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Gameplay and rules

Changes to various rules, combat options, etc.

Fair fights

A few opponents in the game basically cheat, or just have unrealistic stats. Sometimes it's to prevent you from breaking the plot, sometimes not. Anyway, if you know what you're doing - why not? This component will allow you to fight them fair and square. Currently affects:

Just a few selected enemies

  • Arkanis Gath, the Renal's guard (now you can fight him)
  • Borda, the magic merchant cheat in BG1 (100% magic resistance - removed)
  • Laskal, the Cloakwood shadow druid (innocent no longer, since he attacks first)
  • Kahrk, the mightiest ogre mage (permanent spell turning removed)
  • Malchor Harpell, the Drizzt's friend that imprisons the whole party without a chance of escaping (now you can fight him)
  • Phandalyn, the fanatic paladin in Baldur's Gate (innocent no longer, since he attacks first)
  • Shandalar, the Ulgoth's Beard archmage (90% all resistances removed, innocent no longer)
  • Winski Perorate in the labyrinth (innocent no longer, since he's not)

If you do break the plot by killing a critical NPC - that's on you. You've been warned.

Also remove undroppable items granting unfair advantages from ALL enemies

In addition to the above list, many creatures in the game are wearing items that grant them various protections and buffs such as Globe of Minor Invulnerability, sometimes even undispellable (Kahrk being one example, but there's more).

Presumably, the developers' intention was to compensate for the lacking AI. However, nowadays there are many AI-enhancing mods, such as SCS (which lets enemies pre-buff, too). With powerful AI, having extra free protections seems unjustified and plain unfair. This removes all such items from all creatures.

This is a power user component as it hasn't been thouroughly tested. You've been warned.

No XP farming

Disables the possibility of XP farming in the most tempting spots in BG1:

  • wyvern cave
  • golem cave
  • ankheg cave
  • skeleton warrior trap in Durlag's tower

Use if you can't resist yourself.

Can't steal Carsomyr

You really think that you can steal an enormous greatsword from an ancient red dragon? Come on, Bilbo, get real.

True True Grandmastery

It's well known that Grandmastery was nerfed in BG2 by Bioware for "balance". And there's a mod by W. Weimer that restores it to the original, unnerfed condition, much to the joy of many a fighter. And there's an option to open Grandmastery to multiclass characters, as well.

However, not every fighter is supposed to be able to become a Grand Master. Certainly not multiclass, and not even kits. It should be available only to a single class, true class Fighter. That is his one edge over the kitted ones. And it's been taken away from him. (Although, pretty much all true classes in BG2 share the same fate - they are overshadowed by their kits.)

This component does the following changes:

  • Only true class Fighters get Grand Mastery. (Specifically, Archers are also limited to 2 pips.)
  • Grand Mastery grants one extra attack over Specialist (the "unnerfed" version).

This version does not proclaim to be "better", "more balanced", or "more PnP" than other GM mods. It's just different, and I think it's more "fair" to the good old fighters.

Sensible multiclass restrictions

Somehow certain classes are available to some races, but multiclasses with the same classes are not. For example, a halfling can be a cleric and a thief, but not cleric/thief. This was likely done for "balance" purposes. I don't know if it's the same in PnP, and if it is, how it's explained there, but it strikes me as odd.

The component will allow any race take any multiclass combination, provided that the race has access to all classes in the combination.