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['Course Dept Course # - Course Name <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 61B - Data Structures <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 70 - Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 188 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 194-16 - Introduction to Data Science <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 186 - Introduction to Database Systems <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 189 - Introduction to Machine Learning <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 61A - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs <Foundational>', 'Electrical Engineering (EL ENG) 144 - Fundamental Algorithms for Systems Modeling, Analysis, and Optimization <Foundational>', 'Electrical Engineering (EL ENG) 126 - Probability and Random Processes <Foundational>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 180A - Computational Engineering Science Modeling and Simulation I/II <Foundational>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 170 - Introduction to Modeling and Simulation <Foundational>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 115 - Databases <Foundational>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 131 - Discrete Event Simulation <Foundational>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 54 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations <Foundational>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 170 - Mathematical Methods for Optimization <Foundational>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 128A - Numerical Analysis <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 133 - Concepts of Computing with Data <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 134 - Concepts of Probability <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 135 - Concepts of Statistics <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 89A - Introduction to Matrices and Graphs in Data Science <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 131A - Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Life Scientists <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 154 - Modern Statistical Prediction and Machine Learning <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 88 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics in Data Science <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 159 - Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 152 - Sampling Surveys <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 158 - The Design and Analysis of Experiments <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 153 - Time Series <Foundational>', 'Statistics (STAT) 20 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics <Foundational>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) C8 - Foundations of Data Science <Foundational>']
['Bioengineering (BIO ENG) 143 - Computational Methods in Biology <Applied>', 'Bioengineering (BIO ENG) 131 - Introduction to Computational Molecular and Cell Biology <Applied>', 'Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) 88B - Data Sciences in Ecology and the Environment <Applied>', 'Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) 88A - Exploring Geospatial Data <Applied>', 'Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) C177 - GIS and Environmental Spatial Data Analysis <Applied>', 'Geography (GEOG) 187 - Geographic Information Analysis <Applied>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 127 - Mathematical and Computational Methods in Molecular Biology <Applied>', 'Molecular and Cell Biology (MCELLBI) 166 - Biophysical Neurobiology <Applied>', 'Molecular and Cell Biology (MCELLBI) 137 - Computer Simulation in Biology <Applied>', 'Molecular and Cell Biology (MCELLBI) C148 - Microbial Genomics and Genetics <Applied>', 'Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology (NUSCTX) 121 - Computational Toxicology <Applied>', 'Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology (NUSCTX) 170 - Experimental Nutrition Laboratory <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 141 - Introduction to Biostatistics <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 142 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics in Biology and Public Health <Applied>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 9C - C for Programmers <Applied>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 88 - Computational Structures in Data Science <Applied>', 'Computer Science (COMPSCI) 9A - Matlab for Programmers <Applied>', 'Computer Science (COMSCI) 61C - Machine Structures <Applied>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 177 - Advanced Programming with MATLAB <Applied>', 'Information (INFO) 155 - Introduction to High-Level Programming <Applied>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 98 - Introduction to MATLAB programming <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) C142 - Applied Econometrics and Public Policy <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) 141 - Econometric Analysis <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) C175 - Economic Demography <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) 140 - Economic Statistics and Econometrics <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) 174 - Global Poverty and Impact Evaluation <Applied>', 'Economics (ECON) C103 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics <Applied>', 'Environmental Economics and Policy (ENVECON) C180 - Ecological Economics in Historical Context <Applied>', 'Environmental Economics and Policy (ENVECON) 140AC - Economics of Race, Agriculture, and the Environment <Applied>', 'Environmental Economics and Policy (ENVECON) 131 - Globalization and the Natural Environment <Applied>', 'Environmental Economics and Policy (ENVECON) C118 - Introductory Applied Econometrics <Applied>', 'Undergraduate Business Administration (UGBA) 104 - Analytic Decision Modeling Using Spreadsheets <Applied>', 'Undergraduate Business Administration (UGBA) 122 - Financial Information Analysis <Applied>', 'Undergraduate Business Administration (UGBA) 143 - Game Theory and Business Decisions <Applied>', 'Undergraduate Business Administration (UGBA) 161 - Marketing Research: Tools and Techniques for Data Collection and Analysis <Applied>', 'Architecture (ARCH) 154 - Design and Computer Analysis of Structure <Applied>', 'Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENG) 88 - Data Science for Smart Cities <Applied>', 'Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENG) 93 - Engineering Data Analysis <Applied>', 'Civil and Environmental Engineering (CIV ENG) 193 - Engineering Risk Analysis <Applied>', 'Electrical Engineering (EL ENG) 129 - Neural and Nonlinear Information Processing <Applied>', 'Electrical Engineering (EL ENG) 127 - Optimization Models in Engineering <Applied>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 7 - Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers <Applied>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 117 - Methods of Engineering Analysis <Applied>', 'Engineering (ENGIN) 120 - Principles of Engineering Economics <Applied>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 165 - Engineering Statistics, Quality Control, Forecasting <Applied>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 162 - Linear Programming and Network Flows <Applied>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 130 - Methods of Manufacturing Improvement <Applied>', 'Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IND ENG) 172 - Probability and Risk Analysis for Engineers <Applied>', 'Mechanical Engineering (MEC ENG) 120 - Computational Biomechanics Across Multiple Scales <Applied>', 'Mechanical Engineering (MEC ENG) C180 - Engineering Analysis Using the Finite Element Method <Applied>', 'Mechanical Engineering (MEC ENG) 102A - Introduction to Mechanical Systems for Mechatronics <Applied>', 'Nuclear Engineering (NUC ENG) 130 - Analytical Methods for Non-proliferation <Applied>', 'Nuclear Engineering (NUC ENG) 175 - Methods of Risk Analysis <Applied>', 'Interdisciplinary Studies Field Major (ISF) C145 - GIS and Environmental Spatial Data Analysis <Applied>', 'African American Studies (AFRICAM) 101 - Research Methods for African American Studies <Applied>', 'American Studies (AMERSTD) C134 - Information Technology and Society <Applied>', 'Asian American Studies Program (ASAMST) 165 - Research Methodologies in Asian American Communities <Applied>', 'History (HIST) 88 - How Does History Count? <Applied>', 'Mass Communications (MASSCOM) 130 - Research Methods in Media Studies <Applied>', 'Media Studies (MEDIAST) 130 - Research Methods in Media Studies <Applied>', 'Middle Eastern Studies (M E STU) 102 - Scope and Methods of Research in Middle Eastern Studies <Applied>', 'Native American Studies (NATAMST) 110 - Theories and Methods in Native American Studies <Applied>', 'Philosophy (PHILOS) 100 - Philosophical Methods <Applied>', 'Philosophy (PHILOS) 141 - Philosophy and Game Theory <Applied>', 'Mathematics (MATH) 191 - Experimental Courses in Mathematics <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 145 - Statistical Analysis of Continuous Outcome Data <Applied>', 'Statistics (STAT) 151A - Linear Modeling: Theory and Applications <Applied>', 'Earth and Planetary Science (EPS) 109 - Computer Simulations in Earth and Planetary Sciences <Applied>', 'Earth and Planetary Science (EPS) 104 - Mathematical Methods in Geophysics <Applied>', 'Physics (PHYSICS) 77 - Introduction to Computational Techniques in Physics <Applied>', 'Cognitive Science (COG SCI) 131 - Computational Models of Cognition <Applied>', 'Cognitive Science (COG SCI) 88 - Data Science and the Mind <Applied>', 'Cognitive Science (COG SCI) C140 - Quantitative Methods in Linguistics <Applied>', 'Demography (DEMOG) C175 - Economic Demography <Applied>', 'Demography (DEMOG) 5 - Fundamentals of Population Science <Applied>', 'Demography (DEMOG) C164 - Impact of Government Policies on Poor Children and Families <Applied>', 'Demography (DEMOG) 110 - Introduction to Population Analysis <Applied>', 'Demography (DEMOG) C126 - Social Consequences of Population Dynamics <Applied>', 'Environmental Design (ENV DES) 4B - Global Cities <Applied>', 'Environmental Design (ENV DES) 100 - The City: Theories and Methods in Urban Studies <Applied>', 'Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) 173 - Introduction to Ecological Data Analysis <Applied>', 'Environmental Science, Policy, and Management (ESPM) 100 - Introduction to the Methods of Environmental Science <Applied>', 'International and Area Studies (IAS) 102 - Scope and Methods of Research in International and Area Studies <Applied>', 'Letters and Science (L & S) 88-1 - Health, Human Behavior, and Data <Applied>', 'Letters and Science (L & S) 88-2 - Literature and Data <Applied>', 'Linguistics (LINGUIS) 158 - Computational Linguistics <Applied>', 'Linguistics (LINGUIS) 141 - Empiricism and Linguistics <Applied>', 'Linguistics (LINGUIS) 140 - Introduction to Field Methods <Applied>', 'Psychology (PSYCH) 10 - Research and Data Analysis in Psychology <Applied>', 'Psychology (PSYCH) 101 - Research and Data Analysis in Psychology <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 140 - Introduction to Risk and Demographic Statistics <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 144A - Introduction to SAS Programming <Applied>', 'Public Health (PB HLTH) 144B - Introduction to SAS Programming <Applied>', 'Sociology (SOCIOL) 108 - Advanced Methods: In-depth Interviewing <Applied>', 'Sociology (SOCIOL) 5 - Evaluation of Evidence <Applied>', 'Sociology (SOCIOL) 106 - Quantitative Sociological Methods <Applied>', 'Sociology (SOCIOL) 105 - Research Design and Sociological Methods <Applied>', 'Sociology (SOCIOL) 7 - The Power of Numbers: Quantitative Data in Social Sciences <Applied>', 'Anthropology (ANTHRO) 169A - Data Analysis and Computational Methods <Applied>', 'Anthropology (ANTHRO) 169C - Research Theory and Methods in Linguistic Anthropology <Applied>', 'Anthropology (ANTHRO) 169B - Research Theory and Methods in Socio-Cultural Anthropology <Applied>']
['Information (INFO) 88 - Data and Ethics <Meta>']