The project divides the logic into two parts: the game logic and the presentation logic. The game logic is independent, however presentation logic is dependent on the game logic.
The project should be extensible to favour multiple games. Therefore, the game defines common logic that all implemented games follow. The logic includes:
Contains the details of an ongoing game
interface Game<G : Game, M : GameMove> {
/** Return the resulting [Game] after playing a [GameMove] */
fun play(move: M): G
/** Check to verify that the current iteration of the game is valid*/
fun isValid(): Boolean
/** Check if the game is already won */
fun isWon(): Boolean
/** Check if a win is not possible from the given game */
fun isDrawn(): Boolean
The game should also implement methods for playing a move, checking for validity of the game, checking if the game is a win/lose
In klondike, a klondike game is implemented as/** A solitaire game */ data class SolitaireGame( val configuration: SolitaireGameConfiguration, val deckPositions: List<Int> = emptyList(), val deck: List<Card>, val spadeFoundationStack: List<Card>, val cloverFoundationStack: List<Card>, val heartsFoundationStack: List<Card>, val diamondFoundationStack: List<Card>, val firstTableStackState: TableStack, val secondTableStackState: TableStack, val thirdTableStackState: TableStack, val fourthTableStackState: TableStack, val fifthTableStackState: TableStack, val sixthTableStackState: TableStack, val seventhTableStackState: TableStack )
The specific configuration/preferences of a game, for example, in Klondike the game is configured to have either one or three cards per deal
interface GameConfiguration<G : Game, M : GameMove>
GameConfiguration in Klondike is:/** The configuration of a [SolitaireGame] */ data class SolitaireGameConfiguration( /** The number of cards dealt on a single deal */ val cardsPerDeal: SolitaireCardsPerDeal ): GameConfiguration<SolitaireGame, SolitaireGameMove>
These are all the possible user/automated moves that occur in the game. It is a mechanism used by players to play a move, the hint provider to express a possible move, and also make adjustments such as revealing a card in a game
interface GameMove<G : Game, M : GameMove> {
val timeSinceStart: Duration
fun isValid(game: G): Boolean
fun reversed(): M?
Each move should have a check to verify the correctness of the move in regard to the context of a specific game.
In Klondike, a game move is defined as:sealed class SolitaireGameMove : GameMove<SolitaireGame, SolitaireGameMove> { /** Reverses a [SolitaireUserMove.Deal] move */ data class Undeal( val offset: SolitaireDealOffset ): SolitaireGameMove() /** Reveals the top-most hidden card on a table stack.*/ data class RevealCard( val tableStackEntry: TableStackEntry ): SolitaireGameMove() /** Hides the bottom-most revealed card on a table stack.*/ data class HideCard( val tableStackEntry: TableStackEntry ): SolitaireGameMove() /** Returns a card to the deck*/ data class ReturnToDeck( val card: Card, val from: ReturnToDeckSource, val index: Int ): SolitaireGameMove() /** Valid player moves */ sealed class SolitaireUserMove : SolitaireGameMove() { data class Deal( val offset: SolitaireDealOffset ) : SolitaireUserMove() data class CardMove( val cards: List<Card>, val from: MoveSource, val to: MoveDestination ) : SolitaireUserMove() } }
Provides a start game to the player
interface GameProvider<G : Game, M : GameMove, C : GameConfiguration> {
suspend fun createGame(configuration: C): G
It is mainly implemented using objects, for example, VeryEasyGameProvider
provides a very easy game to the player
In Klondike, a game provider is defined as:sealed class SolitaireGameProvider: GameProvider<SolitaireGame, SolitaireGameMove, SolitaireGameConfiguration>There are two providers in the game:
Provides hints for a particular game
/** Provides a hint provision system for the game. */
interface GameHintProvider<G : Game, M : GameMove> {
/** Provides the hints based on the [game] provided. */
fun provideHints(game: G): List<M>
The provider has a function provideHints
that takes in a Game and returns a list of GameMoves
Klondike's implementation of a hint provider is:object SolitaireHintProvider : GameHintProvider<SolitaireGame, SolitaireGameMove> { override fun provideHints(game: SolitaireGame): List<SolitaireGameMove> { ... } }
Provides a mechanism for scoring in a game
/** Provides a scoring mechanism for */
interface GameScoringSystem<
G : Game,
M : GameMove,
C : GameConfiguration,
P : GameProvider> {
val points: StateFlow<Int>
fun initializedGame(provider: P, configuration: C)
fun moveMade(game: G, move: M, lastMove: M)
fun hintProvided()
fun undoMovePerformed(game: G, move: M)
fun redoMovePerformed(game: G, move: M)
fun finishedGame(game: G)
fun penalizeGameTime(duration: Duration)