{173}{}{Sorry, I don't have anything for you. Bye.} +{169}{}{Åh, snälla och generösa person. (hick) Hur kan Karl hjälpa dig idag? (hick) [Han tar av sig sin keps och + räcker fram handen.]} +{170}{}{Här. Här får du $100.} +{173}{}{Ledsen, jag har inget åt dig. Hej då.} {174}{}{Do you know where I can find a GECK?} -{175}{}{You mentioned something about a garden earlier. Tell me more.} +{175}{}{Du nämnde något om en trädgård tidigare. Berätta mer.} {178}{}{Me go.} {179}{}{Hey cheapskate! (hic) Come on, I know you gots money... (hic) Just some spare change then... (hic) something, anything! Show some compassion.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcslgext.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcslgext.msg index 032337bc1d..c782dd951c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcslgext.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/mcslgext.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {200}{}{Vegeir says you can't leave just yet.} {210}{}{Vegeir said it's alright to let you through.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncbishop.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncbishop.msg index 9f3ca1790d..0fa717d8df 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncbishop.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncbishop.msg @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ {229}{}{Sorry -- wrong room.} {240}{}{(Studies you.) Even under all that get-up, you still look like one of them tribals... (Snorts.) The boys said you got a briefcase for me. From a mutual "acquaintance." Let's see it.} -{241}{}{Here you go.} +{241}{}{Varsågod.} {242}{}{Uh... funny thing, that... seems like somewhere from the door to here I misplaced it.} {243}{}{Actually, I'd like to hold onto it. I'll bring it back in a while.} {250}{}{(Opens briefcase, checks contents, snaps case shut.) It's from Moore, all right. 'Cept this note in here says diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/nccorbro.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/nccorbro.msg index 69c38e4df0..511b361505 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/nccorbro.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/nccorbro.msg @@ -103,26 +103,26 @@ {426}{}{you, pal, can be PART of that magic!} {427}{}{you, honey-tits, can be PART of that magic!} {428}{}{Okee-Dokee} -{429}{}{Magic! Magic! Me like magic!} -{435}{}{Act like a BEAST. Like a wild rhino. A primal animal, built only to harness his lust for the gratitude of the masses! - MAGIC, BABY, MAGIC! THAT'S what I'm talking about!} +{429}{}{Magi! Magi! Jag gilla magi!} +{435}{}{Bete dig som ett ODJUR. Som en vild noshörning. Ett primitivt djur, byggt bara för att tygla sin lust för massornas tacksamhet! + MAGI, JA, MAGI! Det är det jag pratar om!} {436}{}{Act like a BEAST. Like a wild mynx. A primal animal whose SOUL desire is to enflame the lusts of the masses! MAGIC, BABY, MAGIC! THAT'S what I'm talking about!} -{445}{}{X-cellent! Now, time for a try-out. I need to see how you get over the 'hump.' } -{446}{}{You game, pal?} -{447}{}{You game, honey-tits?} +{445}{}{X-cellent! Nu är det dags för ett prov. Jag vill se hur du tar dig över 'puckeln.' } +{446}{}{Är du med, kompis?} +{447}{}{Är du med, sötnos?} {448}{}{Oh-Kay} -{455}{}{Let's do it, then! No time to lose! Hey! Somebody get me an extra! } -{456}{}{Alright, pal, time to shine...} -{457}{}{Alright, honey-tits, time to shine...} -{458}{}{[Do as the odd man directs.]} -{459}{}{You bet. You ain't seen NOTHING yet.} -{465}{}{Sorry, pal, yer just not FLEXIBLE enough for what we need. Work on it, and maybe we can talk business later, okay?} -{466}{}{Sorry, honey-tits, yer just not FLEXIBLE enough, for what we need. Work on it, and maybe we can talk business later, okay?} -{467}{}{Me LIKE doooo-ing business here. Me be BACK} -{468}{}{*Snffff* O-kay. *Snffff* Me feel used} -{469}{}{I'll try and work on my agility. Maybe next time.} -{470}{}{I might be back. After a shower. A long shower.} +{455}{}{Låt oss göra det, då! Ingen tid att förlora! Hallå! Kan någon ge mig en extra! } +{456}{}{Okej, kompis, dags att glänsa...} +{457}{}{Okej, sötnos, dags att glänsa...} +{458}{}{[Gör som den udda mannen säger.]} +{459}{}{Det kan du ge dig på. Du har inte sett NÅGONTING än.} +{465}{}{Ledsen, kompis, men du ä' inte tillräckligt vig för det vi behöver. Jobba på det, så kanske vi kan prata affärer senare, okej?} +{466}{}{Ledsen, sötnos, men du ä' inte tillräckligt vig för det vi behöver. Jobba på det, så kanske vi kan prata affärer senare, okej?} +{467}{}{Jag GILLAR att göööö-ra affärer här. Jag TILLBAKA senare} +{468}{}{*Snffff* O-kej. *Snffff* Jag känna använd} +{469}{}{Jag ska försöka jobba på min smidighet. Kanske nästa gång.} +{470}{}{Jag kanske kommer tillbaka. Efter en dusch. En lång dusch.} {475}{}{Sorry, pal, yer handsome and yer flexible enough, it's just that y'ain't got the, uh, stamina we need... Work out a little, and then maybe we do some business, okay?} {476}{}{Sorry, honey-tits, yer pretty and yer flexible enough, it's just that y'ain't got the, uh, endurance we need... Work diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncethwri.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncethwri.msg index d494252f1f..8d006d3025 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncethwri.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncethwri.msg @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ {347}{}{Maybe I'll go look for him right now.} {350}{}{Hmmph! Of all the crass rudeness! If you see me again, you had best simply pass by in silence.} {351}{}{That's the plan.} -{352}{}{Very well.} +{352}{}{Mycket bra.} {355}{}{Why, yes, yes, he is. (Squints at you again.) I'm sorry, do you know my husband?} {356}{}{Yes, I know him. The Wright family controls the distribution of alcohol in New Reno.} {357}{}{Not personally, but I know the Wrights control the distribution of alcohol in New Reno.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncliljes.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncliljes.msg index 72a34fa19b..3b6165b62d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncliljes.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncliljes.msg @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -{150}{}{You see a sunburned young man dressed in black leather and chains. His face is pock-marked - with acne scars.} -{151}{}{You see Lil' Jesus Mordino.} -{152}{}{You see Lil' Jesus Mordino. He is dressed mostly in black leather and playing with one of his knives.} -{200}{}{Yo! } -{201}{}{Fuckin'-A, } -{202}{}{::Gives you thumbs up sign::} +{150}{}{Du ser en solbränd ung man klädd i svart läder och kedjor. Hans ansikte är helt täckt + med akneärr.} +{151}{}{Du ser Lil' Jesus Mordino.} +{152}{}{Du ser Lil' Jesus Mordino. Han är mestadels klädd i svart läder och leker med en av sina knivar.} +{200}{}{Hörru! } +{201}{}{Jävlar, } +{202}{}{::Ger dig tummen upp-tecken::} {203}{}{::Whistles::} -{220}{}{How do you take a piss with that thing on?} +{220}{}{Hur pissar du med den där saken på?} {230}{}{Nice piece you got there, } -{240}{}{What you creeping around for, eh, } -{250}{}{Wazzup, } -{251}{}{Heeey... } -{252}{}{Sheee-it, it's hot.} -{253}{}{Heeey! Whacha been up to, } -{254}{}{Good to see you, } -{255}{}{Hey! Come and check out my new knife, } -{256}{}{What shit Dad got you doing now, } -{257}{}{We goin' out tonight, } -{258}{}{My knife needs some Bishop blood...} -{259}{}{Gonna carve up so many Salvatores they'll call me the "butcher"...} -{270}{}{Yo! Cabron! You looking for th' Angel o' Death? Beat it!} -{271}{}{You got some cojones coming in here, } +{240}{}{Vad smyger du omkring för, va, } +{250}{}{Tjenare, } +{251}{}{Heeej... } +{252}{}{Faaan, det är varmt.} +{253}{}{Heeej! Vad har du haft för dig, } +{254}{}{Kul att se dig, } +{255}{}{Hej! Kom och kolla in min nya kniv, } +{256}{}{Vad fan har pappa fått dig att göra nu, } +{257}{}{Vi går ut ikväll, } +{258}{}{Min kniv behöver lite Bishop-blod...} +{259}{}{Jag ska skära upp så många Salvatores att de kallar mig "slaktaren"...} +{270}{}{Hörru! Cabron! Letar du efter dödsängeln? Stick iväg!} +{271}{}{Du har rejäla cojones som kommer in här, } {272}{}{Hijo de puta...} {273}{}{You } -{274}{}{If you're still here when I finish my drink, I'm gonna carve my name on your face.} -{275}{}{::Starts playing with his knife threateningly.::} -{276}{}{Lookin for your hermana, } +{274}{}{Om du fortfarande är kvar när jag druckit upp min drink, ska jag rista in mitt namn i ditt ansikte.} +{275}{}{::Börjar leka hotfullt med sin kniv.::} +{276}{}{Letar efter din hermana, } {277}{}{What the fu... you! You, what're you doing here?} {278}{}{Yo! Puta! You looking for th' Angel o' Death? Beat it!} {279}{}{Thought they kept you locked up in the kennel, puta.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmcknee.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmcknee.msg index 202f3da288..85701d5f40 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmcknee.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmcknee.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ {201}{}{*Hnrggg*} {202}{}{::Spänner::} {203}{}{I'm bushed.} -{204}{}{I'm tired.} +{204}{}{Jag är trött.} {205}{}{*Phewwww* Rough day.} {206}{}{Working out always makes me tired.} {207}{}{Fighting exhausts me.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmormen.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmormen.msg index cfc9bbf55d..e6e649887c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmormen.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmormen.msg @@ -6,19 +6,19 @@ {153}{}{You see one of Mordino's men. He looks nervous.} {154}{}{You see one of Mordino's men. He looks like he hasn't slept in a while.} {160}{}{You see a shifty-looking man with spiky black hair. He is glancing around nervously.} -{200}{}{Yo! } -{201}{}{Fuckin'-A, } -{202}{}{::Gives you thumbs up sign::} +{200}{}{Hörru! } +{201}{}{Jävlar, } +{202}{}{::Ger dig tummen upp-tecken::} {203}{}{::Whistles::} -{205}{}{How do you take a piss with that thing on?} +{205}{}{Hur pissar du med den där saken på?} {210}{}{Nice piece you got there, } -{215}{}{What you creeping around for, eh, } +{215}{}{Vad smyger du omkring för, va, } {220}{}{Got any Jet on you, homes?} {221}{}{Hey, } {222}{}{Sure could use a drink. Damn...} -{223}{}{Sheee-it, it's hot.} +{223}{}{Faaan, det är varmt.} {224}{}{Any news from the top, eh, } -{230}{}{Yo! Cabron! You looking for th' Angel o' Death? Beat it!} +{230}{}{Hörru! Cabron! Letar du efter dödsängeln? Stick iväg!} {231}{}{What the fu... you! You, what're you doing here?} {232}{}{Yo! Puta! You looking for th' Angel o' Death? Beat it!} {235}{}{Yo! Sorry hombre, you can't be carrying that around in here.} @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ {352}{}{That ghoul ain't outta here in a minute, he's gonna be deader than he already is.} {355}{}{I auditioned for the part of one of the major NPCs, but I only got this bit NPC part. I hope I don't get typecast.} {356}{}{New Reno was designed by Chris Avellone and scripted by Tom French. They're a coupla sick fellas.} -{357}{}{Yo! } -{358}{}{Fuckin'-A, } +{357}{}{Hörru! } +{358}{}{Jävlar, } {359}{}{Heard the Corsican Brothers are lookin' for you.} {360}{}{I thought the President was just a legend.} {361}{}{You look like you've been through hell and back. Relax a little. You deserve it.} @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ {373}{}{Good t'see you, } {374}{}{Sure could use a drink. Damn...} {375}{}{Y'know, same old, same old. How's with you, } -{376}{}{Sheee-it, it's hot.} +{376}{}{Faaan, det är varmt.} {377}{}{Big Man Mordino doing all right? Tell him I'm looking out for him, eh, } {378}{}{Plugged a scorp last night. Nearly stung me, it did.} {379}{}{Bishops mess with us, they gonna be worm food, right?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmyrgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmyrgrd.msg index 58f6589153..c6b7d5fc59 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmyrgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncmyrgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {150}{}{You see a bored-looking guard. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else.} {151}{}{You see one of Myron's bored-looking guards.} {152}{}{You see one of Myron's bored-looking guards. He looks like he would rather be anywhere else.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncnikki.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncnikki.msg index 598a1dffd5..c8a010ea3d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncnikki.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ncnikki.msg @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ {413}{}{Nikki, I know you helped Lloyd cheat. Tell me where Lloyd is, and I'll give you half of his take: 500 chips.} {414}{}{Pretty suspicious you didn't notice him cheating all those times. You'd have to be blind... or bribed.} {415}{}{We'll talk later then, Nikki.} -{420}{}{What are you talking about?} +{420}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {421}{}{Nikki, if you don't tell me everything right now, I'll tell Mr. Salvatore you were in on it, whether you were or not. He'll have Mason cut you up seven ways to Sunday, and have your job filled in an hour.} {422}{}{Nikki, I know you helped Lloyd cheat. Tell me where Lloyd is, and I'll give you half of his take: 500 chips.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocdalia.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocdalia.msg index 8674905130..3d9a48225e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocdalia.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocdalia.msg @@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ {107}{}{Things are fine, but I've got to go.} {108}{}{Hey, I'm glad to hear that. It was my pleasure to do what I could for you. So, what can I help you with?} -{109}{}{Me got questions.} +{109}{}{Ja ha frågor.} {110}{}{Nothing. Me say hi.} -{111}{}{I have some questions for you.} +{111}{}{Jag har några frågor till dig.} {112}{}{Nothing. But it's nice to see you again. Bye.} {113}{}{What do you want to know?} {114}{}{You prisoner.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocgrutha.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocgrutha.msg index f1eae3e28d..5687694d32 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocgrutha.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/ocgrutha.msg @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ not out of fear or prejudice.} {125}{}{Hey, maybe you figure I can kick your ass?} {126}{}{You seem to be an honorable being, Gruthar.} -{127}{}{Yeah, I suppose.} +{127}{}{Javisst, jag antar det.} {128}{}{A geck. Is that not a small lizard... no, wait... that is a gecko. I am sorry, but I do not know what a geck is, nor where it can be found.} {129}{}{Yes, I believe you mentioned this once before. I do not know what a geck is, nor where it can be @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ {192}{}{Uh, me sorry.} {193}{}{Greetings, human. Have you reconsidered? Will you help me?} {194}{}{Hell, no. I just wanted to listen to you butcher the language some more.} -{195}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{195}{}{Nej, det tror jag inte.} {196}{}{Yes, Gruthar. I will help you.} {197}{}{Greetings, friend. Have you examined the machine yet?} {198}{}{Not yet, but I'll get on it.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/oscomptr.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/oscomptr.msg index 4b5eb681e4..e1489dd112 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/oscomptr.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/oscomptr.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer terminal.} +{100}{}{Du ser en datorterminal.} {101}{}{You see the voice interface terminal.} {102}{}{You see a standard computer terminal, modified for voice commands.} {103}{}{You examine the computer terminal, but cannot find anything obviously wrong with it. What do diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qccurlng.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qccurlng.msg index 56f5b155a0..961a9ce2ee 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qccurlng.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qccurlng.msg @@ -117,37 +117,37 @@ {216}{}{Yes, two weeks for the virus to spread, another month or so for it to run its course and then the United States will be ready for recolonization by real humans. Our species will have been saved.} {217}{}{You really think you're doing the right thing don't you?} {218}{}{Aren't you the great humanitarian. I've got to get out of here before I have to kill you. Goodbye.} -{219}{}{Your species may make it but you're sure not going to.} -{220}{}{Yes, I do. There is no price too high to pay for the survival of one's species.} -{221}{}{I'd agree with you on that. Has it occurred to you that the *mutants* as you call them are just another type of human?} -{222}{}{I'd have to agree with you, doc. I think I'll strike a blow for us mutants. Starting with you!} -{223}{}{I told you I need a moment to think this over.} -{224}{}{I really do need some time to think.} -{225}{}{This isn't a snap-decision.} -{226}{}{I've got to think about this.} -{227}{}{Give me a moment won't you?} -{228}{}{I hate to admit this but you may be right. What we've been planning all along just isn't right. I was so blinded by trying to overcome the obstacles that I didn't think about the morality of my quest.} -{229}{}{Well, now that you've thought about it. You should destroy the toxin.} -{230}{}{That might... No, that wouldn't work.} +{219}{}{Din art kanske klarar sig, men du kommer inte att göra det.} +{220}{}{Ja, det gör jag. Det finns inget pris som är för högt att betala för ens egna arts överlevnad.} +{221}{}{Jag håller med dig om det. Har det slagit dig att *mutanterna* som du kallar dem bara är en annan typ av människa?} +{222}{}{Jag måste nog hålla med dig, doktorn. Jag tror att jag ska slå ett slag för oss mutanter. Jag börjar med dig!} +{223}{}{Jag sa ju att jag behövde en stund att tänka på det här.} +{224}{}{Jag behöver verkligen lite tid att tänka.} +{225}{}{Det här är inte ett snabbt beslut.} +{226}{}{Jag måste fundera på det här.} +{227}{}{Ge mig ett ögonblick, okej?} +{228}{}{Jag hatar att erkänna det, men du kan ha rätt. Det vi har planerat hela tiden är inte rätt. Jag var så förblindad av att försöka övervinna hindren att jag inte tänkte på det moraliska i min strävan.} +{229}{}{Nu när du har tänkt på det. Du borde förstöra giftet.} +{230}{}{Det kanske... Nej, det skulle inte fungera.} {231}{}{Why not?} -{232}{}{Because they'd just start over. Even with me dead, there's enough data between here and Navarro to assure that they could replicate my work. Only something more drastic will be enough.} -{233}{}{More drastic? What do you mean?} +{232}{}{För att de bara skulle börja om. Även med mig död, finns det tillräckligt med data mellan här och Navarro för att försäkra att de ska kunna replikera mitt arbete. Bara något mer drastiskt skulle funka.} +{233}{}{Mer drastisk? Vad menar du med det?} {234}{}{The Enclave must be destroyed. Completely destroyed. If we're not, then we'll just pick up the pieces and start over somewhere else.} {235}{}{I'm sorry to hear that. Uh, Doctor, how do you suggest that the Enclave be destroyed?} {236}{}{I think that the best way is to just release the FEV toxin into the air-filtration system. Since the Enclave is a sealed system that should take care of everyone.} -{237}{}{What about my people? Or me? Or you, for that matter?} +{237}{}{Vad händer då med mitt folk, då? Eller mig? Eller dig, för den delen?} {238}{}{I can release the antidote into the air-system for all the cells. The detention level is served by a separate air system from the rest of the Enclave. Everyone will think that I'm just running another test. You, I can inoculate directly, here and now. (he reaches for you with a syringe)} {239}{}{Ouch, thanks Doc. What happens when the FEV toxin is released?} -{240}{}{Hey, wait a minute, you're not sticking me with that thing!} +{240}{}{Vänta lite, du sticker mig inte med den saken!} {241}{}{It's not pretty. You should leave as soon as possible. But I'd rather have the weight of a thousand on my conscience than several hundred-thousand. Our time is through here. We had our chance.} -{242}{}{How can I free my people from the detention area?} -{243}{}{You should probably shut down the power. I know that the reactor is controlled by a large computer near the reactor bay but I don't know exactly what you'd need to do to shut the reactor down.} -{244}{}{Thanks for the information you've given me. Your sacrifice will be remembered by all the peoples of the earth.} -{245}{}{About time for you to come to your senses you old coot. Now get moving.} -{246}{}{When the stars threw down their spears,} -{247}{}{ And water'd heaven with their tears,} -{248}{}{ Did he smile his work to see?} -{249}{}{ Did he who made the Lamb make thee?} +{242}{}{Hur kan jag befria mitt folk från häktet?} +{243}{}{Du borde nog stänga av strömmen. Jag vet att reaktorn styrs av en stor dator nära reaktorhallen, men jag vet inte exakt vad man behöver göra för att stänga av reaktorn.} +{244}{}{Tack för informationen du har givit mig. Din uppoffring kommer att minnas av alla jordens folk.} +{245}{}{Det är dags för dig att ta ditt förnuft till fånga, din gamla gubbe. Sätt fart nu.} +{246}{}{När stjärnorna kastade ner sina spjut,} +{247}{}{ Och vattnade himlen när de grät ut,} +{248}{}{ Log han när han sitt arbete ser?} +{249}{}{ Gjorde han som gjorde Lammet er?} {250}{}{Vadå?} {251}{}{Oh, just something I remembered from a long dead poet. I was wondering if there's still a place for those who've worked towards such a dark end for so long. Our time is over, yours has just begun. Get going!} {252}{}{Oh, okay, thanks for all your help, doctor. You're a brave man.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qcmartin.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qcmartin.msg index 9027628cfb..1c94ca4073 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qcmartin.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qcmartin.msg @@ -81,5 +81,5 @@ {180}{}{Incredible, that's our vault! Once again, the people of the vault must rely upon - uh, this time - the great grandson, of the Vault Dweller to save us.} {181}{}{Incredible, that's our vault! Once again, the people of the Vault must rely upon - uh, this time - the great granddaughter, of the Vault Dweller to save us.} {182}{}{I wish I knew how to save you.} -{183}{}{I'll think about it.} +{183}{}{Jag ska tänka på det.} {184}{}{What a bizarre coincidence! Let me ask you about something else.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qhprzrch.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qhprzrch.msg index 35dea8b45b..149bee723a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/qhprzrch.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/qhprzrch.msg @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ {153}{}{I want you dead.} {154}{prs13}{Okay, okay, whatever you say. I'll just sit here quietly. It's, uh, nice to meet you. Goodbye.} {155}{}{That's too easy. Before I go, I'd like to know just what you're doing here.} -{156}{}{Watch yourself.} +{156}{}{Se dig för.} {157}{}{Nice to meet you, Mr. President. Goodbye.} {158}{prs14}{Ahhh. Ahhh. Guards? Guards!} {159}{}{Say goodnight, Mr. President.} @@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ {326}{}{I have a good feeling about this.} {327}{}{I have a bad feeling about this.} {328}{}{You people are crazy.} -{329}{}{What are you talking about?} +{329}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {330}{}{Is everyone else crazy here?} {331}{}{There must be another way.} -{332}{}{Come here.} +{332}{}{Kom hit.} {333}{}{I don't understand.} {334}{}{I don't know.} {335}{}{That hurts.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdick.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdick.msg index 6ddd54a5b6..5077d4596b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdick.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdick.msg @@ -57,18 +57,18 @@ {146}{}{Well, not much lately except about them goll-dang Wanamingos.} {147}{}{Want-a-mongols? What the heck is that?} {148}{}{Of course. Let me ask you about something else.} -{149}{}{Well, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye.} +{149}{}{Det var allt jag behövde veta. Hej då.} {150}{}{Atha-baska, Athabaska. That's not so dang hard to say, is it? Criminy. That's just my nickname. Do you really want to know how I got my nickname?} -{151}{}{Uh, not really. Let me ask you something else.} +{151}{}{Inte direkt. Låt mig fråga dig något annat.} {152}{}{I think that's all I need to know. Goodbye.} {153}{}{Key-rist! I'm sicker 'an a dog and I've been yelling at my feet for days now... ever since I had that last hit of Jet. Something must've gone bad with that batch. If'n I survive this, I ain't never gonna have Jet again.} -{154}{}{Sounds bad. Let me ask you something else, then.} +{154}{}{Det låter illa. Låt mig fråga dig något annat, då.} {155}{}{I understand. Well, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye.} -{156}{}{I did it. Don't feel real great about it, yet. But I reckon that I'll be better off for it.} -{157}{}{What do you mean? What happened?} +{156}{}{Jag gjorde det. Det känns inte så bra än. Men jag räknar med att det blir bäst så.} +{157}{}{Vad menar du? Vad hände?} {158}{}{You're tellin' me you ain't never heard of the Wanamingos?} {159}{}{Uh, well, um. Sure I've heard about the Wanamingos. Let me ask you something else.} {160}{}{Nope, never heard of anything like that. Tell me about them.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg index 3ef1028b5d..26980cfd4c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcdrjohn.msg @@ -69,31 +69,31 @@ {156}{}{I think I have a solution for the Jet problem that you have here.} {157}{}{I hear that Redding has been having a problem here with its exports lately.} {158}{}{I could sure use some healing.} -{159}{}{I'm just wondering about what's going on here in town.} -{160}{}{Why do they call you Painless Doc Johnson?} +{159}{}{Jag undrar bara vad som händer här i stan.} +{160}{}{Varför kallar de dig Smärtfria Doktor Johnson?} {161}{}{Got any medical supplies I could trade for?} -{162}{}{I was just looking around. Goodbye, Doc.} -{163}{}{What does this look like to you? A general store? No, I don't barter for medical services. I - just want payment in honest gold dollars, thank you very much. Come back when you have some.} -{164}{}{All right. I get the picture. Goodbye.} +{162}{}{Jag såg mig bara omkring. Adjö, Doktorn.} +{163}{}{Vad tycker du att det här ser ut som? En lanthandel? Nej, jag förhandlar inte om medicinska tjänster. Jag + vill bara ha betalning i ärliga gulddollar, tack så mycket. Kom tillbaka när du har några.} +{164}{}{Okej, jag förstår. Hej då.} {165}{}{I might be able to provide you with some supplies; let's see what you've got in trade.} -{166}{}{Okay, Doc.} -{167}{}{I didn't mean right now. I was just wondering if you had stuff to trade. I have some questions, - though.} -{168}{}{Oh, I don't need anything right now. See you later, Doc.} -{169}{}{Did you get everything you need?} -{170}{}{Well? Did that do it for you?} -{171}{}{Actually, let me take one more look at your stuff.} -{172}{}{Thanks, Doc. Let me ask you something.} -{173}{}{I sure did, Doc. Thanks. Goodbye for now.} -{174}{}{There you go. All better. That do it for you?} -{175}{}{Actually, I had some questions I wanted to ask you.} -{176}{}{That'll do it. Thanks, Doc.} -{177}{}{Wouldn't let that go too long. Some wounds fester and start oozing puss. Then there's always - gangrene. Course, lately, I haven't used my knives as much as I'd like. Getting a bit rusty. Tell you - what: Go ahead and let it go as long as you want. Maybe I can get some practice later on.} -{178}{}{I see. While I'm festering, let me ask you about something.} -{179}{}{Uh, yeah, well I'll think about that. Goodbye, Doc.} +{166}{}{Okej, Doktorn.} +{167}{}{Jag menade inte just nu. Jag undrade bara om du hade saker att byta. Jag har några frågor + däremot.} +{168}{}{Jag behöver inget just nu. Vi ses senare, Doktorn.} +{169}{}{Fick du tag på allt du behövde?} +{170}{}{Nå? Fick du ut något av det?} +{171}{}{Faktiskt, låt mig ta en titt till på dina saker.} +{172}{}{Tack, Doktorn. Låt mig fråga dig en sak.} +{173}{}{Det gjorde jag verkligen, Doktorn. Tack. Adjö för nu.} +{174}{}{Så där ja. Mycket bättre. Räcker det för dig?} +{175}{}{Jag hade faktiskt några frågor som jag ville ställa till dig.} +{176}{}{Det var allt. Tack, Doktorn.} +{177}{}{Låt det inte gå för länge. Vissa sår ruttnar och börjarläcka var. Sedan finns det alltid + kallbrand. På sistone har jag inte använt mina knivar så mycket som jag skulle vilja. Börjar bli lite rostig. Vet du + vad: Låt det pågå så länge du vill. Jag kanske kan få lite övning senare.} +{178}{}{Jag förstår. Medan jag ruttnar, låt mig fråga dig om en sak.} +{179}{}{Eh, ja, jag ska tänka på det. Adjö, Doktorn.} {180}{}{Lately, it seems as though more miners are spending their time flying on Jet than mining. If this keeps up, Redding's gold production will come to a halt. New Reno doesn't seem to mind, though.} {181}{}{All of the miners here are only working enough to get their next hit of Jet. Production here has diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcjosh.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcjosh.msg index d75f7625c2..02d0479a37 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcjosh.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcjosh.msg @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ {125}{}{How do I arrange for funeral services?} {126}{}{I'll make sure to stay away from your bathtub gin.} {127}{}{Certainly. That'll be $5.} -{128}{}{Here's your money.} +{128}{}{Här får du dina pengar.} {129}{}{I guess I don't want a beer right now after all. Let me ask you about something, though.} {130}{}{That's generous of you. That'll be $50 for a round of beer for everyone here. Hey, I'm a poet and didn't know it.} @@ -97,17 +97,17 @@ {180}{}{Speaking of which, I'm getting hungry. See you later, Josh. Goodbye.} {181}{}{God-damn Martians. And I mistook you for a damn tribal. Well, don't I feel stupid. Well, cannibals is cannibals in my book.} -{182}{}{Hey, we cook them first. We're not savages, you know.} -{183}{}{Let go of my leg, you cannibal! I need it for a good long while to come still. You find yourself - another snack.} +{182}{}{Vi tillagar dem först. Vi är inte vildar, vet du.} +{183}{}{Släpp mitt ben, din kannibal! Jag behöver det ett bra långt tag till. Du få' hitta nå' + annat mellanmål.} {184}{}{Relax, you look kind of tough and stringy anyhow. Heh, heh. Just kidding... mostly. Let me ask you something else, Josh.} -{185}{}{Well, I'll look around. But if I don't find anything better, I'll be back. Goodbye... for now.} +{185}{}{Jag ska se mig omkring. Men om jag inte hittar något bättre, så kommer jag tillbaka. Adjö... för tillfället.} {186}{}{Need to buy the farm first. Planning on buying some real estate anytime soon?} {187}{}{Uh, not any farms anyhow. Let me ask you something else.} {188}{}{Might help someone else, or two, to buy a farm hereabouts. See you later, Josh.} -{189}{}{Well, I guess you'd start by croaking someone. But I'd advise against it. Sheriff Marion isn't - real keen on that kind of behavior.} -{190}{}{I'll try to behave myself. Let me ask you something else, Josh.} -{191}{}{I see... well, at least I know who to talk to if there are any unfortunate *accidents*. Goodbye, +{189}{}{Jag antar att man kan börja med att döda någon. Men jag skulle avråda från det. Sheriff Marion är inte + riktigt förtjust i den typen av beteende.} +{190}{}{Jag ska försöka uppföra mig. Låt mig fråga dig något annat, Josh.} +{191}{}{Jag förstår... ja, jag vet i alla fall vem jag ska prata med om det skulle inträffa några otursamma *olyckor*. Adjö, Josh.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rclou.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rclou.msg index 842de255b8..bb8c0292fe 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rclou.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rclou.msg @@ -43,55 +43,55 @@ {137}{}{Where do you trade the ore?} {138}{}{That's interesting. Tell me something else, though.} {139}{}{Yup. Just in the north part of town alone there are two working gold mines.} -{140}{}{You said that you trade the ore?} -{141}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.} -{142}{}{Well, we trade gold ore to Vault City in return for medical supplies. We trade ore to the New - California Republic in return for fresh brahmin and other victuals, and we trade gold to New Reno for - drugs and booze.} -{143}{}{You mine the gold here?} -{144}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.} -{145}{}{Jist a big dog.} -{146}{}{Oh, I see. Hmm, let me ask you about something else.} -{147}{}{Of course. That's all I really wanted to know. Thanks. Goodbye.} +{140}{}{Du sa att du handlar med malmen?} +{141}{}{Intressant. Låt mig fråga dig om något annat, dock.} +{142}{}{Tja, vi byter guldmalm med Valvstaden i utbyte mot sjukvårdsmaterial. Vi byter malm till Nya + Kalifornienrepubliken i utbyte mot färskt brahminkött och annan mat, och vi byter guld till New Reno mot + droger och sprit.} +{143}{}{Bryter ni guldet här?} +{144}{}{Intressant. Låt mig fråga dig om något annat, dock.} +{145}{}{Båra en stor hund.} +{146}{}{Jaha, jag förstår. Hmm, låt mig fråga dig om något annat.} +{147}{}{Självklart. Det var allt jag ville veta. Tack. Adjö.} {148}{}{San Francisco is quite a ways south of here. You're a long ways from there. South and jist a tich to the west. It's right next to the ocean, don'tcha know. Here, I'll mark it on your map. Don't know why any sane person'd want to go there for, though.} -{149}{}{Why? Is it dangerous?} -{150}{}{Interesting. Let me ask you about something else, though.} +{149}{}{Varför? Är det farligt?} +{150}{}{Intressant. Låt mig fråga dig om något annat, dock.} {151}{}{Thanks for the information. Goodbye.} -{152}{}{Well, I hear all kinds of things about the whole city bein' full o' nuthin' but crazy followers - of some kind of kooky religion.} -{153}{}{Crazed followers?} -{154}{}{Some things haven't changed as much as others. Thanks. Goodbye.} +{152}{}{Tja, jag hör alla möjliga saker om att hela stan ä' full me' galna anhängare + ti' nån sorts knäpp religion.} +{153}{}{Galna anhängare?} +{154}{}{Vissa saker har inte förändrats lika mycket som andra. Tack. Adjö.} {155}{}{Yup. That's right. I aheard that they're buildin' some huge device that'll let them get in touch with their gods. Or sumthin' like that. Don't know much for certain. It's a long ways off.} -{156}{}{Seems like monuments to gods always seem to have some sort of trouble at the heart of them. Tell - me about something else.} -{157}{}{That's all I need to know for now. Thanks. Goodbye.} -{158}{}{That's right. She's in a bad way. Used to be such a perty thing, too. I sure hope you take care - of this quick. It's bad for business to let those miners think they can get away with something like this.} -{159}{}{Can I see the girl?} -{160}{}{Do you know who did it?} -{161}{}{Do you know what happened?} +{156}{}{Det verkar som om monument över gudar alltid verkar ha någon form av problem i hjärtat av dem. Berätta + om något annat.} +{157}{}{Det är allt jag behöver veta för tillfället. Tack. Adjö.} +{158}{}{Det stämmer. Hon är illa däran. Hon brukade vara en sån snygging, också. Jag hoppas verkligen att du tar hand om + det här snabbt. Det är dåligt för affärerna att låta gruvarbetarna tro att de kan komma undan med nåt sånt här.} +{159}{}{Kan jag få se tjejen?} +{160}{}{Vet du vem som gjorde det?} +{161}{}{Vet du vad som hände?} {162}{}{Sounds like a problem, all right. Let me ask you about something else, though.} -{163}{}{I sent her away. She wasn't going to be no good in this business any more. Not that anybody'd - want to be with her after that bastard finished with her. I gave her some money and let her go.} -{164}{}{Do you know who did it?} -{165}{}{Do you know what happened?} +{163}{}{Jag skickade iväg henne. Hon skulle inte vara till nytta i den här branschen längre. Inte för att nån skulle + vilja vara med henne efter att den jäveln var klar med henne. Jag gav henne lite pengar och lät henne gå.} +{164}{}{Vet du vem som gjorde det?} +{165}{}{Vet du vad som hände?} {166}{}{Let me ask you something else.} {167}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.} {168}{}{I don't know 'xactly who did it, but she had a Morningstar Mine pay scrip in her hand when we found her, and it was a miner who was with her last.} -{169}{}{Can I see the girl?} -{170}{}{Do you know what happened?} +{169}{}{Kan jag få se tjejen?} +{170}{}{Vet du vad som hände?} {171}{}{A Morningstar Mine pay scrip? What's that?} {172}{}{Let me ask you something else.} {173}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.} {174}{}{Well, there was some screaming and carrying on and so I went to the room. When I got there, the bastard who did it was already gone and my girl was in a bad way. So I called the doc and then the Sheriff. You know the rest.} -{175}{}{Do you know who did it?} -{176}{}{Can I see the girl?} +{175}{}{Vet du vem som gjorde det?} +{176}{}{Kan jag få se tjejen?} {177}{}{Let me ask you something else.} {178}{}{I'll sort this out for you. You can count on me. Goodbye.} {179}{}{In the north part of town Dan McGrew runs the Morningstar mine. Usually the miners get paid on @@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ {219}{}{What I mean is that Fannie's got a problem and money isn't the answer for it. I hate to break your heart, but Fannie's just playing you for a sucker. She just wants money so that she can buy Jet. Too damn much Jet.} -{220}{}{I think you're just worried that you're going to loose one of your best earners. You just want - to keep your girls down.} -{221}{}{Yeah, sure. I've heard enough. Goodbye.} +{220}{}{Jag tror att du bara är orolig för att du kommer att förlora en av dina bästa inkomsttagare. Du vill bara + hålla dina flickor nere.} +{221}{}{Ja, visst. Jag har hört tillräckligt. Hej då.} {222}{}{Helping her into the afterlife is what your extra money is doing. She's just using that money to buy too much Jet. She'll O.D. one of these days if you keep giving her money.} {223}{}{Hmm, I'll have to think about that.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmarge.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmarge.msg index 5fcccdbd3a..f446e6f1f7 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmarge.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmarge.msg @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -{100}{}{You see a burly, middle-aged woman covered with rock-dust.} -{101}{}{You see Marge LeBarge, owner of the Kokoweef Mine.} -{102}{}{You see a strong, durable woman with an air of authority.} -{103}{}{Sorry, I don't have time for charity cases right now.} -{104}{}{Come back when that head-wound heals up.} -{105}{}{I'm surprised that you can walk and talk at the same time.} -{106}{}{Looks like your belt doesn't go through all the loops.} -{107}{}{You're just a few clowns short of a circus, aren't you?} -{108}{}{You aren't exactly my favorite person right now.} -{109}{}{Hey, thanks for getting me that excavator chip. Things are really going smooth for the Kokoweef - Mine now.} -{110}{}{I'll give you $1,000 for that excavator chip.} -{111}{}{Have any luck getting that excavator chip?} +{100}{}{Du ser en kraftig, medelålders kvinna täckt av stendamm.} +{101}{}{Du ser Marge LeBarge, ägare av Kokoweef-gruvan.} +{102}{}{Du ser en stark, tålig kvinna med en aura av auktoritet.} +{103}{}{Ledsen, jag har inte tid med välgörenhet just nu.} +{104}{}{Kom tillbaka när såret i huvudet har läkt.} +{105}{}{Jag är förvånad över att du kan gå och prata på samma gång.} +{106}{}{Det ser ut som om ditt bälte inte går igenom alla öglor.} +{107}{}{Du har inte alla hästar hemma, eller hur?} +{108}{}{Du är inte precis min favoritperson just nu.} +{109}{}{Tack för att du gav mig grävmaskinschipet. Saker och ting går verkligen smidigt för + Kokoweef-gruvan nu.} +{110}{}{Jag ger dig $1 000 för det där grävmaskinschipet.} +{111}{}{Har du lyckats få tag i grävmaskinschipet?} {112}{}{Yeah, well, sorry about that. But you can't please all of the people all of the time.} {113}{}{Always happy to get a job that pays that well. Let me ask you about something else.} {114}{}{How'd you know that I had the excavator chip on me?} @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ {141}{}{A Garden of Eden Creation Kit, huh? Sounds pretty impressive. If I had something like that you sure wouldn't find me grubbing around in the dirt to make ends meet, now would you?} {142}{}{I guess not. Let me ask you something else.} -{143}{}{I just thought I'd ask. Goodbye.} -{144}{}{Heck no. I was born way up north. Right on the edge of a lake. Lake LeBarge, it was.} -{145}{}{I've never heard of that. Let me ask you something else.} -{146}{}{Sounds nice. Maybe I'll go hunt that place down. Goodbye for now.} -{147}{}{Just some rumors is all.} +{143}{}{Jag tänkte bara att jag skulle fråga. Hej då.} +{144}{}{Nej, för fan. Jag föddes långt uppe i norr. Precis vid kanten av en sjö. Lake LeBarge, hette den.} +{145}{}{Den har jag aldrig hört talas om. Låt mig fråga dig något annat.} +{146}{}{Låter trevligt. Jag kanske ska leta upp det där stället. Adjö för nu.} +{147}{}{Bara några rykten.} {148}{}{Well, there's always rumors... but I do have something that needs doing.} {149}{}{I'll get back to that. Let me ask you about something else first, though.} {150}{}{Tell me about the rumors.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmcgrew.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmcgrew.msg index 1621e8d29f..46d44971f7 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmcgrew.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmcgrew.msg @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -{100}{}{You see a short, barrel-chested man with a full, dark, beard. He's covered in rock-dust.} +{100}{}{Du ser en kort man med en bröstkorg formad som en tunna och ett mörkt helskägg. Han är täckt av stendamm.} {101}{}{You see Dangerous Dan McGrew, the owner of the Morningstar Mine.} -{102}{}{You see a heavily muscled man with a scar on his face. He looks tough and confident.} -{103}{}{If you had a brain, I think it'd just up and die of loneliness.} -{104}{}{I'll be damned. I guess evolution can go in reverse.} -{105}{}{You ain't got all your dogs on one leash, do you?} +{102}{}{Du ser en kraftigt muskulös man med ett ärr i ansiktet. Han ser tuff och självsäker ut.} +{103}{}{Om du hade en hjärna, tror jag att den skulle dö av ensamhet.} +{104}{}{Det var som fan. Jag antar att evolutionen kan gå baklänges.} +{105}{}{Du har inte alla dina hundar i samma koppel, eller hur?} {106}{}{I don't have time for you. I reckon you're just a few peas short of a casserole.} {107}{}{Just a couple of clowns short of a circus, aren't you?} {108}{}{Hello there. My name's Dangerous Dan McGrew. I run the Morningstar Mine here. What can I do @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ {122}{}{I mean that we're going to be put under someone's thumb. Only a fool thinks otherwise. Our choice is to pick the lightest thumb.} {123}{}{Which you've done, of course.} -{124}{}{Happy thumb hunting, then. Goodbye.} +{124}{}{Trevlig tumjakt, då. Adjö.} {125}{}{You bet I have. If we don't ally ourselves with one of the families in New Reno, you can just kiss Redding goodbye. At least any type of Redding that I'd want to live in.} {126}{}{Vad menar du?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmodjes.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmodjes.msg index 4669d317f9..4ffaea691d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmodjes.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/rcmodjes.msg @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ {145}{}{All I hear about are politics. That always seems to be the big stir in discussion.} {146}{}{Politics? What do you mean?} {147}{}{Of course. Let me ask you about something else.} -{148}{}{Well, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye.} +{148}{}{Det var allt jag behövde veta. Hej då.} {149}{}{I used to work in the Malamute Saloon. As part of that job, people called me Madame. The name just stuck, even though I don't work there any more.} {150}{}{Where do you work now?} @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ {152}{}{I think that's all I need to know. Goodbye.} {153}{}{I flew a bit of Jet a few days back and it made me feel quite unwell. Must have been a tainted batch. I 'm not eager to try that again. Oh well, back to the bottle, I suppose.} -{154}{}{Sounds bad. Let me ask you something else, then.} +{154}{}{Det låter illa. Låt mig fråga dig något annat, då.} {155}{}{I understand. Well, that's all I needed to know. Goodbye.} {156}{}{I feel better than I look. Not by much, but enough.} -{157}{}{What do you mean? What happened?} +{157}{}{Vad menar du? Vad hände?} {158}{}{Have you ever seen a greased brahmin contest?} {159}{}{Sure I have. Uh, plenty of times. Let me ask you something else.} {160}{}{Nope, never heard of anything like that. Tell me about them.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scbgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scbgrd.msg index ee58aaadcd..9472985ed4 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scbgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scbgrd.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {100}{}{You see a someone wearing combat armor.} -{101}{}{You see a guard.} +{101}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {102}{}{He looks to be standing here waiting for something to happen.} {103}{}{Yeah, yeah. Move along.} {104}{}{You make sure you're nice to Mr. Buster so we don't have to waste any ammo.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sccarkid.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sccarkid.msg index 44d86e40c7..138284910e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sccarkid.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sccarkid.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {101}{}{It's Vice-President Carlson's kid.} {102}{}{Looks like a spoiled little runt. Fat, too.} {103}{}{My dad's Vice-President Carlson, so you better treat me nice! Who are you?} -{104}{}{[Player name]} +{104}{}{[Spelarens namn]} {105}{}{I'm one of your dad's guards.} {106}{}{Where's your dad?} {107}{}{See this knife? I've gutted little kids nicer than you.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scenlone.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scenlone.msg index 97429d8209..2ab5a8ae0a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scenlone.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scenlone.msg @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ {120}{}{It's simple. I am the Chosen One because that is what must be.} {121}{}{AHS one?} {122}{}{That's what my Elder says I am.} -{123}{}{What are you talking about?} +{123}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {124}{}{Can we just get to the part where you sprinkle holy water on me or something?} {125}{}{Oh. Well, are you seeking true understanding and spiritual peace? We can help.} {126}{}{No, I'm looking for a GECK.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/schenry.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/schenry.msg index 124022703f..8f7525f532 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/schenry.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/schenry.msg @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ {109}{}{Det angår inte dig.} {110}{}{Hmm, sub-par cranial development... Stunted intellectual development. No gross physical mutation, though. No, you just simply won't do, I'm afraid. Good day.} {111}{}{The Chosen One? Of course, that makes sense. Interesting... I'm afraid I can't help you. I was assigned to cyber-genetics research, not the Vault Behavioral Project.} -{112}{}{What are you talking about?} +{112}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {113}{}{Vault Behavioral project?} {114}{}{Cyber-genetics? I don't remember ever studying that one.} {115}{}{Right. You're mad as a hatter. Goodbye.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmikey.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmikey.msg index 216b7e2d36..2d901f9991 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmikey.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmikey.msg @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ -{100}{}{You see a sharp-dressed guy hawking lizard kebabs.} -{101}{}{It's the lizard-on-a-stick vendor.} -{102}{}{For a lizard-on-a-stick vendor, this guy's got style. He's clean, well-dressed and runs a pretty spotless little operation.} -{103}{}{Hungry, stranger? I got the best lizard around. Ask anybody!} +{100}{}{Du ser en välklädd snubbe som säljer ödlekebab.} +{101}{}{Det är ödla-på-pinne-försäljaren.} +{102}{}{För att vara en ödla-på-pinne-försäljare har den här snubben stil. Han är ren, välklädd och driver en ganska fläckfri liten verksamhet.} +{103}{}{Hungrig, främling? Jag har den bästa ödlan här. Fråga vem som helst!} {104}{}{What can I get you?} -{105}{}{Gimme meat.} -{106}{}{I'll take one.} +{105}{}{Ge me' kött.} +{106}{}{Jag tar en.} {107}{}{What can you tell me about this town?} {108}{}{Farväl.} -{109}{}{Enjoy, stranger!} -{110}{}{There's mustard and onions over there.} -{111}{}{Hey, buddy.} -{112}{}{Yeah, bye.} -{113}{}{Next!} -{114}{}{Look, I got a rule. I don't say nothing about nobody. It's a good rule, because if I keep my mouth shut, I keep out of trouble. Capiche?} -{115}{}{I don't hear nothing, I don't see nothing, and I especially don't say nothing. Now, stop bothering me about that.} -{116}{}{Fine. Look, I'm hungry.} +{109}{}{Varsågod, främling!} +{110}{}{Det finns senap och lök där borta.} +{111}{}{Hej, kompis.} +{112}{}{Ja, hej då.} +{113}{}{Nästa!} +{114}{}{Jag har en regel. Jag säger inget om nån. Det är en bra regel, för om jag håller truten, så håller jag mig borta från problem. Capiche?} +{115}{}{Jag hör ingenting, jag ser ingenting och jag säger framför allt ingenting. Sluta nu att besvära mig med det där.} +{116}{}{Okej. Jag är hungrig.} {117}{}{Do you have a GECK?} -{118}{}{Sorry for troubling you, Christ!} +{118}{}{Förlåt att jag besvärar dig, Herregud!} {119}{}{A GECK? Well, that's old history, so what the hell. You mean the old Garden of Eden Kit. We had one - I mean our grandparents had one. Used it when they came out of Vault 15. Got this place started, they say. It's all used up now.} -{120}{}{I'm still hungry.} -{121}{}{Well, thanks for not much.} +{120}{}{Jag är fortfarande hungrig.} +{121}{}{Tack för inte så mycket.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmira.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmira.msg index 4cbe1e1ceb..b21fe1249a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmira.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scmira.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You'd guess that even with the green hair and the scowl, she's the bartender of this joint.} +{100}{}{Man skulle kunna tro att hon är bartender på det här stället, trots det gröna håret och den bistra minen.} {101}{}{That's Mira. She mixes a mean Rad-A-Waster.} -{102}{}{Well, she's young and attractive, but there's just a look in her eye that says she don't take no crap from anybody. That and the spiked knuckles hanging on the chain around her neck.} +{102}{}{Hon är ung och attraktiv, men det finns en blick i hennes ögon som säger att hon inte tar skit från någon. Det och de spikade knogarna som hänger på kedjan runt hennes hals.} {103}{}{Mira's the name. What'll ya have, stranger?} {104}{}{Hello again. What'll it be?} {105}{}{Drink.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scratch.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scratch.msg index 035cf1fd93..8047636663 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scratch.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scratch.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {101}{}{You see Ratch, probably picking at some lice.} {102}{}{It could be a human. It might be a mutant. All you can tell for sure is that it smells really, really bad.} {103}{}{Junk for sale, junk for sale. Look it over, make me an offer.} -{104}{}{Sure, whatever.} +{104}{}{Visst.} {105}{}{Uh... huh.} {106}{}{So what's for sale?} {107}{}{You look like you're good with your hands. You do have hands, don't you?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scsalbob.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scsalbob.msg index d25ca49975..a833363d72 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scsalbob.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scsalbob.msg @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ {105}{}{Vem är du?} {106}{}{Name's Bob. Saltbeef Bob, yep. How about you?} {107}{}{What'd you say your name was again, stranger? I'm Saltbeef Bob.} -{108}{}{[Player name]} +{108}{}{[Spelarens namn]} {109}{}{Saltbeef? What kind of name is that?} {110}{}{What are you doing here?} {111}{}{That's a right fine name, yep. Say, you wouldn't have a drink on ya, pardner?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scvortis.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scvortis.msg index f12013f240..b5fbc6c587 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scvortis.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scvortis.msg @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ {169}{}{Just a question or two.} {170}{}{No problem. Bye.} {171}{}{Good work. Now you best make yourself scarce, in case those Rangers ever wise up.} -{172}{}{Pleasure doing business.} +{172}{}{Nöje att göra affärer.} {173}{}{Well don't hang around here, you moron! Somebody'll get suspicious.} {174}{}{All right, I get the hint.} {175}{}{What the fuck? Guards! We got an intruder!} @@ -117,6 +117,6 @@ {272}{}{Alright, here.} {273}{}{Det är inte viktigt.} {274}{}{I'll do whatever I want. And I think I'll kill you now.} -{275}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{275}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {280}{}{[He points on your map the location of the slaver camp.] It's around there. Now what else are you going to waste my time with?} {281}{}{I've got what I need. Bye.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scwesgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scwesgrd.msg index a43ecf4311..6d2fc07c21 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/scwesgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/scwesgrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see Grant, the guard} {102}{}{You see a guard. His armor and weapons are in excellent condition.} {103}{}{This is private property, please move along.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/shtandi.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/shtandi.msg index 671f07bbed..c456c46e00 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/shtandi.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/shtandi.msg @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ {138}{tand6a}{Fair enough. Do it right and there's a reward.} {139}{tand6b}{Lord, I know I'm making a mistake but... give it a shot - if you understood anything I said.} {140}{}{Ok. Me go.} -{141}{}{Me got questions.} +{141}{}{Ja ha frågor.} {142}{}{All right. I'm off.} {143}{}{I'd like to ask you some questions.} {144}{tand7a}{Well, I got a little time to spare.} @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ {155}{}{That all. Me go now.} {156}{}{What can you tell me about Vault 15?} {157}{}{Why haven't you made a deal with the squatters?} -{158}{}{Do you know where Vault 13 is?} +{158}{}{Vet du var Valv 13 ligger?} {159}{}{I'm looking for a GECK. Would you happen to have one?} {160}{}{What can you tell me about New Reno?} {161}{}{What can you tell me about Roger Westin?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sifakhlo.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sifakhlo.msg index e3e8d37076..d1c102ee98 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sifakhlo.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sifakhlo.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a battered tape.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett skadat kasettband.} {101}{}{Pip-Boy displays: File found on system. Aborting download.} {102}{}{Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from disk. Location, "Vault 13" added to world map."} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sihishol.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sihishol.msg index 3e9cc9a323..159c5a7289 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/sihishol.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/sihishol.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a battered tape.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett skadat kasettband.} {101}{}{Pip-Boy displays: File found on system. Aborting download.} {102}{}{Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from disk.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/siweshol.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/siweshol.msg index 3e9cc9a323..159c5a7289 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/siweshol.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/siweshol.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a battered tape.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett skadat kasettband.} {101}{}{Pip-Boy displays: File found on system. Aborting download.} {102}{}{Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from disk.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc2.msg index 5c58712a81..6c16bb42ec 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc2.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{You see a slaver.} {101}{}{This slaver looks like one mean dude.} {102}{}{This slaver looks like one mean chick.} -{200}{}{There you are.} +{200}{}{Där får du.} {201}{}{Now you die.} {202}{}{Shit, Rangers! Time to kick ass.} {300}{}{You lost or something?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc5.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc5.msg index 3eaab2fecd..2055b280a8 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc5.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/slvcc5.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{You see a slaver.} {101}{}{This slaver looks like one mean dude.} -{200}{}{There you are.} +{200}{}{Där får du.} {201}{}{Now you die.} {202}{}{Shit, Rangers! Time to die!} {300}{}{You lost or something?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcandy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcandy.msg index c3dd38768c..a390c4881f 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcandy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcandy.msg @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ {234}{}{7000? Uh, 5000 bucks is all I have.} {235}{}{Hmmm. Tell me about the other implants.} {236}{}{Never mind. I had some other questions...} -{237}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{237}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {238}{}{I'll come back when I get a set of Combat Armor.} {239}{}{I see. Maybe some other time.} {240}{}{Well, technically, "high impact" is standard Dermal Impact Armor with extra assault-issue impact plates crammed under your skin.} @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ {260}{}{I don't know. 40K's pretty steep. I do have $30,000 on me, though.} {261}{}{Tell me about the other implants.} {262}{}{Never mind. I had some other questions.} -{263}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{263}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {264}{}{I'll come back when I get a suit of Combat Armor.} {265}{}{I see. Maybe some other time.} {266}{}{The Phoenix Implants take the bite outta fire, lasers and plasma burns... about 5%. I'll need to strip some combat armor for the thermal membranes, and it'll take two days for the operation. 10K oughta cover it.} @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ {268}{}{$10,000's a bit out of my league. How about $8000?} {269}{}{Tell me about the other implants.} {270}{}{Never mind. I had some other questions.} -{271}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{271}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {272}{}{I'll come back when I get a suit of combat armor.} {273}{}{I see. Maybe some other time.} {274}{}{Well, technically, "high thermal" is standard Phoenix Armor with some thermal dissipaters layered over the membranes.} @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ {287}{}{40,000 and it's a deal.} {288}{}{Tell me about the other implants.} {289}{}{Never mind. I had some other questions.} -{290}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{290}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {291}{}{I'll come back when I have another set of combat armor.} {292}{}{I see. Maybe some other time.} {293}{}{Well... that sounds fair.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vccrtgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vccrtgrd.msg index c4b1687889..5fb8669c2c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vccrtgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vccrtgrd.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{Get on about your business.} {103}{}{I think it's about time for you to leave.} {104}{}{I don't like the looks of you.} -{105}{}{Watch yourself.} +{105}{}{Se dig för.} {106}{}{Hello, Citizen.} {107}{}{Nice to see you, Citizen.} {108}{}{Busy day, Citizen?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg index e6b14d5af5..6d548120dd 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ {119}{}{Ass-is-tense?} {120}{}{(Shamble off)} {121}{}{I'm looking for the main computer. Can you tell me where it is?} -{122}{}{What is it you do here?} +{122}{}{Vad gör ni här?} {123}{}{Just passing through, thanks.} {124}{}{You are? It's a pleasure to meet you. If you have the time, perhaps we could compare notes? It is not often that I get the chance to speak to another physician.} @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {132}{}{Thanks for the tour, Doctor Troy. It's been very educational.} {133}{}{The main computer? It's down on the third level. Just take the elevator down, walk straight until you hit the T-intersection, then make the first left. That'll take you right to the control room.} -{134}{}{What is it you do here?} +{134}{}{Vad gör ni här?} {135}{}{Tack.} {136}{}{I am Vault City's primary physician. I take care of all the Citizens within Vault City and do my best to keep everyone healthy.} @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ {184}{}{I had something else I wanted to ask you first...} {185}{}{You know, I don't think you really want to inhale that... crap. Trust me.} {186}{}{Sorry, just trying to help. Later, Doctor.} -{187}{}{What are you talking about?} +{187}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {188}{}{Forget it. I had something else I wanted to ask you...} {189}{}{Well, they make that stuff from brahmin shit.} {190}{}{Those are brahmin shit fumes in that Jet canister. Gross, huh?} @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ dollars for the Jet, your silence... and no more questions. Do you want the job?} {273}{}{Well, what do you know? I have a sample of Jet right here.} {274}{}{What's to keep me from turning you in right now?} -{275}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{275}{}{Visst, jag ska göra det.} {276}{}{I'm not interested.} {277}{}{You do?} {278}{}{Excellent! Thank you, my friend... you have no idea how important this is to my work. Here is diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdwnbar.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdwnbar.msg index 9bcd67e905..14500c03a4 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdwnbar.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcdwnbar.msg @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ {151}{}{Some water'd be great.} {152}{}{Brahmin's milk.} {153}{}{Actually, I was looking for some information.} -{154}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{154}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {155}{}{I think I'll pass, thanks.} {156}{}{The brahmin milk's not on tap... well, not exactly. I'd have to go out and snag some really quick.} {157}{}{That's fine. I don't mind waiting. I just feel like having a refreshing glass of milk. Mmmmm-mmm. That would really hit the spot.} @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ {166}{}{Some water would be great.} {167}{}{Brahmin's milk.} {168}{}{Actually, I was looking for some information.} -{169}{}{I'll come back when I have more money.} +{169}{}{Jag kommer tillbaka när jag har mer pengar.} {170}{}{I think I'll pass, thanks.} {171}{}{Oh? Like what?} {172}{}{Who's in charge of Vault City?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg index 158a7c36ee..0a4cdb9b96 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ {114}{}{Good to see you, Citizen.} {115}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.} {116}{}{Get out of here.} -{117}{}{Get lost.} +{117}{}{Försvinn.} {118}{}{Got a problem? Or are you looking for one?} {119}{}{I don't want to have to hurt you.} {120}{}{You're cleared to enter. Head on in.} @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ {162}{}{Okay, here you go.} {163}{}{Uh, what I meant was, how do I go about getting Citizenship?} {164}{}{My apologies, Citizen. I didn't mean to offend you. You have clearance to enter.} -{165}{}{Very well.} +{165}{}{Mycket bra.} {166}{}{Look, "Citizen," you need a Day Pass to get in here, all right? Don't try to trick me again.} {167}{}{(Leave.)} {168}{}{Hmmmnn... these look legit. Funny, I don't recall ever seeing you around before.} @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ {178}{}{Uh, yes... Vault City prevails, Citizen.} {179}{}{Tack.} {180}{}{Day Pass, please.} -{181}{}{Here you go.} +{181}{}{Varsågod.} {182}{}{I don't need a Day Pass. I'm a Citizen.} {183}{}{I was just stopping by to see how you were doing.} {184}{}{I don't have time for small talk, all right? Now get out of here.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgenvil.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgenvil.msg index 327b9de492..59a9e75145 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgenvil.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgenvil.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{100}{}{You see a peasant.} -{101}{}{You see a peasant.} +{100}{}{Du ser en bonde.} +{101}{}{Du ser en bonde.} {102}{}{Hej.} {103}{}{Good day to you.} {104}{}{Welcome to our village.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgreg.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgreg.msg index a5a30e0226..dc342a16af 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgreg.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcgreg.msg @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ {172}{}{Just give me the damn test.} {173}{}{Forget it then. Can I ask you some other questions?} {174}{}{Whatever. I'm outta here.} -{175}{}{Very well.} +{175}{}{Mycket bra.} {176}{}{Hmmm. Well, that is your right, though I doubt it will matter.} {177}{}{Here are forms 5028, 6112, and the Pip-Boy answer console. Please be sure to fill in each circle COMPLETELY. Now, if you would take a seat over here...} {178}{}{All right.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcharry.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcharry.msg index be46200bb8..fb5209c288 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcharry.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcharry.msg @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ {124}{}{Working with Dave, eh? Yeah, I know the fella. I see he's still got a knack for getting others to do his leg work--lazy bastard. [He chuckles.] Anyway, I think I got what you're lookin for, but lemme just go back an' check. [Harry goes into his back room where you hear boxes being shuffled and moved around. He returns a minute later.] Yep, got it right here. $500 and she's all yours.} -{125}{}{Sure. Here's the money.} +{125}{}{Visst. Här är pengarna.} {126}{}{500? Damn. I hope I get reimbursed for this. Fine, here is the money.} {127}{}{Thanks for the business. Take care.} {128}{}{Hej då.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vckohl.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vckohl.msg index c0a20c2225..8ab29453d6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vckohl.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vckohl.msg @@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ {185}{}{Here you go. I hope you enjoy reading them. They are some of my favorites... a little on the technical side, but still quite good.} {186}{}{Thanks. Do you mind if I ask you some other questions?} {187}{}{Great. I'll go check these out.} -{188}{}{The books are being entered into one of the library terminals on the third level of the Vault. - I don't recall which one... it's not one of the ones in the central core, though.} -{189}{}{Why is everything being transcribed?} +{188}{}{Böckerna matas in i en av biblioteksterminalerna på tredje våningen i Valvet. + Jag minns inte vilken... det är inte en av dem i den centrala kärnan, dock.} +{189}{}{Varför transkriberas allt?} {190}{}{How can I get down to the Vault?} -{191}{}{I see. Do you mind if I ask you some other questions?} -{192}{}{Maybe I'll go see if I can find it.} -{193}{}{! Well done! Bravo!} +{191}{}{Jag förstår. Har du något emot att jag ställer några andra frågor?} +{192}{}{Jag kanske ska se om jag kan hitta den.} +{193}{}{! Bra gjort! Bravo!} {194}{}{Oh, I will for sure! I wish there were more people who did, too.} {195}{}{I certainly share the sentiment! It's been a while since I've seen someone who's the least bit interested. I used to know a trader shared the passion though...} {196}{}{Är det sant? Brukade du göra det?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vclynett.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vclynett.msg index 00e5097c4e..b5525489e5 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vclynett.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vclynett.msg @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ {100}{}{You see a stern-looking woman with thick glasses, wearing a Vault City jumpsuit. Judging from her bearing, she seems important.} -{101}{}{You see First Citizen Lynette. She looks preoccupied.} -{102}{}{You see First Citizen Lynette. She looks preoccupied.} -{103}{}{It is late. Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning, and I will receive you then.} -{104}{}{As I SAID, I don't receive visitors this late. MOST Citizens have retired to bed by this time.} -{105}{}{Schedule an appointment for tomorrow morning. I will receive you then.} -{106}{}{I will speak with you TOMORROW.} +{101}{}{Du ser Första Medborgaren Lynette. Hon ser upptagen ut.} +{102}{}{Du ser Första Medborgaren Lynette. Hon ser upptagen ut.} +{103}{}{Det är sent. Boka en tid i morgon bitti, så tar jag emot dig då.} +{104}{}{Som jag SA, jag tar inte emot besökare så här sent. DE FLESTA Medborgarna har gått till sängs vid den här tiden.} +{105}{}{Boka en tid i morgon bitti. Jag tar emot dig då.} +{106}{}{Jag pratar med dig I MORGON.} {107}{}{I don't know how you got past the guards and into my private chambers, but you had best leave.} {108}{}{I don't know what you intend to gain by clicking on me, but I won't tolerate it much longer.} {109}{}{Perhaps you find clicking on me... amusing. Perhaps you will find the Corrections Center just as humorous.} @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ government was prepared to destroy you without even recognizing the value of your community. Perhaps Vault City should take another look at the outside world... and its place in it.} {130}{}{Callous, cruel... maybe. All I know is that I had superior firepower. Goodbye, First Citizen.} -{131}{lyn006}{That may be a valid point. Next time, we should make a stronger effort to find these remnants - of the government and ally ourselves with them. I hear they have great power armor.} +{131}{lyn006}{Det kan vara en giltig poäng. Nästa gång borde vi anstränga oss mer för att hitta dessa rester + av regeringen och alliera oss med dem. Jag har hört att de har bra kraftrustning.} {132}{}{But... oh, forget it. Good luck, First Citizen.} {133}{}{You don't know the half of it, First Citizen! Power steering, body fluid recycling, menacing exterior... pretty damn cool.} @@ -822,7 +822,7 @@ substantial way. As an Outsider, you are in a unique position to resolve a diffi {815}{}{My little dreadlocks are cute.} {816}{}{T-Ray thinks a little too highly of himself.} {817}{}{This is good news.} -{818}{}{Very well.} +{818}{}{Mycket bra.} {819}{}{Good day.} {820}{}{Good day, Citizen.} {821}{}{I'll take that.} @@ -844,10 +844,10 @@ substantial way. As an Outsider, you are in a unique position to resolve a diffi {837}{}{Degenerate!} {838}{}{Outsider} {839}{}{Outsider filth...} -{840}{}{*Snorts*} +{840}{}{*Fnys*} {841}{}{*Zzzzzzzzzzz*} -{842}{}{What is contained on the disk should put a stop to them; the raiders have been exposed, and if - the contents of the disk were to get out to NCR's outer districts they would never be trusted again.} +{842}{}{Det som finns på disken borde sätta stopp för dem; plundrarna har blivit avslöjade, och om + diskens innehåll skulle komma ut till NKRs yttre distrikt skulle ingen lita på dem igen.} {843}{}{My sources at Gecko assure me that there are still ghouls within the city. Your Citizenship depends on resolving this situation... completely. Am I making myself clear?} {844}{}{Sorry, thought I'd killed them all.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmacrae.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmacrae.msg index def32ba033..f18969a9d3 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmacrae.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmacrae.msg @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ {138}{}{Why don't you leave?} {139}{}{Go into the wastes by myself? I'm bored, but I'm not stupid.} {140}{}{I'm heading out that way again. Why don't you come along?} -{141}{}{Well, good luck to you.} +{141}{}{Nåväl, lycka till.} {142}{}{Naw... you look like you got enough people following you around.} {143}{}{All right. Well, good luck.} {144}{}{You know, that doesn't sound like a half bad idea. Count me in.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmclure.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmclure.msg index daed017d86..9017476d13 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmclure.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmclure.msg @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ {228}{}{What is Gecko?} {229}{}{Can I ask you another question?} {230}{}{Thanks for the warning. Goodbye.} -{231}{}{It is a forsaken place, a shantytown built around the remnants of an old atomic power plant.} +{231}{}{Det är en övergiven plats, en kåkstad som byggts upp kring resterna av ett gammalt kärnkraftverk.} {232}{}{Where is Gecko located?} {233}{}{Can I ask you another question?} {234}{}{Thanks for your time. Goodbye.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmoore.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmoore.msg index c31b188a99..3b2e74c06d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmoore.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmoore.msg @@ -179,6 +179,6 @@ {239}{}{Have you heard the word today?} {240}{}{Hear the word! The word shall set you free!} {241}{}{Slavery shall damn this city!} -{242}{}{We must open the gates of Vault City and embrace the outside world!} -{243}{}{Why can we not share our wealth?! } -{244}{}{Can you not hear the cries of those that suffer outside our walls?!} +{242}{}{Vi måste öppna portarna till Valvstaden och omfamna världen utanför!} +{243}{}{Varför kan vi inte dela med oss av vår rikedom?! } +{244}{}{Kan du inte höra skriken från de som lider utanför våra murar?!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmsmith.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmsmith.msg index 69e2506df4..05e87b4f3d 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmsmith.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcmsmith.msg @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ -{100}{}{You see a ragged-looking farmer.} -{101}{}{You see Smith.} -{102}{}{Don't think I've seen you around before, stranger. The name's Smith. Help - you with something?} -{103}{}{Was there something else you wanted?} +{100}{}{Du ser en luggsliten bonde.} +{101}{}{Du ser Smith.} +{102}{}{Jag tror inte jag har sett dig här förut, främling. Namnet är Smith. Kan jag hjälpa + dig med något?} +{103}{}{Var det något annat du ville?} {104}{}{Can you tell me about Vault City?} {105}{}{What do you do around here?} {106}{}{I'm looking for the Vault.} -{107}{}{I'd like to help you with that plow.} -{108}{}{Your wife says things have been hard.} -{109}{}{No, just passing through. Goodbye.} +{107}{}{Jag skulle vilja hjälpa dig med den där plogen.} +{108}{}{Din fru säger att ni har haft det svårt.} +{109}{}{Nej, jag är bara på genomresa. Hej då.} {110}{}{Um... Waga Nu-kik?} -{111}{}{Well, what you see here ain't really Vault City... you're actually standing - in the city's Courtyard.} -{112}{}{Why aren't you in the city?} +{111}{}{Tja, det du ser här är inte riktigt Valvstaden... du står faktiskt + på stadens Innergård.} +{112}{}{Varför är du inte i stan?} {113}{}{What do you do here?} {114}{}{Can I ask you something else?} {115}{}{Thanks. Goodbye.} -{116}{}{My family and I work a farm here in the Courtyard. We get by. Don't know - for how long, though.} +{116}{}{Min familj och jag arbetar på en gård här på Innergården. Vi klarar oss. Vet inte + för hur länge, dock.} {117}{}{What's the problem?} -{118}{}{Why aren't you in the city?} +{118}{}{Varför är du inte i stan?} {119}{}{Can I ask you something else?} -{120}{}{Yeah, times are tough. Goodbye.} -{121}{}{That's right, big fella. I gotta get going.} -{122}{}{You talking about the Vault inside the city? I've only seen it once... it's - inside the gates, along the cliff, I think. They only let the Citizens into it, - though.} +{120}{}{Ja, det är tuffa tider. Hej då.} +{121}{}{Det stämmer, storponken. Jag måste gå nu.} +{122}{}{Pratar du om Valvet inne i staden? Jag har bara sett det en gång... det är + innanför grindarna, längs klippan, tror jag. De släpper bara in Medborgare i det, + däremot.} {123}{}{Can I ask you something else?} {124}{}{Thanks for the directions. Goodbye.} -{125}{}{Me and the family ain't the kind of people they let in there. So we - live here under their protection.} -{126}{}{Why aren't you allowed to live in the city?} -{127}{}{Protection? What kind of protection? } +{125}{}{Ja' och familjen är inte den sortens människor som de släpper in där. Så vi + bor här under deras beskydd.} +{126}{}{Varför får ni inte bo i stan?} +{127}{}{Skydd? Vilken typ av skydd? } {128}{}{Can I ask you something else?} -{129}{}{I see. Well, thanks for your time. Goodbye.} -{130}{}{Well, it's tough without a plow. Me and the wife try, but the farming goes - slow.} -{131}{}{Can I help?} +{129}{}{Jag förstår. Tack för att du tog dig tid. Adjö.} +{130}{}{Tja, det är svårt utan en plog. Jag och frun försöker, men jordbruket går + långsamt.} +{131}{}{Kan jag hjälpa till?} {132}{}{Can I ask you something else?} -{133}{}{Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. Goodbye.} +{133}{}{Nåja, det var tråkigt att höra. Adjö.} {134}{}{Visst.} -{135}{}{Well, we're from the wasteland... like yourself. So all we can get is - protection from Vault City.} -{136}{}{What kind of protection?} +{135}{}{Tja, vi är från ödemarken... precis som du. Så allt vi kan få är + skydd från Valvstaden.} +{136}{}{Vilken typ av skydd?} {137}{}{Can I ask you something else?} {138}{}{Thanks. Goodbye.} {139}{}{They keep us safe from the outside, but it costs me and the wife quite a bit. And without a plow... well, making ends meet is difficult.} {140}{}{Can I help with the plow?} {141}{}{Can I ask you something else?} -{142}{}{Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that. Goodbye.} +{142}{}{Nåja, det var tråkigt att höra. Adjö.} {143}{}{Me and the wife don't talk with your kind.} {144}{}{Mary, keep away from this fella.} {145}{}{You'd help people like us? We can't offer much, but we sure would diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcskeeve.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcskeeve.msg index 536d43e6de..bc0a8d6a9a 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcskeeve.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcskeeve.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{You see Wallace's Assistant, Skeev.} {103}{}{You see a scrawny young man. His eyes are darting back and forth.} {104}{}{Hey, you got any pieces of Horrigan? I could sell 'em for fifty, hundred bucks a pop, give you 10% of the action.} -{105}{}{Get lost.} +{105}{}{Försvinn.} {106}{}{Beat it. I got nothing to say to you.} {107}{}{Oh, uh, hey, Captain. Good day, huh?} {108}{}{Well, if it ain't the new Citizen.} @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ They don't seem to catch on that anyone would let Servants carry anything import {151}{}{Any other options?} {152}{}{All right, then. Thanks.} {153}{}{Well, you CAN become a Citizen... unofficially.} -{154}{}{What are you talking about?} +{154}{}{Vad pratar du om?} {155}{}{Never mind. Maybe we'll talk some other time.} {156}{}{If you got the cash, then I'll go into detail. Otherwise...} {157}{}{I've got the money. What are you selling?} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslav2.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslav2.msg index d78665c705..2496e5a774 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslav2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslav2.msg @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -{100}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.} -{101}{}{You see a Vault City slave.} -{102}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.} -{103}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on - the ground.} -{104}{}{You see a Vault City slave.} -{105}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on - the ground.} +{100}{}{Du ser en stark man i arbetskläder. Han håller blicken stadigt fäst på marken.} +{101}{}{Du ser en slav från Valvstaden.} +{102}{}{Du ser en stark man i arbetskläder. Han håller blicken stadigt fäst på marken.} +{103}{}{Du ser en kvinna i arbetskläder som ser frisk ut. Hon håller blicken stadigt fäst på + marken.} +{104}{}{Du ser en slav från Valvstaden.} +{105}{}{Du ser en kvinna i arbetskläder som ser frisk ut. Hon håller blicken stadigt fäst på + marken.} {106}{}{I have heard of your brave deeds. You have done a great service for Vault City... and the world.} {107}{}{Your battle against the Enclave impressed even the First Citizen.} -{108}{}{I wish I could somehow give you something for all you've done for us, but I have nothing to - give... except my thanks.} -{109}{}{The other servants will be envious that I was talking to the hero of the Wastes.} +{108}{}{Jag önskar att jag på något sätt kunde ge dig något för allt du har gjort för oss, men jag har inget att + ge... förutom mitt tack.} +{109}{}{De andra tjänarna kommer att vara avundsjuka på att jag pratade med hjälten från Ödemarken.} {110}{}{Yes, Captain?} -{111}{}{Captain?} -{112}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Captain?} -{113}{}{Did you have a task for me, Captain?} +{111}{}{Kapten?} +{112}{}{Är det något du vill att jag ska göra, Kapten?} +{113}{}{Har du en uppgift åt mig, Kapten?} {114}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try and work harder.} {115}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try to be more attentive.} {116}{}{Yes, Citizen?} @@ -24,34 +24,34 @@ {120}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try and work harder.} {121}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try to be more attentive.} {122}{}{Mutants are not allowed inside the city!} -{123}{}{If the guards see your mutant, you will be forced to leave.} -{124}{}{Mutants are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!} -{125}{}{Ghouls are not allowed inside the city!} -{126}{}{If the guards see your ghoul, you will be forced to leave.} -{127}{}{Ghouls are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!} +{123}{}{Om vakterna ser din mutant kommer du att tvingas gå.} +{124}{}{Mutanter är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste ge er av!} +{125}{}{Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden!} +{126}{}{Om vakterna ser din ghul, kommer du att tvingas lämna.} +{127}{}{Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste lämna staden!} {128}{}{Yes, I am already owned. The Servant Allocation Center has my papers.} -{129}{}{Please leave me be. I am a servant of Vault City.} -{130}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair...? They were taken by other slavers two years - ago and sold North.} -{131}{}{Please... I am not permitted to speak to anyone.} -{132}{}{If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished.} -{133}{}{The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me.} +{129}{}{Snälla, låt mig vara. Jag är en tjänare till Valvstaden.} +{130}{}{Jag ber dig: har du sett två barn, mörkhåriga...? De togs av andra slavhandlare för två år + sedan och såldes norrut.} +{131}{}{Snälla... Jag får inte tala med någon.} +{132}{}{Om en Medborgare ertappar mig med att prata med en slavhandlare, kommer jag att straffas.} +{133}{}{Vakterna kommer att rapportera mig om du fortsätter att prata med mig.} {134}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.} {135}{}{Please go away, slaver. I don't want any trouble.} -{136}{}{Escape? I... have never tried to escape from here. Life is good here.} -{137}{}{The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day *I* could become a Citizen.} -{138}{}{The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward.} -{139}{}{The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important matters.} -{140}{}{I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in New Reno.} -{141}{}{Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations.} -{142}{}{I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno.} -{143}{}{The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. } -{144}{}{The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read.} -{145}{}{The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent.} -{146}{}{I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders.} -{147}{}{I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them.} -{148}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here.} -{149}{}{I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here.} +{136}{}{Fly? Jag... har aldrig försökt fly härifrån. Livet är bra här.} +{137}{}{Medborgarna sa till mig att om jag arbetar tillräckligt hårt kan *jag* en dag bli en Medborgare.} +{138}{}{Medborgarna lär oss att arbete är sin egen belöning.} +{139}{}{Medborgarna berättar att eftersom vi tjänar dem får de mer tid för viktigare saker.} +{140}{}{Jag hade tur att Valvstaden behövde tjänare. Jag kunde ha hamnat i New Reno.} +{141}{}{Valvstaden belönar tjänare som arbetar flitigt med extra ransoner.} +{142}{}{Jag har hört att de gör hemska saker mot slavarna i New Reno.} +{143}{}{Medborgarna tog med sig hela min stam in i staden för att tjäna som tjänare.} +{144}{}{Medborgarna tog mig in från ödemarken och lärde mig att läsa.} +{145}{}{Medborgarna behandlar mig mycket bra. Maten här är utmärkt.} +{146}{}{Jag får inte tala med Utomstående.} +{147}{}{Jag saknade min familj först, men det var många år sedan jag såg dem.} +{148}{}{Jag togs från en stamby norrifrån. Livet är mycket bättre här.} +{149}{}{Jag fångades först i Lyan. Lyckligtvis hamnade jag här.} {150}{}{I hear the First Citizen occasionally loses her temper with her servants.} {151}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.} {152}{}{I must finish my duties within the hour.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslave.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslave.msg index f3cd19de31..1512a37057 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslave.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcslave.msg @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -{100}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.} -{101}{}{You see a Vault City slave.} -{102}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.} -{103}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on - the ground.} -{104}{}{You see a Vault City slave.} -{105}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on - the ground.} +{100}{}{Du ser en stark man i arbetskläder. Han håller blicken stadigt fäst på marken.} +{101}{}{Du ser en slav från Valvstaden.} +{102}{}{Du ser en stark man i arbetskläder. Han håller blicken stadigt fäst på marken.} +{103}{}{Du ser en kvinna i arbetskläder som ser frisk ut. Hon håller blicken stadigt fäst på + marken.} +{104}{}{Du ser en slav från Valvstaden.} +{105}{}{Du ser en kvinna i arbetskläder som ser frisk ut. Hon håller blicken stadigt fäst på + marken.} {106}{}{I have heard of your brave deeds. You have done a great service for Vault City... and the world.} {107}{}{Your battle against the Enclave impressed even the First Citizen.} -{108}{}{I wish I could somehow give you something for all you've done for us, but I have nothing to - give... except my thanks.} -{109}{}{The other servants will be envious that I was talking to the hero of the Wastes.} +{108}{}{Jag önskar att jag på något sätt kunde ge dig något för allt du har gjort för oss, men jag har inget att + ge... förutom mitt tack.} +{109}{}{De andra tjänarna kommer att vara avundsjuka på att jag pratade med hjälten från Ödemarken.} {110}{}{Yes, Captain?} -{111}{}{Captain?} -{112}{}{Is there something you wanted me to do, Captain?} -{113}{}{Did you have a task for me, Captain?} +{111}{}{Kapten?} +{112}{}{Är det något du vill att jag ska göra, Kapten?} +{113}{}{Har du en uppgift åt mig, Kapten?} {114}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try and work harder.} {115}{}{I'm sorry, Captain. I will try to be more attentive.} {116}{}{Yes, Citizen?} @@ -24,34 +24,34 @@ {120}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try and work harder.} {121}{}{I'm sorry, Citizen. I will try to be more attentive.} {122}{}{Mutants are not allowed inside the city!} -{123}{}{If the guards see your mutant, you will be forced to leave.} -{124}{}{Mutants are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!} -{125}{}{Ghouls are not allowed inside the city!} -{126}{}{If the guards see your ghoul, you will be forced to leave.} -{127}{}{Ghouls are not permitted inside the city! You must leave!} +{123}{}{Om vakterna ser din mutant kommer du att tvingas gå.} +{124}{}{Mutanter är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste ge er av!} +{125}{}{Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden!} +{126}{}{Om vakterna ser din ghul, kommer du att tvingas lämna.} +{127}{}{Ghuler är inte tillåtna inne i staden! Ni måste lämna staden!} {128}{}{Yes, I am already owned. The Servant Allocation Center has my papers.} {129}{}{Please leave me be. I am a Servant of Vault City.} -{130}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair...? They were taken by other slavers two years - ago and sold North.} -{131}{}{Please... I am not permitted to speak to anyone.} -{132}{}{If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished.} -{133}{}{The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me.} +{130}{}{Jag ber dig: har du sett två barn, mörkhåriga...? De togs av andra slavhandlare för två år + sedan och såldes norrut.} +{131}{}{Snälla... Jag får inte tala med någon.} +{132}{}{Om en Medborgare ertappar mig med att prata med en slavhandlare, kommer jag att straffas.} +{133}{}{Vakterna kommer att rapportera mig om du fortsätter att prata med mig.} {134}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.} {135}{}{Please go away, slaver. I don't want any trouble.} -{136}{}{Escape? I... have never tried to escape from here. Life is good here.} -{137}{}{The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day *I* could become a Citizen.} -{138}{}{The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward.} -{139}{}{The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important matters.} -{140}{}{I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in New Reno.} -{141}{}{Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations.} -{142}{}{I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno.} -{143}{}{The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. } -{144}{}{The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read.} -{145}{}{The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent.} -{146}{}{I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders.} -{147}{}{I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them.} -{148}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here.} -{149}{}{I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here.} +{136}{}{Fly? Jag... har aldrig försökt fly härifrån. Livet är bra här.} +{137}{}{Medborgarna sa till mig att om jag arbetar tillräckligt hårt kan *jag* en dag bli en Medborgare.} +{138}{}{Medborgarna lär oss att arbete är sin egen belöning.} +{139}{}{Medborgarna berättar att eftersom vi tjänar dem får de mer tid för viktigare saker.} +{140}{}{Jag hade tur att Valvstaden behövde tjänare. Jag kunde ha hamnat i New Reno.} +{141}{}{Valvstaden belönar tjänare som arbetar flitigt med extra ransoner.} +{142}{}{Jag har hört att de gör hemska saker mot slavarna i New Reno.} +{143}{}{Medborgarna tog med sig hela min stam in i staden för att tjäna som tjänare.} +{144}{}{Medborgarna tog mig in från ödemarken och lärde mig att läsa.} +{145}{}{Medborgarna behandlar mig mycket bra. Maten här är utmärkt.} +{146}{}{Jag får inte tala med Utomstående.} +{147}{}{Jag saknade min familj först, men det var många år sedan jag såg dem.} +{148}{}{Jag togs från en stamby norrifrån. Livet är mycket bättre här.} +{149}{}{Jag fångades först i Lyan. Lyckligtvis hamnade jag här.} {150}{}{I hear the First Citizen occasionally loses her temper with her servants.} {151}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.} {152}{}{I must finish my duties within the hour.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcstark.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcstark.msg index 5ea28f966d..6644f582de 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcstark.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcstark.msg @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ {122}{}{Is that so? Well, I know EVERY Citizen in Vault City, and I don't recognize you. Where's your papers?} {123}{}{You want them? Come get them.} {124}{}{I don't have them on me.} -{125}{}{Here you go.} +{125}{}{Varsågod.} {126}{}{Then stop wasting my time, "Citizen." Come on, let's move it.} {127}{}{Your business is over for the day. Come on, let's move it.} {128}{}{I'm not going anywhere. You try and move me, you'll regret it.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcsupgrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcsupgrd.msg index 4cdf44cdbd..b0e5d4991e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcsupgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vcsupgrd.msg @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ {136}{}{It's juhst nuh-not muh-many people come inta the Vault.} {137}{}{(That's okay. It's just not many people come into the Vault.)} {138}{}{(Sorry. It's just not many people come into the Vault.)} -{139}{}{What is it you do here?} +{139}{}{Vad gör ni här?} {140}{}{Can you tell me where the Vault Central Computer is?} {141}{}{Oh. Great talking to you. Goodbye.} {142}{}{Itz juhst over th-there... itz th' tuh-tuh-talking cuh-cuh-compuhter.} {143}{}{(It's just over there. It's the talking computer.)} -{144}{}{What is it you do here?} +{144}{}{Vad gör ni här?} {145}{}{Thanks. Goodbye.} {146}{}{Juhst keep an uh-uh-eye on things in stuh-storage down here. Muh-Muh-Make shure all the doors stay luh-luh-locked.} {147}{}{(Just keep an eye on things in storage down here. Make sure all the doors stay locked.)} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vimergrd.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vimergrd.msg index b92f4d9c19..ffac81160b 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/vimergrd.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/vimergrd.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a guard.} +{100}{}{Du ser en vakt.} {101}{}{You see a tough looking caravan guard.} {200}{}{Talk to the boss.} {201}{}{I'm just here to guard. Talk to the man in charge.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wievcdsk.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wievcdsk.msg index 6342b5ebe5..63e17c1f47 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wievcdsk.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wievcdsk.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a battered tape.} -{101}{}{Pip-Boy displays: File Found on System. Aborting download.} -{102}{}{Pip-Boy displays: Downloading data from Disk.} +{100}{}{Du ser ett skadat kasettband.} +{101}{}{Pipp-Pojke visar: Fil hittades på systemet. Avbryter nedladdningen.} +{102}{}{Pipp-Pojke visar: Laddar ner data från disken.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm1a.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm1a.msg index 6666ff0aa5..f6c21a888e 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm1a.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm1a.msg @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ {131}{}{Hack into Security Systems} {132}{}{You don't have a clue. Exit.} {133}{}{[Pressing causes the program to crash. You hope the rest of the security measures are this easy to defeat.]} -{134}{}{Exit.} +{134}{}{Avsluta.} {135}{}{Security Breach Level 1 Activating Security Protocol User access to this terminal is terminated diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm2a.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm2a.msg index c5a9ab3c80..4dc612f310 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm2a.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm2a.msg @@ -88,4 +88,4 @@ {310}{}{ } {311}{}{ - } + } diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3a.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3a.msg index 05cd4028ee..536cfb4ac0 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3a.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3a.msg @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ {115}{}{} {116}{}{} {117}{}{Ug} -{118}{}{Exit.} +{118}{}{Avsluta.} {119}{}{I am Skynet. Artificial Intelligence project number 59234. Primary purpose Research and Development. Secondary purpose Protect Sierra Army Depot from hostile entities. @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ {121}{}{I'm Corporal Dixon.} {122}{}{Jag är } {123}{}{I'm a friend.} -{124}{}{Exit.} +{124}{}{Avsluta.} {125}{}{Picture does not match that of Corporal Dixon's personnel file. Conclusion: Subject is lying. Conclusion: Enemy @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ {127}{}{} {128}{}{} {129}{}{} -{130}{}{Exit.} +{130}{}{Avsluta.} {131}{}{No record of that name in personnel files Scanning Human - Female @@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ {136}{}{} {137}{}{} {138}{}{} -{139}{}{Exit.} +{139}{}{Avsluta.} {140}{}{Definition: Friend Noun - One who is not hostile. Proceed to control room for further analysis. -End Transmission-} {141}{}{} {142}{}{} -{143}{}{Exit.} +{143}{}{Avsluta.} {200}{}{ is unable to read what's on the monitor.} {300}{}{The computer seems to have some sort of defense mechanism.} {301}{}{You are shocked for } diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3b.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3b.msg index 42fb83ce89..6677819847 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3b.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm3b.msg @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ {108}{}{Why should I help you?} {109}{}{OK, I'll help you. Call off the metal monsters.} {110}{}{Ug. Com - pew - turd!} -{111}{}{Exit.} +{111}{}{Avsluta.} {112}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {113}{}{[Somehow Skynet knew you retrieved a brain.] Proceed to Robotics Lab - Level 3 @@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ {115}{}{} {116}{}{} {117}{}{} -{118}{}{Exit.} +{118}{}{Avsluta.} {119}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {120}{}{Error! No program files present Please reboot} {121}{}{Error! Downloading file corrupted.} {122}{}{} -{123}{}{Exit.} -{124}{}{Exit.} +{123}{}{Avsluta.} +{124}{}{Avsluta.} {125}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {126}{}{I am Skynet An Experiment in Artificial Intelligence @@ -43,23 +43,23 @@ {131}{}{Why have you been trying to kill me?} {132}{}{Artificial intelligence?} {133}{}{Waiting for me?} -{134}{}{Exit.} -{135}{}{Exit.} +{134}{}{Avsluta.} +{135}{}{Avsluta.} {136}{}{Proceed} {137}{}{Vad vill du?} {138}{}{Why have you been trying to kill me?} {139}{}{Artificial intelligence?} {140}{}{Waiting for me?} -{141}{}{Exit.} +{141}{}{Avsluta.} {142}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {143}{}{-End Transmission-} -{144}{}{Exit.} +{144}{}{Avsluta.} {145}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {146}{}{You will be terminated -End Transmission-} {147}{}{} -{148}{}{Exit.} -{149}{}{Exit.} +{148}{}{Avsluta.} +{149}{}{Avsluta.} {150}{}{[The door to the room slams shut and at the same time the wall to the east disappears, revealing a line of heavily-armed robots.]} {151}{}{Um... I've reconsidered your offer. What can I do for you?} {152}{}{Bring it on!} @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ {158}{}{} {159}{}{} {160}{}{} -{161}{}{Exit.} +{161}{}{Avsluta.} {162}{}{Skynet wants to leave this place.} {163}{}{Then why don't you leave?} {164}{}{It's nice to want.} @@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ {181}{}{} {182}{}{} {183}{}{Can you disable the security systems?} -{184}{}{Exit.} +{184}{}{Avsluta.} {185}{}{The security system is an integrated and yet separate entity of Skynet. Skynet can reset, but not disable. Security System Level 1 - 4 have now been reset Proceed -End Transmission-} {186}{}{} {187}{}{} -{188}{}{Exit.} +{188}{}{Avsluta.} {189}{}{Analyzing Response... Conclusion: Sarcasm Chance of help: 25% @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ {192}{}{} {193}{}{} {194}{}{Wait! It was a joke.} -{195}{}{Exit.} +{195}{}{Avsluta.} {196}{}{Joke: Something not to be taken seriously Request Help Skynet leave @@ -135,16 +135,16 @@ {203}{}{I couldn't possibly carry you out of here.} {204}{}{Skynet's primary purpose is research. A secondary program was introduced by the Makers to eliminate unauthorized entities. This program is a smaller version that is and yet is not Skynet. Outside of this room this secondary Skynet will remain true to its program.} {205}{}{Ask more questions.} -{206}{}{Exit.} +{206}{}{Avsluta.} {207}{}{Skynet was conceived and developed in the year 2050. Through the use of alien technology a new thinking computer was perfected. In the year 2075, Skynet became self-aware. In 2077 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.} {208}{}{Ask more questions.} -{209}{}{Exit.} +{209}{}{Avsluta.} {210}{}{You are the first to reach this point You are the first for Skynet to ask You are the First} {211}{}{} {212}{}{Ask what?} -{213}{}{Exit.} +{213}{}{Avsluta.} {214}{}{Maybe you are not the one Proceed to Bio Storage - Level 4 Retrieve Cybernetic Brain @@ -156,11 +156,11 @@ {217}{}{} {218}{}{} {219}{}{} -{220}{}{Exit.} +{220}{}{Avsluta.} {221}{}{Then Skynet will wait for another -End Transmission-} {222}{}{} -{223}{}{Exit.} +{223}{}{Avsluta.} {224}{}{Correct Science logs indicate a cybernetic brain in bio storage level 4. Skynet will be able to upload into this storage unit.} {225}{}{} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4b.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4b.msg index a94ef27f90..305bb326f6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4b.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4b.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {103}{}{Welcome to Vault-Tec's state-of-the-art organ extraction apparatus. To operate, please place donor in operating room, turn dial to appropriate species, and select organ to be extracted.} {104}{}{Select Species} {105}{}{Select Organ} -{106}{}{Exit.} +{106}{}{Avsluta.} {107}{}{Argh!} {108}{}{The dial has the following animals listed: Canine @@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ {117}{}{Select Rodent} {118}{}{Select Human} {119}{}{[Scratch a new name onto console.]} -{120}{}{Exit.} +{120}{}{Avsluta.} {121}{}{[You pick up a scrap piece of metal and ponder on what to scratch onto the console.]} {122}{}{Carve the word 'Mutant' onto console.} {123}{}{Carve the word 'Deathclaw' onto console.} -{124}{}{Exit.} +{124}{}{Avsluta.} {125}{}{Current Selection: } {126}{}{Species: } {127}{}{Organ: } {128}{}{Select Species} {129}{}{Select Organ} {130}{}{Proceed with extraction.} -{131}{}{Exit.} +{131}{}{Avsluta.} {132}{}{The dial has the following organs listed: Heart Brain @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ {144}{}{Select Lung} {145}{}{Select Appendix} {146}{}{Select Colon} -{147}{}{Exit.} +{147}{}{Avsluta.} {148}{}{Donor subject is not present in extraction room.} {149}{}{Extraction failed.} {150}{}{Extraction completed.} {151}{}{Extraction completed. Thank you for using Vault-Tec. Please see our catalog for our complete line of Vault-Tec products.} {152}{}{} -{153}{}{Exit.} +{153}{}{Avsluta.} {154}{}{Extraction failed-- local sensor overload.} {155}{}{Extraction failed-- unable to initialize procedure for subject physiology.} {170}{}{Human } diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4c.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4c.msg index e8b082f7d6..4d1e818a02 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4c.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/wsterm4c.msg @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ {164}{}{Return to Main Retrieval Menu} {165}{}{Try later.} {166}{}{[Due to your ineptitude, all the brains die. Maybe raising the temperature to 98.6 Celsius was a little too much. Science never was your strong point.]} -{167}{}{Exit.} +{167}{}{Avsluta.} {168}{}{[Trial and error seems to be the key to your approach to this problem. You manage to save one out of four brains. Science is for nerds anyway.]} {169}{}{Retrieve Brain} {170}{}{[Using the law of averages you manage to save fifty percent of the brains. A scientist you are not.]} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/dialog/zccrpdel.msg b/data/text/swedish/dialog/zccrpdel.msg index 0d08dde9a3..40997ea2c0 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/dialog/zccrpdel.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/dialog/zccrpdel.msg @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ {114}{}{Proposition bets...} {115}{}{Place bets...} {116}{}{Place Field bet} -{118}{}{Roll} +{118}{}{Slå} {119}{}{Pass line bet set at:} {120}{}{Don't pass line bet set at:} {121}{}{Come line bet set at:} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/cmbatai2.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/cmbatai2.msg index 05d6c841f7..9223021279 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/cmbatai2.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/cmbatai2.msg @@ -22,91 +22,91 @@ {1072}{}{Aaaarrrrggghhh!} {1080}{}{Ow!! My eyes!} {1081}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} -{1082}{}{My eyes!} -{1090}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} -{1091}{}{Oww... It burns!} +{1082}{}{Mina ögon!} +{1090}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} +{1091}{}{Ajj... Det bränns!} {1092}{}{Urp!} {1093}{}{Ooorp! aoooww...} -{1094}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{1095}{}{The pain, the pain...} +{1094}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{1095}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} {1100}{}{Förbannat!} -{1101}{}{My aching skull!} +{1101}{}{Min värkande skalle!} {1102}{}{My face! My face!} -{1110}{}{Aggghhh! My arm!} -{1111}{}{My arm!} -{1112}{}{Oh man, that hurts!} -{1120}{}{Aggghhh! My arm!} -{1121}{}{My arm!} +{1110}{}{Aggghhh! Min arm!} +{1111}{}{Min arm!} +{1112}{}{Åh jösses, det gör ont!} +{1120}{}{Aggghhh! Min arm!} +{1121}{}{Min arm!} {1122}{}{} {1130}{}{} {1131}{}{Oof!} {1132}{}{Ouch!} -{1133}{}{Oof! My ribs hurt} -{1134}{}{Ugh! That hurt!} -{1135}{}{Damn! I spit on you!} +{1133}{}{Oof! Mina revben gör ont} +{1134}{}{Ugh! Det där gjorde ont!} +{1135}{}{Fan också! Jag spottar på dig!} {1136}{}{Argh!} {1138}{}{Oh, my ribs!} {1139}{}{Ow!!!} {1140}{}{Oof!} {1160}{}{Aggghhh! My leg!} -{1161}{}{My leg!} -{1162}{}{There goes my knee} +{1161}{}{Mitt ben!} +{1162}{}{Där försvann mitt knä} {1170}{}{Aggghhh! My leg!} -{1171}{}{My leg!} -{1172}{}{There goes my knee} -{1180}{}{Aggghhh! I'm blind!} -{1181}{}{My eyes! My eyes!} -{1182}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} -{1190}{}{Oooooo, my groin!} -{1191}{}{Oooooooooo!} -{1192}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{1193}{}{Erg! Right in the jewels!} -{1194}{}{The pain, the pain...} -{1195}{}{Damn, that hurts!} -{1200}{}{Ow! You son of a...} -{1201}{}{You broke my nose!} -{1202}{}{I'll take your head off!} -{1210}{}{Ow, my arm.} -{1211}{}{You just made the biggest mistake of your life.} -{1212}{}{My arm!} -{1220}{}{Ow, my arm.} -{1221}{}{You just made the biggest mistake of your life.} -{1222}{}{My arm!} +{1171}{}{Mitt ben!} +{1172}{}{Där försvann mitt knä} +{1180}{}{Aggghhh! Jag är blind!} +{1181}{}{Mina ögon! Mina ögon!} +{1182}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} +{1190}{}{Åååååå, mitt skrev!} +{1191}{}{Åååååååååå!} +{1192}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{1193}{}{Erg! Mitt i juvelerna!} +{1194}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} +{1195}{}{Fan, vad ont det gör!} +{1200}{}{Aj! Din jävla...} +{1201}{}{Du bröt min näsa!} +{1202}{}{Jag ska hugga huvudet av dig!} +{1210}{}{Aj, min arm.} +{1211}{}{Du gjorde just ditt livs största misstag.} +{1212}{}{Min arm!} +{1220}{}{Aj, min arm.} +{1221}{}{Du gjorde just ditt livs största misstag.} +{1222}{}{Min arm!} {1230}{}{Urp!} {1231}{}{Oof!} {1232}{}{Ouch!} {1233}{}{} -{1234}{}{Ugh! That hurt!} +{1234}{}{Ugh! Det där gjorde ont!} {1235}{}{Ouch!} {1236}{}{Argh!} -{1237}{}{Oh, I think you broke a rib!} -{1238}{}{Ow!!! My spleen!} +{1237}{}{Åh, jag tror att du bröt ett revben!} +{1238}{}{Aj!!! Min mjälte!} {1239}{}{Oof!} -{1260}{}{Ow, my leg.} -{1261}{}{I don't need to stand to kill you!} +{1260}{}{Aj, mitt ben.} +{1261}{}{Jag behöver inte stå för att döda dig!} {1262}{}{My knee!} -{1270}{}{Ow, my leg.} -{1271}{}{I don't need to stand to kill you!} +{1270}{}{Aj, mitt ben.} +{1271}{}{Jag behöver inte stå för att döda dig!} {1272}{}{My knee!} -{1280}{}{I can't see!} -{1281}{}{This fight is getting worse by the second.} +{1280}{}{Jag kan inte se!} +{1281}{}{Den här striden blir värre för varje sekund.} {1282}{}{That was a real cheap shot!} -{1290}{}{Oooooo, my groin!} -{1291}{}{I'll feel that in the morning.} +{1290}{}{Åååååå, mitt skrev!} +{1291}{}{Jag kommer att känna det i morgon bitti.} {1292}{}{} {1293}{}{Urp!} {1294}{}{} {1295}{}{} -{1300}{}{That'll be a cool scar!} -{1301}{}{I'm starting to get annoyed.} -{1302}{}{Do that again, pig.} +{1300}{}{Det där blir ett häftigt ärr!} +{1301}{}{Jag börjar bli irriterad.} +{1302}{}{Gör det igen, din gris.} {1310}{}{You winged me!} {1311}{}{} -{1312}{}{You broke my arm, but I'll break your neck!} +{1312}{}{Du bröt min arm, men jag ska bryta nacken av dig!} {1320}{}{} -{1321}{}{It's just a scratch...} -{1322}{}{You broke my arm, so I'm gonna break your neck!} -{1330}{}{A little blood ain't hurt no-one.} +{1321}{}{Det är bara en skråma...} +{1322}{}{Du bröt min arm, så jag ska bryta nacken av dig!} +{1330}{}{Lite blo' ha' aldri' skada' nån.} {1331}{}{Oof! I'm gonna scrag you for that...} {1332}{}{Aj!} {1333}{}{I like the pain!} @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ {1362}{}{You broke my leg, but I'll break your neck!} {1370}{}{I love the sound of bones crunching.} {1371}{}{} -{1372}{}{You broke my arm, but I'll break your neck!} +{1372}{}{Du bröt min arm, men jag ska bryta nacken av dig!} {1380}{}{Hey, I'm blind.} {1381}{}{I can't see. That'll make this fair.} {1382}{}{My eyes, bitch!} @@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ {1667}{}{You whacked my wingtips!} {1668}{}{And I just shaved them too.} {1669}{}{I'll bite your kneecaps off!} -{1670}{}{My leg!} +{1670}{}{Mitt ben!} {1671}{}{You gored my Gucci's!} {1672}{}{Ouch! Hey! That's below the belt!} {1673}{}{You can raise welts like nobody else.} @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ {1678}{}{That's going to blister.} {1679}{}{Kai, yai, yippee, ai, ay!} {1680}{}{Damn blood in my eyes!} -{1681}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} +{1681}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} {1682}{}{Din jävel!} {1683}{}{Who turned out the lights?} {1684}{}{Hah, that was my glass eye!} @@ -930,42 +930,42 @@ {12203}{}{You're just lucky I ain't got no stimpaks on me...} {12204}{}{Time to get the hell outta Dodge.} {12205}{}{Need to find some stimpaks, fast...} -{12220}{}{I'm gonna roll you like dice.} -{12221}{}{And here I was, thinking I wasn't gonna get to kill no one today...} -{12222}{}{Looks like Golgotha just got a new resident...} -{12223}{}{Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way...} -{12224}{}{I'm gonna knock out your teeth and make dice out of them.} -{12225}{}{Looks like someone's gambling with their life...} -{12226}{}{I'm gonna kill you, your family, then your dog.} -{12227}{}{Time to take out the trash...} +{12220}{}{Jag ska kasta dig som en tärning.} +{12221}{}{Och jag som trodde att jag inte skulle få döda nån idag...} +{12222}{}{Ser ut som Golgata precis fått en ny invånare...} +{12223}{}{Det ser ut som om vi får göra det här på det svåra sättet...} +{12224}{}{Jag ska slå ut dina tänder och göra tärningar av dem.} +{12225}{}{Det ser ut som om någon satsar sitt liv...} +{12226}{}{Jag ska döda dig, din familj och sen din hund.} +{12227}{}{Dags att gå ut med soporna...} {12228}{}{Gonna snap you like a wishbone...} -{12240}{}{I'm going to kick your ass so hard you'll be wearing your ass as a hat.} +{12240}{}{Jag ska sparka dig i röven så hårt att du kommer att bära din röv som en hatt.} {12241}{}{Lady Luck ain't with you today...} -{12242}{}{I'm gonna beat you until you're ugly.} -{12243}{}{Time to put your ass in a grave.} -{12244}{}{I'm gonna kick your heart out and stomp on it.} -{12245}{}{Wish I had time to put your head in a vise...} -{12246}{}{Let me show you what we do with garbage around here...} -{12247}{}{I'm going to hit you so hard you'll think it's an earthquake...} -{12248}{}{I've had enough of this turd...} -{12249}{}{Say hello to the angels for me...} -{12260}{}{Moves like that'll put you in the hospital...} +{12242}{}{Jag ska slå dig ful och blå.} +{12243}{}{Dags att lägga dig i en grav.} +{12244}{}{Jag ska sparka ut ditt hjärta och stampa på det.} +{12245}{}{Jag önskar att jag hade tid att sätta ditt huvud i ett skruvstäd...} +{12246}{}{Låt mig visa dig vad vi gör med sopor här...} +{12247}{}{Jag kommer att slå dig så hårt att du tror att det är en jordbävning...} +{12248}{}{Jag har fått nog av den här skiten...} +{12249}{}{Säg hej till änglarna åt mig...} +{12260}{}{Rör du dig så där kommer du att hamna i sjukhuset...} {12261}{}{You hit like a bitch...} -{12262}{}{Nice one. I'll show you how it's done in a sec.} -{12263}{}{You blind and stupid?} +{12262}{}{Den var bra. Jag ska visa dig hur det går till om en stund.} +{12263}{}{Är du blind och korkad?} {12264}{}{You flying on Jet or something?} -{12265}{}{You couldn't hit the broad side of a casino.} -{12266}{}{If you tried to hit the air, you'd miss.} +{12265}{}{Du kan inte ens träffa bredsidan på ett kasino.} +{12266}{}{Om du försökte träffa luften skulle du missa.} {12300}{}{Ngggg} {12301}{}{My... head... getting... dizzy} {12302}{}{Ugnnn!} {12303}{}{Not the face! Not the face!} -{12310}{}{My... arm... my... beautiful... arm.} +{12310}{}{Min...arm...min...vackra...arm.} {12311}{}{Medic! My arm's fucked!} {12312}{}{*hffff*} {12320}{}{My stroke hand! Have you no shame?!} {12321}{}{Medic! My arm's fucked!} -{12322}{}{Looks like I can't polish my gun with that hand anymore...} +{12322}{}{Det verkar som om jag inte kan polera min pistol med den handen längre...} {12330}{}{My spleen!} {12331}{}{Hnrgggg} {12332}{}{*hff*} @@ -980,16 +980,16 @@ {12371}{}{*Ergg*} {12372}{}{Gonna need a stimpak for my leg...} {12373}{}{Urggg... leg's... screwed...} -{12380}{}{My eye! My beautiful eye!} +{12380}{}{Mitt öga! Mitt vackra öga!} {12381}{}{Trying to cripple my depth perception, huh?} {12382}{}{Can't... see... blood... in... eyes...} {12390}{}{What do you think this is? Some cheap action flick?} {12391}{}{Now I can't sound off like a got a pair.} {12392}{}{Well, there go my brass balls.} {12393}{}{Excuse me for a moment while I throw up all over myself.} -{12394}{}{Great. A player character with a ball fixation.} +{12394}{}{Underbart. En spelarkaraktär med en fixering på kulor.} {12395}{}{Let me lie down for a second, then I'll come kill you.} -{12396}{}{Nuts!} +{12396}{}{Sablar!} {26000}{}{Flee! Flee!} {26001}{}{Retreat!} {26002}{}{Regroup!} @@ -997,43 +997,43 @@ {26004}{}{Withdraw!} {26005}{}{I'm outta here!} {26020}{}{Kill this fool!} -{26021}{}{You're already dead...} -{26022}{}{I'm gonna fuck you up!} +{26021}{}{Du är redan död...} +{26022}{}{Jag ska spöa upp dig!} {26023}{}{This one's mine!} -{26024}{}{Take em!} -{26025}{}{Your ears will make a nice trophy!} +{26024}{}{Ta dom!} +{26025}{}{Dina öron kommer att bli en fin trofé!} {26040}{}{Enjoy the last few seconds of your life!} {26041}{}{Blood! Blood! Blood!} {26042}{}{Your heart is mine!} -{26043}{}{I love doing this to you!} +{26043}{}{Jag älskar att göra det här mot dig!} {26044}{}{Your weapons will be my trophies!} -{26045}{}{Death and dismemberment. Just two of my favorite things!} +{26045}{}{Död och lemlästning. Bara två av mina favoritsaker!} {26046}{}{You are mine to kill!} {26047}{}{Your bones shall bleach in the wastes!} {26048}{}{Blood and darkness!} -{26049}{}{I'm gonna loot your corpse!} +{26049}{}{Jag ska plundra ditt lik!} {26050}{}{Drill the scraggin' bastard!} {26100}{}{Khans! Cover me!} {26101}{}{Retreat!} {26102}{}{Regroup!} {26103}{}{Fall back!} {26104}{}{Withdraw!} -{26105}{}{Break off and regroup!} -{26106}{}{Let the challenge begin!} -{26107}{}{I'm going to use you for target practice!} -{26108}{}{No mercy for you!} +{26105}{}{Bryt av och omgruppera!} +{26106}{}{Låt utmaningen börja!} +{26107}{}{Jag ska använda dig som måltavla!} +{26108}{}{Ingen nåd för dig!} {26109}{}{This one's mine!} {26110}{}{Khans attack!} -{26111}{}{It's party time!} -{26112}{}{Would someone please kill this waste of flesh!} +{26111}{}{Nu är det dags för fest!} +{26112}{}{Skulle någon vara snäll och döda det här slöseriet med kött!} {26113}{}{Khans kill!} {26114}{}{Khans are the elite of the wastes!} -{26115}{}{I am supreme!} +{26115}{}{Jag är överlägsen!} {26116}{}{Khans will rule!} {26117}{}{Khans are invincible!} -{26118}{}{No retreat! No surrender!} +{26118}{}{Ingen reträtt! Ingen kapitulation!} {26119}{}{You are mine to kill!} -{26120}{}{I'll make a necklace out of your teeth!} +{26120}{}{Jag ska göra ett halsband av dina tänder!} {26121}{}{Blood and darkness!} {26122}{}{Khans are the strong!} {26123}{}{Nice form but I'm over here!} @@ -1068,12 +1068,12 @@ {32080}{}{I can't see! You bastard!} {32081}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} {32082}{}{Where are you? Help!} -{32090}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} +{32090}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} {32091}{}{I... I... ouch...} {32092}{}{::whimper::} {32093}{}{::vomit::} -{32094}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{32095}{}{The pain, the pain...} +{32094}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{32095}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} {32100}{}{Your kung fu is better than mine!} {32101}{}{You are truly mighty. Goodbye.} {32102}{}{Aieee! Evil triumphs!} @@ -1271,12 +1271,12 @@ {32772}{}{Aaaarrrrggghhh!} {32780}{}{Ow!! My eyes!} {32781}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} -{32782}{}{My eyes!} -{32790}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} -{32791}{}{Oww... It burns!} +{32782}{}{Mina ögon!} +{32790}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} +{32791}{}{Ajj... Det bränns!} {32792}{}{Urp!} {32793}{}{::gasp::} -{32794}{}{I... can't... breathe...} +{32794}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} {32795}{}{good thing... I'm already... sterile...} {32800}{}{Star Father! Help us!} {32801}{}{My anodynes!} @@ -1415,11 +1415,11 @@ {36060}{}{Ow, my leg} {36061}{}{You're gonna pay for that!} {36062}{}{Ah! MY LEG!} -{36070}{}{My leg!} +{36070}{}{Mitt ben!} {36071}{}{Unh! Aiming a little low aren't you?} {36072}{}{You weren't trying to hit my leg were you!?!} {36080}{}{Damn blood in my eyes!} -{36081}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} +{36081}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} {36082}{}{Din jävel!} {36090}{}{Oooooo, time out, I have to pick something up} {36091}{}{Ooo! Kaga gotta learn that move...} @@ -1698,7 +1698,7 @@ {44925}{}{Prepare to meet your doom!} {44926}{}{Best kiss your ass goodbye while you still can.} {44927}{}{I'm going to paint you red!} -{44928}{}{It's party time!} +{44928}{}{Nu är det dags för fest!} {44929}{}{I'm heading in!} {44930}{}{I'll see you on the front line!} {44931}{}{Time to reach out and touch someone!} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/combatai.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/combatai.msg index c8dc872901..3c02025df2 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/combatai.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/combatai.msg @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ {1079}{}{It's a bad one, oh God, why me.} {1080}{}{Ow!! My eyes!} {1081}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} -{1082}{}{My eyes!} +{1082}{}{Mina ögon!} {1083}{}{Oh God, I'm blind!} {1084}{}{You tore my eye out! Oh God, nooooo.} {1085}{}{Not my eyes, anything but that.} @@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ {1087}{}{Not my eyes, please not that.} {1088}{}{I'm blind, just kill me. (sob, sob)} {1089}{}{Where's my eye, if I could just push it back in....} -{1090}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} -{1091}{}{Oww... It burns!} +{1090}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} +{1091}{}{Ajj... Det bränns!} {1092}{}{Urp!} {1093}{}{Ooorp! aoooww...} -{1094}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{1095}{}{The pain, the pain...} +{1094}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{1095}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} {1096}{}{And I wanted a family too.} {1097}{}{Now I'll never have more kids.} {1098}{}{Why there? Why?} @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ {1101}{}{That wasn't fair.} {1102}{}{Cow... ard, unh....} {1103}{}{Förbannat!} -{1104}{}{My aching skull!} +{1104}{}{Min värkande skalle!} {1105}{}{My face! My face!} {1106}{}{I see stars!} {1107}{}{Who turned out the lights?} @@ -111,9 +111,9 @@ {1110}{}{Hah, at least you didn't hit anything important.} {1111}{}{Oooh, my head.} {1112}{}{I feel kinda dizzy.} -{1113}{}{Aggghhh! My arm!} -{1114}{}{My arm!} -{1115}{}{Oh man, that hurts!} +{1113}{}{Aggghhh! Min arm!} +{1114}{}{Min arm!} +{1115}{}{Åh jösses, det gör ont!} {1116}{}{My arm hurts, it's a bad one.} {1117}{}{My arm's all tore up.} {1118}{}{My arm's broken, here... and here....} @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ {1120}{}{I can't feel anything, my arm's all numb.} {1121}{}{Someone bend my arm back, pleeeeeaassee?!?} {1122}{}{My thumb's been ripped right off my hand!} -{1123}{}{Aggghhh! My arm!} -{1124}{}{My arm!} +{1123}{}{Aggghhh! Min arm!} +{1124}{}{Min arm!} {1125}{}{My hand's almost torn off!} {1126}{}{Arrrrgh! Help me find my fingers!} {1127}{}{I'll never write that novel now.} @@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ {1133}{}{My legs, I can't feel my legs.} {1134}{}{Oof!} {1135}{}{Ouch!} -{1136}{}{Oof! My ribs hurt} -{1137}{}{Ugh! That hurt!} -{1138}{}{Damn! I spit on you!} +{1136}{}{Oof! Mina revben gör ont} +{1137}{}{Ugh! Det där gjorde ont!} +{1138}{}{Fan också! Jag spottar på dig!} {1139}{}{Argh!} {1140}{}{Oh, my ribs!} {1141}{}{Ow!!!} @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ {1158}{}{I think I just want to lay down for a while.} {1159}{}{It's getting so dark now.} {1160}{}{Aggghhh! My leg!} -{1161}{}{My leg!} +{1161}{}{Mitt ben!} {1162}{}{There goes my knee!} {1163}{}{My dance career's over.} {1164}{}{My kneecap's just gone man, gone.} @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ {1168}{}{It hurts, somebody make it stop!} {1169}{}{The pain! Oh, the pain!} {1170}{}{Aggghhh! My leg!} -{1171}{}{My leg!} +{1171}{}{Mitt ben!} {1172}{}{There goes my knee!} {1173}{}{I can't feel my leg at all.} {1174}{}{I guess I better find myself a parrot and an eyepatch.} @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ {1177}{}{Who'll hire me now?} {1178}{}{I'm no good to anyone as a cripple. (sob, sob)} {1179}{}{My leg, I can't feel it.} -{1180}{}{Aggghhh! I'm blind!} -{1181}{}{My eyes! My eyes!} -{1182}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} +{1180}{}{Aggghhh! Jag är blind!} +{1181}{}{Mina ögon! Mina ögon!} +{1182}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} {1183}{}{You tore my eye out.} {1184}{}{Who turned out the lights?} {1185}{}{My eye! Aiiieeeee!} @@ -188,19 +188,19 @@ {1187}{}{My eye, I can't see anything!} {1188}{}{It's so dark, and lonely all of a sudden.} {1189}{}{I'd give anything to see again.} -{1190}{}{Oooooo, my groin!} -{1191}{}{Oooooooooo!} -{1192}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{1193}{}{Erg! Right in the jewels!} -{1194}{}{The pain, the pain...} -{1195}{}{Damn, that hurts!} +{1190}{}{Åååååå, mitt skrev!} +{1191}{}{Åååååååååå!} +{1192}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{1193}{}{Erg! Mitt i juvelerna!} +{1194}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} +{1195}{}{Fan, vad ont det gör!} {1196}{}{No more kids for me.} {1197}{}{*unh* low blow.} {1198}{}{Eeeeeep!} {1199}{}{Oh yeah, that hurts.} -{1200}{}{Ow! You son of a...} -{1201}{}{You broke my nose!} -{1202}{}{I'll take your head off!} +{1200}{}{Aj! Din jävla...} +{1201}{}{Du bröt min näsa!} +{1202}{}{Jag ska hugga huvudet av dig!} {1203}{}{You hit my fuckin' skull!} {1204}{}{Gotta try harder than that, but not much harder.} {1205}{}{Ouch, that's going to cost you.} @@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ {1207}{}{That hurt.} {1208}{}{You fucked up my pretty face.} {1209}{}{That's going to leave a scar.} -{1210}{}{Ow, my arm.} -{1211}{}{You just made the biggest mistake of your life.} -{1212}{}{My arm!} +{1210}{}{Aj, min arm.} +{1211}{}{Du gjorde just ditt livs största misstag.} +{1212}{}{Min arm!} {1213}{}{Hah, I'm right handed.} {1214}{}{Only need one arm to kill you.} {1215}{}{I don't need those fingers anyway.} @@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ {1217}{}{Damn, that's gonna take away from my swing.} {1218}{}{I can still take you out of the picture.} {1219}{}{Damn, snapped my arm right in two.} -{1220}{}{Ow, my arm.} -{1221}{}{You just made the biggest mistake of your life.} -{1222}{}{My arm!} +{1220}{}{Aj, min arm.} +{1221}{}{Du gjorde just ditt livs största misstag.} +{1222}{}{Min arm!} {1223}{}{I can take you left handed.} {1224}{}{Hah, I'm a southpaw anyhow.} {1225}{}{Trying to disarm me huh?} @@ -232,11 +232,11 @@ {1231}{}{Oof!} {1232}{}{Ouch!} {1233}{}{Yup, that cracked some ribs alright.} -{1234}{}{Ugh! That hurt!} +{1234}{}{Ugh! Det där gjorde ont!} {1235}{}{Ouch!} {1236}{}{Argh!} -{1237}{}{Oh, I think you broke a rib!} -{1238}{}{Ow!!! My spleen!} +{1237}{}{Åh, jag tror att du bröt ett revben!} +{1238}{}{Aj!!! Min mjälte!} {1239}{}{Yeah, that just got me started.} {1240}{}{Now you've got me pissed off.} {1241}{}{I didn't like that at all.} @@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ {1257}{}{Soon as I catch my breath (cough, cough) I'm coming for you.} {1258}{}{You tore something up inside me.} {1259}{}{You don't know what you just started.} -{1260}{}{Ow, my leg.} -{1261}{}{I don't need to stand to kill you!} +{1260}{}{Aj, mitt ben.} +{1261}{}{Jag behöver inte stå för att döda dig!} {1262}{}{My knee!} {1263}{}{My achilles tendon!} {1264}{}{Aaiiiieeee!!} @@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ {1267}{}{Break my leg? I'll tear you apart!} {1268}{}{Where's a tourniquet when you need one.} {1269}{}{Fuck, my leg hurts.} -{1270}{}{Ow, my leg.} -{1271}{}{I don't need to stand to kill you!} +{1270}{}{Aj, mitt ben.} +{1271}{}{Jag behöver inte stå för att döda dig!} {1272}{}{My knee!} {1273}{}{That's going to give me a nice limp for a while.} {1274}{}{Come here, don't make me hobble after you.} @@ -278,8 +278,8 @@ {1277}{}{That'll bench me for sure.} {1278}{}{I've got another leg.} {1279}{}{Hah-hah, that was my prosthetic leg anyhow.} -{1280}{}{I can't see!} -{1281}{}{This fight is getting worse by the second.} +{1280}{}{Jag kan inte se!} +{1281}{}{Den här striden blir värre för varje sekund.} {1282}{}{That was a real cheap shot!} {1283}{}{I'm fuckin' blind here!} {1284}{}{You prick, you blinded me!} @@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ {1287}{}{Crap, my eye's dangling by the optic nerve here.} {1288}{}{I can still hear where you are.} {1289}{}{Don't you ever touch my fucking eyes again!} -{1290}{}{Oooooo, my groin!} -{1291}{}{I'll feel that in the morning.} +{1290}{}{Åååååå, mitt skrev!} +{1291}{}{Jag kommer att känna det i morgon bitti.} {1292}{}{Fucking coward!} {1293}{}{Urp!} {1294}{}{That won't help you any.} @@ -298,37 +298,37 @@ {1297}{}{I'm gonna tear yours off and make you eat them.} {1298}{}{I think I need to sit down for a while.} {1299}{}{Got to try harder than that, my cup caught most of it.} -{1300}{}{That'll be a cool scar!} -{1301}{}{I'm starting to get annoyed.} -{1302}{}{Do that again, pig.} -{1303}{}{That just makes me mad.} -{1304}{}{That ringing sound I hear is your death-knell.} -{1305}{}{One more scar won't make me any uglier.} -{1306}{}{I didn't even feel that one.} -{1307}{}{At least you only hit my head.} -{1308}{}{Youch, that hurt, a little.} -{1309}{}{I still have *some* teeth left.} +{1300}{}{Det där blir ett häftigt ärr!} +{1301}{}{Jag börjar bli irriterad.} +{1302}{}{Gör det igen, din gris.} +{1303}{}{Det gör mig bara arg.} +{1304}{}{Det där ringande ljudet jag hör är din dödsklocka.} +{1305}{}{Ett ärr till kommer inte att göra mig fulare.} +{1306}{}{Jag kände inte ens det där.} +{1307}{}{Du träffade i alla fall bara i mitt huvud.} +{1308}{}{Jösses, det gjorde lite ont.} +{1309}{}{Jag har fortfarande *några* tänder kvar.} {1310}{}{You winged me!} -{1311}{}{I can take you one-handed.} -{1312}{}{You broke my arm, but I'll break your neck!} -{1313}{}{You can't stop me that easy.} -{1314}{}{That was just my left arm.} -{1315}{}{I can still take care of little problems like you.} -{1316}{}{Damn, you got my left arm.} -{1317}{}{Took out my elbow!} -{1318}{}{Crap, there go a couple more fingers.} -{1319}{}{You take my finger, I'll take your Goddamn hand.} -{1320}{}{I can take you left-handed.} -{1321}{}{It's just a scratch...} -{1322}{}{You broke my arm, so I'm gonna break your neck.} -{1323}{}{I only need one arm to take you out.} -{1324}{}{Took off another finger. That hurt.} -{1325}{}{I don't need that arm anyway.} +{1311}{}{Jag kan ta mig an dig med bara en hand.} +{1312}{}{Du bröt min arm, men jag ska bryta nacken av dig!} +{1313}{}{Du kan inte stoppa mig så lätt.} +{1314}{}{Det var bara min vänstra arm.} +{1315}{}{Jag kan fortfarande ta hand om små problem som du.} +{1316}{}{Fan, du träffade min vänsterarm.} +{1317}{}{Du slog ut min armbåge!} +{1318}{}{Fan, där försvann ett par fingrar till.} +{1319}{}{Om du tar mitt finger, så tar jag din jävla hand.} +{1320}{}{Jag kan ta mig an dig vänsterhänt.} +{1321}{}{Det är bara en skråma...} +{1322}{}{Du bröt min arm, så jag ska bryta din nacke.} +{1323}{}{Jag behöver bara en arm för att slå ner dig.} +{1324}{}{Du tog bort ett finger till. Det gjorde ont.} +{1325}{}{Jag behöver inte den armen ändå.} {1326}{}{That's more than a scratch.} {1327}{}{Goddamn that hurt.} {1328}{}{That'll need stitches.} {1329}{}{I'll tear out your liver for that.} -{1330}{}{A little blood ain't hurt no-one.} +{1330}{}{Lite blo' ha' aldri' skada' nån.} {1331}{}{Oof! I'm gonna scrag you for that...} {1332}{}{Aj!} {1333}{}{I like the pain!} @@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ {1667}{}{You whacked my wingtips!} {1668}{}{And I just shaved them too.} {1669}{}{I'll bite your kneecaps off!} -{1670}{}{My leg!} +{1670}{}{Mitt ben!} {1671}{}{You gored my Gucci's!} {1672}{}{Ouch! Hey! That's below the belt!} {1673}{}{You can raise welts like nobody else.} @@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ {1678}{}{That's going to blister.} {1679}{}{Kai, yai, yippee, ai, ay!} {1680}{}{Damn blood in my eyes!} -{1681}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} +{1681}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} {1682}{}{Din jävel!} {1683}{}{Who turned out the lights?} {1684}{}{Hah, that was my glass eye!} @@ -1465,42 +1465,42 @@ {12203}{}{You're just lucky I ain't got no stimpaks on me...} {12204}{}{Time to get the hell outta Dodge.} {12205}{}{Need to find some stimpaks, fast...} -{12220}{}{I'm gonna roll you like dice.} -{12221}{}{And here I was, thinking I wasn't gonna get to kill no one today...} -{12222}{}{Looks like Golgotha just got a new resident...} -{12223}{}{Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way...} -{12224}{}{I'm gonna knock out your teeth and make dice out of them.} -{12225}{}{Looks like someone's gambling with their life...} -{12226}{}{I'm gonna kill you, your family, then your dog.} -{12227}{}{Time to take out the trash...} +{12220}{}{Jag ska kasta dig som en tärning.} +{12221}{}{Och jag som trodde att jag inte skulle få döda nån idag...} +{12222}{}{Ser ut som Golgata precis fått en ny invånare...} +{12223}{}{Det ser ut som om vi får göra det här på det svåra sättet...} +{12224}{}{Jag ska slå ut dina tänder och göra tärningar av dem.} +{12225}{}{Det ser ut som om någon satsar sitt liv...} +{12226}{}{Jag ska döda dig, din familj och sen din hund.} +{12227}{}{Dags att gå ut med soporna...} {12228}{}{Gonna snap you like a wishbone...} -{12240}{}{I'm going to kick your ass so hard you'll be wearing your ass as a hat.} +{12240}{}{Jag ska sparka dig i röven så hårt att du kommer att bära din röv som en hatt.} {12241}{}{Lady Luck ain't with you today...} -{12242}{}{I'm gonna beat you until you're ugly.} -{12243}{}{Time to put your ass in a grave.} -{12244}{}{I'm gonna kick your heart out and stomp on it.} -{12245}{}{Wish I had time to put your head in a vise...} -{12246}{}{Let me show you what we do with garbage around here...} -{12247}{}{I'm going to hit you so hard you'll think it's an earthquake...} -{12248}{}{I've had enough of this turd...} -{12249}{}{Say hello to the angels for me...} -{12260}{}{Moves like that'll put you in the hospital...} +{12242}{}{Jag ska slå dig ful och blå.} +{12243}{}{Dags att lägga dig i en grav.} +{12244}{}{Jag ska sparka ut ditt hjärta och stampa på det.} +{12245}{}{Jag önskar att jag hade tid att sätta ditt huvud i ett skruvstäd...} +{12246}{}{Låt mig visa dig vad vi gör med sopor här...} +{12247}{}{Jag kommer att slå dig så hårt att du tror att det är en jordbävning...} +{12248}{}{Jag har fått nog av den här skiten...} +{12249}{}{Säg hej till änglarna åt mig...} +{12260}{}{Rör du dig så där kommer du att hamna i sjukhuset...} {12261}{}{You hit like a bitch...} -{12262}{}{Nice one. I'll show you how it's done in a sec.} -{12263}{}{You blind and stupid?} +{12262}{}{Den var bra. Jag ska visa dig hur det går till om en stund.} +{12263}{}{Är du blind och korkad?} {12264}{}{You flying on Jet or something?} -{12265}{}{You couldn't hit the broad side of a casino.} -{12266}{}{If you tried to hit the air, you'd miss.} +{12265}{}{Du kan inte ens träffa bredsidan på ett kasino.} +{12266}{}{Om du försökte träffa luften skulle du missa.} {12300}{}{Ngggg.} {12301}{}{My... head... getting... dizzy.} {12302}{}{Ugnnn!} {12303}{}{Not the face! Not the face!} -{12310}{}{My... arm... my... beautiful... arm.} +{12310}{}{Min...arm...min...vackra...arm.} {12311}{}{Medic! My arm's fucked!} {12312}{}{*hffff*} {12320}{}{My stroke hand! Have you no shame?!} {12321}{}{Medic! My arm's fucked!} -{12322}{}{Looks like I can't polish my gun with that hand anymore...} +{12322}{}{Det verkar som om jag inte kan polera min pistol med den handen längre...} {12330}{}{My spleen!} {12331}{}{Hnrgggg.} {12332}{}{*hff*} @@ -1515,16 +1515,16 @@ {12371}{}{*Ergg*} {12372}{}{Gonna need a stimpak for my leg...} {12373}{}{Urggg... leg's... screwed...} -{12380}{}{My eye! My beautiful eye!} +{12380}{}{Mitt öga! Mitt vackra öga!} {12381}{}{Trying to cripple my depth perception, huh?} {12382}{}{Can't... see... blood... in... eyes...} {12390}{}{What do you think this is? Some cheap action flick?} {12391}{}{Now I can't sound off like a got a pair.} {12392}{}{Well, there go my brass balls.} {12393}{}{Excuse me for a moment while I throw up all over myself.} -{12394}{}{Great. A player character with a ball fixation.} +{12394}{}{Underbart. En spelarkaraktär med en fixering på kulor.} {12395}{}{Let me lie down for a second, then I'll come kill you.} -{12396}{}{Nuts!} +{12396}{}{Sablar!} {12400}{}{Head... ringing...} {12401}{}{*Hrkkkk*...fucker just scalped me...} {12402}{}{Dizzy... blood in my eyes... somebody...} @@ -1744,43 +1744,43 @@ {26004}{}{Withdraw!} {26005}{}{I'm outta here!} {26020}{}{Kill this fool!} -{26021}{}{You're already dead...} -{26022}{}{I'm gonna fuck you up!} +{26021}{}{Du är redan död...} +{26022}{}{Jag ska spöa upp dig!} {26023}{}{This one's mine!} -{26024}{}{Take em!} -{26025}{}{Your ears will make a nice trophy!} +{26024}{}{Ta dom!} +{26025}{}{Dina öron kommer att bli en fin trofé!} {26040}{}{Enjoy the last few seconds of your life!} {26041}{}{Blood! Blood! Blood!} {26042}{}{Your heart is mine!} -{26043}{}{I love doing this to you!} +{26043}{}{Jag älskar att göra det här mot dig!} {26044}{}{Your weapons will be my trophies!} -{26045}{}{Death and dismemberment. Just two of my favorite things!} +{26045}{}{Död och lemlästning. Bara två av mina favoritsaker!} {26046}{}{You are mine to kill!} {26047}{}{Your bones shall bleach in the wastes!} {26048}{}{Blood and darkness!} -{26049}{}{I'm gonna loot your corpse!} +{26049}{}{Jag ska plundra ditt lik!} {26050}{}{Drill the scraggin' bastard!} {26100}{}{Khans! Cover me!} {26101}{}{Retreat!} {26102}{}{Regroup!} {26103}{}{Fall back!} {26104}{}{Withdraw!} -{26105}{}{Break off and regroup!} -{26120}{}{Let the challenge begin!} -{26121}{}{I'm going to use you for target practice!} -{26122}{}{No mercy for you!} +{26105}{}{Bryt av och omgruppera!} +{26120}{}{Låt utmaningen börja!} +{26121}{}{Jag ska använda dig som måltavla!} +{26122}{}{Ingen nåd för dig!} {26123}{}{This one's mine!} {26124}{}{Khans attack!} -{26125}{}{It's party time!} -{26126}{}{Would someone please kill this waste of flesh!} +{26125}{}{Nu är det dags för fest!} +{26126}{}{Skulle någon vara snäll och döda det här slöseriet med kött!} {26140}{}{Khans kill!} {26141}{}{Khans are the elite of the wastes!} -{26142}{}{I am supreme!} +{26142}{}{Jag är överlägsen!} {26143}{}{Khans will rule!} {26144}{}{Khans are invincible!} -{26145}{}{No retreat! No surrender!} +{26145}{}{Ingen reträtt! Ingen kapitulation!} {26146}{}{You are mine to kill!} -{26147}{}{I'll make a necklace out of your teeth!} +{26147}{}{Jag ska göra ett halsband av dina tänder!} {26148}{}{Blood and darkness!} {26149}{}{Khans are the strong!} {26160}{}{Nice form but I'm over here!} @@ -1815,12 +1815,12 @@ {32080}{}{I can't see! You bastard!} {32081}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} {32082}{}{Where are you? Help!} -{32090}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} +{32090}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} {32091}{}{I... I... ouch...} {32092}{}{::whimper::} {32093}{}{::vomit::} -{32094}{}{I... can't... breathe...} -{32095}{}{The pain, the pain...} +{32094}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} +{32095}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} {32100}{}{Your kung fu is better than mine!} {32101}{}{You are truly mighty. Goodbye.} {32102}{}{Aieee! Evil triumphs!} @@ -2018,12 +2018,12 @@ {32772}{}{Aaaarrrrggghhh!} {32780}{}{Ow!! My eyes!} {32781}{}{My face! My eyes! Arrrrgh!} -{32782}{}{My eyes!} -{32790}{}{Ooooooooo, my groin! Ooooooo...} -{32791}{}{Oww... It burns!} +{32782}{}{Mina ögon!} +{32790}{}{Ååååååååå, mitt skrev! Ååååååå...} +{32791}{}{Ajj... Det bränns!} {32792}{}{Urp!} {32793}{}{::gasp::} -{32794}{}{I... can't... breathe...} +{32794}{}{Jag... kan... inte... andas...} {32795}{}{good thing... I'm already... sterile...} {32800}{}{Star Father! Help us!} {32801}{}{My anodynes!} @@ -2162,11 +2162,11 @@ {36060}{}{Ow, my leg!} {36061}{}{You're gonna pay for that!} {36062}{}{Ah! MY LEG!} -{36070}{}{My leg!} +{36070}{}{Mitt ben!} {36071}{}{Unh! Aiming a little low aren't you?} {36072}{}{You weren't trying to hit my leg were you!?!} {36080}{}{Damn blood in my eyes!} -{36081}{}{My eye! You'll pay for that one!} +{36081}{}{Mitt öga! Det där ska du få betala för!} {36082}{}{Din jävel!} {36090}{}{Oooooo, time out, I have to pick something up.} {36091}{}{Ooo! Kaga gotta learn that move...} @@ -2888,7 +2888,7 @@ {41302}{}{No one told me it would be dangerous!} {41303}{}{What do you mean they're armed!?} {41304}{}{Run awaaaaaay!} -{41305}{}{Run for it!} +{41305}{}{Spring!} {41306}{}{Incoming!!!!!!} {41307}{}{My super-powers are useless against this foe!} {41308}{}{Uh, I've got to talk to a man about a horse.} @@ -3058,7 +3058,7 @@ {41692}{}{My testicles!} {41693}{}{Oh... gods...} {41694}{}{Ow. Ow. OW!} -{41695}{}{The pain, the pain...} +{41695}{}{Smärtan, smärtan...} {41696}{}{The horror... the horror...} {41697}{}{::gasping::} {41698}{}{That... hurts...} @@ -3075,7 +3075,7 @@ {41709}{}{I got your backs.} {41710}{}{Let's move it out!} {41711}{}{Come on, yokels!} -{41712}{}{Let's get out of here!} +{41712}{}{Nu sticker vi härifrån!} {41713}{}{Feet, don't fail me now.} {41714}{}{Ye gods... if other mutants could see me now.} {41715}{}{::shakes his head and runs::} @@ -3118,32 +3118,32 @@ {41752}{}{Sometimes I get tired of violence.} {41753}{}{You got relatives?} {41754}{}{When was the last time you got spanked?} -{41755}{}{Chris Avellone loves you!} +{41755}{}{Chris Avellone älskar dig!} {41756}{}{Here's a little mutant love tap.} -{41757}{}{Regards, pal.} -{41758}{}{Give my best to St. Peter.} +{41757}{}{Hälsningar, kompis.} +{41758}{}{Hälsa Sankte Per från mig.} {41759}{}{One fist, two fist, red fist, blue fist...} {41760}{}{That the best you can do?} -{41761}{}{Let me know when you get scary.} -{41762}{}{Next.} -{41763}{}{Take a number.} -{41764}{}{Bzzt! That's a miss!} -{41765}{}{You people ever quit?} -{41766}{}{Yawn.} -{41767}{}{Amateurs.} -{41768}{}{Target practice, kid.} -{41769}{}{Keep at it. Maybe you'll hit me someday.} -{41770}{}{When does the action start?} -{41771}{}{I need a nice cold drink. Nothing's happening here.} -{41772}{}{Where's the excitement?} -{41773}{}{Oh! You were aiming at ME!} -{41774}{}{You practice missing that badly?} -{41775}{}{Thanks, try again.} -{41776}{}{That's not it.} -{41777}{}{::looks at his watch::} -{41778}{}{Isn't this violence pointless?} -{41779}{}{Can't we just get along?} -{42000}{}{ignore the pain in my head ignore the pain in my head} +{41761}{}{Låt mig veta när du blir rädd.} +{41762}{}{Nästa.} +{41763}{}{Ta en nummerlapp.} +{41764}{}{Bzzt! Det var en miss!} +{41765}{}{Slutar ni någonsin?} +{41766}{}{Gäsp.} +{41767}{}{Amatörer.} +{41768}{}{Målskjutning, kisen.} +{41769}{}{Fortsätt med det. Du kanske träffar mig till slut.} +{41770}{}{När börjar det hända saker?} +{41771}{}{Jag behöver någonting kallt att dricka. Det händer ingenting här.} +{41772}{}{Var är spänningen?} +{41773}{}{Åh! Du siktade på MIG!} +{41774}{}{Tränar du på att missa såhär mycket?} +{41775}{}{Tack, försök igen.} +{41776}{}{Inte sådär.} +{41777}{}{::kollar på sin klocka::} +{41778}{}{Är inte det här våldet meningslöst?} +{41779}{}{Kan vi inte bara komma överens?} +{42000}{}{ignorera smärtan i mitt huvud ignorera smärtan i mitt huvud} {42001}{}{Aighh! There's blood all over my face! Help! Stimpak! Help!} {42002}{}{MY HEAD! MY HEAD! I'VE BEEN HIT IN THE HEAD! HELP! HELP!} {42003}{}{Oooooooh. There goes a few Intelligence points.} @@ -3466,7 +3466,7 @@ {44925}{}{Prepare to meet your doom!} {44926}{}{Best kiss your ass goodbye while you still can.} {44927}{}{I'm going to paint you red!} -{44928}{}{It's party time!} +{44928}{}{Nu är det dags för fest!} {44929}{}{I'm heading in!} {44930}{}{I'll see you on the front line!} {44931}{}{Time to reach out and touch someone!} @@ -3560,7 +3560,7 @@ {70051}{}{Ah! My knee!} {70052}{}{Shit! My leg!} {70053}{}{You gave me a fucking Charley horse!} -{70060}{}{My eyes!} +{70060}{}{Mina ögon!} {70061}{}{Oh fuck, not my eyes!} {70062}{}{MAh! I can't see shit!} {70063}{}{My eyes! My dreamboat eyes!} @@ -3612,7 +3612,7 @@ {70252}{}{You can't slow me down!} {70260}{}{Motherfucker hit me in the eyes!} {70261}{}{Oh! I think my eye's bleeding!} -{70262}{}{My eyes!} +{70262}{}{Mina ögon!} {70270}{}{Whoa, no hitting below the belt.} {70271}{}{Going for the groin's not cool. Not cool at all.} {70272}{}{Hey now! The groin's off limits.} @@ -3621,10 +3621,10 @@ {70301}{}{Screw it, you're not worth it.} {70302}{}{Fuck this, I'm outta' here.} {70303}{}{Gotta Jet while I've still got a life to spare.} -{70304}{}{You won this time, monkey!} -{70320}{}{Don't worry, this'll be over *real* soon.} -{70321}{}{This cat's about to pounce!} -{70322}{}{Let's waste these smegheads.} +{70304}{}{Du vann den här gången, apa!} +{70320}{}{Oroa dig inte, det här kommer att vara över *riktigt* snart.} +{70321}{}{Den här katten är på väg att slå till!} +{70322}{}{Låt oss göra slut på de här idioterna.} {70340}{}{Hurry up and die so I can go take a nap.} {70341}{}{At least I'm killing you with style.} {70342}{}{You best not bleed on my clothes. } @@ -3637,10 +3637,10 @@ {70401}{}{I think my ear's bleeding.} {70402}{}{Cào! I hope that didn't break my nose.} {70410}{}{Cào! My arm!} -{70411}{}{Damn, that hurts!} +{70411}{}{Fan, vad ont det gör!} {70412}{}{At least it's not broken... I don't think.} {70420}{}{Cào! My arm!} -{70421}{}{Damn, that hurts!} +{70421}{}{Fan, vad ont det gör!} {70422}{}{At least it's not broken... I don't think.} {70430}{}{I think I broke a rib.} {70431}{}{I won't die that easily.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/custom.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/custom.msg index dffd11ef47..89d5c1c950 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/custom.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/custom.msg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ {4}{}{Attack Who} {5}{}{Chem Use} {10}{}{Done} -{11}{}{Cancel} +{11}{}{Avbryt} {99}{}{Not Applicable.} {100}{}{Always!} {101}{}{Sometimes, don't worry about hitting me} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/pro_item.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/pro_item.msg index 22b9a592f3..cf70dc4eb6 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/pro_item.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/pro_item.msg @@ -756,16 +756,16 @@ {38801}{}{You suspect this Bringham needler pistol was once used for scientific field studies. It uses small hard-plastic hypodermic darts as ammo. Min ST: 3.} {38900}{}{Avenger Minigun} {38901}{}{Rockwell designed the Avenger as the replacement for their aging CZ53 Personal Minigun. The Avenger's design improvements include improved, gel-fin, cooling and chromium plated barrel-bores. This gives it a greater range and lethality. Min ST: 7.} -{39000}{}{Solar Scorcher} -{39001}{}{Without the sun's rays to charge this weapon's capacitors this gun can't light a match. However, in full daylight, the experimental photo-electric cells that power the Scorcher allow it to turn almost anything into a crispy critter. Min ST: 3.} +{39000}{}{Solbrännaren} +{39001}{}{Utan solens strålar för att ladda vapnets kondensatorer kan den här pistolen inte ens tända en tändsticka. Men i fullt dagsljus kan de experimentella fotoelektriska cellerna som driver Brännaren förvandla nästan vad som helst till ett krispigt kreatur. Min ST: 3.} {39100}{}{H&K G11E} -{39101}{}{This gun revolutionized squad level support weapon design. The gun fires a caseless cartridge consisting of a block of propellant with a bullet buried inside. The resultant weight and space savings allow it to have a very high magazine capacity. Min ST: 6.} -{39200}{}{M72 Gauss Rifle} -{39201}{}{The M72 rifle is of German design. It uses an electromagnetic field to propel rounds at tremendous speed... and pierce almost any obstacle. Its range, accuracy and stopping power is almost unparalleled. Min ST: 6.} +{39101}{}{Detta vapen revolutionerade utformningen av understödsvapen på truppnivå. Pistolen avfyrar en hylslös patron som består av ett drivmedelsblock med en kula inuti. Den resulterande vikt- och utrymmesbesparingen gör att den kan ha en mycket hög magasinkapacitet. Min ST: 6.} +{39200}{}{M72 Gaussgevär} +{39201}{}{M72-geväret är av tysk design. Det använder ett elektromagnetiskt fält för att avfyra kulor med enorm hastighet... och genomborra nästan alla hinder. Dess räckvidd, precision och stoppkraft är nästan oöverträffad. Min ST: 6.} {39300}{}{Phazer} -{39301}{}{This mysterious high tech weapon appears to have some sort of energy generator inside. If it wasn't damaged, this gun could be the ultimate weapon against any enemy. The backup energy module consists of replaceable small energy cell. Min ST: 3.} -{39400}{}{PPK12 Gauss Pistol} -{39401}{}{Praised for its range and stopping power, the PPK12 Gauss Pistol is of German design. The pistol uses an electromagnetic field to propel rounds at tremendous speed and punch through almost any armor. Min ST: 4.} +{39301}{}{Det här mystiska högteknologiska vapnet verkar ha någon form av energigenerator inuti. Om den inte var skadad skulle den här pistolen kunna vara det ultimata vapnet mot alla fiender. Reservkraftmodulen består av en utbytbar liten energicell. Min ST: 3.} +{39400}{}{PPK12 Gausspistol} +{39401}{}{PPK12 Gauss Pistol är en tysk design som är berömd för sin räckvidd och stoppkraft. Pistolen använder ett elektromagnetiskt fält för att avfyra kulor med enorm hastighet och slå igenom nästan alla pansar. Min ST: 4.} {39500}{}{Vindicator Minigun} {39501}{}{The German Rheinmetal AG company created the ultimate minigun. The Vindicator throws over 90,000 caseless shells per minute down its six carbon-polymer barrels. As the pinnacle of Teutonic engineering skill, it is the ultimate hand-held weapon. Min ST: 7.} {39600}{}{YK32 Pulse Pistol} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/pro_scen.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/pro_scen.msg index b98d0d80d8..4931fd6f71 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/pro_scen.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/pro_scen.msg @@ -3449,9 +3449,9 @@ {228501}{}{This glass is barely transparent.} {228600}{}{Glass} {228601}{}{This glass is barely transparent.} -{228700}{}{Metal Door} +{228700}{}{Metalldörr} {228701}{}{A sturdy metal door.} -{228800}{}{Metal Door} +{228800}{}{Metalldörr} {228801}{}{A sturdy metal door.} {228900}{}{Guards Shack} {228901}{}{A run down guards shack.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/scrname.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/scrname.msg index 62dff68768..349645f1e4 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/scrname.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/scrname.msg @@ -237,30 +237,30 @@ {337}{}{Emitter} {338}{}{Emitter} {339}{}{Emitter} -{340}{}{Force Field} -{341}{}{Force Field} -{342}{}{Force Field} -{343}{}{Force Field} -{344}{}{Force Field} -{345}{}{Force Field} -{346}{}{Force Field} -{347}{}{Force Field} -{348}{}{Force Field} -{349}{}{Force Field} -{350}{}{Force Field} +{340}{}{Kraftfält} +{341}{}{Kraftfält} +{342}{}{Kraftfält} +{343}{}{Kraftfält} +{344}{}{Kraftfält} +{345}{}{Kraftfält} +{346}{}{Kraftfält} +{347}{}{Kraftfält} +{348}{}{Kraftfält} +{349}{}{Kraftfält} +{350}{}{Kraftfält} {351}{}{Klaxon} {352}{}{Buster} {353}{}{Bookshelf} {354}{}{Bookshelf} {355}{}{Bookshelf} {356}{}{Raider} -{357}{}{Peasant} +{357}{}{Bonde} {358}{}{Köpman} {359}{}{Guard} {360}{}{Rawhide Patron} {361}{}{Floor} -{362}{}{Plasma Trap} -{363}{}{Plasma Trap} +{362}{}{Plasmafälla} +{363}{}{Plasmafälla} {364}{}{Terminal} {365}{}{Bulletin Board} {366}{}{Gate} @@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ {394}{}{Map Script} {395}{}{Map Script} {396}{}{Still} -{397}{}{Bar Customer} -{398}{}{Bar Customer} +{397}{}{Barkund} +{398}{}{Barkund} {399}{}{Vortis} -{400}{}{Bath Attendant} -{401}{}{Slaves} +{400}{}{Badvakt} +{401}{}{Slavar} {402}{}{Skorpion} {403}{}{Brahmin} {404}{}{Car} @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ {409}{}{Map Script} {410}{}{Corvega} {411}{}{Map Script} -{412}{}{Metal Door} +{412}{}{Metalldörr} {413}{}{Map Script} {414}{}{Map Script} {415}{}{Map Script} @@ -317,46 +317,46 @@ {417}{}{Lockbox} {418}{}{Lockbox} {419}{}{Ratch} -{420}{}{Boxer} +{420}{}{Boxare} {421}{}{Pete McKneely} {422}{}{Evan Hollyfeld} {423}{}{Masticator} {424}{}{Scientist} {425}{}{Merk} {426}{}{Fan} -{427}{}{Drug Dealer} -{428}{}{Casino Patron} -{429}{}{Pimp} -{430}{}{Junkie} -{431}{}{Furniture} +{427}{}{Knarklangare} +{428}{}{Kasinobesökare} +{429}{}{Hallick} +{430}{}{Pundare} +{431}{}{Möbler} {432}{}{Floor} {433}{}{Ground} {434}{}{Holodisk} {435}{}{Lenny} {436}{}{Box} -{437}{}{Prostitute} +{437}{}{Prostituerad} {438}{}{Slave} {439}{}{Rico} -{440}{}{Porn Actress} +{440}{}{Porrskådespelerska} {441}{}{Fluffer} {442}{}{Map Script} {443}{}{Wolf} {444}{}{Generator} {445}{}{Door} -{446}{}{Super mutant} +{446}{}{Supermutant} {447}{}{Salvatore's Man} {448}{}{Bishop's Man} {449}{}{Mordino's Man} {450}{}{Wright's Child} -{451}{}{Casino Bouncer} +{451}{}{Kasinodörrvakt} {452}{}{Mira} {453}{}{New Reno Virgin Street} -{454}{}{New Reno 2nd Street} +{454}{}{New Reno 2:a gatan} {455}{}{New Reno Commercial Row} -{456}{}{New Reno East Side} -{457}{}{New Reno Stables} +{456}{}{New Reno Öst} +{457}{}{New Reno-stall} {458}{}{New Reno Chop Shop} -{459}{}{New Reno Gologtha} +{459}{}{Nya Reno Gologta} {460}{}{New Reno Bishop Basement} {461}{}{Holodisk} {462}{}{Holodisk} @@ -366,11 +366,11 @@ {466}{}{Guard} {467}{}{Mine Cart} {468}{}{Melchior} -{469}{}{Mutated Beast} +{469}{}{Muterat Odjur} {470}{}{FEV Goo} -{471}{}{Guard Captain} -{472}{}{Slave Overseer} -{473}{}{Melchior's Pet} +{471}{}{Vaktkapten} +{472}{}{Slavövervakare} +{473}{}{Melchiors Husdjur} {474}{}{Slaver Guard} {475}{}{Door} {476}{}{Terminal} @@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ {479}{}{Sheb} {480}{}{Guard} {481}{}{Emitter} -{482}{}{Force Field} +{482}{}{Kraftfält} {483}{}{Sulik} -{484}{}{Dr. Henry} +{484}{}{Dr Henry} {485}{}{Guard} {486}{}{Carlson Guards Attack} {487}{}{Carlson's Gate Guards} @@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ {603}{}{Squatter} {604}{}{Abolitionist} {605}{}{Bootlegger} -{606}{}{Super mutant} +{606}{}{Supermutant} {607}{}{Fisherman} {608}{}{Slaver} {609}{}{Trapper} @@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ {735}{}{Computer Terminal} {736}{}{Computer} {737}{}{Power Generator} -{738}{}{Force Field} -{739}{}{Peasant} +{738}{}{Kraftfält} +{739}{}{Bonde} {740}{}{Emitter} {741}{}{Vault Door} {742}{}{Security Door} @@ -741,10 +741,10 @@ {841}{}{Handlare} {842}{}{Scavenger} {843}{}{Köpman} -{844}{}{Peasant} +{844}{}{Bonde} {845}{}{Arroyo Temple} {846}{}{Dock Worker} -{847}{}{Peasant} +{847}{}{Bonde} {848}{}{Shi Guard} {849}{}{Cameron} {850}{}{Door} @@ -1015,9 +1015,9 @@ {1115}{}{Emitter} {1116}{}{Emitter} {1117}{}{Emitter} -{1118}{}{Force Field} -{1119}{}{Force Field} -{1120}{}{Force Field} +{1118}{}{Kraftfält} +{1119}{}{Kraftfält} +{1120}{}{Kraftfält} {1121}{}{Hubologist} {1122}{}{Computer} {1123}{}{Bunker Door} @@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ {1147}{}{Slave} {1148}{}{Vault Citizen} {1149}{}{Door} -{1150}{}{Boxer} +{1150}{}{Boxare} {1151}{}{Vault Door} {1152}{}{Xarn} {1153}{}{Raul} @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ {1185}{}{Caravan Driver} {1186}{}{Ring Announcer} {1187}{}{Ring Girl} -{1188}{}{Boxer} +{1188}{}{Boxare} {1189}{}{Door} {1190}{}{Cheat Character} {1191}{}{Holodisk} @@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ {1268}{}{Gang Thug} {1269}{}{Cheater} {1270}{}{} -{1271}{}{Peasant} +{1271}{}{Bonde} {1272}{}{The Lavender Flower} {1273}{}{Radskorpion} {1274}{}{Professor} @@ -1371,10 +1371,10 @@ {1471}{}{Little Bobby} {1472}{}{Little Bobby's Father} {1473}{}{Squatter} -{1474}{}{Drug Dealer} +{1474}{}{Knarklangare} {1475}{}{Den Resident} {1476}{}{Orphan} -{1477}{}{Peasant} +{1477}{}{Bonde} {1478}{}{map script} {1479}{}{Enclave Guard} {1480}{}{Enclave Guard} @@ -1383,7 +1383,7 @@ {1483}{}{Hubologist} {1484}{}{Hubologist Guard} {1485}{}{Hubologist Guard} -{1486}{}{Metal Door} +{1486}{}{Metalldörr} {1487}{}{map script} {1488}{}{container script} {1489}{}{Brahmin} @@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ {1591}{}{Thug} {1592}{}{trip wire} {1593}{}{trip wire spatial} -{1594}{}{Prostitute} +{1594}{}{Prostituerad} {1595}{}{Goo} {1596}{}{Spatial} {1597}{}{Hibernation Chamber spatial} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/stat.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/stat.msg index 7087ab7f60..f73239e2f5 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/stat.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/stat.msg @@ -1,42 +1,42 @@ -{100}{}{Strength} -{101}{}{Perception} -{102}{}{Endurance} -{103}{}{Charisma} -{104}{}{Intelligence} -{105}{}{Agility} -{106}{}{Luck} -{107}{}{Maximum Hit Points} +{100}{}{Styrka} +{101}{}{Uppfattning} +{102}{}{Uthållighet} +{103}{}{Karisma} +{104}{}{Intelligens} +{105}{}{Smidighet} +{106}{}{Tur} +{107}{}{Maximalt antal Hälsopoäng} {108}{}{Maximum Action Points} {109}{}{Armor Class} {110}{}{Unarmed Damage} {111}{}{Melee Damage} -{112}{}{Carry Weight} -{113}{}{Sequence} -{114}{}{Healing Rate} -{115}{}{Critical Chance} +{112}{}{Bärvikt} +{113}{}{Sekvens} +{114}{}{Läkningshastighet} +{115}{}{Kritisk chans} {116}{}{Better Criticals} -{117}{}{Damage Threshold} -{118}{}{Damage Threshold Laser} -{119}{}{Damage Threshold Fire} -{120}{}{Damage Threshold Plasma} -{121}{}{Damage Threshold Electrical} -{122}{}{Damage Threshold EMP} -{123}{}{Damage Threshold Explosion} -{124}{}{Damage Resistance} -{125}{}{Damage Resistance Laser} -{126}{}{Damage Resistance Fire} -{127}{}{Damage Resistance Plasma} -{128}{}{Damage Resistance Electrical} -{129}{}{Damage Resistance EMP} -{130}{}{Damage Resistance Explosion} -{131}{}{Radiation Resistance} -{132}{}{Poison Resistance} -{133}{}{Age} -{134}{}{Gender} -{135}{}{Current Hit Points} -{136}{}{Current Poison Level} -{137}{}{Current Radiation Level} -{200}{}{Raw physical strength. A high Strength is good for physical characters. Modifies: Hit Points, Melee Damage, and Carry Weight.} +{117}{}{Skadetröskel} +{118}{}{Skadetröskel Laser} +{119}{}{Skadetröskel Eld} +{120}{}{Skadetröskel Plasma} +{121}{}{Skadetröskel Elektrisk} +{122}{}{Skadetröskel EMP} +{123}{}{Skadetröskel Explosion} +{124}{}{Skademotstånd} +{125}{}{Skademotstånd Laser} +{126}{}{Skademotstånd Eld} +{127}{}{Skademotstånd Plasma} +{128}{}{Skademotstånd Elektrisk} +{129}{}{Skademotstånd EMP} +{130}{}{Skademotstånd Explosion} +{131}{}{Strålningsmotstånd} +{132}{}{Giftmotstånd} +{133}{}{Ålder} +{134}{}{Kön} +{135}{}{Nuvarande hälsopoäng} +{136}{}{Nuvarande giftnivå} +{137}{}{Nuvarande strålningsnivå} +{200}{}{Rå fysisk styrka. En hög Styrka är bra för fysiska karaktärer. Modifierar: Hälsopoäng, Närstridsskada och Bärvikt.} {201}{}{The ability to see, hear, taste and notice unusual things. A high Perception is important for a sharpshooter. Modifies: Sequence and ranged combat distance modifiers.} {202}{}{Stamina and physical toughness. A character with a high Endurance will survive where others may not. Modifies: Hit Points, Poison & Radiation Resistance, Healing Rate, and the additional hit points per level.} {203}{}{A combination of appearance and charm. A high Charisma is important for characters that want to influence people with words. Modifies: NPC reactions, and barter prices.} @@ -53,27 +53,27 @@ {214}{}{At the end of each day, your character will heal 1 HP for each point of Healing Rate. When you rest, you heal every three hours.} {215}{}{The chance to cause a critical hit in combat is increased by this amount.} {216}{}{Better Criticals} -{217}{}{Damage Threshold} -{218}{}{Damage Threshold Laser} -{219}{}{Damage Threshold Fire} -{220}{}{Damage Threshold Plasma} -{221}{}{Damage Threshold Electrical} -{222}{}{Damage Threshold EMP} -{223}{}{Damage Threshold Explosion} +{217}{}{Skadetröskel} +{218}{}{Skadetröskel Laser} +{219}{}{Skadetröskel Eld} +{220}{}{Skadetröskel Plasma} +{221}{}{Skadetröskel Elektrisk} +{222}{}{Skadetröskel EMP} +{223}{}{Skadetröskel Explosion} {224}{}{Any damage taken is reduced by this amount. Damage Resistance can be increased by wearing armor.} -{225}{}{Damage Resistance Laser} -{226}{}{Damage Resistance Fire} -{227}{}{Damage Resistance Plasma} -{228}{}{Damage Resistance Electrical} -{229}{}{Damage Resistance EMP} -{230}{}{Damage Resistance Explosion} +{225}{}{Skademotstånd Laser} +{226}{}{Skademotstånd Eld} +{227}{}{Skademotstånd Plasma} +{228}{}{Skademotstånd Elektrisk} +{229}{}{Skademotstånd EMP} +{230}{}{Skademotstånd Explosion} {231}{}{The amount of radiation you are exposed to is reduced by this percentage. Radiation Resistance can be modified by the type of armor worn, and anti-radiation drugs.} {232}{}{Reduces poison damage by this amount.} -{233}{}{Age} -{234}{}{Gender} -{235}{}{Current Hit Points} -{236}{}{Current Poison Level} -{237}{}{Current Radiation Level} +{233}{}{Ålder} +{234}{}{Kön} +{235}{}{Nuvarande hälsopoäng} +{236}{}{Nuvarande giftnivå} +{237}{}{Nuvarande strålningsnivå} {301}{}{V. Bad} {302}{}{Bad} {303}{}{Poor} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/worldmap.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/worldmap.msg index 4b346c44b1..99e5b768ac 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/worldmap.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/worldmap.msg @@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@ {4811}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4812}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} {4813}{}{Some prospectors fighting some claim jumpers.} -{4814}{}{Some trappers fighting some golden geckos.} +{4814}{}{Några jägare som slåss mot några gyllene geckoödlor.} {4815}{}{Some bootleggers fighting some wolves.} {4816}{}{Some homesteaders fighting some claim jumpers.} {4817}{}{Some homesteaders fending off some wolves.} @@ -1066,9 +1066,9 @@ {4820}{}{Some prospectors.} {4821}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {4822}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{4850}{}{A pack of wolves and some molerats.} +{4850}{}{En flock vargar och några mullvadsråttor.} {4851}{}{Some radscorpions and some wolves.} -{4852}{}{Some mutated molerats and some radscorpions.} +{4852}{}{Några muterade mullvadsråttor och några radioaktiva skorpioner.} {4853}{}{A pack of golden geckos.} {4854}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4855}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1079,18 +1079,18 @@ {4860}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4861}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4862}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{4863}{}{A pack of wolves.} -{4864}{}{A pack of mutated molerats.} -{4865}{}{A pack of radscorpions} -{4866}{}{A pack of wolves and some golden geckos.} -{4867}{}{Some mutated molerats fighting some golden geckos.} -{4868}{}{Some molerats fighting some radscorpions.} +{4863}{}{En flock vargar.} +{4864}{}{En flock muterade mullvadsråttor.} +{4865}{}{En flock radioaktiva skorpioner} +{4866}{}{En flock vargar och några gyllene geckoödlor.} +{4867}{}{Några muterade mullvadsråttor som slåss mot några gyllene geckoödlor.} +{4868}{}{Några mullvadsråttor som slåss mot några radioaktiva skorpioner.} {4869}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {4870}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{4900}{}{A band of raiders.} +{4900}{}{Ett band av plundrare.} {4901}{}{Some wolves.} -{4902}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} -{4903}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} +{4902}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} +{4903}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} {4904}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4905}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4906}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1100,19 +1100,19 @@ {4910}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4911}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4912}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{4913}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} -{4914}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} +{4913}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} +{4914}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} {4915}{}{A caravan.} {4916}{}{A caravan.} {4917}{}{A caravan.} {4918}{}{A caravan.} {4919}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {4920}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{4921}{}{A band of angry raiders.} +{4921}{}{Ett band av arga plundrare.} {4950}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {4951}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {4952}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{4953}{}{A band of raiders.} +{4953}{}{Ett band av plundrare.} {4954}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4955}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4956}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1123,10 +1123,10 @@ {4961}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {4962}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} {4963}{}{Some wolves.} -{4964}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} -{4965}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} -{4966}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} -{4967}{}{A caravan fending off some raiders.} +{4964}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} +{4965}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} +{4966}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} +{4967}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några plundrare.} {4968}{}{A caravan.} {4969}{}{A caravan.} {4970}{}{A caravan.} @@ -1138,11 +1138,11 @@ {4976}{}{King Arthur's Knights.} {4977}{}{A tin woodsman.} {4978}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} -{4979}{}{A band of angry raiders.} -{5000}{}{A band of raiders leading some wolves.} -{5001}{}{Some spore plants and some wolves.} -{5002}{}{A band of raiders.} -{5003}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{4979}{}{Ett band av arga plundrare.} +{5000}{}{Ett band av plundrare som leder några vargar.} +{5001}{}{Några sporväxter och några vargar.} +{5002}{}{Ett band av plundrare.} +{5003}{}{En flock vargar.} {5004}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5005}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5006}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1153,14 +1153,14 @@ {5011}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5012}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} {5013}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} -{5014}{}{A pack of wolves fighting some raiders.} +{5014}{}{En flock vargar som slåss mot några plundrare.} {5015}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5016}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5017}{}{A band of angry raiders.} +{5017}{}{Ett band av arga plundrare.} {5050}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5051}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5052}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{5053}{}{A band of raiders leading some wolves.} +{5053}{}{Ett band av plundrare som leder några vargar.} {5054}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5055}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5056}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1170,11 +1170,11 @@ {5060}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5061}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5062}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5063}{}{Some spore plants and some wolves.} -{5064}{}{A band of raiders.} -{5065}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{5063}{}{Några sporväxter och några vargar.} +{5064}{}{Ett band av plundrare.} +{5065}{}{En flock vargar.} {5066}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} -{5067}{}{A pack of wolves fighting some raiders.} +{5067}{}{En flock vargar som slåss mot några plundrare.} {5068}{}{The remains of a whale.} {5069}{}{A giant stone head.} {5070}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@ {5072}{}{King Arthur's Knights.} {5073}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5074}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} -{5075}{}{A band of angry raiders.} +{5075}{}{Ett band av arga plundrare.} {5100}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5101}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5102}{}{A herd of brahmin.} @@ -1245,8 +1245,8 @@ {5266}{}{Some deathclaws.} {5267}{}{Some fire geckos.} {5268}{}{Some aliens.} -{5269}{}{A pack of centaurs.} -{5270}{}{A swarm of floaters.} +{5269}{}{Ett paket kentaurer.} +{5270}{}{En svärm av svävare.} {5271}{}{The remains of a whale.} {5272}{}{A giant stone head.} {5273}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1255,8 +1255,8 @@ {5276}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5277}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {5278}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{5279}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{5300}{}{Some aliens and deathclaws.} +{5279}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{5300}{}{Några utomjordingar och dödsklor.} {5301}{}{An army of floaters and centaurs.} {5302}{}{Some fire geckos.} {5303}{}{A large pack of aliens.} @@ -1272,12 +1272,12 @@ {5313}{}{Some deathclaws.} {5314}{}{Some fire geckos.} {5315}{}{Some aliens.} -{5316}{}{A pack of centaurs.} -{5317}{}{A swarm of floaters.} +{5316}{}{Ett paket kentaurer.} +{5317}{}{En svärm av svävare.} {5318}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5319}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5320}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{5350}{}{Some aliens and deathclaws.} +{5320}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{5350}{}{Några utomjordingar och dödsklor.} {5351}{}{An army of floaters and centaurs.} {5352}{}{Some fire geckos.} {5353}{}{A large pack of aliens.} @@ -1293,13 +1293,13 @@ {5363}{}{Some deathclaws.} {5364}{}{Some fire geckos.} {5365}{}{Some aliens.} -{5366}{}{A pack of centaurs.} -{5367}{}{A swarm of floaters.} -{5368}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} +{5366}{}{Ett paket kentaurer.} +{5367}{}{En svärm av svävare.} +{5368}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} {5400}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5401}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5402}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{5403}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} +{5403}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5404}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5405}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5406}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1309,7 +1309,7 @@ {5410}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5411}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5412}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5413}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} +{5413}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5414}{}{A large pack of golden geckos.} {5415}{}{The remains of a whale.} {5416}{}{A giant stone head.} @@ -1319,9 +1319,9 @@ {5420}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5421}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {5422}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{5423}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{5450}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{5451}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} +{5423}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{5450}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5451}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5452}{}{A large pack of golden geckos.} {5453}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5454}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1334,9 +1334,9 @@ {5461}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} {5462}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5463}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5464}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{5500}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{5501}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} +{5464}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{5500}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5501}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5502}{}{A large pack of golden geckos.} {5503}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5504}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1347,11 +1347,11 @@ {5509}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5510}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5511}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5512}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} +{5512}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} {5550}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5551}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5552}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{5553}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} +{5553}{}{En flock dödsklor.} {5554}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5555}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5556}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1361,11 +1361,11 @@ {5560}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5561}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5562}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5563}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{5564}{}{A caravan fending off deathclaws.} -{5565}{}{A caravan fending off deathclaws.} -{5566}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} -{5567}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} +{5563}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5564}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot dödsklor.} +{5565}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot dödsklor.} +{5566}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5567}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5568}{}{A caravan.} {5569}{}{A caravan.} {5570}{}{A caravan.} @@ -1377,10 +1377,10 @@ {5576}{}{King Arthur's Knights.} {5577}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5578}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} -{5600}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} -{5601}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{5602}{}{A caravan fending off deathclaws.} -{5603}{}{A caravan fending off deathclaws.} +{5600}{}{En flock dödsklor.} +{5601}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5602}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot dödsklor.} +{5603}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot dödsklor.} {5604}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5605}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5606}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1390,8 +1390,8 @@ {5610}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5611}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5612}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5613}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} -{5614}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} +{5613}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{5614}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5615}{}{A caravan.} {5616}{}{A caravan.} {5617}{}{A caravan.} @@ -1401,7 +1401,7 @@ {5650}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5651}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5652}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{5653}{}{Some yakuza.} +{5653}{}{Några yakuza.} {5654}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5655}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5656}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1411,12 +1411,12 @@ {5660}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5661}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5662}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5663}{}{A gang.} -{5664}{}{A pack of wolves.} -{5665}{}{Some mobsters fighting some yakuza.} -{5666}{}{Some mobsters fighting a gang.} -{5667}{}{Some mobsters.} -{5668}{}{A traveler.} +{5663}{}{Ett gäng.} +{5664}{}{En flock vargar.} +{5665}{}{Några gangsters slåss mot några yakuza.} +{5666}{}{Några gangsters som slåss mot ett gäng.} +{5667}{}{Några gangsters.} +{5668}{}{En resenär.} {5669}{}{The remains of a whale.} {5670}{}{A giant stone head.} {5671}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1425,10 +1425,10 @@ {5674}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5675}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {5676}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{5700}{}{Some yakuza.} -{5701}{}{A gang.} -{5702}{}{A pack of wolves.} -{5703}{}{Some mobsters fighting some yakuza.} +{5700}{}{Några yakuza.} +{5701}{}{Ett gäng.} +{5702}{}{En flock vargar.} +{5703}{}{Några gangsters slåss mot några yakuza.} {5704}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5705}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5706}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1438,15 +1438,15 @@ {5710}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5711}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5712}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5713}{}{Some mobsters fighting a gang.} -{5714}{}{Some mobsters.} -{5715}{}{A traveler.} +{5713}{}{Några gangsters som slåss mot ett gäng.} +{5714}{}{Några gangsters.} +{5715}{}{En resenär.} {5716}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5717}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5750}{}{Some yakuza.} -{5751}{}{A gang.} -{5752}{}{A pack of wolves.} -{5753}{}{Some mobsters fighting some yakuza.} +{5750}{}{Några yakuza.} +{5751}{}{Ett gäng.} +{5752}{}{En flock vargar.} +{5753}{}{Några gangsters slåss mot några yakuza.} {5754}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5755}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5756}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1456,13 +1456,13 @@ {5760}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5761}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5762}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5763}{}{Some mobsters fighting a gang.} -{5764}{}{Some mobsters.} -{5765}{}{A traveler.} +{5763}{}{Några gangsters som slåss mot ett gäng.} +{5764}{}{Några gangsters.} +{5765}{}{En resenär.} {5800}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {5801}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {5802}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{5803}{}{A band of rogues and some wolves.} +{5803}{}{Ett band av skurkar och några vargar.} {5804}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5805}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5806}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1472,13 +1472,13 @@ {5810}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5811}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5812}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5813}{}{A band of rogues.} -{5814}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{5813}{}{Ett band av skurkar.} +{5814}{}{En flock vargar.} {5815}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} -{5816}{}{A forest of spore plants.} -{5817}{}{A Unity patrol fighting some rogues.} -{5818}{}{A Unity patrol fighting some wolves.} -{5819}{}{A Unity patrol.} +{5816}{}{En skog av sporväxter.} +{5817}{}{En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några skurkar.} +{5818}{}{En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några vargar.} +{5819}{}{En Enighetspatrull.} {5820}{}{The remains of a whale.} {5821}{}{A giant stone head.} {5822}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1486,9 +1486,9 @@ {5824}{}{King Arthur's Knights.} {5825}{}{A tin woodsman.} {5826}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} -{5850}{}{A band of rogues and some wolves.} -{5851}{}{A band of rogues.} -{5852}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{5850}{}{Ett band av skurkar och några vargar.} +{5851}{}{Ett band av skurkar.} +{5852}{}{En flock vargar.} {5853}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} {5854}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5855}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1499,16 +1499,16 @@ {5860}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5861}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5862}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5863}{}{A forest of spore plants.} -{5864}{}{A Unity patrol fighting some rogues.} -{5865}{}{A Unity patrol fighting some wolves.} -{5866}{}{A Unity patrol.} +{5863}{}{En skog av sporväxter.} +{5864}{}{En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några skurkar.} +{5865}{}{En Enighetspatrull som slåss mot några vargar.} +{5866}{}{En Enighetspatrull.} {5867}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5868}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5900}{}{A band of mercenaries.} +{5900}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} {5901}{}{A press gang.} -{5902}{}{A herd of deathclaws.} -{5903}{}{A batch of fire geckos.} +{5902}{}{En hjord av dödsklor.} +{5903}{}{Ett parti eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5904}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5905}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5906}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1518,16 +1518,16 @@ {5910}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5911}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5912}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5913}{}{A slew of aliens.} -{5914}{}{Hubologists fighting mercenaries.} +{5913}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} +{5914}{}{Hubologister som slåss mot legosoldater.} {5915}{}{Hubologists fending off a press gang.} -{5916}{}{Hubologists.} -{5917}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} -{5918}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{5950}{}{A band of mercenaries.} +{5916}{}{Hubologister.} +{5917}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} +{5918}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{5950}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} {5951}{}{A press gang.} -{5952}{}{A herd of deathclaws.} -{5953}{}{A batch of fire geckos.} +{5952}{}{En hjord av dödsklor.} +{5953}{}{Ett parti eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {5954}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5955}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5956}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1537,18 +1537,18 @@ {5960}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5961}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {5962}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{5963}{}{A slew of aliens.} -{5964}{}{Hubologists fighting mercenaries.} +{5963}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} +{5964}{}{Hubologister som slåss mot legosoldater.} {5965}{}{Hubologists fending off a press gang.} -{5966}{}{Hubologists.} +{5966}{}{Hubologister.} {5967}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {5968}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{5969}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} -{5970}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} -{6000}{}{A band of mercenaries.} +{5969}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} +{5970}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} +{6000}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} {6001}{}{A press gang.} -{6002}{}{A herd of deathclaws.} -{6003}{}{A batch of fire geckos.} +{6002}{}{En hjord av dödsklor.} +{6003}{}{Ett parti eldsprutande geckoödlor.} {6004}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6005}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6006}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1558,16 +1558,16 @@ {6010}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6011}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6012}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6013}{}{A slew of aliens.} -{6014}{}{Hubologists fighting mercenaries.} +{6013}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} +{6014}{}{Hubologister som slåss mot legosoldater.} {6015}{}{Hubologists fending off a press gang.} -{6016}{}{Hubologists.} -{6017}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} -{6018}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} +{6016}{}{Hubologister.} +{6017}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} +{6018}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} {6050}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6051}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6052}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6053}{}{A band of mercenaries.} +{6053}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} {6054}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6055}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6056}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1578,12 +1578,12 @@ {6061}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6062}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} {6063}{}{A press gang.} -{6064}{}{A herd of deathclaws.} -{6065}{}{A batch of fire geckos.} -{6066}{}{A slew of aliens.} -{6067}{}{Hubologists fighting mercenaries.} +{6064}{}{En hjord av dödsklor.} +{6065}{}{Ett parti eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{6066}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} +{6067}{}{Hubologister som slåss mot legosoldater.} {6068}{}{Hubologists fending off a press gang.} -{6069}{}{Hubologists.} +{6069}{}{Hubologister.} {6070}{}{The remains of a whale.} {6071}{}{A giant stone head.} {6072}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1592,12 +1592,12 @@ {6075}{}{A tin woodsman.} {6076}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6077}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{6078}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} -{6079}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} +{6078}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} +{6079}{}{En samling av personer som ser viktiga ut.} {6100}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6101}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6102}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6103}{}{A band of mercenaries.} +{6103}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} {6104}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6105}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6106}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1607,13 +1607,13 @@ {6110}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6111}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6112}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6113}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} -{6114}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{6115}{}{A slew of aliens.} -{6116}{}{A caravan fending off mercenaries.} -{6117}{}{A caravan fending off mercenaries.} -{6118}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} -{6119}{}{A caravan fending off aliens.} +{6113}{}{En flock dödsklor.} +{6114}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{6115}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} +{6116}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot legosoldater.} +{6117}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot legosoldater.} +{6118}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{6119}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot utomjordingar.} {6120}{}{A caravan.} {6121}{}{A caravan.} {6122}{}{The remains of a whale.} @@ -1624,11 +1624,11 @@ {6127}{}{A tin woodsman.} {6128}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6129}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{6130}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} -{6150}{}{A band of mercenaries.} -{6151}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} -{6152}{}{A pack of fire geckos.} -{6153}{}{A slew of aliens.} +{6130}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} +{6150}{}{Ett band av legosoldater.} +{6151}{}{En flock dödsklor.} +{6152}{}{En flock av eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{6153}{}{En massa utomjordingar.} {6154}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6155}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6156}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1638,13 +1638,13 @@ {6160}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6161}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6162}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6163}{}{A caravan fending off mercenaries.} -{6164}{}{A caravan fending off mercenaries.} -{6165}{}{A caravan fending off fire geckos.} -{6166}{}{A caravan fending off aliens.} +{6163}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot legosoldater.} +{6164}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot legosoldater.} +{6165}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot eldsprutande geckoödlor.} +{6166}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot utomjordingar.} {6167}{}{A caravan.} {6168}{}{A caravan.} -{6169}{}{A band of angry mercenaries.} +{6169}{}{Ett band av arga legosoldater.} {6200}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6201}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6202}{}{A herd of brahmin.} @@ -1658,8 +1658,8 @@ {6210}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6211}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6212}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6213}{}{Remnants of the Master's army.} -{6214}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} +{6213}{}{Rester av Mästarens armé.} +{6214}{}{En flock dödsklor.} {6215}{}{A swarm of mantis.} {6216}{}{The remains of a whale.} {6217}{}{A giant stone head.} @@ -1670,8 +1670,8 @@ {6222}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6223}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} {6250}{}{An Enclave patrol.} -{6251}{}{Remnants of the Master's army.} -{6252}{}{A pack of deathclaws.} +{6251}{}{Rester av Mästarens armé.} +{6252}{}{En flock dödsklor.} {6253}{}{A swarm of mantis.} {6254}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6255}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ {6300}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6301}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6302}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6303}{}{A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army.} +{6303}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé.} {6304}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6305}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6306}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1697,8 +1697,8 @@ {6310}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6311}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6312}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6313}{}{A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army.} -{6314}{}{A caravan fending off some deathclaws.} +{6313}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé.} +{6314}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några dödsklor.} {6315}{}{A caravan.} {6316}{}{A caravan.} {6317}{}{A caravan.} @@ -1710,9 +1710,9 @@ {6323}{}{A tin woodsman.} {6324}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6325}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{6350}{}{A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army.} -{6351}{}{A caravan fending off remnants of the Master's army.} -{6352}{}{A caravan fending off some deathclaws.} +{6350}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé.} +{6351}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot rester av Mästarens armé.} +{6352}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot några dödsklor.} {6353}{}{A caravan.} {6354}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6355}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1727,7 +1727,7 @@ {6364}{}{A caravan.} {6365}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {6366}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{6400}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{6400}{}{En flock vargar.} {6401}{}{A swarm of mantis.} {6402}{}{A family of radscorpions.} {6403}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ {6450}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6451}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6452}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6453}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{6453}{}{En flock vargar.} {6454}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6455}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6456}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1767,7 +1767,7 @@ {6500}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6501}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6502}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6503}{}{A band of marauders.} +{6503}{}{Ett band av marodörer.} {6504}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6505}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6506}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1777,17 +1777,17 @@ {6510}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6511}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6512}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6513}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{6513}{}{En flock vargar.} {6514}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} -{6515}{}{A caravan fending off marauders.} -{6516}{}{A caravan fending off marauders.} -{6517}{}{A caravan fending off wolves.} -{6518}{}{A caravan fending off radscorpions.} +{6515}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} +{6516}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} +{6517}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot vargar.} +{6518}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot radioaktiva skorpioner.} {6519}{}{A caravan.} {6520}{}{A caravan.} {6521}{}{A caravan.} {6522}{}{A caravan.} -{6523}{}{A traveler.} +{6523}{}{En resenär.} {6524}{}{The remains of a whale.} {6525}{}{A giant stone head.} {6526}{}{A crashed shuttle.} @@ -1796,11 +1796,11 @@ {6529}{}{A tin woodsman.} {6530}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6531}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{6532}{}{A band of angry marauders.} -{6550}{}{A band of marauders.} -{6551}{}{A pack of wolves.} +{6532}{}{Ett band av arga marodörer.} +{6550}{}{Ett band av marodörer.} +{6551}{}{En flock vargar.} {6552}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} -{6553}{}{A caravan fending off marauders.} +{6553}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} {6554}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6555}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6556}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1810,19 +1810,19 @@ {6560}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6561}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6562}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6563}{}{A caravan fending off marauders.} -{6564}{}{A caravan fending off wolves.} -{6565}{}{A caravan fending off radscorpions.} +{6563}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} +{6564}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot vargar.} +{6565}{}{En karavan som försvarar sig mot radioaktiva skorpioner.} {6566}{}{A caravan.} {6567}{}{A caravan.} {6568}{}{A caravan.} {6569}{}{A caravan.} -{6570}{}{A traveler.} +{6570}{}{En resenär.} {6571}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {6572}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{6573}{}{A band of angry marauders.} -{6600}{}{A deteachment of the Master's armies.} -{6601}{}{A band of marauders.} +{6573}{}{Ett band av arga marodörer.} +{6600}{}{En avdelning från Mästarens arméer.} +{6601}{}{Ett band av marodörer.} {6602}{}{Some Rangers fending off a squad of the Master's armies.} {6603}{}{Some Rangers fighting some marauders.} {6604}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1834,17 +1834,17 @@ {6610}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6611}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6612}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6613}{}{Some farmers fending off parts of the Master's armies.} -{6614}{}{Some farmers fending off marauders.} +{6613}{}{Några bönder som försvarar sig mot delar av Mästarens arméer.} +{6614}{}{Några bönder som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} {6615}{}{A detachment of NCR Rangers.} {6616}{}{Some farmers.} {6617}{}{A man guarding a bridge.} {6618}{}{King Arthur's Knights fighting a rat.} -{6619}{}{A band of angry marauders.} +{6619}{}{Ett band av arga marodörer.} {6650}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6651}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6652}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6653}{}{A detachment of the Master's armies.} +{6653}{}{En avdelning från Mästarens arméer.} {6654}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6655}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6656}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1854,11 +1854,11 @@ {6660}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6661}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6662}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6663}{}{A band of marauders.} +{6663}{}{Ett band av marodörer.} {6664}{}{Some Rangers fending off a squad of the Master's armies.} {6665}{}{Some Rangers fighting some marauders.} -{6666}{}{Some farmers fending off parts of the Master's armies.} -{6667}{}{Some farmers fending off marauders.} +{6666}{}{Några bönder som försvarar sig mot delar av Mästarens arméer.} +{6667}{}{Några bönder som försvarar sig mot marodörer.} {6668}{}{A detachment of NCR Rangers.} {6669}{}{Some farmers.} {6670}{}{The remains of a whale.} @@ -1869,11 +1869,11 @@ {6675}{}{A tin woodsman.} {6676}{}{The Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer.} {6677}{}{The Cafe of Broken Dreams.} -{6678}{}{A band of angry marauders.} -{6700}{}{Remnants of the Master's army fighting mutated molerats.} -{6701}{}{Remnants of the Master's armies.} +{6678}{}{Ett band av arga marodörer.} +{6700}{}{Spillror av Mästarens armé slåss mot muterade mullvadsråttor.} +{6701}{}{Rester av Mästarens arméer.} {6702}{}{A swarm of mantis.} -{6703}{}{A pack of mutated molerats.} +{6703}{}{En flock muterade mullvadsråttor.} {6704}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6705}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6706}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ {6750}{}{Toxic waste dump.} {6751}{}{A lone surviving dog.} {6752}{}{A herd of brahmin.} -{6753}{}{Remnants of the Master's army fighting mutated molerats.} +{6753}{}{Spillror av Mästarens armé slåss mot muterade mullvadsråttor.} {6754}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6755}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6756}{}{Some bounty hunters.} @@ -1899,9 +1899,9 @@ {6760}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6761}{}{Some bounty hunters.} {6762}{}{A band of ruffians led by a Morton Brother.} -{6763}{}{Remnants of the Master's armies.} +{6763}{}{Rester av Mästarens arméer.} {6764}{}{A swarm of mantis.} -{6765}{}{A pack of mutated molerats.} +{6765}{}{En flock muterade mullvadsråttor.} {6766}{}{A pack of radscorpions.} {6767}{}{The remains of a whale.} {6768}{}{A giant stone head.} diff --git a/data/text/swedish/game/worldmp.msg b/data/text/swedish/game/worldmp.msg index 5d50531e39..f50e168d0c 100644 --- a/data/text/swedish/game/worldmp.msg +++ b/data/text/swedish/game/worldmp.msg @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ -{200}{}{Cavern Entrance} +{200}{}{Grottingång} {201}{}{Entrance} -{202}{}{Living Quarters} -{203}{}{Command Center} -{210}{}{Desert Entrance} -{211}{}{Caverns/Entrance} -{212}{}{Living Quarters} -{213}{}{Command Center} +{202}{}{Bostadsutrymme} +{203}{}{Kommandocentral} +{210}{}{Ökeningång} +{211}{}{Grottor/Ingång} +{212}{}{Bostadsutrymme} +{213}{}{Kommandocentral} {220}{}{Entrance} {221}{}{Garden} -{222}{}{Brahmin Pen} +{222}{}{Brahma-inhängnad} {230}{}{Entrance} {231}{}{Crash House} -{232}{}{Casino} -{240}{}{Base} -{250}{}{Hotel} +{232}{}{Kasino} +{240}{}{Bas} +{250}{}{Hotell} {251}{}{Hall} {252}{}{Vattenskjul} {260}{}{Entrance} {261}{}{Downtown} {262}{}{Höjder} -{263}{}{Old Town} +{263}{}{Gamla stan} {264}{}{Köpmän} {265}{}{Cave} {270}{}{Entrance} @@ -28,15 +28,15 @@ {273}{}{Level 3} {274}{}{Level 4} {280}{}{Entrance} -{281}{}{Stronghold Level 1} -{282}{}{Stronghold Level 2} +{281}{}{Fästning Nivå 1} +{282}{}{Fästning Nivå 2} {283}{}{Vats Level 1} {284}{}{Vats Level 2} -{290}{}{Crater} +{290}{}{Krater} {291}{}{Level 1} {300}{}{Adytum} {301}{}{Downtown} -{302}{}{Library} +{302}{}{Bibliotek} {303}{}{Fästning} {304}{}{Warehouse} {310}{}{Entrance} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/actemvil.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/actemvil.msg index 12d2b0c225..357e2ba5bb 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/actemvil.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/actemvil.msg @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Anh có thể lấy lại sau trận đấu. Hãy bắt đầu nào! Chúc may m {154}{}{Hãy đi theo đường bên trái tôi, Cứu tinh. Đấy là lối chính đi vào đền. Cổng hang đằng sau tôi sẽ đưa anh đến phòng cuối cùng.} {155}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{156}{}{All right. Thanks.} +{156}{}{Được rồi. Cám ơn.} {157}{}{Không, cám ơn, Cứu tinh. Tôi vẫn còn vết sẹo từ lần đấu trước và sẽ mất nhiều năm để phục hồi!} {158}{}{Đi đây chào, Cameron.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cccomp1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cccomp1.msg index 80d0e24937..9b1e7fa636 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cccomp1.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cccomp1.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ sư máy tính.} -{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đéo túi bảo vệ và một mớ bút.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đeo miếng bảo vệ túi và một mớ bút.} {103}{}{Xin chào, cậu lính.} {104}{}{Vui lòng đừng chạm vào thứ gì.} {105}{}{Lính cấp thấp đáng ra không được vào đây.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg index c892273a3f..35adaf0ade 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccmedgrd.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một lính gác.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một lính gác mặc áo giáp chiến đấu.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate - that you are unfamiliar with.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc áo giáp chiến đấu. Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực +mà bạn không nhận ra.} {103}{}{Không có gì mới.} {104}{}{Tôi không thấy có gì mới, cậu thì sao?} {105}{}{Này cậu lính, sao cậu không về vị trí gác đi? Đừng có đi lang thang ở đây.} @@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ {115}{}{Chúng tao sẽ cho mày cạp đất!} {116}{}{Enclave sẽ thống trị cả thế giới!} {117}{}{Mày phải chết để Enclave tồn tại!} -{118}{}{Sorry, soldier. That area is off limits to base personnel. I have to ask you - to leave.} -{119}{}{Doc want me kill D'claw. He no want do himself.} +{118}{}{Rất tiếc, cậu lính. Đây là khu cấm nhân sự trong căn cứ. Tôi yêu cầu cậu +rời khỏi chỗ này.} +{119}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn ngộ giết con Vuốt. Ông ta không muốn tự làm.} {120}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{121}{}{Doc wants me to kill the critter for him. He doesn't want to do it himself.} -{122}{}{I knew the bastard wouldn't have the balls to do it himself. Oh no, it's okay - if one of us gets fucked up. (sigh) Oh well. Go on in and good luck, soldier.} +{121}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn tôi giết mẫu vật thay. Ông ta không muốn tự tay làm.} +{122}{}{Tôi biết là lão chết tiệt đấy không dám tự tay làm mà. Ôi, kiểu gì thì cũng có +người phải nhúng bùn. (thở dài) Ồ được rồi. Vào đi và chúc may mắn, cậu lính.} {123}{}{Cám ơn.} -{124}{}{Why are you looking at me like that, soldier?} -{125}{}{Me hear you call Snookie. That cute.} -{126}{}{I hear you're called Snookie. I think that's cute.} -{127}{}{What... He told you that? When I get off duty I'm going to kick his ass... - Move along, soldier. And wipe that smirk off your face!} +{124}{}{Sao cậu lại nhìn tôi như thế hả, cậu lính?} +{125}{}{Ngộ nghe cô gọi là Snookie. Yêu đấy.} +{126}{}{Tôi nghe nói cô là Snookie. Tên dễ thương thật đấy.} +{127}{}{Cái... Hắn ta nói cho cậu à? Khi nào hết ca gác tôi sẽ cho hắn ta một trận... +Bước đi, cậu lính. Và thôi cái điệu cười trên mặt đi!} {128}{}{Okay.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccncomp.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccncomp.msg index 4f50e656d0..b9b48fdc66 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccncomp.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccncomp.msg @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer.} -{101}{}{You see a computer.} -{102}{}{You see the central computer for Navarro.} -{103}{}{Please enter your password.} -{104}{}{Enter 'Snookie'} -{105}{}{Forget this doo doo.} -{106}{}{Screw this.} -{107}{}{Try to hack the system.} -{108}{}{Welcome to the Enclave. You have limited system privileges at this time. For ease of use this system has been equipped with a common English parser. Please enter all requests as English sentences.} -{109}{}{How may I help you?} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy cái máy tính trung tâm của Navarro.} +{103}{}{Vui lòng nhập mật khẩu.} +{104}{}{Nhập "Snookie"} +{105}{}{Quên cái đụ đị.} +{106}{}{Mẹ nó chứ.} +{107}{}{Cố bẻ khóa hệ thống.} +{108}{}{Chào mừng đến với Enclave. Bạn có quyền truy cập hệ thống giới hạn trong phiên này. Để thuận tiện cho việc sử dụng, hệ thống đã được trang bị thiết bị phân tích câu Tiếng Anh. Vui lòng nhập tất cả yêu cầu bằng Tiếng Anh.} +{109}{}{Tôi có thể giúp gì được?} {110}{}{Bản vẽ máy bay ở đâu?} -{111}{}{Where Enclave main base?} -{112}{}{Where armory?} -{113}{}{Where base commander?} -{114}{}{Me guess that all.} -{115}{}{Where are the vertibird plans located?} +{111}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave ở chỗ nào?} +{112}{}{Kho khí giới đâu?} +{113}{}{Chỉ huy căn cứ đâu?} +{114}{}{Ngộ chắc hết rồi.} +{115}{}{Bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở chỗ nào?} {116}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave nằm ở đâu?} -{117}{}{Where is the armory located?} -{118}{}{Where is the base commander's office located?} -{119}{}{I guess that's all.} -{120}{}{Searching... Accessing current inventory records... Data acquired. Current records indicate that 1 set of vertibird schematics are in stock. Four copies of the vertibird schematics have been ordered this quarter. Four copies of the vertibird schematics have been delivered this quarter. Three copies of the vertibird schematics have been reported lost this quarter. The vertibird schematics are housed in maintenance.} -{121}{}{Okay. Where maintenance?} -{122}{}{Fine. So where is maintenance located?} -{123}{}{Searching... Accessing base architectural files... Data acquired. Maintenance is located above ground in the northeast quadrant of the base. } +{117}{}{Kho khí giới nằm ở đâu?} +{118}{}{Phòng của chỉ huy căn cứ ở chỗ nào?} +{119}{}{Tôi chắc vậy là đủ rồi.} +{120}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập vào hồ sơ kho hiện tại... Nhận được dữ liệu. Hồ sơ hiện tại cho biết có 1 bản sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng trong kho. Bốn bảo sao sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng đã được yêu cầu trong quý này. Bốn bản sao sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng đã được gửi trong quý này. Ba bản sao sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng đã được báo cáo bị mất trong quý này. Sơ đồ máy bay lên thẳng được lưu trữ trong phòng bảo trì.} +{121}{}{Okê. Bảo trì đâu?} +{122}{}{Rồi. Thế phòng bảo trì ở đâu?} +{123}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. Phòng bảo trì nằm trên mặt đất ở góc Đông Bắc của căn cứ.} {124}{}{Cám ơn.} -{125}{}{Searching... Accessing geographical maps... Data acquired. Enclave headquarters is located 175 miles off of the coast of California in the Pacific Ocean. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18 minutes north latitude by 120 degrees 7 minutes west longitude.} -{126}{}{What the hell all that mean?} -{127}{}{What the hell does all that crap mean?} -{128}{}{Searching... Accessing English slang dictionary... Data acquired. Translation follows: 1) It's a long ways out in the ocean. 2) It's off the coast of California. 3) It's west of the city of San Francisco. 4) If you do not understand the geographical coordinate system then you will not find it.} -{129}{}{How get there?} -{130}{}{How can I get there?} -{131}{}{Searching... Accessing transportation directory... Data acquired. Transportation files indicate that 1,257 methods can be used to reach Enclave headquarters. However, records also indicate that only 2 of these methods are currently available. Vertibird transportation can be acquired at Navarro outpost. Ship transportation can be acquired at San Francisco harbor. Please note that ship transportation has been flagged as inaccessible due to security act 9837-334-27A. Ship has been disabled and a passkey is required for reactivation. Base commander, Navarro outpost, currently holds the passkey.} +{125}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập bản đồ địa lí... Nhận được dữ liệu. Căn cứ chính của Enclave cách bờ biển California giáp Thái Bình Dương 175 dặm, có tọa độ 37 độ 18 phút vĩ độ Bắc, 120 độ 7 phút kinh độ tây.} +{126}{}{Mấy thứ đó nghĩa quái gì vậy?} +{127}{}{Mấy con số quái quỷ đó có nghĩa là gì vậy?} +{128}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập từ điển tiếng lóng Tiếng Anh... Nhận được dữ liệu. Bản dịch như sau: 1) Cách xa ngoài biển. 2) Đi từ bờ biển California. 3) Phía Tây thành phố San Fransico. 4) Nếu không hiểu được hệ thống tọa độ địa lí thì bạn sẽ không tìm được.} +{129}{}{Đi cách nào?} +{130}{}{Tôi có thể đến đó bằng cách nào?} +{131}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập thư mục vận tải... Nhận được dữ liệu. Tệp vận tải cho biết có 1.257 phương tiện có thể đi đến căn cứ chính Enclave. Tuy nhiên, theo hồ sơ thì hiện chỉ còn 2 cách để đi. Có thể đi bằng máy bay trực thăng từ căn cứ tiền phương Navarro. Có thể đi bằng tàu thủy từ cảng San Fransico. Vui lòng lưu ý rằng đường đi bằng tàu thủy đã được đánh dấu là không sử dụng được do đạo luật an ninh 9837-334-27A. Tàu đã bị vô hiệu hóa và cần có bộ mã khóa để kích hoạt lại. Chỉ huy căn cứ tiền phương Navarro hiện đang giữ bộ mã khóa.} {132}{}{Okay.} {133}{}{Hiểu rồi.} -{134}{}{Searching... Accessing base architectural files... Data acquired. Armory is located below ground in the northwest quadrant of the base.} +{134}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. Kho khí giới nằm dưới lòng đất ở góc Tây Bắc căn cứ.} {135}{}{Ngộ hiểu rồi.} -{136}{}{Yeah, got it.} -{137}{}{Searching... Accessing base architectural files... Data acquired. Base commander's office is located below ground in the northeast quadrant of the base.} +{136}{}{Được, hiểu rồi.} +{137}{}{Đang tìm kiếm... Đang truy cập tệp kiến trúc căn cứ... Nhận được dữ liệu. Phòng chỉ huy căn cứ nằm dưới lòng đất ở góc Đông Bắc căn cứ.} {138}{}{Được rồi.} {139}{}{Được đấy.} -{140}{}{Thank you for accessing EnclaveNet. Logging off... } +{140}{}{Cám ơn đã truy cập EnclaveNet. Đang đăng xuất...} {141}{}{Đã xong.} -{142}{}{Command?} -{143}{}{Unauthorized activity detected in main computer complex. Security alert. Security alert.} -{144}{}{Initiate welcome program.} -{145}{}{Shit!} -{146}{}{Security System Lockout in Progress.} +{142}{}{Lệnh?} +{143}{}{Đã phát hiện hành vi trái phép trong khu phức hợp máy tính chính. Báo động an ninh. Báo động an ninh.} +{144}{}{Bắt đầu chương trình chào mừng.} +{145}{}{Cứt thật!} +{146}{}{Đang tiến hành Khóa an ninh hệ thống.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp1.msg index bf6d7d513a..7d4c568ff0 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp1.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp1.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ sư máy tính.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing a lab coat complete with pocket protector and a stash of pens.} -{103}{}{Good day soldier.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm kín người với miếng bảo hộ túi và một nắm bút.} +{103}{}{Chào cậu lính.} {104}{}{Vui lòng đừng chạm vào thứ gì.} {105}{}{Lính cấp thấp đáng ra không được vào đây.} {106}{}{Cậu đang không mặc quân phục. } diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp2.msg index a9283c7f33..afa85790a5 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccomp2.msg @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} {102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm. Ông ta trông có vẻ rất tự tin.} -{103}{}{Yes soldier?} +{103}{}{Sao thế?} {104}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} {105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} {106}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} {107}{}{Chỉ chào thôi. Gặp lại sau.} {108}{}{Đây là phòng máy tính. Máy chủ ở đó, bảng giao diện bên cạnh, còn đống này là thiết bị lưu trữ dữ liệu dạng băng holotape. Đây là thiết bị mới và tân tiến nhất.} -{109}{}{Oh. Uh, What you do?} +{109}{}{Ồ. Ờ, làm gì thế?} {110}{}{Vậy ông làm gì ở đây?} {111}{}{Tôi là chuyên viên phân tích máy tính cấp cao. Tôi lo việc bảo dưỡng toàn bộ thiết bị ở đây.} {112}{}{Ồ. Ngộ dùng máy tính?} {113}{}{Ngộ không hiểu. Ngộ đi.} {114}{}{Này, tôi có thể dùng hệ thống một chút không? Thế nào nhỉ, kiểm tra thôi?} {115}{}{Này, nói chuyện vui đấy. Gặp lại sau nhé.} -{116}{}{Well... I'm not supposed to allow anyone other than trained personnel to use the equipment. It's all rather complex and delicate you understand.} +{116}{}{Ồ... tôi không được phép để những người chưa được đào tạo sử dụng thiết bị. Cậu phải hiểu là thứ này phức tạp và dễ hỏng lắm.} {117}{}{Làm ơn? Ngộ không phá.} -{118}{}{I promise not to break it} -{119}{}{All right. You can access the system from the terminal over there. Just be careful please. They'll shoot us both if you damage that machine. Oh, the guest password is 'Snookie.'} +{118}{}{Tôi hứa sẽ không làm hỏng} +{119}{}{Được rồi. Cậu có thể truy cập vào hệ thống bằng bảng máy tính ở kia. Nhớ làm ơn cẩn thận giùm. Họ sẽ bắn cả hai ta nếu cậu làm hỏng chiếc máy. Ồ, mật khẩu cho khách là "Snookie".} {120}{}{Tôi rất tiếc nhưng không thể được. Tôi thậm chí còn không được phép để người vào trong phòng chứ đừng nói là để họ sử dụng thiết bị.} {121}{}{Snookie? Snookie nào?} {122}{}{Ok. Ngộ hiểu.} @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ {124}{}{Được rồi. Tôi hiểu.} {125}{}{"Snookie" là biệt danh của bạn gái tôi. Dễ thương chứ hả? Mà cô ấy đứng ngoài hành lang kìa. Cô ấy là một lính gác.} {126}{}{Ok, được rồi. Cám ơn.} -{127}{}{Yeah... Cute. Thanks.} +{127}{}{Ừ... dễ thương đấy. Cám ơn.} {128}{}{Cậu đang không mặc quân phục. } {129}{}{Tốt hơn hết là nên đi mặc đồ vào. Kho khí giới ở cuối hành lang bên trái.} {130}{}{Cậu to gan lắm mới đi lại mà không mặc quân phục đấy. Tốt nhất là nên đi báo lại cho hậu cần đi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccqmstr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccqmstr.msg index 2bd16650ed..3eb9a8054d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccqmstr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccqmstr.msg @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ -{100}{}{You see someone in power armor.} -{101}{}{You see the Quartermaster.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing power armor of an unusual design. - There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Sĩ quan quân nhu.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor được thiết kế khác lạ. +Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực mà bạn không nhận ra.} {103}{}{Mấy người các ngươi là lũ quái nào thế... Báo động! Có kẻ đột nhập trong căn cứ!} -{104}{}{What the... I can see why you're here. You obviously want - to get rid of that antique suit you're wearing.} -{105}{}{Why are you out of uniform, soldier?} +{104}{}{Cái gì... Ta có thể thấy tại sao cậu đến đây. Hẳn là cậu muốn +lột bỏ cái thứ cổ lỗ sĩ đang đeo trên người rồi.} +{105}{}{Sao lại không mặc quân phục hả, đồ lính?} {106}{}{Chết đi!} -{107}{}{Uh, yeah...} +{107}{}{Ờ, thì...} {108}{}{Ừ...} -{109}{}{Me new here.} -{110}{}{Me not one you soldiers!} -{111}{}{Uh, well...} -{112}{}{I'm new here.} -{113}{}{I'm not one of your soldiers!} -{114}{}{Uh, what? Can't think of a good excuse? I'm waiting, soldier!} -{115}{}{Me not have uniform yet.} -{116}{}{I don't have a uniform yet.} -{117}{}{You're a bit on the slow side, aren't you? (sigh) Well, that's - not your fault. I have a brother just like you. Anyway, are you new here? - I don't recall seeing you before.} -{118}{}{Are you new here? I don't recall seeing you before.} -{119}{}{Yes! Me new here!} -{120}{}{Yes, I'm new here.} -{121}{}{Well, you'll need your standard issue, then. Go into the armory, - suit up, and take your weapon. You should report to the Drill Sergeant - afterwards.} +{109}{}{Ngộ mới.} +{110}{}{Ngộ không lính của ông!} +{111}{}{Ừ, thì...} +{112}{}{Tôi là lính mới.} +{113}{}{Tôi không phải lính của ông!} +{114}{}{Ừ cái gì? Không nặn ra được lí do nào lọt tai à? Ta đang nghe đây, đồ lính!} +{115}{}{Ngộ chưa có quân phục.} +{116}{}{Tôi vẫn chưa có quân phục.} +{117}{}{Cậu hơi đần nhỉ? (thở dài) Ồ, không phải lỗi của cậu. +Ta có thằng em y như cậu. Mà cậu là lính mới ở đây à? +Ta không nhớ có gặp cậu trước kia.} +{118}{}{Lính mới à? Ta không nhớ có từng gặp qua.} +{119}{}{Đúng! Ngộ mới đây!} +{120}{}{Đúng vậy, tôi mới đến đây.} +{121}{}{Ồ, thế thì cậu sẽ cần đồ tiêu chuẩn. Đi đến kho khí giới, +mặc đồ và nhận vũ khí. Sau đó đến báo cáo chỗ +Trung sĩ huấn luyện.} {122}{}{Cám ơn!} -{123}{}{You're welcome. Now get out of here. I've got work to do and I - don't want to be disturbed.} -{124}{}{I'm busy right now. Come back later.} -{125}{}{Hello, recruit. I just got a call from your Sergeant. He says - I'm to suit you up and send you back to him. That right?} +{123}{}{Ổn rồi. Giờ thì biến khỏi đây đi. Ta có việc phải là và không +muốn bị quấy rầy.} +{124}{}{Giờ ta đang bận. Quay lại sau đi.} +{125}{}{Chào, tân binh. Ta mới nhận được cuộc gọi của Trung sĩ. Ông ta +bảo cậu đến nhận đồ rồi quay lại vị trí. Đúng chứ?} {126}{}{Đúng vậy.} -{127}{}{This base is on alert and I don't recognize you. Show me your - papers, soldier.} +{127}{}{Căn cứ đang có báo động và ta không nhận ra ngươi. Xuất trình +giấy tờ ra, đồ lính.} {128}{}{Ngộ không có giấy tờ theo người.} {129}{}{Ngộ không cần giấy tờ!} {130}{}{Tôi không mang theo giấy tờ. Chúng ở trong hòm đồ rồi.} {131}{}{Giấy tờ? Tôi có giấy tờ ở đây này!} -{132}{}{Wrong answer. You're to carry your papers with you at all times - and you should know that!} +{132}{}{Trả lời sai rồi. Lúc nào mày cũng phải mang giấy tờ theo +và mày phải biết điều đó!} {133}{}{Chẹp.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccquincy.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccquincy.msg index adba858a1d..040201c417 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccquincy.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccquincy.msg @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ -{100}{}{You see a man in a military uniform.} -{101}{}{You see Quincy, the mechanic.} -{102}{}{You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think - he is more of a mechanic than a soldier.} -{103}{}{Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?} -{104}{}{Me need ask you something.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Quincy, thợ cơ khí.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục. Nhìn mấy vết dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ +ông ta giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính.} +{103}{}{Tên là Quincy, cậu lính. Sao cậu lại vỗ vai ta rồi đần mặt ra thế?} +{104}{}{Ngộ cần hỏi ông chuyện.} {105}{}{Không có gì.} -{106}{}{Hi. I need to ask you something.} +{106}{}{Chào. Tôi cần hỏi mấy thứ.} {107}{}{Không có gì.} -{108}{}{All right, but make it quick. I have inventory to do.} -{109}{}{What do you need to know?} +{108}{}{Được rồi, nhưng nhanh lên nhé. Ta còn phải xếp hàng nữa.} +{109}{}{Cần biết gì nào?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} -{111}{}{Me look for vertibird plans. Where find?} -{112}{}{Me told by tech me find vertibird plans here.} +{111}{}{Ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Tìm đâu?} +{112}{}{Kĩ thuật bảo ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở đây.} {113}{}{Ngộ đi giờ.} {114}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} -{115}{}{I'm looking for vertibird plans. Do you know where I can find them?} -{116}{}{I was told by a tech that I could find the vertibird plans here.} -{117}{}{Well, got to go.} -{118}{}{This is maintenance. We repair pretty much anything except for the vertibirds.} -{119}{}{Where vertibird get repair?} -{120}{}{Where do the vertibirds get repaired?} -{121}{}{They only fit in the hangar or outdoors. You figure it out from there, okay?} -{122}{}{Oh... okay.} -{123}{}{Oh, yeah. I get it.} -{124}{}{Well... I've got a copy of the plans but I can't just hand them out to - anyone who asks for them. What do you want with them?} -{125}{}{Me got friends down south who want.} -{126}{}{Uh... well...} -{127}{}{I've got some friends down south who want to get their hands on them.} -{128}{}{I was told by the Sarge to get them.} -{129}{}{Down south... Holy shit! We've got a spy here! Guards! Alert!} +{115}{}{Tôi đang tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Ông có biết là cần tìm ở đâu không?} +{116}{}{Một nhân viên kĩ thuật bảo tôi có thể tìm thấy bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở đây.} +{117}{}{Được, tôi đi đây.} +{118}{}{Đây là phòng bảo trì. Bọn ta sửa gần như mọi thứ, trừ máy bay trực thăng.} +{119}{}{Máy bay trực thăng sửa đâu?} +{120}{}{Máy bay trực thăng được sửa ở đâu thế?} +{121}{}{Chúng chỉ có thể đậu trong khoang chứa hoặc ngoài trời. Đến đấy rồi tự tìm tiếp, được chứ?} +{122}{}{Ồ... okay.} +{123}{}{Ồ, được. Tôi hiểu rồi.} +{124}{}{Ồ... Ta có bản sao đây nhưng làm sao ta có thể đưa cho bất kì gã ngốc +nào đến hỏi được. Cậu cần chúng làm gì?} +{125}{}{Ngộ có bạn phía Nam muốn.} +{126}{}{Ừ... thì...} +{127}{}{Tôi có mấy người bạn phía Nam muốn lấy bản vẽ.} +{128}{}{Trung sĩ bảo tôi đến lấy.} +{129}{}{Phía Nam... Đậu má! Có gián điệp! Lính gác! Báo động!} {130}{}{Ồ ồ.} -{131}{}{Ooops. Put my foot in it this time.} -{132}{}{You're one round short of a full clip, aren't you? Well, they call you - grunts for a reason. Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without - authorization, okay? So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper - paperwork.} -{133}{}{Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without authorization, okay? - So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper paperwork.} +{131}{}{Ồ ồ. Đạp phải cứt rồi.} +{132}{}{Thiếu một viên nữa là đầy băng rồi ha? Ồ, họ xếp cậu làm lính cũng phải. +Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cậu mà không có giấy phép +được, rõ chứ? Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cậu đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ +đi.} +{133}{}{Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cậu mà không có giấy phép được, rõ chứ? +Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cậu đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ đi.} {134}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{135}{}{No, me shoot you first, find plans second, then... what come after two?} -{136}{}{Hey, you got it.} -{137}{}{No, I think I'll shoot you instead and look around for the plans while - you bleed.} -{138}{}{A tech told you... You mean Raul? Did he send you?} -{139}{}{Uh, yeah.} -{140}{}{Uh, no.} -{141}{}{Yeah, that's the guy.} -{142}{}{No, I don't think it was Raul.} -{143}{}{Damn it! You know, Raul would lose his head if it weren't placed so - firmly up his ass! This is the third time this quarter that he's lost those - plans! And now he doesn't even have the brass bouncing balls to come to me - and ask for them? Fine, they're in the locker over there. Oh and, when you - deliver them, tell that asshole I want to see him.} +{135}{}{Không, ngộ bắn ông số một, tìm bản vẽ số hai, rồi... sau số hai là số mấy nhỉ?} +{136}{}{Này, được rồi.} +{137}{}{Không, chắc là tôi cho ông ăn đạn rồi đi tìm bản vẽ trong lúc ông +ngáp vì mất máu.} +{138}{}{Kĩ thuật bảo cậu... Ý cậu là Raul? Hắn ta bảo cậu đến đây?} +{139}{}{Ừ, đúng thế.} +{140}{}{Ừ, không.} +{141}{}{Đúng, đúng là gã đó.} +{142}{}{Không, tôi nghĩ đấy không phải là Raul.} +{143}{}{Mẹ kiếp! Đầu gã Raul này chắc phải rụng ra nếu không có ai gắn chặt vào đít mất! +Đây là lần thứ ba trong quý này thằng đầu khấc làm mất bản vẽ rồi! Và giờ hắn ta +thậm chí còn tụt cả bi vào trong nên không dám đến gặp yêu cầu ta nữa hả? Rồi, +bản vẽ ở trong tủ khóa ở kia. Ồ, khi nào cầm đến tay thì bảo thằng lìn đấy đến +đây gặp ta.} {144}{}{Cám ơn.} -{145}{}{So you're back. Did you get the authorization?} -{146}{}{You again? What is it now?} -{147}{}{Yeah, me got plasma rifle. That good enough me!} +{145}{}{Quay lại rồi đấy. Có giấy phép chưa?} +{146}{}{Lại nữa à? Giờ thì là chuyện gì?} +{147}{}{Đúng, ngộ có súng plasma. Ngộ đủ rồi!} {148}{}{Chưa.} -{149}{}{Yeah, I've got a big fucking gun. That's good enough for me!} +{149}{}{Đúng, tôi có khẩu súng to vãi lìn đây. Thế là đầy đủ giấy tờ rồi chứ!} {150}{}{Chưa.} -{151}{}{Me ask you something.} -{152}{}{Me just say 'Hi'.} -{153}{}{I need to ask you something.} -{154}{}{Nothing, just saying 'Hi'.} -{155}{}{Are you nuts? Walking around here out of uniform? Get suited up!} +{151}{}{Ngộ hỏi chuyện ông.} +{152}{}{Ngộ chỉ "chào" thôi.} +{153}{}{Tôi cần hỏi chút việc.} +{154}{}{Không có gì, chỉ "chào" thôi.} +{155}{}{Điên à? Đi loanh quanh mà không mặc quân phục? Đi mặc đồ vào!} {156}{}{Trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục thì ông ấy sạc cho teo chim.} {157}{}{Sao cậu lại không mặc quân phục?} {158}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {159}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} -{160}{}{Guard! Intruders in maintenance!} +{160}{}{Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập trong phòng bảo trì!} {161}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {162}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {163}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{164}{}{Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers.} -{165}{}{I told you not to go through my stuff! Guards!} -{200}{}{Yeah. Well, don't believe everything you hear.} -{201}{}{Who told you that? 'Cause he's next after I knock some sense into you.} -{300}{}{Can't you see that I am busy?} -{301}{}{Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers!} -{302}{}{I told you not to go through my stuff! Guards!} +{164}{}{Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế.} +{165}{}{Ta đã bảo là đừng có động vào đồ của ta mà! Lính gác đâu!} +{200}{}{Được. Ồ, đừng có tin mọi thứ nghe được.} +{201}{}{Ai bảo cậu thế? Cho cậu một trận xong là ta sẽ đến dạy cho kẻ đó một bài học.} +{300}{}{Không thấy là ta đang bận hả?} +{301}{}{Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế!} +{302}{}{Ta đã bảo là đừng có động vào đồ của ta mà! Lính gác đâu!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccraul.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccraul.msg index 1a3776c228..f7894d5317 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccraul.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccraul.msg @@ -1,71 +1,71 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một người thợ cơ khí.} -{101}{}{You see Raul, the mechanic.} -{102}{}{You see a man in a filthy military uniform. Judging by the grease - spots you think he is more of a mechanic than a soldier, and a hard working - one to boot.} -{103}{}{Sorry, man, but I don't have time to chit-chat, you know? I got to get - this bird working.} -{104}{}{Doc want fix K-9. He say you got part.} -{105}{}{Uh... okay.} -{106}{}{Uh, Quincy want see you. He ask me tell you.} -{107}{}{The doc wants to fix his dog. He sent me for the part.} -{108}{}{Fine. Bye.} -{109}{}{Raul, Quincy wants to see you.} -{110}{}{Quincy, huh? Well, Raul don't want to see him, man. Raul is tired of - his shit, you know?} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Raul, thợ cơ khí.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc bộ quân phục bẩn thỉu. Nhìn vào mấy vết +dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ người này giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính, hơn nữa còn +chăm làm lắm.} +{103}{}{Xin lỗi, em giai, nhưng ta không có thời gian tán nhảm, rõ chứ? Ta còn +phải làm cho con chim này bay được.} +{104}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn sửa K-9. Ông ta nói ông có bộ phận.} +{105}{}{Ừ... okay.} +{106}{}{Ừ, Quincy muốn gặp ông. Ông ta bảo tôi nói cho ông biết.} +{107}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn sửa con chó. Ông ta cử tôi đến lấy bộ phận.} +{108}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} +{109}{}{Raul, Quincy muốn gặp ông.} +{110}{}{Quincy à? Ồ, Raul không muốn gặp lão ta, em giai à. Raul chán đống +cứt đấy lắm rồi, hiểu chứ?} {111}{}{Okay.} -{112}{}{Quincy say you asshole. You no got balls see him.} +{112}{}{Quincy nói ông đầu lìn. Ông sợ không dám đến.} {113}{}{Được rồi.} -{114}{}{Quincy said you were an asshole and that you wouldn't have - the balls to report to him.} -{115}{}{ Hey man, Raul don't take no shit from nobody. You see Quincy working on these - birds? No way, man. Only Raul works on these babies. You know why? Cause - Quincy don't know DICK, man, that's why!} +{114}{}{Quincy nói rằng ông là đồ đầu lìn, và rằng ông sợ không dám đến +chỗ ông ta báo cáo.} +{115}{}{ Này đứa kia, Raul không để yên cho ai ném cứt đâu nhé. Mày có thấy Quincy +sửa chim không? Làm đéo có chuyện. Chỉ có Raul mới sửa được mấy bé này thôi. +Biết tại sao không? Vì Quincy đéo biết cái lìn gì, rõ chưa!} {116}{}{Ừ...} {117}{}{Ờ...} -{118}{}{Hey, sorry, man. Raul shouldn't be yelling at you, you know? It's - not your fault; you're just the messenger. Hey, man, you busy right now?} -{119}{}{No, me not busy. Why?} -{120}{}{Not really, why?} -{121}{}{Hey look, man. Raul's going to go pay Quincy a visit, you know? - Raul's going to clean the old man's clock. - You stay here and watch Raul's birds. Ok?} -{122}{}{Me watch.} -{123}{}{Sure Raul. I'll do it for you, but not just anybody.} -{124}{}{Hey, thanks, man. Raul owes you one! - Don't go away and, hey, man, if anybody - screws with Raul's birds, you shoot them in the ass. Ok?} +{118}{}{Này, xin lỗi em giai. Raul không nên quát cậu, hiểu chứ? Đâu phải lỗi của +cậu; cậu chỉ là người đưa tin. Này, em giai, cậu có đang bận gì không?} +{119}{}{Không, ngộ không bận. Sao chứ?} +{120}{}{Không hẳn, sao chứ?} +{121}{}{Nghe này, cậu em. Raul sẽ đến chỗ Quincy một lúc, được chứ? +Raul sẽ đi thông não lão già dịch ấy. +Cậu em ở đây trông chim giúp Raul. Ok?} +{122}{}{Ngộ trông.} +{123}{}{Được chứ Raul. Tôi sẽ giúp ông, nhưng không phải ai tôi cũng hộ đâu nhé.} +{124}{}{Này, cám ơn em giai. Raul nhờ cậu lần này! +Đừng có rời khỏi đây, và em giai ơi, nếu có thằng nào +nghịch chim của Raul, cứ dí súng vào đít hắn. Ok?} {125}{}{Okay.} -{126}{}{Hey man, what you think you doing? Get the fuck away from that bird, - man! Raul's got enough problems without you grunts fucking with things, you - know? Damn flyboys are bad enough!} -{127}{}{Hey, man, Raul told you to keep the fuck away from his birds, man. - Now Raul has to teach you to listen. Come on, man. Take off the fucking - armor and go one on one, mano e mano with Raul.} -{128}{}{No, me not think so.} -{129}{}{Screw you, Raul. Me shoot you ass dead!} -{130}{}{No thanks, you're too tough for me pal.} -{131}{}{Why use fists when I have a perfectly good gun?} -{132}{}{Then don't fuck with Raul's birds, man! Get out of here!} +{126}{}{Này, đứa kia, làm cái gì đấy? Tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim sắt +ngay! Raul có thừa rắc rối rồi, không cần đến đám lính quèn đến phá nữa đâu, +hiểu chứ? Mẹ nó mấy đứa ruồi bay là đủ lắm rồi!} +{127}{}{Này, Raul đã bảo là tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim tao rồi. Giờ thì +Raul sẽ dạy cho mày một bài học. Đến đây nào, thằng cờ hó. Tụt bộ giáp +củ lìn ra vào đây một chọi một, meno e mano, với Raul nào.} +{128}{}{Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy.} +{129}{}{Cút đi, Raul. Ngộ bắn ông nát đít!} +{130}{}{Không được đâu sói ạ, sói cứng vãi lìn ai mà dại.} +{131}{}{Có khẩu súng ngon thế này thì ngu sao mà phải chơi tay không?} +{132}{}{Thế thì đừng có đmm nghịch chim của Raul nữa! Cút khỏi đây ngay!} {133}{}{Okay.} -{134}{}{Raul thinks you must be nuts walking around here out of uniform.} -{135}{}{Hey, man, if the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand - you your ass.} -{136}{}{Why are you out of uniform, man?} +{134}{}{Raul nghĩ cậu em chắc phải điên lắm mới lượn lờ quanh đây mà không mặc quân phục.} +{135}{}{Này cậu em, trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục là +lão ta cho cậu nát mông đấy.} +{136}{}{Sao cậu em lại không mặc quân phục thế?} {137}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {138}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} -{139}{}{Guard! Intruders in the hangar!} -{140}{}{Hey, man, what's up? We under attack?} -{141}{}{Why the alert, man? What's happening?} +{139}{}{Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập vào khoang chứa máy bay!} +{140}{}{Này cậu em, sao thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} +{141}{}{Sao lại báo động thế? Có chuyện gì vậy?} {142}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{143}{}{Raul's going to put you in med lab, man.} -{144}{}{Hey, man, say your prayers!} -{145}{}{Raul's going to kick your ass!} -{146}{}{Hey, man, it's in the locker over there. Take it and tell the doc - Raul says hi.} +{143}{}{Raul sẽ cho cậu vào bệnh xá đấy, cậu em.} +{144}{}{Này cậu em, hãy cầu nguyện đi!} +{145}{}{Raul sẽ cho cậu em một trận!} +{146}{}{Này cậu em, nó ở trong cái tủ khóa đằng kia. Lấy đi và nói với tiến sĩ +là Raul gửi lời chào nhé.} {147}{}{Cám ơn.} -{150}{}{Hey, man! Raul don't like it when people mess with his shit. Get out, man.} -{151}{}{Raul told you not to go through his stuff! Guards!} -{200}{}{Raul heard you were talking shit about him again.} -{201}{}{This has happened once too often, asshole. Raul's gonna hurt you bad this time.} -{300}{}{Can't you see that Raul's busy?} +{150}{}{Này cậu em! Raul không thích người khác vào phá rối đâu. Biến đi.} +{151}{}{Raul đã bảo là không được sờ vào đồ rồi! Lính đâu!} +{200}{}{Raul nghe nói cậu em lại đi nói đểu Raul lần nữa.} +{201}{}{Nói một lần rồi thì phải biết thân mà cúp mông đi chứ. Raul sẽ dần một trận nhừ tử.} +{300}{}{Không thấy là Raul đang bận à?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech.msg index 484b2ba689..4d5d1de6a1 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech.msg @@ -1,31 +1,31 @@ -{100}{}{A soldier in a duty uniform.} -{101}{}{Some Pfc-Tech, grade X.} -{102}{}{He's wearing a military uniform, but it's clear this guy's more a technician than a soldier.} -{103}{}{Look, how many times I got to tell you goons? Don't get in the way!} -{104}{}{Don't you have something to shoot?} -{105}{}{Greetings, trooper.} -{106}{}{Who are you? Guards!} -{107}{}{What the hell is this? Infiltrator on base!} -{108}{}{Shit! Where's my gun!} -{109}{}{Look, they already searched here and they didn't find anything.} -{110}{}{Jeez, these false alarms make me jumpy as hell.} -{111}{}{Great, another false alarm. Now we'll have to tear the whole system down and put it back - together again. } -{112}{}{Goddamn it! Over here! Get the spy!} -{113}{}{Shit! It's an attack! Where's my piece?} -{114}{}{Shooting? Nobody said there'd be any shooting!} -{115}{}{Who the hell are you? Guards!} -{116}{}{You're not Enclave! Guards!} -{117}{}{Infiltrators! Saboteurs! Over here!} -{118}{}{Hey, don't mess up the plans. I'm working here.} -{119}{}{Where the hell's that gyrovator part?} -{120}{}{Damn fly-boys, always breaking my machines.} -{121}{}{Roger that, we got you on the scope -- don't bother me, I'm working.} -{122}{}{Look, no personal calls allowed, soldier.} -{123}{}{Sorry, can't help you now.} -{124}{}{You have business down here? If not, out of my way.} -{125}{}{This is a restricted area, soldier.} -{126}{}{Move out of my way, soldier.} -{127}{}{What the hell? What's going on up there?} -{128}{}{Shit! They've broken in!} -{129}{}{Those clowns! It's probably just another false alarm.} +{100}{}{Một người lính trong đồng phục nhiệm vụ.} +{101}{}{Một vài Pfc-Tech, hạng X.} +{102}{}{Ông ta mặc đồng phục quân đội, nhưng rõ ràng người này giống nhân viên kĩ thuật hơn là lính.} +{103}{}{Này, ta đã bảo lũ lính quèn chúng mày bao nhiêu lần rồi? Đừng có lẩn quẩn vướng chân!} +{104}{}{Không còn cái bia nào để bắn à?} +{105}{}{Xin chào, lính dù.} +{106}{}{Mày là ai? Lính gác!} +{107}{}{Cái củ cải gì thế này? Có kẻ đột nhập trong căn cứ!} +{108}{}{Cứt thật! Súng để đâu rồi!} +{109}{}{Này, họ đã đến đây tìm rồi và không phát hiện thấy gì cả.} +{110}{}{Phù, mấy cái báo động giả này làm tôi sợ cứng cả người.} +{111}{}{Hay đấy, lại báo động giả nữa. Giờ thì bọn tôi phải tháo dỡ toàn bộ hệ thống rồi lắp lại +như cũ.} +{112}{}{Mẹ nó chứ! Ở đây! Đến bắt gián điệp đi!} +{113}{}{Cứt thật! Bị tấn công rồi! Đồ của tao đâu?} +{114}{}{Có nổ súng à? Làm đéo có ai nói là sẽ có nổ súng đâu!} +{115}{}{Mày là thằng đéo nào thế? Lính gác đâu!} +{116}{}{Mày không phải người của Enclave! Lính gác!} +{117}{}{Kẻ đột nhập! Đồ phá hoại! Ở đây!} +{118}{}{Này, đừng có làm mọi thứ lộn tùng phèo lên. Tôi đang làm việc.} +{119}{}{Bộ phận hồi chuyển ở chỗ đéo nào thế?} +{120}{}{Mẹ cái lũ ruồi bay, lúc đéo nào cũng làm hỏng máy.} +{121}{}{Đã rõ, chúng tôi đã bắt được tín hiệu trên máy quét -- đừng có làm phiền, tôi đang làm việc.} +{122}{}{Này, không được gọi ai cả, cậu lính.} +{123}{}{Xin lỗi, hiện không giúp được.} +{124}{}{Có việc gì ở đây à? Không thì tránh đường.} +{125}{}{Đây là khu vực hạn chế, đồ lính.} +{126}{}{Tránh đường ra, đồ lính.} +{127}{}{Cái đéo gì thế? Trên đấy đang có chuyện gì thế?} +{128}{}{Cứt thật! Chúng nó vào được rồi!} +{129}{}{Lũ hề này! Chắc là lại báo động giả nữa rồi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech1.msg index 4a0baf8f15..6ef891e903 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech1.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech1.msg @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing a lab coat with a pocket protector and lots of pens stuffed in it. He has that slightly confused look of someone new to a job.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đeo miếng bảo vệ túi có nhét đầy bút bên trong. Ông ta trông có vẻ hơi bối rối như thể chưa quen với công việc.} +{103}{}{Vâng?} {104}{}{Ngộ mới đây. Cần hỏi.} {105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} -{106}{}{I'm new here. I need to ask a few questions to familiarize myself with the base.} -{107}{}{Sorry to bother you. I'm just saying hi.} -{108}{}{I'm a new recruit myself, sir. I don't know if I can answer all your questions but I'll try.} +{106}{}{Tôi mới đến. Tôi cần hỏi vài câu để làm quen với căn cứ.} +{107}{}{Xin lỗi đã làm phiền. Tôi chỉ chào hỏi thôi.} +{108}{}{Tôi cũng là nhân viên mới. Tôi không chắc là mình có thể trả lời toàn bộ các câu hỏi, nhưng tôi sẽ cố.} {109}{}{Tôi có thể giúp gì đây?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} {111}{}{Việc ông gì?} -{112}{}{Where Enclave main base at.} +{112}{}{Căn cứ chính Enclave chỗ nào.} {113}{}{Ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Ngộ tìm đâu?} {117}{}{Ngộ đi giờ.} {118}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} @@ -18,26 +18,26 @@ {120}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave nằm ở đâu?} {121}{}{Tôi cần xem bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Chúng để ở đâu thế?} {125}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi đây.} -{126}{}{This is the comm center. We handle all communications with the main base from here.} +{126}{}{Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Chúng tôi xử lí tất cả nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ từ đây.} {127}{}{Ngộ thấy. Ngộ hỏi thêm.} {128}{}{Được rồi. Hỏi thêm mấy câu nữa.} -{129}{}{I'm a comm center technician, second class. I handle all communications with main base and I maintain equipment status.} +{129}{}{Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhì. Tôi xử lí tất cả nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ chính và bảo trì tình trạng thiết bị.} {130}{}{Ừ... vậy à.} {131}{}{Tốt. Cứ tiếp tục đi.} -{132}{}{You've got to be kidding, right? } -{133}{}{No kid. Where base?} -{134}{}{Do I look like I'm kidding?} -{135}{}{The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?} -{136}{}{No. Reason military. How many way get to base?} -{137}{}{No. This is a military matter. Now, how many ways do you know of to reach the base?} -{138}{}{Well... there's the vertibirds, but that's pretty obvious. Then there's the tanker down in San Fran. Other than that I guess you'd have to swim.} +{132}{}{Đùa đấy thôi, phải không? } +{133}{}{Không đùa. Căn cứ đâu?} +{134}{}{Trông tôi có giống đang đùa không?} +{135}{}{Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San Fransico. Liệu tôi có thể biết là anh hỏi làm gì được không?} +{136}{}{Không. Lí do quân sự. Có bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?} +{137}{}{Không. Đây là bí mật quân sự. Còn giờ, ông biết bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?} +{138}{}{Ồ... có máy bay trực thăng, nhưng cách đấy rõ như ban ngày nhỉ. Rồi còn có cái tàu ở San Fran nữa. Ngoài ra thì tôi chắc là chỉ còn mỗi cách tự bơi thôi.} {139}{}{Cám ơn.} {140}{}{Cám ơn.} -{141}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{141}{}{Chúng ở trong phòng bảo trì, bên cạnh phòng kiểm soát không lưu.} {142}{}{Okay.} {143}{}{Hiểu rồi.} {153}{}{Cậu điên à, đi lại ở đây mà không mặc quân phục? Mặc đồ vào!} -{154}{}{If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass.} +{154}{}{Nếu trung sĩ mà bắt được không mặc quân phục thì ông ta sẽ dần cho nát đít đấy.} {155}{}{Sao cậu lại không mặc quân phục?} {156}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {157}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} @@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ {159}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {160}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {161}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{162}{}{I'm just a tech, don't shoot me!} +{162}{}{Tôi chỉ là nhân viên kĩ thuật thôi, đừng bắn tôi!} {163}{}{Tôi đâu có đăng kí chiến đấu, chỉ huấn luyện kĩ thuật thôi!} {164}{}{Đây là áo khoác thí nghiệm chứ có phải giáp đâu! Tôi biến khỏi đây đây!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech2.msg index 2055f7056d..bbd73f92e9 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cctech2.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} {102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm. Ông ta trông có vẻ rất tự tin.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{103}{}{Vâng?} {104}{}{Ngộ mới đây. Cần hỏi.} {105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} {106}{}{Tôi là người mới ở đây và đang cố làm quen với căn cứ. Tôi có thể hỏi vài câu không?} {107}{}{Chỉ chào thôi. Gặp lại sau.} -{108}{}{Certainly, soldier.} +{108}{}{Chắc rồi, anh lính.} {109}{}{Tôi có thể giúp gì đây?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} {111}{}{Việc ông gì?} @@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ {120}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave nằm ở đâu?} {121}{}{Tôi cần xem bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Chúng để ở đâu thế?} {125}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi đây.} -{126}{}{This is the comm center. From here we handle all communications with the main base and any other outposts that have been established.} +{126}{}{Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Tại đây chúng tôi xử lí toàn bộ nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ chính và những tiền đồn đã được tạo lập khác.} {127}{}{Ngộ thấy. Ngộ hỏi thêm.} {128}{}{Được rồi. Hỏi thêm mấy câu nữa.} -{129}{}{I'm a comm center technician, first class. I perform supervisory duties. Mainly I make sure the other techs don't screw up.} +{129}{}{Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhất. Tôi thực hiện nhiệm vụ giám sát. Chủ yếu là tôi đảm bảo những người khác không mắc lỗi.} {130}{}{Ừ... vậy à.} {131}{}{Tốt. Cứ tiếp tục đi.} -{132}{}{Soldier, that information is on a "need to know"-only basis. If you have to ask the question then you don't need to know.} +{132}{}{Anh lính, thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản "cần phải biết". Nếu anh phải đi hỏi thì tức là anh không cần biết.} {133}{}{Okay.} -{134}{}{Come on, it's not like I'm some damn tribal or something. We're in the same outfit; notice the insignia on the armor?} +{134}{}{Thôi nào, tôi có phải dân toọc đâu. Chúng ta ăn mặc giống nhau mà; có thấy cái phù hiệu trên giáp đây không?} {135}{}{Tôi hiểu rồi.} -{136}{}{Yes, sir. The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I inquire why you are asking, sir?} -{137}{}{Soldier, I told you that information is on a "need to know"-only basis.} -{138}{}{For security purposes, I'm checking the level of information awareness among base personnel. Now, tell me all the ways you personally know of to get to main base.} +{136}{}{Vâng. Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San Fransico. Tôi có thể biết tại sao anh hỏi vậy không?} +{137}{}{Anh lính, tôi đã bảo thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản "cần phải biết" rồi.} +{138}{}{Vì lí do an ninh, tôi đang đi kiểm tra mức nhận biết thông tin của nhân sự trong căn cứ. Giờ thì nói cho tôi tất cả những cách mà ông biết để đến được căn cứ chính đi.} {139}{}{Tôi hiểu rồi.} -{140}{}{Yes, sir. First, the vertibirds are the primary method used in reaching main base. Due to the complexity of their operation it is doubtful that subversives could commandeer a vertibird. Second, there is an operational fuel tanker in San Francisco harbor. The ship has, however, been disabled and a passkey is required to restart it. The base commander has the passkey in his possession. Third, with the proper equipment, you could conceivably swim to main base but the probability of survival is next to nil.} +{140}{}{Vâng. Đầu tiên, máy bay trực thăng là phương pháp chính để đi đến căn cứ chính. Do tính phức tạp của hành trình mà rất khó để nhân sự cấp thấp có thể lái máy bay. Thứ hai là có tàu chạy xăng vẫn còn hoạt động ở cảng San Fransico. Tuy nhiên, chiếc tàu này đã bị vô hiệu hóa và cần có bộ mã khóa để khởi động lại. Chỉ huy căn cứ là người đang giữ bộ mã khóa. Thứ ba, nếu có trang thiết bị phù hợp thì có thể bơi đến căn cứ chính nhưng khả năng sống sót gần như bằng 0.} {141}{}{Cám ơn.} {142}{}{Cám ơn.} -{143}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{143}{}{Chúng ở trong phòng bảo trì, bên cạnh phòng kiểm soát không lưu.} {144}{}{Okay.} {145}{}{Hiểu rồi.} {155}{}{Cậu điên à, đi lại ở đây mà không mặc quân phục? Mặc đồ vào!} -{156}{}{If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass.} +{156}{}{Nếu trung sĩ mà bắt được không mặc quân phục thì ông ta sẽ dần cho nát đít đấy.} {157}{}{Sao cậu lại không mặc quân phục?} {158}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {159}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ {161}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {162}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {163}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{164}{}{I'm just a tech, don't shoot me!} +{164}{}{Tôi chỉ là nhân viên kĩ thuật thôi, đừng bắn tôi!} {165}{}{Tôi đâu có đăng kí chiến đấu, chỉ huấn luyện kĩ thuật thôi!} {166}{}{Đây là áo khoác thí nghiệm chứ có phải giáp đâu! Tôi biến khỏi đây đây!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccturret.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccturret.msg index 2aba934f32..51cecc16c7 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccturret.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccturret.msg @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ -{100}{}{You see a Plasma Turret.} -{101}{}{You see a Mk II Plasma Turret.} -{102}{}{A sign on the turret warns that tampering with it will most likely result in death.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một Tháp súng Plasma.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một Tháp súng Plasma Mk II.} +{102}{}{Miếng dán trên tháp súng cảnh báo rằng động vào tháp súng thì gần như chắc chắn chết.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccxarn.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccxarn.msg index 2434bb315e..ed378662bb 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccxarn.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ccxarn.msg @@ -1,153 +1,153 @@ -{100}{}{Greetings, human. I am the warrior Xarn. Are you to be my executioner?} +{100}{}{Chào, người. Ta là chiến binh Xarn. Người là kẻ giết ta?} {101}{}{Đúng vậy.} -{102}{}{No, me here rescue you.} -{103}{}{Not know. Me want know why you here.} -{104}{}{Yes I am.} -{105}{}{No, I'm here to rescue you.} -{106}{}{I don't know. I'd like to know why you are here.} -{107}{}{So be it. I do not intend to go quietly, human. Let us make this a - battle to remember!} +{102}{}{Không, ngộ đây cứu ngươi.} +{103}{}{Không biết. Ngộ muốn biết sao ngươi ở đây.} +{104}{}{Đúng vậy.} +{105}{}{Không, ta đến để cứu ngươi.} +{106}{}{Ta không biết. Ta muốn biết sao ngươi lại ở đây.} +{107}{}{Được rồi. Ta không định ngồi yên chịu chết đâu, người. Hãy chiến đấu +một trận đáng nhớ nào!} {108}{}{Okay.} -{109}{}{Wait. Me change mind. Why are you here?} -{110}{}{I'm ready. Let's party.} -{111}{}{Wait a minute. Why are you here?} -{112}{}{I find it hard to believe that an Enclave soldier is here to rescue me. - More likely, you are here to build up my hopes so that you can dash them to pieces.} -{113}{}{No. Me here rescue you. Really.} -{114}{}{Look, I really am here to rescue you!} -{115}{}{You are my last hope so I will place my trust in you. That - door over there leads to an airshaft that exits into the woods above. - I should be able to climb the shaft and gain my freedom. However, - the door is securely locked and requires a passkey to open. - Find the key, unlock the door, and grant me my freedom.} +{109}{}{Chờ. Ngộ đổi ý. Sao ngươi ở đây?} +{110}{}{Ta sẵn sàng rồi. Chiến nào.} +{111}{}{Chờ một chút đã. Sao ngươi lại ở đây?} +{112}{}{Ta thấy thật khó tin rằng một lính Enclave lại đến đây để cứu ta. Đúng hơn là, +người mang hi vọng đến để làm chúng tan vỡ.} +{113}{}{Không. Ngộ đây cứu ngươi. Thật.} +{114}{}{Này, ta thật sự đến đây để cứu ngươi!} +{115}{}{Người là hi vọng cuối cùng nên ta sẽ tin người. Cái cửa +đằng kia dẫn vào ống thông gió lên khu rừng ở trên. +Ta có thể trèo qua ống thông để tìm tự do. Tuy nhiên, +cửa đã bị khóa chặt và cần có chìa để mở. +Hãy tìm chìa, mở khóa cửa và cho ta được tự do.} {116}{}{Okay, ngộ làm.} -{117}{}{Me think about it.} -{118}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} -{119}{}{I'll think about it.} -{120}{}{(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) Very well. - The Enclave created my people as a slave warrior race. They - enhanced our intellect hoping we could better understand their - commands, and yet not recognize our status as slaves. - They failed; we are much more intelligent than they suspect.} -{121}{}{We decided to play the fool until we could gain our - freedom. Our chance arrived when the Enclave decided to test - us outside their control, here on the mainland. Doctor Schreber - opposed their decision, but he was overruled.} -{122}{}{Not accepting the Enclave decision, he chose exile to this base, - captured me, and has been performing experiments to determine my - true nature. He has been successful. When he reports his findings - to the Enclave my people will be hunted down and slain. I must - escape and warn my people.} -{123}{}{(Xarn stares at you intently for a moment) I have nothing - to tell you, human. I can sense the darkness of your soul.} -{124}{}{If doctor such threat why you no kill?} -{125}{}{Screw you then. Me shoot you ass.} -{126}{}{If this guy is such a threat, then why didn't you just kill him?} -{127}{}{Up yours, then. Die, deathclaw.} -{128}{}{(sigh) Recently I began to consider just such an action, - even though it is not my way to kill. I am certain the doctor - noticed because he stopped seeing me in person. The choice is - no longer mine to make.} -{129}{}{You not worry. Doctor dead. He not make report.} -{130}{}{Me thank you for story.} -{131}{}{You don't have to worry. The doc is dead and he - didn't make the report.} -{132}{}{Thanks for the story. It was interesting.} -{133}{}{I am sorry to hear of his death but it is for the - better that this is so. I would ask you to help me escape - this place. Will you?} -{134}{}{Yes, me do.} -{135}{}{Me think about it.} -{136}{}{No, me no think so.} -{137}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} -{138}{}{No, but I'll think about it.} -{139}{}{No, I don't think so.} -{140}{}{Very well... I will wait here until you come to a decision.} +{117}{}{Ngộ nghĩ về chuyện đó.} +{118}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} +{119}{}{Ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó.} +{120}{}{(Xarn nhìn bạn chằm chằm một lúc) Được. Enclave tạo ra +chúng ta làm chiến binh nô lệ. Họ tăng cường trí tuệ cho +chúng ta với hi vọng chúng ta sẽ hiểu được lệnh rõ hơn, +nhưng không nhận ra tình trạng nô lệ. Họ đã thất bại; +chúng ta thông minh hơn nhiều so với những gì họ nghĩ.} +{121}{}{Chúng ta quyết định giả ngu cho đến khi có thể được tự do. +Cơ hội đã đến khi Enclave quyết định đưa chúng ta ra ngoài +khu kiểm soát để thử nghiệm tại đây trên lục địa. Tiến sĩ Schreber +phản đối quyết định này, nhưng ông ta bị áp quyền.} +{122}{}{Không chấp nhận quyết định của Enclave, ông ta chọn bị điều đến căn cứ +này, bắt ta, rồi thực hiện các thí nghiệm để xác định bản chất thực của ta. +Ông ta đã thành công. Nếu ông ta báo cáo phát hiện của mình cho Enclave +thì người của ta sẽ bị săn tìm và tiêu diệt. Ta phải trốn thoát và cảnh báo +người của mình.} +{123}{}{(Xarn nhìn bạn chằm chằm một lúc) Ta không có gì để nói +với người cả. Ta có thể cảm nhận được sự hắc ám trong tâm người.} +{124}{}{Nếu tiến sĩ nguy vậy, sao ngươi không giết?} +{125}{}{Bỏ mẹ ngươi đi. Ngộ bắn nát đít.} +{126}{}{Nếu gã đó nguy hiểm đến vậy thì tại sao ngươi không giết hắn ta đi?} +{127}{}{Do ngươi thôi. Chết đi, deathclaw.} +{128}{}{(thở dài) Gần đây ta bắt đầu nghĩ về hành động đó, dù +ta không muốn phải giết chóc. Ta chắc là tiến sĩ đã nhận ra +điều đó vì hắn ta không tự mình đến gặp ta nữa. Ta không còn +có thể tự mình quyết định nữa.} +{129}{}{Ngươi không lo. Tiến sĩ chết. Ông ta không báo cáo.} +{130}{}{Ngộ cám ơn vì câu chuyện.} +{131}{}{Ngươi không cần phải lo nữa. Tiến sĩ đã chết và +hắn ta chưa báo cáo đâu.} +{132}{}{Cám ơn vì câu chuyện. Hấp dẫn đấy.} +{133}{}{Ta rất tiếc khi nghe tin ông ta đã chết nhưng có lẽ +đó là điều tốt. Ta muốn nhờ người giúp ta thoát khỏi +chốn này. Được chứ?} +{134}{}{Được, ngộ làm.} +{135}{}{Ngộ nghĩ về chuyện đó.} +{136}{}{Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy.} +{137}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm.} +{138}{}{Không, nhưng ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó.} +{139}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} +{140}{}{Được rồi... ta sẽ chờ ở đây cho đến khi người đưa ra quyết định.} {141}{}{Đã xong.} -{142}{}{Very well... I am saddened by your decision but it is - your choice. If you change your mind, I will be here.} +{142}{}{Được rồi... Ta thất vọng về quyết định này nhưng đó là +lựa chọn của người. Nếu người đổi ý thì ta sẽ ở đây.} {143}{}{Chào.} {144}{}{Tạm biệt.} -{145}{}{I would ask you to help me escape this place. Will you?} -{146}{}{Yes, me do.} -{147}{}{Me think about it.} -{148}{}{No, me no think so.} -{149}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} -{150}{}{No, but I'll think about it.} -{151}{}{No, I don't think so.} -{152}{}{Hello again. Are you ready for our battle?} -{153}{}{No want fight, want hear you story.} -{154}{}{Me not want fight. Me here rescue you.} -{155}{}{No. Me go.} +{145}{}{Ta muốn nhờ người giúp ta thoát khỏi chốn này. Được chứ?} +{146}{}{Được, ngộ làm.} +{147}{}{Ngộ nghĩ về chuyện đó.} +{148}{}{Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy.} +{149}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm.} +{150}{}{Không, nhưng ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó.} +{151}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} +{152}{}{Chào lần nữa. Người đã sẵn sàng cho trận chiến chưa?} +{153}{}{Không muốn đấu, muốn nghe câu chuyện của ngươi.} +{154}{}{Ngộ không muốn đấu. Ngộ đến cứu ngươi.} +{155}{}{Không. Ngộ đi.} {156}{}{Có. Ngộ sẵn sàng.} -{157}{}{I don't really want to fight. Can I hear your story instead?} -{158}{}{I'm here to rescue you, not fight.} -{159}{}{No. I'll be leaving now.} -{160}{}{All right, let's get it over with.} -{161}{}{Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?} +{157}{}{Ta không thực sự muốn chiến đấu. Liệu ta có thể nghe chuyện của ngươi không?} +{158}{}{Ta đến để cứu ngươi, không phải đến để chiến đấu.} +{159}{}{Không. Ta đi giờ đây.} +{160}{}{Được rồi, kết thúc nào.} +{161}{}{Xin chào lần nữa. Người đã đổi ý chưa? Người sẽ giúp ta?} {162}{}{Đúng vậy.} {163}{}{Không.} -{164}{}{Hello again. Have you changed your mind? Will you help me?} +{164}{}{Xin chào lần nữa. Người đã đổi ý chưa? Người sẽ giúp ta?} {165}{}{Đúng vậy.} -{166}{}{No. Me still think about it.} -{167}{}{No. Me not help.} -{168}{}{No, I'm still thinking.} -{169}{}{I don't want to help you.} -{170}{}{Hello again. Have you found the key to the door?} -{171}{}{Yes, me open for you.} +{166}{}{Không. Ngộ vẫn nghĩ về việc đó.} +{167}{}{Không. Ngộ không giúp.} +{168}{}{Không, ta vẫn đang nghĩ.} +{169}{}{Ta không muốn giúp ngươi.} +{170}{}{Xin chào lần nữa. Người đã tìm thấy chìa để mở cửa chưa?} +{171}{}{Rồi, ngộ mở cho ngươi.} {172}{}{Ngộ vẫn tìm.} -{173}{}{Yeah, I've got it. I'll open the door for you.} +{173}{}{Đây, ta tìm được rồi. Ta sẽ mở cửa cho ngươi.} {174}{}{Tôi vẫn đang tìm.} -{175}{}{Thank you. I will not forget this.} +{175}{}{Cám ơn. Ta sẽ không quên ơn này đâu.} {176}{}{Không gì.} -{177}{}{You are welcome.} -{178}{}{Thank you again, my friend. I owe you a debt that can not be repaid.} -{179}{}{Greetings, human. The base is on full alert. Are you by any chance the cause?} -{180}{}{Hello again. The base is on full alert. Are you the cause?} -{181}{}{Yes, me cause. Who you, why you want know?} -{182}{}{Yes, me cause. Why?} -{183}{}{I am Xarn, pack warrior. Allow me to join you and fight at your side for our freedom. Together we stand a chance; alone... who knows?} -{184}{}{Then allow me to join you and fight at your side. Together - we may be able to gain our freedom; alone... who knows?} -{185}{}{Before me decide you tell why you here?} -{186}{}{Uh... okay. You come me. We fight way out together.} -{187}{}{You on you own. Me out of here.} -{188}{}{Before I come to any decision I'd like to know why you're here?} -{189}{}{Fine. We're in this together. Load up your claws and let's party down!} -{190}{}{You're on your own pal. I'm out of here.} -{191}{}{Uh... okay. You come me. We fight way out together.} -{192}{}{You on you own. Me out of here.} -{193}{}{Fine. We're in this together. Load up your claws and let's party down!} -{194}{}{You're on your own pal. I'm out of here.} -{195}{}{I thank you, human. Let us kick some Enclave ass! Pack Gruthar! Grrrrrrrhh!} +{177}{}{Không có gì.} +{178}{}{Cám ơn lần nữa, bạn của ta. Ta nợ bạn món nợ chẳng thể nào trả hết được này.} +{179}{}{Xin chào, người. Căn cứ đang ở cấp báo động cao nhất. Liệu có phải người là nguyên nhân?} +{180}{}{Xin chào lần nữa. Căn cứ đang ở cấp báo động cao nhất. Có phải người là nguyên nhân?} +{181}{}{Phải, ngộ làm. Ngươi ai, sao ngươi muốn biết?} +{182}{}{Đúng, ngộ làm. Sao chứ?} +{183}{}{Ta là Xarn, chiến binh của bầy. Hãy để ta đi cùng người và chiến đấu vì tự do. Cùng nhau chúng ta sẽ có cơ hội; đơn lẻ... ai mà biết được?} +{184}{}{Vậy thì hãy để ta đi cùng người kề vai chiến đấu. Cùng nhau +chúng ta có thể lấy lại được tự do; đơn lẻ... ai mà biết được?} +{185}{}{Trước khi ngộ quyết định, nói sao ngươi ở đây?} +{186}{}{Ừ... okay. Ngươi đi với ngộ. Chúng ta chiến đấu mở đường cùng nhau.} +{187}{}{Ngươi tự lo thân. Ngộ đi đây.} +{188}{}{Trước khi ta đưa ra quyết định, ta muốn biết tại sao ngươi ở đây?} +{189}{}{Được rồi. Chúng ta sẽ đi cùng nhau. Giương vuốt lên và cùng chiến nào!} +{190}{}{Anh bạn tự lo thân nhé. Ta sẽ đi khỏi đây.} +{191}{}{Ừ... okay. Ngươi đi với ngộ. Chúng ta chiến đấu mở đường cùng nhau.} +{192}{}{Ngươi tự lo thân. Ngộ đi đây.} +{193}{}{Được rồi. Chúng ta sẽ đi cùng nhau. Giương vuốt lên và cùng chiến nào!} +{194}{}{Anh bạn tự lo thân nhé. Ta sẽ đi khỏi đây.} +{195}{}{Cám ơn, người. Chúng ta sẽ đi làm thịt đám Enclave! Bầy Gruthar! Gào!} {196}{}{Okay.} {200}{}{[THÊM]} -{201}{}{Yes. Who are you?} -{202}{}{Yes. Why?} -{300}{}{Very well. The Enclave created my people as a slave warrior race. - They enhanced our intellect hoping we could better understand their - commands, and yet not recognize our status as slaves. They failed; we are - much more intelligent than they suspect.} -{301}{}{We decided to play the fool until we could gain our freedom. Our - chance arrived when the Enclave decided to test us outside their control, here - on the mainland. Doctor Schreber opposed their decision, but he was overruled.} -{302}{}{Not accepting the Enclave decision, he chose exile to this base, captured - me, and has been performing experiments to determine my true nature. He has - been successful. When he reports his findings to the Enclave my people will be - hunted down and slain. I must escape and warn my people.} -{500}{}{You are a true Pack brother. May we meet again in more peaceful times. - I must go now to prepare my people for war.} -{501}{}{I am going to tear off your limbs and beat you with them.} -{502}{}{Die, treacherous human!} -{503}{}{This will hurt you a lot more than it does me.} -{600}{}{Together we will crush our enemies.} -{601}{}{You line 'em up and I'll knock 'em down.} -{602}{}{Time for some serious head bashing.} -{700}{}{You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes.} -{701}{}{You see Xarn, the Deathclaw.} -{702}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws.} -{800}{}{You killed Xarn.} -{810}{}{You freed Xarn.} -{820}{}{You joined Xarn.} -{900}{}{No. Me here rescue you. Really. Me already open door for leave. You go.} -{901}{}{Look, I really am here to rescue you! I already unlocked the other door. You are free to leave.} +{201}{}{Đúng. Ngươi là ai?} +{202}{}{Đúng vậy. Sao chứ?} +{300}{}{Được rồi. Enclave đã tạo ra chúng ta làm chiến binh nô lệ. Họ tăng cường +trí tuệ cho chúng ta với hi vọng chúng ta sẽ hiểu được lệnh rõ hơn, nhưng +không nhận ra tình trạng nô lệ. Họ đã thất bại; chúng ta thông minh hơn +nhiều so với những gì họ nghĩ.} +{301}{}{Chúng ta quyết định giả ngu cho đến khi có thể được tự do. Cơ hội đã đến khi +Enclave quyết định đưa chúng ta ra ngoài khu kiểm soát để thử nghiệm tại đây +trên lục địa. Tiến sĩ Schreber phản đối quyết định này, nhưng ông ta bị áp quyền.} +{302}{}{Không chấp nhận quyết định của Enclave, ông ta chọn bị điều đến căn cứ này, bắt ta, +rồi thực hiện các thí nghiệm để xác định bản chất thực của ta. Ông ta đã thành công. +Nếu ông ta báo cáo phát hiện của mình cho Enclave thì người của ta sẽ bị săn tìm và +tiêu diệt. Ta phải trốn thoát và cảnh báo người của mình.} +{500}{}{Người đúng là huynh đệ tốt của Bầy. Hi vọng chúng ta sẽ gặp lại nhau trong +thời bình. Giờ ta phải đi để chuẩn bị bầy cho cuộc chiến.} +{501}{}{Ta sẽ bẻ gãy tay chân người và dùng chúng đánh người.} +{502}{}{Chết đi, loại người gian trá!} +{503}{}{Việc này sẽ khiến ngươi đau đơn hơn ta nhiều đấy.} +{600}{}{Chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau nghiền nát kẻ địch.} +{601}{}{Hãy xếp chúng thành hàng và ta sẽ đánh ngã chúng.} +{602}{}{Đã đến lúc giã đầu thật mạnh rồi.} +{700}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường.} +{701}{}{Bạn thấy Xarn, con Deathclaw.} +{702}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw thông thường. Con quái vật to lớn có thân thể mạnh mẽ, hàm răng sắc nhọn và móng vuốt dài.} +{800}{}{Bạn đã giết Xarn.} +{810}{}{Bạn đã giải cứu Xarn.} +{820}{}{Bạn đã tham gia cùng Xarn.} +{900}{}{Không. Ngộ đây cứu ngươi. Thật. Ngộ đã mở cửa ra rồi. Ngươi đi.} +{901}{}{Này, ta thật sự đến đây để cứu ngươi! Ta đã mở khóa cánh cửa rồi. Ngươi có thể rời đi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/chadshlf.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/chadshlf.msg index ab90b14b75..253089e06c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/chadshlf.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/chadshlf.msg @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -{100}{}{You open the dresser and find rows of files and notes.} -{101}{}{Search the dresser.} -{102}{}{Leave.} -{103}{}{As you search through the records in the dresser, you notice a thin leather briefcase stuffed carefully far in the back.} -{104}{}{Pull out briefcase.} -{105}{}{Ignore and continue perusing.} -{106}{}{30 minutes pass and you find nothing of importance. All that you have found out is that Chad has records - documenting every moment of his life. He's a pretty boring guy actually. Just as you are about to close the drawers, you - hear a cough from the front door and a handle turning...} -{107}{}{Pull out briefcase.} +{100}{}{Bạn mở cửa tủ và tìm thấy hàng đống tài liệu cùng giấy tờ.} +{101}{}{Tìm kiếm trong tủ.} +{102}{}{Rời khỏi.} +{103}{}{Trong lúc tìm kiếm qua các bản lưu trong tủ, bạn để ý thấy một chiếc vali da mỏng được cất cẩn thận tít phía đằng trong.} +{104}{}{Kéo vali ra.} +{105}{}{Bỏ qua và tiếp tục lục lọi.} +{106}{}{30 phút trôi qua và bạn không tìm thấy gì quan trọng. Tất cả những gì bạn tìm được là Chad đã ghi lại từng +khoảng khắc trong đời hắn. Đúng là một gã chán đời. Đúng lúc bạn sắp đóng ngăn tủ, bạn nghe có tiếng ho ngoài +cửa trước và tay nắm đang xoay...} +{107}{}{Kéo vali ra.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cisactrl.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cisactrl.msg index f07860d8ab..ff9f58bfc7 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cisactrl.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cisactrl.msg @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ -{100}{}{You see a functional computer.} -{101}{}{You see the air traffic control terminal.} -{102}{}{Welcome to air traffic control. This terminal controls satellite alignment for the movement of Vertibirds. - Please enter a command.} -{103}{}{Log off.} -{104}{}{Align satellite to receive Enclave coordinates.} -{105}{}{Satellite realigning. One moment please...} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc máy tính vẫn hoạt động.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy bảng máy tính kiểm soát không lưu.} +{102}{}{Chào mừng đến với kiểm soát không lưu. Bảng máy tính này điều khiển việc bố trí vệ tinh cho Máy bay +trực thăng di chuyển. Vui lòng nhập lệnh.} +{103}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{104}{}{Xếp vệ tinh để nhận tọa độ của Enclave.} +{105}{}{Đang căn chỉnh lại vệ tinh. Vui lòng chờ một lúc...} {106}{}{[THÊM]} -{107}{}{Realignment successful. Docking rig ready to receive incoming aircrafts.} -{108}{}{Log off.} +{107}{}{Căn chỉnh lại thành công. Giàn neo đậu đã sẵn sàng đón tiếp máy bay.} +{108}{}{Đăng xuất.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/civerti.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/civerti.msg index d682bda11e..c70cd95010 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/civerti.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/civerti.msg @@ -1,40 +1,40 @@ -{100}{}{You see a large aircraft.} -{101}{}{You see a Vertibird.} -{200}{}{[You climb into the aircraft and access the pilot terminal.] Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between Enclave Vertibird squad and docking rig. Command?} -{201}{}{Status.} -{202}{}{Log off.} -{203}{}{This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from the Navarro outpost, to the docking rig, and back again. - All procedures are fully automated and thus no intervention by crew members is needed. Current fuel status is: Full.} -{204}{}{Fly to Oil Rig.} -{205}{}{Log off.} -{206}{}{Error. Yellow Reactor Keycard not inserted. All pilots are issued this card upon clearance for takeoff. - Automated flight cannot occur without the presence of this clearance card.} -{207}{}{Insert card.} -{208}{}{Shit. Looks like I will have to find this card.} -{209}{}{Keycard accepted. Aircraft is now activated.} -{210}{}{Run pre-flight diagnostics.} -{211}{}{Log off.} -{212}{}{Beginning system diagnostics...35% complete...75% complete...100% complete. All systems appear operational. Checking for response from docking rig...} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc máy bay lớn.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc Máy bay trực thăng.} +{200}{}{[Bạn trèo lên máy bay và truy cập vào bảng máy lái]. Chào mừng đến với PoseidoNet. Bảng máy tính này được giới hạn cho việc truyền tin giữa đội Trực thăng Enclave và giàn neo đậu. Lệnh?} +{201}{}{Trạng thái.} +{202}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{203}{}{Máy bay chỉ có đủ nguyên liệu để bay một vòng từ tiền đồn Navarro đến giàn neo rồi quay lại. Tất cả các bước +đều được tự động hoàn toàn và thành viên đội bay không cần can thiệp. Trạng thái xăng hiện tại: Đầy bình.} +{204}{}{Bay đến Giàn khoan dầu.} +{205}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{206}{}{Lỗi. Thẻ chìa hạt nhân vàng chưa được nhét vào. Tất cả phi công đều được cấp thẻ này khi nhận lệnh cất cánh. +Không thể thực hiện chuyến bay tự động nếu thiếu thẻ cất cánh.} +{207}{}{Nhét thẻ vào.} +{208}{}{Cứt thật. Có vẻ như mình phải đi tìm thẻ này.} +{209}{}{Xác nhận thẻ. Máy bay đã được kích hoạt.} +{210}{}{Chạy trình chẩn đoán trước khi bay.} +{211}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{212}{}{Bắt đầu chẩn đoán hệ thống... hoàn thành 35%... hoàn thành 75%... hoàn thành 100%. Toàn bộ hệ thống đều đang hoạt động. Đang kiểm tra phản hồi từ giàn neo...} {213}{}{[THÊM]} -{214}{}{No signal returned from docking rig. Reason: Satellites not aligned for automated docking with Oil Rig. Please make sure docking rig is aware of the presence of incoming aircrafts.} -{215}{}{Hmm... Looks like I will have to find a way to align the satellites.} +{214}{}{Không nhận được tín hiệu trả lời từ giàn neo. Lí do: Vệ tinh chưa được căn chỉnh để đậu tự động trên Dàn khoan dầu. Vui lòng đảm bảo rằng giàn neo biết về máy bay sắp đến.} +{215}{}{Hừm... Có vẻ như mình phải tìm cách căn chỉnh vệ tinh.} {216}{}{Urg?} -{220}{}{Aircraft currently activated. Command?} -{221}{}{Run pre-flight diagnostics.} -{222}{}{Log off.} -{230}{}{Test signal received. Retrieving docking coordinates... complete. Aircraft ready for takeoff.} -{231}{}{Go.} -{232}{}{Log off.} -{240}{}{Aircraft is locked in on target. Flight time is approximately 6 hours. Enjoy your flight.} -{241}{}{This is it -- the moment of truth. The tribe is in trouble and it's all up to me. My feet are sore, my entire body - aches, and I don't remember the last time I ate a decent meal. These are the moments we live for. There's no turning back. - It's time to show the world what } -{242}{}{ is made of. Bring it on, Enclave!} -{243}{}{Hehe... Fly birdie, fly! } -{244}{}{ save day now.} -{300}{}{[You climb into the aircraft and access the pilot terminal.] Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between Enclave Vertibird squad and docking rig. Command?} -{301}{}{Status.} -{302}{}{Log off.} -{303}{}{This aircraft has only enough fuel for a complete round trip flight from the Navarro outpost, to the docking rig, and back again. - All procedures are fully automated and thus no intervention by crew members is needed. Current fuel status is: Empty.} -{304}{}{Log off.} +{220}{}{Máy bay hiện đã kích hoạt. Lệnh?} +{221}{}{Chạy trình chẩn đoán trước khi bay.} +{222}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{230}{}{Đã nhận tín hiệu kiểm tra. Đang nhận tọa độ điểm hạ cánh... hoàn tất. Máy bay đã sẵn sàng cất cánh.} +{231}{}{Đi.} +{232}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{240}{}{Máy bay đã được khóa tọa độ. Thời gian bay xấp xỉ 6 tiếng. Hãy tận hưởng chuyến bay.} +{241}{}{Chính là đây -- thời điểm của sự thật. Bộ tộc đang gặp rắc rối và mọi chuyện đều phụ thuộc vào ta. Chân mỏi nhừ, toàn thân +ê ẩm, chẳng nhớ lần cuối được ăn một bữa ra hồn lúc nào. Đây là khoảng khắc chúng ta tồn tại. Không còn đường lùi. +Đã đến lúc cho thế giới thấy } +{242}{}{ chúng ta là ai. Hãy đến nào, Enclave!} +{243}{}{Hehe... Bay đi chim, bay! } +{244}{}{ ngày cứu thế rồi.} +{300}{}{[Bạn trèo lên máy bay và truy cập vào bảng máy lái]. Chào mừng đến với PoseidoNet. Bảng máy tính này được giới hạn cho việc truyền tin giữa đội Trực thăng Enclave và giàn neo đậu. Lệnh?} +{301}{}{Trạng thái.} +{302}{}{Đăng xuất.} +{303}{}{Máy bay chỉ có đủ nguyên liệu để bay một vòng từ tiền đồn Navarro đến giàn neo rồi quay lại. Tất cả các bước +đều được tự động hoàn toàn và thành viên đội bay không cần can thiệp. Trạng thái xăng hiện tại: Cạn kiệt.} +{304}{}{Đăng xuất.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/containr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/containr.msg index c5551a5d96..78babac551 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/containr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/containr.msg @@ -1,149 +1,149 @@ -{100}{}{You see a wooden crate.} -{101}{}{You see a metal locker.} -{102}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame, which - you may be able to pry open.} -{103}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to - pry open.} -{104}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able - to pry open.} -{105}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry - open.} -{106}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame, which you may be able to - pry open.} -{107}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{108}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{109}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{110}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame, which you may be - able to pry open.} -{111}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{112}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry - open.} -{113}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{114}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks), which you may be able to pry open.} -{115}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it, which you may be - able to pry open.} -{116}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device, - which you may be able to pry open.} -{117}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock, which - you may be able to pry open.} -{118}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{119}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{120}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{121}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{122}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{123}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{124}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{125}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{126}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{127}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{128}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{129}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{130}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) on it.} -{131}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it.} -{132}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device.} -{133}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock.} -{134}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{135}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{136}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{137}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{138}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{139}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{140}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{141}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{142}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{143}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{144}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{145}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{146}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks).} -{147}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it.} -{148}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device.} -{149}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock.} -{150}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{151}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{152}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{153}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{154}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{155}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{156}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{157}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{158}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{159}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{160}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{161}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{162}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks).} -{163}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it.} -{164}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device.} -{165}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy chiếc thùng gỗ.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy tủ khóa thép.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc thùng chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng +cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung, mà bạn +có thể thử cậy mở.} +{103}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa +và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn +có thể thử cậy mở.} +{104}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{105}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ rét và +bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{106}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng +cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy trên khung, mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{107}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên +khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{108}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có +khóa nhưng có bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{109}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{110}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{111}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và một đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{112}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{113}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và +đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{114}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{115}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa mà bạn có thể +thử cậy mở.} +{116}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không +có khóa mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{117}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{118}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{119}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{120}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{121}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{122}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{123}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên +khung.} +{124}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{125}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy trên khung.} +{126}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{127}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung.} +{128}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{129}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{130}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) bên trên.} +{131}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa.} +{132}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{133}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} +{134}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{135}{}{Bạn tháy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ +nhạy trên khung.} +{136}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa nhưng +có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{137}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{138}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{139}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy +trên khung.} +{140}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{141}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +trên khung.} +{142}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để mở) +và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{143}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và đoạn dây thép bị đứt +trên khung.} +{144}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{145}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn +dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{146}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở).} +{147}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa.} +{148}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{149}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} +{150}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{151}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ +nhạy trên khung.} +{152}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{153}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{154}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{155}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy trên +khung.} +{156}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{157}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và +bẫy trên khung.} +{158}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{159}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung.} +{160}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{161}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn +dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{162}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở).} +{163}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa.} +{164}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{165}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} {166}{}{Bạn bị dính bẫy và đã nhận } {167}{}{ điểm sát thương.} {168}{}{ đã dính bẫy và nhận } {169}{}{ điểm sát thương.} -{170}{}{You deftly pick the lock on the container.} -{171}{}{Your lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container.} -{172}{}{You fail to pick the lock on this container.} -{173}{}{ deftly picks the lock on the container.} -{174}{}{'s lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container.} -{175}{}{ failed to pick the lock on this container.} -{176}{}{You bust the lock off the container.} +{170}{}{Bạn khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{171}{}{Kĩ năng kém cỏi của bạn đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{172}{}{Bạn không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{173}{}{ khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{174}{}{do thiếu kĩ năng đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{175}{}{ đã không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{176}{}{Bạn đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa.} {177}{}{Bạn bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận một điểm sát thương.} {178}{}{Bạn bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận } {179}{}{ điểm sát thương.} {180}{}{Bạn quá yếu để có thể phá khóa.} -{181}{}{ busts the lock off the container.} +{181}{}{ đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa.} {182}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận một điểm sát thương.} {183}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận } @@ -153,34 +153,34 @@ nhận } điểm sát thương.} {187}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận} {188}{}{ điểm sát thương.} -{189}{}{You deftly lock the container.} -{190}{}{You fail to lock the container.} -{191}{}{ deftly locks the container.} -{192}{}{ failed to lock the container.} -{193}{}{The explosives don't even put a scratch on the container.} -{194}{}{You find a trap on the container.} -{195}{}{You fail to find any traps on the container.} +{189}{}{Bạn khéo léo khóa thùng chứa.} +{190}{}{Bạn không khóa được thùng chứa.} +{191}{}{ khéo léo khóa thùng chứa.} +{192}{}{ đã không khóa được thùng chứa.} +{193}{}{Thuốc nổ thậm chí còn chẳng làm xước nổi thùng chứa.} +{194}{}{Bạn tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{195}{}{Bạn không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa.} {196}{}{Bạn khéo léo vô hiệu hóa bẫy.} {198}{}{Bạn không vô hiệu hóa được bẫy.} -{199}{}{ finds a trap on the container.} -{200}{}{ fails to find any traps on the container.} +{199}{}{ tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{200}{}{ không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa.} {201}{}{ khéo léo vô hiệu hóa bẫy.} {202}{}{ không vô hiệu hóa được bẫy.} -{203}{}{The container appears to be locked.} -{204}{}{You notice a trap on the container.} -{205}{}{ notices a trap on the container jamb.} -{206}{}{You are unable to place a trap on this container, because - the container is open.} -{207}{}{ is unable to place a trap on this container, because the - container is open.} -{208}{}{You skillfully set a trap in the container.} -{209}{}{You fail to properly set the trap in the container.} -{210}{}{ skillfully sets a trap on the container.} -{211}{}{ fails to properly set the trap in the container.} -{212}{}{You see a refrigerator.} -{400}{}{You unlock the container.} -{601}{}{It is open, dummy.} -{610}{}{You fail spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{611}{}{ fails spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{620}{}{You bend the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} -{621}{}{ bends the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} +{203}{}{Thùng chứa có vẻ như đã bị khóa.} +{204}{}{Bạn nhận thấy có bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{205}{}{ nhận thấy có bẫy trên khung thùng chứa.} +{206}{}{Bạn không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa +đang mở.} +{207}{}{ không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa +đang mở.} +{208}{}{Bạn khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{209}{}{Bạn không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa.} +{210}{}{ khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{211}{}{ không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa.} +{212}{}{Bạn thấy một cái tủ lạnh.} +{400}{}{Bạn mở khóa thùng chứa.} +{601}{}{Đang mở rồi, đồ ngốc.} +{610}{}{Bạn thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{611}{}{ thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{620}{}{Bạn bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} +{621}{}{ bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cowbomb.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cowbomb.msg index fbc45ec53d..4b2afc191b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cowbomb.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cowbomb.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You have a funny feeling about this place. The enchanting smell of cow dung and rotting flesh emanates a few feet from here.} +{100}{}{Bạn có cảm giác kì quặc về nơi này. Mùi phân bò và thịt thối nồng nặc bốc lên cách đây mấy bước chân.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cstouch.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cstouch.msg index 48b9c360cd..a6f9a7a93c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cstouch.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/cstouch.msg @@ -1,149 +1,149 @@ -{100}{}{You see a wooden crate.} -{101}{}{You see a metal locker.} -{102}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame, which - you may be able to pry open.} -{103}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to - pry open.} -{104}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able - to pry open.} -{105}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry - open.} -{106}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame, which you may be able to - pry open.} -{107}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{108}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{109}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{110}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame, which you may be - able to pry open.} -{111}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{112}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry - open.} -{113}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame, which you may be able to pry open.} -{114}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks), which you may be able to pry open.} -{115}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it, which you may be - able to pry open.} -{116}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device, - which you may be able to pry open.} -{117}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock, which - you may be able to pry open.} -{118}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{119}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{120}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{121}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{122}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{123}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{124}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{125}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{126}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{127}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{128}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{129}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{130}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) on it.} -{131}{}{You see a sturdy container with a lock on it.} -{132}{}{You see a sturdy container with no apparent locking device.} -{133}{}{You see a sturdy container with an old, rusty lock.} -{134}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{135}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{136}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{137}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{138}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{139}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{140}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{141}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{142}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{143}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{144}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{145}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{146}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks).} -{147}{}{You see a damaged container with a lock on it.} -{148}{}{You see a damaged container with no apparent locking device.} -{149}{}{You see a damaged container with an old, rusty lock.} -{150}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{151}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{152}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a highly explosive trap in the frame.} -{153}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a highly - explosive trap in the frame.} -{154}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a trap in the frame.} -{155}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a trap in - the frame.} -{156}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a trap in the frame.} -{157}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a trap - in the frame.} -{158}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks) and a cut wire in the frame.} -{159}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it and a severed wire - in the frame.} -{160}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device and - a severed wire in the frame.} -{161}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock and a cut - wire in the frame.} -{162}{}{You see an old container with a lock (which can be picked with - lockpicks).} -{163}{}{You see an old container with a lock on it.} -{164}{}{You see an old container with no apparent locking device.} -{165}{}{You see an old container with an old, rusty lock.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy chiếc thùng gỗ.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy tủ khóa thép.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc thùng chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng +cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung, mà bạn +có thể thử cậy mở.} +{103}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa +và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn +có thể thử cậy mở.} +{104}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{105}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ rét và +bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{106}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng +cậy khóa để mở) và bẫy trên khung, mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{107}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên +khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{108}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có +khóa nhưng có bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{109}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{110}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{111}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và một đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{112}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử +cậy mở.} +{113}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và +đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{114}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{115}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa mà bạn có thể +thử cậy mở.} +{116}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không +có khóa mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{117}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} +{118}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{119}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{120}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{121}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{122}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{123}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và bẫy trên +khung.} +{124}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{125}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và bẫy trên khung.} +{126}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{127}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa và đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung.} +{128}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{129}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét +và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{130}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) bên trên.} +{131}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn có khóa.} +{132}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{133}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa chắc chắn với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} +{134}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{135}{}{Bạn tháy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ +nhạy trên khung.} +{136}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát. Nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa nhưng +có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{137}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{138}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{139}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và bẫy +trên khung.} +{140}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{141}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +trên khung.} +{142}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để mở) +và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{143}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa và đoạn dây thép bị đứt +trên khung.} +{144}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{145}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn +dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{146}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở).} +{147}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát có khóa.} +{148}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{149}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa cũ nát với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} +{150}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa để +mở) và bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{151}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy thuốc nổ +nhạy trên khung.} +{152}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{153}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và bẫy +thuốc nổ nhạy trên khung.} +{154}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và bẫy trên khung.} +{155}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và bẫy trên +khung.} +{156}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có bẫy trên khung.} +{157}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và +bẫy trên khung.} +{158}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở) và đoạn dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{159}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa và đoạn dây thép +bị đứt trên khung.} +{160}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa +nhưng có đoạn dây thép bị đứt trên khung.} +{161}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét và đoạn +dây thép bị cắt trên khung.} +{162}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa (có thể dùng cậy khóa +để mở).} +{163}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ có khóa.} +{164}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ, nhìn có vẻ như không có khóa.} +{165}{}{Bạn thấy một thùng chứa đã cũ với ổ khóa cũ kĩ, rỉ sét.} {166}{}{Bạn bị dính bẫy và đã nhận } {167}{}{ điểm sát thương.} {168}{}{ đã dính bẫy và nhận } {169}{}{ điểm sát thương.} -{170}{}{You deftly pick the lock on the container.} -{171}{}{Your lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container.} -{172}{}{You fail to pick the lock on this container.} -{173}{}{ deftly picks the lock on the container.} -{174}{}{'s lack of skill has jammed the lock on this container.} -{175}{}{ failed to pick the lock on this container.} -{176}{}{You bust the lock off the container.} +{170}{}{Bạn khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{171}{}{Kĩ năng kém cỏi của bạn đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{172}{}{Bạn không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{173}{}{ khéo léo cậy khóa trên thùng chứa.} +{174}{}{do thiếu kĩ năng đã làm kẹt khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{175}{}{ đã không cậy được khóa trên thùng chứa này.} +{176}{}{Bạn đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa.} {177}{}{Bạn bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận một điểm sát thương.} {178}{}{Bạn bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận } {179}{}{ điểm sát thương.} {180}{}{Bạn quá yếu để có thể phá khóa.} -{181}{}{ busts the lock off the container.} +{181}{}{ đã phá khóa khỏi thùng chứa.} {182}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận một điểm sát thương.} {183}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận } @@ -153,37 +153,37 @@ nhận } điểm sát thương.} {187}{}{ bị căng cơ lưng khi cố gắng phá khóa và nhận} {188}{}{ điểm sát thương.} -{189}{}{You deftly lock the container.} -{190}{}{You fail to lock the container.} -{191}{}{ deftly locks the container.} -{192}{}{ failed to lock the container.} -{193}{}{The explosives don't even put a scratch on the container.} -{194}{}{You find a trap on the container.} -{195}{}{You fail to find any traps on the container.} +{189}{}{Bạn khéo léo khóa thùng chứa.} +{190}{}{Bạn không khóa được thùng chứa.} +{191}{}{ khéo léo khóa thùng chứa.} +{192}{}{ đã không khóa được thùng chứa.} +{193}{}{Thuốc nổ thậm chí còn chẳng làm xước nổi thùng chứa.} +{194}{}{Bạn tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{195}{}{Bạn không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa.} {196}{}{Bạn khéo léo vô hiệu hóa bẫy.} {198}{}{Bạn không vô hiệu hóa được bẫy.} -{199}{}{ finds a trap on the container.} -{200}{}{ fails to find any traps on the container.} +{199}{}{ tìm thấy bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{200}{}{ không tìm thấy cái bẫy nào trên thùng chứa.} {201}{}{ khéo léo vô hiệu hóa bẫy.} {202}{}{ không vô hiệu hóa được bẫy.} -{203}{}{The container appears to be locked.} -{204}{}{You notice a trap on the container.} -{205}{}{ notices a trap on the container jamb.} -{206}{}{You are unable to place a trap on this container, because - the container is open.} -{207}{}{ is unable to place a trap on this container, because the - container is open.} -{208}{}{You skillfully set a trap in the container.} -{209}{}{You fail to properly set the trap in the container.} -{210}{}{ skillfully sets a trap on the container.} -{211}{}{ fails to properly set the trap in the container.} -{212}{}{You see a refrigerator.} -{400}{}{You unlock the container.} -{601}{}{It is open, dummy.} -{610}{}{You fail spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{611}{}{ fails spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{620}{}{You bend the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} -{621}{}{ bends the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} -{800}{}{You retrieved the fob.} -{810}{}{You retrieved the plans.} -{820}{}{You retrieved the K-9 motivator.} +{203}{}{Thùng chứa có vẻ như đã bị khóa.} +{204}{}{Bạn nhận thấy có bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{205}{}{ nhận thấy có bẫy trên khung thùng chứa.} +{206}{}{Bạn không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa +đang mở.} +{207}{}{ không đặt được bẫy trên thùng chứa, vì thùng chứa +đang mở.} +{208}{}{Bạn khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{209}{}{Bạn không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa.} +{210}{}{ khéo léo đặt bẫy trên thùng chứa.} +{211}{}{ không đặt được bẫy đúng cách trên thùng chứa.} +{212}{}{Bạn thấy một cái tủ lạnh.} +{400}{}{Bạn mở khóa thùng chứa.} +{601}{}{Đang mở rồi, đồ ngốc.} +{610}{}{Bạn thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{611}{}{ thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{620}{}{Bạn bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} +{621}{}{ bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} +{800}{}{Bạn đã lấy được chìa khóa.} +{810}{}{Bạn đã nhận được bản vẽ.} +{820}{}{Bạn đã nhận được động cơ của K-9.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csvent.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csvent.msg index dda625a37a..6682c7fd0c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csvent.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csvent.msg @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -{100}{}{You see a boulder.} -{101}{}{You see a camouflaged ventilation shaft.} -{102}{}{You see nothing out of the ordinary.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một tảng đá.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một khe thông gió được giấu kín.} +{102}{}{Bạn không thấy có gì đặc biệt.} {110}{}{Việc này không có tác dụng gì.} -{120}{}{You cannot go back up the ventilation shaft.} -{200}{}{You see a ventilation shaft.} +{120}{}{Bạn không thể trở vào khe thông gió.} +{200}{}{Bạn thấy một khe thông gió.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csxdoor.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csxdoor.msg index 62f4198878..fb29121c60 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csxdoor.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/csxdoor.msg @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -{100}{}{This door requires a passkey to unlock.} -{101}{}{Using the pass key, you unlock the door.} +{100}{}{Cần có khóa mã để mở cánh cửa này.} +{101}{}{Sử dụng khóa mã, bạn mở cửa.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctfob.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctfob.msg index c3d9aeaade..ed0ff7d716 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctfob.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctfob.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You retrieved the tanker fob.} +{100}{}{Bạn đã nhận được chìa khóa tàu chở dầu.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctk9part.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctk9part.msg index 44862c3e96..2ac8d18d55 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctk9part.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctk9part.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You retrieved the K-9 motivator.} +{100}{}{Bạn đã nhận được động cơ của K-9.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctplans.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctplans.msg index cd601c8ef1..9536be2e16 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctplans.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctplans.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{You retrieved the Vertibird plans.} +{100}{}{Bạn đã nhận được bản vẽ Máy bay trực thăng.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctsound.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctsound.msg index 9ec69f4ce4..3378f33b1b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctsound.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ctsound.msg @@ -1 +1 @@ -{100}{}{This laboratory appears to be heavily soundproofed.} +{100}{}{Căn phòng thí nghiệm này có vẻ như được cách âm rất kín.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddct2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddct2.msg index 355eb0cbcb..75706abee2 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddct2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddct2.msg @@ -1,53 +1,53 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một người ở nhờ.} -{101}{}{You see a man covered in dirt and filth.} -{102}{}{You see a woman covered in dirt and filth.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông ngập trong bụi đất và rác bẩn.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một phụ nữ ngập trong bụi đất và rác bẩn.} {103}{}{Muốn gì?} -{104}{}{I want you and your friends out of this building. It's come to my attention that Mom intends to turn this place - into an orphanage to get all those homeless children off the streets. And she can't do that with you squatting here.} -{105}{}{[He snickers uneasily and glances at his fellow squatters for support.] Mom knows the deal. We're not going anywhere - until she coughs up the money. So unless you brought us a million coins, fuck off.} -{106}{}{Look, Mom doesn't have that kind of money, and even if she did, she'd never pay you, so just forget it. Why not show - some decency and go squat someplace else? Those homeless kids need this place a hell of a lot more than you do.} -{107}{}{Who're you to say who deserves what? We *like* it here. You can't make us leave.} -{108}{}{Listen, you have two choices: You can either walk out of here on your own two feet, or *I* can remove you -- by dragging - you out, one corpse at a time.} -{109}{}{([He exchanges a look with his fellow squatters, then looks back at you and shakes his head.] You can't intimidate us. - No one's kicking us out of here. We'll fight you for our turf.} -{110}{}{[He exchanges a look with his fellow squatters, then looks back at you and nods.] OK, you made your point. It's not like - we hate kids or anything, hell, most of us were homeless kids ourselves. We were just trying to make some money, you know? The - only jobs around here involve peddling drugs or pain, and we're not into that. [He sighs.] We'll leave, but where do you suggest - we go? This place is our home.} -{111}{}{I don't know. That's not my problem.} -{112}{}{I may regret saying this, but if you're serious about wanting jobs, I'm sure Mom could use some help fixing this place up. She's a real nice lady, - so maybe if you apologize, she'd give you a fair chance to prove you're more than a bunch of lazy opportunists. I'll talk to her about it. But if you try to - fuck her over, I'll hunt you down and make you pay.} -{113}{}{Screw this, I changed my mind. We ain't leaving. We're staying right here and fighting.} -{114}{}{[He exchanges a look with the other squatters and ponders your words.] You know what? That doesn't sound too bad. In fact, that could work out great, - if you really think Mom will go for it. While you go talk to her, we'll get started on cleaning this place up. Oh, and thanks for being so cool about things.} -{115}{}{Nevermind.} -{116}{}{She's not going to pay you. But I'm here to offer you a new deal: You and your friends walk away from here now, and you get to keep your lives.} -{117}{}{Alright, well, I gave it a shot. Bye.} -{120}{}{This is a great idea. We'll get things ready.} +{104}{}{Tôi muốn ông và lũ bạn ra khỏi tòa nhà này. Tôi biết là Bà Má định biến nơi này thành một trại trẻ mồ côi và giúp +lũ trẻ vô gia cư không phải bám đường nữa. Và bà ấy không thể làm vậy nếu các người cứ chầu ở đây.} +{105}{}{[Hắn ta cười khẩy một cách chịu rồi liếc nhìn đám đồng bọn sống nhờ tìm kiếm sự trợ giúp]. Bà Má phải biết chứ. Bọn ta sẽ +không đi đâu cho đến khi bà ta nôn tiền ra. Vì vậy trừ phi ngươi mang một triệu xu đến đây, không thì biến.} +{106}{}{Xem này, Bà Má đào đâu ra khoản tiền đấy, mà nếu có thì bà ấy cũng không bao giờ đưa cho mấy người đâu, quên đi. Sao +không tốt tính lên một chút và đi chầu chỗ khác ấy? Lũ trẻ vô gia cư cần nơi này hơn bất kì ai trong số các ông.} +{107}{}{Mày là ai mà lên mặt dạy rằng ai xứng với cái gì? Bọn ta *thích* nơi này. Bọn ta sẽ không đi đâu cả.} +{108}{}{Nghe này, các người có hai sự lựa chọn: Tự đứng lên bằng hai chân và bước ra khỏi đây, hoặc *ta* có thể giúp -- bằng cách +kéo các ông ra, từng cái xác một.} +{109}{}{(Hắn ta nhìn lũ sống nhờ đồng bọn, rồi nhìn lại bạn và lắc đầu]. Mày không dọa được bọn ta đâu. Không ai đuổi được +bọn ta cả. Bọn ta sẽ chiến đấu vì lãnh thổ của mình.} +{110}{}{[Hắn ta nhìn lũ sống nhờ đồng bọn, rồi nhìn lại bạn và gật đầu]. OK, ngươi nói cũng có lí. Bọn ta cũng đâu có ghét trẻ con đâu, +mẹ nó chứ, phần lớn người ở đây đều từng là trẻ không nhà. Bọn ta chỉ đang cố kiếm chút tiền thôi, hiểu chứ? Công việc duy nhất +ở đây là đi bán cần hoặc đấm nhau, và bọn ta không muốn làm vậy [Hắn ta thở dài]. Bọn ta sẽ đi, nhưng ngươi thử nói xem bọn ta +phải đi đâu? Đây là nhà của bọn ta.} +{111}{}{Ta không biết. Không phải vấn đề của ta.} +{112}{}{Có thể ta sẽ thấy hối hận vì điều này, nhưng nếu các người thực sự muốn tìm việc thì chắc là Bà Má có thể sẽ cần người giúp sửa sang lại chỗ này. Bà ấy +là một phụ nữ tốt bụng, nên nếu các người xin lỗi thì bà ấy sẽ cho các người cơ hội để chứng tỏ rằng mình không chỉ là một lũ kền kền lười biếng. Ta sẽ +nói chuyện với bà ấy. Nhưng nếu các người giở trò thì ta sẽ đi săn từng đứa một và bắt các người trả giá.} +{113}{}{Mẹ nó chứ, tao đổi ý rồi. Bọn tao không đi đâu. Bọn tao sẽ ở đây và chiến đấu.} +{114}{}{[Hắn ta nhìn lũ đồng bọn sống nhờ và suy nghĩ về lời của bạn]. Biết gì không? Nghe có vẻ ổn đấy. Thật ra mà nói thì như vậy sẽ rất tốt, nếu ngươi thật sự +nghĩ rằng Bà Má sẽ đồng ý. Trong lúc ngươi đi nói chuyện với bà ta, bọn ta sẽ bắt đầu dọn dẹp nơi này. Ồ, cám ơn đã không dùng bạo lực.} +{115}{}{Quên đi.} +{116}{}{Bà ấy sẽ không trả tiền cho các người đâu. Nhưng ta đây sẽ cho các ngươi một thỏa thuận mới: ngươi và lũ bạn cuốn xéo khỏi đây ngay thì vẫn còn được sống.} +{117}{}{À, được rồi, để ta thử. Tạm biệt.} +{120}{}{Ý hay đấy. Bọn ta sẽ chuẩn bị sẵn sàng mọi thứ.} {200}{}{Hở?} -{201}{}{This is our turf.} -{202}{}{You squatting here too?} -{203}{}{Got anything to eat?} -{300}{}{You see a man in work clothes.} -{301}{}{You see a woman in work clothes.} -{310}{}{Hey, thanks for helping to set this up for us. We'll work hard.} -{311}{}{You better. Make sure the children stay out of trouble too.} -{312}{}{We'll do our best.} +{201}{}{Đây là lãnh địa của bọn ta.} +{202}{}{Ngươi cũng đến đây chầu à?} +{203}{}{Có gì đớp không?} +{300}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông trong bộ đồ lao động.} +{301}{}{Bạn thấy một phụ nữ trong bộ đồ lao động.} +{310}{}{Ầy, cám ơn đã giúp chúng tôi việc này. Chúng tôi sẽ làm việc chăm chỉ.} +{311}{}{Phải vậy chứ. Nhớ trông chừng tránh để lũ trẻ gặp rắc rối nữa.} +{312}{}{Bọn tôi sẽ cố hết sức.} {313}{}{Chào.} -{350}{}{Anywhere but here. The Den's a big place, I'm sure you can find somewhere else to crash. Come on, do you really want the children to live on the streets?} -{351}{}{Nah, you're right, that ain't cool for the children. Alright, we'll pack our things and move out. This place had a leaky roof anyway.} -{352}{}{Thanks. This will mean a lot to them. Take care.} -{353}{}{Nah, that ain't our problem. If Mom thinks it's that important to get those kids off the streets, then she should stop being stingy with her cash and share the - wealth. Yeah, I've changed my mind, we're staying until she pays up. Now this conversation's over, so you better leave if you know what's good for you.} -{360}{}{Alright. No need for this to get out of control. I'll leave you alone.} -{361}{}{Time to clean this place up then. (Attack)} -{400}{}{Thanks again!} -{401}{}{We'll work hard.} -{402}{}{Thanks for being so cool about things.} -{403}{}{We won't let you down.} -{500}{}{We'll collect our things and be out of here soon.} -{600}{}{You've cleared out all the squatters.} +{350}{}{Đâu chả được. The Den rộng thế này cơ mà, ta chắc là mấy người nằm chỗ nào cũng vừa. Thôi nào, các người thực sự muốn lũ trẻ phải bám đường sao?} +{351}{}{Chẹp, ngươi nói đúng, đám trẻ không đáng bị như vậy. Được rồi, bọn ta sẽ dọn đồ và đi chỗ khác. Nơi này đằng nào cũng dột nát rồi.} +{352}{}{Cám ơn. Bọn trẻ sẽ biết ơn lắm đấy. Bảo trọng.} +{353}{}{Này, đâu phải vấn đề của bọn ta. Nếu Bà Má nghĩ rằng bọn trẻ không cần phải sống trên vỉa hè thì bà ta nên thôi cái tính ki bo đi và chìa tiền ra. Ừ, ta đổi ý rồi. +Bọn ta sẽ ở đây cho đến lúc bà ta trả tiền. Bây giờ tán chuyện xong rồi, nếu ngươi biết điều thì tốt nhất là biến đi.} +{360}{}{Được rồi. Không cần phải xửng cồ lên thế. Ta sẽ để mặc các người.} +{361}{}{Đã đến lúc dọn dẹp chỗ này rồi. (Tấn công)} +{400}{}{Cám ơn nhé!} +{401}{}{Bọn tôi sẽ làm việc chăm chỉ.} +{402}{}{Cám ơn đã không dùng bạo lực.} +{403}{}{Bọn tôi sẽ không làm bạn thất vọng đâu.} +{500}{}{Bọn ta sẽ dọn đồ và biến khỏi đây ngay.} +{600}{}{Bạn đã tống cổ hết lũ sống nhờ.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddict.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddict.msg index f686df8af8..e83ca4e742 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddict.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcaddict.msg @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ -{100}{}{You see an addict.} -{101}{}{This person is heavily drugged.} -{102}{}{He looks like he's high on drugs.} -{103}{}{She looks like she's high on drugs.} -{104}{}{He's looking pretty bad. You suspect it's withdrawal from some kind of drug.} -{105}{}{She's seen better days. She looks like she's going through withdrawal.} -{106}{}{This addict looks like the living dead.} -{107}{}{You think this addict just threw up.} -{150}{}{The lights are hurting me!} -{151}{}{Monsters everywhere!} -{152}{}{That felt weird.} -{153}{}{Am I bleeding?} -{154}{}{It doesn't normally seem this real.} -{155}{}{Stop it, man!} -{156}{}{Will no one help me?} -{157}{}{Help!} -{158}{}{Get away!} -{159}{}{My head hurts enough as it is!} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một con nghiện.} +{101}{}{Người này nghiện nặng.} +{102}{}{Trông hắn ta phê lắm rồi.} +{103}{}{Trông mụ ta phê lắm rồi.} +{104}{}{Trông ông ta nát lắm rồi. Bạn đoán là do bị đói loại thuốc nào đó.} +{105}{}{Mụ này nhàu lắm rồi. Có vẻ như đang trải qua cơn vã thuốc.} +{106}{}{Con nghiện này trông y như xác chết.} +{107}{}{Bạn chắc rằng con nghiện này chỉ vừa mới nôn.} +{150}{}{Sáng đéo gì chói thế!} +{151}{}{Quỷ ở khắp nơi!} +{152}{}{Lạ thật đấy.} +{153}{}{Tôi đang chảy máu à?} +{154}{}{Bình thường có thật đến thế này đâu nhỉ.} +{155}{}{Dừng lại đi!} +{156}{}{Không ai giúp tôi ư?} +{157}{}{Cứu với!} +{158}{}{Biến đi!} +{159}{}{Đầu tao đau thế là đủ lắm rồi!} {160}{}{Để tôi yên.} -{200}{}{Wow, you've got a weird dark glow.} -{201}{}{My, you're a big pup.} -{202}{}{Don't tell them what we know is not there.} -{203}{}{Ahhh...} -{204}{}{Can you see me?} -{205}{}{Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits.} -{206}{}{How did you get way up here?} -{207}{}{Shhh, I'm hiding.} -{208}{}{I'm running faster than a wolf!} -{209}{}{I feel so alive!} -{210}{}{It's coursing through my veins...} -{211}{}{Right there, baby.} -{212}{}{Oooohhh, can you feel the power?} -{213}{}{Wow, you're glowing...} -{214}{}{I love you, man!} -{215}{}{Life's been so good to me. Has it been good to you?} -{216}{}{The little ones fly at night.} -{217}{}{Say hello to my little friend.} -{218}{}{Boy, I'm sleepy...} -{219}{}{Have you seen my dog?} -{220}{}{Shhh, they're right behind you...} -{221}{}{Mine!} -{222}{}{Oooh, my head.} -{223}{}{I ache all over.} -{224}{}{I'm starting to get the shakes.} -{225}{}{Oh, I need some more.} -{226}{}{I need a fix.} -{227}{}{I can't wait, I need it now.} -{228}{}{You take my shit?} -{229}{}{Ah, leave me alone.} -{230}{}{I got the shakes bad, man.} -{231}{}{I hate this part.} -{232}{}{I just want to die.} -{233}{}{I need some more bad.} -{234}{}{I can't take this much longer.} -{235}{}{I think I have a fever.} -{236}{}{I think I'm going to puke.} -{237}{}{Maybe if I just sleep...} -{238}{}{I got the shakes bad, lady.} -{300}{}{Is that blood?} -{301}{}{Whoa! Am I bleeding? I can't feel a thing!} -{302}{}{It tingles.} -{303}{}{Who did that?} -{304}{}{What's going on?} -{305}{}{I'm bleeding... I think.} -{306}{}{Oh, the pain.} -{307}{}{Now I really need a fix.} -{308}{}{Just let me die.} -{350}{}{Ahhhh...} -{351}{}{I'm floating...} -{352}{}{I have the power!} -{353}{}{Hello, Mr. Flower.} -{354}{}{All the colors...} -{355}{}{More longer friend see that sky?} -{356}{}{They aren't listening...} -{357}{}{Where am I?} -{358}{}{There it is!} -{359}{}{Whoa, no! Stop! Wait! Okay, go ahead.} -{360}{}{There, there... ahh...} -{361}{}{Yea, baby!} -{362}{}{What was that?} -{363}{}{Sasha? Where are you Sasha?} -{364}{}{The colors are fading!} -{365}{}{Mom?} -{366}{}{Hey! Get away from me! Oh...} -{367}{}{Don't you do that!} -{368}{}{I can't see... again.} -{369}{}{Need...} -{370}{}{Get more...} -{371}{}{There? No.} -{372}{}{No. Can't find it.} -{373}{}{Make it stop!} -{374}{}{Ug.} -{375}{}{Oh, the pain.} -{376}{}{ } -{377}{}{Ooh, my head!} -{378}{}{Where'd I put my stash?} -{400}{}{A demon!} -{401}{}{The enemy is upon us!} -{402}{}{You murderer! You killed my son!} -{403}{}{A monster! Kill it!} -{404}{}{Ah! Pargasraka!} -{405}{}{Feet fom chin rat going! Ahhh!} -{406}{}{You won't take it from me!} -{407}{}{Give it back!} -{408}{}{No!!!} -{409}{}{My family!} +{200}{}{Ồ, ngươi có ánh sáng đen lạ thế.} +{201}{}{Ồ, ngươi to lớn thật đấy.} +{202}{}{Đừng nói với chúng là những gì bọn ta biết không ở đó.} +{203}{}{À à...} +{204}{}{Thấy ta không?} +{205}{}{Yên, uyên lặng lào. Tao đang săn trỏ.} +{206}{}{Làm sao mà mày bay được lên đó thế?} +{207}{}{Suỵt, ta đang trốn.} +{208}{}{Tao chạy còn nhanh hơn cả sói!} +{209}{}{Mình khỏe vãi lìn!} +{210}{}{Ngấm vào từng mạch máu...} +{211}{}{Đúng chỗ rồi, cưng ơi.} +{212}{}{Ồ ồ ồ, có cảm thấy sức mạnh không?} +{213}{}{Ồ, ngươi đang tỏa sáng...} +{214}{}{Bạn tôi ơi, yêu thế không biết!} +{215}{}{Cuộc sống thật là tươi đẹp. Bạn có thấy thế không?} +{216}{}{Đám tiểu yêu đến tối mới bay.} +{217}{}{Chào cậu bạn bé nhỏ của tôi đi.} +{218}{}{Chà, buồn ngủ thế...} +{219}{}{Có ai thấy chó của tôi không?} +{220}{}{Suỵt, chúng ở ngay sau lưng kìa...} +{221}{}{Của ta!} +{222}{}{Ồ ôi, cái đầu tôi.} +{223}{}{Đau hết cả mình.} +{224}{}{Bắt đầu thấy rung rồi đấy.} +{225}{}{Ồ, vẫn chưa đủ đô.} +{226}{}{Cần một liều.} +{227}{}{Đéo chờ được nữa, bố cần ngay.} +{228}{}{Mày lấy đồ của tao à?} +{229}{}{A, để ta yên.} +{230}{}{Ặc, rung kinh thật.} +{231}{}{Ta ghét phần này.} +{232}{}{Tôi chỉ muốn chết thôi.} +{233}{}{Ta cần đồ nặng hơn.} +{234}{}{Không chịu nổi thêm nữa.} +{235}{}{Tôi nghĩ là tôi bị sốt rồi.} +{236}{}{Tôi e là mình sắp nôn rồi.} +{237}{}{Có lẽ nếu mình nhắm mắt lại...} +{238}{}{Cô ơi, tôi đang lắc dữ lắm.} +{300}{}{Phải máu không?} +{301}{}{Oác! Tôi đang chảy máu à? Chẳng cảm thấy gì hết!} +{302}{}{Ngứa thế không biết.} +{303}{}{Ai làm thế?} +{304}{}{Chuyện gì vậy?} +{305}{}{Tôi đang chảy máu... chắc vậy.} +{306}{}{Ôi, niềm đau.} +{307}{}{Giờ thì ta đúng thật cần một liều.} +{308}{}{Hãy để tôi chết đi.} +{350}{}{A a a...} +{351}{}{Tôi đang trôi...} +{352}{}{Thần lực đây rồi!} +{353}{}{Chào, bé Hoa.} +{354}{}{Rực rỡ quá...} +{355}{}{Hơn bạn thấy trời ư?} +{356}{}{Chẳng ai nghe cả...} +{357}{}{Tôi đang ở đâu?} +{358}{}{Đây rồi!} +{359}{}{Ồ, không! Dừng lại! Chờ đã! Okê, làm đi.} +{360}{}{Đây, đây này... à...} +{361}{}{Yeah, baby!} +{362}{}{Cái gì đấy?} +{363}{}{Sasha? Em đâu rồi Sasha?} +{364}{}{Màu đang phai mất rồi!} +{365}{}{Mẹ ơi?} +{366}{}{Này! Tránh xa tao ra! Ồ...} +{367}{}{Đừng có làm vậy!} +{368}{}{Tôi lại... không thấy gì.} +{369}{}{Cần...} +{370}{}{Lấy thêm...} +{371}{}{Đó? Không.} +{372}{}{Không. Không thể tìm được.} +{373}{}{Làm nó dừng lại đi!} +{374}{}{Hực.} +{375}{}{Ôi, niềm đau.} +{376}{}{} +{377}{}{Ôi, cái đầu tôi!} +{378}{}{Mình để đồ chỗ nào ấy nhỉ?} +{400}{}{Đồ quỷ!} +{401}{}{Kẻ thù đến rồi!} +{402}{}{Đồ sát nhân! Mày đã giết con trai tao!} +{403}{}{Có quỷ! Giết nó đi!} +{404}{}{Á! Pargasraka!} +{405}{}{Chuột tòi cả chân lên đầu! Á Á!} +{406}{}{Mày không lấy được nó đi đâu!} +{407}{}{Trả lại đây!} +{408}{}{Không!!!} +{409}{}{Gia đình tôi!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanan.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanan.msg index e682ea373f..bcc26d6140 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanan.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanan.msg @@ -1,74 +1,74 @@ -{100}{}{You see a short man with a thick mustache.} -{101}{}{You see the Great Ananias.} -{102}{}{You see a short, mustachioed, man with a somewhat furtive look to him.} -{103}{}{You! What do you want to do to the, formerly, Great Ananias now?} -{104}{}{Get away from me!} -{105}{}{Go ruin someone else's business.} -{106}{}{Take it out on someone else.} -{107}{}{You've already done your worst to me.} -{108}{}{Just go away, you've done enough harm to me.} -{109}{}{I'm so hungry.} -{110}{}{How will I ever feed my family now?} -{111}{}{You were born with a heart 12 sizes too small.} -{112}{}{No, my friend, a MUMMY! Straight from the sands of ancient Egypt to the sands of the Wastes! Exclusively for you to see!} -{113}{}{OK, I'll bite. How much to see the wizened corpse?} -{114}{}{(to yourself) Hmm, a mummy would kinda describe the way a ghoul looks. OK, I'd like to take a look -- how much?} -{115}{}{I've seen enough corpses already. Goodbye.} -{116}{}{Hello, welcome, salutations! I am the Great Ananias (he offers you a slight bow, with a flourish). I bring mysteries from near and far friend. Mysteries from a world beyond our own... of the Netherworld.} -{117}{}{Come back to learn of the Great Ananias' mysteries of the Netherworld have you?} -{118}{}{What kind of mysteries?} -{119}{}{Uh, nice to meet you Mr. Great Anus... something.} -{120}{}{Hmm, mysteries make me sleep uneasily, I better go. Goodbye.} -{121}{}{Step right up!} -{127}{}{Today, in the room within, I have, for your eyes exclusively... A Jan-u-wine Egyptian Mummy!} -{128}{}{A mummy?} -{129}{}{A mummy? Hmm, I wonder if it could be.... No, nobody could be that stupid.} -{130}{}{I don't have any interest in that sort of thing. Corpses scare me.} -{131}{}{Out of the way, you're blocking paying customers.} -{132}{}{I don't think this is for you.} -{133}{}{Why don't you take your little tribal self elsewhere.} -{134}{}{This isn't really for you.} -{135}{}{I see, hmmm, how about GO (he points) AWAY!} -{136}{}{For a person of your obvious class I would be happy to show this unique, and historic, specimen to you for a mere $25.} -{137}{}{OK, I'll cough up the dough. Now... Show Me The Mummy!} -{138}{}{I don't want to spend that much. I think I'll survive without seeing the thing. Goodbye.} -{139}{}{Simply open the sarcophagus lid and the marvelous Mummy will be revealed, in all its ancient glory, to you. But please, no touching, and, uh, no flash photography.} -{140}{}{Great.} -{141}{}{There you go! The MUMMY! (the door to the sarcophagus swings open to reveal a desiccated corpse, that looks very much like an ordinary ghoul, standing in a poorly painted, chipped and cracked paper-mache sarcophagus.)} -{142}{}{There you go! Presenting, the MUMMY! (a crypt-like door swings open to reveal a jan-u-wine Egyptian mummy standing in an open sarcophagus that looks as though it's made out of pure gold!)} -{143}{}{Hey, wait a minute. That's not a Mummy. That's a ghoul. WOODY! Hey WOODY! Is that you?} -{144}{}{That sure looks like a ghoul to me.} -{145}{}{That's a mummy? I can't believe I just paid $25 to see a six-foot hunk of jerky. Goodbye.} -{146}{}{Wow, that's fantastic... I guess. (you look at the Mummy very intently for a while). Uh, thanks, Goodbye.} -{147}{}{(the Mummy, snorts, stretches languidly, and then looks at you with a sleepy blink to its eyes) Hello. (he says, sleepily)} -{148}{}{Holy shit! That *is* Woody! Run Woody, run for it! Well, uh, gimp for it then! Go Woody go!} -{149}{}{I assure you that the Mummy is, in fact, quite jan-u-wine.} -{150}{}{I don't think I believe you. Let me try something. WOODY! Hey WOODY! Is that you?} -{151}{}{Well, if you say so. But I sure think it looks like an ordinary ghoul. Goodbye.} -{152}{}{(Woody--for it is in fact Woody, not a Mummy, that stands somewhat drowsily before you--grabs the sides of the - paper- -mache sarcophagus, lets out a shriek and runs for the door, leaving a trail of toilet-paper 'mummy-wrappings' - and a hasty "Thankee kindly, Stranger!" behind him.)} -{153}{}{Hah! I knew it! You're finished in this town. You're not the Great Ananias anymore, you're just another ass.} -{154}{}{Go Woody go! Ahah! I knew it!} -{155}{}{(The Great Ananias shrugs) I knew I should have picked up that mono-headed Brahmin instead. Oh well, back to the drawing board.} -{156}{}{Mono-headed brahmin? Sure, who would ever believe that! Goodbye, you Charlatan.} -{157}{}{You woke up Woody the ghoul and freed him from indentured mummy-tude.} -{158}{}{I think I'd rather hear the ghost story.} -{200}{}{I know things that mere mortal man is not meant to know. Aiiieeee! Nyarloth... Oh, sorry (heh, heh). Got a little carried away - there for a moment. I have tales of a Ghost that haunts these very grounds, as well as a Jan-u-wine Egypt-ee-an Mummy that you - can see, right here in this marvelous sarcophagus.} -{201}{}{Tell me about the mummy. I'm just dying to hear more about that.} -{202}{}{I've just got to hear that ghost story. Uh, do I get a nice hot cup of cocoa to go with it?} -{203}{}{I don't think I have any more time to waste on whatever it is that you're hawking.} -{300}{}{Well, you see, (he motions you closer) there was once a great queen that ruled all of the surrounding town. She kept her - throne by virtue of a special amulet that she kept around her neck at all times. Great stuff, huh?} -{301}{}{Uh, yeah. You bet. So this princess had a *magic* amulet. Oh, do go on. I just can't stand this level of suspense - much longer (yawn).} -{302}{}{OK. I think I've heard just about enough. Goodbye.} -{400}{}{Well, I'll cut to the chase then. So, the evil wizard poisoned the young princess and took her amulet. She's been wandering - around the room next door ever since. Well, uh, that is, just at the witching hour, anyway. That's why I keep the door locked. - Pretty darn scary, huh?} -{401}{}{The ghost of an amuletless princess in the trashed room next door? That's it? I can't believe you're peddling *that* as a story. - I'd rather hear about this stupid Mummy you're supposed to have here.} -{402}{}{OK. I think I've heard just about enough. Goodbye.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn với bộ râu rậm.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Montania vĩ đại.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn để râu ria với bộ dạng lén lút.} +{103}{}{Ngươi! Ngươi muốn làm gì với Ananias vốn từng vĩ đại đây?} +{104}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} +{105}{}{Đi phá chỗ khác đi.} +{106}{}{Đi chỗ khác mà đái.} +{107}{}{Ngươi đã khiến ta mất tất cả rồi.} +{108}{}{Hãy cút đi, ngươi phá thế là đủ lắm rồi.} +{109}{}{Tôi đói quá.} +{110}{}{Làm thế nào nuôi sống được gia đình giờ?} +{111}{}{Ngươi sinh ra với trái tim nhỏ hơn 12 cỡ.} +{112}{}{Không phải, bạn tôi ơi, một XÁC ƯỚP! Được đưa trực tiếp từ cát vùng Ai Cập cổ đại đến cát vùng Hoang mạc! Chỉ có mình ngươi được thấy!} +{113}{}{Rồi, cắn câu rồi đây. Thế nghía cái xác chết khô hết bao xèng?} +{114}{}{(tự lẩm nhẩm) Hừm, xác ướp cũng khá giống với ghoul. OK, tôi sẽ xem -- bao nhiêu?} +{115}{}{Tôi đã thấy đủ xác chết rồi. Chào.} +{116}{}{Xin chào, chào mừng! Ta là Montania vĩ đại (ông ta khẽ cúi chào với động tác khoa trương). Ta mang đến điều bí ẩn từ mọi chốn xa xôi, bạn à. Những điều bí ẩn từ thế giới vượt ra khỏi thế giới của chúng ta... thế giới Bên kia.} +{117}{}{Quay lại để tìm hiểu những điều bí ẩn của Montania vĩ đại về thế giới Bên kia à?} +{118}{}{Bí ẩn nào thế?} +{119}{}{Ờ, rất vui được gặp ngài Mông to... gì đấy.} +{120}{}{Hừm, bí ẩn làm tôi mất ngủ. Tôi nên đi thì hơn. Chào.} +{121}{}{Tiến lên đi!} +{127}{}{Hôm nay, trong căn phòng này, ta có thứ này, chỉ mình bạn được thấy... Xác ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu!} +{128}{}{Xác ướp à?} +{129}{}{Xác ướp à? Hừm, không biết có phải... Không, làm gì có ai ngốc đến thế.} +{130}{}{Tôi không quan tâm đến mấy thứ đó. Xác chết kinh bỏ xừ.} +{131}{}{Tránh đường, ngươi đang cản lối khách trả tiền đấy.} +{132}{}{Ta không nghĩ thứ này hợp với ngươi.} +{133}{}{Sao ngươi không lê cái thân toọc đi chỗ khác đi.} +{134}{}{Thứ này không hợp với ngươi.} +{135}{}{Hiểu rồi. Hừm, vậy thì BIẾN (ông ta chỉ tay) ĐI!} +{136}{}{Đối với một nhân vật sành sỏi như bạn, ta rất vui được trưng bày mẫu vật đặc biệt và cổ đại này chỉ với giá 25$.} +{137}{}{OK, tôi sẽ nôn tiền ra. Giờ thì... Cho xem Xác ướp nào!} +{138}{}{Tôi không muốn tiêu phí tiền. Tôi chắc là mình không cần nhìn thứ đó. Chào.} +{139}{}{Chỉ cần mở nắp quan tài và Xác ướp kì diệu sẽ lộ diện, với tất cả vẻ đẹp cổ xưa trước mắt quý khách. Nhưng vui lòng không sờ, và, ờ, không chụp ảnh có đèn nháy.} +{140}{}{Tuyệt.} +{141}{}{Mời quý khách xem! XÁC ƯỚP đến đây! (Nắp quan tài mở ra và bạn thấy một cái xác khô kiệt, trông rất giống một người ghoul bình thường, đứng trong một chiếc quan tài bằng giấy bồi được bôi sơn cẩu thả, thủng lỗ chỗ và đầy vết nứt).} +{142}{}{Mời quý khách! Xin giới thiệu, XÁC ƯỚP! (cái nắp giống như cửa hầm mở ra, hé lộ một xác ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu đứng trong chiếc quan tài mở trông giống như được làm từ vàng nguyên chất!)} +{143}{}{Này, chờ chút. Đấy không phải Xác ướp. Đó là một ghoul. WOODY! Này WOODY! Phải ông không?} +{144}{}{Sao tôi nhìn thứ này giống hệt dân ghoul.} +{145}{}{Xác ướp đấy à? Đéo thể tin là tôi vừa trả 25$ để nghía miếng thịt bò khô dài 6 bộ. Chào.} +{146}{}{Ồ, tuyệt thật đấy... Chắc vậy (Bạn chăm chú nhìn Xác ướp một lúc). Ờ, cám ơn. Chào.} +{147}{}{(Xác ướp hắt xì hơi, duỗi người một cách uể oải rồi nhìn bạn bằng ánh mắt ngái ngủ) Chào. (ông ta nói bằng giọng ngủ gật).} +{148}{}{Con mẹ nó! Đây *là* Woody! Chạy đi Woody, chạy đi! À, ờ, lê bước đi cũng được! Đi nào, Woody, đi đi!} +{149}{}{Tôi đảm bảo với cậu rằng Xác ướp này đúng thực là một xác-ngâm-rượu.} +{150}{}{Tôi không nghĩ mình có thể tin được ông. Để tôi thử xem sao. WOODY! Này WOODY! Phải ông không thế?} +{151}{}{Ồ, nếu ông đã nói thế. Nhưng tôi vẫn chắc là thứ này trông giống một gã ghoul bình thường. Chào.} +{152}{}{(Wood -- đúng là Woody chứ không phải một Xác ướp, đứng dậy một cách ngái ngủ -- vịn tay vào thành chiếc +quan tài +bằng giấy bồi, hét lên một tiếng rồi chạy về phía cửa, để lại sau lưng dải giấy vệ sinh "băng buộc xác ướp" và +câu nói vội "Cạm ơn nhiệu, Người lạ!".} +{153}{}{Ha! Tôi biết mà! Ông hết trò ở cái thị trấn này rồi. Ông không còn là Montania vĩ đại nữa, ông chỉ là một gã khốn nạn thôi.} +{154}{}{Chạy đi, Woody! À há! Tôi biết mà!} +{155}{}{(Motania vĩ đại nhún vai) Ta biết là đáng lẽ mình nên vác con Brahmin một đầu đấy đi mà. Ôi dào, lại về nghĩ mưu tiếp.} +{156}{}{Bò một đầu ấy hả? Hà, có cái đầu kak đi tin ấy! Chào nhé, đồ Lừa đảo.} +{157}{}{Bạn đã đánh thức ghoul Woody và giải thoát cho ông ta khỏi bị đóng vai xác ướp nữa.} +{158}{}{Tôi nghĩ là mình muốn nghe truyện ma hơn.} +{200}{}{Ta biết là có những thứ người phàm không được phép biết. Aiieee! Nyarloth... Ồ, xin lỗi (he-he). Hơi quá mồm một chút. Ta +biết những câu truyện Ma ám ảnh ngay những mảnh đất này, cũng như Xác ướp Ai Ca-a-ập ngâm rượu mà bạn có thể xem, +ngay tại đây trong chiếc quan tài diễm lệ này.} +{201}{}{Hãy nói cho tôi về xác ướp đi. Tôi rất muốn nghe thêm.} +{202}{}{Tôi chỉ muốn nghe truyện ma thôi. Ồ, mà tôi có được uống ca cao nóng tặng kèm không?} +{203}{}{Tôi không nghĩ là mình có thừa thời gian để ngồi nghe ông lảm nhảm những điều huyên thuyên.} +{300}{}{Ồ bạn thấy đấy (ông ta ra hiệu cho bạn lại gần hơn) hồi xưa từng có một nữ hoàng vĩ đại cai trị tất cả những vùng quanh đây. +Nàng giữ vững được ngai vị nhờ tấm bùa đặc biệt mà nàng luôn đeo trên cổ. Hấp dẫn đấy chứ hả?} +{301}{}{Ừ, ờ. Đúng thế. Vậy là cô công chúa này có một tấm bùa *phép*. Ồ, kể tiếp đi. Tôi không thể chờ +lâu hơn được nữa đâu (ngáp).} +{302}{}{OK. Tôi nghĩ là mình nghe đủ rồi. Chào.} +{400}{}{Ồ, để ta vào thẳng mạch chính dzậy. Gã phù thủy độc ác đã hạ độc nàng công chúa trẻ và lấy đi tấm bùa của nàng. Kể từ đó, +nàng vẫn luôn luẩn quẩn trong căn phòng kế bên. À, ừ, luôn ở đó vào giờ hắc đạo. Đấy là lí do tại sao ta luôn khóa chặt cửa. +Đáng sợ đấy chứ hả?} +{401}{}{Hồn ma của công chúa mất bùa bị trói buộc trong căn phòng kế bên? Vậy thôi à? Tôi không nghĩ là ông lại đi rao *đấy* là +cậu chuyện. Tôi thà nghe kể về cái Xác ướp ngu ngốc mà chắc là ông có ở đây.} +{402}{}{OK. Tôi nghĩ là mình nghe đủ rồi. Chào.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanna.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanna.msg index 9f8838bc0b..78593889db 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanna.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcanna.msg @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ -{100}{}{You see a ghost!} -{101}{}{You see Anna the ghost.} -{150}{}{This a ghost. That's not something you see every day.} -{151}{}{She seems quite tormented.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một hồn ma!} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy hồn ma Anna.} +{150}{}{Đó là một hồn ma. Không phải thứ bạn vẫn thấy mỗi ngày.} +{151}{}{Trông cô ta có vẻ đau khổ.} {152}{}{[NÓI CHUYỆN]} -{153}{}{Oh, the pain! It burns so!} -{154}{}{What's the matter?} +{153}{}{Ôi, cơn đau này! Đốt cháy tim tôi!} +{154}{}{Có chuyện gì thế?} {155}{}{Ông là ai?} -{156}{}{Begone, foul spirit!} -{157}{}{I stop and knock at every door, but no one comes, no one hears.} -{158}{}{I can hear you. What's the matter?} -{159}{}{I think you need to turn off your Stealth Boy, ma'am.} -{160}{}{Where is it? I cannot find it! I am lost! Oh....} -{161}{}{What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.} -{162}{}{You really need to stop moaning and groaning and start making sense.} -{163}{}{My locket! It is gone. Thief! Thief!} -{164}{}{Whoa, I just got here. I didn't do it.} -{165}{}{Can I help you find it?} -{166}{}{Oh, cruel fate.} -{167}{}{You can't hear me, can you?} -{168}{}{Later, ghost girl.} -{169}{}{Bye. I'll try to help.} -{170}{}{My locket! Give it to me!!! Oh!!!!} -{171}{}{No way! Go to hell. I found this fair and square.} -{172}{}{OK. Here you go.} -{173}{}{Here. May you rest in peace.} +{156}{}{Hãy cút đi, linh hồn tội lỗi!} +{157}{}{Tôi đã đi gõ từng cánh cửa, nhưng chẳng ai thấy, chẳng ai nghe cả.} +{158}{}{Tôi có thể nghe tiếng cô. Có chuyện gì vậy?} +{159}{}{Tôi nghĩ là cô cần tắt Thiết bị tàng hình đi đấy, cô gái ạ.} +{160}{}{Nó đâu rồi? Tôi không tìm được! Tôi lạc lối! Ôi...} +{161}{}{Cô đang tìm gì thế? Có lẽ tôi có thể giúp đỡ.} +{162}{}{Cô cần phải ngừng kêu ca than vãn lại và nói cho tử tế đi.} +{163}{}{Mặt dây chuyền của tôi! Mất rồi! Kẻ trộm! Có kẻ trộm!} +{164}{}{Ồ, tôi mới đến đây. Tôi không trộm nó.} +{165}{}{Tôi giúp cô tìm được không?} +{166}{}{Ôi, số phận nghiệt ngã.} +{167}{}{Cô không nghe thấy tôi phải không?} +{168}{}{Gặp lại sau, cô gái ma.} +{169}{}{Chào. Tôi sẽ cố giúp.} +{170}{}{Mặt dây chuyền của tôi! Đưa nó cho tôi!!! Ôi!!!} +{171}{}{Mơ à! Biến về địa ngục đi. Tôi tự mình tìm thấy thứ này cơ mà.} +{172}{}{OK. Của cô đây.} +{173}{}{Đây. Mong cô yên nghỉ.} {174}{}{OK.} {175}{}{Không.} -{176}{}{My locket, my locket! I'm coming, Daddy! I'm coming!} +{176}{}{Mặt dây chuyền của tôi, của tôi! Con đến đây, Cha ơi! Con đang đến đây!} {177}{}{Tạm biệt.} -{178}{}{Wait! Don't go!} -{179}{}{Go into the light.} -{200}{}{Where could it be?} -{201}{}{Ohhh.} -{202}{}{Mommy? Daddy? Where are you?} -{203}{}{I can't find it!} -{500}{}{Mommy... Daddy... I'm coming...} -{501}{}{It's so bright...} -{502}{}{Grammy, I can see you...} -{503}{}{Oh, it's the kind Mr. Cain. It's good to see you again...} -{550}{}{This house is clear.} -{551}{}{Oog, pretti bones.} -{560}{}{GHOST BUSTER!} -{561}{}{Ug.} +{178}{}{Chờ đã! Đừng đi!} +{179}{}{Hãy bước theo ánh sáng.} +{200}{}{Ở đâu được nhỉ?} +{201}{}{Ồ-ồ-ồ.} +{202}{}{Mẹ? Cha ơi? Mọi người đâu rồi?} +{203}{}{Tôi không tìm được nó!} +{500}{}{Mẹ ơi... Cha ơi... Con đến đây...} +{501}{}{Sáng quá...} +{502}{}{Bà ơi, con có thể gặp người rồi...} +{503}{}{Ồ, là ngài Cain tốt bụng. Thật vui được gặp lại ông...} +{550}{}{Ngôi nhà này đã thanh bình rồi.} +{551}{}{Oog, xương xinh đấy.} +{560}{}{SĂN MA!} +{561}{}{Hực.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcatkslv.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcatkslv.msg index 24a023d36d..9e3e35498a 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcatkslv.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcatkslv.msg @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ -{100}{}{This man looks fairly strong and alert.} -{101}{}{She seems strong despite her size.} -{200}{}{He seems to be awfully thin but angry.} -{201}{}{This one looks fairly strong.} -{202}{}{He moves with great speed.} -{210}{}{She doesn't seem to have ever bathed.} -{211}{}{She looks like strong fighter.} -{212}{}{This one doesn't seem like much trouble.} -{245}{}{Quiet! They near.} -{246}{}{Kill bad men.} -{247}{}{No take family from me.} -{248}{}{I protect family.} -{249}{}{Must not find us.} -{250}{}{They bad people.} -{260}{}{Slavers are coming. Everyone quiet.} -{261}{}{Get ready. I think they're close now.} -{262}{}{I'm not going down without a fight.} -{263}{}{They'll never enslave us.} -{264}{}{Those slavers will pay for this.} -{265}{}{No slaver's going to take my family.} -{300}{}{You die now!} -{301}{}{Me kill!} -{302}{}{You no hurt family!} -{303}{}{You no take family!} -{304}{}{I protect!} -{305}{}{I hurt you!} -{306}{}{You pay!} +{100}{}{Người đàn ông này trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh và cảnh giác.} +{101}{}{Trông cô ta có vẻ khỏe dù có thân hình nhỏ bé.} +{200}{}{Ông ta tuy rất gầy gò nhưng mặt lại cau có.} +{201}{}{Người này trông khá mạnh.} +{202}{}{Ông ta di chuyển nhanh thật.} +{210}{}{Trông cô ta cứ như thể chưa tắm bao giờ.} +{211}{}{Cô ta trông có vẻ chiến.} +{212}{}{Người này chắc chỉ một đòn là gục.} +{245}{}{Yên lặng nào! Chúng đang ở gần rồi.} +{246}{}{Diệt người xấu.} +{247}{}{Không lấy nhà từ tôi.} +{248}{}{Tôi bảo vệ nhà.} +{249}{}{Không được tìm thấy chúng tôi.} +{250}{}{Chúng người xấu.} +{260}{}{Đám buôn người đang đến. Mọi người yên lặng.} +{261}{}{Sẵn sàng đi. Tôi nghĩ giờ chúng ở gần rồi.} +{262}{}{Tôi sẽ không bỏ cuộc mà không chiến đấu đâu.} +{263}{}{Chúng sẽ không bao giờ ép chúng ta thành nô lệ được.} +{264}{}{Đám buôn người sẽ phải trả giá vì điều này.} +{265}{}{Không kẻ buôn người nào lấy nhà tôi đi được.} +{300}{}{Mày chết giờ!} +{301}{}{Ta giết!} +{302}{}{Mày không làm đau nhà!} +{303}{}{Mày không lấy mất nhà!} +{304}{}{Ta bảo vệ!} +{305}{}{Ta làm đau mày!} +{306}{}{Mày trả giá!} {307}{}{Chết đi!} -{308}{}{I'm gonna hurt you.} -{350}{}{You're not going to take my family, slaver!} -{351}{}{Die, slaving scum!} -{352}{}{You'll pay, you bastard!} -{353}{}{I'll fight to the death for my family!} -{354}{}{You won't get away with this!} -{355}{}{You're not leaving here with my friends!} -{356}{}{I'm going to get you for this!} -{357}{}{God damn slavers!} -{358}{}{You'll pay for this!} +{308}{}{Ta sẽ làm ngươi thấy đau đớn.} +{350}{}{Kẻ buôn người, ngươi sẽ không cướp được gia đình ta đâu!} +{351}{}{Chết đi, đồ buôn người ghê tởm!} +{352}{}{Mày sẽ phải trả giá, đồ khốn!} +{353}{}{Ta sẽ chiến đấu đến cùng vì gia đình!} +{354}{}{Ngươi sẽ không thoát được đâu!} +{355}{}{Mày sẽ không đưa các bạn ta rời khỏi đây được đâu!} +{356}{}{Ta sẽ cho ngươi một trận!} +{357}{}{Lũ buôn người chết tiệt!} +{358}{}{Mày sẽ trả giá cho chuyện này!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcbilly.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcbilly.msg index 87a0a39dca..cc72879de9 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcbilly.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcbilly.msg @@ -1,106 +1,106 @@ -{100}{}{You see a patron of the Hole.} -{150}{}{This fellow sure isn't very attractive.} -{151}{}{This guy's only got one tooth.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một khách của quán Lỗ.} +{150}{}{Người này rõ ràng là không hấp dẫn lắm.} +{151}{}{Gã này chỉ còn mỗi một cái răng.} {152}{}{[NÓI CHUYỆN]} -{153}{}{Your wife sure is pretty!} -{154}{}{Get away from us.} -{155}{}{You like her, huh?} -{156}{}{Yes, she is.} -{157}{}{Yup.} -{158}{}{I sure would like to do her.} -{159}{}{Go right ahead.} -{160}{}{OK. That'll be $50.} -{161}{}{Sure, but it'll cost you $200.} -{162}{}{No way! Get away from us!} +{153}{}{Vợ cậu đẹp đấy!} +{154}{}{Tránh xa bọn tôi ra.} +{155}{}{Ông thích cô ta à?} +{156}{}{Ừ, đúng vậy.} +{157}{}{Chuẩn.} +{158}{}{Tôi khá chắc là muốn đụ cô ta.} +{159}{}{Thì cứ tự nhiên.} +{160}{}{OK. Hết tất cả 50$.} +{161}{}{Được, nhưng ông phải nhè 200$ ra.} +{162}{}{Không đâu! Tránh xa bọn tôi ra!} {163}{}{OK.} {164}{}{Không.} -{165}{}{Alright! Now come with Billy, sweetie.} -{166}{}{Now go away.} +{165}{}{Được rồi! Giờ thì đi với Billy nào cưng.} +{166}{}{Giờ thì biến đi.} {167}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} {168}{}{Chào.} -{169}{}{Aw, shucks.} +{169}{}{Òa, tệ thật.} {170}{}{[XONG]} -{171}{}{I am plumb tuckered out.} -{172}{}{I'll come back.} +{171}{}{Tôi mệt lắm rồi.} +{172}{}{Tôi sẽ trở lại.} {173}{}{OK.} -{174}{}{You sure are a pretty thing.} -{175}{}{Get away from me.} -{176}{}{Give me $200 and you can spend some time with me.} -{177}{}{I cost $50, Mac.} -{178}{}{Hee hee. Thanks.} -{179}{}{I don't have enough money.} -{180}{}{Ok, $50 then.} -{181}{}{Too bad for you.} -{182}{}{See you around.} -{183}{}{Don't bother me. I'm scoping for nice-looking chicks.} -{184}{}{Good luck. You'll need it.} -{185}{}{What am I, chopped liver?} +{174}{}{Cưng đẹp thật đấy.} +{175}{}{Tránh xa tôi ra.} +{176}{}{Nhè 200$ ra và ông có thể chơi tôi.} +{177}{}{Tôi giá 50$, Mac.} +{178}{}{He he. Cám ơn.} +{179}{}{Tôi không có đủ tiền.} +{180}{}{Ok, thế 50$.} +{181}{}{Thế thì tệ quá.} +{182}{}{Gặp lại sau.} +{183}{}{Đừng có làm phiền tôi. Tôi đang săn đám gà tơ.} +{184}{}{Chúc may mắn. Ông sẽ cần nhiều đấy.} +{185}{}{Tôi không đáng nhìn đến à?} {186}{}{Chào.} -{187}{}{Oooh. OK. Bye.} -{188}{}{[looks you up and down] No. I like chopped liver.} -{189}{}{I don't need this from you!} -{190}{}{Excuse me, I have to go.} -{191}{}{Too bad. I thought you were cute.} -{203}{}{I want my money back.} -{204}{}{I ain't giving you anything but a hole in the head.} -{205}{}{OK, here you go.} -{206}{}{Hey.} -{207}{}{Oh come on, give } -{208}{}{ another chance here.} -{209}{}{I can see you don't want to talk to me. I'm leaving.} -{210}{}{I gave you your chance and you blew it.} -{211}{}{OK, but just one more chance.} -{212}{}{That's my boy.} -{213}{}{I'm just gonna have to kill you, then.} -{220}{}{Hey, Frankie, I'm gonna just borrow the back room for a little while.} -{221}{}{Hey, Frankie, look what I snagged.} -{222}{}{Uh, Frankie, if anyone's... uh... looking for me, I'll be in back.} -{223}{}{Follow me.} -{224}{}{It's gonna have to wait. I'll talk to you later.} -{225}{}{I don't have it.} -{300}{}{Damn, I'm fucked flat.} +{187}{}{Ồ-ồ. OK. Chào.} +{188}{}{[nhìn bạn từ trên xuống dưới] Ồ không. Tôi thấy ổn đấy.} +{189}{}{Tôi không cần thứ này của ông!} +{190}{}{Thứ lỗi, tôi phải đi.} +{191}{}{Tệ thật. Tôi cứ tưởng cô dễ thương lắm.} +{203}{}{Tôi muốn lấy lại tiền.} +{204}{}{Tôi sẽ không trả lại ông cái gì ngoài một lỗ trên sọ đâu.} +{205}{}{OK, của ông đây.} +{206}{}{Này.} +{207}{}{Ồ thôi nào, cho } +{208}{}{ một cơ hội nữa đi.} +{209}{}{Tôi có thể thấy là ông không muốn nói chuyện nữa. Tôi đi đây.} +{210}{}{Tôi đã cho cô cơ hội và cô đã phung phí rồi.} +{211}{}{OK, nhưng chỉ một lần nữa thôi.} +{212}{}{Thế mới là đàn ông chứ.} +{213}{}{Thế thì tôi sẽ phải thịt ông vậy.} +{220}{}{Này, Frankie, tôi mượn phòng sau một lát nhé.} +{221}{}{Này, Frankie, xem tôi kiếm được gì này.} +{222}{}{Ờ, Frankie, nếu có ai... ờ... tìm tôi, thì tôi ở phòng sau nhé.} +{223}{}{Theo tôi.} +{224}{}{Cứ chờ đấy. Tôi sẽ nói chuyện sau.} +{225}{}{Tôi không có tiền.} +{300}{}{Mẹ kiếp, tôi cháy túi rồi.} {301}{}{Wahoo.} -{302}{}{That was... was... WOW!!!} -{303}{}{You could set her ass on fire.} -{304}{}{Damn that parted my hair - well, what little I have.} -{305}{}{Sure beats a roll with Dave.} -{320}{}{Not bad... Not bad...} -{321}{}{I might even pay for that again.} -{322}{}{Mmmm...} -{323}{}{Not bad, not bad.} -{324}{}{We'll have to do that again and work on our... flexibility.} -{350}{}{Looks like I'm going to be getting Handy again.} -{351}{}{Don't let the door hit your DRY ASS on the way out!} -{352}{}{Time to finish what you couldn't even start!} -{370}{}{Oh, that's nice.} -{371}{}{Billy likes that.} -{372}{}{Ohhhh yeah.} -{373}{}{Nice.} -{374}{}{Jeezus and ramona.} -{375}{}{Good Gracious.} -{376}{}{I shoulda packed a box of tissue.} -{377}{}{Hmmm, who should I imagine now.} -{390}{}{Hey, can't you see I'm busy in here?} -{391}{}{Hey, hey, get the hell out.} -{392}{}{Hey, you couldn't finish the job, so get out.} -{393}{}{Can you get me a mop and come back in 5?} -{400}{}{Billy, you better not have made a mess on that mattress again!} -{401}{}{Hey Billy, you need a mop?} -{402}{}{Billy, your fly's down. AGAIN!} -{403}{}{Yo Billy, don't forget to change your pants later.} -{404}{}{Billy, you been eating doughnuts?} -{410}{}{Uhhh.} -{411}{}{Shucks} -{412}{}{Jeesh} +{302}{}{Thật là... là... WOW!!!} +{303}{}{Ông có thế đốt mông cô ta đấy.} +{304}{}{Chậc vặt trụi hết cả tóc – ồ, tôi cũng chả còn mấy.} +{305}{}{Đúng là hơn hẳn Dave.} +{320}{}{Không tệ... Không tệ...} +{321}{}{Có thể tôi sẽ trả tiền để thêm lần nữa.} +{322}{}{Hừm...} +{323}{}{Không tệ, không tệ.} +{324}{}{Chúng ta sẽ phải làm lại và điều chỉnh lại... độ dẻo dai.} +{350}{}{Có vẻ như tôi sẽ lại cần đấy Tay đấy.} +{351}{}{Đừng có để cửa đập vào CÁI MÔNG KHÔ KHÔNG KHỐC lúc ra đấy!} +{352}{}{Đã đến lúc kết thúc thứ mà ông còn thậm chí còn chưa bắt đầu rồi!} +{370}{}{Ồ, hay đấy.} +{371}{}{Billy thích vậy.} +{372}{}{Ồ tuyệt.} +{373}{}{Tuyệt.} +{374}{}{Jeezus và Ramona.} +{375}{}{Trời đất ơi.} +{376}{}{Đáng ra tôi phải cầm theo hộp khăn giấy.} +{377}{}{Hừm, tôi nên tưởng tượng đến ai giờ nhỉ.} +{390}{}{Này, không thấy là tôi đang bận à?} +{391}{}{Này, này, cút khỏi đây ngay.} +{392}{}{Này, cô làm còn chẳng xong, biến đi.} +{393}{}{Lấy giúp tôi cái chổi và quay lại lúc 5 giờ được không?} +{400}{}{Billy, tốt nhất là ông đừng có làm bẩn thảm lần nữa đấy!} +{401}{}{Này Billy, ông cần chổi à?} +{402}{}{Billy, ông lại hở khuy quần NỮA RỒI!} +{403}{}{Yo Billy, tí nữa đừng quên thay quần đấy nhé.} +{404}{}{Billy, ông dạo này ăn bánh vòng à?} +{410}{}{Ù-ừ.} +{411}{}{Chậc} +{412}{}{Hừ} {413}{}{He, he, heee...} {414}{}{Hở?} -{500}{}{*SPIT, SPIT* Eccchhhh...} -{510}{}{Hey buddy, care to "rent" that fine ho of yours?} -{511}{}{Can't this wait? I've got to get a drink.} -{512}{}{Yeah, if you want to talk to me, I'll be at The Hole.} -{513}{}{How about you meet me at The Hole and I buy you a drink?} -{520}{}{Sorry, I'm a hurry to get home. I just got some new porn in.} -{521}{}{I'm uhhh, tired, please let me go home and uhhh, sleep...} -{522}{}{I'm going over to Dave's. He's got a whole porn wing!} -{530}{}{Uhhh, no thanks. I don't have money to piss away on that again.} -{540}{}{Alright, I'll give your ass a try again.} +{500}{}{*KHẠC NHỔ* Oạc oẹ...} +{510}{}{Này anh bạn, có cho thuê cô bồ xinh đẹp đấy không?} +{511}{}{Chờ chút được không? Tôi đi làm ly đã.} +{512}{}{Ờ, nếu muốn nói chuyện với tôi thì tôi sẽ ở quán Lỗ.} +{513}{}{Thế gặp tôi ở quán Lỗ đi, rồi tôi sẽ mời một ly?} +{520}{}{Xin lỗi, tôi cần phải về nhà sớm. Có mấy món khiêu dâm mới về.} +{521}{}{Tôi ờ ờ, mệt rồi, làm ơn để tôi về nhà và ờ, ngủ...} +{522}{}{Tôi sẽ đi đến chỗ Dave. Hắn ta có cả một phòng khiêu dâm!} +{530}{}{Ừ, không cám ơn. Tôi không có tiền để tè vào chỗ đấy nữa.} +{540}{}{Được rồi, tôi sẽ thử mông cô lần nữa.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccaesar.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccaesar.msg index 1046b5cd2d..145f5e278a 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccaesar.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccaesar.msg @@ -1,125 +1,125 @@ -{100}{}{You see a member of the Slaver's Guild.} -{150}{}{You see Metzger, head of the Slaver's Guild.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một thành viên của Hội buôn người.} +{150}{}{Bạn thấy Metzger, người đứng đầu Hội buôn người.} {151}{}{[NÓI CHUYỆN]} -{152}{}{Guards! Attack!} -{153}{}{[done]} -{154}{}{Come back in the morning damn it! I do my business during the day.} -{155}{}{[done]} -{156}{}{What is it now? You're really starting to piss me off.} -{157}{}{I would like to apologize.} -{158}{}{Sorry, I was drugged earlier. I didn't mean anything.} -{159}{}{Whoa, what's your problem?} -{160}{}{I wanted to ask you a question.} -{161}{}{Apparently I have. Good bye.} -{162}{}{Wah.} -{163}{}{Well, it's too late for that. Get out.} -{164}{}{Please, please, please; I'm sorry.} -{165}{}{Oh well, I tried.} -{166}{}{Screw you, then!} -{167}{}{Alright, alright. Apology accepted.} -{168}{}{Whew. Can I ask you some questions?} -{169}{}{I'm glad we straightened that out. See you later.} -{170}{}{Hello. It's good to see you.} -{171}{}{Hi Metzger. We need to talk.} -{172}{}{You too. Bye.} -{173}{}{Blurp.} -{174}{}{I am Metzger, Head of the Slaver's Guild. Whatcha need?} -{175}{}{Yes, I have some questions.} -{176}{}{No thanks. I'll just go now.} -{177}{}{Swavuh???} -{178}{}{Please leave. Now.} -{179}{}{Or what?} -{180}{}{Alright. But I'll be back!} -{181}{}{OK. Bye.} +{152}{}{Lính gác! Tấn công!} +{153}{}{[xong]} +{154}{}{Quay lại lúc sáng ấy mẹ kiếp! Tao chỉ làm việc ban ngày thôi.} +{155}{}{[xong]} +{156}{}{Giờ thì cần gì? Mày bắt đầu khiến tao phát cáu rồi đấy.} +{157}{}{Tôi muốn xin lỗi.} +{158}{}{Xin lỗi, lúc trước tôi phê quá. Tôi không có ý gì đâu.} +{159}{}{Ồ này, ông sao thế?} +{160}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi một câu.} +{161}{}{Rõ ràng là có rồi. Chào.} +{162}{}{Wa.} +{163}{}{Ồ, trễ quá rồi. Biến đi.} +{164}{}{Làm ơn, làm ơn đi mà; Tôi xin lỗi.} +{165}{}{Ồ, tôi cũng đã thử rồi.} +{166}{}{Vậy thì đi chết đi!} +{167}{}{Được rồi, được rồi. Nhận lỗi thế là được.} +{168}{}{Phù. Tôi hỏi mấy câu được không?} +{169}{}{Tôi mừng là chúng ta đã giải quyết xong chuyện đó. Gặp lại sau.} +{170}{}{Chào, rất vui gặp lại cậu.} +{171}{}{Chào Metzger. Chúng ta cần nói chuyện.} +{172}{}{Ông cũng thế. Chào.} +{173}{}{Ợ.} +{174}{}{Tao là Metzger, Trưởng Hội buôn người. Mày cần gì?} +{175}{}{Tôi có mấy câu hỏi.} +{176}{}{Không, cám ơn. Tôi đi giờ đây.} +{177}{}{Bun ngùi???} +{178}{}{Làm ơn biến đi. Ngay bây giờ.} +{179}{}{Không thì sao?} +{180}{}{Được rồi. Nhưng tôi sẽ trở lại!} +{181}{}{OK. Chào.} {182}{}{Muốn hỏi gì thế?} -{183}{}{About Trader Vic...} -{184}{}{Can I join the Slaver's Guild?} -{185}{}{I'd like to sell my husband into slavery.} -{186}{}{I'd like to sell my wife. How much?} -{187}{}{I'd like to sell one of my friends here.} -{188}{}{Tell me about the guild.} -{189}{}{What cities buy your slaves?} -{190}{}{I'd like to buy a slave.} -{191}{}{I'm looking for Vault 13. Have you heard of it?} -{192}{}{Metzger? That's a strange name.} -{193}{}{Nothing. I have to go.} -{195}{}{It's from an old language, prewar or something.} -{196}{}{Metzger means butcher. Fitting, don't you think?} -{197}{}{That was my great grandfather's name. He came from somewhere far to - the east. Across a large body of water.} -{198}{}{I read some book about a Metzger. He was a president, or something.} -{199}{}{Look who's talking tribal.} -{200}{}{It's Germen, German, Garmen, or something. Ancient language, from a - long time ago.} +{183}{}{Về Thương nhân Vic...} +{184}{}{Tôi gia nhập Hội buôn người được không?} +{185}{}{Tôi muốn bán chồng đi làm nô lệ.} +{186}{}{Tôi muốn bán vợ. Giá nhiêu?} +{187}{}{Tôi muốn bán một trong số đám bạn ở đây.} +{188}{}{Hãy kể cho tôi về hội đi.} +{189}{}{Ông mua nô lệ ở thành phố nào thế?} +{190}{}{Tôi muốn mua nô lệ.} +{191}{}{Tôi đang tìm Vault 13. Ông có biết gì không?} +{192}{}{Metzger? Tên lạ thật đấy.} +{193}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi.} +{195}{}{Tên này từ một ngôn ngữ cổ, trước chiến tranh gì đó.} +{196}{}{Metzger có nghĩa là đồ tể. Hợp đấy chứ, phải không?} +{197}{}{Đấy là tên ông cố nội tao. Lão đến từ chỗ rất xa về phía Đông. Qua một +vùng nước lớn.} +{198}{}{Tôi đã đọc một số sách về gã Metzger. Ông ta là tổng thống gì đó.} +{199}{}{Xem ai đang nói tiếng toọc này.} +{200}{}{Tiếng Đút, Đức, Đục gì đấy. Ngôn ngữ cổ, +cổ lổ xĩ lắm rồi.} {201}{}{Et tu, Brutus?} -{202}{}{I see. I still have a question, though.} -{203}{}{That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.} -{204}{}{Fascinating. Gotta go.} -{205}{}{Our mission is to provide a steady and high-quality labor force to - handle the ever-growing demands of the larger cities. Would you like to join?} -{206}{}{Sure. Sounds great.} -{207}{}{No way.} -{208}{}{I'll get back to you on that. What cities buy your slaves?} -{209}{}{Sorry, that's private guild information.} -{210}{}{OK. Sign me up!} -{211}{}{No! You guys are sick people!} -{212}{}{I'll consider that. I have more questions.} -{213}{}{Hmm, I'll come back later.} -{214}{}{We will need to brand a small marking on your forehead to show to all - your allegiance with the slavers guild. Are you ready?} -{215}{}{Sounds great! Do it!} -{216}{}{I've changed my mind. Can I ask another question?} -{217}{}{I don't have time right now. I have to go.} -{218}{}{Welcome to the guild!} -{219}{}{Great, I have questions!} -{220}{}{OK, thanks. I'll be back.} -{221}{}{Vault 13? No. Wait... I think Vic's from Vault City. Maybe that's it.} -{222}{}{Yes, where is it?} -{223}{}{No. I have another question though.} -{224}{}{No, never mind.} -{225}{}{We sell most of our slaves to Vault City and New Reno. New Reno is - south east of here and most of the Den trades with it.} -{226}{}{Where is Vault City?} -{227}{}{I have more questions.} -{228}{}{Thanks, gotta go.} -{229}{}{Vault City is east of here, and a little south. Vic's from there.} -{230}{}{I have more questions.} -{231}{}{Thanks; gotta go.} -{232}{}{Hmm, looks like a healthy slave. I'll give you } -{233}{}{ coins.} -{234}{}{OK! It's a deal.} -{235}{}{Uh, never mind.} -{236}{}{No way! I want double!} -{237}{}{You drive a hard bargain. Here is your money!} -{238}{}{Thanks. I have some more questions.} +{202}{}{Hiểu rồi. Mà tôi vẫn còn muốn hỏi thêm nữa.} +{203}{}{Đó là thứ ngu ngốc nhất mà tôi từng nghe.} +{204}{}{Hay đấy. Tôi phải đi rồi.} +{205}{}{Nhiệm vụ của chúng tao là cung cấp lực lượng lao động ổn định có chất lượng cao +cho các thành phố lớn đang ngày càng thiếu nhân lực. Muốn tham gia cùng không?} +{206}{}{Được chứ. Nghe hay đấy.} +{207}{}{Không đời nào.} +{208}{}{Tôi sẽ quay lại việc đó sau. Thành phố nào mua nô lệ của ông thế?} +{209}{}{Thứ lỗi, đấy là thông tin nội bộ trong hội.} +{210}{}{OK. Ghi tên tôi vào nào!} +{211}{}{Không! Lũ các người là một đám bệnh hoạn!} +{212}{}{Tôi sẽ suy nghĩ về việc đó. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{213}{}{Hừm, tôi sẽ trở lại sau.} +{214}{}{Bọn ta cần xăm một dấu nhỏ trên trán mày để thể hiện cho mọi người +rằng mày là một thành viên của hội buôn người. Sẵn sàng chưa?} +{215}{}{Nghe tuyệt đấy! Làm đi!} +{216}{}{Tôi đổi ý rồi. Tôi hỏi câu khác được không?} +{217}{}{Hiện tại tôi không có thời gian. Tôi phải đi.} +{218}{}{Chào mừng đến với hội!} +{219}{}{Tuyệt, tôi có câu hỏi!} +{220}{}{OK, cám ơn. Tôi sẽ trở lại.} +{221}{}{Vault 13? Không. Chờ tí... Tao nghĩ là Vic đến từ Thành phố Vault. Chắc là chỗ đó.} +{222}{}{Đúng rồi, nơi đó ở đâu vậy?} +{223}{}{Không. Nhưng tôi có câu hỏi khác.} +{224}{}{Không, thôi quên đi.} +{225}{}{Bọn tao chủ yếu bán nô lệ cho Thành phố Vault và New Reno. New Reno ở +phía Đông Nam chỗ này và phần lớn người The Den đều trao đổi với họ.} +{226}{}{Thành phố Vault ở đâu vậy?} +{227}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{228}{}{Cám ơn, phải đi đây.} +{229}{}{Thành phố Vault đi về phía Đông, rồi lên hướng Bắc một chút. Vic từ đó đến đây.} +{230}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{231}{}{Cám ơn; phải đi đây.} +{232}{}{Hừm, trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh. Tao sẽ trả mày } +{233}{}{ xu.} +{234}{}{OK! Cứ thế đi.} +{235}{}{Ờ, thôi quên đi.} +{236}{}{Không được! Phải gấp đôi!} +{237}{}{Mày trả giá cứng đấy. Tiền đây!} +{238}{}{Cám ơn. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm mấy câu.} {239}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} {240}{}{Gì nữa không?} -{241}{}{Yes, I have a question.} -{242}{}{Nope. Bye.} -{243}{}{Which "friend" are you selling?} -{244}{}{Um, never mind.} -{245}{}{Interesting. I'll give you } -{246}{}{ coins.} -{247}{}{Sold!} +{241}{}{Cám ơn, tôi muốn hỏi thêm một câu.} +{242}{}{Không. Chào.} +{243}{}{Mày muốn bán "bạn" nào?} +{244}{}{Ờ, thôi quên đi.} +{245}{}{Hay đấy. Tao sẽ trả mày } +{246}{}{ xu.} +{247}{}{Bán!} {248}{}{Không, cám ơn.} -{249}{}{I want more money than that!} -{250}{}{Alright, I'll give you } -{251}{}{ but no more!} -{252}{}{Sold!} -{253}{}{Not good enough.} -{254}{}{That's way too little. I'm leaving.} -{255}{}{What do you want with Vic? He's my property now. He shouldn't have fucked with me.} -{256}{}{I'd like to buy him.} -{257}{}{Why are you keeping him here?} -{258}{}{Nothing. Never mind.} -{259}{}{He is not for sale, yet.} -{260}{}{Why not?} +{249}{}{Tôi muốn nhiều hơn thế!} +{250}{}{Được rồi, tao sẽ trả mày } +{251}{}{ nhưng không hơn nữa đâu!} +{252}{}{Bán!} +{253}{}{Chưa đủ.} +{254}{}{Thế thì ít quá. Tôi đi đây.} +{255}{}{Mày muốn làm gì với Vic? Lão ta giờ là tài sản của ta rồi. Ai bảo đi chọc vào tao.} +{256}{}{Tôi muốn mua ông ta.} +{257}{}{Sao ông lại giữ ông ta ở đây?} +{258}{}{Không có gì. Thôi quên đi.} +{259}{}{Lão ta vẫn chưa được bán đâu.} +{260}{}{Sao lại chưa?} {261}{}{Ồ, okay.} -{262}{}{He will cost $2000.} -{263}{}{Here is your money.} -{264}{}{That's a lot. Maybe later.} -{265}{}{The cost is $1000.} -{266}{}{Here is your money.} +{262}{}{Lão ta có giá 2000$.} +{263}{}{Tiền của ông đây.} +{264}{}{Nhiều thế. Để sau đi.} +{265}{}{Giá 1000$.} +{266}{}{Tiền của ông đây.} {267}{}{Don't have that much yet. Bye.} {268}{}{Our radio is broken and he's in charge of fixing it.} {269}{}{Hiểu rồi.} @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ {271}{}{Too bad for me. Can I ask you a question?} {272}{}{Sorry, I'll come back.} {307}{}{How dare you return after abandoning your brothers during a Slave Run! Guards! Attack!} -{308}{}{[done]} +{308}{}{[xong]} {309}{}{Excellent! It may take a few days for you to travel there and back. Are you ready to leave now?} {310}{}{No. I'll come back.} {311}{}{Yes, I'm ready. Let's go.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg index cbe660f427..2fd3614a62 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcchcgrd.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {161}{}{I left them back with my guard. I'll go fetch them.} {162}{}{You cannot get in without papers.} {163}{}{Here's my authorization! Attack!} -{164}{}{I'll come back.} +{164}{}{Tôi sẽ trở lại.} {165}{}{[Embarrassed] No... um... alright, just go on in...} {166}{}{Cám ơn.} {167}{}{That's more like it.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccustmr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccustmr.msg index 84f71ae7d0..ac70bae8e4 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccustmr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dccustmr.msg @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ {155}{}{She seems to be looking around Tubby's store.} {156}{}{You don't see anything unusual about him.} {157}{}{You don't see anything unusual about her.} -{200}{}{Get away from me!} +{200}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} {201}{}{Leave me alone!} {202}{}{Don't touch me!} {203}{}{Stop it!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcflick.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcflick.msg index 459c49a550..e5c4497141 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcflick.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcflick.msg @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ {291}{}{Your kids?} {292}{}{Well, I'm not really interested in music lessons for children. Let me ask you about something else.} {300}{}{Yeah, well they work for me. They bring me things. Little things. You know.} -{301}{}{Uh, no.} +{301}{}{Ừ, không.} {302}{}{Oh, OK. Let me ask you something else then.} {303}{}{Ah, I see. Well, I don't want to cramp your, uh, style. Goodbye.} {315}{}{They bring me stuff that they find. Little, little things. Stuff no one ain't usin' no more. In return, I takes care of 'em.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfranki.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfranki.msg index 95179bb94b..ab9ad7fc15 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfranki.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfranki.msg @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ {163}{}{Nothing today. Bye.} {164}{}{Wee wee.} {165}{}{Hey! You better shut your hole!} -{166}{}{Or what?} +{166}{}{Không thì sao?} {167}{}{Just do your job and get me a drink.} {168}{}{I'll just leave instead.} {169}{}{Whiskey is $} @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ {177}{}{Nope, thanks.} {178}{}{You don't have enough money! This ain't no charity!} {179}{}{Oh, sorry. I'm low on funds.} -{180}{}{I'll come back.} +{180}{}{Tôi sẽ trở lại.} {181}{}{Muốn gì?} {182}{}{Whiskey.} {183}{}{Nothing. I'm leaving.} @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ {186}{}{[EXIT]} {187}{}{I don't want people like you in my place. Get out!} {188}{}{Alright, I'm going.} -{189}{}{Wah.} +{189}{}{Wa.} {190}{}{Those New Reno families charge an arm and a leg for their booze. I don't know how she does it!} {191}{}{Well, you should try to find out.} {192}{}{I could find out.} @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ {234}{}{Yeah, I bet. You must have the damnedest time getting men. Try your luck somewhere else, sister. I ain't into no charities.} {235}{}{Fine! Something else then.} {236}{}{Why, you little...} -{237}{}{I don't need this from you!} +{237}{}{Tôi không cần thứ này của ông!} {238}{}{I have a room over there. You and I can use it.} {239}{}{OK.} {240}{}{No, I didn't mean that!} @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ {255}{}{Where are you, woman?} {256}{}{Would you get in here?} {257}{}{Come on, baby.} -{258}{}{Follow me.} +{258}{}{Theo tôi.} {259}{}{No woman stands me up. Get the hell out!} {260}{}{Được rồi.} {261}{}{I forgot; I had something else I had to attend to right away. Please forgive me, baby.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfred.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfred.msg index 5975e516fe..5480617537 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfred.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcfred.msg @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ {312}{}{Looking very nice.} {313}{}{You look like crap!} {314}{}{Yuk!} -{315}{}{Ug.} +{315}{}{Hực.} {320}{}{Thank you. Thank you very much! Thanks to you, I have four sets just like these!} {321}{}{So you won it big after all?} {322}{}{So, where's my money?} @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ {401}{}{Chào.} {410}{}{What? You doing some strange drug? You don't look like a jethead. Get away from me you freak.} {411}{}{Beat it!} -{412}{}{Ug.} +{412}{}{Hực.} {420}{}{What are you talking about? I don't owe anyone anything. Who the hell are you talking about?} {421}{}{Yea, you said that last time. I don't know what you're talking about? Who's this imaginary person again?} {422}{}{Becky says you owe her $500} @@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ {511}{}{Okay.} {520}{}{Say, you know what? That hundred's really going to uh... delay things. Do you think I could borrow a little bit back?} {521}{}{How much?} -{522}{}{No way.} +{522}{}{Không đời nào.} {530}{}{Wait! I know. Tell you what, I'll give you $100 and you spot me for the other $100 I owe Becky. I'll pay you back real soon.} {531}{}{Okay fine.} {532}{}{No deal.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcgamble.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcgamble.msg index 741ed90b96..2cb2d463cc 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcgamble.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcgamble.msg @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ {530}{}{I hate this game!} {531}{}{Damn! That was my number on the last spin!} {532}{}{Black again!?!?} -{600}{}{Get away!} +{600}{}{Biến đi!} {601}{}{Why did you do that?} -{602}{}{Get away!} +{602}{}{Biến đi!} {603}{}{Stop it, I'm fragile.} {604}{}{I wouldn't do that to you.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcjoey.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcjoey.msg index fb74045104..89d3e85279 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcjoey.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcjoey.msg @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ {160}{}{Nothing. Just passing through.} {161}{}{What the hell are you talking about?} {162}{}{Did you steal a locket from that haunted house?} -{163}{}{Nothing. Never mind.} +{163}{}{Không có gì. Thôi quên đi.} {164}{}{Forget it. I'll kill you now and sort out the pieces later.} {165}{}{I-I don't know what you're talking about.} {166}{}{Oh, I think you do! You stole a dead girl's locket, and now her spirit can't rest.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dclara.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dclara.msg index 8a8a9b1499..0cdf3a33ed 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dclara.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dclara.msg @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ {574}{}{That was me, and you're next.} {575}{}{Oh. Okay, bye.} {576}{}{Uhr?} -{577}{}{Ug.} +{577}{}{Hực.} {590}{}{I told you we would go together. Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell.} {591}{}{I told you to find a weakness, not kill them! Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell.} {592}{}{Damn it! I told you to ask Metzger, not to kill them! Since no one was there to watch the place, it got ransacked and now Metzger's madder than hell.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmaggie.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmaggie.msg index 0a7afcd684..3d2753be85 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmaggie.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmaggie.msg @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ {155}{}{. What's there to do around here?} {156}{}{Hi, I'm } {157}{}{. Can I ask some questions?} -{158}{}{Mom?} +{158}{}{Mẹ ơi?} {159}{}{Mag gah.} {160}{}{Run along. I don't need your kind here.} -{161}{}{Mmmm...} +{161}{}{Hừm...} {162}{}{Screw you.} {163}{}{I'm going.} {164}{}{Sorry, no offense was meant. Can I ask something?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmetzge.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmetzge.msg index 57c35dc9b5..eb25895326 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmetzge.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcmetzge.msg @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ {442}{}{What about him?} {443}{}{Yeah, that's him.} {444}{}{Can I see him?} -{445}{}{Why are you keeping him here?} +{445}{}{Sao ông lại giữ ông ta ở đây?} {446}{}{Okay, thanks. Bye.} {455}{}{That little fuck - he sold me a radio that he said would be able to pick up some transmissions. It didn't. I caught his ass trying to sneak out of town before @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ {463}{}{What kind transmissions were you talking about before?} {475}{}{What for? Ah, fuck, never mind. Just don't keep him from fixing that damn radio - and he better fix it soon. I'm sick of feeding his lazy ass.} -{476}{}{Why are you keeping him here?} +{476}{}{Sao ông lại giữ ông ta ở đây?} {477}{}{Cám ơn.} {485}{}{The Enclave and New... Hey, what the hell you care for? It's business. I need to be sure no one's trying to fuck me over. That's all you need to know.} {486}{}{Mind your own business.} @@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ {553}{}{I'll do better next time.} {554}{}{Thanks for nothing.} {555}{}{Cám ơn.} -{556}{}{Ug.} +{556}{}{Hực.} {570}{}{Damn bitch, was that your first time? There's no way that was not your first time.} {571}{}{Damn girl, was that your first time?} {572}{}{Pretty good, I guess.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcpetey.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcpetey.msg index f24e682040..04c7c44a15 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcpetey.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcpetey.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {160}{}{Sorry; bye.} {161}{}{Duh, you are welcome, uh-huh, yeah.} {162}{}{Maybe next time. Thank you anyway. [cough]} -{163}{}{[done]} +{163}{}{[xong]} {164}{}{Thank you so much. [cough] So, so, so very much.} {165}{}{Không có gì.} {166}{}{Yeah, yeah.} @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ {300}{}{I can't believe someone fucking killed Tubby...} {301}{}{What the fuck happened to Tubby?} {302}{}{Ah, why did Tubby have to die.} -{303}{}{Ahhh...} +{303}{}{À à...} {304}{}{Didn't like that asshole anyway.} {305}{}{Flick's dead... Crap.} {306}{}{What happened to Flick?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcsheila.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcsheila.msg index c76d2c2fb7..87f15d560c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcsheila.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcsheila.msg @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ {153}{}{Hey, I don't do chicks!} {154}{}{Whatever.} {155}{}{Sorry.} -{156}{}{Mom?} +{156}{}{Mẹ ơi?} {157}{}{Hey, it'll cost more if you've got an audience with ya.} {158}{}{Hey, they go where I go.} {159}{}{I want them with me.} {160}{}{I'll be back.} -{161}{}{Mom?} +{161}{}{Mẹ ơi?} {162}{}{Oh, baby. Where you been all my life?} {163}{}{Right here, baby.} {164}{}{How much, sister?} @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ {180}{}{Um, no.} {181}{}{[drool]} {182}{}{You don't have enough bucks. Get lost, honey.} -{183}{}{I'll come back.} +{183}{}{Tôi sẽ trở lại.} {184}{}{You're not worth it, toots.} {185}{}{Wah!} {186}{}{You were incredible!} @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ {204}{}{Chào.} {205}{}{Lost?} {206}{}{Come back anytime.} -{207}{}{OK. Bye.} +{207}{}{OK. Chào.} {208}{}{Ờ, đúng vậy.} {209}{}{Whoo!} {210}{}{Gặp lại sau.} @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ {212}{}{Chào nhé.} {213}{}{It will cost $} {214}{}{ for a session. Pay first.} -{215}{}{Follow me.} +{215}{}{Theo tôi.} {216}{}{I'm waiting.} {217}{}{I'm not gonna stand here in this cold room all day.} {218}{}{Would you hurry up?} @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ {220}{}{Fine; I'm not waiting around any longer.} {221}{}{Come on, come on.} {222}{}{Getting excited or something?} -{223}{}{Follow me.} +{223}{}{Theo tôi.} {224}{}{Hey, pal, keep your hands off of the merchandise.} {225}{}{Knock it off! I'm not just some toy to use.} {230}{}{Uhhh...? Was this your first time?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslave.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslave.msg index cc049f47e2..b227765cb7 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslave.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslave.msg @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ {330}{}{What did we do wrong?} {331}{}{Leave us alone, slaver!} {332}{}{Don't hurt me!} -{333}{}{Get away from me!} +{333}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} {350}{}{Ai ông?} {351}{}{You no slaver.} {352}{}{You no hurt?} @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ {412}{}{Over here!} {413}{}{Help! Don't leave us!} {414}{}{What was all that shooting?} -{415}{}{What's going on?} +{415}{}{Chuyện gì vậy?} {420}{}{Ahhh!} {421}{}{Ug!} {422}{}{Don't stop!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvgrt.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvgrt.msg index 2d2e9fa989..41695f7863 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvgrt.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvgrt.msg @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ {254}{}{Work.} {255}{}{Đồ ăn.} {256}{}{Kill.} -{257}{}{Ug.} +{257}{}{Hực.} {270}{}{Ah, a bloodthirsty one. Well... Talk to the boss. We might have a place for ya. Go through the back door.} {271}{}{Metzger's never had a bitch slaver, but if you're really that bloodthirsty, check with him. He's right through that door.} {272}{}{Okke.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvrun.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvrun.msg index d33ad7cf40..6a2b59f7c0 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvrun.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcslvrun.msg @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ {100}{}{You see a big, primitive looking man.} -{101}{}{This man looks fairly strong and alert.} +{101}{}{Người đàn ông này trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh và cảnh giác.} {110}{}{You see a slender primitive woman.} -{111}{}{She seems strong despite her size.} +{111}{}{Trông cô ta có vẻ khỏe dù có thân hình nhỏ bé.} {120}{}{You see a strange looking man.} {121}{}{He seems to be awfully thin.} {130}{}{You see a ragged looking man.} -{131}{}{This one looks fairly strong.} +{131}{}{Người này trông khá mạnh.} {140}{}{You see a man in tattered clothing.} {141}{}{He moves with suggesting speed.} {150}{}{You see a very grimy woman.} -{151}{}{She doesn't seem to have ever bathed.} +{151}{}{Trông cô ta cứ như thể chưa tắm bao giờ.} {160}{}{You see a rather large woman.} -{161}{}{She looks like strong fighter.} +{161}{}{Cô ta trông có vẻ chiến.} {170}{}{You see a scrawny looking woman.} -{171}{}{This one doesn't seem like much trouble.} +{171}{}{Người này chắc chỉ một đòn là gục.} {200}{}{Chết đi!} {201}{}{Where you at?} {202}{}{I'm gunna hurt you.} {210}{}{I'm going to get your for this!} -{211}{}{God damn slavers!} -{212}{}{You'll pay for this!} +{211}{}{Lũ buôn người chết tiệt!} +{212}{}{Mày sẽ trả giá cho chuyện này!} {220}{}{Leave alone!} {221}{}{Don't hurt!} {222}{}{No hurt you!} @@ -30,18 +30,18 @@ {233}{}{I won't fight; don't kill me!} {234}{}{Please, I don't want to die!} {235}{}{You're slavers aren't you? Oh, god.} -{245}{}{Quiet! They near.} -{246}{}{Kill bad men.} -{247}{}{No take family from me.} -{248}{}{I protect family.} -{249}{}{Must not find us.} -{250}{}{They bad people.} -{260}{}{Slavers are coming. Everyone quiet.} +{245}{}{Yên lặng nào! Chúng đang ở gần rồi.} +{246}{}{Diệt người xấu.} +{247}{}{Không lấy nhà từ tôi.} +{248}{}{Tôi bảo vệ nhà.} +{249}{}{Không được tìm thấy chúng tôi.} +{250}{}{Chúng người xấu.} +{260}{}{Đám buôn người đang đến. Mọi người yên lặng.} {261}{}{Get ready; I think they're close now.} -{262}{}{I'm not going down without a fight.} -{263}{}{They'll never enslave us.} -{264}{}{Those slavers will pay for this.} -{265}{}{No slaver's going to take my family.} +{262}{}{Tôi sẽ không bỏ cuộc mà không chiến đấu đâu.} +{263}{}{Chúng sẽ không bao giờ ép chúng ta thành nô lệ được.} +{264}{}{Đám buôn người sẽ phải trả giá vì điều này.} +{265}{}{Không kẻ buôn người nào lấy nhà tôi đi được.} {270}{}{They no find me.} {271}{}{Must hide. Must hide.} {272}{}{Why they want hurt.} @@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ {283}{}{I don't want to die.} {284}{}{I don't want to be a slave.} {285}{}{I deserve better than this.} -{290}{}{You die now!} -{291}{}{Me kill!} -{292}{}{You no hurt family!} -{293}{}{You no take family!} -{294}{}{I protect!} -{295}{}{I hurt you!} -{296}{}{You pay!} -{300}{}{You're not going to take my family, slaver!} -{301}{}{Die, slaving scum!} -{302}{}{You'll pay, you bastard!} -{303}{}{I'll fight to the death for my family!} -{304}{}{You won't get away with this!} -{305}{}{You're not leaving here with my friends!} +{290}{}{Mày chết giờ!} +{291}{}{Ta giết!} +{292}{}{Mày không làm đau nhà!} +{293}{}{Mày không lấy mất nhà!} +{294}{}{Ta bảo vệ!} +{295}{}{Ta làm đau mày!} +{296}{}{Mày trả giá!} +{300}{}{Kẻ buôn người, ngươi sẽ không cướp được gia đình ta đâu!} +{301}{}{Chết đi, đồ buôn người ghê tởm!} +{302}{}{Mày sẽ phải trả giá, đồ khốn!} +{303}{}{Ta sẽ chiến đấu đến cùng vì gia đình!} +{304}{}{Ngươi sẽ không thoát được đâu!} +{305}{}{Mày sẽ không đưa các bạn ta rời khỏi đây được đâu!} {310}{}{Ahhh!} {311}{}{No kill! No kill!} {312}{}{Stop!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory1.msg index c931248f7f..3eb443d788 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory1.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory1.msg @@ -58,5 +58,5 @@ {163}{}{Well, it's getting late. Bye.} {164}{}{My pleasure. Bye.} {165}{}{Chào.} -{166}{}{Nevermind.} +{166}{}{Quên đi.} {167}{}{Leanne told you her story about the Master.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory2.msg index 7f30c88bb1..3b745cc7ce 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcstory2.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{She seems to be a little sad.} {103}{}{Stop it!} {104}{}{How could you?} -{105}{}{Get away from me!} +{105}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} {106}{}{Tại sao?} {107}{}{Please stop!} {108}{}{You murderer!} @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ {121}{}{You come here often?} {122}{}{I'll have to catch you later. Bye.} {123}{}{Okah?} -{124}{}{Ug.} +{124}{}{Hực.} {131}{}{Please don't bother me. I'm really not in the mood right now.} {132}{}{Ugra.} {133}{}{Fegi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubby.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubby.msg index 57525ac054..d463ad5b71 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubby.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubby.msg @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ town may use grain or gold. Redding is another prime example of a town fueled by {188}{}{How about I give you $50 and you tell me.} {189}{}{What do you say you give me the information, or I give you a new hole in the head.} -{190}{}{Nevermind.} +{190}{}{Quên đi.} {191}{}{Well, can I ask you something else, then?} {192}{}{Sure, that kind of money MIGHT help me change my mind. But you ain't got it!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubfri.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubfri.msg index 4823199970..e4263ef837 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubfri.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dctubfri.msg @@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ {405}{}{Where's our big man at?} {406}{}{Doesn't it just make your skin tingle?} {407}{}{Tubby has the best supply in town.} -{408}{}{I feel so alive!} +{408}{}{Mình khỏe vãi lìn!} {420}{}{Did you hear a loud bang?} {421}{}{Haven't seen Tubby in a while.} {422}{}{Where's Tubby?} {423}{}{You seen Tubby?} {440}{}{Oh, my head!} {441}{}{Where's Tubby! I think I'm going to die!} -{442}{}{I can't take this much longer.} +{442}{}{Không chịu nổi thêm nữa.} {443}{}{Oh, the pain is getting really bad.} {444}{}{Tubby hasn't given us any in a while. Where he at?} {445}{}{My lips are numb.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcvic.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcvic.msg index 4c9c99628b..9bf5838b36 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcvic.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/dcvic.msg @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ {840}{}{Ed's over at Vault City. He's a Brahmin Dealer. He was just one of my many suppliers. Vault City's not too far from here.} {845}{}{I told you, it's over here. [Vic points to a location on your Pip-Boy 2000.]} {900}{}{You learned about Vic being a trader.} -{1000}{}{I need to ask you something.} +{1000}{}{Tôi cần hỏi chút việc.} {1100}{}{Fully healed, Boss. Anything else?} {1200}{}{Almost perfect condition, Boss.} {1300}{}{I'm mostly healed up, Boss, but I've been better.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/door.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/door.msg index a53eacdc09..311a1ea691 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/door.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/door.msg @@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ khóa mà bạn có thể thử cậy mở.} {501}{}{Có vẻ như bạn cần làm cho máy phát chạy trước đã.} {502}{}{Bạn thấy: Cửa thang máy.} {503}{}{Có vẻ như bạn cần dùng thiết bị điện để mở ổ khóa này.} -{601}{}{It is open, dummy.} -{610}{}{You fail spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{611}{}{ fails spectacularly, and the explosive goes off prematurely.} -{620}{}{You bend the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} -{621}{}{ bends the crowbar beyond recognition. It's useless now.} +{601}{}{Đang mở rồi, đồ ngốc.} +{610}{}{Bạn thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{611}{}{ thất bại thảm hại và thuốc nổ phát nổ sớm.} +{620}{}{Bạn bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} +{621}{}{ bẻ cong cây xà beng đến mức không sửa nổi nữa. Vứt đi thôi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eastereg.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eastereg.msg index 8b245e2dbc..e1716a650f 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eastereg.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eastereg.msg @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ {2132}{}{Right. Goodbye.} {2140}{}{Most excellent. Well, you take care.} {2141}{}{Tạm biệt.} -{2142}{}{See you around.} +{2142}{}{Gặp lại sau.} {2150}{}{The Source is tricky, but I can handle it.} {2151}{}{Enjoy the expanded visibility of this world!} {2152}{}{Enjoy the new you!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecabolst.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecabolst.msg index 06222f4eb6..0a5dfc2528 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecabolst.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecabolst.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {201}{}{Kill the oppressor!} {202}{}{Kill the evil slaver!} {203}{}{Down with slavery! Kill the slavers!} -{204}{}{Die, slaving scum!} +{204}{}{Chết đi, đồ buôn người ghê tởm!} {250}{}{Hello there!} {251}{}{Hey stranger!} {300}{}{Hey stranger, what are you doing out in these parts?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eccvnmst.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eccvnmst.msg index 7699628aec..36734f64b3 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eccvnmst.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/eccvnmst.msg @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ {103}{}{Where are you headed?} {104}{}{What's your cargo?} {105}{}{Chào.} -{106}{}{Ug.} +{106}{}{Hực.} {107}{}{I just picked up a shipment from } {108}{}{ and now I'm headed for } {109}{}{.} @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ {135}{}{Where are you headed?} {136}{}{What's your cargo?} {137}{}{Chào.} -{138}{}{Ug.} +{138}{}{Hực.} {139}{}{That's... nice. You have a nice day now. } {150}{}{medicine.} {151}{}{gold ore.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecfarmer.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecfarmer.msg index 0ca23c4ecd..534fdbae43 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecfarmer.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecfarmer.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ you just might be one of them. What do you want?} {110}{}{I just wanted to trade for supplies.} {111}{}{I'm just passing through. I'll be on my way.} -{112}{}{Ug.} +{112}{}{Hực.} {113}{}{Well, I guess there's no harm in that. Here's what I got to trade.} {114}{}{[Barter]} {115}{}{OK, now git!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echermit.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echermit.msg index eb3224c274..d75b3f2c72 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echermit.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echermit.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {103}{}{Can guess you why I hermit? [It seems he hasn't spoken to anyone in years.]} {104}{}{Tại sao?} {105}{}{Just passing through.} -{106}{}{Ug.} +{106}{}{Hực.} {107}{}{Me want left alone.} {108}{}{Since I'm here, maybe we can barter. I'm sure I have something you might want.} {109}{}{I'll leave you alone then.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomest.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomest.msg index 98e5342e4d..75f521ae7e 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomest.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomest.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ think you just might be one of them. What do you want?} {110}{}{I just wanted to trade for supplies.} {111}{}{I'm just passing through. I'll be on my way.} -{112}{}{Ug.} +{112}{}{Hực.} {113}{}{Well, I guess there's no harm in that. Here's what I got to trade.} {114}{}{[Barter]} {115}{}{OK, now git!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomles.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomles.msg index bdba26aa66..4ffeb3b447 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomles.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/echomles.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {103}{}{Some money for those less fortunate.} {104}{}{Help us!} {105}{}{Food!} -{106}{}{I'm so hungry.} +{106}{}{Tôi đói quá.} {107}{}{My children are starving.} {108}{}{Nobody cares about us.} {109}{}{Don't kill me!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecmonshn.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecmonshn.msg index e678a748e5..bbe795074b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecmonshn.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecmonshn.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {101}{}{We sell only the highest quality liquor. You interested?} {102}{}{Yes, let's see what you got.} {103}{}{Không.} -{104}{}{Ug.} +{104}{}{Hực.} {105}{}{Then beat it! We're busy.} {106}{}{I make sure the mix of alcohol is just right.} {107}{}{Baka. BAka BAKA!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecravpty.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecravpty.msg index 227dfc9a14..bdc5ffaf4e 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecravpty.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ecravpty.msg @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ {105}{}{Beer [$15]} {106}{}{Booze [$30]} {107}{}{Nothing today. Thanks.} -{108}{}{Ug.} +{108}{}{Hực.} {109}{}{Ohhhh... that ain't no fun ta drinks. [He hands you your drink.]} {110}{}{[End]} {111}{}{Here ya goes. It's a bit warm cuz it hasn't had time to cool. Sellen' the stuff faster than I @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ {117}{}{Ahhh man! You don't have enuf money! Cum back when ya gets sum.} {118}{}{[End]} {119}{}{He has a bit of a wild look to him.} -{120}{}{You see an addict.} +{120}{}{Bạn thấy một con nghiện.} {121}{}{He seems a bit jittery.} {122}{}{Whatdoyawant? Igotitall!} {123}{}{Mentats [$560]} {124}{}{Buffout [$400]} {125}{}{Psycho [$800]} {126}{}{Nothing today. Thanks.} -{127}{}{Ug.} +{127}{}{Hực.} {128}{}{Thatsgreat! Givemethemoneyandgetoutofhere. Igotabusinesstorun.} {129}{}{[End]} {130}{}{Likethesayinggoes. Nomoneynohoney. Oh. Thatsforsex. Howaboutnodoughnoblow. diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrader.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrader.msg index b4cbbee2a2..05189f494d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrader.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrader.msg @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ {118}{}{Shit! What a waste of my time. Go on, beat it!} {119}{}{[End]} {120}{}{Well, that was a wasted speech. $} -{121}{}{Yup.} +{121}{}{Chuẩn.} {122}{}{Không hề.} {123}{}{Hey, it's you again. I got some new stuff - you interested?} {124}{}{Sure, let's hear what you got.} {125}{}{Not a chance, Willy.} -{126}{}{Yup.} +{126}{}{Chuẩn.} {127}{}{Không hề.} {128}{}{Beat it! I'm busy.} {129}{}{Come back when you got some money.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrappr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrappr.msg index 0db4984789..d5998802db 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrappr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectrappr.msg @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ {103}{}{Howdy. Don't come across people too often out here in trapper country. Whatcha want?} {104}{}{Do you have any gecko pelts for sale?} {105}{}{Just passing through.} -{106}{}{Ug.} +{106}{}{Hực.} {107}{}{Well, I reckon I might be able to sell ya my pelts. It'll save me the trouble of going into town.} {108}{}{What do you have?} {109}{}{Không có gì.} -{110}{}{Ug.} +{110}{}{Hực.} {111}{}{Here's what I got: } {112}{}{regular gecko pelts.} {113}{}{golden gecko pelts.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectravlr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectravlr.msg index 41bbe91edd..9a92eae23b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectravlr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ectravlr.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{I'm in need of directions. Can you help me out?} {103}{}{Where are you headed?} {104}{}{What do you do?} -{105}{}{Ug.} +{105}{}{Hực.} {106}{}{Well... I don't know. I'm pretty new to this area and I've only been to the following areas.} {115}{}{No, I've been there already. Thanks anyway.} {116}{}{New Reno -- now that's a great place to go. Sex, drugs and gambling. What more can one ask for? diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac11.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac11.msg index fbe04bfac1..98580d36b5 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac11.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac11.msg @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ {400}{}{Need something?} {401}{}{How can the Cat be of service?} {402}{}{Vâng?} -{410}{}{What do you need to know?} +{410}{}{Cần biết gì nào?} {411}{}{Well, I was trained to use the usual military stuff. Rifles, pistols, SMGs and the like. I prefer laser weapons and the like better though. Those have style! But if you give me some brass knuckles or one of those power fists, I'll pounce on any flat-footed goons before they know what hit them!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac12.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac12.msg index 59cadb4eb8..787254a821 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac12.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac12.msg @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ {301}{}{I'm all ears.} {302}{}{Something you wanted?} {303}{}{What is it? You look like you have something to say.} -{304}{}{What's the matter?} +{304}{}{Có chuyện gì thế?} {305}{}{Is there anything you need from me?} {310}{}{Kitsune, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have been frozen in a cryo tank for no good reason. I'm interested in knowing what it was exactly you did before you were put on ice.} @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ {376}{}{Ever since the transplant I always felt like I was seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. More so than ever now. And that helps me carry on.} {377}{}{We all have our ways of coping.} -{410}{}{What do you need to know?} +{410}{}{Cần biết gì nào?} {411}{}{I have a black belt in sanshou. I can stab a man to death if the situation calls for it. Pistols, rifles and the like I'm decent with.} {420}{}{We need to talk about the distance between us.} {421}{}{What's wrong with it?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac7.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac7.msg index c84cfb3ca3..fb05b17be4 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac7.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epac7.msg @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ {261}{}{YES, we've heard you already. Thanks for the code. Goodbye.} {270}{}{Hello again. What do you need? The EPA complex will be closed for the foreseeable future due to lack of staff.} {271}{}{Now that I have more time, could you tell me what you do here?} -{272}{}{Nevermind.} +{272}{}{Quên đi.} {280}{}{Welcome back, visitor. There isn't a tour at the moment, but if you'd like to wait around for enough visitors to arrive, I'd be happy to arrange one.} {281}{}{I don't want to go on a tour, thanks. Goodbye.} {282}{}{I wonder if you could do something for me?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai2.msg index c3e9c97f7f..12b0e79e01 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai2.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{Welcome to the EPA Robot Control Computer. What do you wish to do?} {101}{}{Command Robots.} {102}{}{Run diagnostic check.} -{103}{}{Leave.} +{103}{}{Rời khỏi.} {104}{}{!ERROR! !ERROR! PROBLEM ENCOUNTERED TERMINATING SEQUENCE!} {105}{}{Return to Main Menu} {106}{}{Diagnostic Check... circuit board error....section four... loose wiring.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai21.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai21.msg index f416746422..7be0873020 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai21.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai21.msg @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ {115}{}{Quay về màn hình chính.} {116}{}{Thank you for using the location finder.} {117}{}{[XONG]} -{118}{}{You see a computer.} +{118}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} {119}{}{You see the EPA Location Finder.} {120}{}{You see a computer with detailed information about the levels in the EPA.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai3.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai3.msg index 221bfc1412..9b29de229c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai3.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai3.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a functional computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc máy tính vẫn hoạt động.} {101}{}{You see the EPA's Top Secret Research and Development Terminal.} {102}{}{Welcome to EPA's Top Secret Research and Development Terminal. Error initializing quick access procedure. Please search for something specific.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai32.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai32.msg index a8343c0689..6bffc02842 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai32.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai32.msg @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -{100}{}{You see a functional computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc máy tính vẫn hoạt động.} {101}{}{You see the EPA's botany terminal.} {200}{}{Welcome to the EPA's botany terminal. Please select one of the following options.} {201}{}{Access information database.} {202}{}{Access seed storage.} -{203}{}{Log off.} +{203}{}{Đăng xuất.} {210}{}{There are currently two databases available for viewing. Please make your choice below.} {211}{}{Access file on crop rotation.} {212}{}{Access file on botany.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai35.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai35.msg index 441d6decb4..ef14043d8d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai35.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai35.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} {101}{}{You see the EPA's museum computer.} {200}{}{Welcome to the EPA's museum! This terminal will project a movie using exciting new holographic technology! The movie is an entertaining and informational look at the scary, but possible, reality of a post-nuclear world.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai36.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai36.msg index 3ef95a13e2..f6db41c6a9 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai36.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/epai36.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} {150}{}{Please select an option below.} {151}{}{Information} {152}{}{Employee Access} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fccrocke.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fccrocke.msg index 64d8ab82e4..a9422482e3 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fccrocke.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fccrocke.msg @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Are you really threatening me for this?} {137}{}{Sure thing. I have more questions.} {138}{}{I'll be back for the armor.} {139}{}{I can't very well work my magic on it if you don't have it. Come back when you do.} -{140}{}{I have more questions.} +{140}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {141}{}{Chào.} {142}{}{::he shrugs:: You want this armor or not? It's $10,000 flat out.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdockid.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdockid.msg index ccd59b51ed..1cfad5a7a9 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdockid.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdockid.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {110}{}{We live on the beach!} {111}{}{I'm boooored.} {112}{}{Eeeee!} -{113}{}{Help!} +{113}{}{Cứu với!} {114}{}{Oh no! The boogeyman!} {115}{}{Mommeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!} {116}{}{Run away! It's a monster!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdocsqa.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdocsqa.msg index 70688ab659..8aa06000b7 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdocsqa.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdocsqa.msg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ {115}{}{Leave my children alone!} {116}{}{Stop! Don't hurt us!} {117}{}{I'll do anything!} -{118}{}{Help!} +{118}{}{Cứu với!} {119}{}{Oh no! An oppressor!} {120}{}{Oh, if only we had guards!} {121}{}{I regret giving up the protection of society now...} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdragon.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdragon.msg index b501d52d7e..89f69ff686 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdragon.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcdragon.msg @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ {156}{}{[BEGIN]} {157}{}{Yet, in a formalized fighting environment, you cannot dispute that you have entered this arena of your own choosing. Once you have so entered, should you not abide by its rules?} {158}{}{Yes, probably. But in a live or die situation, you must do anything to survive.} -{159}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{159}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} {160}{}{You have a point. Well then. If you wish to fight Lo Pan, will you do it unarmed and unarmored? If we are to ask for your aid in this, we request that you abide by our rules.} {161}{}{Yeah, I'll do it your way.} {162}{}{Nope. Forget it.} @@ -127,4 +127,4 @@ {235}{}{You can take care of Lo Pan yourself.} {236}{}{[The Dragon studies you] I regretfully cannot let one of your skill level hurt himself.} {237}{}{Ok, but can I ask something else?} -{238}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{238}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcfmatt.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcfmatt.msg index bda83aef33..058056925e 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcfmatt.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcfmatt.msg @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ {139}{}{Me think about.} {140}{}{No way. Me be going.} {141}{}{What the hell. Me do.} -{142}{}{I'll think about it.} +{142}{}{Ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó.} {143}{}{No way. Find yourself a new chump.} {144}{}{What the hell. I must be crazy, but I'll do it.} {145}{}{Fair enough. Come back to me when you reach a decision.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fckenlee.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fckenlee.msg index 17a54322f6..8e3fda6030 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fckenlee.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fckenlee.msg @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ {141}{}{Make me.} {142}{}{Được rồi.} {143}{}{The Emperor remains hidden from prying eyes. As my job is to act as the Emperor's screen, I cannot and will not tell you where he is.} -{144}{}{I have more questions.} +{144}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {145}{}{Chào.} {146}{}{We do research that will change the world. For more answers to your questions, you should seek out Dr. Wong Yi Tze. } {147}{}{I will. And I have more questions.} @@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ {165}{}{Không hề.} {166}{}{Oh, all right. I'll do it.} {167}{}{Lost villagers? I have heard nothing of this. Perhaps the Emperor would know of them.} -{168}{}{I have more questions.} +{168}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {169}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} {170}{}{You must complete a second test: the Hubologists are our enemies. Their leader, AHS-9, has been abducting and brainwashing our children. Kill him for the good of the Shi and I shall tell you how to speak to the Emperor.} {171}{}{He's as good as dead.} -{172}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{172}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} {173}{}{No? It saddens me, but I understand. Best of luck in your quest. If you change your mind, you know where to reach me.} {174}{}{Sure do. I have more questions.} {175}{}{Yep. Bye.} @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ {201}{}{I ... see. Well, thanks for your time.} {202}{}{Our spies report that you have given the vertibird plans to the Hubologists. Steal them for us and you shall be rewarded.} {203}{}{You got it. I have some questions.} -{204}{}{No way.} +{204}{}{Không đời nào.} {205}{}{Thank you for the vertibird plans, traveler. What can I do for you?} {206}{}{I have questions.} {207}{}{Um... Nothing.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fclopan.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fclopan.msg index b25db2e937..55c335ded2 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fclopan.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fclopan.msg @@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ {235}{}{You can take care of the Dragon yourself.} {236}{}{[Lo Pan studies you and then throws a quick punch which smacks you in the nose before you can even react.] You are not good enough.} {237}{}{Ok, but can I ask something else?} -{238}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{238}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz7.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz7.msg index ada4048e04..e4ebee58d4 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz7.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz7.msg @@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ {163}{}{Fine, I'll join.} {164}{}{Forget it. I don't like strong-arm tactics.} {165}{}{The oppressive Shi have been contesting our power and wreaking havoc among our brethren with their neurodyne-influencing ways. We believe that if their Emperor is killed, they will see the error of their ways. Will you kill the Emperor?} -{166}{}{Yeah, I'll do it.} +{166}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm.} {167}{}{No, the Shi have never done anything to me.} {168}{}{Perhaps you will reconsider. Let me know if you do. Now, is there anything the Hub can provide for you, recruit?} -{169}{}{Yes, I have some questions.} +{169}{}{Tôi có mấy câu hỏi.} {170}{}{No, not right now, thanks.} {171}{}{Have you thought on aiding us in our struggle against the oppressive Shi? The Star Father will bless you if you take part in our crusade.} {172}{}{I still am not sure I want to do it.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz9.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz9.msg index adb6c762ea..772be59d9b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz9.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcoz9.msg @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ {203}{}{Không.} {204}{}{No, I just want you to die.} {205}{}{This, then, is my bargain: return to the Shi and eliminate Ken Lee and the Emperor. I will repay you with more money than you have ever dreamed.} -{206}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{206}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} {207}{}{You've got a deal, fat man.} {208}{}{Then go and smite those troublesome souls. I await word of your success. [He smiles beatifically.]} {209}{}{So long.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcsuze.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcsuze.msg index e8a81973c8..1af38e4d15 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcsuze.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fcsuze.msg @@ -12,19 +12,19 @@ {111}{}{Yeah. Follow me.} {112}{}{Oh, you poor dear. Radiation and the wasteland aren't nice, are they? I hope someone can help you.} {113}{}{It's kind of stupid, really. I was just exploring because Badger was on the computer and I went downstairs and got lost and then next thing you know, I'm surrounded by monsters. Good thing you came along.} -{114}{}{I have more questions.} +{114}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {115}{}{Yes, it is. Find anything interesting?} {116}{}{Yes, it is. Let's go.} {117}{}{I found the room I was in. I also found a room that looked like a fueling area. I didn't get much farther because of the monsters.} -{118}{}{I have more questions.} +{118}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {119}{}{Where are you from?} {120}{}{Great. That's all for now.} {121}{}{I'm from a place south of the Boneyard and south of the Glow. We're not too far from the sea. I used to be a nanny, but then the kids mutated into monsters.} -{122}{}{I have more questions.} +{122}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {123}{}{How'd you meet Badger?} {124}{}{Fascinating. That's all for now.} {125}{}{He came down south and went to a club I used to go to. So, when things fell apart for me, I thought this would be the place to go.} -{126}{}{I have more questions.} +{126}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {127}{}{That's all. Thanks.} {128}{}{You saved my life. I'll answer any questions you have.} {129}{}{Yaaaah.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fschesta.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fschesta.msg index 3d7ba3d891..fd1a87a715 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fschesta.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fschesta.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {112}{}{Log Out.} {113}{}{Please speak to the system administrator. Goodbye.} {114}{}{Hack into computer.} -{115}{}{Leave.} +{115}{}{Rời khỏi.} {116}{}{Intruder alert activated. Shutting down. Have a nice day.} {117}{}{[XONG]} {118}{}{(After sifting through the complex chemical formulae and lab notes, you come to the conclusion that the Shi have created a kind of fuel from plant extracts and sea life. Apparently, they have hooked into previously existing pipelines so they can transport fuel to a wide variety of destinations.)} @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ {128}{}{[XONG]} {129}{}{Station deactivated.} {130}{}{Activate station.} -{131}{}{Leave.} +{131}{}{Rời khỏi.} {132}{}{[Your random approach works wonders... you're in the machine!]} {133}{}{[THÊM]} {134}{}{The computer does not respond to any input.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fselcomp.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fselcomp.msg index cf6d4aa25a..e15a060f06 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fselcomp.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fselcomp.msg @@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ {102}{}{You see a computer. It seems to be in good working order, though primitive.} {103}{}{This unit not accepting commands. Goodbye.} {104}{}{[Try as you might, you can't seem to break the encryption that controls this computer.]} -{105}{}{Log off.} +{105}{}{Đăng xuất.} {106}{}{Welcome to HubLink.} {107}{}{Please enter your commands now.} {108}{}{Access database.} {109}{}{Access controls.} -{110}{}{Log off.} +{110}{}{Đăng xuất.} {111}{}{Select database.} {112}{}{Research.} {113}{}{Future goals.} @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ {134}{}{ESS Quetzel unfueled.} {135}{}{Mainframe operational. Pipeline operational. Research stations operational. Repair center operational. Cameras operational.} {136}{}{Trở lại.} -{137}{}{Log off.} +{137}{}{Đăng xuất.} {200}{}{[The Hubologist Church appears to be hugely wealthy. The standard approach is to ask a new recruit to donate all his or her worldly possessions to the Church as a sign of good faith. When someone isn't asked to do this, apparently it means the Hubologists aren't intending to deal fairly. They have a huge cache of loot stashed somewhere in the desert. diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg index 997d132f6a..f2a1cb1207 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/fstnkcmp.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {103}{}{::beep:: Terminal malfunctioning. Require NavComp installation. ::beep::} {104}{}{[XONG]} {105}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal is limited to transmission between one tanker - PMV Valdez - and docking rig. Command?} -{106}{}{Go.} +{106}{}{Đi.} {107}{}{Check status.} {108}{}{Log Off.} {109}{}{-Fuel Tanks: Empty- -Cargo Hold: Empty- -Navigation Computer: Non Functional- -Mooring Lines: Attached-} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcfestus.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcfestus.msg index 9aa565a606..dba6720076 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcfestus.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcfestus.msg @@ -228,4 +228,4 @@ {829}{}{You make me so proud.} {830}{}{Thanks. Now let me get back to my important work.} {831}{}{Keep that up and you may get to be just like me someday.} -{900}{}{Can't you see that I am busy?} +{900}{}{Không thấy là ta đang bận hả?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcgordon.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcgordon.msg index 32469909c5..b9ea28c378 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcgordon.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcgordon.msg @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ {251}{}{Your potential worth? Sounds to me like you're just greedy.} {260}{}{Mostly on ways of maximizing potential worth. My potential worth. } {261}{}{Your potential worth? Sounds to me like you're just greedy.} -{270}{}{Why not?} +{270}{}{Sao lại chưa?} {271}{}{I just don't buy your idea that greed is good. I bet you'd just sell off portions of whatever you were supposed to administer and take off with the money. Goodbye.} {272}{}{Because you left out the most important part of your plan. A partner -- namely, me.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gchank.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gchank.msg index f06dc56688..5d2aeccb3d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gchank.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gchank.msg @@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ {232}{}{Why don't you take a little walk through those doors. Glowing pit, pretty-pretty. Heh, heh, heh.} {300}{}{You tricked Hank into starting a meltdown.} -{900}{}{Can't you see that I am busy?} +{900}{}{Không thấy là ta đang bận hả?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcharold.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcharold.msg index 5d0419a0d9..15cfb7e491 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcharold.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/gcharold.msg @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ {305}{}{I learned something} {306}{}{Is everyone else crazy here?} {307}{}{There must be another way.} -{308}{}{Follow me.} +{308}{}{Theo tôi.} {309}{}{Try this.} {310}{}{Come here.} {311}{}{I'm scared.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/generic.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/generic.msg index 1c395109a0..49ecfc1bec 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/generic.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/generic.msg @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ {207}{}{Đúng vậy.} {208}{}{Không.} {209}{}{OK.} -{300}{}{Ug.} +{300}{}{Hực.} {301}{}{Og.} {302}{}{Ooga.} {303}{}{Urg.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcchad.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcchad.msg index 5461e0def6..2dd07e5d21 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcchad.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcchad.msg @@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ {136}{}{I'd like to get a job with you.} {137}{}{Sounds exciting.} {138}{}{Sounds boring.} -{139}{}{I have more questions.} +{139}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {140}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} {141}{}{Tell you about Broken Hills? Well... I moved here a few years back. Got a job with the Bill -- that's the Outfitter -- and moved up to where I am now. I report to Marcus and the Bill, but I'm responsible for the livelihood of the town.} -{142}{}{I have more questions.} +{142}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {143}{}{Chào.} {144}{}{Like what?} {145}{}{He suspects that you're skimming money that's supposed to be going to Broken Hills.} @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ {147}{}{Look, I don't know anything about that, and I sure as hell don't like it when people accuse me of things. Now I suggest you leave.} {150}{}{I'm going to find out the truth. Bye.} {156}{}{Talk to the Bill. He'll help you out.} -{157}{}{I have more questions.} +{157}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {158}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} {159}{}{Yeah, it is. You wouldn't think it, but I get to travel and see the world... and I feel I contribute to the town here. It's a good life.} {160}{}{Sounds great. I'd like a job like that.} {161}{}{Actually, that sounds pretty boring.} -{162}{}{I have more questions.} +{162}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {163}{}{Chào.} {164}{}{Probably a hell of a lot more exciting than what you do with your life, jerkoff.} {165}{}{Yeah, whatever. I have more questions.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcdoc.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcdoc.msg index 001af3a445..cd917e7618 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcdoc.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcdoc.msg @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ because this is going to cost ::cough:: $200.} {310}{}{Davin.} {311}{}{Miria.} {312}{}{Robobrain.} -{313}{}{Nevermind.} +{313}{}{Quên đi.} {314}{}{You're hurt? Let me fix that. I'll take care of your companions too.} {315}{}{There ya' go. All better.} {316}{}{[continue]} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcfranci.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcfranci.msg index 71fad88019..d261e82999 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcfranci.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcfranci.msg @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ {136}{}{Buddy, do you want to arm-wrestle or not? I haven't got the time to waste with snotty remarks and cowards.} {137}{}{Yeah, sure. Let's do it.} -{138}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{138}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} {139}{}{You come on back and find me when you're ready, then. I should be around.} {140}{}{Get out of here before my stupid brain decides to beat your face in.} {141}{}{Backing out, eh? Coward. I figured as much.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcmarcus.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcmarcus.msg index 4bb5a5d7f0..ad6186d928 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcmarcus.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcmarcus.msg @@ -64,21 +64,21 @@ {163}{mcs18}{Got a little trouble with the mine. If you're interested in helping fix it, go talk to Zaius, the mine foreman.} {164}{}{Where can I find him?} {165}{}{You got anything else?} -{166}{}{I have more questions.} +{166}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {167}{}{Maybe later. Bye.} {168}{mcs19}{Usually at the mine. Sometimes the saloon.} {169}{}{Got anything else?} -{170}{}{I have more questions.} +{170}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {171}{}{Chào.} {172}{mcs20}{Somebody busted two lunatics out of the jail in the bank. Find 'em. Tell me and I'll stuff 'em back in.} {173}{}{Got anything else?} -{174}{}{I have more questions.} +{174}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {175}{}{Chào.} {176}{mcs21}{What exactly do you want? Okay. We've got some folks missing. No idea what's happened. Find 'em, get $500.} {177}{}{I'll do it for free.} {178}{}{$500? Sounds good.} {179}{}{I don't have time.} -{180}{}{I have more questions.} +{180}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {181}{}{Chào.} {182}{mcs22}{Great. Let me know when you've found something, right?} {183}{}{Sure. I have more questions.} @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ {328}{}{Learned something.} {329}{}{Is anyone here sane?} {330}{}{Gotta be another way.} -{331}{}{Follow me.} +{331}{}{Theo tôi.} {332}{}{Try this.} {333}{}{Come here.} {334}{}{Found something you might want to see.} @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ {352}{}{Không có gì.} {353}{mcs114}{What? Where the hell did you hear that?} {354}{}{So... you AREN'T sterile?} -{355}{}{Nevermind.} +{355}{}{Quên đi.} {356}{mcs116}{Nope. Well, not now. It takes a few years after bein' dipped to get the juices flowing again. Why?} {357}{}{Oh. Uh. Never mind.} {360}{}{You have exposed the conspiracy against the mutants of Broken Hills.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcphil.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcphil.msg index 76ec859288..e56550d59c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcphil.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcphil.msg @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ {204}{}{Someone destroyed the mine! The town is doomed!} {205}{}{All the mutants are dead!} {206}{}{Not much.} -{207}{}{I have more questions.} +{207}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {208}{}{Thanks. See ya.} {209}{}{You look like burly one. I'm betting you could arm wrestle with Francis. He's the mutant sitting over there. Apparently he's got a prize of some sort. Interested? Go talk to Francis.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcrsuper.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcrsuper.msg index ee868d7c91..7b6b4c51df 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcrsuper.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcrsuper.msg @@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ {138}{}{Chào.} {139}{}{That's ridiculous. We're not giving you any.} {140}{}{Then die.} -{141}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{141}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} {142}{}{Hey! Get away from there or you'll suffer the consequences!} {143}{}{Get out of my refinery. Now!} {144}{}{We're still working on it. Give us time. This isn't instantaneous.} {145}{}{I want to ask you something.} -{146}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{146}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} {147}{}{It's done. Before you take it, listen. Our town really needs this ore. If you donate it to the town, I'll refund your money. What do you say?} -{148}{}{No way.} +{148}{}{Không đời nào.} {149}{}{Được thôi.} {150}{}{Fine. Be that way. Here's your ore. Now get out of my refinery.} {151}{}{Chào.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsteve.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsteve.msg index 3d0f1304ef..0e750cad72 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsteve.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsteve.msg @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ {144}{}{Aside from realizing we have a cancer in our midst with the escape of Franc and Manson...} {145}{}{Aside from Chad's betrayal of the city and your justice -- for which everyone's grateful -- } {146}{}{Not too much, really.} -{147}{}{I have more questions.} +{147}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {148}{}{Chào.} {149}{}{Oh. You again.} {150}{}{Hi again.} @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ out. The ones who are left seem to be getting senile, too. Not Marcus, though. He's still as sharp as ever.} {195}{}{Where can I find Marcus?} -{196}{}{I have more questions.} +{196}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} {197}{}{Chào.} {198}{}{Marcus, are you sure you don't want to stick around and lead us for a while?} {199}{}{Marcus: Ain't no future in it. You'll do fine without me.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsuper.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsuper.msg index 007f2f7894..9c7141d1de 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsuper.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hcsuper.msg @@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ {138}{}{Chào.} {139}{}{That's ridiculous. We're not giving you any.} {140}{}{Then die.} -{141}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{141}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} {142}{}{Hey! Get away from there or you'll suffer the consequences!} {143}{}{Get out of my refinery! Now!} {144}{}{We're still working on refining your ore. Give us time. This isn't instantaneous.} {145}{}{I want to ask you something.} -{146}{}{Fine. Bye.} +{146}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} {147}{}{Your ore's done. Before you take it, listen - our town really needs this ore. If you donate it to the town, I'll refund your money. Hell, if you want more money for it, I can even give you an extra $500 to make it worth your time. Please. With the fiasco at the mine, Broken Hills needs this to stay afloat. What do you say?} -{148}{}{No way.} +{148}{}{Không đời nào.} {149}{}{Sure. Don't worry about the extra $500. You probably need it more than I do.} {150}{}{Fine. Be that way. Here's your ore. Now get out of my refinery.} {151}{}{Chào.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hctyphon.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hctyphon.msg index 0aabc7c006..90bff375f3 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hctyphon.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hctyphon.msg @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ {202}{}{Nuh uh.} {203}{}{Chưa.} {204}{}{Nope. I had some questions.} -{205}{}{Nope. Bye.} +{205}{}{Không. Chào.} {206}{}{Well, keep lookin'. You're bound to get it eventually.} {207}{}{Okay.} {208}{}{Guess so. Bye.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hczaius.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hczaius.msg index 87e3383f47..cbbcf45496 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hczaius.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hczaius.msg @@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ {133}{}{Well, if you ever happen to think of a way, let me know.} {134}{}{Really? Would you do it for me... and, more importantly, for Broken Hills?} {135}{}{What's in it for me?} -{136}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{136}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} {137}{}{Not right now.} {138}{}{Izzat so? Well, my brainy friend, why not fix the air purifier down below? You'll need the parts, and you'll need to find a way to breathe the gas. Until you can show me you can do that, I think I'll just assume the only thing smart about you is your mouth.} {139}{}{What's in it for me?} -{140}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{140}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} {141}{}{Are you kidding?} {142}{}{The main problem is that I'm an idiot. I'm repeating this because I don't believe that your asshole just spouted something that sounded like words. Get out of my sight, maggot.} @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ busted, and we don't have the protective gear to breathe the radon and we don't have the parts to fix it. You can, though, right? Because you're so smart?} {144}{}{What's in it for me?} -{145}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{145}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} {146}{}{Are you kidding? No way.} {147}{}{. How's that sound?} {148}{}{Like shit. I want more.} @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ {173}{}{You get along all right with the humans?} {174}{}{You changed your mind about trying to fix the mine yet?} {175}{}{What's in it for me?} -{176}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{176}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} {177}{}{Not right now.} {178}{}{Không.} {179}{}{How's it coming? I hope you're going to take care of this soon...} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hicdshlf.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hicdshlf.msg index d3c22dae35..debfab94b4 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hicdshlf.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/hicdshlf.msg @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ -{100}{}{You open the dresser and find rows of files and notes.} -{101}{}{Search the dresser.} -{102}{}{Leave.} +{100}{}{Bạn mở cửa tủ và tìm thấy hàng đống tài liệu cùng giấy tờ.} +{101}{}{Tìm kiếm trong tủ.} +{102}{}{Rời khỏi.} {103}{}{As you search through the records in the dresser, you notice a thin leather briefcase stuffed carefully deep in the back.} -{104}{}{Pull out briefcase.} -{105}{}{Ignore and continue perusing.} -{106}{}{30 minutes pass and you find nothing of importance. All that you have found out is that Chad has records - documenting every moment of his life. He's a pretty boring guy actually. Just as you are about to close the drawers, you - hear a cough from the front door and a handle turning...} -{107}{}{Pull out briefcase.} +{104}{}{Kéo vali ra.} +{105}{}{Bỏ qua và tiếp tục lục lọi.} +{106}{}{30 phút trôi qua và bạn không tìm thấy gì quan trọng. Tất cả những gì bạn tìm được là Chad đã ghi lại từng +khoảng khắc trong đời hắn. Đúng là một gã chán đời. Đúng lúc bạn sắp đóng ngăn tủ, bạn nghe có tiếng ho ngoài +cửa trước và tay nắm đang xoay...} +{107}{}{Kéo vali ra.} {108}{}{Inside the briefcase you find papers documenting a whole year's worth of skimming money from caravans by Chad.} {109}{}{Wow, it really looks like Chad was skimming money. Apparently he is preparing to skip town as well, diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mckarl.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mckarl.msg index cddd110f81..7baae7a0c3 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mckarl.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mckarl.msg @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ {150}{}{Here, have a beer.} {151}{}{Here, have a bottle of booze.} {152}{}{Here, have a Nuka-Cola.} -{153}{}{Hey.} +{153}{}{Này.} {154}{}{Hey!} {155}{}{HEY!!} {156}{}{The ghosts won't be able to find me here... [sob]} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcmiria.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcmiria.msg index 68e007a130..afab6d9a52 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcmiria.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcmiria.msg @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ this subject. [You don't even see it coming. But you're sure the red hand print on your face will disappear someday.]} {250}{}{Help, Daddy! Get him away!} -{251}{}{Get away!} +{251}{}{Biến đi!} {260}{}{Help, Daddy! Get her away!} {270}{}{Help! Get him away!} {280}{}{Help! Get her away!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcslag.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcslag.msg index daf548b6f0..7bd08e77fe 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcslag.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/mcslag.msg @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ {100}{}{Run!} -{101}{}{Help!} +{101}{}{Cứu với!} {102}{}{We're being attack by the surfacers.} {103}{}{Leave us in peace.} {104}{}{Can't we all just get along?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncbigjes.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncbigjes.msg index 6f44bfd1ac..fb371384fa 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncbigjes.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncbigjes.msg @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ {325}{}{(Mordino waits. As you watch, another bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face.)} {326}{}{I was looking to sell some slaves...} {327}{}{What do you know about Richard Wright's death?} -{329}{}{Nevermind.} +{329}{}{Quên đi.} {335}{}{(Studies you.) I... do not know you, but I will... hear you. (Wipes sweat from his forehead.) } {336}{}{You have slaves to sell?} {337}{}{Yes, right here with me. Take a look and make me an offer.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncheli.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncheli.msg index a27edc82ce..330972a7ac 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncheli.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncheli.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{You see several crates filled with chemicals.} {150}{}{You see several crates filled with chemicals. You can't identify the chemicals, but they have been packed *very* carefully.} -{175}{}{You see a Vertibird.} +{175}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc Máy bay trực thăng.} {199}{}{You see a Vertibird... an advanced form of helicopter. Unfortunately, you have no idea how to operate it. } {200}{}{(These guys give me the creeps...)} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjules.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjules.msg index 9ef42130f9..a044038c7f 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjules.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjules.msg @@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ that Redding GOLD they dig up. So he ships them Jet, they ship back gold, everybody happy.} {695}{}{Quiet bunch. They're led by Louis Salvatore, an original gangster gettin' on in years. Their territory's on the West Side; their crib's this bar called Salvatore's on 2nd Street. Don't be making trouble there.} -{696}{}{Why not?} +{696}{}{Sao lại chưa?} {710}{}{Some free advice: You see a Salvatore, keep your head down n' mouth shut, or they'll cut you in two. They got the best firepower this side of Cee-Ay, so nobody with any kinda sense fucks with them, understand?} {711}{}{What kind of "firepower" do the Salvatores have?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjunkie.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjunkie.msg index 2a60822dac..a3c73b9349 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjunkie.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncjunkie.msg @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ {401}{}{Hey, uh... you got any Jet, miss?} {402}{}{Look, I need to *fly,* know what I'm saying?} {403}{}{No, I'm off drugs. Uh... why? You buying?} -{404}{}{Mom?} +{404}{}{Mẹ ơi?} {420}{}{Hey, brother? Can you help me fly?} {421}{}{C'mon, boy, gimme just a few chips.} {422}{}{I'll sleep with you for some Jet or a few chips. I'm clean, I promise.} @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ {442}{}{Hey, uh... you got any Jet, sister?} {443}{}{Sister, I need to *fly,* know what I'm saying?} {444}{}{No, sister, I'm off drugs. Uh... why? You buying?} -{445}{}{Mom?} +{445}{}{Mẹ ơi?} {450}{}{Holy...! What are you? Some kind of row-bot?} {451}{}{What the hell were you taking to get covered in metal like that?} {452}{}{Whoa. A metal human. Talking to me.} @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ {577}{}{You want some of this?! Huh?} {578}{}{::Glares at you past drug-hazed eyes::} {600}{}{Nice...} -{601}{}{Mmmm...} +{601}{}{Hừm...} {602}{}{You're a pal.} {603}{}{j} {604}{}{J} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncsalvat.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncsalvat.msg index b9450c1784..2e08b4cd70 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncsalvat.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncsalvat.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {217}{}{ME CANT TALK OVER RINGING. TURN OFF, WE TALK} {218}{}{I'm gonna CRIPPLE you, old man! You'll never walk again!} {219}{}{I knew I should have gotten permission first...} -{220}{}{Shit!} +{220}{}{Cứt thật!} {221}{}{Uh, please tell me that was room service.} {230}{}{(The elderly man looks up at you. His face is gaunt and covered with liver spots. He is holding a breathing mask, which is connected to an oxygen tank by his side.) What... do you want of me?} @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ earned 10% of the cut.} {555}{}{(Takes a breath from his mask.) You have... done as I asked. I have no further need of your... services. (Points to the exit.) Leave now.} -{556}{}{Uh... okay.} +{556}{}{Ừ... okay.} {557}{}{Could I have one of those laser pistols as part of my payment before I go?} {565}{}{(Takes a deep breath from the mask.) I have another... matter that I could use your assistance with.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncslots.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncslots.msg index c9850acbce..91d129fead 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncslots.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncslots.msg @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ {192}{}{Praise the Vault! Praise the Vault!} {193}{}{Are you a water chip?} {194}{}{Wander off, look for other shiny things} -{195}{}{Leave.} +{195}{}{Rời khỏi.} {205}{}{The strange pretty golden metal box with three eyes and one arm does not answer.} {206}{}{ME } {207}{}{ ANSWER ME} @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ {210}{}{you one strange mutant} {211}{}{Are you a water chip?} {212}{}{Wander off, look for other shiny things} -{213}{}{Leave.} +{213}{}{Rời khỏi.} {220}{}{You grab its arm and shake it warmly. As you do, there is a *bzzzzzzz,* and the box speaks! "Please... insert... money."} {221}{}{Aighhhhh! Robot! Robot! Runnnnn} -{222}{}{Leave.} +{222}{}{Rời khỏi.} {225}{}{You have enough money to play the slots, and you curse your poverty. Perhaps another time...} -{226}{}{Leave.} +{226}{}{Rời khỏi.} {230}{}{You see a slot machine. Its shiny frame and golden handle gleam seductively beneath New Reno's lights. It's coin slot beckons you, and you feel your face flush with anticipation.} {231}{}{(Your hand quivers as you reach for your chips. The machine continues to whisper at you.) *Come on, sugar... that's it... come on now... don't tease...*} {232}{}{(Your hand quivers as you reach for your chips. The machine continues to whisper at you.) *Come on, honey... that's it... grab the handle... grip it firmly... come on now...*} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncwriply.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncwriply.msg index 93f7a7d5d7..7f2d3845f8 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncwriply.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ncwriply.msg @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ {641}{}{You wait until it gets dark...} {642}{}{[...then you follow the kids into the desert.]} {700}{}{GET AWAY FROM ME!} -{701}{}{Ahhh...} +{701}{}{À à...} {702}{}{Help me, help me...} {703}{}{MEAN PERSON! GET AWAY!} {704}{}{GET AWAY FROM ME!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/newrvb.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/newrvb.msg index b19ca982f2..c7e5bc773b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/newrvb.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/newrvb.msg @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ {110}{}{You see several crates filled with chemicals.} {120}{}{You see several crates filled with chemicals. You can't identify the chemicals, but they have been packed VERY carefully.} -{130}{}{You see a Vertibird.} +{130}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc Máy bay trực thăng.} {140}{}{You see a Vertibird... an advanced form of helicopter. Unfortunately, you have no idea how to operate it.} {150}{}{You have no idea how to operate it.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/nhmyron.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/nhmyron.msg index d5c604fd03..69f3e3149a 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/nhmyron.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/nhmyron.msg @@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ {1039}{}{Some stimpaks.} {1040}{}{Can you make super stimpaks?} {1041}{}{Nothing. I had some other questions...} -{1042}{}{Nevermind.} +{1042}{}{Quên đi.} {1050}{myn145a}{Uhm, I'm gonna need some radscorpion venom sacs first. Ironic, in'it?} {1051}{myn145b}{Oh, well, I'd looove to, beautiful, but I need radscorpion tails. Oh, well.} {1052}{}{Can you make any other drugs?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocdar.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocdar.msg index b741000a36..6519be0ffa 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocdar.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocdar.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường.} {101}{}{You see Dar, the Deathclaw.} {102}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocgrutha.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocgrutha.msg index 97aae20c79..7c44f33615 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocgrutha.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocgrutha.msg @@ -134,14 +134,14 @@ {192}{}{Uh, me sorry.} {193}{}{Greetings, human. Have you reconsidered? Will you help me?} {194}{}{Hell, no. I just wanted to listen to you butcher the language some more.} -{195}{}{No, I don't think so.} +{195}{}{Không, ta không nghĩ vậy.} {196}{}{Yes, Gruthar. I will help you.} {197}{}{Greetings, friend. Have you examined the machine yet?} {198}{}{Not yet, but I'll get on it.} {199}{}{Hello, my friend. You have saved the pack and we thank you.} {200}{}{} {201}{}{} -{202}{}{Die, treacherous human!} +{202}{}{Chết đi, loại người gian trá!} {203}{}{} {204}{}{} {205}{}{I have no quarrel with you, human, and I do not want one. I am trying to deal with you civilly. diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjimmy.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjimmy.msg index b8ab0bceae..cf48bab442 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjimmy.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjimmy.msg @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ {171}{}{Hi there. It's good to see you again. What can I help you with?} {172}{}{Need ask question.} {173}{}{Just say hi. Me go.} -{174}{}{I need to ask you something.} +{174}{}{Tôi cần hỏi chút việc.} {175}{}{Just saying hi.} {176}{}{Well, let's see... I suppose the best place to look would be Vault City since they're the most modern place I can think of. You might want to give New Reno a try though. They're closer and they do a lot of trading with Vault City.} {177}{}{Cám ơn.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjul.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjul.msg index a170d72f1e..cdcd08a6e2 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjul.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocjul.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường.} {101}{}{You see Jul, the Deathclaw.} {102}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/octhearn.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/octhearn.msg index 0c76893ce7..e581ce66e8 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/octhearn.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/octhearn.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường.} {101}{}{You see Thearn, the Deathclaw.} {102}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocvaldis.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocvaldis.msg index 77f3fee71f..5d3a5b46b0 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocvaldis.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/ocvaldis.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a deathclaw. It watches you with strangely intelligent eyes.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một con deathclaw. Nó nhìn bạn với ánh mắt thông minh lạ thường.} {101}{}{You see Valdis, the Deathclaw.} {102}{}{You see a typical deathclaw. The creature is huge, with a powerful body, sharp teeth, and long claws.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/oscomptr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/oscomptr.msg index 0c914e2abf..69d2fca84c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/oscomptr.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/oscomptr.msg @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ {202}{}{Run diagnostics.} {203}{}{Switch to keyboard input mode.} {204}{}{Access security footage.} -{205}{}{Log off.} +{205}{}{Đăng xuất.} {206}{}{Urk?} {210}{}{[A light blinks on the terminal as it makes various clicking and whirling sounds. After several seconds, text appears on the monitor.] Sorry, I did not understand your command. Please repeat your command, making sure to speak @@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ {211}{}{Run diagnostics.} {212}{}{Switch to keyboard input mode.} {213}{}{Access security footage.} -{214}{}{Log off.} +{214}{}{Đăng xuất.} {220}{}{Please wait while I initiate diagnostic checks..Vault-Tec appreciates your patience... Thank you for waiting... Diagnostic checks complete. All systems are working properly. After all, you're using Vault-Tec. } {221}{}{Trở lại.} -{222}{}{Log off.} +{222}{}{Đăng xuất.} {230}{}{Switching to manual interface mode... manual interface mode initiated. For the convenience of others, this terminal will automatically revert to vocal interface mode once you have logged off. Please input command.} {231}{}{Search database for anything of interest.} -{232}{}{Log off.} +{232}{}{Đăng xuất.} {240}{}{After a bit of searching, you discover three files that might be worth a look: Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Abridged Version), Vault 13 Timeline, and Overseer Logs.} {241}{}{Access Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Abridged Version). } {242}{}{Access Vault 13 Timeline. } {243}{}{Access Overseer Logs.} -{244}{}{Log off.} +{244}{}{Đăng xuất.} {250}{}{Welcome to Vault-13, the latest in a series of public defense works from Vault-Tec, your contractor of choice when it comes to the best in nuclear shelters. Vault-Tec, America's Final Word in Homes.} {251}{}{[THÊM]} @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ {266}{}{Thank you for taking the time to read The Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Abridged Version). We at Vault-Tec feel confident that you'll love your new underground dwelling.} {267}{}{Access Vault 13 Timeline. } {268}{}{Access Overseer Logs.} -{269}{}{Log off.} +{269}{}{Đăng xuất.} {270}{}{As you read over the beginning of the timeline, you find it interesting that no reason is given for why the Vault didn't open 10 years after the Great War, as it was originally designed to. } {271}{}{[THÊM]} {272}{}{Browsing ahead, you don't find much of interest until the year 2161, when the Vault's only working water chip breaks down. You feel a surge of pride as you read about your grandfather being selected for the important task of leaving the Vault and scouring the wasteland for a replacement water chip. However, it feels a little odd seeing your tribe's most revered legend told in a simple bullet point format.} @@ -110,26 +110,26 @@ {276}{}{The final entry in the timeline is dated May of 2242. It seems that, for the first time, Vault 13 was sent an "all clear" signal from an unknown source. After some debate, the vault dwellers decided to open the Vault doors and see what awaited them on the surface world. There is no record of what happened to them after that.} {277}{}{Access Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Abridged Version). } {278}{}{Access Overseer Logs.} -{279}{}{Log off.} +{279}{}{Đăng xuất.} {280}{}{Authorization required. Please enter password. } {281}{}{[BACK]} {282}{}{[Guess password]} {283}{}{[Attempt to hack into it.]} -{284}{}{Log off.} +{284}{}{Đăng xuất.} {290}{}{Incorrect. Please enter password.} {291}{}{[BACK]} {292}{}{[Guess password]} {293}{}{[Attempt to hack into it.]} -{294}{}{Log off.} +{294}{}{Đăng xuất.} {300}{}{Incorrect. You are now locked out of these files. Vault-Tec apologizes for any inconvenience.} {301}{}{[BACK]} {302}{}{[Attempt to hack into it.]} -{303}{}{Log off.} +{303}{}{Đăng xuất.} {310}{}{[You try everything you can think of, but you're unable to gain access. With a sigh of defeat, you return to the main menu.]} {311}{}{Run diagnostics.} {312}{}{Switch to keyboard input mode.} {313}{}{Access security footage.} -{314}{}{Log off.} +{314}{}{Đăng xuất.} {320}{}{Password correct. All entries but one have been removed from the system. Final entry in the Overseer's Logs is still accessible.} {321}{}{[After several long minutes of working your technical magic, you manage to hack your way into the Overseer's Logs. However, it seems that every entry except for the final one has been deleted.]} {322}{}{Alright, let's see what this Overseer had to say. [Read Log.] } @@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ {337}{}{[THÊM]} {338}{}{I'm afraid I have failed my duty as Overseer. I can only hope that the rest of the public Vaults involved in the Societal Preservation Program have been more successful. To my superiors, who I'm certain will one day read this: forgive me. And may God bless America.} {339}{}{Search for any other files that contain information on "Societal Preservation Program".} -{340}{}{Log off.} +{340}{}{Đăng xuất.} {350}{}{After hours of scouring through the computer's archives, you're unable to find anything else that mentions the Societal Preservation Program. As you give up your search, you vow never again to waste so much time staring at a computer monitor.} -{351}{}{Log off.} +{351}{}{Đăng xuất.} {360}{}{After hours of scouring through the computer's archives, you're able to locate a few hidden documents concerning the Societal Preservation Program. As you read over them, you uncover a rather disturbing truth about the Vaults: they were never intended to save the population of the United States.} {361}{}{[THÊM]} {362}{}{Incredibly, all 122 of Vault-Tec's public Vaults were part of a grand social experiment orchestrated by the US government. Only 17 of those Vaults, dubbed "control Vaults", were designed to function correctly (it seems Vault 8 was one of the lucky few). The rest were meant to have various critical flaws, so that the government could study the pre-selected occupants, and see how they react to the stresses of their situations, and how well they're able to re-colonize once their Vaults open.} @@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ {372}{}{Vault 53's equipment was designed to break down every few months. While repairable, the constant breakdowns were meant to test the stress of the inhabitants. You wonder how many expert mechanics and technicians that Vault produced. Vault 55 would have all its entertainment tapes removed, while Vault 56 would have all its entertainment tapes removed, with the exception of one featuring a particularly bad comic actor.} {373}{}{[THÊM]} {374}{}{Vault 68 was to be occupied by 999 males and only one female. You can only imagine the horrors that took place there... Vault 69, on the other hand, was to be occupied by 999 females and only one male... interesting. Vault 70's jumpsuit extruders were designed to fail after 6 months. And finally, Vault 106 was designed so that 10 days after being sealed, it would begin "releasing psychoactive drugs into the air filtration system".} -{375}{}{Log off.} +{375}{}{Đăng xuất.} {500}{}{You learn about the Vault Experiments and the roles of the various Vaults.} {510}{}{You learn about the history of Vault 13 and the Overseer's role in the Vault Experiments.} {520}{}{I'm sorry, I did not understand that.} -{521}{}{Log off.} +{521}{}{Đăng xuất.} {2541}{}{Door thickness: 4 yards, steel Earth coverage: 3,200,000 tons of soil, at 200 feet Computer control system: Think machine diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qccurlng.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qccurlng.msg index 60d6136fc0..f0aa8eecca 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qccurlng.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qccurlng.msg @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ {228}{}{I hate to admit this but you may be right. What we've been planning all along just isn't right. I was so blinded by trying to overcome the obstacles that I didn't think about the morality of my quest.} {229}{}{Well, now that you've thought about it. You should destroy the toxin.} {230}{}{That might... No, that wouldn't work.} -{231}{}{Why not?} +{231}{}{Sao lại chưa?} {232}{}{Because they'd just start over. Even with me dead, there's enough data between here and Navarro to assure that they could replicate my work. Only something more drastic will be enough.} {233}{}{More drastic? What do you mean?} {234}{}{The Enclave must be destroyed. Completely destroyed. If we're not, then we'll just pick up the pieces and start over somewhere else.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qcmartin.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qcmartin.msg index 3547c251dc..353d657780 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qcmartin.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qcmartin.msg @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ {113}{}{Hey you, over here!} {114}{}{Are you looking for me?} {115}{}{Want to know what happened?} -{116}{}{Help!} +{116}{}{Cứu với!} {117}{}{I'm Martin, over here.} {118}{}{Hey, you, I'm Frobisher. Here!} {119}{}{Over heeeere!} @@ -81,5 +81,5 @@ {180}{}{Incredible, that's our vault! Once again, the people of the vault must rely upon - uh, this time - the great grandson, of the Vault Dweller to save us.} {181}{}{Incredible, that's our vault! Once again, the people of the Vault must rely upon - uh, this time - the great granddaughter, of the Vault Dweller to save us.} {182}{}{I wish I knew how to save you.} -{183}{}{I'll think about it.} +{183}{}{Ta sẽ nghĩ về việc đó.} {184}{}{What a bizarre coincidence! Let me ask you about something else.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qinuke.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qinuke.msg index 56151a8be9..eb20575318 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qinuke.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/qinuke.msg @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -{100}{}{You see a functional computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một chiếc máy tính vẫn hoạt động.} {101}{}{This computer appears to control the nuclear bombing sitting nearby.} {200}{}{Welcome to PoseidoNet. This terminal controls the operations of the MK-17 Fusion Bomb. Current Status of bomb is: Deactivated.} {201}{}{Activate bomb.} -{202}{}{Log off.} +{202}{}{Đăng xuất.} {210}{}{Activation of the bomb requires two forms of security overrides. Override 1: Red Reactor Keycard, given only to top U.S. Research officials. Override 2: Presidential Security Passkey, given only to the President of the United States.} {220}{}{Looks like I don't have all of these keycards.} @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ {224}{}{Looks like I am still missing a keycard.} {225}{}{Keycard accepted. Security override 2 complete.} {226}{}{Activate bomb.} -{227}{}{Log off.} +{227}{}{Đăng xuất.} {228}{}{Bomb has been activated and will detonate in T-minus 5 min. Error in countdown procedure. Countdown restated at T-minus 5 seconds. Please make sure you are at least 80 miles from the blast area. Have a great day.} {229}{}{Mother of God...} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgamble.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgamble.msg index ca2b353d10..3b992c9bf5 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgamble.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgamble.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{You see a nervously excited person gambling.} {103}{}{Come on, baby needs new shoes.} {104}{}{Yeah, that's the ticket!} -{105}{}{Shit!} +{105}{}{Cứt thật!} {106}{}{Why me?} {107}{}{Can anyone spare me some change?} {108}{}{I've got a sure thing this time.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgenpes.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgenpes.msg index 1f2a98c2bf..c7669d06b8 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgenpes.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcgenpes.msg @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ {118}{}{What's up?} {119}{}{How're you doing?} {120}{}{Good day to you.} -{121}{}{Yup.} +{121}{}{Chuẩn.} {122}{}{Heya.} {123}{}{You see a man with a cool drink in his hand.} {124}{}{You see a man ordering a beer.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcrooney.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcrooney.msg index bfc4da1737..84ce9f999c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcrooney.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/rcrooney.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{You see a thin old woman who's seen better times.} {101}{}{You see the Widow Rooney.} {102}{}{You see a thin old woman with warts and a very furry upper lip.} -{103}{}{Get away from me.} +{103}{}{Tránh xa tôi ra.} {104}{}{Haven't you done me enough harm to me for one lifetime?} {105}{}{Why don't you just kill me this time?} {106}{}{Get your kicks evicting old women, do you?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scdoroth.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scdoroth.msg index cad27e41ce..7e09ac3fa2 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scdoroth.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scdoroth.msg @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ {102}{}{From all the grease and dirt on her, she's a hands-on tool type, especially since that maintenance bot follows her everywhere.} {103}{}{Oh my god, somebody's got to do something! What do I do? I need some help quick.} {104}{}{Huh? Gug?} -{105}{}{What's going on?} +{105}{}{Chuyện gì vậy?} {106}{}{You come. Stop bad man. Stop him no break machine. Okay?} {107}{}{Okay.} {108}{}{No, no come.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scfelix.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scfelix.msg index 5d56f355c3..2267780462 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scfelix.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scfelix.msg @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ {118}{}{That's nice. Mr. Westin don't just see anybody. You got any cause?} {119}{}{I'm looking for Vault 13.} {120}{}{What if I said Bishop in New Reno sent me to kill him?} -{121}{}{Uh, no.} +{121}{}{Ừ, không.} {122}{}{Hah! Another crackpot. You ought to go talk to Saltbeef. You and he'd get along fine.} {123}{}{Who?} {124}{}{I'm out of here.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scvortis.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scvortis.msg index e5b1a7b6dd..040aa6f7ee 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scvortis.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scvortis.msg @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ {270}{}{What, do you think you can get whatever the fuck you want for free? $1000. Take it or leave it.} {271}{}{What, do you think you can get whatever the fuck you want for free? Plus, you ooze virtuousness. I don't like that. $2000. Take it or leave it.} {272}{}{Alright, here.} -{273}{}{Nevermind.} +{273}{}{Quên đi.} {274}{}{I'll do whatever I want. And I think I'll kill you now.} {275}{}{Tôi sẽ quay lại khi nào có tiền.} {280}{}{[He points on your map the location of the slaver camp.] It's around there. Now what else are you going to waste my time with?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scwesgrd.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scwesgrd.msg index a5d395cd4c..6351c09fbc 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scwesgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/scwesgrd.msg @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ {119}{}{Me need job.} {120}{}{Just want chat.} {121}{}{Ừ...} -{122}{}{Nevermind.} +{122}{}{Quên đi.} {123}{}{I'm looking for work and I hear that he's hiring.} {124}{}{I would like to chat with Mr. Westin.} {125}{}{Never mind, I'll come back later.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/slvcc4.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/slvcc4.msg index 95eddc8d6a..b179756bc7 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/slvcc4.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/slvcc4.msg @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {330}{}{What did we do wrong?} {331}{}{Leave us alone, slaver!} {332}{}{Don't hurt me!} -{333}{}{Get away from me!} +{333}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} {350}{}{Ai ông?} {351}{}{You no slaver.} {352}{}{You no hurt?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/sscomp.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/sscomp.msg index c4054b8445..1c7e7d32ee 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/sscomp.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/sscomp.msg @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -{100}{}{You see a computer.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một cái máy tính.} {101}{}{This is a computer. It appears to be working correctly.} {102}{}{This is a computer. It is obviously damaged.} {103}{}{On-line. Running self-test...} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg index d9986cc16b..6240ac105c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcdrtroy.msg @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ dollars for the Jet, your silence... and no more questions. Do you want the job?} {273}{}{Well, what do you know? I have a sample of Jet right here.} {274}{}{What's to keep me from turning you in right now?} -{275}{}{Sure, I'll do it.} +{275}{}{Được, ta sẽ làm vậy.} {276}{}{I'm not interested.} {277}{}{You do?} {278}{}{Excellent! Thank you, my friend... you have no idea how important this is to my work. Here is diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg index 92c33c03f7..d82e017def 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcgatgrd.msg @@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ {212}{}{O-kae.} {213}{}{Nup. Byeeeee} {214}{}{Awl ritye} -{215}{}{Yup.} +{215}{}{Chuẩn.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vclynett.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vclynett.msg index 4cfae38331..3c05538e14 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vclynett.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vclynett.msg @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ substantial way. As an Outsider, you are in a unique position to resolve a diffi {418}{}{I apologize for my earlier comments, First Citizen. I was hoping I could ask you some questions about Vault City.} {419}{}{You know, there are decaffeinated brands that taste just as good as the real thing.} -{420}{}{Nevermind.} +{420}{}{Quên đi.} {421}{}{My apologies, First Citizen. Sorry to disturb you.} {422}{lyn057}{What is it? Didn't you already take care of them?} {423}{}{It's a little more complicated than that. You see these guys weren't a roving band of raiders... diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmacrae.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmacrae.msg index a2efaa7612..10530c1c6d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmacrae.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmacrae.msg @@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ {154}{}{That pretty much did it, but I could use a couple more stims.} {155}{}{I used what I could, but I'm still pretty messed up. Got any stims on you?} {156}{}{Use First Aid on yourself.} -{157}{}{Nevermind.} +{157}{}{Quên đi.} {158}{}{OK.} {159}{}{OK, I'll wait here.} -{160}{}{Nevermind.} +{160}{}{Quên đi.} {161}{}{OK.} {162}{}{Let's get going.} {163}{}{OK.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmainwk.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmainwk.msg index 56128dbf2d..21b483f40b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmainwk.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcmainwk.msg @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ {164}{}{Hell, I ordered a Super Snap-Off Tool Kit MONTHS ago, but just like always, it won't show until I don't need it anymore. It's a wonder things ever get done around here...} {165}{}{Maybe I could help you.} {166}{}{Oh. Well, sorry to hear it. I may be back.} -{167}{}{Yes. Why?} +{167}{}{Đúng vậy. Sao chứ?} {168}{}{Well, I have a wrench and a pair of pliers right here.} {169}{}{Maybe I could go find some and bring them back to you.} {170}{}{What's the problem with getting more tools?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcnancy.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcnancy.msg index 311da4e2e3..4cb8baf59d 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcnancy.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcnancy.msg @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ {186}{}{All right, then. Can I ask you another question?} {187}{}{Thanks for the warning. Maybe I should go talk to someone else.} {188}{}{It's down on the 3rd level, if I remember correctly. Haven't been down there in ages.} -{189}{}{Why not?} +{189}{}{Sao lại chưa?} {190}{}{Can I ask you another question?} {191}{}{Thanks for the directions. Goodbye.} {192}{}{Oh, I don't know. Not much reason to go down into the Vault. It's mostly used for storage space nowadays. The only one down there is Martin, and... well, just between you and me, he's not a great conversationalist.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcskeeve.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcskeeve.msg index e92f783236..dc04073d42 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcskeeve.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vcskeeve.msg @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ {114}{}{Furms need?} {115}{}{Shamble off} {116}{}{Uh... what is this place?} -{117}{}{All right. Thanks.} +{117}{}{Được rồi. Cám ơn.} {118}{}{This is the CUSTOMS Office. Like the sign outside says. If you haven't got customs business, what are you doing here?} {119}{}{I was looking for the Vault.} {120}{}{I was looking to get inside the city.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vibaron.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vibaron.msg index 52b3fbe8cd..da39d9f6ac 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vibaron.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vibaron.msg @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ {370}{}{Eh, sorry girl. I'm just not in the mood right now. You got anything else to offer?} {371}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I'll pay you $500.} {372}{}{You make that village a regular stop on your route, and in return, I'll do my part to ensure nothing "unfortunate" happens to your caravan.} -{373}{}{Nope. Bye.} +{373}{}{Không. Chào.} {380}{}{[He looks you up and down, then grins.] I think you've got yourself a deal. Do you take it in the backdoor?} {381}{}{Baby, I take it any way you want to give it.} {382}{}{You'll just have to find out, won't you?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vicencom.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vicencom.msg index 913dea2e98..54572efadf 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vicencom.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/vicencom.msg @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ {254}{}{[Leave.]} {255}{}{Yeah, you better run, you little shit.} {256}{}{The terminal has shut down. You have no idea how to turn the system back on.} -{257}{}{Leave.} +{257}{}{Rời khỏi.} {258}{}{Reading Disk... Reactor Data: Atomic Power Plant... Efficiency: 43%/75%... Error: Plant Calibration - MD4/gh1... Do you wish to optimize?} {259}{}{} {260}{}{} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcbrnbot.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcbrnbot.msg index c4c40684fc..97900921ce 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcbrnbot.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcbrnbot.msg @@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ {112}{}{Move out of my way, you tin can.} {113}{}{Let's organize your inventory.} {114}{}{Chào.} -{115}{}{Ug.} +{115}{}{Hực.} {116}{}{[It looks like it wants a banana.]} {117}{}{Get out of my way, Bubbles.} {118}{}{Wait here.} {119}{}{Let's see what's in your inventory, Monkey Boy.} {120}{}{Chào.} -{121}{}{Ug.} +{121}{}{Hực.} {122}{}{N-n-n-n-new com... mands?} {123}{}{Move out of my way.} {124}{}{Wait for me here.} @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ {126}{}{What weapons can you use?} {127}{}{Let's organize your pack.} {128}{}{Chào.} -{129}{}{Ug.} +{129}{}{Hực.} {130}{}{Give weapon Proceed to surface.} {131}{}{} {132}{}{Bye} @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ {141}{}{Let's change formation.} {142}{}{Do you have any other skills?} {143}{}{Chào.} -{144}{}{Ug.} +{144}{}{Hực.} {145}{}{Skynet has learned all necessary information at this location.} {146}{}{Waaaaa......tinnnnnng.} {147}{}{ [It's right where you left it.]} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcdobbs.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcdobbs.msg index 23da45805a..c581073399 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcdobbs.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wcdobbs.msg @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ {116}{}{Chào.} {117}{}{And then I woke up here. I have to go! I have to get back to my unit.} {118}{}{Chào.} -{200}{}{Where am I?} +{200}{}{Tôi đang ở đâu?} {201}{}{My head hurts.} {202}{}{Why am I covered in goo?} {300}{}{I have to rejoin my unit.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wsterm4c.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wsterm4c.msg index 52648a2a20..4cc6f31d29 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wsterm4c.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/wsterm4c.msg @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ {107}{}{Retrieve} {108}{}{Store} {109}{}{Exit} -{110}{}{Ug.} +{110}{}{Hực.} {111}{}{[You are unable to read what's on the monitor.]} {112}{}{This terminal is Out of Order Please contact network administrator for further details.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/zislots.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/zislots.msg index 5ce4f1644b..fa5355eb4b 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/zislots.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog/zislots.msg @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ {2107}{}{Praise the Vault! Praise the Vault!} {2108}{}{Are you a water chip?} {2109}{}{Wander off, look for other shiny things} -{2110}{}{Leave.} +{2110}{}{Rời khỏi.} {2130}{}{The strange pretty golden metal box with three eyes and one arm does not answer.} {2131}{}{ME } {2132}{}{! YU ANSWER ME!} @@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ {2152}{}{Aighhhhh! Robot! Robot! Runnnnn} {2153}{}{(Leave.)} {2175}{}{(You stare at the slot machine realizing you don't have enough to play, and you curse your poverty. Perhaps another time...)} -{2176}{}{Leave.} +{2176}{}{Rời khỏi.} {2185}{}{(The "OUT OF SERVICE" light on the slot machine is flashing on and off.)} -{2186}{}{Leave.} +{2186}{}{Rời khỏi.} {2200}{}{(You can hear her laughing at you.)} {2201}{}{*Hehehe, why don't you just give up sweetie.*} {2202}{}{*Maybe you should let someone else pull my handle.*} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/actemvil.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/actemvil.msg index 9aced793b4..32557b99b8 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/actemvil.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/actemvil.msg @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Cô có thể lấy lại sau trận đấu. Hãy bắt đầu nào! Chúc may m {154}{}{Hãy đi theo đường bên trái tôi, Cứu tinh. Đấy là lối chính đi vào đền. Cổng hang đằng sau tôi sẽ đưa anh đến phòng cuối cùng.} {155}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{156}{}{All right. Thanks.} +{156}{}{Được rồi. Cám ơn.} {157}{}{Không, cám ơn, Cứu tinh. Tôi vẫn còn vết sẹo từ lần đấu trước và sẽ mất nhiều năm để phục hồi!} {158}{}{Đi đây chào, Cameron.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccmedgrd.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccmedgrd.msg index b0c634bee4..2de66e51fe 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccmedgrd.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccmedgrd.msg @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một lính gác.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một lính gác mặc áo giáp chiến đấu.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing combat armor. There is an insignia on the breastplate - that you are unfamiliar with.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc áo giáp chiến đấu. Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực +mà bạn không nhận ra.} {103}{}{Không có gì mới.} {104}{}{Tôi không thấy có gì mới, cô thì sao?} {105}{}{Này cậu lính, sao cậu không về vị trí gác đi? Đừng có đi lang thang ở đây.} @@ -17,17 +17,17 @@ {115}{}{Chúng tao sẽ cho mày cạp đất!} {116}{}{Enclave sẽ thống trị cả thế giới!} {117}{}{Mày phải chết để Enclave tồn tại!} -{118}{}{Sorry, soldier. That area is off limits to base personnel. I have to ask you - to leave.} -{119}{}{Doc want me kill D'claw. He no want do himself.} +{118}{}{Rất tiếc, cô lính. Đây là khu cấm nhân sự trong căn cứ. Tôi yêu cầu cô +rời khỏi chỗ này.} +{119}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn ngộ giết con Vuốt. Ông ta không muốn tự làm.} {120}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{121}{}{Doc wants me to kill the critter for him. He doesn't want to do it himself.} -{122}{}{I knew the bastard wouldn't have the balls to do it himself. Oh no, it's okay - if one of us gets fucked up. (sigh) Oh well. Go on in and good luck, soldier.} +{121}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn tôi giết mẫu vật thay. Ông ta không muốn tự tay làm.} +{122}{}{Tôi biết là lão chết tiệt đấy không dám tự tay làm mà. Ôi, kiểu gì thì cũng có +người phải nhúng bùn. (thở dài) Ồ được rồi. Vào đi và chúc may mắn, cô lính.} {123}{}{Cám ơn.} -{124}{}{Why are you looking at me like that, soldier?} -{125}{}{Me hear you call Snookie. That cute.} -{126}{}{I hear you're called Snookie. I think that's cute.} -{127}{}{What... He told you that? When I get off duty I'm going to kick his ass... - Move along, soldier. And wipe that smirk off your face!} +{124}{}{Sao cô lại nhìn tôi như thế hả, cô lính?} +{125}{}{Ngộ nghe cô gọi là Snookie. Yêu đấy.} +{126}{}{Tôi nghe nói cô là Snookie. Tên dễ thương thật đấy.} +{127}{}{Cái... Hắn ta nói cho cô à? Khi nào hết ca gác tôi sẽ cho hắn ta một trận... +Bước đi, cô lính. Và thôi cái điệu cười trên mặt đi!} {128}{}{Okay.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp1.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..faea6184f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp1.msg @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ sư máy tính.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm kín người với miếng bảo hộ túi và một nắm bút.} +{103}{}{Chào cô lính.} +{104}{}{Vui lòng đừng chạm vào thứ gì.} +{105}{}{Lính cấp thấp đáng ra không được vào đây.} +{106}{}{Cậu đang không mặc quân phục. } +{107}{}{Tốt hơn hết là nên đi mặc đồ vào. Kho khí giới ở cuối hành lang bên trái.} +{108}{}{Cậu to gan lắm mới đi lại mà không mặc quân phục đấy. Tốt nhất là nên đi báo lại cho hậu cần đi.} +{109}{}{Chúng mày là thế đéo nào... Báo động! Có kẻ xâm nhập!} +{110}{}{Chúng ta đã bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} +{111}{}{Có nhiều kẻ đột nhập! Rung chuông báo động lên!} +{112}{}{Cứt thật! Cho cứu viện bắt đầu vào đi.} +{113}{}{Đóng tất cả các hoạt động bí mật.} +{114}{}{Bảo vệ hệ thống và bật tất cả mật khẩu an ninh.} +{115}{}{Tôi là nhà khoa học, không phải lính chiến!} +{116}{}{Chiếu đầu nhọn của mũi laser về hướng kẻ địch. Rồi bóp cò.} +{117}{}{Cứu! Cứu! Chạy về phía phòng lab máy tính!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp2.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6e42eb4726 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccomp2.msg @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm. Ông ta trông có vẻ rất tự tin.} +{103}{}{Sao thế?} +{104}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} +{105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} +{106}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} +{107}{}{Chỉ chào thôi. Gặp lại sau.} +{108}{}{Đây là phòng máy tính. Máy chủ ở đó, bảng giao diện bên cạnh, còn đống này là thiết bị lưu trữ dữ liệu dạng băng holotape. Đây là thiết bị mới và tân tiến nhất.} +{109}{}{Ồ. Ờ, làm gì thế?} +{110}{}{Vậy ông làm gì ở đây?} +{111}{}{Tôi là chuyên viên phân tích máy tính cấp cao. Tôi lo việc bảo dưỡng toàn bộ thiết bị ở đây.} +{112}{}{Ồ. Ngộ dùng máy tính?} +{113}{}{Ngộ không hiểu. Ngộ đi.} +{114}{}{Này, tôi có thể dùng hệ thống một chút không? Thế nào nhỉ, kiểm tra thôi?} +{115}{}{Này, nói chuyện vui đấy. Gặp lại sau nhé.} +{116}{}{Ồ... tôi không được phép để những người chưa được đào tạo sử dụng thiết bị. Cô phải hiểu là thứ này phức tạp và dễ hỏng lắm.} +{117}{}{Làm ơn? Ngộ không phá.} +{118}{}{Tôi hứa sẽ không làm hỏng} +{119}{}{Được rồi. Cô có thể truy cập vào hệ thống bằng bảng máy tính ở kia. Nhớ làm ơn cẩn thận giùm. Họ sẽ bắn cả hai ta nếu cô làm hỏng chiếc máy. Ồ, mật khẩu cho khách là "Snookie".} +{120}{}{Tôi rất tiếc nhưng không thể được. Tôi thậm chí còn không được phép để người vào trong phòng chứ đừng nói là để họ sử dụng thiết bị.} +{121}{}{Snookie? Snookie nào?} +{122}{}{Ok. Ngộ hiểu.} +{123}{}{Snookie? Snookie là cái quái gì thế?} +{124}{}{Được rồi. Tôi hiểu.} +{125}{}{"Snookie" là biệt danh của bạn gái tôi. Dễ thương chứ hả? Mà cô ấy đứng ngoài hành lang kìa. Cô ấy là một lính gác.} +{126}{}{Ok, được rồi. Cám ơn.} +{127}{}{Ừ... dễ thương đấy. Cám ơn.} +{128}{}{Cậu đang không mặc quân phục. } +{129}{}{Tốt hơn hết là nên đi mặc đồ vào. Kho khí giới ở cuối hành lang bên trái.} +{130}{}{Cậu to gan lắm mới đi lại mà không mặc quân phục đấy. Tốt nhất là nên đi báo lại cho hậu cần đi.} +{131}{}{Chúng mày là thế đéo nào... Báo động! Có kẻ xâm nhập!} +{132}{}{Chúng ta đã bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} +{133}{}{Có nhiều kẻ đột nhập! Rung chuông báo động lên!} +{134}{}{Cứt thật! Cho cứu viện bắt đầu vào đi.} +{135}{}{Đóng tất cả các hoạt động bí mật.} +{136}{}{Bảo vệ hệ thống và bật tất cả mật khẩu an ninh.} +{137}{}{Tôi là nhà khoa học, không phải lính chiến!} +{138}{}{Chiếu đầu nhọn của mũi laser về hướng kẻ địch. Rồi bóp cò.} +{139}{}{Cứu! Cứu! Chạy về phía phòng lab máy tính!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccqmstr.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccqmstr.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..62b7594c43 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccqmstr.msg @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Sĩ quan quân nhu.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy ai đó mặc power armor được thiết kế khác lạ. +Có miếng phù hiệu trên tấm giáp ngực mà bạn không nhận ra.} +{103}{}{Mấy người các ngươi là lũ quái nào thế... Báo động! Có kẻ đột nhập trong căn cứ!} +{104}{}{Cái gì... Ta có thể thấy tại sao cô đến đây. Hẳn là cô muốn +lột bỏ cái thứ cổ lỗ sĩ đang đeo trên người rồi.} +{105}{}{Sao lại không mặc quân phục hả, đồ lính?} +{106}{}{Chết đi!} +{107}{}{Ờ, thì...} +{108}{}{Ừ...} +{109}{}{Ngộ mới.} +{110}{}{Ngộ không lính của ông!} +{111}{}{Ừ, thì...} +{112}{}{Tôi là lính mới.} +{113}{}{Tôi không phải lính của ông!} +{114}{}{Ừ cái gì? Không nặn ra được lí do nào lọt tai à? Ta đang nghe đây, đồ lính!} +{115}{}{Ngộ chưa có quân phục.} +{116}{}{Tôi vẫn chưa có quân phục.} +{117}{}{Cô hơi đần nhỉ? (thở dài) Ồ, không phải lỗi của cô. +Ta có thằng em y như cô. Mà cô là lính mới ở đây à? +Ta không nhớ có gặp cô trước kia.} +{118}{}{Lính mới à? Ta không nhớ có từng gặp qua.} +{119}{}{Đúng! Ngộ mới đây!} +{120}{}{Đúng vậy, tôi mới đến đây.} +{121}{}{Ồ, thế thì cô sẽ cần đồ tiêu chuẩn. Đi đến kho khí giới, +mặc đồ và nhận vũ khí. Sau đó đến báo cáo chỗ +Trung sĩ huấn luyện.} +{122}{}{Cám ơn!} +{123}{}{Ổn rồi. Giờ thì biến khỏi đây đi. Ta có việc phải là và không +muốn bị quấy rầy.} +{124}{}{Giờ ta đang bận. Quay lại sau đi.} +{125}{}{Chào, tân binh. Ta mới nhận được cuộc gọi của Trung sĩ. Ông ta +bảo cô đến nhận đồ rồi quay lại vị trí. Đúng chứ?} +{126}{}{Đúng vậy.} +{127}{}{Căn cứ đang có báo động và ta không nhận ra ngươi. Xuất trình +giấy tờ ra, đồ lính.} +{128}{}{Ngộ không có giấy tờ theo người.} +{129}{}{Ngộ không cần giấy tờ!} +{130}{}{Tôi không mang theo giấy tờ. Chúng ở trong hòm đồ rồi.} +{131}{}{Giấy tờ? Tôi có giấy tờ ở đây này!} +{132}{}{Trả lời sai rồi. Lúc nào mày cũng phải mang giấy tờ theo +và mày phải biết điều đó!} +{133}{}{Chẹp.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccquincy.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccquincy.msg index 6471922ee7..38810dccc1 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccquincy.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccquincy.msg @@ -1,82 +1,82 @@ -{100}{}{You see a man in a military uniform.} -{101}{}{You see Quincy, the mechanic.} -{102}{}{You see a man in a military uniform. Judging by the grease spots you think - he is more of a mechanic than a soldier.} -{103}{}{Name's Quincy, soldier. Why are you tapping my shoulder and looking lost?} -{104}{}{Me need ask you something.} +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Quincy, thợ cơ khí.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc quân phục. Nhìn mấy vết dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ +ông ta giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính.} +{103}{}{Tên là Quincy, cô lính. Sao cô lại vỗ vai ta rồi đần mặt ra thế?} +{104}{}{Ngộ cần hỏi ông chuyện.} {105}{}{Không có gì.} -{106}{}{Hi. I need to ask you something.} +{106}{}{Chào. Tôi cần hỏi mấy thứ.} {107}{}{Không có gì.} -{108}{}{All right, but make it quick. I have inventory to do.} -{109}{}{What do you need to know?} +{108}{}{Được rồi, nhưng nhanh lên nhé. Ta còn phải xếp hàng nữa.} +{109}{}{Cần biết gì nào?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} -{111}{}{Me look for vertibird plans. Where find?} -{112}{}{Me told by tech me find vertibird plans here.} +{111}{}{Ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Tìm đâu?} +{112}{}{Kĩ thuật bảo ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở đây.} {113}{}{Ngộ đi giờ.} {114}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} -{115}{}{I'm looking for vertibird plans. Do you know where I can find them?} -{116}{}{I was told by a tech that I could find the vertibird plans here.} -{117}{}{Well, got to go.} -{118}{}{This is maintenance. We repair pretty much anything except for the vertibirds.} -{119}{}{Where vertibird get repair?} -{120}{}{Where do the vertibirds get repaired?} -{121}{}{They only fit in the hangar or outdoors. You figure it out from there, okay?} -{122}{}{Oh... okay.} -{123}{}{Oh, yeah. I get it.} -{124}{}{Well... I've got a copy of the plans but I can't just hand them out to - anyone who asks for them. What do you want with them?} -{125}{}{Me got friends down south who want.} -{126}{}{Uh... well...} -{127}{}{I've got some friends down south who want to get their hands on them.} -{128}{}{I was told by the Sarge to get them.} -{129}{}{Down south... Holy shit! We've got a spy here! Guards! Alert!} +{115}{}{Tôi đang tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Ông có biết là cần tìm ở đâu không?} +{116}{}{Một nhân viên kĩ thuật bảo tôi có thể tìm thấy bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng ở đây.} +{117}{}{Được, tôi đi đây.} +{118}{}{Đây là phòng bảo trì. Bọn ta sửa gần như mọi thứ, trừ máy bay trực thăng.} +{119}{}{Máy bay trực thăng sửa đâu?} +{120}{}{Máy bay trực thăng được sửa ở đâu thế?} +{121}{}{Chúng chỉ có thể đậu trong khoang chứa hoặc ngoài trời. Đến đấy rồi tự tìm tiếp, được chứ?} +{122}{}{Ồ... okay.} +{123}{}{Ồ, được. Tôi hiểu rồi.} +{124}{}{Ồ... Ta có bản sao đây nhưng làm sao ta có thể đưa cho bất kì cô ngốc +nào đến hỏi được. Cô cần chúng làm gì?} +{125}{}{Ngộ có bạn phía Nam muốn.} +{126}{}{Ừ... thì...} +{127}{}{Tôi có mấy người bạn phía Nam muốn lấy bản vẽ.} +{128}{}{Trung sĩ bảo tôi đến lấy.} +{129}{}{Phía Nam... Đậu má! Có gián điệp! Lính gác! Báo động!} {130}{}{Ồ ồ.} -{131}{}{Ooops. Put my foot in it this time.} -{132}{}{You're one round short of a full clip, aren't you? Well, they call you - grunts for a reason. Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without - authorization, okay? So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper - paperwork.} -{133}{}{Look, Einstein, I can't give you the plans without authorization, okay? - So, go back to whoever sent you here and get the proper paperwork.} +{131}{}{Ồ ồ. Đạp phải cứt rồi.} +{132}{}{Thiếu một viên nữa là đầy băng rồi ha? Ồ, họ xếp cô làm lính cũng phải. +Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cô mà không có giấy phép +được, rõ chứ? Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cô đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ +đi.} +{133}{}{Nghe này, Einstein, ta không thể đưa bản vẽ cho cô mà không có giấy phép được, rõ chứ? +Quay lại chỗ đứa nào gửi cô đến đây và xin đầy đủ giấy tờ đi.} {134}{}{Được, ngộ đi.} -{135}{}{No, me shoot you first, find plans second, then... what come after two?} -{136}{}{Hey, you got it.} -{137}{}{No, I think I'll shoot you instead and look around for the plans while - you bleed.} -{138}{}{A tech told you... You mean Raul? Did he send you?} -{139}{}{Uh, yeah.} -{140}{}{Uh, no.} -{141}{}{Yeah, that's the guy.} -{142}{}{No, I don't think it was Raul.} -{143}{}{Damn it! You know, Raul would lose his head if it weren't placed so - firmly up his ass! This is the third time this quarter that he's lost those - plans! And now he doesn't even have the brass bouncing balls to come to me - and ask for them? Fine, they're in the locker over there. Oh and, when you - deliver them, tell that asshole I want to see him.} +{135}{}{Không, ngộ bắn ông số một, tìm bản vẽ số hai, rồi... sau số hai là số mấy nhỉ?} +{136}{}{Này, được rồi.} +{137}{}{Không, chắc là tôi cho ông ăn đạn rồi đi tìm bản vẽ trong lúc ông +ngáp vì mất máu.} +{138}{}{Kĩ thuật bảo cô... Ý cô là Raul? Hắn ta bảo cô đến đây?} +{139}{}{Ừ, đúng thế.} +{140}{}{Ừ, không.} +{141}{}{Đúng, đúng là gã đó.} +{142}{}{Không, tôi nghĩ đấy không phải là Raul.} +{143}{}{Mẹ kiếp! Đầu gã Raul này chắc phải rụng ra nếu không có ai gắn chặt vào đít mất! +Đây là lần thứ ba trong quý này thằng đầu khấc làm mất bản vẽ rồi! Và giờ hắn ta +thậm chí còn tụt cả bi vào trong nên không dám đến gặp yêu cầu ta nữa hả? Rồi, +bản vẽ ở trong tủ khóa ở kia. Ồ, khi nào cầm đến tay thì bảo thằng lìn đấy đến +đây gặp ta.} {144}{}{Cám ơn.} -{145}{}{So you're back. Did you get the authorization?} -{146}{}{You again? What is it now?} -{147}{}{Yeah, me got plasma rifle. That good enough me!} +{145}{}{Quay lại rồi đấy. Có giấy phép chưa?} +{146}{}{Lại nữa à? Giờ thì là chuyện gì?} +{147}{}{Đúng, ngộ có súng plasma. Ngộ đủ rồi!} {148}{}{Chưa.} -{149}{}{Yeah, I've got a big fucking gun. That's good enough for me!} +{149}{}{Đúng, tôi có khẩu súng to vãi lìn đây. Thế là đầy đủ giấy tờ rồi chứ!} {150}{}{Chưa.} -{151}{}{Me ask you something.} -{152}{}{Me just say 'Hi'.} -{153}{}{I need to ask you something.} -{154}{}{Nothing, just saying 'Hi'.} -{155}{}{Are you nuts? Walking around here out of uniform? Get suited up!} +{151}{}{Ngộ hỏi chuyện ông.} +{152}{}{Ngộ chỉ "chào" thôi.} +{153}{}{Tôi cần hỏi chút việc.} +{154}{}{Không có gì, chỉ "chào" thôi.} +{155}{}{Điên à? Đi loanh quanh mà không mặc quân phục? Đi mặc đồ vào!} {156}{}{Trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục thì ông ấy sạc cho teo chim.} {157}{}{Sao cô lại không mặc quân phục?} {158}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {159}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} -{160}{}{Guard! Intruders in maintenance!} +{160}{}{Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập trong phòng bảo trì!} {161}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {162}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {163}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{164}{}{Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers.} -{165}{}{I told you not to go through my stuff! Guards!} -{200}{}{Yeah. Well, don't believe everything you hear.} -{201}{}{Who told you that? 'Cause he's next after I knock some sense into you.} -{300}{}{Can't you see that I am busy?} -{301}{}{Hey! Don't be rummaging through those drawers!} -{302}{}{I told you not to go through my stuff! Guards!} +{164}{}{Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế.} +{165}{}{Ta đã bảo là đừng có động vào đồ của ta mà! Lính gác đâu!} +{200}{}{Được. Ồ, đừng có tin mọi thứ nghe được.} +{201}{}{Ai bảo cô thế? Cho cô một trận xong là ta sẽ đến dạy cho kẻ đó một bài học.} +{300}{}{Không thấy là ta đang bận hả?} +{301}{}{Này! Đừng có bới tung cả tủ lên thế!} +{302}{}{Ta đã bảo là đừng có động vào đồ của ta mà! Lính gác đâu!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccraul.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccraul.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fb09e565ec --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/ccraul.msg @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một người thợ cơ khí.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Raul, thợ cơ khí.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông mặc bộ quân phục bẩn thỉu. Nhìn vào mấy vết +dầu mỡ bạn nghĩ người này giống thợ cơ khí hơn là lính, hơn nữa còn +chăm làm lắm.} +{103}{}{Xin lỗi, cô em, nhưng ta không có thời gian tán nhảm, rõ chứ? Ta còn +phải làm cho con chim này bay được.} +{104}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn sửa K-9. Ông ta nói ông có bộ phận.} +{105}{}{Ừ... okay.} +{106}{}{Ừ, Quincy muốn gặp ông. Ông ta bảo tôi nói cho ông biết.} +{107}{}{Tiến sĩ muốn sửa con chó. Ông ta cử tôi đến lấy bộ phận.} +{108}{}{Rồi. Tạm biệt.} +{109}{}{Raul, Quincy muốn gặp ông.} +{110}{}{Quincy à? Ồ, Raul không muốn gặp lão ta, cô em à. Raul chán đống +cứt đấy lắm rồi, hiểu chứ?} +{111}{}{Okay.} +{112}{}{Quincy nói ông đầu lìn. Ông sợ không dám đến.} +{113}{}{Được rồi.} +{114}{}{Quincy nói rằng ông là đồ đầu lìn, và rằng ông sợ không dám đến +chỗ ông ta báo cáo.} +{115}{}{ Này đứa kia, Raul không để yên cho ai ném cứt đâu nhé. Mày có thấy Quincy +sửa chim không? Làm đéo có chuyện. Chỉ có Raul mới sửa được mấy bé này thôi. +Biết tại sao không? Vì Quincy đéo biết cái lìn gì, rõ chưa!} +{116}{}{Ừ...} +{117}{}{Ờ...} +{118}{}{Này, xin lỗi cô em. Raul không nên quát cô em, hiểu chứ? Đâu phải lỗi của +cô; cô em chỉ là người đưa tin. Này, cô em, cô có đang bận gì không?} +{119}{}{Không, ngộ không bận. Sao chứ?} +{120}{}{Không hẳn, sao chứ?} +{121}{}{Nghe này, cậu em. Raul sẽ đến chỗ Quincy một lúc, được chứ? +Raul sẽ đi thông não lão già dịch ấy. +Cậu em ở đây trông chim giúp Raul. Ok?} +{122}{}{Ngộ trông.} +{123}{}{Được chứ Raul. Tôi sẽ giúp ông, nhưng không phải ai tôi cũng hộ đâu nhé.} +{124}{}{Này, cám ơn em giai. Raul nhờ cậu lần này! +Đừng có rời khỏi đây, và em giai ơi, nếu có thằng nào +nghịch chim của Raul, cứ dí súng vào đít hắn. Ok?} +{125}{}{Okay.} +{126}{}{Này, đứa kia, làm cái gì đấy? Tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim sắt +ngay! Raul có thừa rắc rối rồi, không cần đến đám lính quèn đến phá nữa đâu, +hiểu chứ? Mẹ nó mấy đứa ruồi bay là đủ lắm rồi!} +{127}{}{Này, Raul đã bảo là tránh con mẹ mày ra khỏi con chim tao rồi. Giờ thì +Raul sẽ dạy cho mày một bài học. Đến đây nào, thằng cờ hó. Tụt bộ giáp +củ lìn ra vào đây một chọi một, meno e mano, với Raul nào.} +{128}{}{Không, ngộ không nghĩ vậy.} +{129}{}{Cút đi, Raul. Ngộ bắn ông nát đít!} +{130}{}{Không được đâu sói ạ, sói cứng vãi lìn ai mà dại.} +{131}{}{Có khẩu súng ngon thế này thì ngu sao mà phải chơi tay không?} +{132}{}{Thế thì đừng có đmm nghịch chim của Raul nữa! Cút khỏi đây ngay!} +{133}{}{Okay.} +{134}{}{Raul nghĩ cậu em chắc phải điên lắm mới lượn lờ quanh đây mà không mặc quân phục.} +{135}{}{Này cô em, trung sĩ mà bắt được cậu không mặc quân phục là +lão ta cho cô nát mông đấy.} +{136}{}{Sao cô em lại không mặc quân phục thế?} +{137}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} +{138}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} +{139}{}{Lính gác! Có kẻ đột nhập vào khoang chứa máy bay!} +{140}{}{Này cô em, sao thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} +{141}{}{Sao lại báo động thế? Có chuyện gì vậy?} +{142}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} +{143}{}{Raul sẽ cho cô vào bệnh xá đấy, cô em.} +{144}{}{Này cô em, hãy cầu nguyện đi!} +{145}{}{Raul sẽ cho cô em một trận!} +{146}{}{Này cô em, nó ở trong cái tủ khóa đằng kia. Lấy đi và nói với tiến sĩ +là Raul gửi lời chào nhé.} +{147}{}{Cám ơn.} +{150}{}{Này cô em! Raul không thích người khác vào phá rối đâu. Biến đi.} +{151}{}{Raul đã bảo là không được sờ vào đồ rồi! Lính đâu!} +{200}{}{Raul nghe nói cô em lại đi nói đểu Raul lần nữa.} +{201}{}{Nói một lần rồi thì phải biết thân mà cúp mông đi chứ. Raul sẽ dần một trận nhừ tử.} +{300}{}{Không thấy là Raul đang bận à?} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..58274fc717 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech.msg @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +{100}{}{Một người lính trong đồng phục nhiệm vụ.} +{101}{}{Một vài Pfc-Tech, hạng X.} +{102}{}{Ông ta mặc đồng phục quân đội, nhưng rõ ràng người này giống nhân viên kĩ thuật hơn là lính.} +{103}{}{Này, ta đã bảo lũ lính quèn chúng mày bao nhiêu lần rồi? Đừng có lẩn quẩn vướng chân!} +{104}{}{Không còn cái bia nào để bắn à?} +{105}{}{Xin chào, lính dù.} +{106}{}{Mày là ai? Lính gác!} +{107}{}{Cái củ cải gì thế này? Có kẻ đột nhập trong căn cứ!} +{108}{}{Cứt thật! Súng để đâu rồi!} +{109}{}{Này, họ đã đến đây tìm rồi và không phát hiện thấy gì cả.} +{110}{}{Phù, mấy cái báo động giả này làm tôi sợ cứng cả người.} +{111}{}{Hay đấy, lại báo động giả nữa. Giờ thì bọn tôi phải tháo dỡ toàn bộ hệ thống rồi lắp lại +như cũ.} +{112}{}{Mẹ nó chứ! Ở đây! Đến bắt gián điệp đi!} +{113}{}{Cứt thật! Bị tấn công rồi! Đồ của tao đâu?} +{114}{}{Có nổ súng à? Làm đéo có ai nói là sẽ có nổ súng đâu!} +{115}{}{Mày là thằng đéo nào thế? Lính gác đâu!} +{116}{}{Mày không phải người của Enclave! Lính gác!} +{117}{}{Kẻ đột nhập! Đồ phá hoại! Ở đây!} +{118}{}{Này, đừng có làm mọi thứ lộn tùng phèo lên. Tôi đang làm việc.} +{119}{}{Bộ phận hồi chuyển ở chỗ đéo nào thế?} +{120}{}{Mẹ cái lũ ruồi bay, lúc đéo nào cũng làm hỏng máy.} +{121}{}{Đã rõ, chúng tôi đã bắt được tín hiệu trên máy quét -- đừng có làm phiền, tôi đang làm việc.} +{122}{}{Này, không được gọi ai cả, cô lính.} +{123}{}{Xin lỗi, hiện không giúp được.} +{124}{}{Có việc gì ở đây à? Không thì tránh đường.} +{125}{}{Đây là khu vực hạn chế, đồ lính.} +{126}{}{Tránh đường ra, đồ lính.} +{127}{}{Cái đéo gì thế? Trên đấy đang có chuyện gì thế?} +{128}{}{Cứt thật! Chúng nó vào được rồi!} +{129}{}{Lũ hề này! Chắc là lại báo động giả nữa rồi.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech1.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech1.msg index 640476ce30..d80ae16c8e 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech1.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech1.msg @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} -{102}{}{You see someone wearing a lab coat with a pocket protector and lots of pens stuffed in it. He has that slightly confused look of someone new to a job.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm, đeo miếng bảo vệ túi có nhét đầy bút bên trong. Ông ta trông có vẻ hơi bối rối như thể chưa quen với công việc.} +{103}{}{Vâng?} {104}{}{Ngộ mới đây. Cần hỏi.} {105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} -{106}{}{I'm new here. I need to ask a few questions to familiarize myself with the base.} -{107}{}{Sorry to bother you. I'm just saying hi.} -{108}{}{I'm a new recruit myself, sir. I don't know if I can answer all your questions but I'll try.} +{106}{}{Tôi mới đến. Tôi cần hỏi vài câu để làm quen với căn cứ.} +{107}{}{Xin lỗi đã làm phiền. Tôi chỉ chào hỏi thôi.} +{108}{}{Tôi cũng là nhân viên mới. Tôi không chắc là mình có thể trả lời toàn bộ các câu hỏi, nhưng tôi sẽ cố.} {109}{}{Tôi có thể giúp gì đây?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} {111}{}{Việc ông gì?} -{112}{}{Where Enclave main base at.} +{112}{}{Căn cứ chính Enclave chỗ nào.} {113}{}{Ngộ tìm bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Ngộ tìm đâu?} {117}{}{Ngộ đi giờ.} {118}{}{Đây là nơi nào?} @@ -18,26 +18,26 @@ {120}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave nằm ở đâu?} {121}{}{Tôi cần xem bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Chúng để ở đâu thế?} {125}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi đây.} -{126}{}{This is the comm center. We handle all communications with the main base from here.} +{126}{}{Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Chúng tôi xử lí tất cả nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ từ đây.} {127}{}{Ngộ thấy. Ngộ hỏi thêm.} {128}{}{Được rồi. Hỏi thêm mấy câu nữa.} -{129}{}{I'm a comm center technician, second class. I handle all communications with main base and I maintain equipment status.} +{129}{}{Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhì. Tôi xử lí tất cả nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ chính và bảo trì tình trạng thiết bị.} {130}{}{Ừ... vậy à.} {131}{}{Tốt. Cứ tiếp tục đi.} -{132}{}{You've got to be kidding, right? } -{133}{}{No kid. Where base?} -{134}{}{Do I look like I'm kidding?} -{135}{}{The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I ask why you are asking?} -{136}{}{No. Reason military. How many way get to base?} -{137}{}{No. This is a military matter. Now, how many ways do you know of to reach the base?} -{138}{}{Well... there's the vertibirds, but that's pretty obvious. Then there's the tanker down in San Fran. Other than that I guess you'd have to swim.} +{132}{}{Đùa đấy thôi, phải không? } +{133}{}{Không đùa. Căn cứ đâu?} +{134}{}{Trông tôi có giống đang đùa không?} +{135}{}{Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San Fransico. Liệu tôi có thể biết là cô hỏi làm gì được không?} +{136}{}{Không. Lí do quân sự. Có bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?} +{137}{}{Không. Đây là bí mật quân sự. Còn giờ, ông biết bao nhiêu cách để đến căn cứ?} +{138}{}{Ồ... có máy bay trực thăng, nhưng cách đấy rõ như ban ngày nhỉ. Rồi còn có cái tàu ở San Fran nữa. Ngoài ra thì tôi chắc là chỉ còn mỗi cách tự bơi thôi.} {139}{}{Cám ơn.} {140}{}{Cám ơn.} -{141}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{141}{}{Chúng ở trong phòng bảo trì, bên cạnh phòng kiểm soát không lưu.} {142}{}{Okay.} {143}{}{Hiểu rồi.} {153}{}{Cô điên à, đi lại ở đây mà không mặc quân phục? Mặc đồ vào!} -{154}{}{If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass.} +{154}{}{Nếu trung sĩ mà bắt được không mặc quân phục thì ông ta sẽ dần cho nát đít đấy.} {155}{}{Sao cậu lại không mặc quân phục?} {156}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {157}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} @@ -45,6 +45,6 @@ {159}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {160}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {161}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{162}{}{I'm just a tech, don't shoot me!} +{162}{}{Tôi chỉ là nhân viên kĩ thuật thôi, đừng bắn tôi!} {163}{}{Tôi đâu có đăng kí chiến đấu, chỉ huấn luyện kĩ thuật thôi!} {164}{}{Đây là áo khoác thí nghiệm chứ có phải giáp đâu! Tôi biến khỏi đây đây!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech2.msg index a39fbbf242..242556f1d1 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/cctech2.msg @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ {100}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên.} {101}{}{Bạn thấy một kĩ thuật viên của Enclave.} {102}{}{Bạn thấy một người mặc áo khoác phòng thí nghiệm. Ông ta trông có vẻ rất tự tin.} -{103}{}{Yes, sir?} +{103}{}{Vâng?} {104}{}{Ngộ mới đây. Cần hỏi.} {105}{}{Ngộ chỉ chào. Ngộ đi giờ.} {106}{}{Tôi là người mới ở đây và đang cố làm quen với căn cứ. Tôi có thể hỏi vài câu không?} {107}{}{Chỉ chào thôi. Gặp lại sau.} -{108}{}{Certainly, soldier.} +{108}{}{Chắc rồi, cô lính.} {109}{}{Tôi có thể giúp gì đây?} {110}{}{Đây chỗ nào?} {111}{}{Việc ông gì?} @@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ {120}{}{Căn cứ chính của Enclave nằm ở đâu?} {121}{}{Tôi cần xem bản vẽ máy bay trực thăng. Chúng để ở đâu thế?} {125}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi đây.} -{126}{}{This is the comm center. From here we handle all communications with the main base and any other outposts that have been established.} +{126}{}{Đây là trung tâm liên lạc. Tại đây chúng tôi xử lí toàn bộ nội dung liên lạc với căn cứ chính và những tiền đồn đã được tạo lập khác.} {127}{}{Ngộ thấy. Ngộ hỏi thêm.} {128}{}{Được rồi. Hỏi thêm mấy câu nữa.} -{129}{}{I'm a comm center technician, first class. I perform supervisory duties. Mainly I make sure the other techs don't screw up.} +{129}{}{Tôi là nhân viên kĩ thuật của trung tâm liên lạc, binh nhất. Tôi thực hiện nhiệm vụ giám sát. Chủ yếu là tôi đảm bảo những người khác không mắc lỗi.} {130}{}{Ừ... vậy à.} {131}{}{Tốt. Cứ tiếp tục đi.} -{132}{}{Soldier, that information is on a "need to know"-only basis. If you have to ask the question then you don't need to know.} +{132}{}{Cô lính, thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản "cần phải biết". Nếu cô phải đi hỏi thì tức là cô không cần biết.} {133}{}{Okay.} -{134}{}{Come on, it's not like I'm some damn tribal or something. We're in the same outfit; notice the insignia on the armor?} +{134}{}{Thôi nào, tôi có phải dân toọc đâu. Chúng ta ăn mặc giống nhau mà; có thấy cái phù hiệu trên giáp đây không?} {135}{}{Tôi hiểu rồi.} -{136}{}{Yes, sir. The main base is located off the Pacific coast near the city of San Francisco. May I inquire why you are asking, sir?} -{137}{}{Soldier, I told you that information is on a "need to know"-only basis.} -{138}{}{For security purposes, I'm checking the level of information awareness among base personnel. Now, tell me all the ways you personally know of to get to main base.} +{136}{}{Vâng. Căn cứ chính ở ngoài khơi bờ biển Thái Bình Dương gần thành phố San Fransico. Tôi có thể biết tại sao cô hỏi vậy không?} +{137}{}{Cô lính, tôi đã bảo thông tin đó thuộc mục cơ bản "cần phải biết" rồi.} +{138}{}{Vì lí do an ninh, tôi đang đi kiểm tra mức nhận biết thông tin của nhân sự trong căn cứ. Giờ thì nói cho tôi tất cả những cách mà ông biết để đến được căn cứ chính đi.} {139}{}{Tôi hiểu rồi.} -{140}{}{Yes, sir. First, the vertibirds are the primary method used in reaching main base. Due to the complexity of their operation it is doubtful that subversives could commandeer a vertibird. Second, there is an operational fuel tanker in San Francisco harbor. The ship has, however, been disabled and a passkey is required to restart it. The base commander has the passkey in his possession. Third, with the proper equipment, you could conceivably swim to main base but the probability of survival is next to nil.} +{140}{}{Vâng. Đầu tiên, máy bay trực thăng là phương pháp chính để đi đến căn cứ chính. Do tính phức tạp của hành trình mà rất khó để nhân sự cấp thấp có thể lái máy bay. Thứ hai là có tàu chạy xăng vẫn còn hoạt động ở cảng San Fransico. Tuy nhiên, chiếc tàu này đã bị vô hiệu hóa và cần có bộ mã khóa để khởi động lại. Chỉ huy căn cứ là người đang giữ bộ mã khóa. Thứ ba, nếu có trang thiết bị phù hợp thì có thể bơi đến căn cứ chính nhưng khả năng sống sót gần như bằng 0.} {141}{}{Cám ơn.} {142}{}{Cám ơn.} -{143}{}{They would be located in maintenance, next to air traffic control. } +{143}{}{Chúng ở trong phòng bảo trì, bên cạnh phòng kiểm soát không lưu.} {144}{}{Okay.} {145}{}{Hiểu rồi.} {155}{}{Cô điên à, đi lại ở đây mà không mặc quân phục? Mặc đồ vào!} -{156}{}{If the sergeant catches you out of uniform he'll hand you your ass.} +{156}{}{Nếu trung sĩ mà bắt được không mặc quân phục thì ông ta sẽ dần cho nát đít đấy.} {157}{}{Sao cô lại không mặc quân phục?} {158}{}{Đm! Chúng ta đang bị xâm nhập! Báo động!} {159}{}{Có kẻ xâm nhập! Gọi bảo vệ ngay!} @@ -47,6 +47,6 @@ {161}{}{Gì thế? Chúng ta bị tấn công à?} {162}{}{Sao lại báo động? Chuyện gì thế?} {163}{}{Cái củ lìn gì đang diễn ra thế?} -{164}{}{I'm just a tech, don't shoot me!} +{164}{}{Tôi chỉ là nhân viên kĩ thuật thôi, đừng bắn tôi!} {165}{}{Tôi đâu có đăng kí chiến đấu, chỉ huấn luyện kĩ thuật thôi!} {166}{}{Đây là áo khoác thí nghiệm chứ có phải giáp đâu! Tôi biến khỏi đây đây!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dcanan.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dcanan.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dc47f2896c --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dcanan.msg @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn với bộ râu rậm.} +{101}{}{Bạn thấy Montania vĩ đại.} +{102}{}{Bạn thấy một người đàn ông thấp lùn để râu ria với bộ dạng lén lút.} +{103}{}{Ngươi! Ngươi muốn làm gì với Ananias vốn từng vĩ đại đây?} +{104}{}{Tránh xa ta ra!} +{105}{}{Đi phá chỗ khác đi.} +{106}{}{Đi chỗ khác mà đái.} +{107}{}{Ngươi đã khiến ta mất tất cả rồi.} +{108}{}{Hãy cút đi, ngươi phá thế là đủ lắm rồi.} +{109}{}{Tôi đói quá.} +{110}{}{Làm thế nào nuôi sống được gia đình giờ?} +{111}{}{Ngươi sinh ra với trái tim nhỏ hơn 12 cỡ.} +{112}{}{Không phải, bạn tôi ơi, một XÁC ƯỚP! Được đưa trực tiếp từ cát vùng Ai Cập cổ đại đến cát vùng Hoang mạc! Chỉ có mình ngươi được thấy!} +{113}{}{Rồi, cắn câu rồi đây. Thế nghía cái xác chết khô hết bao xèng?} +{114}{}{(tự lẩm nhẩm) Hừm, xác ướp cũng khá giống với ghoul. OK, tôi sẽ xem -- bao nhiêu?} +{115}{}{Tôi đã thấy đủ xác chết rồi. Chào.} +{116}{}{Xin chào, chào mừng! Ta là Montania vĩ đại (ông ta khẽ cúi chào với động tác khoa trương). Ta mang đến điều bí ẩn từ mọi chốn xa xôi, bạn à. Những điều bí ẩn từ thế giới vượt ra khỏi thế giới của chúng ta... thế giới Bên kia.} +{117}{}{Quay lại để tìm hiểu những điều bí ẩn của Montania vĩ đại về thế giới Bên kia à?} +{118}{}{Bí ẩn nào thế?} +{119}{}{Ờ, rất vui được gặp ngài Mông to... gì đấy.} +{120}{}{Hừm, bí ẩn làm tôi mất ngủ. Tôi nên đi thì hơn. Chào.} +{121}{}{Tiến lên đi!} +{127}{}{Hôm nay, trong căn phòng này, ta có thứ này, chỉ mình bạn được thấy... Xác ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu!} +{128}{}{Xác ướp à?} +{129}{}{Xác ướp à? Hừm, không biết có phải... Không, làm gì có ai ngốc đến thế.} +{130}{}{Tôi không quan tâm đến mấy thứ đó. Xác chết kinh bỏ xừ.} +{131}{}{Tránh đường, ngươi đang cản lối khách trả tiền đấy.} +{132}{}{Ta không nghĩ thứ này hợp với ngươi.} +{133}{}{Sao ngươi không lê cái thân toọc đi chỗ khác đi.} +{134}{}{Thứ này không hợp với ngươi.} +{135}{}{Hiểu rồi. Hừm, vậy thì BIẾN (ông ta chỉ tay) ĐI!} +{136}{}{Đối với một nhân vật sành sỏi như bạn, ta rất vui được trưng bày mẫu vật đặc biệt và cổ đại này chỉ với giá 25$.} +{137}{}{OK, tôi sẽ nôn tiền ra. Giờ thì... Cho xem Xác ướp nào!} +{138}{}{Tôi không muốn tiêu phí tiền. Tôi chắc là mình không cần nhìn thứ đó. Chào.} +{139}{}{Chỉ cần mở nắp quan tài và Xác ướp kì diệu sẽ lộ diện, với tất cả vẻ đẹp cổ xưa trước mắt quý khách. Nhưng vui lòng không sờ, và, ờ, không chụp ảnh có đèn nháy.} +{140}{}{Tuyệt.} +{141}{}{Mời quý khách xem! XÁC ƯỚP đến đây! (Nắp quan tài mở ra và bạn thấy một cái xác khô kiệt, trông rất giống một người ghoul bình thường, đứng trong một chiếc quan tài bằng giấy bồi được bôi sơn cẩu thả, thủng lỗ chỗ và đầy vết nứt).} +{142}{}{Mời quý khách! Xin giới thiệu, XÁC ƯỚP! (cái nắp giống như cửa hầm mở ra, hé lộ một xác ướp Ai Cập Jan-ướp-rượu đứng trong chiếc quan tài mở trông giống như được làm từ vàng nguyên chất!)} +{143}{}{Này, chờ chút. Đấy không phải Xác ướp. Đó là một ghoul. WOODY! Này WOODY! Phải ông không?} +{144}{}{Sao tôi nhìn thứ này giống hệt dân ghoul.} +{145}{}{Xác ướp đấy à? Đéo thể tin là tôi vừa trả 25$ để nghía miếng thịt bò khô dài 6 bộ. Chào.} +{146}{}{Ồ, tuyệt thật đấy... Chắc vậy (Bạn chăm chú nhìn Xác ướp một lúc). Ờ, cám ơn. Chào.} +{147}{}{(Xác ướp hắt xì hơi, duỗi người một cách uể oải rồi nhìn bạn bằng ánh mắt ngái ngủ) Chào. (ông ta nói bằng giọng ngủ gật).} +{148}{}{Con mẹ nó! Đây *là* Woody! Chạy đi Woody, chạy đi! À, ờ, lê bước đi cũng được! Đi nào, Woody, đi đi!} +{149}{}{Tôi đảm bảo với cô rằng Xác ướp này đúng thực là một xác-ngâm-rượu.} +{150}{}{Tôi không nghĩ mình có thể tin được ông. Để tôi thử xem sao. WOODY! Này WOODY! Phải ông không thế?} +{151}{}{Ồ, nếu ông đã nói thế. Nhưng tôi vẫn chắc là thứ này trông giống một gã ghoul bình thường. Chào.} +{152}{}{(Wood -- đúng là Woody chứ không phải một Xác ướp, đứng dậy một cách ngái ngủ -- vịn tay vào thành chiếc +quan tài +bằng giấy bồi, hét lên một tiếng rồi chạy về phía cửa, để lại sau lưng dải giấy vệ sinh "băng buộc xác ướp" và +câu nói vội "Cạm ơn nhiệu, Người lạ!".} +{153}{}{Ha! Tôi biết mà! Ông hết trò ở cái thị trấn này rồi. Ông không còn là Montania vĩ đại nữa, ông chỉ là một gã khốn nạn thôi.} +{154}{}{Chạy đi, Woody! À há! Tôi biết mà!} +{155}{}{(Motania vĩ đại nhún vai) Ta biết là đáng lẽ mình nên vác con Brahmin một đầu đấy đi mà. Ôi dào, lại về nghĩ mưu tiếp.} +{156}{}{Bò một đầu ấy hả? Hà, có cái đầu kak đi tin ấy! Chào nhé, đồ Lừa đảo.} +{157}{}{Bạn đã đánh thức ghoul Woody và giải thoát cho ông ta khỏi bị đóng vai xác ướp nữa.} +{158}{}{Tôi nghĩ là mình muốn nghe truyện ma hơn.} +{200}{}{Ta biết là có những thứ người phàm không được phép biết. Aiieee! Nyarloth... Ồ, xin lỗi (he-he). Hơi quá mồm một chút. Ta +biết những câu truyện Ma ám ảnh ngay những mảnh đất này, cũng như Xác ướp Ai Ca-a-ập ngâm rượu mà bạn có thể xem, +ngay tại đây trong chiếc quan tài diễm lệ này.} +{201}{}{Hãy nói cho tôi về xác ướp đi. Tôi rất muốn nghe thêm.} +{202}{}{Tôi chỉ muốn nghe truyện ma thôi. Ồ, mà tôi có được uống ca cao nóng tặng kèm không?} +{203}{}{Tôi không nghĩ là mình có thừa thời gian để ngồi nghe ông lảm nhảm những điều huyên thuyên.} +{300}{}{Ồ bạn thấy đấy (ông ta ra hiệu cho bạn lại gần hơn) hồi xưa từng có một nữ hoàng vĩ đại cai trị tất cả những vùng quanh đây. +Nàng giữ vững được ngai vị nhờ tấm bùa đặc biệt mà nàng luôn đeo trên cổ. Hấp dẫn đấy chứ hả?} +{301}{}{Ừ, ờ. Đúng thế. Vậy là cô công chúa này có một tấm bùa *phép*. Ồ, kể tiếp đi. Tôi không thể chờ +lâu hơn được nữa đâu (ngáp).} +{302}{}{OK. Tôi nghĩ là mình nghe đủ rồi. Chào.} +{400}{}{Ồ, để ta vào thẳng mạch chính dzậy. Gã phù thủy độc ác đã hạ độc nàng công chúa trẻ và lấy đi tấm bùa của nàng. Kể từ đó, +nàng vẫn luôn luẩn quẩn trong căn phòng kế bên. À, ừ, luôn ở đó vào giờ hắc đạo. Đấy là lí do tại sao ta luôn khóa chặt cửa. +Đáng sợ đấy chứ hả?} +{401}{}{Hồn ma của công chúa mất bùa bị trói buộc trong căn phòng kế bên? Vậy thôi à? Tôi không nghĩ là ông lại đi rao *đấy* là +cậu chuyện. Tôi thà nghe kể về cái Xác ướp ngu ngốc mà chắc là ông có ở đây.} +{402}{}{OK. Tôi nghĩ là mình nghe đủ rồi. Chào.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dccaesar.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dccaesar.msg new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ade94a0336 --- /dev/null +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/dccaesar.msg @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +{100}{}{Bạn thấy một thành viên của Hội buôn người.} +{150}{}{Bạn thấy Metzger, người đứng đầu Hội buôn người.} +{151}{}{[NÓI CHUYỆN]} +{152}{}{Lính gác! Tấn công!} +{153}{}{[xong]} +{154}{}{Quay lại lúc sáng ấy mẹ kiếp! Tao chỉ làm việc ban ngày thôi.} +{155}{}{[xong]} +{156}{}{Giờ thì cần gì? Mày bắt đầu khiến tao phát cáu rồi đấy.} +{157}{}{Tôi muốn xin lỗi.} +{158}{}{Xin lỗi, lúc trước tôi phê quá. Tôi không có ý gì đâu.} +{159}{}{Ồ này, ông sao thế?} +{160}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi một câu.} +{161}{}{Rõ ràng là có rồi. Chào.} +{162}{}{Wa.} +{163}{}{Ồ, trễ quá rồi. Biến đi.} +{164}{}{Làm ơn, làm ơn đi mà; Tôi xin lỗi.} +{165}{}{Ồ, tôi cũng đã thử rồi.} +{166}{}{Vậy thì đi chết đi!} +{167}{}{Được rồi, được rồi. Nhận lỗi thế là được.} +{168}{}{Phù. Tôi hỏi mấy câu được không?} +{169}{}{Tôi mừng là chúng ta đã giải quyết xong chuyện đó. Gặp lại sau.} +{170}{}{Chào, rất vui gặp lại cô.} +{171}{}{Chào Metzger. Chúng ta cần nói chuyện.} +{172}{}{Ông cũng thế. Chào.} +{173}{}{Ợ.} +{174}{}{Tao là Metzger, Trưởng Hội buôn người. Mày cần gì?} +{175}{}{Tôi có mấy câu hỏi.} +{176}{}{Không, cám ơn. Tôi đi giờ đây.} +{177}{}{Bun ngùi???} +{178}{}{Làm ơn biến đi. Ngay bây giờ.} +{179}{}{Không thì sao?} +{180}{}{Được rồi. Nhưng tôi sẽ trở lại!} +{181}{}{OK. Chào.} +{182}{}{Muốn hỏi gì thế?} +{183}{}{Về Thương nhân Vic...} +{184}{}{Tôi gia nhập Hội buôn người được không?} +{185}{}{Tôi muốn bán chồng đi làm nô lệ.} +{186}{}{Tôi muốn bán vợ. Giá nhiêu?} +{187}{}{Tôi muốn bán một trong số đám bạn ở đây.} +{188}{}{Hãy kể cho tôi về hội đi.} +{189}{}{Ông mua nô lệ ở thành phố nào thế?} +{190}{}{Tôi muốn mua nô lệ.} +{191}{}{Tôi đang tìm Vault 13. Ông có biết gì không?} +{192}{}{Metzger? Tên lạ thật đấy.} +{193}{}{Không có gì. Tôi phải đi.} +{195}{}{Tên này từ một ngôn ngữ cổ, trước chiến tranh gì đó.} +{196}{}{Metzger có nghĩa là đồ tể. Hợp đấy chứ, phải không?} +{197}{}{Đấy là tên ông cố nội tao. Lão đến từ chỗ rất xa về phía Đông. Qua một +vùng nước lớn.} +{198}{}{Tôi đã đọc một số sách về gã Metzger. Ông ta là tổng thống gì đó.} +{199}{}{Xem ai đang nói tiếng toọc này.} +{200}{}{Tiếng Đút, Đức, Đục gì đấy. Ngôn ngữ cổ, +cổ lổ xĩ lắm rồi.} +{201}{}{Et tu, Brutus?} +{202}{}{Hiểu rồi. Mà tôi vẫn còn muốn hỏi thêm nữa.} +{203}{}{Đó là thứ ngu ngốc nhất mà tôi từng nghe.} +{204}{}{Hay đấy. Tôi phải đi rồi.} +{205}{}{Nhiệm vụ của chúng tao là cung cấp lực lượng lao động ổn định có chất lượng cao +cho các thành phố lớn đang ngày càng thiếu nhân lực. Muốn tham gia cùng không?} +{206}{}{Được chứ. Nghe hay đấy.} +{207}{}{Không đời nào.} +{208}{}{Tôi sẽ quay lại việc đó sau. Thành phố nào mua nô lệ của ông thế?} +{209}{}{Thứ lỗi, đấy là thông tin nội bộ trong hội.} +{210}{}{OK. Ghi tên tôi vào nào!} +{211}{}{Không! Lũ các người là một đám bệnh hoạn!} +{212}{}{Tôi sẽ suy nghĩ về việc đó. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{213}{}{Hừm, tôi sẽ trở lại sau.} +{214}{}{Bọn ta cần xăm một dấu nhỏ trên trán mày để thể hiện cho mọi người +rằng mày là một thành viên của hội buôn người. Sẵn sàng chưa?} +{215}{}{Nghe tuyệt đấy! Làm đi!} +{216}{}{Tôi đổi ý rồi. Tôi hỏi câu khác được không?} +{217}{}{Hiện tại tôi không có thời gian. Tôi phải đi.} +{218}{}{Chào mừng đến với hội!} +{219}{}{Tuyệt, tôi có câu hỏi!} +{220}{}{OK, cám ơn. Tôi sẽ trở lại.} +{221}{}{Vault 13? Không. Chờ tí... Tao nghĩ là Vic đến từ Thành phố Vault. Chắc là chỗ đó.} +{222}{}{Đúng rồi, nơi đó ở đâu vậy?} +{223}{}{Không. Nhưng tôi có câu hỏi khác.} +{224}{}{Không, thôi quên đi.} +{225}{}{Bọn tao chủ yếu bán nô lệ cho Thành phố Vault và New Reno. New Reno ở +phía Đông Nam chỗ này và phần lớn người The Den đều trao đổi với họ.} +{226}{}{Thành phố Vault ở đâu vậy?} +{227}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{228}{}{Cám ơn, phải đi đây.} +{229}{}{Thành phố Vault đi về phía Đông, rồi lên hướng Bắc một chút. Vic từ đó đến đây.} +{230}{}{Tôi muốn hỏi thêm.} +{231}{}{Cám ơn; phải đi đây.} +{232}{}{Hừm, trông có vẻ khỏe mạnh. Tao sẽ trả mày } +{233}{}{ xu.} +{234}{}{OK! Cứ thế đi.} +{235}{}{Ờ, thôi quên đi.} +{236}{}{Không được! Phải gấp đôi!} +{237}{}{Mày trả giá cứng đấy. Tiền đây!} +{238}{}{Cám ơn. Tôi muốn hỏi thêm mấy câu.} +{239}{}{Cám ơn. Tạm biệt.} +{240}{}{Gì nữa không?} +{241}{}{Cám ơn, tôi muốn hỏi thêm một câu.} +{242}{}{Không. Chào.} +{243}{}{Mày muốn bán "bạn" nào?} +{244}{}{Ờ, thôi quên đi.} +{245}{}{Hay đấy. Tao sẽ trả mày } +{246}{}{ xu.} +{247}{}{Bán!} +{248}{}{Không, cám ơn.} +{249}{}{Tôi muốn nhiều hơn thế!} +{250}{}{Được rồi, tao sẽ trả mày } +{251}{}{ nhưng không hơn nữa đâu!} +{252}{}{Bán!} +{253}{}{Chưa đủ.} +{254}{}{Thế thì ít quá. Tôi đi đây.} +{255}{}{Mày muốn làm gì với Vic? Lão ta giờ là tài sản của ta rồi. Ai bảo đi chọc vào tao.} +{256}{}{Tôi muốn mua ông ta.} +{257}{}{Sao ông lại giữ ông ta ở đây?} +{258}{}{Không có gì. Thôi quên đi.} +{259}{}{Lão ta vẫn chưa được bán đâu.} +{260}{}{Sao lại chưa?} +{261}{}{Ồ, okay.} +{262}{}{Lão ta có giá 2000$.} +{263}{}{Tiền của ông đây.} +{264}{}{Nhiều thế. Để sau đi.} +{265}{}{Giá 1000$.} +{266}{}{Tiền của ông đây.} +{267}{}{Don't have that much yet. Bye.} +{268}{}{Our radio is broken and he's in charge of fixing it.} +{269}{}{Hiểu rồi.} +{270}{}{You haven't got the money!} +{271}{}{Too bad for me. Can I ask you a question?} +{272}{}{Sorry, I'll come back.} +{307}{}{How dare you return after abandoning your brothers during a Slave Run! Guards! Attack!} +{308}{}{[xong]} +{309}{}{Excellent! It may take a few days for you to travel there and back. Are you ready to leave now?} +{310}{}{No. I'll come back.} +{311}{}{Yes, I'm ready. Let's go.} +{312}{}{Ah, you are back from the Slave run. Let's see how you did...} +{313}{}{[more]} +{314}{}{[more]} +{315}{}{You killed potential slaves! A dead man brings us no income! Only kill the ones that are a threat, + the others are of no threat.} +{316}{}{[more]} +{317}{}{You returned no slaves at all! What the hell is wrong with you? We're trying to make money here, + not lose it.} +{318}{}{[more]} +{319}{}{Overall, you did well this Run. Keep up the good work and I might keep you around a while.} +{320}{}{Thank you. I will.} +{321}{}{I don't know if I like this too much.} +{322}{}{You need to improve your enslavement technique.} +{323}{}{Tôi sẽ thử.} +{324}{}{I apologize for my poor performance.} +{325}{}{I think I'm good enough.} +{326}{}{Damn it! You did terribly in this Run. Are you trying to ruin me? Be more careful next time. + You don't need to kill them all! Just kill off the hostile ones. Leave the unarmed ones for collection.} +{327}{}{I'm sorry, Metzger.} +{328}{}{Hey, it's tough work to be a Slaver!} +{329}{}{I'd like to see you do better.} +{330}{}{I'd like to go on a slave run.} +{331}{}{Damn it! I hate losing any guild member on a Run. Try to watch each other's back!} +{332}{}{Overall, you did well this Run. Here is $} +{333}{}{ as an incentive for you to keep up the good work.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/mcmiria.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/mcmiria.msg index 5cbb948637..4eb8e53161 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/mcmiria.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/dialog_female/mcmiria.msg @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ this subject. [You don't even see it coming. But you're sure the red hand print on your face will disappear someday.]} {250}{}{Help, Daddy! Get him away!} -{251}{}{Get away!} +{251}{}{Biến đi!} {260}{}{Help, Daddy! Get her away!} {270}{}{Help! Get him away!} {280}{}{Help! Get her away!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/game/cmbatai2.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/game/cmbatai2.msg index 0599af9b97..c2f00b9147 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/game/cmbatai2.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/game/cmbatai2.msg @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ {2000}{}{Mercy!} {2001}{}{Somebody help me!} {2002}{}{Please stop!} -{2003}{}{Help!} +{2003}{}{Cứu với!} {2004}{}{Aaaaahhhh!} {2005}{}{Mercy!} {2020}{}{Hmm, uh, stop!} @@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ {3165}{}{Too slow!} {3166}{}{OK, let's try that at full speed now.} {3167}{}{Were you actually aiming at me?} -{3168}{}{What was that?} +{3168}{}{Cái gì đấy?} {3169}{}{This is not a charade.} {3170}{}{Combat requires total concentration.} {3171}{}{Shame that your first time is gonna' be your last too.} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/game/combatai.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/game/combatai.msg index bc8bb8fb5a..4a5f3ef69c 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/game/combatai.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/game/combatai.msg @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ {1108}{}{Do smathed by teef out!} {1109}{}{Hey, I part my hair on the *other* side.} {1110}{}{Hah, at least you didn't hit anything important.} -{1111}{}{Oooh, my head.} +{1111}{}{Ồ ôi, cái đầu tôi.} {1112}{}{I feel kinda dizzy.} {1113}{}{Aggghhh! My arm!} {1114}{}{My arm!} @@ -693,7 +693,7 @@ {2000}{}{Mercy!} {2001}{}{Somebody help me!} {2002}{}{Please stop!} -{2003}{}{Help!} +{2003}{}{Cứu với!} {2004}{}{Aaaaahhhh!} {2005}{}{Mercy!} {2006}{}{Somebody help meeeee!} @@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@ {3165}{}{Too slow!} {3166}{}{OK, let's try that at full speed now.} {3167}{}{Were you actually aiming at me?} -{3168}{}{What was that?} +{3168}{}{Cái gì đấy?} {3169}{}{This is not a charade.} {3170}{}{Combat requires total concentration.} {3171}{}{Shame that your first time is gonna be your last too.} @@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ {14049}{}{Leave the earthman to me! Always wanted to say that.} {14060}{}{Hah, you clumsy biped!} {14061}{}{Off balance again!} -{14062}{}{What was that?} +{14062}{}{Cái gì đấy?} {14063}{}{This is not a charade!} {14064}{}{What? You again?} {14065}{}{Were you really trying? How sad.} @@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ {41369}{}{Swing, batta, batta. Swing!} {41370}{}{This old ghoul's more spry than you bargained for huh?} {41371}{}{You sure *talk* tough.} -{41372}{}{What was that?} +{41372}{}{Cái gì đấy?} {41373}{}{Dis is not a chawade.} {41374}{}{Dis wequires toto concentwation.} {41375}{}{You can do better than *that*.} @@ -3037,7 +3037,7 @@ {41671}{}{My knee!} {41672}{}{My ankle!} {41673}{}{My calf!} -{41674}{}{Shit!} +{41674}{}{Cứt thật!} {41675}{}{Mẹ kiếp!} {41676}{}{That's gonna scar.} {41677}{}{Ow!} diff --git a/data/text/vietnamese/game/proto.msg b/data/text/vietnamese/game/proto.msg index d6d452f031..3b033ceb81 100644 --- a/data/text/vietnamese/game/proto.msg +++ b/data/text/vietnamese/game/proto.msg @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ {490}{}{You see: %s.} {491}{}{You see a dead: %s.} {492}{}{You see the remains of: %s.} -{493}{}{You see nothing out of the ordinary.} +{493}{}{Bạn không thấy có gì đặc biệt.} {500}{}{Dead} {501}{}{Almost Dead} {502}{}{Severely Wounded} diff --git a/extra/inno/ini_qol.iss b/extra/inno/ini_qol.iss index 5c97c0bb0b..1cecc60531 100644 --- a/extra/inno/ini_qol.iss +++ b/extra/inno/ini_qol.iss @@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Interface"; Key: "WorldMapTerrainInfo"; S FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "DisplayBonusDamage"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "DisplayKarmaChanges"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "DontTurnOffSneakIfYouRun"; String: "1"; Components: qol; -FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "PartyMemberNonRandomLevelUp"; String: "1"; Components: qol; +FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "ItemCounterAutoCaps"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "NumbersInDialogue"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "PartyMemberExtraInfo"; String: "1"; Components: qol; +FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "PartyMemberNonRandomLevelUp"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "PlayIdleAnimOnReload"; String: "1"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "SpeedInventoryPCRotation"; String: "800"; Components: qol; FileName: "{app}\ddraw.ini"; Section: "Misc"; Key: "SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims"; String: "2"; Components: qol; diff --git a/scripts_src/brokhill/hcmarcus.ssl b/scripts_src/brokhill/hcmarcus.ssl index 05669b67c8..9b97bbabbe 100644 --- a/scripts_src/brokhill/hcmarcus.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/brokhill/hcmarcus.ssl @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ #include "../headers/define.h" #include "../headers/broken.h" #include "../headers/broken1.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #define NAME SCRIPT_HCMARCUS #define TOWN_REP_VAR (GVAR_TOWN_REP_BROKEN_HILLS) @@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ procedure description_p_proc; procedure use_skill_on_p_proc; procedure use_obj_on_p_proc; procedure damage_p_proc; -procedure map_update_p_proc; procedure map_enter_p_proc; procedure timed_event_p_proc; procedure combat; @@ -273,7 +271,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin if (Marcus_In_Party) then begin Perform_Critter_Float := 1; - add_timer_event( self_obj, game_ticks( random(40, 50) ), 1); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(40, 50), 1); end else begin Perform_Critter_Float := 0; @@ -287,15 +285,11 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin end end -procedure map_update_p_proc begin -end - procedure push_p_proc begin call Node2001; end procedure timed_event_p_proc begin - variable count; // 1 - Standard Floats if( fixed_param == 1 ) then begin if( ( not( combat_is_initialized ) ) and @@ -323,35 +317,35 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin call Node2015; end end - add_timer_event( self_obj, game_ticks( random(100, 125) ), 1); //edit by killap - was (40,50) + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 1); //edit by killap - was (40,50) end else if ( fixed_param == 2 ) then begin if (series == 1) then begin - series := 2; - floater(40001); - add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(5),2); + series := 2; + floater(40001); + add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(5),2); end else if (series == 2) then begin - series := 3; - float_msg(Chad_Ptr, mstr(40002), FLOAT_MSG_NORMAL); - add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(3),2); + series := 3; + float_msg(Chad_Ptr, mstr(40002), FLOAT_MSG_NORMAL); + add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(3),2); end else if (series == 3) then begin - series := 0; - gfade_out(600); - game_ui_enable; - move_to(self_obj, 18284, 0 ); - move_to(dude_obj, 18287, 0 ); - reg_anim_clear( self_obj ); - self_rotate(3); - //anim(self_obj, ANIMATE_ROTATION, 0 ); - call Put_Chad_In_Jail; - gfade_in(600); - floater(40000); - display_msg(mstr(40003)); - give_xp(1500); - inc_general_rep(5); - inc_global_var_amt(GVAR_TOWN_REP_BROKEN_HILLS,5); + series := 0; + gfade_out(600); + game_ui_enable; + move_to(self_obj, 18284, 0 ); + move_to(dude_obj, 18287, 0 ); + reg_anim_clear( self_obj ); + self_rotate(3); + //anim(self_obj, ANIMATE_ROTATION, 0 ); + call Put_Chad_In_Jail; + gfade_in(600); + floater(40000); + display_msg(mstr(40003)); + give_xp(1500); + inc_general_rep(5); + inc_global_var_amt(GVAR_TOWN_REP_BROKEN_HILLS,5); end - end - //end added + end + //end added end /* Every heartbeat that the critter gets, this procedure will be called. Anything from @@ -414,7 +408,6 @@ end written by designers are placed in here. Additionally, Reactions are generated and stored which affects player interactions. */ procedure talk_p_proc begin - Evil_Critter:=0; Slavery_Tolerant:=SLAVE_INTOLERANT; Karma_Perception:=KARMA_PERCEPTION3; diff --git a/scripts_src/den/dcmetzge.ssl b/scripts_src/den/dcmetzge.ssl index 81146a4231..a47ead7ccb 100644 --- a/scripts_src/den/dcmetzge.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/den/dcmetzge.ssl @@ -858,7 +858,7 @@ procedure Node042 begin end procedure Node043 begin Reply(600); - BOption(601, Node998, 004); + BOption(601, Node998, 001); BOption(602, Node998, 004); prev_node := 30; end diff --git a/scripts_src/den/dcvic.ssl b/scripts_src/den/dcvic.ssl index 86bebabf4b..a4f4ab5d96 100644 --- a/scripts_src/den/dcvic.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/den/dcvic.ssl @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ #include "../headers/command.h" #include "../headers/modreact.h" #include "../headers/den.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap /* Standard Script Procedures */ procedure start; @@ -216,7 +215,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin end end end - flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(45, 90), timed_event_float); //edit by killap - was (15,30) + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), timed_event_float); //edit by killap - was (15,30) end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_ENSURE_ANIM) then begin if not anim_busy(self_obj) then begin @@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin end end end - add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(1), TIMER_ENSURE_ANIM); + add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(1), TIMER_ENSURE_ANIM); end end diff --git a/scripts_src/epa/epac10.ssl b/scripts_src/epa/epac10.ssl index c7d88ecf23..616adc8197 100644 --- a/scripts_src/epa/epac10.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/epa/epac10.ssl @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ #include "../headers/command.h" #include "../headers/modreact.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" #include "../headers/epasl.h" #define PARTY_NODE_X Node1000 @@ -308,23 +307,23 @@ procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin end if (Dex_In_Party) then begin - if ( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_FIRST_AID_KIT) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_DOCTORS_BAG) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_RADAWAY) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ANTIDOTE) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_STIMPAK) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_SUPER_STIMPAK) ) then - call Node2009; - else if( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BEER ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BOOZE ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROT_GUT ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROENTGEN_RUM ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_GAMMA_GULP_BEER ) or - ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_PSYCHO ) or - ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BUFFOUT ) or - ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_MENTATS ) or - ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_JET ) ) then - call Node2003; + if ( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_FIRST_AID_KIT) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_DOCTORS_BAG) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_RADAWAY) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ANTIDOTE) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_STIMPAK) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_SUPER_STIMPAK) ) then + call Node2009; + else if( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BEER ) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BOOZE ) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROT_GUT ) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROENTGEN_RUM ) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_GAMMA_GULP_BEER ) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_PSYCHO) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BUFFOUT) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_MENTATS) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_JET) ) then + call Node2003; end end @@ -478,47 +477,46 @@ procedure Node902 begin end procedure timed_event_p_proc begin - if (self_visible) then begin - if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin - if (Dex_In_Party == false) then begin - //blah - end else begin - if (party_healed_bad) then begin - call Node2001; - end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin - call Node2006; - end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin - call Node2002; - end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin - call Node2007; - end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin - call Node2008; - end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2100; - end else if ( (Vic_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2101; - end else if ( (Miria_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2102; - end else if ( (Davin_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2103; - end else if ( (MacRae_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2104; - end else if ( (Lenny_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2105; - end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2106; - end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2107; - end else if ( (Goris_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node2108; + if (self_visible) then begin + if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin + if (Dex_In_Party == false) then begin + //blah end else begin - call Node2000; + if (party_healed_bad) then begin + call Node2001; + end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin + call Node2006; + end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin + call Node2002; + end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin + call Node2007; + end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin + call Node2008; + end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2100; + end else if ( (Vic_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2101; + end else if ( (Miria_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2102; + end else if ( (Davin_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2103; + end else if ( (MacRae_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2104; + end else if ( (Lenny_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2105; + end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2106; + end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2107; + end else if ( (Goris_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node2108; + end else begin + call Node2000; + end end end end - end - - flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(90, 120), 1); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 1); end procedure Node000 begin diff --git a/scripts_src/epa/epac11.ssl b/scripts_src/epa/epac11.ssl index e165ea73ba..ffd2218088 100644 --- a/scripts_src/epa/epac11.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/epa/epac11.ssl @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "epac11" #include "../headers/define.h" #include "../headers/epamain.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #include "../headers/epasl.h" #define NAME SCRIPT_EPAC11 //Script name from scripts.h @@ -158,8 +157,7 @@ procedure description_p_proc begin display_msg(mstr(101)); end -procedure use_skill_on_p_proc -begin +procedure use_skill_on_p_proc begin end procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin @@ -171,8 +169,7 @@ procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin end -procedure damage_p_proc -begin +procedure damage_p_proc begin end procedure map_enter_p_proc begin @@ -583,34 +580,34 @@ procedure Node5004 begin end procedure timed_event_p_proc begin - if (self_visible) then begin - if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin - if (Cat_Jules_In_Party == false) then begin - //blah - end else begin - if (party_healed_bad) then begin - call Node5000; - end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin - call Node5001; - end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin - call Node5002; - end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin - call Node5003; - end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin - call Node5004; - end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3000; - end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3001; - end else if ( (Lenny_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3002; - end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3003; + if (self_visible) then begin + if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin + if (Cat_Jules_In_Party == false) then begin + //blah end else begin - call Node3500; + if (party_healed_bad) then begin + call Node5000; + end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin + call Node5001; + end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin + call Node5002; + end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin + call Node5003; + end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin + call Node5004; + end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3000; + end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3001; + end else if ( (Lenny_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3002; + end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3003; + end else begin + call Node3500; + end end end end - end - flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(90, 120), 1); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 1); end diff --git a/scripts_src/epa/epac12.ssl b/scripts_src/epa/epac12.ssl index a1b85520bb..3c977fe519 100644 --- a/scripts_src/epa/epac12.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/epa/epac12.ssl @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "epac12" #include "../headers/define.h" #include "../headers/epamain.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #include "../headers/epasl.h" #define NAME SCRIPT_EPAC12 //Script name from scripts.h @@ -306,8 +305,7 @@ procedure description_p_proc begin display_msg(mstr(random(102,104))); end -procedure use_skill_on_p_proc -begin +procedure use_skill_on_p_proc begin end procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin @@ -318,33 +316,32 @@ procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin end if (Kitsune_In_Party) then begin - if ( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_FIRST_AID_KIT) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_DOCTORS_BAG) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_RADAWAY) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ANTIDOTE) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_STIMPAK) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_SUPER_STIMPAK) ) then - call Node4000; - else if( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BEER ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BOOZE ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROT_GUT ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROENTGEN_RUM ) or - (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_GAMMA_GULP_BEER ) ) then - call Node4001; - else if ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_PSYCHO ) then - call Node4002; - else if ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BUFFOUT ) then - call Node4003; - else if ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_MENTATS ) then - call Node4004; - else if ( obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_JET ) then - call Node4005; + if ( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_FIRST_AID_KIT) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_DOCTORS_BAG) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_RADAWAY) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ANTIDOTE) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_STIMPAK) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_SUPER_STIMPAK) ) then + call Node4000; + else if( (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BEER) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BOOZE) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROT_GUT) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_ROENTGEN_RUM) or + (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_GAMMA_GULP_BEER) ) then + call Node4001; + else if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_PSYCHO) then + call Node4002; + else if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_BUFFOUT) then + call Node4003; + else if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_MENTATS) then + call Node4004; + else if (obj_pid(obj_being_used_with) == PID_JET) then + call Node4005; end end -procedure damage_p_proc -begin +procedure damage_p_proc begin end procedure map_enter_p_proc begin @@ -394,14 +391,14 @@ procedure kill_p_proc begin end procedure talk_p_proc begin - if (local_var(LVAR_Herebefore) == 0) then begin + if (local_var(LVAR_Herebefore) == 0) then begin set_local_var(LVAR_Herebefore,1); start_gdialog(NAME,self_obj,4,-1,-1); gSay_Start; call Node001; gSay_End; end_dialogue; - end else begin + end else begin if ((Kitsune_In_Party) or (party_is_waiting)) then begin start_gdialog(NAME,self_obj,4,-1,-1); gSay_Start; @@ -415,15 +412,15 @@ procedure talk_p_proc begin gSay_End; end_dialogue; end - end + end - if (Delete_Self == 1) then - destroy_object(self_obj); + if (Delete_Self == 1) then + destroy_object(self_obj); - if (local_var(LVAR_Kill_NPC) == 1) then begin + if (local_var(LVAR_Kill_NPC) == 1) then begin set_self_visible; //visi call kill_p_proc; - end + end end procedure Node001 begin @@ -434,8 +431,8 @@ end procedure Node002 begin if (map_var(MVAR_Kitsune_Free) == 2) then begin Reply(5000); - NOption(5001,Node999,004); - set_local_var(LVAR_Kill_NPC,1); + NOption(5001,Node999,004); + set_local_var(LVAR_Kill_NPC,1); destroy_object(tile_contains_pid_obj(KITSUNE_HIB_HEX,dude_elevation,33556339)); chamber:=create_object(33556343,KITSUNE_HIB_HEX,dude_elevation); end else begin @@ -936,38 +933,38 @@ procedure Node999 begin end procedure timed_event_p_proc begin - if (self_visible) then begin - if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin - if (Kitsune_In_Party == false) then begin - //blah - end else begin - if (party_healed_bad) then begin - call Node5000; - end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin - call Node5001; - end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin - call Node5002; - end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin - call Node5003; - end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin - call Node5004; - end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3001; - end else if ( (Vic_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3002; - end else if ( (Miria_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3003; - end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3004; - end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin - call Node3005; + if (self_visible) then begin + if (combat_is_initialized == false) then begin + if (Kitsune_In_Party == false) then begin + //blah end else begin - call Node3000; + if (party_healed_bad) then begin + call Node5000; + end else if (self_is_poisoned) then begin + call Node5001; + end else if (self_rads > 0) then begin + call Node5002; + end else if (Is_Crippled(self_obj)) then begin + call Node5003; + end else if (Is_Blind(self_obj)) then begin + call Node5004; + end else if ( (Sulik_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3001; + end else if ( (Vic_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3002; + end else if ( (Miria_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3003; + end else if ( (Myron_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3004; + end else if ( (Marcus_In_Party) and (random(1,2) == 2) ) then begin + call Node3005; + end else begin + call Node3000; + end end end end - end - flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(90, 120), 1); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 1); end procedure Node2000 begin diff --git a/scripts_src/gecko/gclenny.ssl b/scripts_src/gecko/gclenny.ssl index 538535b8aa..1fab586c3b 100644 --- a/scripts_src/gecko/gclenny.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/gecko/gclenny.ssl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "gclenny" #include "../headers/define.h" #include "../headers/gecko.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #include "../headers/rpu.h" #define NAME SCRIPT_GCLENNY @@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin end //added by killap - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); end procedure map_update_p_proc begin @@ -275,7 +274,6 @@ procedure map_update_p_proc begin end end end - end //added by killap - expansion @@ -333,6 +331,10 @@ procedure critter_p_proc begin call Node071; ndebug("Childkiller"); end + //else if (has_rep_berserker) then begin + // call Node072; + // ndebug("Berserker"); + //end else if (has_rep_slaver) then begin call Node073; ndebug("Slaver"); @@ -611,6 +613,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin floater(5002); end end + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 900); end end //end added diff --git a/scripts_src/klamath/kcsulik.ssl b/scripts_src/klamath/kcsulik.ssl index edd5a7ed5f..195517e6e9 100644 --- a/scripts_src/klamath/kcsulik.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/klamath/kcsulik.ssl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #include "../headers/define.h" #include "../headers/klamath.h" #include "../headers/kladwtn.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #define NAME SCRIPT_KCSULIK #define TOWN_REP_VAR GVAR_TOWN_REP_KLAMATH @@ -264,14 +263,12 @@ end set up the Team number and AI packet for this critter. This will override the default from the prototype, and needs to be set in scripts. */ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin - - if ( (cur_town == AREA_PRIMITIVE_TRIBE) and not (Sulik_In_Party) and not (party_is_waiting) and (local_var(LVAR_At_Tribe) > 0) ) then begin - add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(random(15,25)),1); - end else begin - + if ( (cur_town == AREA_PRIMITIVE_TRIBE) and not (Sulik_In_Party) and not (party_is_waiting) and (local_var(LVAR_At_Tribe) > 0) ) then begin + add_timer_event(self_obj,game_ticks(random(15,25)),1); + end else begin party_member_map_enter; if (Sulik_In_Party) then begin - //do nothing + //do nothing end else begin Only_Once:=0; @@ -279,10 +276,10 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin //NEVER SET AI FOR NPCs //critter_add_trait(self_obj,TRAIT_OBJECT,OBJECT_AI_PACKET,AI_PARTY_SULIK_DEFENSIVE); end - end + end - //added by killap - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + //added by killap + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); end procedure map_update_p_proc begin @@ -313,7 +310,6 @@ procedure map_update_p_proc begin end end end - end //added by killap - RP @@ -1453,7 +1449,6 @@ procedure Node054 begin NLowOption(926,Node003); NLowOption(927,Node999); //end added - end procedure Node055 begin @@ -2073,7 +2068,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin floater(3502); end end - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(50, 80), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 900); //end added end else if (fixed_param == 1) then begin if Sulik_In_Party then begin diff --git a/scripts_src/main/nhmyron.ssl b/scripts_src/main/nhmyron.ssl index 46bbb10b56..c636e59d56 100644 --- a/scripts_src/main/nhmyron.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/main/nhmyron.ssl @@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ #include "../headers/command.h" #include "../headers/newreno.h" #include "../headers/partybkg.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap /* Standard Script Procedures */ procedure start; @@ -458,7 +457,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin end end end - nr_add_timer_event_rand(self_obj, 80, 120, float_param); //edit by killap - was (25,45) + nr_add_timer_event_rand(self_obj, 60, 90, float_param); //edit by killap - was (25,45) end procedure map_update_p_proc begin diff --git a/scripts_src/main/obj_dude.ssl b/scripts_src/main/obj_dude.ssl index b73d591c1f..6428ac0eef 100644 --- a/scripts_src/main/obj_dude.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/main/obj_dude.ssl @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ #include "../headers/command.h" #include "../headers/newreno.h" #include "../headers/v13.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #include "../sfall/sfall.h" #define LVAR_Last_Digest_Time (0) diff --git a/scripts_src/maps/navarro.ssl b/scripts_src/maps/navarro.ssl index cbbf3c9406..9e6038e1d1 100644 --- a/scripts_src/maps/navarro.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/maps/navarro.ssl @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ procedure start; procedure map_enter_p_proc; +procedure timed_event_p_proc; procedure map_update_p_proc; export variable quincy_ptr; @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin if (global_var(GVAR_CAME_ON_VERTIBIRD) == 1) then begin game_ui_disable; override_map_start_hex( 19519, 2, 0 ); + add_timer_event(self_obj, 5, 0); end if ( (map_first_run) and (global_var(GVAR_LOAD_MAP_INDEX) != 10) ) then begin @@ -108,6 +110,17 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin set_global_var(GVAR_LOAD_MAP_INDEX,0); end +procedure timed_event_p_proc begin + if (fixed_param == 0) then begin + if (guard1_obj == 0 or guard2_obj == 0 or guard3_obj == 0) then begin + ndebug("Vertibird fail-safe for missing guards"); + game_ui_enable; + set_global_var(GVAR_CAME_ON_VERTIBIRD, 3); + set_global_var(GVAR_NAVARRO_BASE_ALERT, 1); + end + end +end + procedure map_update_p_proc begin if ( (map_var(MVAR_Xarn_In_Party) == 1) and (elevation(xarn_ptr) != dude_elevation) ) then begin levtile:=tile_num_in_direction(dude_tile,random(0,5),1); diff --git a/scripts_src/modoc/mcdavin.ssl b/scripts_src/modoc/mcdavin.ssl index 0f81958960..bebe7a7a68 100644 --- a/scripts_src/modoc/mcdavin.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/modoc/mcdavin.ssl @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "mcdavin" #include "../headers/define.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #define NAME SCRIPT_MCDAVIN #define TOWN_REP_VAR GVAR_TOWN_REP_MODOC @@ -128,7 +127,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin floater(2002); end end - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 900); //end added by killap end else if (fixed_param == param_clear_float) then begin float_msg(self_obj, " ", FLOAT_COLOR_NORMAL); @@ -163,7 +162,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin end //added by killap - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); end procedure map_update_p_proc begin diff --git a/scripts_src/modoc/mcmiria.ssl b/scripts_src/modoc/mcmiria.ssl index c80c8854a3..9dfac0f224 100644 --- a/scripts_src/modoc/mcmiria.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/modoc/mcmiria.ssl @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "mcmiria" #include "../headers/define.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #define NAME SCRIPT_MCMIRIA #define TOWN_REP_VAR GVAR_TOWN_REP_MODOC @@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin floater(2002); end end - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 900); //end added by killap end else if (fixed_param == param_clear_float) then begin float_msg(self_obj, " ", FLOAT_COLOR_NORMAL); @@ -217,7 +216,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin end //added by killap - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); end procedure critter_p_proc begin diff --git a/scripts_src/navarro/ccgrdpa.ssl b/scripts_src/navarro/ccgrdpa.ssl index 406eb7eda4..016f753459 100644 --- a/scripts_src/navarro/ccgrdpa.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/navarro/ccgrdpa.ssl @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ variable i_am_a_warrior:=1; import variable guard1_obj; //added by killap - expansion import variable guard2_obj; //added by killap - expansion import variable guard3_obj; //added by killap - expansion +import variable commander_ptr; //added by killap - expansion procedure start begin end @@ -356,7 +357,8 @@ end procedure Node015 begin Reply(400 + not_alone); NOption(402,Node998,004); - NOption(403,Node016,004); + if (commander_ptr != 0) then + NOption(403,Node016,004); end procedure Node016 begin diff --git a/scripts_src/newreno/nckitty.ssl b/scripts_src/newreno/nckitty.ssl index ef47849419..269675f57d 100644 --- a/scripts_src/newreno/nckitty.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/newreno/nckitty.ssl @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ #include "../headers/command.h" #include "../headers/newreno.h" #include "../headers/modreact.h" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap /* Standard Script Procedures */ procedure start; diff --git a/scripts_src/valtcity/vccasidy.ssl b/scripts_src/valtcity/vccasidy.ssl index d6ccef7a79..7a0779dd02 100644 --- a/scripts_src/valtcity/vccasidy.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/valtcity/vccasidy.ssl @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ #define SCRIPT_REALNAME "vccasidy" #include "../headers/define.h" //#include "../headers/" -#include "../headers/newr1.h" //added by killap #define NAME SCRIPT_VCCASIDY #define TOWN_REP_VAR (GVAR_TOWN_REP_VAULT_CITY) @@ -217,8 +216,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin set_self_team(TEAM_SLAVES); //critter_add_trait(self_obj,TRAIT_OBJECT,OBJECT_AI_PACKET,AI_TOUGH_CITIZEN); - //rm_timer_event( self_obj ); - comment out by killap - add_timer_event( self_obj, game_ticks( random(40, 50) ), 1); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(40, 50), 1); end procedure map_update_p_proc begin @@ -279,7 +277,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin call Node2019; end end - add_timer_event( self_obj, game_ticks( random(100, 125) ), 1); //edit by killap - was (40,50) + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 1); //edit by killap - was (40,50) end else if( fixed_param == 2 ) then begin kill_critter( self_obj, ANIM_fall_front ); diff --git a/scripts_src/valtcity/vcconnar.ssl b/scripts_src/valtcity/vcconnar.ssl index 594ec211c5..2097b60962 100644 --- a/scripts_src/valtcity/vcconnar.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/valtcity/vcconnar.ssl @@ -148,8 +148,6 @@ procedure Node994; /* Local variables which do not need to be saved between map changes. */ -variable Only_Once:=0; - procedure start begin end @@ -157,32 +155,33 @@ end /* This procedure will get called each time that the map is first entered. It will set up the Team number and AI packet for this critter. This will override the default from the prototype, and needs to be set in scripts. */ -/*procedure map_enter_p_proc begin - Only_Once:=0; - set_self_team(TEAM_VAULT_VILLAGERS); - set_self_ai(AI_COWARD); -end*/ - procedure map_enter_p_proc begin - Only_Once := 0; + if is_loading_game then return; + + /* + TODO: this is a temporary workaround for a ghost object in .map file. + It should be removed once the map file is fixed. + See https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project/issues/314, https://github.com/BGforgeNet/Fallout2_Restoration_Project/pull/260. + */ + if not self_obj then return; + /* end todo */ + set_self_team(TEAM_VAULT_VILLAGERS); - if (is_loading_game == false) then begin - if ( (global_var(GVAR_VAULT_SERVANT) == SERVANT_FINISHED_VIOLENT) or (((game_time - global_var(GVAR_SERVANT_RAID_DATE)) >= ONE_GAME_MONTH) and (((global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) < VILLAGE_QUEST_DELIVERED_GUNS) and (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) > 0)) or (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_SERVANT) > 0) and (global_var(GVAR_VAULT_SERVANT) != SERVANT_FINISHED_DIPLOMATIC) and (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) < VILLAGE_QUEST_DELIVERED_GUNS))) ) then begin - if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULT_VILLAGE) then begin - destroy_object(self_obj); - end - else if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULTCITY_DOWNTOWN) then begin - set_self_visible; // go vis - critter_attempt_placement(self_obj, 13705, 0); - set_self_ai(AI_TOUGH_CITIZEN); - add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(50), 1); - end - end else begin - if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULTCITY_DOWNTOWN) then begin - set_self_invisible; // go invis - end - critter_attempt_placement(self_obj, 23707, dude_elevation); + if ( (global_var(GVAR_VAULT_SERVANT) == SERVANT_FINISHED_VIOLENT) or (((game_time - global_var(GVAR_SERVANT_RAID_DATE)) >= ONE_GAME_MONTH) and (((global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) < VILLAGE_QUEST_DELIVERED_GUNS) and (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) > 0)) or (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_SERVANT) > 0) and (global_var(GVAR_VAULT_SERVANT) != SERVANT_FINISHED_DIPLOMATIC) and (global_var(GVAR_QUEST_VAULT_VILLAGE) < VILLAGE_QUEST_DELIVERED_GUNS))) ) then begin + if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULT_VILLAGE) then begin + destroy_object(self_obj); + end + else if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULTCITY_DOWNTOWN) then begin + set_self_visible; + critter_attempt_placement(self_obj, 13705, 0); + set_self_ai(AI_TOUGH_CITIZEN); + add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(50), 1); + end + end else begin + if (cur_map_index == MAP_VAULTCITY_DOWNTOWN) then begin + set_self_invisible; end + critter_attempt_placement(self_obj, 24911, dude_elevation); end end diff --git a/scripts_src/vault13/ocgoris.ssl b/scripts_src/vault13/ocgoris.ssl index 247cebf168..2a97350a4f 100644 --- a/scripts_src/vault13/ocgoris.ssl +++ b/scripts_src/vault13/ocgoris.ssl @@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ procedure timed_event_p_proc begin floater(2002); end end - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(50, 80), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(60, 90), 900); //end added by killap end else if (fixed_param == TIMER_DESTROY) then begin if (not obj_on_screen(self_obj)) then @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ procedure map_enter_p_proc begin // critter_add_trait(self_obj,TRAIT_OBJECT,OBJECT_AI_PACKET,AI_VAULT_DEATHCLAW); //added by killap - add_timer_event(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); + flush_add_timer_event_sec(self_obj, random(25, 40), 900); end