Snoozeloo is a modern Android alarm application developed as part of the Mobile Dev Campus Monthly Challenge by Philipp Lackner for November of 2024. It demonstrates modern Android development practices and architecture while providing a seamless alarm management experience.
- 🕒 Intuitive alarm creation and management
- 🔄 Support for repeating alarms with customizable days
- 💤 Smart snooze functionality
- 🎵 Customizable alarm sounds and volume
- 📱 Material Design 3 UI with Jetpack Compose
- 🌙 Bedtime recommendations for optimal sleep
- ⚡ Reliable alarm scheduling that persists through device restarts
This project showcases modern Android development practices and technologies:
- Clean Architecture principles
- MVVM pattern with UI States
- Repository pattern for data management
- Single Activity architecture
- Compose: Modern declarative UI
- Room: Local database for alarm storage
- Hilt: Dependency injection
- WorkManager: Background task scheduling
- DataStore: Preferences storage
- Navigation: Single Activity navigation
- Kotlin: 100% Kotlin codebase with coroutines and flows
- Material Design 3: Modern and consistent UI/UX
- Version Catalog: Dependency management
- Uses Android's
for precise scheduling - Handles device reboots gracefully
- Implements efficient repeat scheduling algorithms
- Smart handling of one-time vs recurring alarms
- Room database for alarm storage
- Efficient BitSet encoding for repeat days
- Type converters for complex data types
- WorkManager for reliable background tasks
- Boot receiver for alarm rescheduling
- Broadcast receivers for alarm triggers
- Clone the repository
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio (latest version recommended)
Build and run the project
- Minimum SDK: 27 (Android 8.1)
- Target SDK: 34 (Android 14)
- Kotlin 1.9.25
This project was developed as part of the Mobile Dev Campus Monthly Challenge by Philipp Lackner. The challenge provided an opportunity to demonstrate Android development expertise while building a practical, user-focused application.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.