Changes from version beta202304 to version beta202408:
Expanded to an Intertextual, Interpictorial, and Intermedial Relations Ontology
- Changed class INT3 Intertextual Relationship to INT3 Interrelation with subclasses intertextual, intermedial, and interpictorial relation (INT31-33).
- Renamed class INT4 ReceptionalEntity to INT4 Feature.
- Added INT23 Visual Feature and INT24 Textual Feature as subclasses of INT4 Feature.
- Drastically decluttered INT10 Formal Feature.
- Added subclass INT Textual Genre Specifics and INT Visual Genre Specifics to INT Genre Specifics; previous direct subclasses INT Dramatic Entity, INT Lyrical Entity, and INT Narratological Entity are now subclasses of INT Textual Genre Specifics.
- Decluttered INT Pragmatic Feature, added subclass INT18 Reference.
- Added INT Identification and INT Situation as subclasses of INT9 Semantic Feature.
- Renamed INT6 Architextual Entity to INT6 Architext. Reduced subclasses.
- Renamed INT11 Type of Intertextual Relationship to INT11 Type of Interrelation.
- Renamed subclasses of INT11 Type of Interrelation, added subclasses INT34 Intermediality in Intermediality Theories and INT35 Interpictoriality in Interpictoriality Theories.
- Renamed INT1 Text Passage to INT1 Passage; changed superclass from F2 Expression to E90 Symbolic Object.
- Added INT21 Text Passage and INT22 Image Area as subclasses of INT1 Passage. Changed object property R10 has Text Passage to R10 has Passage, added subproperties R30 has text passage and R31 has image area.
- Changed property domains/ranges accordingly.
Web Annotation Ontology Alignment:
- Added skos:broadMatch to Properties R24 has related entity and R41 has location.
- Added skos:broadMatch to Classes INT1 Passage, INT3 Interrelation, INT16 Segment, INT21 TextPassage, and INT22 Image Area.
LRMoo Alignment:
- Changed former FRBRoo classes F1 Work, F2 Expression, F22 Self-Contained Expression and F24 Publication Expression to LRMoo F1 Work, F2 Expression, and F3 Manifestation (according to mapping in LRMoo's documentation under https://cidoc-crm.org/lrmoo/sites/default/files/LRMoo_V1.0.pdf).
Changes from version beta202304 to version beta202408:
Expanded to an Intertextual, Interpictorial, and Intermedial Relations Ontology
- Changed class INT3 Intertextual Relationship to INT3 Interrelation with subclasses intertextual, intermedial, and interpictorial relation (INT31-33).
- Renamed class INT4 ReceptionalEntity to INT4 Feature.
- Added INT23 Visual Feature and INT24 Textual Feature as subclasses of INT4 Feature.
- Drastically decluttered INT10 Formal Feature.
- Added subclass INT Textual Genre Specifics and INT Visual Genre Specifics to INT Genre Specifics; previous direct subclasses INT Dramatic Entity, INT Lyrical Entity, and INT Narratological Entity are now subclasses of INT Textual Genre Specifics.
- Decluttered INT Pragmatic Feature, added subclass INT18 Reference.
- Added INT Identification and INT Situation as subclasses of INT9 Semantic Feature.
- Renamed INT6 Architextual Entity to INT6 Architext. Reduced subclasses.
- Renamed INT11 Type of Intertextual Relationship to INT11 Type of Interrelation.
- Renamed subclasses of INT11 Type of Interrelation, added subclasses INT34 Intermediality in Intermediality Theories and INT35 Interpictoriality in Interpictoriality Theories.
- Renamed INT1 Text Passage to INT1 Passage; changed superclass from F2 Expression to E90 Symbolic Object.
- Added INT21 Text Passage and INT22 Image Area as subclasses of INT1 Passage. Changed object property R10 has Text Passage to R10 has Passage, added subproperties R30 has text passage and R31 has image area.
- Changed property domains/ranges accordingly.
- Renamed INT Interpretament to INT Interpretation.
- Changed R9 has preceding interpretament and inverse to R9 hasPrecedingActualization and R9 hasSubsequentActualization, changed domain/range to INT2 Actualization of Feature.
Web Annotation Ontology Alignment:
- Added skos:broadMatch to Properties R24 has related entity and R41 has location.
- Added skos:broadMatch to Classes INT1 Passage, INT3 Interrelation, INT16 Segment, INT21 TextPassage, and INT22 Image Area.
LRMoo Alignment:
- Changed former FRBRoo classes F1 Work, F2 Expression, F22 Self-Contained Expression and F24 Publication Expression to LRMoo F1 Work, F2 Expression, and F3 Manifestation (according to mapping in LRMoo's documentation under https://cidoc-crm.org/lrmoo/sites/default/files/LRMoo_V1.0.pdf).